UnifiedAutomation.UaBase \ingroup UaBaseLibs Represents an instance of a UA application. Gets the default ApplicationInstance for the process. Gets or sets the name of the application. The name of the application. Gets or sets the application URI. The application URI. Gets or sets the type of the application. The type of the application. Gets or sets the product URI. The product URI. Gets or sets the product version. The product version. Gets or sets the application certificate. The application certificate. Gets or sets the trusted store. The trusted store. Gets or sets the issuer store. The issuer store. Gets or sets the rejected store. The rejected store. Gets or sets the known type factory. The known type factory. Gets or sets the default endpoint configuration. The default endpoint configuration. Gets or sets the certificate validator. The certificate validator. Gets or sets the thread pool used by the application. The thread pool. If this value is set all Client Sessions or Server Instances created with this ApplicationInstance will use this thread pool. If this value is left null then each Client Session or Server Instance will create its own ThreadPool. Note that operations using .NET framework asynchronous I/O capabilities will still use .NET framework ThreadPool even if this property is set. If this property is set the ThreadPool settings in the ApplicationConfiguration are ignored. Gets the certificate groups used to manage configuration of certificates and trust lists. The certificate groups used to manage configuration of certificates and trust lists. Finds the certificate validator for the specified endpoint. The endpoint URL. The certificate validator for the specified endpoint if one exists. The default certificate validator otherwise. Updates the certificate validator associated with the endpoint. The endpoint URL. If null then the default validator is updated. The validator. validator No validator has been configured for the specified endpoint.;endpointUrl Changes the certificate. The old certificate. The new certificate. newCertificate Gets or sets the endpoints. The endpoints. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is started. true if this instance is started; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the certificate should be automatically created. true if the certificate should be automatically created; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a Windows service should be automatically started if the EXE was started by a non-interactive user. true if a Windows service should NOT be automatically started if the EXE was started by a non-interactive user; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether that the SDK should NOT attempt to interpret the command line when it is initialize. true if the SDK should NOT attempt to interpret command line options; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the configuration file path. An XML file matching the schema http://opcfoundation.org/UA/2011/03/SecuredApplication.xsd. You can get valid configuration files by removing the outer XML tags from the app.config files from the examples. So the configuration file starts with a SecuredApplication tag. Gets or sets the name of the assembly which has the embedded resource containing the default configuration file. The name of the assembly which has the embedded resource containing the default configuration file. If not specified the EXE assembly is used. Gets the application settings. The application settings. Changing this object after Start() is called may have unpredicatable effects. Occurs when the application certificate is missing. This event is raised from the thread used to call Start. Occurs when the HTTPS certificate is missing. This event is raised from the thread used to call Start. Occurs when an untrusted certificate is encountered. This event can be raised from a background thread and Invoke may need to be called if being handled by a UI. This event has return parameters so BeginInvoke cannot be used. Displaying a modal dialog in the callback will not work if the UI thread is blocked on a another operation. This problem can be avoided by using asynchronous method calls when available. Occurs when an untrusted certificate is encountered. This event can be raised from a background thread and Invoke may need to be called if being handled by a UI. This event has return parameters so BeginInvoke cannot be used. Displaying a modal dialog in the callback will not work if the UI thread is blocked on a another operation. This problem can be avoided by using asynchronous method calls when available. Occurs if the configuration has changed and needs to be persisted. This event can be raised from a background thread and BeginInvoke may need to be called if being handled by a UI. Gets the command line parameters passed to the process. Gets the certificate chain for the certificate. The certificate chain. Create a new message context for the server. The message context. Gets the endpoint status. The endpoint. Sets the endpoint status. The endpoint. The status. Sets the application settings. The settings. This method cannot be called after Start() has been called. Parses the extension. if set to true then errors are suppressed. The settings. Returns null if a suppressed error occurred or if the extension does not exist. Parses the extension. if set to true then errors are suppressed. Name of the element. The settings. Returns null if a suppressed error occurred or if the extension does not exist. If the elementName is not null the type passed must support DataContract serialization or have the XmlRoot attribute defined. Updates the extension. The extension. Verifies the certificate. The certificate. This method uses the application configuration to determine the trust list. An exception is thrown if any error occurs. Verifies the certificate. The certificate. If not null the certificate must contain this URI. If not null the certificate hostnames must match this URL. This method uses the application configuration to determine the trust list. An exception is thrown if any error occurs. Adds the certificate to trust list. The certificate. Installs the application. Uninstalls the application. Installs the application. Checks if the configuration changed and calls the EventHandler If 'true' EventHandler has to be called if installation relevant settings have changed Adds a copy of the application certificate to the trusted store of the local discovery server and adds a copy of the lds certificate to the trusted store of the application. Does any pre-install processing. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. The settings. Does any post-install processing. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. The settings. Finds the trusted store for LDS. Finds the certificate for LDS. Installs the service. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. The settings. Gets the access rules. The settings. The access rules to use when setting file permissions. Sets the file permissions. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. The settings. Sets the directory permissions. The directory path. The rules. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. Sets the file permissions. The file path. The rules. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. Sets the HTTPS permissions for the URL. The endpoint URL. The rules. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. Opens the firewall ports. Called during the /install command. By default ports are openedin the 'Public' profile for each port used by the base address. Developers can override the method if they need something different. Closes the firewall ports. Called during the /uninstall command. All ports used by the application are closed even if they were already open at install time. Developers can override the method if they need something different. Creates the HTTPS bindings. Called during the /install command. All HTTPS addresses are bound to all IP address using the HTTPS certificate in the InstallationSettings. Developers can override the method if they need something different. Deletes the HTTPS bindings. Called during the /uninstall command. All HTTPS addresses are unbound from all IP addresses. Developers can override the method if they need something different. Uninstalls the application. Removes the application certificate from the trusted store of the local discovery server. Does any pre-uninstall processing. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. The settings. Does any post-uninstall processing. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. The settings. Uninstalls the service. Do not throw exceptions if TRUE. The settings. Starts the application. Starts the application. The method to call when initialization is complete. The user data to be passed to the callback. Starts the application. The server. The method to call when initialization is complete. The user data to be passed to the callback. Parses the command line. if set to true unknown arguments are ignored. Parses the command line. if set to true unknown arguments are ignored. The arguments passed on the command line. Validates the arguments. if set to true unknown arguments are ignored. The arguments passed on the command line. Returns an error string. Null if no error occurs. Gets the descriptions for the supported command line arguments. A list of descriptions for the supported command line arguments. Gets the help string for the command line parameters. The descriptions for the supported arguments. Formatted help text that can be displayed in a console. Processes the command. if set to true no dialogs such be displayed. Additional arguments provided on the command line. True if the command was processed. Stores the description of a command. The argument name. The argument description. Whether the argument requires a value. Whether the argument allows a value. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. if set to true a value is required. if set to true a value is allowed. The description. The built-in command line parameters. Runs the application as a service. Installs the application. Uninstalls the application. Suppresses any errors during command processing. The path to the configuration file to use. The OPC.TCP port to use. The OPC.TCP port to use. Display the command line help text for the application. Handles certificate validation errors. Gets the default name of the application. Gets the default name of the product. Checks the configuration. if set to true then no exceptions will be thrown. True if no errors occured or if they could be automatically corrected. Creates the certificate groups that appear in the ServerConfiguration object. Gets the endpoint description. The endpoint URL. The configuration for the endpoint. The security profile URI. The security mode. The application. The endpoint description. Applies the trace settings found in the ApplicationSettings. Loads the configuration. if set to true then no exceptions will be thrown. if set to true the application is a server. Loads the configuration from app config. if set to true then suppress errors. True if the configuration was found in the app.config. Creates the default application settings. if set to true the application is a server. Loads the configuration. The stream to read. If set to true then no exceptions will be thrown. Saves the configuration to the app.config. if set to true then suppress errors. True if the configuration was saved to the app.config. Saves the configuration. If set to true then no exceptions will be thrown. Saves the configuration. The stream to write to. if set to true then no exceptions will be thrown. Manages the interface between the UA server and the Windows SCM. Initializes a new instance of the class. The server. The application. The callback. The user data. Starts the server in a background thread. Stops the server so the service can shutdown. Runs the service in a background thread. The arguments passed when a create certificate event is raised. Initializes a new instance of the class. The application which needs a new certificate. The default settings for the new certificate. The domain names. if set to true the no user interaction is allowed. Gets the application which needs a new certificate. Gets the default settings for the certificate. Gets the domains associated with the certificate. Gets or sets a value indicating whether this event was raised in a context where user interaction is not allowed. true no user interaction is allowed; otherwise, false. Gets or sets the new certificate. The new certificate. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the application configuration should be saved. true if the application configuration should be saved; otherwise, false. A delegate to handle a create certificate event. The sender. The instance containing the event data. The arguments passed when a create HTTPS certificate event is raised. Initializes a new instance of the class. The application which needs a new HTTPS certificate. The URL. The validation error. Gets the application which needs a new certificate. Gets the URL. Gets the validation error. A delegate to handle a create certificate event. The sender. The instance containing the event data. The arguments passed when an untrusted certificate event is raised. Initializes a new instance of the class. The application which encountered the untrusted certificate. The instance containing the event data. Gets the application which encountered the untrusted certificate. Gets the certificate validation error. Gets the untrusted certificate. Gets the untrusted certificate. Gets the endpoint URL associated with the CertificateValidator. The endpoint URL associated with the CertificateValidator. Gets the store which contains certificates trusted by the validator. The store which contains certificates trusted by the validator. Gets the store which contains issued certificates used by the validator. The store which contains issued certificates used by the validator. Gets or sets a value indicating whether the certificate should be trusted. true if the certificate should be trusted; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether whether the trust list should be permanently updated. true if the trust list should be permanently updated; otherwise, false. A delegate to handle an untrusted certificate event. The sender. The instance containing the event data. Represents a byte string value. Creates an empty byte string. Creates a byte string from an IEnumerable. Creates a byte string from an array (does not copy the the array). A constant resprenting a Null ByteString value. Determines the index of a specific item in the . The object to locate in the . The index of if found in the list; otherwise, -1. Inserts an item to the at the specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The object to insert into the . is not a valid index in the . The is read-only. Removes the item at the specified index. The zero-based index of the item to remove. is not a valid index in the . The is read-only. Gets or sets the element at the specified index. The element at the specified index. is not a valid index in the . The property is set and the is read-only. Adds an item to the . The object to add to the . The is read-only. Removes all items from the . The is read-only. Determines whether the contains a specific value. The object to locate in the . true if is found in the ; otherwise, false. Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. is null. is less than 0. is multidimensional. -or- is equal to or greater than the length of . -or- The number of elements in the source is greater than the available space from to the end of the destination . Gets the number of elements contained in the . The number of elements contained in the . Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the . The object to remove from the . true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original . The is read-only. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Creates a deep copy of the object. Returns true if the object is equal to the instance. Returns a hash code for the instance. Creates a hash of a byte array. The hash. Compares the instance to another object. The object to compare to *this* object Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. Formats a node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. Converts a hexadecimal string to an array of bytes. Checks if the byte string is null. The value. true if the specified value is null; otherwise, false. Checks if the byte string is null. The value. true if the specified value is null; otherwise, false. Converts a ByteString to a byte array. The value. The result of the conversion. Converts a byte array to a ByteString. The value. The result of the conversion. Compares a ByteString to a byte array. The value1. The value2. The result of the operator. Compares a ByteString to a byte array. The value1. The value2. The result of the operator. A collection of ByteString values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. An absolute qualified name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. The namespace URI. Gets the namespace URI. Gets the name. Converts the absolute name to a qualified name. The namespace uris. Converts the absolute name to a qualified name. The input. The namespace uris. Converts a list of absolute names to an array of qualified names. The input. The namespace uris. Converts the list of absolute name array to an array of qualified name arrays. The input. The namespace uris. Converts the absolute name to string. The input. The namespace uris. Converts the absolute name to string. The browse names. A that represents this instance. Converts the list of absolute names to a browse path. The input. The namespace uris. Converts the list of absolute name arrays to an array of browse paths. The input. The namespace uris. Converts a browse path to a string. Converts a browse path to an areay of qualified names. The browse path. Converts a browse path to an areay of qualified names. The browse path. The source table. The target table. A default implementation of IScopeMapper This class does not distunguish between users and groups. Well known scopes are already added. Creates the DefaultScopeMapper. Returns the ScopeId for a name. For new names a scope is created. The name of a group. Direct access to Adminstrator and SecurityAdmin scope Returns the ScopeId for a name. For new names a scope is created. The name of a user. The DiagnosticsMasks enumeration. ServiceSymbolicId = 0, ServiceSymbolicId = 1, ServiceLocalizedText = 2, ServiceAdditionalInfo = 4, ServiceInnerStatusCode = 8, ServiceInnerDiagnostics = 16, ServiceSymbolicIdAndText = 3, ServiceNoInnerStatus = 15, ServiceAll = 31, OperationSymbolicId = 32, OperationLocalizedText = 64, OperationAdditionalInfo = 128, OperationInnerStatusCode = 256, OperationInnerDiagnostics = 512, OperationSymbolicIdAndText = 96, OperationNoInnerStatus = 224, OperationAll = 992, SymbolicId = 33, LocalizedText = 66, AdditionalInfo = 132, InnerStatusCode = 264, InnerDiagnostics = 528, SymbolicIdAndText = 99, NoInnerStatus = 239, All = 1023 Defines constants for standard engineering units. The possible modes that can be used when opening files. The file is opened for reading. The file if opened for writing. The file should be erased after opening. Any new data should be appended to an existing file. The file is opened for reading and writing. The file is opened for writing and any existing contents are erased. The file is opened for writing and any new data is appended to the end of the file. The possible permissions that can be assigned to a node or scope. No rights set. The non-value attributes are readable. The value attribute is readable. The value attribute is writable. The node is browseable. AttrReadable must be set in addition. The node history is readable. New entries can be inserted in to the node history. Existing entries can be modified in the node history. Existing entries can be deleted from the node history. Events produced by the node can be subscribed to. The method node may be called. The non-value attributes may be writeable depending on the WriteMask. Combination of AttrReadable, Readable, Browseable, HistoryReadable and EventReadable Combination of Observation, Writable and Executable All available permissions. Utility class for PermissionType handling. Returns the PermissionType by splitting the string. The string containing the PermissionType as defined in schema Interface for NodeAccessInfo Checks the required permissions meets the permission requirements. The permissions that are needed. A list of scopes available. True if permission is granted; false otherwise. Checks the required permissions meets the permission requirements. The permissions that are needed. A list of scopes available. The security mode used for the channel. True if permission is granted; false otherwise. Checks the security mode meets the permission requirements. The security mode used for the channel. True if permission is granted; false otherwise. Interface for mapping names to ScopeIds. Returns the ScopeId for a group name. The name of the group. Returns the ScopeId for a user name. The name of the user. Access to Administrator and UserAdmin scope A set of permissions assigned to a node. Permissions for two specified scopes and permissions for all other users can be specified using this class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The bit mask specifying the permissions for other, group and owner scopes. It is recommended to use NodeAccessMask to set the bits in this argument. The id for the owner scope. The id for the group scope. Initializes a new instance of the class. The permissions of Scope 1 The permissions of Scope 2 The permission for other scopes than defined in scope1Id and scope2Id The id of scope 1 The id of scope 2 Initializes a new instance of the class. This constructor is used when loading a NodeSet2 XML file that contains the NodeAccessInfo in an extension. The NodeAccessInfo defined in the XML file. Used to create a mapping of the scopes defined in the XML file to the scoped used in the server. Gets or sets a value indicating if signing is required to access the node. Gets or sets a value indicating if encryption is required to access the node. Gets the Permissions defined for Scope 1 / Owner Gets the Permissions defined for Scope 2 / Group Gets the Permissions defined for Other Gets the id of Scope 1 / User Gets the id of Scope 2 / Group Formats the permission as a string. The permission formatted as a string. Checks the required permissions meets the permission requirements. The permissions that are needed. A list of scopes available. True if permission is granted; false otherwise. Checks the required permissions meets the permission requirements. The permissions that are needed. A list of scopes available. The security mode used for the channel. True if permission is granted; false otherwise. Checks the security mode meets the permission requirements. The security mode used for the channel. True if permission is granted; false otherwise. The number of permission bits. The masks that case used to set the bitmask in a NodeAccessInfo object. The well known scopes that can be used. An anonymous (default) scope. The administrator scope. The security administrator scope. The configuration administrator scope. The operator scope. The observer scope. The first ScopeId defined by the user of the sdk. If the well known scope ids defined by the sdk and custom scope ids should be used, the custom scope ids should by greater or eaqual than this value. uint CustomScope1 = (uint) WellKnownScopes.BeginOfUserScopeIds; uint CustomScope2 = (uint) WellKnownScopes.BeginOfUserScopeIds + 1; The set known capability identifiers. Initializes a new instance of the class. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Parses a comma seperated list of capabilities. The comma seperated list of capabilities. An array of capabilities. Formats a list of capabilities as a string. The list of capabilities. A string containing the list. Loads the default set of server capability identifiers. Loads the set of server capability identifiers from the stream. The input stream. Finds the sever capability with the specified identifier. The identifier. The sever capability, if found. NULL if it does not exist. A server capability. Gets or sets the identifier. The identifier. Gets or sets the description. The description. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. No capability information is available. The server supports current data. The server supports historical data. The server supports alarms and conditions The server supports historical events. The server is a global discovery server. The server is a local discovery server. The server supports the data integration (DI) information model. The server supports the Analyser Device Integration (ADI) information model. The server supports the Field Device Integration (FDI) information model. The server supports the Field Device Integration (FDI) Communication Server information model. The server supports the PLCopen information model. The server supports the ISA95) information model. Functions that operate on built in types. A preallocated UTF8 encoder object. Registers a type that represents a type definition. The type definition. Returns a deep copy of the value. Checks if two values are equal. Compares two XmlElements. Formats the value using the specified format provider. The format provider. The value. The formatted string. Returns the data type id that describes a value. The value instance to check the data type. An data type identifier for a node in a server's address space. Returns the data type id that describes a value. The framework type. An data type identifier for a node in a server's address space. Returns the data type id that describes a value. The type info. An data type identifier for a node in a server's address space. Returns the array rank for a value. The value instance to check the array rank. The array rank of the Returns the array rank for a type. The framework type to check the array rank. The array rank of the Returns the BuiltInType type for the DataTypeId. The data type identifier. An for Returns true if the built-in type is a numeric type. The built-in type to check. True if the built-in type is a numeric type. Returns true if the built-in type is a type that cannot be null. The built in type to check. True if the built-in type is a type that cannot be null. Returns the BuiltInType type for the DataTypeId. The data type identyfier for a node in a server's address space. The type tree for a server. . A value for Returns the system type for the datatype. The datatype id. The factory used to store and retrieve underlying OPC UA system types. The system type for the . Returns the type info if the value is an instance of the data type with the specified value rank. The value instance to check. The expected data type identifier for a node. The expected value rank. The namespace URI's. The type tree for a server. An data type info if the value is an instance of the data type with the specified value rank; otherwise null. Returns the type info if the value is an instance of the data type with the specified value rank. The value instance to check. The expected type. An data type info if the value is an instance of the data type with the specified value rank; otherwise null. Returns the type info if the value is an instance of the data type with the specified value rank. The value instance to check. The expected data type identifier for a node. The expected value rank. The namespace URI's. The type tree for a server. An data type info if the value is an instance of the data type with the specified value rank; otherwise null. Returns the system type a scalar or array instance of the built-in type. A built-in type. The value rank. A system type equivalent to the built-in type. Returns the default value for the specified built-in type. The Built-in type. The default value. Returns the default value for the specified data type and value rank. The data type. The value rank. The default value. Returns the default value for the specified data type and value rank. The data type. The value rank. The type tree for a server. A default value. Returns the default value for the specified built-in type. The built-in type. The dimensions. The default value for the specified built-in type Casts a value to the specified target type. The instance of a source value. Type of the target. Return casted value. if imposible to cast. Casts a value to the specified target type. The instance of a source value. Type of the source. Type of the target. Return casted value. if imposible to cast. Casts a value to the specified target type. The instance of a source value. Type of the target. Return casted value. if imposible to cast. Casts a value to the specified target type. The instance of a source value. Type of the source. Type of the target. Return casted value. if imposible to cast. Converts the array using the specified conversion function. The destination array (must have the same size as the source array). The data type of the elements in the destination array. The source array. The data type of the elements in the source array. The handler which does the conversion. Converts the array. The source array. The type of the source array. The type of the converted array. The handler which does the conversion. The converted array. A delegate for a function that converts an array element. The element to be converted. The type of the source element. The type of the converted value. The converted Validates the array dimensions. The value rank. The array dimensions. Converts a value to a Boolean Converts a value to a SByte Converts a value to a Byte Converts a value to a Int16 Converts a value to a UInt16 Converts a value to a Int32 Converts a value to a UInt32 Converts a value to a Int64 Converts a value to a UInt64 Converts a value to a Float Converts a value to a Double Converts a value to a String Converts a value to a DateTime Converts a value to a Guid Converts a value to a ByteString Converts a value to a XmlElement Converts a value to a NodeId Converts a value to a ExpandedNodeId Converts a value to a StatusCode Converts a value to a QualifiedName Converts a value to a LocalizedText Converts a value to a Variant Delegate for a function used to cast a value to the specified type. Casts a scalar or array value to the specified type. Casts an array to an array of the specified type. Constants defined for the ValueRank attribute. The variable may be a scalar or a one dimensional array. The variable may be a scalar or an array of any dimension. The variable is always a scalar. The variable is always an array with one or more dimensions. The variable is always one dimensional array. The variable is always an array with two or more dimensions. Checks if the actual value rank is compatible with the expected value rank. Checks if the actual array diminesions is compatible with the expected value rank and array dimensions. Flags that can be set for the EventNotifier attribute. The Object or View produces no event and has no event history. The Object or View produces event notifications. The Object has an event history which may be read. The Object has an event history which may be updated. Flags that can be set for the AccessLevel attribute. The Variable value cannot be accessed. The current value of the Variable may be read. The current value of the Variable may be written. The current value of the Variable may be read or written. The history for the Variable may be read. The history for the Variable may be updated. The history for the Variable may be read or updated. Indicates if the Variable generates SemanticChangeEvents when its value changes. Indicates Indicates if the current status is writable. Indicates Indicates if the current timestamp is writable. Constants defined for the MinimumSamplingInterval attribute. The server does not know how fast the value can be sampled. TThe server can sample the variable continuously. Wraps a multi-dimensional array for use within a Variant. Initializes the matrix with a multidimensional array. Initializes the matrix with a one dimensional array and a list of dimensions. The elements of the matrix. An array of elements. The dimensions of the matrix. The dimensions of the array. The type information for the matrix. The type information. Returns the flattened array as a multi-dimensional array. Returns the string representation of the object. (Unused) Always pass a NULL value The format-provider to use. If unsure, pass an empty string or null A containing the value of the current instance in the specified format. Returns the string representation of the object. Thrown when the 'format' argument is NOT null. Makes a deep copy of the object. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Converts a multidimension array to a flat array. The higher rank dimensions are written first. e.g. a array with dimensions [2,2,2] is written in this order: [0,0,0], [0,0,1], [0,1,0], [0,1,1], [1,0,0], [1,0,1], [1,1,0], [1,1,1] The set of built-in data types for UA type descriptions. An invalid or unspecified value. A boolean logic value (true or false). An 8 bit signed integer value. An 8 bit unsigned integer value. A 16 bit signed integer value. A 16 bit signed integer value. A 32 bit signed integer value. A 32 bit unsigned integer value. A 64 bit signed integer value. A 64 bit unsigned integer value. An IEEE single precision (32 bit) floating point value. An IEEE double precision (64 bit) floating point value. A sequence of Unicode characters. An instance in time. A 128-bit globally unique identifier. A sequence of bytes. An XML element. An identifier for a node in the address space of a UA server. A node id that stores the namespace URI instead of the namespace index. A structured result code. A string qualified with a namespace. A localized text string with an locale identifier. An opaque object with a syntax that may be unknown to the receiver. A data value with an associated quality and timestamp. Any of the other built-in types. A diagnostic information associated with a result code. Any numeric value. A signed integer. An unsigned integer. An enumerated value A collection of XmlElements. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A wrapper for the a config section that stores the application settings. Creates a configuration section handler. Parent object. Configuration context object. Section XML node. The created section handler object. Display information about the application. Initializes a new instance of the class. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. A dialog that displays an exception trace in an HTML page. Initializes a new instance of the class. Replaces all special characters in the message. Displays the exception in a dialog. Displays the exception in a dialog. Display the exception in the dialog. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. A class which displays a simple message dialog. Initializes a new instance of the class. Shows the message dialog. The text to display. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The text to display. The caption at the top of the window. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The exception to display in the dialog. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The exception to display in the dialog. The text to display. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The text to display. The caption at the top of the window. The buttons to display. The icon to display. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The owner of the dialog. The text to display. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The owner of the dialog. The text to display. The caption at the top of the window. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The owner of the dialog. The text to display. The caption at the top of the window. The buttons to display. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The owner of the dialog. The text to display. The caption at the top of the window. The buttons to display. The icon to display. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The owner of the dialog. The exception to display in the dialog. The caption at the top of the window. The button choosen by the user. Shows the message dialog. The owner of the dialog. The exception to display in the dialog. The text. The caption at the top of the window. The button choosen by the user. Shows the dialog. The owner. The text. The caption. The exception. The buttons. The icon. Required designer variable. Clean up any resources being used. true if managed resources should be disposed; otherwise, false. Required method for Designer support - do not modify the contents of this method with the code editor. A class that defines constants used by UA applications. A class that defines constants used by UA applications. The canonical identifier for the node. The class of the node. A non-localized, human readable name for the node. A localized, human readable name for the node. A localized description for the node. Indicates which attributes are writable. Indicates which attributes are writable by the current user. Indicates that a type node may not be instantiated. Indicates that forward and inverse references have the same meaning. The browse name for an inverse reference. Indicates that following forward references within a view will not cause a loop. Indicates that the node can be used to subscribe to events. The value of a variable. The node id of the data type for the variable value. The number of dimensions in the value. The length for each dimension of an array value. How a variable may be accessed. How a variable may be accessed after taking the user's access rights into account. Specifies (in milliseconds) how fast the server can reasonably sample the value for changes. Specifies whether the server is actively collecting historical data for the variable. Whether the method can be called. Whether the method can be called by the current user. Provides the metadata and encoding information for custom DataTypes. The permissions for the node granted to roles. The subset of permissions available for the roles available to the current session. The access restrictions assigned to the node. How a variable may be accessed. The id of the first attribute id (used for looping). The id of the last attribute id (used for looping). Returns true is the attribute id is valid. Gets the display text. The attribute id. Gets the type of the data. The attribute id. Returns the value rank for the attribute. Gets the type info. The attribute id. Returns true if the corresponding bit is set in the attribute write mask. Sets the corresponding bit in the attribute write mask and returns the result. Checks if the attribute is valid for at least one of node classes specified in the mask. Returns the AttributeWriteMask for the attribute. A channel object used by clients to access a UA service. Initializes the object with the endpoint address. The client side implementation of the CreateSession service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginCreateSession service contract. The client side implementation of the EndCreateSession service contract. The client side implementation of the ActivateSession service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginActivateSession service contract. The client side implementation of the EndActivateSession service contract. The client side implementation of the CloseSession service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginCloseSession service contract. The client side implementation of the EndCloseSession service contract. The client side implementation of the Cancel service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginCancel service contract. The client side implementation of the EndCancel service contract. The client side implementation of the AddNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginAddNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the EndAddNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the AddReferences service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginAddReferences service contract. The client side implementation of the EndAddReferences service contract. The client side implementation of the DeleteNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginDeleteNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the EndDeleteNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the DeleteReferences service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginDeleteReferences service contract. The client side implementation of the EndDeleteReferences service contract. The client side implementation of the Browse service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginBrowse service contract. The client side implementation of the EndBrowse service contract. The client side implementation of the BrowseNext service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginBrowseNext service contract. The client side implementation of the EndBrowseNext service contract. The client side implementation of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service contract. The client side implementation of the EndTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service contract. The client side implementation of the RegisterNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginRegisterNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the EndRegisterNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the UnregisterNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginUnregisterNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the EndUnregisterNodes service contract. The client side implementation of the QueryFirst service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginQueryFirst service contract. The client side implementation of the EndQueryFirst service contract. The client side implementation of the QueryNext service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginQueryNext service contract. The client side implementation of the EndQueryNext service contract. The client side implementation of the Read service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginRead service contract. The client side implementation of the EndRead service contract. The client side implementation of the HistoryRead service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginHistoryRead service contract. The client side implementation of the EndHistoryRead service contract. The client side implementation of the Write service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginWrite service contract. The client side implementation of the EndWrite service contract. The client side implementation of the HistoryUpdate service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginHistoryUpdate service contract. The client side implementation of the EndHistoryUpdate service contract. The client side implementation of the Call service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginCall service contract. The client side implementation of the EndCall service contract. The client side implementation of the CreateMonitoredItems service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginCreateMonitoredItems service contract. The client side implementation of the EndCreateMonitoredItems service contract. The client side implementation of the ModifyMonitoredItems service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginModifyMonitoredItems service contract. The client side implementation of the EndModifyMonitoredItems service contract. The client side implementation of the SetMonitoringMode service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginSetMonitoringMode service contract. The client side implementation of the EndSetMonitoringMode service contract. The client side implementation of the SetTriggering service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginSetTriggering service contract. The client side implementation of the EndSetTriggering service contract. The client side implementation of the DeleteMonitoredItems service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginDeleteMonitoredItems service contract. The client side implementation of the EndDeleteMonitoredItems service contract. The client side implementation of the CreateSubscription service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginCreateSubscription service contract. The client side implementation of the EndCreateSubscription service contract. The client side implementation of the ModifySubscription service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginModifySubscription service contract. The client side implementation of the EndModifySubscription service contract. The client side implementation of the SetPublishingMode service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginSetPublishingMode service contract. The client side implementation of the EndSetPublishingMode service contract. The client side implementation of the Publish service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginPublish service contract. The client side implementation of the EndPublish service contract. The client side implementation of the Republish service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginRepublish service contract. The client side implementation of the EndRepublish service contract. The client side implementation of the TransferSubscriptions service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginTransferSubscriptions service contract. The client side implementation of the EndTransferSubscriptions service contract. The client side implementation of the DeleteSubscriptions service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginDeleteSubscriptions service contract. The client side implementation of the EndDeleteSubscriptions service contract. A channel object used by clients to access a UA service. Initializes the object with the endpoint address. The client side implementation of the FindServers service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginFindServers service contract. The client side implementation of the EndFindServers service contract. The client side implementation of the FindServersOnNetwork service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginFindServersOnNetwork service contract. The client side implementation of the EndFindServersOnNetwork service contract. The client side implementation of the GetEndpoints service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginGetEndpoints service contract. The client side implementation of the EndGetEndpoints service contract. A channel object used by clients to access a UA service. Initializes the object with the endpoint address. The client side implementation of the RegisterServer service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginRegisterServer service contract. The client side implementation of the EndRegisterServer service contract. The client side implementation of the RegisterServer2 service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginRegisterServer2 service contract. The client side implementation of the EndRegisterServer2 service contract. The client side interface for a UA server. The client side interface with a UA server. Intializes the object with a channel and a message context. The component contains classes object use to communicate with the server. Invokes the CreateSession service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the CreateSession service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the CreateSession service. Invokes the ActivateSession service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the ActivateSession service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the ActivateSession service. Invokes the CloseSession service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the CloseSession service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the CloseSession service. Invokes the Cancel service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the Cancel service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the Cancel service. Invokes the AddNodes service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the AddNodes service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the AddNodes service. Invokes the AddReferences service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the AddReferences service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the AddReferences service. Invokes the DeleteNodes service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the DeleteNodes service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the DeleteNodes service. Invokes the DeleteReferences service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the DeleteReferences service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the DeleteReferences service. Invokes the Browse service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the Browse service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the Browse service. Invokes the BrowseNext service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the BrowseNext service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the BrowseNext service. Invokes the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. Invokes the RegisterNodes service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the RegisterNodes service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the RegisterNodes service. Invokes the UnregisterNodes service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the UnregisterNodes service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the UnregisterNodes service. Invokes the QueryFirst service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the QueryFirst service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the QueryFirst service. Invokes the QueryNext service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the QueryNext service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the QueryNext service. Invokes the Read service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the Read service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the Read service. Invokes the HistoryRead service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the HistoryRead service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the HistoryRead service. Invokes the Write service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the Write service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the Write service. Invokes the HistoryUpdate service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the HistoryUpdate service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the HistoryUpdate service. Invokes the Call service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the Call service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the Call service. Invokes the CreateMonitoredItems service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the CreateMonitoredItems service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the CreateMonitoredItems service. Invokes the ModifyMonitoredItems service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the ModifyMonitoredItems service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the ModifyMonitoredItems service. Invokes the SetMonitoringMode service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the SetMonitoringMode service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the SetMonitoringMode service. Invokes the SetTriggering service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the SetTriggering service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the SetTriggering service. Invokes the DeleteMonitoredItems service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the DeleteMonitoredItems service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the DeleteMonitoredItems service. Invokes the CreateSubscription service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the CreateSubscription service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the CreateSubscription service. Invokes the ModifySubscription service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the ModifySubscription service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the ModifySubscription service. Invokes the SetPublishingMode service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the SetPublishingMode service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the SetPublishingMode service. Invokes the Publish service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the Publish service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the Publish service. Invokes the Republish service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the Republish service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the Republish service. Invokes the TransferSubscriptions service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the TransferSubscriptions service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the TransferSubscriptions service. Invokes the DeleteSubscriptions service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the DeleteSubscriptions service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the DeleteSubscriptions service. Creates a binding for to use for creating sessions with servers. The new client. An overrideable version of the Dispose. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. The client side interface for a UA server. An object used by clients to access a UA discovery service. Intializes the object with a channel and a message context. The component contains classes object use to communicate with the server. Invokes the FindServers service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the FindServers service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the FindServers service. Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the FindServersOnNetwork service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the FindServersOnNetwork service. Invokes the GetEndpoints service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the GetEndpoints service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the GetEndpoints service. Creates a binding for to use for discovering servers. The application. The configuration. The discovery URL. The transport profile URI. The thread pool. The new client. The client side interface for a UA server. An object used by servers to register with a UA discovery service. Intializes the object with a channel and a message context. The component contains classes object use to communicate with the server. Invokes the RegisterServer service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the RegisterServer service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the RegisterServer service. Invokes the RegisterServer2 service. Begins an asynchronous invocation of the RegisterServer2 service. Finishes an asynchronous invocation of the RegisterServer2 service. Creates a binding for to use for registering servers. The application. The endpoint. The configuration. The thread pool. The new client. A class that declares constants for all DataTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the BaseDataType DataType. The identifier for the Number DataType. The identifier for the Integer DataType. The identifier for the UInteger DataType. The identifier for the Enumeration DataType. The identifier for the Boolean DataType. The identifier for the SByte DataType. The identifier for the Byte DataType. The identifier for the Int16 DataType. The identifier for the UInt16 DataType. The identifier for the Int32 DataType. The identifier for the UInt32 DataType. The identifier for the Int64 DataType. The identifier for the UInt64 DataType. The identifier for the Float DataType. The identifier for the Double DataType. The identifier for the String DataType. The identifier for the DateTime DataType. The identifier for the Guid DataType. The identifier for the ByteString DataType. The identifier for the XmlElement DataType. The identifier for the NodeId DataType. The identifier for the ExpandedNodeId DataType. The identifier for the StatusCode DataType. The identifier for the QualifiedName DataType. The identifier for the LocalizedText DataType. The identifier for the Structure DataType. The identifier for the DataValue DataType. The identifier for the DiagnosticInfo DataType. The identifier for the Image DataType. The identifier for the Decimal DataType. The identifier for the NamingRuleType DataType. The identifier for the ImageBMP DataType. The identifier for the ImageGIF DataType. The identifier for the ImageJPG DataType. The identifier for the ImagePNG DataType. The identifier for the AudioDataType DataType. The identifier for the BitFieldMaskDataType DataType. The identifier for the KeyValuePair DataType. The identifier for the EndpointType DataType. The identifier for the OpenFileMode DataType. The identifier for the IdentityCriteriaType DataType. The identifier for the IdentityMappingRuleType DataType. The identifier for the TrustListMasks DataType. The identifier for the TrustListDataType DataType. The identifier for the DecimalDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeSchemaHeader DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeDescription DataType. The identifier for the StructureDescription DataType. The identifier for the EnumDescription DataType. The identifier for the SimpleTypeDescription DataType. The identifier for the UABinaryFileDataType DataType. The identifier for the PubSubState DataType. The identifier for the DataSetMetaDataType DataType. The identifier for the FieldMetaData DataType. The identifier for the DataSetFieldFlags DataType. The identifier for the ConfigurationVersionDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetSourceDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedVariableDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedEventsDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetFieldContentMask DataType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the PubSubGroupDataType DataType. The identifier for the WriterGroupDataType DataType. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionDataType DataType. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the NetworkAddressDataType DataType. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlDataType DataType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupDataType DataType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetDataType DataType. The identifier for the TargetVariablesDataType DataType. The identifier for the FieldTargetDataType DataType. The identifier for the OverrideValueHandling DataType. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType DataType. The identifier for the PubSubConfigurationDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetOrderingType DataType. The identifier for the UadpNetworkMessageContentMask DataType. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetMessageContentMask DataType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the JsonNetworkMessageContentMask DataType. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetMessageContentMask DataType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the BrokerTransportQualityOfService DataType. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the DiagnosticsLevel DataType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterClassification DataType. The identifier for the IdType DataType. The identifier for the NodeClass DataType. The identifier for the PermissionType DataType. The identifier for the AccessLevelType DataType. The identifier for the AccessLevelExType DataType. The identifier for the EventNotifierType DataType. The identifier for the AccessRestrictionType DataType. The identifier for the RolePermissionType DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeDefinition DataType. The identifier for the StructureType DataType. The identifier for the StructureField DataType. The identifier for the StructureDefinition DataType. The identifier for the EnumDefinition DataType. The identifier for the Node DataType. The identifier for the InstanceNode DataType. The identifier for the TypeNode DataType. The identifier for the ObjectNode DataType. The identifier for the ObjectTypeNode DataType. The identifier for the VariableNode DataType. The identifier for the VariableTypeNode DataType. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeNode DataType. The identifier for the MethodNode DataType. The identifier for the ViewNode DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeNode DataType. The identifier for the ReferenceNode DataType. The identifier for the Argument DataType. The identifier for the EnumValueType DataType. The identifier for the EnumField DataType. The identifier for the OptionSet DataType. The identifier for the Union DataType. The identifier for the NormalizedString DataType. The identifier for the DecimalString DataType. The identifier for the DurationString DataType. The identifier for the TimeString DataType. The identifier for the DateString DataType. The identifier for the Duration DataType. The identifier for the UtcTime DataType. The identifier for the LocaleId DataType. The identifier for the TimeZoneDataType DataType. The identifier for the IntegerId DataType. The identifier for the ApplicationType DataType. The identifier for the ApplicationDescription DataType. The identifier for the RequestHeader DataType. The identifier for the ResponseHeader DataType. The identifier for the VersionTime DataType. The identifier for the ServiceFault DataType. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeRequestType DataType. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeResponseType DataType. The identifier for the FindServersRequest DataType. The identifier for the FindServersResponse DataType. The identifier for the ServerOnNetwork DataType. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkRequest DataType. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkResponse DataType. The identifier for the ApplicationInstanceCertificate DataType. The identifier for the MessageSecurityMode DataType. The identifier for the UserTokenType DataType. The identifier for the UserTokenPolicy DataType. The identifier for the EndpointDescription DataType. The identifier for the GetEndpointsRequest DataType. The identifier for the GetEndpointsResponse DataType. The identifier for the RegisteredServer DataType. The identifier for the RegisterServerRequest DataType. The identifier for the RegisterServerResponse DataType. The identifier for the DiscoveryConfiguration DataType. The identifier for the MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration DataType. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Request DataType. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Response DataType. The identifier for the SecurityTokenRequestType DataType. The identifier for the ChannelSecurityToken DataType. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelRequest DataType. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelResponse DataType. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelRequest DataType. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelResponse DataType. The identifier for the SignedSoftwareCertificate DataType. The identifier for the SessionAuthenticationToken DataType. The identifier for the SignatureData DataType. The identifier for the CreateSessionRequest DataType. The identifier for the CreateSessionResponse DataType. The identifier for the UserIdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the AnonymousIdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the UserNameIdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the X509IdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the IssuedIdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the RsaEncryptedSecret DataType. The identifier for the ActivateSessionRequest DataType. The identifier for the ActivateSessionResponse DataType. The identifier for the CloseSessionRequest DataType. The identifier for the CloseSessionResponse DataType. The identifier for the CancelRequest DataType. The identifier for the CancelResponse DataType. The identifier for the NodeAttributesMask DataType. The identifier for the NodeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the ObjectAttributes DataType. The identifier for the VariableAttributes DataType. The identifier for the MethodAttributes DataType. The identifier for the ObjectTypeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the VariableTypeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the ViewAttributes DataType. The identifier for the GenericAttributeValue DataType. The identifier for the GenericAttributes DataType. The identifier for the AddNodesItem DataType. The identifier for the AddNodesResult DataType. The identifier for the AddNodesRequest DataType. The identifier for the AddNodesResponse DataType. The identifier for the AddReferencesItem DataType. The identifier for the AddReferencesRequest DataType. The identifier for the AddReferencesResponse DataType. The identifier for the DeleteNodesItem DataType. The identifier for the DeleteNodesRequest DataType. The identifier for the DeleteNodesResponse DataType. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesItem DataType. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesRequest DataType. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesResponse DataType. The identifier for the AttributeWriteMask DataType. The identifier for the BrowseDirection DataType. The identifier for the ViewDescription DataType. The identifier for the BrowseDescription DataType. The identifier for the BrowseResultMask DataType. The identifier for the ReferenceDescription DataType. The identifier for the ContinuationPoint DataType. The identifier for the BrowseResult DataType. The identifier for the BrowseRequest DataType. The identifier for the BrowseResponse DataType. The identifier for the BrowseNextRequest DataType. The identifier for the BrowseNextResponse DataType. The identifier for the RelativePathElement DataType. The identifier for the RelativePath DataType. The identifier for the BrowsePath DataType. The identifier for the BrowsePathTarget DataType. The identifier for the BrowsePathResult DataType. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest DataType. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse DataType. The identifier for the RegisterNodesRequest DataType. The identifier for the RegisterNodesResponse DataType. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesRequest DataType. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesResponse DataType. The identifier for the Counter DataType. The identifier for the NumericRange DataType. The identifier for the Time DataType. The identifier for the Date DataType. The identifier for the EndpointConfiguration DataType. The identifier for the QueryDataDescription DataType. The identifier for the NodeTypeDescription DataType. The identifier for the FilterOperator DataType. The identifier for the QueryDataSet DataType. The identifier for the NodeReference DataType. The identifier for the ContentFilterElement DataType. The identifier for the ContentFilter DataType. The identifier for the FilterOperand DataType. The identifier for the ElementOperand DataType. The identifier for the LiteralOperand DataType. The identifier for the AttributeOperand DataType. The identifier for the SimpleAttributeOperand DataType. The identifier for the ContentFilterElementResult DataType. The identifier for the ContentFilterResult DataType. The identifier for the ParsingResult DataType. The identifier for the QueryFirstRequest DataType. The identifier for the QueryFirstResponse DataType. The identifier for the QueryNextRequest DataType. The identifier for the QueryNextResponse DataType. The identifier for the TimestampsToReturn DataType. The identifier for the ReadValueId DataType. The identifier for the ReadRequest DataType. The identifier for the ReadResponse DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadValueId DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadResult DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadDetails DataType. The identifier for the ReadEventDetails DataType. The identifier for the ReadRawModifiedDetails DataType. The identifier for the ReadProcessedDetails DataType. The identifier for the ReadAtTimeDetails DataType. The identifier for the HistoryData DataType. The identifier for the ModificationInfo DataType. The identifier for the HistoryModifiedData DataType. The identifier for the HistoryEvent DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadRequest DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadResponse DataType. The identifier for the WriteValue DataType. The identifier for the WriteRequest DataType. The identifier for the WriteResponse DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateDetails DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateType DataType. The identifier for the PerformUpdateType DataType. The identifier for the UpdateDataDetails DataType. The identifier for the UpdateStructureDataDetails DataType. The identifier for the UpdateEventDetails DataType. The identifier for the DeleteRawModifiedDetails DataType. The identifier for the DeleteAtTimeDetails DataType. The identifier for the DeleteEventDetails DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResult DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateRequest DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResponse DataType. The identifier for the CallMethodRequest DataType. The identifier for the CallMethodResult DataType. The identifier for the CallRequest DataType. The identifier for the CallResponse DataType. The identifier for the MonitoringMode DataType. The identifier for the DataChangeTrigger DataType. The identifier for the DeadbandType DataType. The identifier for the MonitoringFilter DataType. The identifier for the DataChangeFilter DataType. The identifier for the EventFilter DataType. The identifier for the AggregateConfiguration DataType. The identifier for the AggregateFilter DataType. The identifier for the MonitoringFilterResult DataType. The identifier for the EventFilterResult DataType. The identifier for the AggregateFilterResult DataType. The identifier for the MonitoringParameters DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateRequest DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateResult DataType. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsRequest DataType. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsResponse DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyRequest DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyResult DataType. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest DataType. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse DataType. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeRequest DataType. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeResponse DataType. The identifier for the SetTriggeringRequest DataType. The identifier for the SetTriggeringResponse DataType. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest DataType. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse DataType. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionRequest DataType. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionResponse DataType. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionRequest DataType. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionResponse DataType. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeRequest DataType. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeResponse DataType. The identifier for the NotificationMessage DataType. The identifier for the NotificationData DataType. The identifier for the DataChangeNotification DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemNotification DataType. The identifier for the EventNotificationList DataType. The identifier for the EventFieldList DataType. The identifier for the HistoryEventFieldList DataType. The identifier for the StatusChangeNotification DataType. The identifier for the SubscriptionAcknowledgement DataType. The identifier for the PublishRequest DataType. The identifier for the PublishResponse DataType. The identifier for the RepublishRequest DataType. The identifier for the RepublishResponse DataType. The identifier for the TransferResult DataType. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsRequest DataType. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsResponse DataType. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest DataType. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsResponse DataType. The identifier for the BuildInfo DataType. The identifier for the RedundancySupport DataType. The identifier for the ServerState DataType. The identifier for the RedundantServerDataType DataType. The identifier for the EndpointUrlListDataType DataType. The identifier for the NetworkGroupDataType DataType. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType DataType. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType DataType. The identifier for the ServerStatusDataType DataType. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsDataType DataType. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType DataType. The identifier for the ServiceCounterDataType DataType. The identifier for the StatusResult DataType. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType DataType. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureVerbMask DataType. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureDataType DataType. The identifier for the SemanticChangeStructureDataType DataType. The identifier for the Range DataType. The identifier for the EUInformation DataType. The identifier for the AxisScaleEnumeration DataType. The identifier for the ComplexNumberType DataType. The identifier for the DoubleComplexNumberType DataType. The identifier for the AxisInformation DataType. The identifier for the XVType DataType. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticDataType DataType. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2DataType DataType. The identifier for the Annotation DataType. The identifier for the ExceptionDeviationFormat DataType. A class that declares constants for all Methods in the Model Design. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Open Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Close Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Read Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Write Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole Method. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_RemoveRole Method. The identifier for the ServerType_GetMonitoredItems Method. The identifier for the ServerType_ResendData Method. The identifier for the ServerType_SetSubscriptionDurable Method. The identifier for the ServerType_RequestServerStateChange Method. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_AddRole Method. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_RemoveRole Method. The identifier for the FileType_Open Method. The identifier for the FileType_Close Method. The identifier for the FileType_Read Method. The identifier for the FileType_Write Method. The identifier for the FileType_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileType_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_ExportNamespace Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Open Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Close Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Read Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Write Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Open Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Close Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Read Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Write Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole Method. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_RemoveRole Method. The identifier for the Server_GetMonitoredItems Method. The identifier for the Server_ResendData Method. The identifier for the Server_SetSubscriptionDurable Method. The identifier for the Server_RequestServerStateChange Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Open Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Close Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Read Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Write Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateDirectory Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateFile Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_MoveOrCopy Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Open Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Close Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Read Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Write Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateDirectory Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateFile Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_MoveOrCopy Method. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForRead Method. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForWrite Method. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_CloseAndCommit Method. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder_Reset Method. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Reset Method. The identifier for the RoleSetType_AddRole Method. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RemoveRole Method. The identifier for the RoleType_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the RoleType_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the RoleType_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_Disable Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_Enable Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_AddComment Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionRefresh Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionRefresh2 Method. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Respond Method. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Acknowledge Method. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Confirm Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Silence Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Suppress Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Unsuppress Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_RemoveFromService Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_PlaceInService Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Reset Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Disable Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Enable Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_AddComment Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Acknowledge Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_Reset Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Start Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Suspend Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Resume Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Halt Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Reset Method. The identifier for the TrustListType_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the TrustListType_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the TrustListType_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the TrustListType_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_UpdateCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_ApplyChanges Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CreateSigningRequest Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_GetRejectedList Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_UpdateCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_ApplyChanges Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CreateSigningRequest Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_GetRejectedList Method. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_CreateCredential Method. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_GetEncryptingKey Method. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_UpdateCredential Method. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_DeleteCredential Method. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityKeys Method. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SetSecurityKeys Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_AddConnection Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_RemoveConnection Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityKeys Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_AddConnection Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_RemoveConnection Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_AddVariables Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_RemoveVariables Method. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ModifyFieldSelection Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItems Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEvents Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEventsTemplate Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_RemovePublishedDataSet Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddDataSetFolder Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_RemoveDataSetFolder Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItems Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEvents Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEventsTemplate Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_RemovePublishedDataSet Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddDataSetFolder Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_RemoveDataSetFolder Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddWriterGroup Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddReaderGroup Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_RemoveGroup Method. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_AddDataSetWriter Method. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_RemoveDataSetWriter Method. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_AddDataSetReader Method. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_RemoveDataSetReader Method. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateTargetVariables Method. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateDataSetMirror Method. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_AddTargetVariables Method. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_RemoveTargetVariables Method. The identifier for the PubSubStatusType_Enable Method. The identifier for the PubSubStatusType_Disable Method. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Reset Method. The constant for the identifier for the FileDirectoryType_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. A class that declares constants for all Objects in the Model Design. The identifier for the DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_Mandatory Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_Optional Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_ExposesItsArray Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_MandatoryShared Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_OptionalPlaceholder Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_MandatoryPlaceholder Object. The identifier for the RootFolder Object. The identifier for the ObjectsFolder Object. The identifier for the TypesFolder Object. The identifier for the ViewsFolder Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the VariableTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the DataTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the XmlSchema_TypeSystem Object. The identifier for the OPCBinarySchema_TypeSystem Object. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_ModellingRules Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary Object. The identifier for the ServerType_VendorServerInfo Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerRedundancy Object. The identifier for the ServerType_Namespaces Object. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_OperationLimits Object. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_ModellingRules Object. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet Object. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary Object. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile Object. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the EventTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the Server Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_ModellingRules Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary Object. The identifier for the Server_VendorServerInfo Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy Object. The identifier for the Server_Namespaces Object. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities Object. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the FileSystem Object. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Idle Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepare Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransfer Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWrite Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Error Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_IdleToReadPrepare Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepareToReadTransfer Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransferToIdle Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_IdleToApplyWrite Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWriteToIdle Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepareToError Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransferToError Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWriteToError Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ErrorToIdle Object. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin Object. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState Object. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_FirstInGroup Object. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AlarmGroup_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_Unshelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelvedToTimedShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelvedToOneShotShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelvedToUnshelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelvedToOneShotShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelvedToUnshelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelvedToTimedShelved Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighHigh Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_High Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_Low Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowLow Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowLowToLow Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowToLowLow Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighHighToHigh Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighToHighHigh Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_FinalResultData Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Halted Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Ready Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Running Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Suspended Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_HaltedToReady Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ReadyToRunning Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToHalted Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToReady Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToSuspended Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToRunning Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToHalted Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToReady Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ReadyToHalted Object. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration Object. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the HAConfiguration Object. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration Object. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration Object. The identifier for the AuthorizationServices Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Interpolative Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Average Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_TimeAverage Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_TimeAverage2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Total Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Total2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Minimum Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Maximum Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_MinimumActualTime Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_MaximumActualTime Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Range Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Minimum2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Maximum2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_MinimumActualTime2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_MaximumActualTime2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Range2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_AnnotationCount Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Count Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DurationInStateZero Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DurationInStateNonZero Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_NumberOfTransitions Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Start Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_End Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Delta Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_StartBound Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_EndBound Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DeltaBounds Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DurationGood Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DurationBad Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_PercentGood Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_PercentBad Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_WorstQuality Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_WorstQuality2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_StandardDeviationSample Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_StandardDeviationPopulation Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_VarianceSample Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_VariancePopulation Object. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups Object. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Address Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Address Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Address Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Status Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_Status Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_MessageSettings Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_SubscribedDataSet Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_MessageSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_MessageSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Status Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_MessageSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Status Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SubscribedDataSet Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportType_DiscoveryAddress Object. The identifier for the KeyValuePair_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EndpointType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the IdentityMappingRuleType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TrustListDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DecimalDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeSchemaHeader_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StructureDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EnumDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SimpleTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UABinaryFileDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetMetaDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FieldMetaData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ConfigurationVersionDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetSourceDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedVariableDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PubSubGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TargetVariablesDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FieldTargetDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PubSubConfigurationDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RolePermissionType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDefinition_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StructureField_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StructureDefinition_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EnumDefinition_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Node_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the InstanceNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ObjectNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the VariableNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MethodNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ViewNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReferenceNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Argument_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EnumValueType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EnumField_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the OptionSet_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Union_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TimeZoneDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ApplicationDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RequestHeader_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ResponseHeader_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServiceFault_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeRequestType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeResponseType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FindServersRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FindServersResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServerOnNetwork_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UserTokenPolicy_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EndpointDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisteredServer_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Request_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Response_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ChannelSecurityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SignedSoftwareCertificate_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SignatureData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UserIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AnonymousIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UserNameIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the X509IdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the IssuedIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CancelRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CancelResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NodeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ObjectAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the VariableAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MethodAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ViewAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributeValue_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ViewDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReferenceDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RelativePathElement_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RelativePath_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowsePath_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathTarget_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EndpointConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryDataDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NodeTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryDataSet_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NodeReference_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElement_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ContentFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FilterOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ElementOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the LiteralOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SimpleAttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElementResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ParsingResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadProcessedDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModificationInfo_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryModifiedData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryEvent_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriteValue_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriteRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriteResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UpdateDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UpdateStructureDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UpdateEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CallMethodRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CallMethodResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CallRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CallResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataChangeFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EventFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AggregateConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EventFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoringParameters_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NotificationMessage_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NotificationData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemNotification_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EventNotificationList_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryEventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StatusChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionAcknowledgement_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RepublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RepublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TransferResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BuildInfo_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RedundantServerDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EndpointUrlListDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NetworkGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServerStatusDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServiceCounterDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StatusResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SemanticChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Range_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EUInformation_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DoubleComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AxisInformation_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the XVType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2DataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Annotation_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the KeyValuePair_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EndpointType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the IdentityMappingRuleType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TrustListDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DecimalDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeSchemaHeader_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StructureDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EnumDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SimpleTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UABinaryFileDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetMetaDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FieldMetaData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ConfigurationVersionDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetSourceDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedVariableDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PubSubGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TargetVariablesDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FieldTargetDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PubSubConfigurationDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RolePermissionType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDefinition_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StructureField_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StructureDefinition_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EnumDefinition_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Node_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the InstanceNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ObjectNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the VariableNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MethodNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ViewNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReferenceNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Argument_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EnumValueType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EnumField_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the OptionSet_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Union_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TimeZoneDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ApplicationDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RequestHeader_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ResponseHeader_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServiceFault_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeRequestType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeResponseType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FindServersRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FindServersResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServerOnNetwork_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UserTokenPolicy_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EndpointDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisteredServer_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Request_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Response_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ChannelSecurityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SignedSoftwareCertificate_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SignatureData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UserIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AnonymousIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UserNameIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the X509IdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the IssuedIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CancelRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CancelResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NodeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ObjectAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the VariableAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MethodAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ViewAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributeValue_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ViewDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReferenceDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RelativePathElement_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RelativePath_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowsePath_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathTarget_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EndpointConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryDataDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NodeTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryDataSet_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NodeReference_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElement_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ContentFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FilterOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ElementOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the LiteralOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SimpleAttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElementResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ParsingResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadProcessedDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModificationInfo_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryModifiedData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryEvent_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriteValue_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriteRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriteResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UpdateDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UpdateStructureDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UpdateEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CallMethodRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CallMethodResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CallRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CallResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataChangeFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EventFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AggregateConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EventFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoringParameters_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NotificationMessage_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NotificationData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemNotification_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EventNotificationList_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryEventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StatusChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionAcknowledgement_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RepublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RepublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TransferResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BuildInfo_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RedundantServerDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EndpointUrlListDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NetworkGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServerStatusDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServiceCounterDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StatusResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SemanticChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Range_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EUInformation_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DoubleComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AxisInformation_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the XVType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2DataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Annotation_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the KeyValuePair_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EndpointType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the IdentityMappingRuleType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TrustListDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DecimalDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeSchemaHeader_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StructureDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EnumDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SimpleTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UABinaryFileDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetMetaDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FieldMetaData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ConfigurationVersionDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetSourceDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedVariableDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PubSubGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TargetVariablesDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FieldTargetDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PubSubConfigurationDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RolePermissionType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDefinition_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StructureField_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StructureDefinition_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EnumDefinition_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Node_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the InstanceNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ObjectNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the VariableNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MethodNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ViewNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReferenceNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Argument_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EnumValueType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EnumField_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the OptionSet_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Union_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TimeZoneDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ApplicationDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RequestHeader_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ResponseHeader_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServiceFault_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeRequestType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeResponseType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FindServersRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FindServersResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServerOnNetwork_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UserTokenPolicy_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EndpointDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisteredServer_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Request_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Response_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ChannelSecurityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SignedSoftwareCertificate_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SignatureData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UserIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AnonymousIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UserNameIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the X509IdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the IssuedIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CancelRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CancelResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NodeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ObjectAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the VariableAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MethodAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ViewAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributeValue_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ViewDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReferenceDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RelativePathElement_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RelativePath_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowsePath_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathTarget_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EndpointConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryDataDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NodeTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryDataSet_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NodeReference_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElement_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ContentFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FilterOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ElementOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the LiteralOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SimpleAttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElementResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ParsingResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadProcessedDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModificationInfo_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryModifiedData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryEvent_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriteValue_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriteRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriteResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UpdateDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UpdateStructureDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UpdateEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CallMethodRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CallMethodResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CallRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CallResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataChangeFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EventFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AggregateConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EventFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoringParameters_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NotificationMessage_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NotificationData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemNotification_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EventNotificationList_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryEventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StatusChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionAcknowledgement_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RepublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RepublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TransferResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BuildInfo_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RedundantServerDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EndpointUrlListDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NetworkGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServerStatusDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServiceCounterDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StatusResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SemanticChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Range_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EUInformation_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DoubleComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AxisInformation_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the XVType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2DataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Annotation_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. A class that declares constants for all ObjectTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the BaseObjectType ObjectType. The identifier for the FolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataTypeSystemType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataTypeEncodingType ObjectType. The identifier for the ModellingRuleType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType ObjectType. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType ObjectType. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType ObjectType. The identifier for the VendorServerInfoType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerRedundancyType ObjectType. The identifier for the TransparentRedundancyType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonTransparentRedundancyType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonTransparentNetworkRedundancyType ObjectType. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType ObjectType. The identifier for the FileType ObjectType. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType ObjectType. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType ObjectType. The identifier for the NamespacesType ObjectType. The identifier for the BaseEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditSecurityEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditChannelEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditSessionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditUrlMismatchEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditActivateSessionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCancelEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateExpiredEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateInvalidEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateUntrustedEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateRevokedEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateMismatchEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditNodeManagementEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditAddNodesEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditDeleteNodesEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditAddReferencesEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditDeleteReferencesEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditUpdateMethodEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the DeviceFailureEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemStatusChangeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the BaseModelChangeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the GeneralModelChangeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the SemanticChangeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the EventQueueOverflowEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProgressEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AggregateFunctionType ObjectType. The identifier for the StateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the StateType ObjectType. The identifier for the InitialStateType ObjectType. The identifier for the TransitionType ObjectType. The identifier for the TransitionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditUpdateStateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType ObjectType. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType ObjectType. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the RoleSetType ObjectType. The identifier for the RoleType ObjectType. The identifier for the RoleMappingRuleChangedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the ConditionType ObjectType. The identifier for the DialogConditionType ObjectType. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType ObjectType. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType ObjectType. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the TripAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the BaseConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProcessConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the MaintenanceConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the SafetyConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the HighlyManagedAlarmConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the TrainingConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the StatisticalConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the TestingConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionEnableEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionCommentEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionRespondEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionAcknowledgeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionConfirmEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionShelvingEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionSuppressEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionSilenceEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionResetEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionOutOfServiceEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the RefreshStartEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the RefreshEndEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the RefreshRequiredEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditProgramTransitionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryDeleteEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryAtTimeDeleteEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventDeleteEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the TrustListType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the ApplicationCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the HttpsCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the UserCredentialCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the RsaMinApplicationCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the RsaSha256ApplicationCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the TrustListUpdatedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialUpdatedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialDeletedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuthorizationServiceConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType ObjectType. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType ObjectType. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType ObjectType. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType ObjectType. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType ObjectType. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the WriterGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetType ObjectType. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType ObjectType. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubStatusType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubStatusEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubTransportLimitsExceedEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubCommunicationFailureEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the NetworkAddressType ObjectType. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlType ObjectType. A class that declares constants for all ReferenceTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the References ReferenceType. The identifier for the NonHierarchicalReferences ReferenceType. The identifier for the HierarchicalReferences ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasChild ReferenceType. The identifier for the Organizes ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEventSource ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasModellingRule ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEncoding ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasDescription ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasTypeDefinition ReferenceType. The identifier for the GeneratesEvent ReferenceType. The identifier for the AlwaysGeneratesEvent ReferenceType. The identifier for the Aggregates ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasSubtype ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasProperty ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasComponent ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasNotifier ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasOrderedComponent ReferenceType. The identifier for the FromState ReferenceType. The identifier for the ToState ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasCause ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffect ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasSubStateMachine ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasHistoricalConfiguration ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasTrueSubState ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasFalseSubState ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasAlarmSuppressionGroup ReferenceType. The identifier for the AlarmGroupMember ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasCondition ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffectDisable ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffectEnable ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffectSuppressed ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffectUnsuppressed ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasPubSubConnection ReferenceType. The identifier for the DataSetToWriter ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasDataSetWriter ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasDataSetReader ReferenceType. A class that declares constants for all Variables in the Model Design. The identifier for the DataTypeDescriptionType_DataTypeVersion Variable. The identifier for the DataTypeDescriptionType_DictionaryFragment Variable. The identifier for the DataTypeDictionaryType_DataTypeVersion Variable. The identifier for the DataTypeDictionaryType_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the DataTypeDictionaryType_Deprecated Variable. The identifier for the NamingRuleType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRuleType_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_Mandatory_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_Optional_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_ExposesItsArray_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_MandatoryShared_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_OptionalPlaceholder_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_MandatoryPlaceholder_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceVersion Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespacePublicationDate Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_IsNamespaceSubset Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_StaticNodeIdTypes Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_StaticNumericNodeIdRange Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_StaticStringNodeIdPattern Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Size Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Writable Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_DefaultRolePermissions Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_DefaultUserRolePermissions Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_DefaultAccessRestrictions Variable. The identifier for the NodeVersion Variable. The identifier for the ViewVersion Variable. The identifier for the Icon Variable. The identifier for the LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the AllowNulls Variable. The identifier for the ValueAsText Variable. The identifier for the MaxStringLength Variable. The identifier for the MaxCharacters Variable. The identifier for the MaxByteStringLength Variable. The identifier for the MaxArrayLength Variable. The identifier for the EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DefaultInputValues Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_NamespaceArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_UrisVersion Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_CurrentTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_State Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductUri Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ManufacturerName Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductName Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_SoftwareVersion Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildNumber Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildDate Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_SecondsTillShutdown Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_ShutdownReason Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServiceLevel Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_Auditing Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_EstimatedReturnTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_ServerProfileArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_LocaleIdArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_MinSupportedSampleRate Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_MaxBrowseContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_MaxQueryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_MaxHistoryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_SoftwareCertificates Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_RemoveRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_ServerViewCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionTimeoutCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionAbortCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_PublishingIntervalCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_EnabledFlag Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerRedundancy_RedundancySupport Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_GetMonitoredItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_GetMonitoredItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ResendData_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_SetSubscriptionDurable_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_SetSubscriptionDurable_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_RequestServerStateChange_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_ServerProfileArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_LocaleIdArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MinSupportedSampleRate Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxBrowseContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxQueryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxHistoryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_SoftwareCertificates Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxArrayLength Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxStringLength Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxByteStringLength Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_VendorCapability_Placeholder Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_AddRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_AddRole_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_RemoveRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_ServerViewCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionTimeoutCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionAbortCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_PublishingIntervalCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_EnabledFlag Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_SessionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SessionName Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ClientDescription Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ServerUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ActualSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_MaxResponseMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ClientConnectionTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ClientLastContactTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_TotalRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_UnauthorizedRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_WriteCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryUpdateCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CallCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CreateMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ModifyMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SetMonitoringModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SetTriggeringCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CreateSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ModifySubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SetPublishingModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_PublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_RepublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_TransferSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_AddNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_AddReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_QueryFirstCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_QueryNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_RegisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_UnregisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdOfSession Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdHistory Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_AuthenticationMechanism Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_Encoding Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_TransportProtocol Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SessionName Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientDescription Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ServerUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ActualSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_MaxResponseMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientConnectionTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientLastContactTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_TotalRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_UnauthorizedRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_WriteCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryUpdateCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CallCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CreateMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ModifyMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SetMonitoringModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SetTriggeringCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CreateSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ModifySubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SetPublishingModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_PublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_RepublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_TransferSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_AddNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_AddReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_QueryFirstCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_QueryNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_RegisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_UnregisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdOfSession Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdHistory Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_AuthenticationMechanism Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_Encoding Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_TransportProtocol Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerRedundancyType_RedundancySupport Variable. The identifier for the TransparentRedundancyType_CurrentServerId Variable. The identifier for the TransparentRedundancyType_RedundantServerArray Variable. The identifier for the NonTransparentRedundancyType_ServerUriArray Variable. The identifier for the NonTransparentNetworkRedundancyType_ServerNetworkGroups Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerRead Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerHistoryReadData Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerWrite Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerBrowse Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerNodeManagement Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Size Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Writable Variable. The identifier for the FileType_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the FileType_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the FileType_MimeType Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceVersion Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespacePublicationDate Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_IsNamespaceSubset Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_StaticNodeIdTypes Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_StaticNumericNodeIdRange Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_StaticStringNodeIdPattern Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Size Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Writable Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_DefaultRolePermissions Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_DefaultUserRolePermissions Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_DefaultAccessRestrictions Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceVersion Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespacePublicationDate Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_IsNamespaceSubset Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_StaticNodeIdTypes Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_StaticNumericNodeIdRange Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_StaticStringNodeIdPattern Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Size Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Writable Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_EventId Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_EventType Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_SourceNode Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_SourceName Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_Time Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_ReceiveTime Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_Message Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_Severity Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_ActionTimeStamp Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_Status Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_ServerId Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_ClientAuditEntryId Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_ClientUserId Variable. The identifier for the AuditSecurityEventType_StatusCodeId Variable. The identifier for the AuditChannelEventType_SecureChannelId Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_ClientCertificateThumbprint Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_RequestType Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_RequestedLifetime Variable. The identifier for the AuditSessionEventType_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType_SecureChannelId Variable. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType_ClientCertificateThumbprint Variable. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType_RevisedSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the AuditUrlMismatchEventType_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the AuditActivateSessionEventType_ClientSoftwareCertificates Variable. The identifier for the AuditActivateSessionEventType_UserIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the AuditActivateSessionEventType_SecureChannelId Variable. The identifier for the AuditCancelEventType_RequestHandle Variable. The identifier for the AuditCertificateEventType_Certificate Variable. The identifier for the AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType_InvalidHostname Variable. The identifier for the AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType_InvalidUri Variable. The identifier for the AuditAddNodesEventType_NodesToAdd Variable. The identifier for the AuditDeleteNodesEventType_NodesToDelete Variable. The identifier for the AuditAddReferencesEventType_ReferencesToAdd Variable. The identifier for the AuditDeleteReferencesEventType_ReferencesToDelete Variable. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType_AttributeId Variable. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType_IndexRange Variable. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType_OldValue Variable. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType_NewValue Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryUpdateEventType_ParameterDataTypeId Variable. The identifier for the AuditUpdateMethodEventType_MethodId Variable. The identifier for the AuditUpdateMethodEventType_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemStatusChangeEventType_SystemState Variable. The identifier for the GeneralModelChangeEventType_Changes Variable. The identifier for the SemanticChangeEventType_Changes Variable. The identifier for the ProgressEventType_Context Variable. The identifier for the ProgressEventType_Progress Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_CurrentTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_State Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_ProductUri Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_ManufacturerName Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_ProductName Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_SoftwareVersion Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_BuildNumber Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_BuildDate Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_SecondsTillShutdown Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_ShutdownReason Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_ProductUri Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_ManufacturerName Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_ProductName Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_SoftwareVersion Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_BuildNumber Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_BuildDate Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_ServerViewCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_CurrentSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_CumulatedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_SecurityRejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_RejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_SessionTimeoutCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_SessionAbortCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_PublishingIntervalCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_CurrentSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_CumulatedSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_RejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics_SamplingInterval Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics_SampledMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics_MaxSampledMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics_DisabledMonitoredItemsSamplingCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType_SamplingInterval Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType_SampledMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType_MaxSampledMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType_DisabledMonitoredItemsSamplingCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_SubscriptionId Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_Priority Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MaxKeepAliveCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MaxLifetimeCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MaxNotificationsPerPublish Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_PublishingEnabled Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_ModifyCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_EnableCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_DisableCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_RepublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_RepublishMessageRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_RepublishMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_TransferRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_TransferredToAltClientCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_TransferredToSameClientCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_PublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_DataChangeNotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_EventNotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_NotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_LatePublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_CurrentKeepAliveCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_CurrentLifetimeCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_UnacknowledgedMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_DiscardedMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MonitoredItemCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_DisabledMonitoredItemCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MonitoringQueueOverflowCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_NextSequenceNumber Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_EventQueueOverflowCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_SubscriptionId Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_Priority Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MaxKeepAliveCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MaxLifetimeCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MaxNotificationsPerPublish Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_PublishingEnabled Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_ModifyCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_EnableCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_DisableCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_RepublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_RepublishMessageRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_RepublishMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_TransferRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_TransferredToAltClientCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_TransferredToSameClientCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_PublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_DataChangeNotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_EventNotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_NotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_LatePublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_CurrentKeepAliveCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_CurrentLifetimeCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_UnacknowledgedMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_DiscardedMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MonitoredItemCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_DisabledMonitoredItemCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MonitoringQueueOverflowCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_NextSequenceNumber Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_EventQueueOverflowCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SessionName Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientDescription Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ServerUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ActualSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_MaxResponseMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientConnectionTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientLastContactTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_TotalRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_UnauthorizedRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_WriteCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryUpdateCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CallCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CreateMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ModifyMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SetMonitoringModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SetTriggeringCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CreateSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ModifySubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SetPublishingModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_PublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_RepublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_TransferSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_AddNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_AddReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_QueryFirstCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_QueryNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_RegisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_UnregisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SessionName Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ClientDescription Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ServerUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ActualSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_MaxResponseMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ClientConnectionTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ClientLastContactTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CurrentSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_TotalRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_UnauthorizedRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_HistoryReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_WriteCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_HistoryUpdateCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CallCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CreateMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ModifyMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SetMonitoringModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SetTriggeringCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_DeleteMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CreateSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ModifySubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SetPublishingModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_PublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_RepublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_TransferSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_DeleteSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_AddNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_AddReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_DeleteNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_DeleteReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_BrowseCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_BrowseNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_QueryFirstCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_QueryNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_RegisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_UnregisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdOfSession Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdHistory Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_AuthenticationMechanism Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_Encoding Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_TransportProtocol Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_ClientUserIdOfSession Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_ClientUserIdHistory Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_AuthenticationMechanism Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_Encoding Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_TransportProtocol Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the OptionSetType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the OptionSetType_BitMask Variable. The identifier for the SelectionListType_Selections Variable. The identifier for the SelectionListType_SelectionDescriptions Variable. The identifier for the SelectionListType_RestrictToList Variable. The identifier for the AudioVariableType_ListId Variable. The identifier for the AudioVariableType_AgencyId Variable. The identifier for the AudioVariableType_VersionId Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_NamespaceArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_CurrentTime Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_State Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductUri Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ManufacturerName Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductName Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_SoftwareVersion Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildNumber Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildDate Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_SecondsTillShutdown Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_ShutdownReason Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServiceLevel Variable. The identifier for the Server_Auditing Variable. The identifier for the Server_EstimatedReturnTime Variable. The identifier for the Server_LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_ServerProfileArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_LocaleIdArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MinSupportedSampleRate Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxBrowseContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxQueryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxHistoryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_SoftwareCertificates Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxArrayLength Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxStringLength Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxByteStringLength Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerRead Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerHistoryReadData Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerWrite Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerBrowse Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerNodeManagement Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_RemoveRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_ServerViewCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionTimeoutCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionAbortCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_PublishingIntervalCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_EnabledFlag Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_RedundancySupport Variable. The identifier for the Server_GetMonitoredItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_GetMonitoredItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ResendData_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_SetSubscriptionDurable_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_SetSubscriptionDurable_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_RequestServerStateChange_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_CurrentServerId Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_RedundantServerArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_ServerUriArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_ServerNetworkGroups Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_AccessHistoryDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_AccessHistoryEventsCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_MaxReturnDataValues Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_MaxReturnEventValues Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_InsertDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_ReplaceDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_UpdateDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_DeleteRawCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_DeleteAtTimeCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_InsertEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_ReplaceEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_UpdateEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_DeleteEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_InsertAnnotationCapability Variable. The identifier for the StateMachineType_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the StateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the StateMachineType_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the StateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the StateVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the StateVariableType_Name Variable. The identifier for the StateVariableType_Number Variable. The identifier for the StateVariableType_EffectiveDisplayName Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_Name Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_Number Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_EffectiveTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_AvailableStates Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_AvailableTransitions Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the FiniteTransitionVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the StateType_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the TransitionType_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_Transition Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_Transition_Id Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_FromState Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_FromState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_ToState Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_ToState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AuditUpdateStateEventType_OldStateId Variable. The identifier for the AuditUpdateStateEventType_NewStateId Variable. The identifier for the OpenFileMode_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_DeleteFileSystemObject_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Size Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Writable Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateDirectory_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateDirectory_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateFile_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateFile_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_DeleteFileSystemObject_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_MoveOrCopy_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_MoveOrCopy_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_DeleteFileSystemObject_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Size Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Writable Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateDirectory_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateDirectory_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateFile_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateFile_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_DeleteFileSystemObject_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_MoveOrCopy_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_MoveOrCopy_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_ClientProcessingTimeout Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForRead_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForRead_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForWrite_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForWrite_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_CloseAndCommit_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_CloseAndCommit_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Idle_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepare_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransfer_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWrite_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Error_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_IdleToReadPrepare_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepareToReadTransfer_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransferToIdle_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_IdleToApplyWrite_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWriteToIdle_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepareToError_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransferToError_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWriteToError_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ErrorToIdle_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_Identities Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_AddRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_AddRole_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RemoveRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_Identities Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_Applications Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the IdentityCriteriaType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataItemType_Definition Variable. The identifier for the DataItemType_ValuePrecision Variable. The identifier for the AnalogItemType_InstrumentRange Variable. The identifier for the AnalogItemType_EURange Variable. The identifier for the AnalogItemType_EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateDiscreteType_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateDiscreteType_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the MultiStateDiscreteType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the MultiStateValueDiscreteType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the MultiStateValueDiscreteType_ValueAsText Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_InstrumentRange Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_EURange Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_Title Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_AxisScaleType Variable. The identifier for the YArrayItemType_XAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the XYArrayItemType_XAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the ImageItemType_XAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the ImageItemType_YAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the CubeItemType_XAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the CubeItemType_YAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the CubeItemType_ZAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the NDimensionArrayItemType_AxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_EffectiveTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the ConditionVariableType_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionClassId Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionClassName Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionSubClassId Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionSubClassName Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionName Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_BranchId Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Retain Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_EffectiveDisplayName Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_EffectiveTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Quality Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_LastSeverity Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Comment Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ClientUserId Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Prompt Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_ResponseOptionSet Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DefaultResponse Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_OkResponse Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_CancelResponse Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_LastResponse Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Respond_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_EffectiveDisplayName Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_EffectiveTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_InputNode Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedOrShelved Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_MaxTimeShelved Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AudibleEnabled Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AudibleSound Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OnDelay Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OffDelay Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_FirstInGroupFlag Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ReAlarmTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ReAlarmRepeatCount Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_EventId Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_EventType Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SourceNode Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SourceName Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Time Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ReceiveTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Message Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Severity Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ConditionClassId Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ConditionClassName Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ConditionName Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_BranchId Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Retain Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Quality Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_LastSeverity Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Comment Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ClientUserId Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_AckedState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ActiveState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_InputNode Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SuppressedOrShelved Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_Unshelved_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelved_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelved_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelvedToTimedShelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelvedToOneShotShelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelvedToUnshelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelvedToOneShotShelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelvedToUnshelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelvedToTimedShelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_HighHighLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_HighLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_LowLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_LowLowLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_BaseHighHighLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_BaseHighLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_BaseLowLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_BaseLowLowLimit Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighHigh_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_High_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_Low_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowLow_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowLowToLow_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowToLowLow_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighHighToHigh_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighToHighHigh_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ActiveState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ActiveState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_HighHighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_HighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LowLowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_HighHighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_HighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LowLowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SetpointNode Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_BaseSetpointNode Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_HighHighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_HighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LowLowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SetpointNode Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_BaseSetpointNode Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_NormalState Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ExpirationDate Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ExpirationLimit Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_CertificateType Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Certificate Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_TargetValueNode Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ExpectedTime Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Tolerance Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionCommentEventType_ConditionEventId Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionCommentEventType_Comment Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionRespondEventType_SelectedResponse Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionAcknowledgeEventType_ConditionEventId Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionAcknowledgeEventType_Comment Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionConfirmEventType_ConditionEventId Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionConfirmEventType_Comment Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionShelvingEventType_ShelvingTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_AlarmCount Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumActiveState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumUnAck Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_CurrentAlarmRate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_CurrentAlarmRate_Rate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumAlarmRate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumAlarmRate_Rate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumReAlarmCount Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_AverageAlarmRate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_AverageAlarmRate_Rate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmRateVariableType_Rate Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_CurrentState_Number Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_LastTransition_Number Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_LastTransition_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Creatable Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Deletable Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_AutoDelete Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RecycleCount Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_InstanceCount Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_MaxInstanceCount Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_MaxRecycleCount Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_CreateSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_CreateClientName Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_InvocationCreationTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodInputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodOutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodInputValues Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodOutputValues Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodCallTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodReturnStatus Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Halted_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Ready_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Running_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Suspended_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_HaltedToReady_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ReadyToRunning_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToHalted_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToReady_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToSuspended_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToRunning_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToHalted_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToReady_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ReadyToHalted_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType_Transition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType_FromState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType_ToState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType_IntermediateResult Variable. The identifier for the AuditProgramTransitionEventType_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionAuditEventType_Transition Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionAuditEventType_Transition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_CreateSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_CreateClientName Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_InvocationCreationTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodInputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodOutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodCallTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodReturnStatus Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_CreateSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_CreateClientName Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_InvocationCreationTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodInputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodOutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodInputValues Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodOutputValues Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodCallTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodReturnStatus Variable. The identifier for the Annotations Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration_TreatUncertainAsBad Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration_PercentDataBad Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration_PercentDataGood Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration_UseSlopedExtrapolation Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_Stepped Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_Definition Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_MaxTimeInterval Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_MinTimeInterval Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_ExceptionDeviation Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_ExceptionDeviationFormat Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_StartOfArchive Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_StartOfOnlineArchive Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration_TreatUncertainAsBad Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration_PercentDataBad Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration_PercentDataGood Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration_UseSlopedExtrapolation Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_Stepped Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalEventFilter Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_AccessHistoryDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_AccessHistoryEventsCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_MaxReturnDataValues Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_MaxReturnEventValues Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_InsertDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_ReplaceDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_UpdateDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_DeleteRawCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_DeleteAtTimeCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_InsertEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_ReplaceEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_UpdateEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_DeleteEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_InsertAnnotationCapability Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_UpdatedNode Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_PerformInsertReplace Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_Filter Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_NewValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType_UpdatedNode Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType_PerformInsertReplace Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType_NewValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryDeleteEventType_UpdatedNode Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType_IsDeleteModified Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType_EndTime Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryAtTimeDeleteEventType_ReqTimes Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryAtTimeDeleteEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventDeleteEventType_EventIds Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventDeleteEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListMasks_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_ServerCapabilities Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_SupportedPrivateKeyFormats Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_MaxTrustListSize Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_MulticastDnsEnabled Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_UpdateCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_UpdateCertificate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CreateSigningRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CreateSigningRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_GetRejectedList_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType_CertificateGroup Variable. The identifier for the CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType_CertificateType Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_ServerCapabilities Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_SupportedPrivateKeyFormats Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_MaxTrustListSize Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_MulticastDnsEnabled Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_UpdateCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_UpdateCertificate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CreateSigningRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CreateSigningRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_GetRejectedList_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_ProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_GetEncryptingKey_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_GetEncryptingKey_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_UpdateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_CreateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_CreateCredential_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_ProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_GetEncryptingKey_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_GetEncryptingKey_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_UpdateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_CreateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_CreateCredential_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_ProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_EndpointUrls Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_ServiceStatus Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_GetEncryptingKey_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_GetEncryptingKey_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_UpdateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialAuditEventType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServices_ServiceName_Placeholder_ServiceUri Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServices_ServiceName_Placeholder_ServiceCertificate Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServices_ServiceName_Placeholder_IssuerEndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServiceConfigurationType_ServiceUri Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServiceConfigurationType_ServiceCertificate Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServiceConfigurationType_IssuerEndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType_TreatUncertainAsBad Variable. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType_PercentDataBad Variable. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType_PercentDataGood Variable. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType_UseSlopedExtrapolation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubState_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFieldFlags_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFieldContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the OverrideValueHandling_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the DataSetOrderingType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the UadpNetworkMessageContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetMessageContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the JsonNetworkMessageContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the JsonDataSetMessageContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the BrokerTransportQualityOfService_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityKeys_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_SecurityGroupId Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_KeyLifetime Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_MaxFutureKeyCount Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_MaxPastKeyCount Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_SecurityGroupId Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_KeyLifetime Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_MaxFutureKeyCount Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_MaxPastKeyCount Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_GetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_GetSecurityKeys_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_GetSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_GetSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_TransportProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_TransportProfileUri_Selections Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_ConnectionProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Address_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddWriterGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddWriterGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddReaderGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddReaderGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_RemoveGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_AddConnection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_AddConnection_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_RemoveConnection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEvents_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEvents_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_RemovePublishedDataSet_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddDataSetFolder_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_RemoveDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SupportedTransportProfiles Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityKeys_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_TransportProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_TransportProfileUri_Selections Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_ConnectionProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Address_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddWriterGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddWriterGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddReaderGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddReaderGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_RemoveGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_AddConnection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_AddConnection_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_RemoveConnection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEvents_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEvents_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_RemovePublishedDataSet_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddDataSetFolder_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_RemoveDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SupportedTransportProfiles Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ConfigurationVersion Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetClassId Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_ExtensionFieldName_Placeholder Variable. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_PublishedData Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_AddVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_AddVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_RemoveVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_RemoveVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_PubSubEventNotifier Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_SelectedFields Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_Filter Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ModifyFieldSelection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ModifyFieldSelection_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEvents_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEvents_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_RemovePublishedDataSet_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddDataSetFolder_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_RemoveDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ConfigurationVersion Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEvents_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEvents_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_RemovePublishedDataSet_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddDataSetFolder_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_RemoveDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_TransportProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_TransportProfileUri_Selections Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ConnectionProperties Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Address_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_MaxNetworkMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_GroupProperties Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_WriterGroupId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_KeepAliveTime Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Priority Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_HeaderLayoutUri Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_AddDataSetWriter_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_AddDataSetWriter_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_RemoveDataSetWriter_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_MaxNetworkMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_GroupProperties Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_AddDataSetReader_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_AddDataSetReader_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_RemoveDataSetReader_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddWriterGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddWriterGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddReaderGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddReaderGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_RemoveGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_SecurityGroupId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_SecurityKeyServices Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_MaxNetworkMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_GroupProperties Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_WriterGroupId Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_KeepAliveTime Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Priority Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_HeaderLayoutUri Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_AddDataSetWriter_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_AddDataSetWriter_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_RemoveDataSetWriter_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_WriterGroupId Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_KeyFrameCount Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_HeaderLayoutUri Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_DataSetReaderProperties Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_SubscribedDataSet_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_SubscribedDataSet_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_CreateTargetVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_CreateTargetVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_CreateDataSetMirror_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_CreateDataSetMirror_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_AddDataSetReader_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_AddDataSetReader_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_RemoveDataSetReader_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_KeyFrameCount Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_WriterGroupId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_KeyFrameCount Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_HeaderLayoutUri Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SecurityGroupId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SecurityKeyServices Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_DataSetReaderProperties Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SubscribedDataSet_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SubscribedDataSet_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateTargetVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateTargetVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateDataSetMirror_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateDataSetMirror_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetType_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetType_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_TargetVariables Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_AddTargetVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_AddTargetVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_RemoveTargetVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_RemoveTargetVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubStatusType_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. 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The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DiagnosticsLevel_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterClassification_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. 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The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_StatusCode Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MajorVersion Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MinorVersion Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubStatusEventType_ConnectionId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubStatusEventType_GroupId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubStatusEventType_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubTransportLimitsExceedEventType_Actual Variable. The identifier for the PubSubTransportLimitsExceedEventType_Maximum Variable. The identifier for the PubSubCommunicationFailureEventType_Error Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_GroupVersion Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_DataSetOrdering Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_NetworkMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_SamplingOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_PublishingOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType_DataSetMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType_ConfiguredSize Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType_NetworkMessageNumber Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType_DataSetOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_GroupVersion Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetOrdering Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_NetworkMessageNumber Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetClassId Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_NetworkMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_ProcessingOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_ReceiveOffset Variable. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageType_NetworkMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageType_DataSetMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageType_NetworkMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportType_DiscoveryAddress_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportType_MessageRepeatCount Variable. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportType_MessageRepeatDelay Variable. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportType_AuthenticationProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType_QueueName Variable. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType_AuthenticationProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType_RequestedDeliveryGuarantee Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_QueueName Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_MetaDataQueueName Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_AuthenticationProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_RequestedDeliveryGuarantee Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_MetaDataUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_QueueName Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_AuthenticationProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_RequestedDeliveryGuarantee Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_MetaDataQueueName Variable. The identifier for the NetworkAddressType_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlType_Url Variable. The identifier for the IdType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the NodeClass_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the PermissionType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the AccessLevelType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the AccessLevelExType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the EventNotifierType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the AccessRestrictionType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the StructureType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the ApplicationType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the MessageSecurityMode_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the UserTokenType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the SecurityTokenRequestType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the NodeAttributesMask_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the AttributeWriteMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the BrowseDirection_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the BrowseResultMask_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the FilterOperator_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the TimestampsToReturn_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the PerformUpdateType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the MonitoringMode_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the DataChangeTrigger_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the DeadbandType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the RedundancySupport_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the ServerState_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureVerbMask_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the AxisScaleEnumeration_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the ExceptionDeviationFormat_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Deprecated Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_KeyValuePair Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EndpointType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_IdentityMappingRuleType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_TrustListDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataTypeSchemaHeader Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataTypeDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_StructureDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EnumDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SimpleTypeDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UABinaryFileDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetMetaDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_FieldMetaData Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ConfigurationVersionDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedDataSetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedDataSetSourceDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedVariableDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedDataItemsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedEventsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetWriterDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetWriterTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PubSubGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_WriterGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_WriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_WriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PubSubConnectionDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_NetworkAddressDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_NetworkAddressUrlDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ReaderGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ReaderGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ReaderGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetReaderDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetReaderTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SubscribedDataSetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_TargetVariablesDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_FieldTargetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PubSubConfigurationDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DatagramConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BrokerConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RolePermissionType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataTypeDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_StructureField Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_StructureDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EnumDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Argument Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EnumValueType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EnumField Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_OptionSet Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Union Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_TimeZoneDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ApplicationDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ServerOnNetwork Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UserTokenPolicy Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EndpointDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RegisteredServer Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DiscoveryConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SignedSoftwareCertificate Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UserIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AnonymousIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UserNameIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_X509IdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_IssuedIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AddNodesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AddReferencesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DeleteNodesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DeleteReferencesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RelativePathElement Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RelativePath Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EndpointConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ContentFilterElement Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ContentFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_FilterOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ElementOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_LiteralOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AttributeOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SimpleAttributeOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_HistoryEvent Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_MonitoringFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EventFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AggregateConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_HistoryEventFieldList Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RedundantServerDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EndpointUrlListDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_NetworkGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ServerStatusDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SessionDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ServiceCounterDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_StatusResult Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ModelChangeStructureDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SemanticChangeStructureDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Range Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EUInformation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ComplexNumberType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DoubleComplexNumberType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AxisInformation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_XVType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ProgramDiagnosticDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ProgramDiagnostic2DataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Annotation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Deprecated Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_KeyValuePair Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EndpointType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_IdentityMappingRuleType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_TrustListDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataTypeSchemaHeader Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataTypeDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_StructureDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EnumDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SimpleTypeDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UABinaryFileDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetMetaDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_FieldMetaData Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ConfigurationVersionDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedDataSetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedDataSetSourceDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedVariableDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedDataItemsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedEventsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetWriterDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetWriterTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PubSubGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_WriterGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_WriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_WriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PubSubConnectionDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_NetworkAddressDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_NetworkAddressUrlDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ReaderGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ReaderGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ReaderGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetReaderDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetReaderTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SubscribedDataSetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_TargetVariablesDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_FieldTargetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PubSubConfigurationDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DatagramConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BrokerConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RolePermissionType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataTypeDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_StructureField Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_StructureDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EnumDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Argument Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EnumValueType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EnumField Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_OptionSet Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Union Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_TimeZoneDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ApplicationDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ServerOnNetwork Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UserTokenPolicy Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EndpointDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RegisteredServer Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DiscoveryConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SignedSoftwareCertificate Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UserIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AnonymousIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UserNameIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_X509IdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_IssuedIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AddNodesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AddReferencesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DeleteNodesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DeleteReferencesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RelativePathElement Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RelativePath Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EndpointConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ContentFilterElement Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ContentFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_FilterOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ElementOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_LiteralOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AttributeOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SimpleAttributeOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_HistoryEvent Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_MonitoringFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EventFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AggregateConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_HistoryEventFieldList Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RedundantServerDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EndpointUrlListDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_NetworkGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ServerStatusDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SessionDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ServiceCounterDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_StatusResult Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ModelChangeStructureDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SemanticChangeStructureDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Range Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EUInformation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ComplexNumberType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DoubleComplexNumberType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AxisInformation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_XVType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ProgramDiagnosticDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ProgramDiagnostic2DataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Annotation Variable. A class that declares constants for all VariableTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the BaseVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the BaseDataVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the PropertyType VariableType. The identifier for the DataTypeDescriptionType VariableType. The identifier for the DataTypeDictionaryType VariableType. The identifier for the ServerVendorCapabilityType VariableType. The identifier for the ServerStatusType VariableType. The identifier for the BuildInfoType VariableType. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType VariableType. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType VariableType. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType VariableType. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType VariableType. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType VariableType. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType VariableType. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType VariableType. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType VariableType. The identifier for the OptionSetType VariableType. The identifier for the SelectionListType VariableType. The identifier for the AudioVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the StateVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the FiniteStateVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the FiniteTransitionVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the DataItemType VariableType. The identifier for the AnalogItemType VariableType. The identifier for the DiscreteItemType VariableType. The identifier for the TwoStateDiscreteType VariableType. The identifier for the MultiStateDiscreteType VariableType. The identifier for the MultiStateValueDiscreteType VariableType. The identifier for the ArrayItemType VariableType. The identifier for the YArrayItemType VariableType. The identifier for the XYArrayItemType VariableType. The identifier for the ImageItemType VariableType. The identifier for the CubeItemType VariableType. The identifier for the NDimensionArrayItemType VariableType. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the ConditionVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the AlarmRateVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType VariableType. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type VariableType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType VariableType. A class that declares constants for all DataTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the BaseDataType DataType. The identifier for the Number DataType. The identifier for the Integer DataType. The identifier for the UInteger DataType. The identifier for the Enumeration DataType. The identifier for the Boolean DataType. The identifier for the SByte DataType. The identifier for the Byte DataType. The identifier for the Int16 DataType. The identifier for the UInt16 DataType. The identifier for the Int32 DataType. The identifier for the UInt32 DataType. The identifier for the Int64 DataType. The identifier for the UInt64 DataType. The identifier for the Float DataType. The identifier for the Double DataType. The identifier for the String DataType. The identifier for the DateTime DataType. The identifier for the Guid DataType. The identifier for the ByteString DataType. The identifier for the XmlElement DataType. The identifier for the NodeId DataType. The identifier for the ExpandedNodeId DataType. The identifier for the StatusCode DataType. The identifier for the QualifiedName DataType. The identifier for the LocalizedText DataType. The identifier for the Structure DataType. The identifier for the DataValue DataType. The identifier for the DiagnosticInfo DataType. The identifier for the Image DataType. The identifier for the Decimal DataType. The identifier for the NamingRuleType DataType. The identifier for the ImageBMP DataType. The identifier for the ImageGIF DataType. The identifier for the ImageJPG DataType. The identifier for the ImagePNG DataType. The identifier for the AudioDataType DataType. The identifier for the BitFieldMaskDataType DataType. The identifier for the KeyValuePair DataType. The identifier for the EndpointType DataType. The identifier for the OpenFileMode DataType. The identifier for the IdentityCriteriaType DataType. The identifier for the IdentityMappingRuleType DataType. The identifier for the TrustListMasks DataType. The identifier for the TrustListDataType DataType. The identifier for the DecimalDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeSchemaHeader DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeDescription DataType. The identifier for the StructureDescription DataType. The identifier for the EnumDescription DataType. The identifier for the SimpleTypeDescription DataType. The identifier for the UABinaryFileDataType DataType. The identifier for the PubSubState DataType. The identifier for the DataSetMetaDataType DataType. The identifier for the FieldMetaData DataType. The identifier for the DataSetFieldFlags DataType. The identifier for the ConfigurationVersionDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetSourceDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedVariableDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsDataType DataType. The identifier for the PublishedEventsDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetFieldContentMask DataType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the PubSubGroupDataType DataType. The identifier for the WriterGroupDataType DataType. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionDataType DataType. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the NetworkAddressDataType DataType. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlDataType DataType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupDataType DataType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetDataType DataType. The identifier for the TargetVariablesDataType DataType. The identifier for the FieldTargetDataType DataType. The identifier for the OverrideValueHandling DataType. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType DataType. The identifier for the PubSubConfigurationDataType DataType. The identifier for the DataSetOrderingType DataType. The identifier for the UadpNetworkMessageContentMask DataType. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetMessageContentMask DataType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the JsonNetworkMessageContentMask DataType. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetMessageContentMask DataType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType DataType. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the BrokerTransportQualityOfService DataType. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType DataType. The identifier for the DiagnosticsLevel DataType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterClassification DataType. The identifier for the IdType DataType. The identifier for the NodeClass DataType. The identifier for the PermissionType DataType. The identifier for the AccessLevelType DataType. The identifier for the AccessLevelExType DataType. The identifier for the EventNotifierType DataType. The identifier for the AccessRestrictionType DataType. The identifier for the RolePermissionType DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeDefinition DataType. The identifier for the StructureType DataType. The identifier for the StructureField DataType. The identifier for the StructureDefinition DataType. The identifier for the EnumDefinition DataType. The identifier for the Node DataType. The identifier for the InstanceNode DataType. The identifier for the TypeNode DataType. The identifier for the ObjectNode DataType. The identifier for the ObjectTypeNode DataType. The identifier for the VariableNode DataType. The identifier for the VariableTypeNode DataType. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeNode DataType. The identifier for the MethodNode DataType. The identifier for the ViewNode DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeNode DataType. The identifier for the ReferenceNode DataType. The identifier for the Argument DataType. The identifier for the EnumValueType DataType. The identifier for the EnumField DataType. The identifier for the OptionSet DataType. The identifier for the Union DataType. The identifier for the NormalizedString DataType. The identifier for the DecimalString DataType. The identifier for the DurationString DataType. The identifier for the TimeString DataType. The identifier for the DateString DataType. The identifier for the Duration DataType. The identifier for the UtcTime DataType. The identifier for the LocaleId DataType. The identifier for the TimeZoneDataType DataType. The identifier for the IntegerId DataType. The identifier for the ApplicationType DataType. The identifier for the ApplicationDescription DataType. The identifier for the RequestHeader DataType. The identifier for the ResponseHeader DataType. The identifier for the VersionTime DataType. The identifier for the ServiceFault DataType. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeRequestType DataType. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeResponseType DataType. The identifier for the FindServersRequest DataType. The identifier for the FindServersResponse DataType. The identifier for the ServerOnNetwork DataType. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkRequest DataType. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkResponse DataType. The identifier for the ApplicationInstanceCertificate DataType. The identifier for the MessageSecurityMode DataType. The identifier for the UserTokenType DataType. The identifier for the UserTokenPolicy DataType. The identifier for the EndpointDescription DataType. The identifier for the GetEndpointsRequest DataType. The identifier for the GetEndpointsResponse DataType. The identifier for the RegisteredServer DataType. The identifier for the RegisterServerRequest DataType. The identifier for the RegisterServerResponse DataType. The identifier for the DiscoveryConfiguration DataType. The identifier for the MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration DataType. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Request DataType. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Response DataType. The identifier for the SecurityTokenRequestType DataType. The identifier for the ChannelSecurityToken DataType. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelRequest DataType. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelResponse DataType. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelRequest DataType. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelResponse DataType. The identifier for the SignedSoftwareCertificate DataType. The identifier for the SessionAuthenticationToken DataType. The identifier for the SignatureData DataType. The identifier for the CreateSessionRequest DataType. The identifier for the CreateSessionResponse DataType. The identifier for the UserIdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the AnonymousIdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the UserNameIdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the X509IdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the IssuedIdentityToken DataType. The identifier for the RsaEncryptedSecret DataType. The identifier for the ActivateSessionRequest DataType. The identifier for the ActivateSessionResponse DataType. The identifier for the CloseSessionRequest DataType. The identifier for the CloseSessionResponse DataType. The identifier for the CancelRequest DataType. The identifier for the CancelResponse DataType. The identifier for the NodeAttributesMask DataType. The identifier for the NodeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the ObjectAttributes DataType. The identifier for the VariableAttributes DataType. The identifier for the MethodAttributes DataType. The identifier for the ObjectTypeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the VariableTypeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the DataTypeAttributes DataType. The identifier for the ViewAttributes DataType. The identifier for the GenericAttributeValue DataType. The identifier for the GenericAttributes DataType. The identifier for the AddNodesItem DataType. The identifier for the AddNodesResult DataType. The identifier for the AddNodesRequest DataType. The identifier for the AddNodesResponse DataType. The identifier for the AddReferencesItem DataType. The identifier for the AddReferencesRequest DataType. The identifier for the AddReferencesResponse DataType. The identifier for the DeleteNodesItem DataType. The identifier for the DeleteNodesRequest DataType. The identifier for the DeleteNodesResponse DataType. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesItem DataType. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesRequest DataType. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesResponse DataType. The identifier for the AttributeWriteMask DataType. The identifier for the BrowseDirection DataType. The identifier for the ViewDescription DataType. The identifier for the BrowseDescription DataType. The identifier for the BrowseResultMask DataType. The identifier for the ReferenceDescription DataType. The identifier for the ContinuationPoint DataType. The identifier for the BrowseResult DataType. The identifier for the BrowseRequest DataType. The identifier for the BrowseResponse DataType. The identifier for the BrowseNextRequest DataType. The identifier for the BrowseNextResponse DataType. The identifier for the RelativePathElement DataType. The identifier for the RelativePath DataType. The identifier for the BrowsePath DataType. The identifier for the BrowsePathTarget DataType. The identifier for the BrowsePathResult DataType. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest DataType. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse DataType. The identifier for the RegisterNodesRequest DataType. The identifier for the RegisterNodesResponse DataType. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesRequest DataType. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesResponse DataType. The identifier for the Counter DataType. The identifier for the NumericRange DataType. The identifier for the Time DataType. The identifier for the Date DataType. The identifier for the EndpointConfiguration DataType. The identifier for the QueryDataDescription DataType. The identifier for the NodeTypeDescription DataType. The identifier for the FilterOperator DataType. The identifier for the QueryDataSet DataType. The identifier for the NodeReference DataType. The identifier for the ContentFilterElement DataType. The identifier for the ContentFilter DataType. The identifier for the FilterOperand DataType. The identifier for the ElementOperand DataType. The identifier for the LiteralOperand DataType. The identifier for the AttributeOperand DataType. The identifier for the SimpleAttributeOperand DataType. The identifier for the ContentFilterElementResult DataType. The identifier for the ContentFilterResult DataType. The identifier for the ParsingResult DataType. The identifier for the QueryFirstRequest DataType. The identifier for the QueryFirstResponse DataType. The identifier for the QueryNextRequest DataType. The identifier for the QueryNextResponse DataType. The identifier for the TimestampsToReturn DataType. The identifier for the ReadValueId DataType. The identifier for the ReadRequest DataType. The identifier for the ReadResponse DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadValueId DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadResult DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadDetails DataType. The identifier for the ReadEventDetails DataType. The identifier for the ReadRawModifiedDetails DataType. The identifier for the ReadProcessedDetails DataType. The identifier for the ReadAtTimeDetails DataType. The identifier for the HistoryData DataType. The identifier for the ModificationInfo DataType. The identifier for the HistoryModifiedData DataType. The identifier for the HistoryEvent DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadRequest DataType. The identifier for the HistoryReadResponse DataType. The identifier for the WriteValue DataType. The identifier for the WriteRequest DataType. The identifier for the WriteResponse DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateDetails DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateType DataType. The identifier for the PerformUpdateType DataType. The identifier for the UpdateDataDetails DataType. The identifier for the UpdateStructureDataDetails DataType. The identifier for the UpdateEventDetails DataType. The identifier for the DeleteRawModifiedDetails DataType. The identifier for the DeleteAtTimeDetails DataType. The identifier for the DeleteEventDetails DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResult DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateRequest DataType. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResponse DataType. The identifier for the CallMethodRequest DataType. The identifier for the CallMethodResult DataType. The identifier for the CallRequest DataType. The identifier for the CallResponse DataType. The identifier for the MonitoringMode DataType. The identifier for the DataChangeTrigger DataType. The identifier for the DeadbandType DataType. The identifier for the MonitoringFilter DataType. The identifier for the DataChangeFilter DataType. The identifier for the EventFilter DataType. The identifier for the AggregateConfiguration DataType. The identifier for the AggregateFilter DataType. The identifier for the MonitoringFilterResult DataType. The identifier for the EventFilterResult DataType. The identifier for the AggregateFilterResult DataType. The identifier for the MonitoringParameters DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateRequest DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateResult DataType. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsRequest DataType. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsResponse DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyRequest DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyResult DataType. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest DataType. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse DataType. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeRequest DataType. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeResponse DataType. The identifier for the SetTriggeringRequest DataType. The identifier for the SetTriggeringResponse DataType. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest DataType. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse DataType. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionRequest DataType. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionResponse DataType. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionRequest DataType. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionResponse DataType. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeRequest DataType. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeResponse DataType. The identifier for the NotificationMessage DataType. The identifier for the NotificationData DataType. The identifier for the DataChangeNotification DataType. The identifier for the MonitoredItemNotification DataType. The identifier for the EventNotificationList DataType. The identifier for the EventFieldList DataType. The identifier for the HistoryEventFieldList DataType. The identifier for the StatusChangeNotification DataType. The identifier for the SubscriptionAcknowledgement DataType. The identifier for the PublishRequest DataType. The identifier for the PublishResponse DataType. The identifier for the RepublishRequest DataType. The identifier for the RepublishResponse DataType. The identifier for the TransferResult DataType. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsRequest DataType. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsResponse DataType. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest DataType. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsResponse DataType. The identifier for the BuildInfo DataType. The identifier for the RedundancySupport DataType. The identifier for the ServerState DataType. The identifier for the RedundantServerDataType DataType. The identifier for the EndpointUrlListDataType DataType. The identifier for the NetworkGroupDataType DataType. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType DataType. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType DataType. The identifier for the ServerStatusDataType DataType. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsDataType DataType. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType DataType. The identifier for the ServiceCounterDataType DataType. The identifier for the StatusResult DataType. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType DataType. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureVerbMask DataType. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureDataType DataType. The identifier for the SemanticChangeStructureDataType DataType. The identifier for the Range DataType. The identifier for the EUInformation DataType. The identifier for the AxisScaleEnumeration DataType. The identifier for the ComplexNumberType DataType. The identifier for the DoubleComplexNumberType DataType. The identifier for the AxisInformation DataType. The identifier for the XVType DataType. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticDataType DataType. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2DataType DataType. The identifier for the Annotation DataType. The identifier for the ExceptionDeviationFormat DataType. A class that declares constants for all Methods in the Model Design. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Open Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Close Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Read Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Write Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole Method. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_RemoveRole Method. The identifier for the ServerType_GetMonitoredItems Method. The identifier for the ServerType_ResendData Method. The identifier for the ServerType_SetSubscriptionDurable Method. The identifier for the ServerType_RequestServerStateChange Method. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_AddRole Method. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_RemoveRole Method. The identifier for the FileType_Open Method. The identifier for the FileType_Close Method. The identifier for the FileType_Read Method. The identifier for the FileType_Write Method. The identifier for the FileType_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileType_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_ExportNamespace Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Open Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Close Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Read Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Write Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Open Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Close Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Read Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Write Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole Method. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_RemoveRole Method. The identifier for the Server_GetMonitoredItems Method. The identifier for the Server_ResendData Method. The identifier for the Server_SetSubscriptionDurable Method. The identifier for the Server_RequestServerStateChange Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Open Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Close Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Read Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Write Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateDirectory Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateFile Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_MoveOrCopy Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Open Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Close Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Read Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Write Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateDirectory Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateFile Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. The identifier for the FileSystem_MoveOrCopy Method. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForRead Method. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForWrite Method. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_CloseAndCommit Method. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder_Reset Method. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Reset Method. The identifier for the RoleSetType_AddRole Method. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RemoveRole Method. The identifier for the RoleType_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the RoleType_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the RoleType_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveIdentity Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveApplication Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddEndpoint Method. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveEndpoint Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_Disable Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_Enable Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_AddComment Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionRefresh Method. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionRefresh2 Method. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Respond Method. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Acknowledge Method. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Confirm Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Silence Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Suppress Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Unsuppress Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_RemoveFromService Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_PlaceInService Method. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Reset Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Disable Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Enable Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_AddComment Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Acknowledge Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve Method. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_Unshelve Method. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_OneShotShelve Method. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_Reset Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Start Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Suspend Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Resume Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Halt Method. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Reset Method. The identifier for the TrustListType_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the TrustListType_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the TrustListType_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the TrustListType_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_UpdateCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_ApplyChanges Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CreateSigningRequest Method. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_GetRejectedList Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_UpdateCertificate Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_ApplyChanges Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CreateSigningRequest Method. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_GetRejectedList Method. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_CreateCredential Method. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_GetEncryptingKey Method. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_UpdateCredential Method. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_DeleteCredential Method. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityKeys Method. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SetSecurityKeys Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_AddConnection Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_RemoveConnection Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityKeys Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_AddConnection Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_RemoveConnection Method. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_AddVariables Method. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_RemoveVariables Method. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ModifyFieldSelection Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItems Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEvents Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEventsTemplate Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_RemovePublishedDataSet Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddDataSetFolder Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_RemoveDataSetFolder Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItems Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEvents Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEventsTemplate Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_RemovePublishedDataSet Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddDataSetFolder Method. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_RemoveDataSetFolder Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddWriterGroup Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddReaderGroup Method. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_RemoveGroup Method. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_AddDataSetWriter Method. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_RemoveDataSetWriter Method. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_AddDataSetReader Method. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_RemoveDataSetReader Method. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Reset Method. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateTargetVariables Method. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateDataSetMirror Method. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_AddTargetVariables Method. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_RemoveTargetVariables Method. The identifier for the PubSubStatusType_Enable Method. The identifier for the PubSubStatusType_Disable Method. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Reset Method. The old identifier for the FileDirectoryType_DeleteFileSystemObject Method. A class that declares constants for all Objects in the Model Design. The identifier for the DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_Mandatory Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_Optional Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_ExposesItsArray Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_MandatoryShared Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_OptionalPlaceholder Object. The identifier for the ModellingRule_MandatoryPlaceholder Object. The identifier for the RootFolder Object. The identifier for the ObjectsFolder Object. The identifier for the TypesFolder Object. The identifier for the ViewsFolder Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the VariableTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the DataTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the XmlSchema_TypeSystem Object. The identifier for the OPCBinarySchema_TypeSystem Object. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_ModellingRules Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary Object. The identifier for the ServerType_VendorServerInfo Object. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerRedundancy Object. The identifier for the ServerType_Namespaces Object. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_OperationLimits Object. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_ModellingRules Object. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet Object. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary Object. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile Object. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the EventTypesFolder Object. The identifier for the Server Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_ModellingRules Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary Object. The identifier for the Server_VendorServerInfo Object. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy Object. The identifier for the Server_Namespaces Object. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities Object. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the FileSystem Object. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Idle Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepare Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransfer Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWrite Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Error Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_IdleToReadPrepare Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepareToReadTransfer Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransferToIdle Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_IdleToApplyWrite Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWriteToIdle Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepareToError Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransferToError Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWriteToError Object. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ErrorToIdle Object. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin Object. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin Object. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState Object. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_FirstInGroup Object. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AlarmGroup_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_Unshelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelvedToTimedShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelvedToOneShotShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelvedToUnshelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelvedToOneShotShelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelvedToUnshelved Object. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelvedToTimedShelved Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighHigh Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_High Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_Low Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowLow Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowLowToLow Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowToLowLow Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighHighToHigh Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighToHighHigh Object. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_FinalResultData Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Halted Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Ready Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Running Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Suspended Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_HaltedToReady Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ReadyToRunning Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToHalted Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToReady Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToSuspended Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToRunning Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToHalted Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToReady Object. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ReadyToHalted Object. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration Object. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the HAConfiguration Object. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration Object. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_AggregateFunctions Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup Object. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration Object. The identifier for the AuthorizationServices Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Interpolative Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Average Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_TimeAverage Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_TimeAverage2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Total Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Total2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Minimum Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Maximum Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_MinimumActualTime Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_MaximumActualTime Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Range Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Minimum2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Maximum2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_MinimumActualTime2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_MaximumActualTime2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Range2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_AnnotationCount Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Count Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DurationInStateZero Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DurationInStateNonZero Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_NumberOfTransitions Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Start Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_End Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_Delta Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_StartBound Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_EndBound Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DeltaBounds Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DurationGood Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_DurationBad Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_PercentGood Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_PercentBad Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_WorstQuality Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_WorstQuality2 Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_StandardDeviationSample Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_StandardDeviationPopulation Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_VarianceSample Object. The identifier for the AggregateFunction_VariancePopulation Object. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups Object. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Address Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Address Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Address Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Status Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_Status Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_MessageSettings Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Status Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_SubscribedDataSet Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_MessageSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_MessageSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Status Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_TransportSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_MessageSettings Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Status Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SubscribedDataSet Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters Object. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues Object. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportType_DiscoveryAddress Object. The identifier for the KeyValuePair_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EndpointType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the IdentityMappingRuleType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TrustListDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DecimalDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeSchemaHeader_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StructureDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EnumDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SimpleTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UABinaryFileDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetMetaDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FieldMetaData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ConfigurationVersionDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetSourceDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedVariableDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PubSubGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TargetVariablesDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FieldTargetDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PubSubConfigurationDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RolePermissionType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDefinition_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StructureField_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StructureDefinition_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EnumDefinition_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Node_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the InstanceNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ObjectNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the VariableNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MethodNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ViewNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReferenceNode_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Argument_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EnumValueType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EnumField_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the OptionSet_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Union_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TimeZoneDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ApplicationDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RequestHeader_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ResponseHeader_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServiceFault_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeRequestType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeResponseType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FindServersRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FindServersResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServerOnNetwork_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UserTokenPolicy_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EndpointDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisteredServer_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Request_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Response_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ChannelSecurityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SignedSoftwareCertificate_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SignatureData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UserIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AnonymousIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UserNameIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the X509IdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the IssuedIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CancelRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CancelResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NodeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ObjectAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the VariableAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MethodAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ViewAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributeValue_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributes_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ViewDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReferenceDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RelativePathElement_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RelativePath_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowsePath_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathTarget_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EndpointConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryDataDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NodeTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryDataSet_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NodeReference_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElement_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ContentFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the FilterOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ElementOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the LiteralOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SimpleAttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElementResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ParsingResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the QueryNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadProcessedDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ReadAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModificationInfo_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryModifiedData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryEvent_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriteValue_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriteRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the WriteResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UpdateDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UpdateStructureDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the UpdateEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CallMethodRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CallMethodResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CallRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CallResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataChangeFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EventFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AggregateConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilter_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EventFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoringParameters_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NotificationMessage_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NotificationData_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DataChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemNotification_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EventNotificationList_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the HistoryEventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StatusChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionAcknowledgement_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the PublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RepublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RepublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TransferResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the BuildInfo_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the RedundantServerDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EndpointUrlListDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the NetworkGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServerStatusDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ServiceCounterDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the StatusResult_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the SemanticChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Range_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the EUInformation_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the DoubleComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the AxisInformation_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the XVType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2DataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the Annotation_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. The identifier for the KeyValuePair_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EndpointType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the IdentityMappingRuleType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TrustListDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DecimalDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeSchemaHeader_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StructureDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EnumDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SimpleTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UABinaryFileDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetMetaDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FieldMetaData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ConfigurationVersionDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetSourceDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedVariableDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PubSubGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TargetVariablesDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FieldTargetDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PubSubConfigurationDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RolePermissionType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDefinition_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StructureField_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StructureDefinition_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EnumDefinition_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Node_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the InstanceNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ObjectNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the VariableNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MethodNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ViewNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReferenceNode_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Argument_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EnumValueType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EnumField_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the OptionSet_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Union_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TimeZoneDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ApplicationDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RequestHeader_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ResponseHeader_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServiceFault_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeRequestType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeResponseType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FindServersRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FindServersResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServerOnNetwork_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UserTokenPolicy_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EndpointDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisteredServer_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Request_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Response_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ChannelSecurityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SignedSoftwareCertificate_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SignatureData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UserIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AnonymousIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UserNameIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the X509IdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the IssuedIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CancelRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CancelResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NodeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ObjectAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the VariableAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MethodAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ViewAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributeValue_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributes_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ViewDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReferenceDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RelativePathElement_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RelativePath_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowsePath_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathTarget_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EndpointConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryDataDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NodeTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryDataSet_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NodeReference_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElement_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ContentFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the FilterOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ElementOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the LiteralOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SimpleAttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElementResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ParsingResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the QueryNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadProcessedDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ReadAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModificationInfo_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryModifiedData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryEvent_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriteValue_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriteRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the WriteResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UpdateDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UpdateStructureDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the UpdateEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CallMethodRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CallMethodResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CallRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CallResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataChangeFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EventFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AggregateConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilter_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EventFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoringParameters_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NotificationMessage_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NotificationData_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DataChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemNotification_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EventNotificationList_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the HistoryEventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StatusChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionAcknowledgement_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the PublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RepublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RepublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TransferResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the BuildInfo_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the RedundantServerDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EndpointUrlListDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the NetworkGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServerStatusDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ServiceCounterDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the StatusResult_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the SemanticChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Range_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the EUInformation_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the DoubleComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the AxisInformation_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the XVType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2DataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the Annotation_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the KeyValuePair_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EndpointType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the IdentityMappingRuleType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TrustListDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DecimalDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeSchemaHeader_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StructureDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EnumDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SimpleTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UABinaryFileDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetMetaDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FieldMetaData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ConfigurationVersionDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetSourceDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedVariableDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishedEventsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PubSubGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TargetVariablesDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FieldTargetDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PubSubConfigurationDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RolePermissionType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeDefinition_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StructureField_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StructureDefinition_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EnumDefinition_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Node_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the InstanceNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ObjectNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the VariableNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MethodNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ViewNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReferenceNode_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Argument_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EnumValueType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EnumField_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the OptionSet_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Union_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TimeZoneDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ApplicationDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RequestHeader_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ResponseHeader_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServiceFault_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeRequestType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SessionlessInvokeResponseType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FindServersRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FindServersResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServerOnNetwork_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FindServersOnNetworkResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UserTokenPolicy_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EndpointDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the GetEndpointsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisteredServer_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterServerResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Request_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterServer2Response_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ChannelSecurityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the OpenSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CloseSecureChannelResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SignedSoftwareCertificate_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SignatureData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UserIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AnonymousIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UserNameIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the X509IdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the IssuedIdentityToken_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ActivateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CloseSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CancelRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CancelResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NodeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ObjectAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the VariableAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MethodAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ObjectTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the VariableTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReferenceTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataTypeAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ViewAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributeValue_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the GenericAttributes_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AddReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesItem_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesItem_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteReferencesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ViewDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReferenceDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowseNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RelativePathElement_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RelativePath_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowsePath_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathTarget_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BrowsePathResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RegisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UnregisterNodesResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EndpointConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryDataDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NodeTypeDescription_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryDataSet_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NodeReference_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElement_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ContentFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the FilterOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ElementOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the LiteralOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SimpleAttributeOperand_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterElementResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ContentFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ParsingResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryFirstResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryNextRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the QueryNextResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadValueId_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadProcessedDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ReadAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModificationInfo_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryModifiedData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryEvent_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryReadResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriteValue_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriteRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the WriteResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UpdateDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UpdateStructureDataDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the UpdateEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteRawModifiedDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteAtTimeDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteEventDetails_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CallMethodRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CallMethodResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CallRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CallResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataChangeFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EventFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AggregateConfiguration_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilter_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoringFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EventFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AggregateFilterResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoringParameters_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemCreateResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemModifyResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetMonitoringModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetTriggeringResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the CreateSubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModifySubscriptionResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SetPublishingModeResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NotificationMessage_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NotificationData_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DataChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the MonitoredItemNotification_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EventNotificationList_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the HistoryEventFieldList_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StatusChangeNotification_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionAcknowledgement_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the PublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RepublishRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RepublishResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TransferResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the TransferSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DeleteSubscriptionsResponse_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the BuildInfo_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the RedundantServerDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EndpointUrlListDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the NetworkGroupDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServerStatusDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ServiceCounterDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the StatusResult_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the SemanticChangeStructureDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Range_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the EUInformation_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the DoubleComplexNumberType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the AxisInformation_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the XVType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticDataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2DataType_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. The identifier for the Annotation_Encoding_DefaultJson Object. A class that declares constants for all ObjectTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the BaseObjectType ObjectType. The identifier for the FolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataTypeSystemType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataTypeEncodingType ObjectType. The identifier for the ModellingRuleType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType ObjectType. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType ObjectType. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType ObjectType. The identifier for the VendorServerInfoType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerRedundancyType ObjectType. The identifier for the TransparentRedundancyType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonTransparentRedundancyType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonTransparentNetworkRedundancyType ObjectType. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType ObjectType. The identifier for the FileType ObjectType. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType ObjectType. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType ObjectType. The identifier for the NamespacesType ObjectType. The identifier for the BaseEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditSecurityEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditChannelEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditSessionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditUrlMismatchEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditActivateSessionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCancelEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateExpiredEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateInvalidEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateUntrustedEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateRevokedEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditCertificateMismatchEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditNodeManagementEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditAddNodesEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditDeleteNodesEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditAddReferencesEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditDeleteReferencesEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditUpdateMethodEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the DeviceFailureEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemStatusChangeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the BaseModelChangeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the GeneralModelChangeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the SemanticChangeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the EventQueueOverflowEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProgressEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AggregateFunctionType ObjectType. The identifier for the StateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the StateType ObjectType. The identifier for the InitialStateType ObjectType. The identifier for the TransitionType ObjectType. The identifier for the TransitionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditUpdateStateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType ObjectType. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType ObjectType. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the RoleSetType ObjectType. The identifier for the RoleType ObjectType. The identifier for the RoleMappingRuleChangedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the ConditionType ObjectType. The identifier for the DialogConditionType ObjectType. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType ObjectType. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType ObjectType. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the TripAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType ObjectType. The identifier for the BaseConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProcessConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the MaintenanceConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the SystemConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the SafetyConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the HighlyManagedAlarmConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the TrainingConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the StatisticalConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the TestingConditionClassType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionEnableEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionCommentEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionRespondEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionAcknowledgeEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionConfirmEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionShelvingEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionSuppressEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionSilenceEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionResetEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditConditionOutOfServiceEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the RefreshStartEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the RefreshEndEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the RefreshRequiredEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditProgramTransitionEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryDeleteEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryAtTimeDeleteEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventDeleteEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the TrustListType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the ApplicationCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the HttpsCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the UserCredentialCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the RsaMinApplicationCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the RsaSha256ApplicationCertificateType ObjectType. The identifier for the TrustListUpdatedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialUpdatedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the KeyCredentialDeletedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the AuthorizationServiceConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType ObjectType. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType ObjectType. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType ObjectType. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType ObjectType. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType ObjectType. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType ObjectType. The identifier for the ConnectionTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the WriterGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the WriterGroupTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the WriterGroupMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the ReaderGroupMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetWriterMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the DataSetReaderMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetType ObjectType. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType ObjectType. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubStatusType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubStatusEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubTransportLimitsExceedEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the PubSubCommunicationFailureEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageType ObjectType. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType ObjectType. The identifier for the NetworkAddressType ObjectType. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlType ObjectType. A class that declares constants for all ReferenceTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the References ReferenceType. The identifier for the NonHierarchicalReferences ReferenceType. The identifier for the HierarchicalReferences ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasChild ReferenceType. The identifier for the Organizes ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEventSource ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasModellingRule ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEncoding ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasDescription ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasTypeDefinition ReferenceType. The identifier for the GeneratesEvent ReferenceType. The identifier for the AlwaysGeneratesEvent ReferenceType. The identifier for the Aggregates ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasSubtype ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasProperty ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasComponent ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasNotifier ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasOrderedComponent ReferenceType. The identifier for the FromState ReferenceType. The identifier for the ToState ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasCause ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffect ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasSubStateMachine ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasHistoricalConfiguration ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasTrueSubState ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasFalseSubState ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasAlarmSuppressionGroup ReferenceType. The identifier for the AlarmGroupMember ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasCondition ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffectDisable ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffectEnable ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffectSuppressed ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasEffectUnsuppressed ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasPubSubConnection ReferenceType. The identifier for the DataSetToWriter ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasDataSetWriter ReferenceType. The identifier for the HasDataSetReader ReferenceType. A class that declares constants for all Variables in the Model Design. The identifier for the DataTypeDescriptionType_DataTypeVersion Variable. The identifier for the DataTypeDescriptionType_DictionaryFragment Variable. The identifier for the DataTypeDictionaryType_DataTypeVersion Variable. The identifier for the DataTypeDictionaryType_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the DataTypeDictionaryType_Deprecated Variable. The identifier for the NamingRuleType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRuleType_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_Mandatory_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_Optional_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_ExposesItsArray_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_MandatoryShared_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_OptionalPlaceholder_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the ModellingRule_MandatoryPlaceholder_NamingRule Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceVersion Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespacePublicationDate Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_IsNamespaceSubset Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_StaticNodeIdTypes Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_StaticNumericNodeIdRange Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_StaticStringNodeIdPattern Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Size Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Writable Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_NamespaceFile_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_DefaultRolePermissions Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_DefaultUserRolePermissions Variable. The identifier for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata_DefaultAccessRestrictions Variable. The identifier for the NodeVersion Variable. The identifier for the ViewVersion Variable. The identifier for the Icon Variable. The identifier for the LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the AllowNulls Variable. The identifier for the ValueAsText Variable. The identifier for the MaxStringLength Variable. The identifier for the MaxCharacters Variable. The identifier for the MaxByteStringLength Variable. The identifier for the MaxArrayLength Variable. The identifier for the EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DefaultInputValues Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_NamespaceArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_UrisVersion Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_CurrentTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_State Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductUri Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ManufacturerName Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductName Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_SoftwareVersion Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildNumber Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildDate Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_SecondsTillShutdown Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerStatus_ShutdownReason Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServiceLevel Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_Auditing Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_EstimatedReturnTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_ServerProfileArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_LocaleIdArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_MinSupportedSampleRate Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_MaxBrowseContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_MaxQueryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_MaxHistoryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_SoftwareCertificates Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_RemoveRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_ServerViewCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionTimeoutCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionAbortCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_PublishingIntervalCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerDiagnostics_EnabledFlag Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ServerRedundancy_RedundancySupport Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_GetMonitoredItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_GetMonitoredItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_ResendData_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_SetSubscriptionDurable_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_SetSubscriptionDurable_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerType_RequestServerStateChange_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_ServerProfileArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_LocaleIdArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MinSupportedSampleRate Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxBrowseContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxQueryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxHistoryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_SoftwareCertificates Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxArrayLength Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxStringLength Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_MaxByteStringLength Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_VendorCapability_Placeholder Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_AddRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_AddRole_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerCapabilitiesType_RoleSet_RemoveRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_ServerViewCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionTimeoutCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionAbortCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_PublishingIntervalCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsType_EnabledFlag Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_SessionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SessionName Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ClientDescription Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ServerUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ActualSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_MaxResponseMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ClientConnectionTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ClientLastContactTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_TotalRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_UnauthorizedRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_WriteCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryUpdateCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CallCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CreateMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ModifyMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SetMonitoringModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SetTriggeringCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_CreateSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_ModifySubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_SetPublishingModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_PublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_RepublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_TransferSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_AddNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_AddReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_QueryFirstCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_QueryNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_RegisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionDiagnostics_UnregisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdOfSession Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdHistory Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_AuthenticationMechanism Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_Encoding Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_TransportProtocol Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType_ClientName_Placeholder_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SessionName Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientDescription Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ServerUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ActualSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_MaxResponseMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientConnectionTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientLastContactTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_TotalRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_UnauthorizedRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_WriteCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryUpdateCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CallCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CreateMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ModifyMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SetMonitoringModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SetTriggeringCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_CreateSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_ModifySubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_SetPublishingModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_PublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_RepublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_TransferSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_AddNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_AddReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_QueryFirstCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_QueryNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_RegisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionDiagnostics_UnregisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdOfSession Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdHistory Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_AuthenticationMechanism Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_Encoding Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_TransportProtocol Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the ServerRedundancyType_RedundancySupport Variable. The identifier for the TransparentRedundancyType_CurrentServerId Variable. The identifier for the TransparentRedundancyType_RedundantServerArray Variable. The identifier for the NonTransparentRedundancyType_ServerUriArray Variable. The identifier for the NonTransparentNetworkRedundancyType_ServerNetworkGroups Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerRead Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerHistoryReadData Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerWrite Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerBrowse Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxNodesPerNodeManagement Variable. The identifier for the OperationLimitsType_MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Size Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Writable Variable. The identifier for the FileType_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the FileType_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the FileType_MimeType Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileType_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AddressSpaceFileType_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceVersion Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespacePublicationDate Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_IsNamespaceSubset Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_StaticNodeIdTypes Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_StaticNumericNodeIdRange Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_StaticStringNodeIdPattern Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Size Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Writable Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_NamespaceFile_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_DefaultRolePermissions Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_DefaultUserRolePermissions Variable. The identifier for the NamespaceMetadataType_DefaultAccessRestrictions Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceVersion Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespacePublicationDate Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_IsNamespaceSubset Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_StaticNodeIdTypes Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_StaticNumericNodeIdRange Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_StaticStringNodeIdPattern Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Size Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Writable Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NamespacesType_NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder_NamespaceFile_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_EventId Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_EventType Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_SourceNode Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_SourceName Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_Time Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_ReceiveTime Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_Message Variable. The identifier for the BaseEventType_Severity Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_ActionTimeStamp Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_Status Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_ServerId Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_ClientAuditEntryId Variable. The identifier for the AuditEventType_ClientUserId Variable. The identifier for the AuditSecurityEventType_StatusCodeId Variable. The identifier for the AuditChannelEventType_SecureChannelId Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_ClientCertificateThumbprint Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_RequestType Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType_RequestedLifetime Variable. The identifier for the AuditSessionEventType_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType_SecureChannelId Variable. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType_ClientCertificateThumbprint Variable. The identifier for the AuditCreateSessionEventType_RevisedSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the AuditUrlMismatchEventType_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the AuditActivateSessionEventType_ClientSoftwareCertificates Variable. The identifier for the AuditActivateSessionEventType_UserIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the AuditActivateSessionEventType_SecureChannelId Variable. The identifier for the AuditCancelEventType_RequestHandle Variable. The identifier for the AuditCertificateEventType_Certificate Variable. The identifier for the AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType_InvalidHostname Variable. The identifier for the AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType_InvalidUri Variable. The identifier for the AuditAddNodesEventType_NodesToAdd Variable. The identifier for the AuditDeleteNodesEventType_NodesToDelete Variable. The identifier for the AuditAddReferencesEventType_ReferencesToAdd Variable. The identifier for the AuditDeleteReferencesEventType_ReferencesToDelete Variable. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType_AttributeId Variable. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType_IndexRange Variable. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType_OldValue Variable. The identifier for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType_NewValue Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryUpdateEventType_ParameterDataTypeId Variable. The identifier for the AuditUpdateMethodEventType_MethodId Variable. The identifier for the AuditUpdateMethodEventType_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemStatusChangeEventType_SystemState Variable. The identifier for the GeneralModelChangeEventType_Changes Variable. The identifier for the SemanticChangeEventType_Changes Variable. The identifier for the ProgressEventType_Context Variable. The identifier for the ProgressEventType_Progress Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_CurrentTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_State Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_ProductUri Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_ManufacturerName Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_ProductName Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_SoftwareVersion Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_BuildNumber Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_BuildInfo_BuildDate Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_SecondsTillShutdown Variable. The identifier for the ServerStatusType_ShutdownReason Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_ProductUri Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_ManufacturerName Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_ProductName Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_SoftwareVersion Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_BuildNumber Variable. The identifier for the BuildInfoType_BuildDate Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_ServerViewCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_CurrentSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_CumulatedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_SecurityRejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_RejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_SessionTimeoutCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_SessionAbortCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_PublishingIntervalCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_CurrentSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_CumulatedSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType_RejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics_SamplingInterval Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics_SampledMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics_MaxSampledMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType_SamplingIntervalDiagnostics_DisabledMonitoredItemsSamplingCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType_SamplingInterval Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType_SampledMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType_MaxSampledMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType_DisabledMonitoredItemsSamplingCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_SubscriptionId Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_Priority Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MaxKeepAliveCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MaxLifetimeCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MaxNotificationsPerPublish Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_PublishingEnabled Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_ModifyCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_EnableCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_DisableCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_RepublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_RepublishMessageRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_RepublishMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_TransferRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_TransferredToAltClientCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_TransferredToSameClientCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_PublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_DataChangeNotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_EventNotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_NotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_LatePublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_CurrentKeepAliveCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_CurrentLifetimeCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_UnacknowledgedMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_DiscardedMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MonitoredItemCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_DisabledMonitoredItemCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_MonitoringQueueOverflowCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_NextSequenceNumber Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType_SubscriptionDiagnostics_EventQueueOverflowCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_SubscriptionId Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_Priority Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MaxKeepAliveCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MaxLifetimeCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MaxNotificationsPerPublish Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_PublishingEnabled Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_ModifyCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_EnableCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_DisableCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_RepublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_RepublishMessageRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_RepublishMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_TransferRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_TransferredToAltClientCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_TransferredToSameClientCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_PublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_DataChangeNotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_EventNotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_NotificationsCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_LatePublishRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_CurrentKeepAliveCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_CurrentLifetimeCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_UnacknowledgedMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_DiscardedMessageCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MonitoredItemCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_DisabledMonitoredItemCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_MonitoringQueueOverflowCount Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_NextSequenceNumber Variable. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType_EventQueueOverflowCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SessionName Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientDescription Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ServerUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ActualSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_MaxResponseMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientConnectionTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ClientLastContactTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_TotalRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_UnauthorizedRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_WriteCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_HistoryUpdateCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CallCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CreateMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ModifyMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SetMonitoringModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SetTriggeringCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_CreateSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_ModifySubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_SetPublishingModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_PublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_RepublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_TransferSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_AddNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_AddReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_DeleteReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_BrowseNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_QueryFirstCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_QueryNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_RegisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionDiagnostics_UnregisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SessionName Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ClientDescription Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ServerUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_EndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ActualSessionTimeout Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_MaxResponseMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ClientConnectionTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ClientLastContactTime Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CurrentSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CurrentMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_TotalRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_UnauthorizedRequestCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_HistoryReadCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_WriteCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_HistoryUpdateCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CallCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CreateMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ModifyMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SetMonitoringModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SetTriggeringCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_DeleteMonitoredItemsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_CreateSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_ModifySubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_SetPublishingModeCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_PublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_RepublishCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_TransferSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_DeleteSubscriptionsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_AddNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_AddReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_DeleteNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_DeleteReferencesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_BrowseCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_BrowseNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_QueryFirstCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_QueryNextCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_RegisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType_UnregisterNodesCount Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdOfSession Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientUserIdHistory Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_AuthenticationMechanism Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_Encoding Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_TransportProtocol Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType_SessionSecurityDiagnostics_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_SessionId Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_ClientUserIdOfSession Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_ClientUserIdHistory Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_AuthenticationMechanism Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_Encoding Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_TransportProtocol Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType_ClientCertificate Variable. The identifier for the OptionSetType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the OptionSetType_BitMask Variable. The identifier for the SelectionListType_Selections Variable. The identifier for the SelectionListType_SelectionDescriptions Variable. The identifier for the SelectionListType_RestrictToList Variable. The identifier for the AudioVariableType_ListId Variable. The identifier for the AudioVariableType_AgencyId Variable. The identifier for the AudioVariableType_VersionId Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_NamespaceArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_CurrentTime Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_State Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductUri Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ManufacturerName Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_ProductName Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_SoftwareVersion Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildNumber Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_BuildInfo_BuildDate Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_SecondsTillShutdown Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerStatus_ShutdownReason Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServiceLevel Variable. The identifier for the Server_Auditing Variable. The identifier for the Server_EstimatedReturnTime Variable. The identifier for the Server_LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_ServerProfileArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_LocaleIdArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MinSupportedSampleRate Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxBrowseContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxQueryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxHistoryContinuationPoints Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_SoftwareCertificates Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxArrayLength Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxStringLength Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_MaxByteStringLength Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerRead Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerHistoryReadData Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerWrite Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerBrowse Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxNodesPerNodeManagement Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_OperationLimits_MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_AddRole_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerCapabilities_RoleSet_RemoveRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_ServerViewCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedSessionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionTimeoutCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SessionAbortCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_PublishingIntervalCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CurrentSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_CumulatedSubscriptionCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_SecurityRejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_ServerDiagnosticsSummary_RejectedRequestsCount Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_SessionsDiagnosticsSummary_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerDiagnostics_EnabledFlag Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_RedundancySupport Variable. The identifier for the Server_GetMonitoredItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_GetMonitoredItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ResendData_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_SetSubscriptionDurable_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_SetSubscriptionDurable_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_RequestServerStateChange_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_CurrentServerId Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_RedundantServerArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_ServerUriArray Variable. The identifier for the Server_ServerRedundancy_ServerNetworkGroups Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_AccessHistoryDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_AccessHistoryEventsCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_MaxReturnDataValues Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_MaxReturnEventValues Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_InsertDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_ReplaceDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_UpdateDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_DeleteRawCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_DeleteAtTimeCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_InsertEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_ReplaceEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_UpdateEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_DeleteEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilities_InsertAnnotationCapability Variable. The identifier for the StateMachineType_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the StateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the StateMachineType_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the StateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the StateVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the StateVariableType_Name Variable. The identifier for the StateVariableType_Number Variable. The identifier for the StateVariableType_EffectiveDisplayName Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_Name Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_Number Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType_EffectiveTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_AvailableStates Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateMachineType_AvailableTransitions Variable. The identifier for the FiniteStateVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the FiniteTransitionVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the StateType_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the TransitionType_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_Transition Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_Transition_Id Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_FromState Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_FromState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_ToState Variable. The identifier for the TransitionEventType_ToState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AuditUpdateStateEventType_OldStateId Variable. The identifier for the AuditUpdateStateEventType_NewStateId Variable. The identifier for the OpenFileMode_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_DeleteFileSystemObject_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Size Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Writable Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_FileName_Placeholder_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateDirectory_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateDirectory_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateFile_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_CreateFile_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_DeleteFileSystemObject_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_MoveOrCopy_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileDirectoryType_MoveOrCopy_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateDirectory_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_CreateFile_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_DeleteFileSystemObject_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileDirectoryName_Placeholder_MoveOrCopy_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Size Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Writable Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_FileName_Placeholder_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateDirectory_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateDirectory_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateFile_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_CreateFile_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_DeleteFileSystemObject_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_MoveOrCopy_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the FileSystem_MoveOrCopy_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_ClientProcessingTimeout Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForRead_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForRead_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForWrite_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_GenerateFileForWrite_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_CloseAndCommit_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_CloseAndCommit_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TemporaryFileTransferType_TransferState_Placeholder_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Idle_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepare_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransfer_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWrite_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_Error_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_IdleToReadPrepare_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepareToReadTransfer_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransferToIdle_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_IdleToApplyWrite_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWriteToIdle_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadPrepareToError_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ReadTransferToError_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ApplyWriteToError_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the FileTransferStateMachineType_ErrorToIdle_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_Identities Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RoleName_Placeholder_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_AddRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_AddRole_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleSetType_RemoveRole_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_Identities Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_Applications Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the RoleType_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the IdentityCriteriaType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Observer_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Operator_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Engineer_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_Identities Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_Applications Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_ApplicationsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_Endpoints Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_EndpointsExclude Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveIdentity_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_AddEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin_RemoveEndpoint_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataItemType_Definition Variable. The identifier for the DataItemType_ValuePrecision Variable. The identifier for the AnalogItemType_InstrumentRange Variable. The identifier for the AnalogItemType_EURange Variable. The identifier for the AnalogItemType_EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateDiscreteType_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateDiscreteType_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the MultiStateDiscreteType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the MultiStateValueDiscreteType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the MultiStateValueDiscreteType_ValueAsText Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_InstrumentRange Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_EURange Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_Title Variable. The identifier for the ArrayItemType_AxisScaleType Variable. The identifier for the YArrayItemType_XAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the XYArrayItemType_XAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the ImageItemType_XAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the ImageItemType_YAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the CubeItemType_XAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the CubeItemType_YAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the CubeItemType_ZAxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the NDimensionArrayItemType_AxisDefinition Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_Id Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_EffectiveTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the ConditionVariableType_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionClassId Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionClassName Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionSubClassId Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionSubClassName Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionName Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_BranchId Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Retain Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_EffectiveDisplayName Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_EffectiveTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_EnabledState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Quality Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_LastSeverity Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Comment Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ClientUserId Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ConditionType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DialogState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Prompt Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_ResponseOptionSet Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_DefaultResponse Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_OkResponse Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_CancelResponse Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_LastResponse Variable. The identifier for the DialogConditionType_Respond_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_AckedState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_ConfirmedState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AcknowledgeableConditionType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_EffectiveDisplayName Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_EffectiveTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ActiveState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_InputNode Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OutOfServiceState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SuppressedOrShelved Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_MaxTimeShelved Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AudibleEnabled Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_AudibleSound Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_SilenceState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OnDelay Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_OffDelay Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_FirstInGroupFlag Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_LatchedState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ReAlarmTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmConditionType_ReAlarmRepeatCount Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_EventId Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_EventType Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SourceNode Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SourceName Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Time Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ReceiveTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_LocalTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Message Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Severity Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ConditionClassId Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ConditionClassName Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ConditionName Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_BranchId Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Retain Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_EnabledState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Quality Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_LastSeverity Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Comment Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ClientUserId Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_AckedState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ActiveState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_InputNode Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SuppressedOrShelved Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the AlarmGroupType_AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_Unshelved_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelved_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelved_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelvedToTimedShelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_UnshelvedToOneShotShelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelvedToUnshelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelvedToOneShotShelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelvedToUnshelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_OneShotShelvedToTimedShelved_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ShelvedStateMachineType_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_HighHighLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_HighLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_LowLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_LowLowLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_BaseHighHighLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_BaseHighLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_BaseLowLimit Variable. The identifier for the LimitAlarmType_BaseLowLowLimit Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighHigh_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_High_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_Low_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowLow_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowLowToLow_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_LowToLowLow_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighHighToHigh_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType_HighToHighHigh_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ActiveState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ActiveState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighHighState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_HighState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState_TrueState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType_LowLowState_FalseState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_HighHighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_HighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LowLowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_HighHighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_HighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LowLowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SetpointNode Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_BaseSetpointNode Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_HighHighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_HighState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LowLowState_Id Variable. The identifier for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_SetpointNode Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType_BaseSetpointNode Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LimitState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_LimitState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType_EngineeringUnits Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscreteAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the OffNormalAlarmType_NormalState Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the TripAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ExpirationDate Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_ExpirationLimit Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_CertificateType Variable. The identifier for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType_Certificate Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_EnabledState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Quality_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_LastSeverity_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Comment_SourceTimestamp Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_AddComment_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ConditionRefresh_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ConditionRefresh2_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_AckedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ConfirmedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Acknowledge_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Confirm_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ActiveState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_SuppressedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_OutOfServiceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_UnshelveTime Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ShelvingState_TimedShelve_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_SilenceState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_LatchedState_Id Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_TargetValueNode Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_ExpectedTime Variable. The identifier for the DiscrepancyAlarmType_Tolerance Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionCommentEventType_ConditionEventId Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionCommentEventType_Comment Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionRespondEventType_SelectedResponse Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionAcknowledgeEventType_ConditionEventId Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionAcknowledgeEventType_Comment Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionConfirmEventType_ConditionEventId Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionConfirmEventType_Comment Variable. The identifier for the AuditConditionShelvingEventType_ShelvingTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_AlarmCount Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumActiveState Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumUnAck Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_CurrentAlarmRate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_CurrentAlarmRate_Rate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumAlarmRate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumAlarmRate_Rate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_MaximumReAlarmCount Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_AverageAlarmRate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmMetricsType_AverageAlarmRate_Rate Variable. The identifier for the AlarmRateVariableType_Rate Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_CurrentState Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_CurrentState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_CurrentState_Number Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_LastTransition Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_LastTransition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_LastTransition_Number Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_LastTransition_TransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Creatable Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Deletable Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_AutoDelete Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RecycleCount Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_InstanceCount Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_MaxInstanceCount Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_MaxRecycleCount Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_CreateSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_CreateClientName Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_InvocationCreationTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodInputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodOutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodInputValues Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodOutputValues Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodCallTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ProgramDiagnostics_LastMethodReturnStatus Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Halted_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Ready_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Running_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_Suspended_StateNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_HaltedToReady_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ReadyToRunning_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToHalted_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToReady_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_RunningToSuspended_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToRunning_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToHalted_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_SuspendedToReady_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramStateMachineType_ReadyToHalted_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType_Transition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType_FromState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType_ToState_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionEventType_IntermediateResult Variable. The identifier for the AuditProgramTransitionEventType_TransitionNumber Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionAuditEventType_Transition Variable. The identifier for the ProgramTransitionAuditEventType_Transition_Id Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_CreateSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_CreateClientName Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_InvocationCreationTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodInputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodOutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodCallTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType_LastMethodReturnStatus Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_CreateSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_CreateClientName Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_InvocationCreationTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastTransitionTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodCall Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodSessionId Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodInputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodOutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodInputValues Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodOutputValues Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodCallTime Variable. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type_LastMethodReturnStatus Variable. The identifier for the Annotations Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration_TreatUncertainAsBad Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration_PercentDataBad Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration_PercentDataGood Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_AggregateConfiguration_UseSlopedExtrapolation Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_Stepped Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_Definition Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_MaxTimeInterval Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_MinTimeInterval Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_ExceptionDeviation Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_ExceptionDeviationFormat Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_StartOfArchive Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType_StartOfOnlineArchive Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration_TreatUncertainAsBad Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration_PercentDataBad Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration_PercentDataGood Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_AggregateConfiguration_UseSlopedExtrapolation Variable. The identifier for the HAConfiguration_Stepped Variable. The identifier for the HistoricalEventFilter Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_AccessHistoryDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_AccessHistoryEventsCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_MaxReturnDataValues Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_MaxReturnEventValues Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_InsertDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_ReplaceDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_UpdateDataCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_DeleteRawCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_DeleteAtTimeCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_InsertEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_ReplaceEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_UpdateEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_DeleteEventCapability Variable. The identifier for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType_InsertAnnotationCapability Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_UpdatedNode Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_PerformInsertReplace Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_Filter Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_NewValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType_UpdatedNode Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType_PerformInsertReplace Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType_NewValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryDeleteEventType_UpdatedNode Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType_IsDeleteModified Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType_StartTime Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType_EndTime Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryAtTimeDeleteEventType_ReqTimes Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryAtTimeDeleteEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventDeleteEventType_EventIds Variable. The identifier for the AuditHistoryEventDeleteEventType_OldValues Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListType_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TrustListMasks_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupType_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateGroupFolderType_AdditionalGroup_Placeholder_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_ServerCapabilities Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_SupportedPrivateKeyFormats Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_MaxTrustListSize Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_MulticastDnsEnabled Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_UpdateCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_UpdateCertificate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CreateSigningRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_CreateSigningRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfigurationType_GetRejectedList_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType_CertificateGroup Variable. The identifier for the CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType_CertificateType Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_ServerCapabilities Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_SupportedPrivateKeyFormats Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_MaxTrustListSize Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_MulticastDnsEnabled Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_UpdateCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_UpdateCertificate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CreateSigningRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_CreateSigningRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ServerConfiguration_GetRejectedList_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_ProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_GetEncryptingKey_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_GetEncryptingKey_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_ServiceName_Placeholder_UpdateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_CreateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType_CreateCredential_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_ProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_GetEncryptingKey_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_GetEncryptingKey_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_ServiceName_Placeholder_UpdateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_CreateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfiguration_CreateCredential_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_ProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_EndpointUrls Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_ServiceStatus Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_GetEncryptingKey_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_GetEncryptingKey_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType_UpdateCredential_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the KeyCredentialAuditEventType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServices_ServiceName_Placeholder_ServiceUri Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServices_ServiceName_Placeholder_ServiceCertificate Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServices_ServiceName_Placeholder_IssuerEndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServiceConfigurationType_ServiceUri Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServiceConfigurationType_ServiceCertificate Variable. The identifier for the AuthorizationServiceConfigurationType_IssuerEndpointUrl Variable. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType_TreatUncertainAsBad Variable. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType_PercentDataBad Variable. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType_PercentDataGood Variable. The identifier for the AggregateConfigurationType_UseSlopedExtrapolation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubState_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFieldFlags_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFieldContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the OverrideValueHandling_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the DataSetOrderingType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the UadpNetworkMessageContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetMessageContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the JsonNetworkMessageContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the JsonDataSetMessageContentMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the BrokerTransportQualityOfService_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityKeys_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_GetSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubKeyServiceType_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_SecurityGroupId Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_KeyLifetime Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_MaxFutureKeyCount Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_SecurityGroupName_Placeholder_MaxPastKeyCount Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupFolderType_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_SecurityGroupId Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_KeyLifetime Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_SecurityPolicyUri Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_MaxFutureKeyCount Variable. The identifier for the SecurityGroupType_MaxPastKeyCount Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_GetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_GetSecurityKeys_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_GetSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_GetSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_TransportProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_TransportProfileUri_Selections Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_ConnectionProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Address_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddWriterGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddWriterGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddReaderGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddReaderGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_ConnectionName_Placeholder_RemoveGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_AddConnection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_AddConnection_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_RemoveConnection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEvents_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEvents_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_RemovePublishedDataSet_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_AddDataSetFolder_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_PublishedDataSets_RemoveDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribeType_SupportedTransportProfiles Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityKeys_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_GetSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_AddSecurityGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SecurityGroups_RemoveSecurityGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_TransportProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_TransportProfileUri_Selections Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_ConnectionProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Address_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddWriterGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddWriterGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddReaderGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_AddReaderGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_ConnectionName_Placeholder_RemoveGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SetSecurityKeys_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_AddConnection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_AddConnection_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_RemoveConnection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEvents_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEvents_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_RemovePublishedDataSet_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_AddDataSetFolder_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_PublishedDataSets_RemoveDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishSubscribe_SupportedTransportProfiles Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ConfigurationVersion Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_DataSetClassId Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataSetType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_ExtensionFieldName_Placeholder Variable. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ExtensionFieldsType_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_PublishedData Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_AddVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_AddVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_RemoveVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedDataItemsType_RemoveVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_PubSubEventNotifier Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_SelectedFields Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_Filter Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ModifyFieldSelection_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PublishedEventsType_ModifyFieldSelection_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEvents_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEvents_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_RemovePublishedDataSet_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_AddDataSetFolder_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_DataSetFolderName_Placeholder_RemoveDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ConfigurationVersion Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_AddExtensionField_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder_ExtensionFields_RemoveExtensionField_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItems_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItems_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEvents_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEvents_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddPublishedEventsTemplate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_RemovePublishedDataSet_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_AddDataSetFolder_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetFolderType_RemoveDataSetFolder_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_TransportProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_TransportProfileUri_Selections Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ConnectionProperties Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Address_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_MaxNetworkMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_GroupProperties Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_WriterGroupId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_KeepAliveTime Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Priority Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_HeaderLayoutUri Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_AddDataSetWriter_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_AddDataSetWriter_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_WriterGroupName_Placeholder_RemoveDataSetWriter_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_MaxNetworkMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_GroupProperties Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_AddDataSetReader_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_AddDataSetReader_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_ReaderGroupName_Placeholder_RemoveDataSetReader_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddWriterGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddWriterGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddReaderGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_AddReaderGroup_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubConnectionType_RemoveGroup_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_SecurityGroupId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_SecurityKeyServices Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_MaxNetworkMessageSize Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_GroupProperties Variable. The identifier for the PubSubGroupType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_WriterGroupId Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_KeepAliveTime Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Priority Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_LocaleIds Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_HeaderLayoutUri Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. 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The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_DataSetWriterName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedTransmissions_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_EncryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_AddDataSetWriter_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_AddDataSetWriter_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the WriterGroupType_RemoveDataSetWriter_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_WriterGroupId Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_KeyFrameCount Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_HeaderLayoutUri Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_DataSetReaderProperties Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_Diagnostics_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_SubscribedDataSet_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_SubscribedDataSet_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_CreateTargetVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_CreateTargetVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_CreateDataSetMirror_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_DataSetReaderName_Placeholder_CreateDataSetMirror_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_AddDataSetReader_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_AddDataSetReader_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the ReaderGroupType_RemoveDataSetReader_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_KeyFrameCount Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_DataSetWriterProperties Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetWriterType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_PublisherId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_WriterGroupId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_DataSetWriterId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_DataSetFieldContentMask Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_KeyFrameCount Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_HeaderLayoutUri Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SecurityMode Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SecurityGroupId Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SecurityKeyServices Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_DataSetReaderProperties Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Status_State Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_SubError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_Diagnostics_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SubscribedDataSet_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_SubscribedDataSet_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateTargetVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateTargetVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateDataSetMirror_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DataSetReaderType_CreateDataSetMirror_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetType_DataSetMetaData Variable. The identifier for the SubscribedDataSetType_MessageReceiveTimeout Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_TargetVariables Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_AddTargetVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_AddTargetVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_RemoveTargetVariables_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the TargetVariablesType_RemoveTargetVariables_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the PubSubStatusType_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_SubError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. 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The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the DiagnosticsLevel_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterClassification_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType_LiveValues_ResolvedAddress_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_SentNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_SentNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_FailedTransmissions Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_FailedTransmissions_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_FailedTransmissions_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_FailedTransmissions_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_EncryptionErrors Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_EncryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_EncryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_Counters_EncryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetWriters_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StatePausedByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_ReceivedInvalidNetworkMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_DecryptionErrors Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_LiveValues_ConfiguredDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType_LiveValues_OperationalDataSetReaders_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalByParent_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateOperationalFromError_Classification Variable. 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The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_StateDisabledByMethod_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues_StatusCode Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues_MajorVersion Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues_MinorVersion Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_TotalInformation_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_TotalInformation_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_TotalInformation_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_TotalInformation_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_TotalError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_TotalError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_TotalError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_TotalError_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_StateError Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_StateError_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_StateError_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_StateError_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. 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The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_FailedDataSetMessages_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_DecryptionErrors Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Active Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_DecryptionErrors_Classification Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_DecryptionErrors_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_Counters_DecryptionErrors_TimeFirstChange Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MessageSequenceNumber_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_StatusCode Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_StatusCode_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MajorVersion Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MajorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MinorVersion Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_MinorVersion_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_SecurityTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID Variable. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType_LiveValues_TimeToNextTokenID_DiagnosticsLevel Variable. The identifier for the PubSubStatusEventType_ConnectionId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubStatusEventType_GroupId Variable. The identifier for the PubSubStatusEventType_State Variable. The identifier for the PubSubTransportLimitsExceedEventType_Actual Variable. The identifier for the PubSubTransportLimitsExceedEventType_Maximum Variable. The identifier for the PubSubCommunicationFailureEventType_Error Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_GroupVersion Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_DataSetOrdering Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_NetworkMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_SamplingOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType_PublishingOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType_DataSetMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType_ConfiguredSize Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType_NetworkMessageNumber Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType_DataSetOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_GroupVersion Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetOrdering Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_NetworkMessageNumber Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetClassId Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_NetworkMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_PublishingInterval Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_ProcessingOffset Variable. The identifier for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType_ReceiveOffset Variable. The identifier for the JsonWriterGroupMessageType_NetworkMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageType_DataSetMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageType_NetworkMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageType_DataSetMessageContentMask Variable. The identifier for the DatagramConnectionTransportType_DiscoveryAddress_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportType_MessageRepeatCount Variable. The identifier for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportType_MessageRepeatDelay Variable. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerConnectionTransportType_AuthenticationProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType_QueueName Variable. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType_AuthenticationProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType_RequestedDeliveryGuarantee Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_QueueName Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_MetaDataQueueName Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_AuthenticationProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_RequestedDeliveryGuarantee Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType_MetaDataUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_QueueName Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_ResourceUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_AuthenticationProfileUri Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_RequestedDeliveryGuarantee Variable. The identifier for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType_MetaDataQueueName Variable. The identifier for the NetworkAddressType_NetworkInterface Variable. The identifier for the NetworkAddressUrlType_Url Variable. The identifier for the IdType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the NodeClass_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the PermissionType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the AccessLevelType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the AccessLevelExType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the EventNotifierType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the AccessRestrictionType_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the StructureType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the ApplicationType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the MessageSecurityMode_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the UserTokenType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the SecurityTokenRequestType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the NodeAttributesMask_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the AttributeWriteMask_OptionSetValues Variable. The identifier for the BrowseDirection_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the BrowseResultMask_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the FilterOperator_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the TimestampsToReturn_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the HistoryUpdateType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the PerformUpdateType_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the MonitoringMode_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the DataChangeTrigger_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the DeadbandType_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the RedundancySupport_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the ServerState_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the ModelChangeStructureVerbMask_EnumValues Variable. The identifier for the AxisScaleEnumeration_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the ExceptionDeviationFormat_EnumStrings Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Deprecated Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_KeyValuePair Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EndpointType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_IdentityMappingRuleType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_TrustListDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataTypeSchemaHeader Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataTypeDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_StructureDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EnumDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SimpleTypeDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UABinaryFileDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetMetaDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_FieldMetaData Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ConfigurationVersionDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedDataSetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedDataSetSourceDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedVariableDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedDataItemsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PublishedEventsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetWriterDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetWriterTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PubSubGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_WriterGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_WriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_WriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PubSubConnectionDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_NetworkAddressDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_NetworkAddressUrlDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ReaderGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ReaderGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ReaderGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetReaderDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetReaderTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SubscribedDataSetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_TargetVariablesDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_FieldTargetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_PubSubConfigurationDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DatagramConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BrokerConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RolePermissionType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DataTypeDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_StructureField Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_StructureDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EnumDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Argument Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EnumValueType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EnumField Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_OptionSet Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Union Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_TimeZoneDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ApplicationDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ServerOnNetwork Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UserTokenPolicy Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EndpointDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RegisteredServer Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DiscoveryConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SignedSoftwareCertificate Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UserIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AnonymousIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_UserNameIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_X509IdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_IssuedIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AddNodesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AddReferencesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DeleteNodesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DeleteReferencesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RelativePathElement Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RelativePath Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EndpointConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ContentFilterElement Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ContentFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_FilterOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ElementOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_LiteralOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AttributeOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SimpleAttributeOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_HistoryEvent Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_MonitoringFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EventFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AggregateConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_HistoryEventFieldList Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_RedundantServerDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EndpointUrlListDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_NetworkGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ServerStatusDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SessionDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ServiceCounterDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_StatusResult Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ModelChangeStructureDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_SemanticChangeStructureDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Range Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_EUInformation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ComplexNumberType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_DoubleComplexNumberType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_AxisInformation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_XVType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ProgramDiagnosticDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_ProgramDiagnostic2DataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_BinarySchema_Annotation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Deprecated Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_KeyValuePair Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EndpointType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_IdentityMappingRuleType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_TrustListDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataTypeSchemaHeader Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataTypeDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_StructureDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EnumDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SimpleTypeDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UABinaryFileDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetMetaDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_FieldMetaData Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ConfigurationVersionDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedDataSetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedDataSetSourceDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedVariableDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedDataItemsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PublishedEventsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetWriterDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetWriterTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PubSubGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_WriterGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_WriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_WriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PubSubConnectionDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_NetworkAddressDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_NetworkAddressUrlDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ReaderGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ReaderGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ReaderGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetReaderDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetReaderTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SubscribedDataSetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_TargetVariablesDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_FieldTargetDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_PubSubConfigurationDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DatagramConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BrokerConnectionTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RolePermissionType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DataTypeDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_StructureField Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_StructureDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EnumDefinition Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Argument Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EnumValueType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EnumField Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_OptionSet Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Union Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_TimeZoneDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ApplicationDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ServerOnNetwork Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UserTokenPolicy Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EndpointDescription Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RegisteredServer Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DiscoveryConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SignedSoftwareCertificate Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UserIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AnonymousIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_UserNameIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_X509IdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_IssuedIdentityToken Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AddNodesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AddReferencesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DeleteNodesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DeleteReferencesItem Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RelativePathElement Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RelativePath Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EndpointConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ContentFilterElement Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ContentFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_FilterOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ElementOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_LiteralOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AttributeOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SimpleAttributeOperand Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_HistoryEvent Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_MonitoringFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EventFilter Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AggregateConfiguration Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_HistoryEventFieldList Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_BuildInfo Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_RedundantServerDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EndpointUrlListDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_NetworkGroupDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ServerStatusDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SessionDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ServiceCounterDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_StatusResult Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ModelChangeStructureDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_SemanticChangeStructureDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Range Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_EUInformation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ComplexNumberType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_DoubleComplexNumberType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_AxisInformation Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_XVType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ProgramDiagnosticDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_ProgramDiagnostic2DataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUa_XmlSchema_Annotation Variable. A class that declares constants for all VariableTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the BaseVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the BaseDataVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the PropertyType VariableType. The identifier for the DataTypeDescriptionType VariableType. The identifier for the DataTypeDictionaryType VariableType. The identifier for the ServerVendorCapabilityType VariableType. The identifier for the ServerStatusType VariableType. The identifier for the BuildInfoType VariableType. The identifier for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType VariableType. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType VariableType. The identifier for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType VariableType. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType VariableType. The identifier for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType VariableType. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType VariableType. The identifier for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType VariableType. The identifier for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType VariableType. The identifier for the OptionSetType VariableType. The identifier for the SelectionListType VariableType. The identifier for the AudioVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the StateVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the TransitionVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the FiniteStateVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the FiniteTransitionVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the DataItemType VariableType. The identifier for the AnalogItemType VariableType. The identifier for the DiscreteItemType VariableType. The identifier for the TwoStateDiscreteType VariableType. The identifier for the MultiStateDiscreteType VariableType. The identifier for the MultiStateValueDiscreteType VariableType. The identifier for the ArrayItemType VariableType. The identifier for the YArrayItemType VariableType. The identifier for the XYArrayItemType VariableType. The identifier for the ImageItemType VariableType. The identifier for the CubeItemType VariableType. The identifier for the NDimensionArrayItemType VariableType. The identifier for the TwoStateVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the ConditionVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the AlarmRateVariableType VariableType. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnosticType VariableType. The identifier for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type VariableType. The identifier for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType VariableType. Declares all of the BrowseNames used in the Model Design. The BrowseName for the AccessHistoryDataCapability component. The BrowseName for the AccessHistoryEventsCapability component. The BrowseName for the AccessLevelExType component. The BrowseName for the AccessLevelType component. The BrowseName for the AccessRestrictionType component. The BrowseName for the AckedState component. The BrowseName for the Acknowledge component. The BrowseName for the AcknowledgeableConditionType component. The BrowseName for the ActionTimeStamp component. The BrowseName for the ActivateSessionRequest component. The BrowseName for the ActivateSessionResponse component. The BrowseName for the Active component. The BrowseName for the ActiveState component. The BrowseName for the Actual component. The BrowseName for the ActualSessionTimeout component. The BrowseName for the AddApplication component. The BrowseName for the AddCertificate component. The BrowseName for the AddComment component. The BrowseName for the AddConnection component. The BrowseName for the AddDataSetFolder component. The BrowseName for the AddDataSetReader component. The BrowseName for the AddDataSetWriter component. The BrowseName for the AddEndpoint component. The BrowseName for the AddExtensionField component. The BrowseName for the AddIdentity component. The BrowseName for the AdditionalGroup_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the AddNodesCount component. The BrowseName for the AddNodesItem component. The BrowseName for the AddNodesRequest component. The BrowseName for the AddNodesResponse component. The BrowseName for the AddNodesResult component. The BrowseName for the AddPublishedDataItems component. The BrowseName for the AddPublishedDataItemsTemplate component. The BrowseName for the AddPublishedEvents component. The BrowseName for the AddPublishedEventsTemplate component. The BrowseName for the AddReaderGroup component. The BrowseName for the AddReferencesCount component. The BrowseName for the AddReferencesItem component. The BrowseName for the AddReferencesRequest component. The BrowseName for the AddReferencesResponse component. The BrowseName for the Address component. The BrowseName for the AddressSpaceFileType component. The BrowseName for the AddRole component. The BrowseName for the AddSecurityGroup component. The BrowseName for the AddTargetVariables component. The BrowseName for the AddVariables component. The BrowseName for the AddWriterGroup component. The BrowseName for the AgencyId component. The BrowseName for the AggregateConfiguration component. The BrowseName for the AggregateConfigurationType component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFilter component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFilterResult component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_AnnotationCount component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Average component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Count component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Delta component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_DeltaBounds component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_DurationBad component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_DurationGood component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_DurationInStateNonZero component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_DurationInStateZero component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_End component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_EndBound component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Interpolative component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Maximum component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Maximum2 component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_MaximumActualTime component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_MaximumActualTime2 component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Minimum component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Minimum2 component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_MinimumActualTime component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_MinimumActualTime2 component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_NumberOfTransitions component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_PercentBad component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_PercentGood component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Range component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Range2 component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_StandardDeviationPopulation component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_StandardDeviationSample component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Start component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_StartBound component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_TimeAverage component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_TimeAverage2 component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Total component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_Total2 component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_VariancePopulation component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_VarianceSample component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_WorstQuality component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunction_WorstQuality2 component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunctions component. The BrowseName for the AggregateFunctionType component. The BrowseName for the Aggregates component. The BrowseName for the AlarmConditionInstance_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the AlarmConditionType component. The BrowseName for the AlarmCount component. The BrowseName for the AlarmGroup_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the AlarmGroupMember component. The BrowseName for the AlarmGroupType component. The BrowseName for the AlarmMetricsType component. The BrowseName for the AlarmRateVariableType component. The BrowseName for the AllowNulls component. The BrowseName for the AlwaysGeneratesEvent component. The BrowseName for the AnalogItemType component. The BrowseName for the Annotation component. The BrowseName for the Annotations component. The BrowseName for the AnonymousIdentityToken component. The BrowseName for the ApplicationCertificateType component. The BrowseName for the ApplicationDescription component. The BrowseName for the ApplicationInstanceCertificate component. The BrowseName for the Applications component. The BrowseName for the ApplicationsExclude component. The BrowseName for the ApplicationType component. The BrowseName for the ApplyChanges component. The BrowseName for the ApplyWrite component. The BrowseName for the ApplyWriteToError component. The BrowseName for the ApplyWriteToIdle component. The BrowseName for the Argument component. The BrowseName for the ArrayItemType component. The BrowseName for the AttributeId component. The BrowseName for the AttributeOperand component. The BrowseName for the AttributeWriteMask component. The BrowseName for the AudibleEnabled component. The BrowseName for the AudibleSound component. The BrowseName for the AudioDataType component. The BrowseName for the AudioVariableType component. The BrowseName for the AuditActivateSessionEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditAddNodesEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditAddReferencesEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditCancelEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditCertificateDataMismatchEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditCertificateEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditCertificateExpiredEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditCertificateInvalidEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditCertificateMismatchEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditCertificateRevokedEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditCertificateUntrustedEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditChannelEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionAcknowledgeEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionCommentEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionConfirmEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionEnableEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionOutOfServiceEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionResetEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionRespondEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionShelvingEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionSilenceEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditConditionSuppressEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditCreateSessionEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditDeleteNodesEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditDeleteReferencesEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditHistoryAtTimeDeleteEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditHistoryDeleteEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditHistoryEventDeleteEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditHistoryEventUpdateEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditHistoryRawModifyDeleteEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditHistoryUpdateEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditHistoryValueUpdateEventType component. The BrowseName for the Auditing component. The BrowseName for the AuditNodeManagementEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditOpenSecureChannelEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditProgramTransitionEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditSecurityEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditSessionEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditUpdateEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditUpdateMethodEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditUpdateStateEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditUrlMismatchEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuditWriteUpdateEventType component. The BrowseName for the AuthenticationMechanism component. The BrowseName for the AuthenticationProfileUri component. The BrowseName for the AuthorizationServiceConfigurationType component. The BrowseName for the AuthorizationServices component. The BrowseName for the AutoDelete component. The BrowseName for the AvailableStates component. The BrowseName for the AvailableTransitions component. The BrowseName for the AverageAlarmRate component. The BrowseName for the AxisDefinition component. The BrowseName for the AxisInformation component. The BrowseName for the AxisScaleEnumeration component. The BrowseName for the AxisScaleType component. The BrowseName for the BaseConditionClassType component. The BrowseName for the BaseDataType component. The BrowseName for the BaseDataVariableType component. The BrowseName for the BaseEventType component. The BrowseName for the BaseHighHighLimit component. The BrowseName for the BaseHighLimit component. The BrowseName for the BaseLowLimit component. The BrowseName for the BaseLowLowLimit component. The BrowseName for the BaseModelChangeEventType component. The BrowseName for the BaseObjectType component. The BrowseName for the BaseSetpointNode component. The BrowseName for the BaseVariableType component. The BrowseName for the BitFieldMaskDataType component. The BrowseName for the BitMask component. The BrowseName for the Boolean component. The BrowseName for the BranchId component. The BrowseName for the BrokerConnectionTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the BrokerConnectionTransportType component. The BrowseName for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the BrokerDataSetReaderTransportType component. The BrowseName for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the BrokerDataSetWriterTransportType component. The BrowseName for the BrokerTransportQualityOfService component. The BrowseName for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the BrokerWriterGroupTransportType component. The BrowseName for the BrowseCount component. The BrowseName for the BrowseDescription component. The BrowseName for the BrowseDirection component. The BrowseName for the BrowseNextCount component. The BrowseName for the BrowseNextRequest component. The BrowseName for the BrowseNextResponse component. The BrowseName for the BrowsePath component. The BrowseName for the BrowsePathResult component. The BrowseName for the BrowsePathTarget component. The BrowseName for the BrowseRequest component. The BrowseName for the BrowseResponse component. The BrowseName for the BrowseResult component. The BrowseName for the BrowseResultMask component. The BrowseName for the BuildDate component. The BrowseName for the BuildInfo component. The BrowseName for the BuildInfoType component. The BrowseName for the BuildNumber component. The BrowseName for the Byte component. The BrowseName for the ByteString component. The BrowseName for the CallCount component. The BrowseName for the CallMethodRequest component. The BrowseName for the CallMethodResult component. The BrowseName for the CallRequest component. The BrowseName for the CallResponse component. The BrowseName for the CancelRequest component. The BrowseName for the CancelResponse component. The BrowseName for the Certificate component. The BrowseName for the CertificateExpirationAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the CertificateGroup component. The BrowseName for the CertificateGroupFolderType component. The BrowseName for the CertificateGroups component. The BrowseName for the CertificateGroupType component. The BrowseName for the CertificateType component. The BrowseName for the CertificateTypes component. The BrowseName for the CertificateUpdatedAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the Changes component. The BrowseName for the ChannelSecurityToken component. The BrowseName for the Classification component. The BrowseName for the ClientAuditEntryId component. The BrowseName for the ClientCertificate component. The BrowseName for the ClientCertificateThumbprint component. The BrowseName for the ClientConnectionTime component. The BrowseName for the ClientDescription component. The BrowseName for the ClientLastContactTime component. The BrowseName for the ClientName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the ClientProcessingTimeout component. The BrowseName for the ClientSoftwareCertificates component. The BrowseName for the ClientUserId component. The BrowseName for the ClientUserIdHistory component. The BrowseName for the ClientUserIdOfSession component. The BrowseName for the Close component. The BrowseName for the CloseAndCommit component. The BrowseName for the CloseAndUpdate component. The BrowseName for the CloseSecureChannelRequest component. The BrowseName for the CloseSecureChannelResponse component. The BrowseName for the CloseSessionRequest component. The BrowseName for the CloseSessionResponse component. The BrowseName for the Comment component. The BrowseName for the ComplexNumberType component. The BrowseName for the ConditionClassId component. The BrowseName for the ConditionClassName component. The BrowseName for the ConditionEventId component. The BrowseName for the ConditionName component. The BrowseName for the ConditionRefresh component. The BrowseName for the ConditionRefresh2 component. The BrowseName for the ConditionSubClassId component. The BrowseName for the ConditionSubClassName component. The BrowseName for the ConditionType component. The BrowseName for the ConditionVariableType component. The BrowseName for the ConfigurationVersion component. The BrowseName for the ConfigurationVersionDataType component. The BrowseName for the ConfiguredSize component. The BrowseName for the Confirm component. The BrowseName for the ConfirmedState component. The BrowseName for the ConnectionId component. The BrowseName for the ConnectionName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the ConnectionProperties component. The BrowseName for the ConnectionTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the ConnectionTransportType component. The BrowseName for the ContentFilter component. The BrowseName for the ContentFilterElement component. The BrowseName for the ContentFilterElementResult component. The BrowseName for the ContentFilterResult component. The BrowseName for the Context component. The BrowseName for the ContinuationPoint component. The BrowseName for the Counter component. The BrowseName for the Counters component. The BrowseName for the Creatable component. The BrowseName for the CreateClientName component. The BrowseName for the CreateCredential component. The BrowseName for the CreateDataSetMirror component. The BrowseName for the CreateDirectory component. The BrowseName for the CreateFile component. The BrowseName for the CreateMonitoredItemsCount component. The BrowseName for the CreateMonitoredItemsRequest component. The BrowseName for the CreateMonitoredItemsResponse component. The BrowseName for the CreateSessionId component. The BrowseName for the CreateSessionRequest component. The BrowseName for the CreateSessionResponse component. The BrowseName for the CreateSigningRequest component. The BrowseName for the CreateSubscriptionCount component. The BrowseName for the CreateSubscriptionRequest component. The BrowseName for the CreateSubscriptionResponse component. The BrowseName for the CreateTargetVariables component. The BrowseName for the CubeItemType component. The BrowseName for the CumulatedSessionCount component. The BrowseName for the CumulatedSubscriptionCount component. The BrowseName for the CurrentAlarmRate component. The BrowseName for the CurrentKeepAliveCount component. The BrowseName for the CurrentLifetimeCount component. The BrowseName for the CurrentMonitoredItemsCount component. The BrowseName for the CurrentPublishRequestsInQueue component. The BrowseName for the CurrentServerId component. The BrowseName for the CurrentSessionCount component. The BrowseName for the CurrentState component. The BrowseName for the CurrentSubscriptionCount component. The BrowseName for the CurrentSubscriptionsCount component. The BrowseName for the CurrentTime component. The BrowseName for the DataChangeFilter component. The BrowseName for the DataChangeNotification component. The BrowseName for the DataChangeNotificationsCount component. The BrowseName for the DataChangeTrigger component. The BrowseName for the DatagramConnectionTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the DatagramConnectionTransportType component. The BrowseName for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the DatagramWriterGroupTransportType component. The BrowseName for the DataItemType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetClassId component. The BrowseName for the DataSetFieldContentMask component. The BrowseName for the DataSetFieldFlags component. The BrowseName for the DataSetFolderName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the DataSetFolderType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetMessageContentMask component. The BrowseName for the DataSetMetaData component. The BrowseName for the DataSetMetaDataType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetOffset component. The BrowseName for the DataSetOrdering component. The BrowseName for the DataSetOrderingType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetReaderDataType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetReaderMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetReaderMessageType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetReaderName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the DataSetReaderProperties component. The BrowseName for the DataSetReaderTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetReaderTransportType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetReaderType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetToWriter component. The BrowseName for the DataSetWriterDataType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetWriterId component. The BrowseName for the DataSetWriterMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetWriterMessageType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetWriterName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the DataSetWriterProperties component. The BrowseName for the DataSetWriterTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetWriterTransportType component. The BrowseName for the DataSetWriterType component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeAttributes component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeDefinition component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeDescription component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeDescriptionType component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeDictionaryType component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeEncodingType component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeNode component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeSchemaHeader component. The BrowseName for the DataTypesFolder component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeSystemType component. The BrowseName for the DataTypeVersion component. The BrowseName for the DataValue component. The BrowseName for the Date component. The BrowseName for the DateString component. The BrowseName for the DateTime component. The BrowseName for the DeadbandType component. The BrowseName for the Decimal component. The BrowseName for the DecimalDataType component. The BrowseName for the DecimalString component. The BrowseName for the DefaultAccessRestrictions component. The BrowseName for the DefaultApplicationGroup component. The BrowseName for the DefaultBinary component. The BrowseName for the DefaultHttpsGroup component. The BrowseName for the DefaultInputValues component. The BrowseName for the DefaultJson component. The BrowseName for the DefaultResponse component. The BrowseName for the DefaultRolePermissions component. The BrowseName for the DefaultUserRolePermissions component. The BrowseName for the DefaultUserTokenGroup component. The BrowseName for the DefaultXml component. The BrowseName for the Definition component. The BrowseName for the Deletable component. The BrowseName for the DeleteAtTimeCapability component. The BrowseName for the DeleteAtTimeDetails component. The BrowseName for the DeleteCredential component. The BrowseName for the DeleteEventCapability component. The BrowseName for the DeleteEventDetails component. The BrowseName for the DeleteFileSystemObject component. The BrowseName for the DeleteMonitoredItemsCount component. The BrowseName for the DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest component. The BrowseName for the DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse component. The BrowseName for the DeleteNodesCount component. The BrowseName for the DeleteNodesItem component. The BrowseName for the DeleteNodesRequest component. The BrowseName for the DeleteNodesResponse component. The BrowseName for the DeleteRawCapability component. The BrowseName for the DeleteRawModifiedDetails component. The BrowseName for the DeleteReferencesCount component. The BrowseName for the DeleteReferencesItem component. The BrowseName for the DeleteReferencesRequest component. The BrowseName for the DeleteReferencesResponse component. The BrowseName for the DeleteSubscriptionsCount component. The BrowseName for the DeleteSubscriptionsRequest component. The BrowseName for the DeleteSubscriptionsResponse component. The BrowseName for the Deprecated component. The BrowseName for the DeviceFailureEventType component. The BrowseName for the DiagnosticInfo component. The BrowseName for the Diagnostics component. The BrowseName for the DiagnosticsLevel component. The BrowseName for the DialogConditionType component. The BrowseName for the DialogState component. The BrowseName for the DictionaryFragment component. The BrowseName for the Disable component. The BrowseName for the DisableCount component. The BrowseName for the DisabledMonitoredItemCount component. The BrowseName for the DisabledMonitoredItemsSamplingCount component. The BrowseName for the DiscardedMessageCount component. The BrowseName for the DiscoveryAddress component. The BrowseName for the DiscoveryConfiguration component. The BrowseName for the DiscrepancyAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the DiscreteAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the DiscreteItemType component. The BrowseName for the Double component. The BrowseName for the DoubleComplexNumberType component. The BrowseName for the Duration component. The BrowseName for the DurationString component. The BrowseName for the EffectiveDisplayName component. The BrowseName for the EffectiveTransitionTime component. The BrowseName for the ElementOperand component. The BrowseName for the Enable component. The BrowseName for the EnableCount component. The BrowseName for the EnabledFlag component. The BrowseName for the EnabledState component. The BrowseName for the Encoding component. The BrowseName for the EndpointConfiguration component. The BrowseName for the EndpointDescription component. The BrowseName for the Endpoints component. The BrowseName for the EndpointsExclude component. The BrowseName for the EndpointType component. The BrowseName for the EndpointUrl component. The BrowseName for the EndpointUrlListDataType component. The BrowseName for the EndpointUrls component. The BrowseName for the EndTime component. The BrowseName for the EngineeringUnits component. The BrowseName for the EnumDefinition component. The BrowseName for the EnumDescription component. The BrowseName for the Enumeration component. The BrowseName for the EnumField component. The BrowseName for the EnumStrings component. The BrowseName for the EnumValues component. The BrowseName for the EnumValueType component. The BrowseName for the Error component. The BrowseName for the ErrorToIdle component. The BrowseName for the EstimatedReturnTime component. The BrowseName for the EUInformation component. The BrowseName for the EURange component. The BrowseName for the EventFieldList component. The BrowseName for the EventFilter component. The BrowseName for the EventFilterResult component. The BrowseName for the EventId component. The BrowseName for the EventIds component. The BrowseName for the EventNotificationList component. The BrowseName for the EventNotificationsCount component. The BrowseName for the EventNotifierType component. The BrowseName for the EventQueueOverflowCount component. The BrowseName for the EventQueueOverflowEventType component. The BrowseName for the EventType component. The BrowseName for the EventTypesFolder component. The BrowseName for the ExceptionDeviation component. The BrowseName for the ExceptionDeviationFormat component. The BrowseName for the ExclusiveDeviationAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the ExclusiveLevelAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the ExclusiveLimitAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the ExclusiveLimitStateMachineType component. The BrowseName for the ExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the ExpandedNodeId component. The BrowseName for the ExpectedTime component. The BrowseName for the ExpirationDate component. The BrowseName for the ExpirationLimit component. The BrowseName for the ExportNamespace component. The BrowseName for the ExtensionFieldName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the ExtensionFields component. The BrowseName for the ExtensionFieldsType component. The BrowseName for the FalseState component. The BrowseName for the FieldMetaData component. The BrowseName for the FieldTargetDataType component. The BrowseName for the FileDirectoryName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the FileDirectoryType component. The BrowseName for the FileName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the FileSystem component. The BrowseName for the FileTransferStateMachineType component. The BrowseName for the FileType component. The BrowseName for the Filter component. The BrowseName for the FilterOperand component. The BrowseName for the FilterOperator component. The BrowseName for the FinalResultData component. The BrowseName for the FindServersOnNetworkRequest component. The BrowseName for the FindServersOnNetworkResponse component. The BrowseName for the FindServersRequest component. The BrowseName for the FindServersResponse component. The BrowseName for the FiniteStateMachineType component. The BrowseName for the FiniteStateVariableType component. The BrowseName for the FiniteTransitionVariableType component. The BrowseName for the FirstInGroup component. The BrowseName for the FirstInGroupFlag component. The BrowseName for the Float component. The BrowseName for the FolderType component. The BrowseName for the FromState component. The BrowseName for the GeneralModelChangeEventType component. The BrowseName for the GenerateFileForRead component. The BrowseName for the GenerateFileForWrite component. The BrowseName for the GeneratesEvent component. The BrowseName for the GenericAttributes component. The BrowseName for the GenericAttributeValue component. The BrowseName for the GetEncryptingKey component. The BrowseName for the GetEndpointsRequest component. The BrowseName for the GetEndpointsResponse component. The BrowseName for the GetMonitoredItems component. The BrowseName for the GetPosition component. The BrowseName for the GetRejectedList component. The BrowseName for the GetSecurityGroup component. The BrowseName for the GetSecurityKeys component. The BrowseName for the GroupId component. The BrowseName for the GroupProperties component. The BrowseName for the GroupVersion component. The BrowseName for the Guid component. The BrowseName for the HAConfiguration component. The BrowseName for the Halt component. The BrowseName for the Halted component. The BrowseName for the HaltedToReady component. The BrowseName for the HasAlarmSuppressionGroup component. The BrowseName for the HasCause component. The BrowseName for the HasChild component. The BrowseName for the HasComponent component. The BrowseName for the HasCondition component. The BrowseName for the HasDataSetReader component. The BrowseName for the HasDataSetWriter component. The BrowseName for the HasDescription component. The BrowseName for the HasEffect component. The BrowseName for the HasEffectDisable component. The BrowseName for the HasEffectEnable component. The BrowseName for the HasEffectSuppressed component. The BrowseName for the HasEffectUnsuppressed component. The BrowseName for the HasEncoding component. The BrowseName for the HasEventSource component. The BrowseName for the HasFalseSubState component. The BrowseName for the HasHistoricalConfiguration component. The BrowseName for the HasModellingRule component. The BrowseName for the HasNotifier component. The BrowseName for the HasOrderedComponent component. The BrowseName for the HasProperty component. The BrowseName for the HasPubSubConnection component. The BrowseName for the HasSubStateMachine component. The BrowseName for the HasSubtype component. The BrowseName for the HasTrueSubState component. The BrowseName for the HasTypeDefinition component. The BrowseName for the HeaderLayoutUri component. The BrowseName for the HierarchicalReferences component. The BrowseName for the High component. The BrowseName for the HighHigh component. The BrowseName for the HighHighLimit component. The BrowseName for the HighHighState component. The BrowseName for the HighHighToHigh component. The BrowseName for the HighLimit component. The BrowseName for the HighlyManagedAlarmConditionClassType component. The BrowseName for the HighState component. The BrowseName for the HighToHighHigh component. The BrowseName for the HistoricalDataConfigurationType component. The BrowseName for the HistoricalEventFilter component. The BrowseName for the HistoryData component. The BrowseName for the HistoryEvent component. The BrowseName for the HistoryEventFieldList component. The BrowseName for the HistoryModifiedData component. The BrowseName for the HistoryReadCount component. The BrowseName for the HistoryReadDetails component. The BrowseName for the HistoryReadRequest component. The BrowseName for the HistoryReadResponse component. The BrowseName for the HistoryReadResult component. The BrowseName for the HistoryReadValueId component. The BrowseName for the HistoryServerCapabilities component. The BrowseName for the HistoryServerCapabilitiesType component. The BrowseName for the HistoryUpdateCount component. The BrowseName for the HistoryUpdateDetails component. The BrowseName for the HistoryUpdateRequest component. The BrowseName for the HistoryUpdateResponse component. The BrowseName for the HistoryUpdateResult component. The BrowseName for the HistoryUpdateType component. The BrowseName for the HttpsCertificateType component. The BrowseName for the Icon component. The BrowseName for the Id component. The BrowseName for the Identities component. The BrowseName for the IdentityCriteriaType component. The BrowseName for the IdentityMappingRuleType component. The BrowseName for the Idle component. The BrowseName for the IdleToApplyWrite component. The BrowseName for the IdleToReadPrepare component. The BrowseName for the IdType component. The BrowseName for the Image component. The BrowseName for the ImageBMP component. The BrowseName for the ImageGIF component. The BrowseName for the ImageItemType component. The BrowseName for the ImageJPG component. The BrowseName for the ImagePNG component. The BrowseName for the IndexRange component. The BrowseName for the InitialStateType component. The BrowseName for the InputArguments component. The BrowseName for the InputNode component. The BrowseName for the InsertAnnotationCapability component. The BrowseName for the InsertDataCapability component. The BrowseName for the InsertEventCapability component. The BrowseName for the InstanceCount component. The BrowseName for the InstanceNode component. The BrowseName for the InstrumentDiagnosticAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the InstrumentRange component. The BrowseName for the Int16 component. The BrowseName for the Int32 component. The BrowseName for the Int64 component. The BrowseName for the Integer component. The BrowseName for the IntegerId component. The BrowseName for the IntermediateResult component. The BrowseName for the InvalidHostname component. The BrowseName for the InvalidUri component. The BrowseName for the InvocationCreationTime component. The BrowseName for the IsDeleteModified component. The BrowseName for the IsNamespaceSubset component. The BrowseName for the IssuedIdentityToken component. The BrowseName for the IssuerEndpointUrl component. The BrowseName for the JsonDataSetMessageContentMask component. The BrowseName for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the JsonDataSetReaderMessageType component. The BrowseName for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the JsonDataSetWriterMessageType component. The BrowseName for the JsonNetworkMessageContentMask component. The BrowseName for the JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the JsonWriterGroupMessageType component. The BrowseName for the KeepAliveTime component. The BrowseName for the KeyCredentialAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the KeyCredentialConfiguration component. The BrowseName for the KeyCredentialConfigurationFolderType component. The BrowseName for the KeyCredentialConfigurationType component. The BrowseName for the KeyCredentialDeletedAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the KeyCredentialUpdatedAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the KeyFrameCount component. The BrowseName for the KeyLifetime component. The BrowseName for the KeyValuePair component. The BrowseName for the LastMethodCall component. The BrowseName for the LastMethodCallTime component. The BrowseName for the LastMethodInputArguments component. The BrowseName for the LastMethodInputValues component. The BrowseName for the LastMethodOutputArguments component. The BrowseName for the LastMethodOutputValues component. The BrowseName for the LastMethodReturnStatus component. The BrowseName for the LastMethodSessionId component. The BrowseName for the LastResponse component. The BrowseName for the LastSeverity component. The BrowseName for the LastTransition component. The BrowseName for the LastTransitionTime component. The BrowseName for the LastUpdateTime component. The BrowseName for the LatchedState component. The BrowseName for the LatePublishRequestCount component. The BrowseName for the LimitAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the LimitState component. The BrowseName for the ListId component. The BrowseName for the LiteralOperand component. The BrowseName for the LiveValues component. The BrowseName for the LocaleId component. The BrowseName for the LocaleIdArray component. The BrowseName for the LocaleIds component. The BrowseName for the LocalizedText component. The BrowseName for the LocalTime component. The BrowseName for the Low component. The BrowseName for the LowLimit component. The BrowseName for the LowLow component. The BrowseName for the LowLowLimit component. The BrowseName for the LowLowState component. The BrowseName for the LowLowToLow component. The BrowseName for the LowState component. The BrowseName for the LowToLowLow component. The BrowseName for the MaintenanceConditionClassType component. The BrowseName for the ManufacturerName component. The BrowseName for the MaxArrayLength component. The BrowseName for the MaxBrowseContinuationPoints component. The BrowseName for the MaxByteStringLength component. The BrowseName for the MaxCharacters component. The BrowseName for the MaxFutureKeyCount component. The BrowseName for the MaxHistoryContinuationPoints component. The BrowseName for the Maximum component. The BrowseName for the MaximumActiveState component. The BrowseName for the MaximumAlarmRate component. The BrowseName for the MaximumReAlarmCount component. The BrowseName for the MaximumUnAck component. The BrowseName for the MaxInstanceCount component. The BrowseName for the MaxKeepAliveCount component. The BrowseName for the MaxLifetimeCount component. The BrowseName for the MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall component. The BrowseName for the MaxNetworkMessageSize component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerBrowse component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerHistoryReadData component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerHistoryReadEvents component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateData component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerHistoryUpdateEvents component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerMethodCall component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerNodeManagement component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerRead component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds component. The BrowseName for the MaxNodesPerWrite component. The BrowseName for the MaxNotificationsPerPublish component. The BrowseName for the MaxPastKeyCount component. The BrowseName for the MaxQueryContinuationPoints component. The BrowseName for the MaxRecycleCount component. The BrowseName for the MaxResponseMessageSize component. The BrowseName for the MaxReturnDataValues component. The BrowseName for the MaxReturnEventValues component. The BrowseName for the MaxSampledMonitoredItemsCount component. The BrowseName for the MaxStringLength component. The BrowseName for the MaxTimeInterval component. The BrowseName for the MaxTimeShelved component. The BrowseName for the MaxTrustListSize component. The BrowseName for the MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration component. The BrowseName for the Message component. The BrowseName for the MessageReceiveTimeout component. The BrowseName for the MessageRepeatCount component. The BrowseName for the MessageRepeatDelay component. The BrowseName for the MessageSecurityMode component. The BrowseName for the MessageSettings component. The BrowseName for the MetaDataQueueName component. The BrowseName for the MetaDataUpdateTime component. The BrowseName for the MethodAttributes component. The BrowseName for the MethodId component. The BrowseName for the MethodNode component. The BrowseName for the MimeType component. The BrowseName for the MinSupportedSampleRate component. The BrowseName for the MinTimeInterval component. The BrowseName for the ModelChangeStructureDataType component. The BrowseName for the ModelChangeStructureVerbMask component. The BrowseName for the ModellingRule_ExposesItsArray component. The BrowseName for the ModellingRule_Mandatory component. The BrowseName for the ModellingRule_MandatoryPlaceholder component. The BrowseName for the ModellingRule_MandatoryShared component. The BrowseName for the ModellingRule_Optional component. The BrowseName for the ModellingRule_OptionalPlaceholder component. The BrowseName for the ModellingRules component. The BrowseName for the ModellingRuleType component. The BrowseName for the ModificationInfo component. The BrowseName for the ModifyCount component. The BrowseName for the ModifyFieldSelection component. The BrowseName for the ModifyMonitoredItemsCount component. The BrowseName for the ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest component. The BrowseName for the ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse component. The BrowseName for the ModifySubscriptionCount component. The BrowseName for the ModifySubscriptionRequest component. The BrowseName for the ModifySubscriptionResponse component. The BrowseName for the MonitoredItemCount component. The BrowseName for the MonitoredItemCreateRequest component. The BrowseName for the MonitoredItemCreateResult component. The BrowseName for the MonitoredItemModifyRequest component. The BrowseName for the MonitoredItemModifyResult component. The BrowseName for the MonitoredItemNotification component. The BrowseName for the MonitoringFilter component. The BrowseName for the MonitoringFilterResult component. The BrowseName for the MonitoringMode component. The BrowseName for the MonitoringParameters component. The BrowseName for the MonitoringQueueOverflowCount component. The BrowseName for the MoveOrCopy component. The BrowseName for the MulticastDnsEnabled component. The BrowseName for the MultiStateDiscreteType component. The BrowseName for the MultiStateValueDiscreteType component. The BrowseName for the Name component. The BrowseName for the NamespaceArray component. The BrowseName for the NamespaceFile component. The BrowseName for the NamespaceIdentifier_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the NamespaceMetadataType component. The BrowseName for the NamespacePublicationDate component. The BrowseName for the Namespaces component. The BrowseName for the NamespacesType component. The BrowseName for the NamespaceUri component. The BrowseName for the NamespaceVersion component. The BrowseName for the NamingRule component. The BrowseName for the NamingRuleType component. The BrowseName for the NDimensionArrayItemType component. The BrowseName for the NetworkAddressDataType component. The BrowseName for the NetworkAddressType component. The BrowseName for the NetworkAddressUrlDataType component. The BrowseName for the NetworkAddressUrlType component. The BrowseName for the NetworkGroupDataType component. The BrowseName for the NetworkInterface component. The BrowseName for the NetworkMessageContentMask component. The BrowseName for the NetworkMessageNumber component. The BrowseName for the NewStateId component. The BrowseName for the NewValue component. The BrowseName for the NewValues component. The BrowseName for the NextSequenceNumber component. The BrowseName for the Node component. The BrowseName for the NodeAttributes component. The BrowseName for the NodeAttributesMask component. The BrowseName for the NodeClass component. The BrowseName for the NodeId component. The BrowseName for the NodeReference component. The BrowseName for the NodesToAdd component. The BrowseName for the NodesToDelete component. The BrowseName for the NodeTypeDescription component. The BrowseName for the NodeVersion component. The BrowseName for the NonExclusiveDeviationAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the NonExclusiveLevelAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the NonExclusiveLimitAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the NonExclusiveRateOfChangeAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the NonHierarchicalReferences component. The BrowseName for the NonTransparentNetworkRedundancyType component. The BrowseName for the NonTransparentRedundancyType component. The BrowseName for the NormalizedString component. The BrowseName for the NormalState component. The BrowseName for the NotificationData component. The BrowseName for the NotificationMessage component. The BrowseName for the NotificationsCount component. The BrowseName for the Number component. The BrowseName for the NumericRange component. The BrowseName for the ObjectAttributes component. The BrowseName for the ObjectNode component. The BrowseName for the ObjectsFolder component. The BrowseName for the ObjectTypeAttributes component. The BrowseName for the ObjectTypeNode component. The BrowseName for the ObjectTypesFolder component. The BrowseName for the OffDelay component. The BrowseName for the OffNormalAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the OkResponse component. The BrowseName for the OldStateId component. The BrowseName for the OldValue component. The BrowseName for the OldValues component. The BrowseName for the OnDelay component. The BrowseName for the OneShotShelve component. The BrowseName for the OneShotShelved component. The BrowseName for the OneShotShelvedToTimedShelved component. The BrowseName for the OneShotShelvedToUnshelved component. The BrowseName for the OPCBinarySchema_TypeSystem component. The BrowseName for the OpcUa_BinarySchema component. The BrowseName for the OpcUa_XmlSchema component. The BrowseName for the OPCUANamespaceMetadata component. The BrowseName for the Open component. The BrowseName for the OpenCount component. The BrowseName for the OpenFileMode component. The BrowseName for the OpenSecureChannelRequest component. The BrowseName for the OpenSecureChannelResponse component. The BrowseName for the OpenWithMasks component. The BrowseName for the OperationLimits component. The BrowseName for the OperationLimitsType component. The BrowseName for the OptionSet component. The BrowseName for the OptionSetType component. The BrowseName for the OptionSetValues component. The BrowseName for the Organizes component. The BrowseName for the OutOfServiceState component. The BrowseName for the OutputArguments component. The BrowseName for the OverrideValueHandling component. The BrowseName for the ParameterDataTypeId component. The BrowseName for the ParsingResult component. The BrowseName for the PercentDataBad component. The BrowseName for the PercentDataGood component. The BrowseName for the PerformInsertReplace component. The BrowseName for the PerformUpdateType component. The BrowseName for the PermissionType component. The BrowseName for the PlaceInService component. The BrowseName for the Priority component. The BrowseName for the ProcessConditionClassType component. The BrowseName for the ProcessingOffset component. The BrowseName for the ProductName component. The BrowseName for the ProductUri component. The BrowseName for the ProfileUri component. The BrowseName for the ProgramDiagnostic2DataType component. The BrowseName for the ProgramDiagnostic2Type component. The BrowseName for the ProgramDiagnosticDataType component. The BrowseName for the ProgramDiagnostics component. The BrowseName for the ProgramDiagnosticType component. The BrowseName for the ProgramStateMachineType component. The BrowseName for the ProgramTransitionAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the ProgramTransitionEventType component. The BrowseName for the Progress component. The BrowseName for the ProgressEventType component. The BrowseName for the Prompt component. The BrowseName for the PropertyType component. The BrowseName for the PublishCount component. The BrowseName for the PublishedData component. The BrowseName for the PublishedDataItemsDataType component. The BrowseName for the PublishedDataItemsType component. The BrowseName for the PublishedDataSetDataType component. The BrowseName for the PublishedDataSetName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the PublishedDataSets component. The BrowseName for the PublishedDataSetSourceDataType component. The BrowseName for the PublishedDataSetType component. The BrowseName for the PublishedEventsDataType component. The BrowseName for the PublishedEventsType component. The BrowseName for the PublishedVariableDataType component. The BrowseName for the PublisherId component. The BrowseName for the PublishingEnabled component. The BrowseName for the PublishingInterval component. The BrowseName for the PublishingIntervalCount component. The BrowseName for the PublishingOffset component. The BrowseName for the PublishRequest component. The BrowseName for the PublishRequestCount component. The BrowseName for the PublishResponse component. The BrowseName for the PublishSubscribe component. The BrowseName for the PublishSubscribeType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubCommunicationFailureEventType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubConfigurationDataType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubConnectionDataType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubConnectionType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubDiagnosticsConnectionType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterClassification component. The BrowseName for the PubSubDiagnosticsCounterType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetReaderType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubDiagnosticsDataSetWriterType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubDiagnosticsReaderGroupType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubDiagnosticsRootType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubDiagnosticsType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubDiagnosticsWriterGroupType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubEventNotifier component. The BrowseName for the PubSubGroupDataType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubGroupType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubKeyServiceType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubState component. The BrowseName for the PubSubStatusEventType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubStatusType component. The BrowseName for the PubSubTransportLimitsExceedEventType component. The BrowseName for the QualifiedName component. The BrowseName for the Quality component. The BrowseName for the QueryDataDescription component. The BrowseName for the QueryDataSet component. The BrowseName for the QueryFirstCount component. The BrowseName for the QueryFirstRequest component. The BrowseName for the QueryFirstResponse component. The BrowseName for the QueryNextCount component. The BrowseName for the QueryNextRequest component. The BrowseName for the QueryNextResponse component. The BrowseName for the QueueName component. The BrowseName for the Range component. The BrowseName for the Rate component. The BrowseName for the Read component. The BrowseName for the ReadAtTimeDetails component. The BrowseName for the ReadCount component. The BrowseName for the ReaderGroupDataType component. The BrowseName for the ReaderGroupMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the ReaderGroupMessageType component. The BrowseName for the ReaderGroupName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the ReaderGroupTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the ReaderGroupTransportType component. The BrowseName for the ReaderGroupType component. The BrowseName for the ReadEventDetails component. The BrowseName for the ReadPrepare component. The BrowseName for the ReadPrepareToError component. The BrowseName for the ReadPrepareToReadTransfer component. The BrowseName for the ReadProcessedDetails component. The BrowseName for the ReadRawModifiedDetails component. The BrowseName for the ReadRequest component. The BrowseName for the ReadResponse component. The BrowseName for the ReadTransfer component. The BrowseName for the ReadTransferToError component. The BrowseName for the ReadTransferToIdle component. The BrowseName for the ReadValueId component. The BrowseName for the Ready component. The BrowseName for the ReadyToHalted component. The BrowseName for the ReadyToRunning component. The BrowseName for the ReAlarmRepeatCount component. The BrowseName for the ReAlarmTime component. The BrowseName for the ReceiveOffset component. The BrowseName for the ReceiveTime component. The BrowseName for the RecycleCount component. The BrowseName for the RedundancySupport component. The BrowseName for the RedundantServerArray component. The BrowseName for the RedundantServerDataType component. The BrowseName for the ReferenceDescription component. The BrowseName for the ReferenceNode component. The BrowseName for the References component. The BrowseName for the ReferencesToAdd component. The BrowseName for the ReferencesToDelete component. The BrowseName for the ReferenceTypeAttributes component. The BrowseName for the ReferenceTypeNode component. The BrowseName for the ReferenceTypesFolder component. The BrowseName for the RefreshEndEventType component. The BrowseName for the RefreshRequiredEventType component. The BrowseName for the RefreshStartEventType component. The BrowseName for the RegisteredServer component. The BrowseName for the RegisterNodesCount component. The BrowseName for the RegisterNodesRequest component. The BrowseName for the RegisterNodesResponse component. The BrowseName for the RegisterServer2Request component. The BrowseName for the RegisterServer2Response component. The BrowseName for the RegisterServerRequest component. The BrowseName for the RegisterServerResponse component. The BrowseName for the RejectedRequestsCount component. The BrowseName for the RejectedSessionCount component. The BrowseName for the RelativePath component. The BrowseName for the RelativePathElement component. The BrowseName for the RemoveApplication component. The BrowseName for the RemoveCertificate component. The BrowseName for the RemoveConnection component. The BrowseName for the RemoveDataSetFolder component. The BrowseName for the RemoveDataSetReader component. The BrowseName for the RemoveDataSetWriter component. The BrowseName for the RemoveEndpoint component. The BrowseName for the RemoveExtensionField component. The BrowseName for the RemoveFromService component. The BrowseName for the RemoveGroup component. The BrowseName for the RemoveIdentity component. The BrowseName for the RemovePublishedDataSet component. The BrowseName for the RemoveRole component. The BrowseName for the RemoveSecurityGroup component. The BrowseName for the RemoveTargetVariables component. The BrowseName for the RemoveVariables component. The BrowseName for the ReplaceDataCapability component. The BrowseName for the ReplaceEventCapability component. The BrowseName for the RepublishCount component. The BrowseName for the RepublishMessageCount component. The BrowseName for the RepublishMessageRequestCount component. The BrowseName for the RepublishRequest component. The BrowseName for the RepublishRequestCount component. The BrowseName for the RepublishResponse component. The BrowseName for the ReqTimes component. The BrowseName for the RequestedDeliveryGuarantee component. The BrowseName for the RequestedLifetime component. The BrowseName for the RequestHandle component. The BrowseName for the RequestHeader component. The BrowseName for the RequestServerStateChange component. The BrowseName for the RequestType component. The BrowseName for the ResendData component. The BrowseName for the Reset component. The BrowseName for the ResourceUri component. The BrowseName for the Respond component. The BrowseName for the ResponseHeader component. The BrowseName for the ResponseOptionSet component. The BrowseName for the RestrictToList component. The BrowseName for the Resume component. The BrowseName for the Retain component. The BrowseName for the RevisedSessionTimeout component. The BrowseName for the RoleMappingRuleChangedAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the RoleName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the RolePermissionType component. The BrowseName for the RoleSet component. The BrowseName for the RoleSetType component. The BrowseName for the RoleType component. The BrowseName for the RootFolder component. The BrowseName for the RsaEncryptedSecret component. The BrowseName for the RsaMinApplicationCertificateType component. The BrowseName for the RsaSha256ApplicationCertificateType component. The BrowseName for the Running component. The BrowseName for the RunningToHalted component. The BrowseName for the RunningToReady component. The BrowseName for the RunningToSuspended component. The BrowseName for the SafetyConditionClassType component. The BrowseName for the SampledMonitoredItemsCount component. The BrowseName for the SamplingInterval component. The BrowseName for the SamplingIntervalDiagnostics component. The BrowseName for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArray component. The BrowseName for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsArrayType component. The BrowseName for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType component. The BrowseName for the SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsType component. The BrowseName for the SamplingOffset component. The BrowseName for the SByte component. The BrowseName for the SecondsTillShutdown component. The BrowseName for the SecureChannelId component. The BrowseName for the SecurityGroupFolderName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the SecurityGroupFolderType component. The BrowseName for the SecurityGroupId component. The BrowseName for the SecurityGroupName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the SecurityGroups component. The BrowseName for the SecurityGroupType component. The BrowseName for the SecurityKeyServices component. The BrowseName for the SecurityMode component. The BrowseName for the SecurityPolicyUri component. The BrowseName for the SecurityRejectedRequestsCount component. The BrowseName for the SecurityRejectedSessionCount component. The BrowseName for the SecurityTokenRequestType component. The BrowseName for the SelectedFields component. The BrowseName for the SelectedResponse component. The BrowseName for the SelectionDescriptions component. The BrowseName for the SelectionListType component. The BrowseName for the Selections component. The BrowseName for the SemanticChangeEventType component. The BrowseName for the SemanticChangeStructureDataType component. The BrowseName for the Server component. The BrowseName for the ServerArray component. The BrowseName for the ServerCapabilities component. The BrowseName for the ServerCapabilitiesType component. The BrowseName for the ServerConfiguration component. The BrowseName for the ServerConfigurationType component. The BrowseName for the ServerDiagnostics component. The BrowseName for the ServerDiagnosticsSummary component. The BrowseName for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType component. The BrowseName for the ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType component. The BrowseName for the ServerDiagnosticsType component. The BrowseName for the ServerId component. The BrowseName for the ServerNetworkGroups component. The BrowseName for the ServerOnNetwork component. The BrowseName for the ServerProfileArray component. The BrowseName for the ServerRedundancy component. The BrowseName for the ServerRedundancyType component. The BrowseName for the ServerState component. The BrowseName for the ServerStatus component. The BrowseName for the ServerStatusDataType component. The BrowseName for the ServerStatusType component. The BrowseName for the ServerType component. The BrowseName for the ServerUri component. The BrowseName for the ServerUriArray component. The BrowseName for the ServerVendorCapabilityType component. The BrowseName for the ServerViewCount component. The BrowseName for the ServiceCertificate component. The BrowseName for the ServiceCounterDataType component. The BrowseName for the ServiceFault component. The BrowseName for the ServiceLevel component. The BrowseName for the ServiceName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the ServiceStatus component. The BrowseName for the ServiceUri component. The BrowseName for the SessionAbortCount component. The BrowseName for the SessionAuthenticationToken component. The BrowseName for the SessionDiagnostics component. The BrowseName for the SessionDiagnosticsArray component. The BrowseName for the SessionDiagnosticsArrayType component. The BrowseName for the SessionDiagnosticsDataType component. The BrowseName for the SessionDiagnosticsObjectType component. The BrowseName for the SessionDiagnosticsVariableType component. The BrowseName for the SessionId component. The BrowseName for the SessionlessInvokeRequestType component. The BrowseName for the SessionlessInvokeResponseType component. The BrowseName for the SessionName component. The BrowseName for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummary component. The BrowseName for the SessionsDiagnosticsSummaryType component. The BrowseName for the SessionSecurityDiagnostics component. The BrowseName for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArray component. The BrowseName for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsArrayType component. The BrowseName for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType component. The BrowseName for the SessionSecurityDiagnosticsType component. The BrowseName for the SessionTimeoutCount component. The BrowseName for the SetMonitoringModeCount component. The BrowseName for the SetMonitoringModeRequest component. The BrowseName for the SetMonitoringModeResponse component. The BrowseName for the SetpointNode component. The BrowseName for the SetPosition component. The BrowseName for the SetPublishingModeCount component. The BrowseName for the SetPublishingModeRequest component. The BrowseName for the SetPublishingModeResponse component. The BrowseName for the SetSecurityKeys component. The BrowseName for the SetSubscriptionDurable component. The BrowseName for the SetTriggeringCount component. The BrowseName for the SetTriggeringRequest component. The BrowseName for the SetTriggeringResponse component. The BrowseName for the Severity component. The BrowseName for the ShelvedStateMachineType component. The BrowseName for the ShelvingState component. The BrowseName for the ShelvingTime component. The BrowseName for the ShutdownReason component. The BrowseName for the SignatureData component. The BrowseName for the SignedSoftwareCertificate component. The BrowseName for the Silence component. The BrowseName for the SilenceState component. The BrowseName for the SimpleAttributeOperand component. The BrowseName for the SimpleTypeDescription component. The BrowseName for the Size component. The BrowseName for the SoftwareCertificates component. The BrowseName for the SoftwareVersion component. The BrowseName for the SourceName component. The BrowseName for the SourceNode component. The BrowseName for the SourceTimestamp component. The BrowseName for the Start component. The BrowseName for the StartOfArchive component. The BrowseName for the StartOfOnlineArchive component. The BrowseName for the StartTime component. The BrowseName for the State component. The BrowseName for the StateMachineType component. The BrowseName for the StateNumber component. The BrowseName for the StateType component. The BrowseName for the StateVariableType component. The BrowseName for the StaticNodeIdTypes component. The BrowseName for the StaticNumericNodeIdRange component. The BrowseName for the StaticStringNodeIdPattern component. The BrowseName for the StatisticalConditionClassType component. The BrowseName for the Status component. The BrowseName for the StatusChangeNotification component. The BrowseName for the StatusCode component. The BrowseName for the StatusCodeId component. The BrowseName for the StatusResult component. The BrowseName for the Stepped component. The BrowseName for the String component. The BrowseName for the Structure component. The BrowseName for the StructureDefinition component. The BrowseName for the StructureDescription component. The BrowseName for the StructureField component. The BrowseName for the StructureType component. The BrowseName for the SubError component. The BrowseName for the SubscribedDataSet component. The BrowseName for the SubscribedDataSetDataType component. The BrowseName for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType component. The BrowseName for the SubscribedDataSetMirrorType component. The BrowseName for the SubscribedDataSetType component. The BrowseName for the SubscriptionAcknowledgement component. The BrowseName for the SubscriptionDiagnostics component. The BrowseName for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArray component. The BrowseName for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsArrayType component. The BrowseName for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType component. The BrowseName for the SubscriptionDiagnosticsType component. The BrowseName for the SubscriptionId component. The BrowseName for the SupportedPrivateKeyFormats component. The BrowseName for the SupportedTransportProfiles component. The BrowseName for the Suppress component. The BrowseName for the SuppressedOrShelved component. The BrowseName for the SuppressedState component. The BrowseName for the Suspend component. The BrowseName for the Suspended component. The BrowseName for the SuspendedToHalted component. The BrowseName for the SuspendedToReady component. The BrowseName for the SuspendedToRunning component. The BrowseName for the SystemConditionClassType component. The BrowseName for the SystemDiagnosticAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the SystemEventType component. The BrowseName for the SystemOffNormalAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the SystemState component. The BrowseName for the SystemStatusChangeEventType component. The BrowseName for the TargetValueNode component. The BrowseName for the TargetVariables component. The BrowseName for the TargetVariablesDataType component. The BrowseName for the TargetVariablesType component. The BrowseName for the TemporaryFileTransferType component. The BrowseName for the TestingConditionClassType component. The BrowseName for the Time component. The BrowseName for the TimedShelve component. The BrowseName for the TimedShelved component. The BrowseName for the TimedShelvedToOneShotShelved component. The BrowseName for the TimedShelvedToUnshelved component. The BrowseName for the TimeFirstChange component. The BrowseName for the TimestampsToReturn component. The BrowseName for the TimeString component. The BrowseName for the TimeZoneDataType component. The BrowseName for the Title component. The BrowseName for the Tolerance component. The BrowseName for the ToState component. The BrowseName for the TotalError component. The BrowseName for the TotalInformation component. The BrowseName for the TotalRequestCount component. The BrowseName for the TrainingConditionClassType component. The BrowseName for the TransferredToAltClientCount component. The BrowseName for the TransferredToSameClientCount component. The BrowseName for the TransferRequestCount component. The BrowseName for the TransferResult component. The BrowseName for the TransferState_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the TransferSubscriptionsCount component. The BrowseName for the TransferSubscriptionsRequest component. The BrowseName for the TransferSubscriptionsResponse component. The BrowseName for the Transition component. The BrowseName for the TransitionEventType component. The BrowseName for the TransitionNumber component. The BrowseName for the TransitionTime component. The BrowseName for the TransitionType component. The BrowseName for the TransitionVariableType component. The BrowseName for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsCount component. The BrowseName for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest component. The BrowseName for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse component. The BrowseName for the TransparentRedundancyType component. The BrowseName for the TransportProfileUri component. The BrowseName for the TransportProtocol component. The BrowseName for the TransportSettings component. The BrowseName for the TreatUncertainAsBad component. The BrowseName for the TripAlarmType component. The BrowseName for the TrueState component. The BrowseName for the TrustList component. The BrowseName for the TrustListDataType component. The BrowseName for the TrustListMasks component. The BrowseName for the TrustListType component. The BrowseName for the TrustListUpdatedAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the TwoStateDiscreteType component. The BrowseName for the TwoStateVariableType component. The BrowseName for the TypeNode component. The BrowseName for the TypesFolder component. The BrowseName for the UABinaryFileDataType component. The BrowseName for the UadpDataSetMessageContentMask component. The BrowseName for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the UadpDataSetReaderMessageType component. The BrowseName for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the UadpDataSetWriterMessageType component. The BrowseName for the UadpNetworkMessageContentMask component. The BrowseName for the UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the UadpWriterGroupMessageType component. The BrowseName for the UInt16 component. The BrowseName for the UInt32 component. The BrowseName for the UInt64 component. The BrowseName for the UInteger component. The BrowseName for the UnacknowledgedMessageCount component. The BrowseName for the UnauthorizedRequestCount component. The BrowseName for the Union component. The BrowseName for the UnregisterNodesCount component. The BrowseName for the UnregisterNodesRequest component. The BrowseName for the UnregisterNodesResponse component. The BrowseName for the Unshelve component. The BrowseName for the Unshelved component. The BrowseName for the UnshelvedToOneShotShelved component. The BrowseName for the UnshelvedToTimedShelved component. The BrowseName for the UnshelveTime component. The BrowseName for the Unsuppress component. The BrowseName for the UpdateCertificate component. The BrowseName for the UpdateCredential component. The BrowseName for the UpdateDataCapability component. The BrowseName for the UpdateDataDetails component. The BrowseName for the UpdatedNode component. The BrowseName for the UpdateEventCapability component. The BrowseName for the UpdateEventDetails component. The BrowseName for the UpdateStructureDataDetails component. The BrowseName for the UrisVersion component. The BrowseName for the Url component. The BrowseName for the UserCredentialCertificateType component. The BrowseName for the UserIdentityToken component. The BrowseName for the UserNameIdentityToken component. The BrowseName for the UserTokenPolicy component. The BrowseName for the UserTokenType component. The BrowseName for the UserWritable component. The BrowseName for the UseSlopedExtrapolation component. The BrowseName for the UtcTime component. The BrowseName for the ValueAsText component. The BrowseName for the ValuePrecision component. The BrowseName for the VariableAttributes component. The BrowseName for the VariableNode component. The BrowseName for the VariableTypeAttributes component. The BrowseName for the VariableTypeNode component. The BrowseName for the VariableTypesFolder component. The BrowseName for the VendorCapability_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the VendorServerInfo component. The BrowseName for the VendorServerInfoType component. The BrowseName for the VersionId component. The BrowseName for the VersionTime component. The BrowseName for the ViewAttributes component. The BrowseName for the ViewDescription component. The BrowseName for the ViewNode component. The BrowseName for the ViewsFolder component. The BrowseName for the ViewVersion component. The BrowseName for the WellKnownRole_Anonymous component. The BrowseName for the WellKnownRole_AuthenticatedUser component. The BrowseName for the WellKnownRole_ConfigureAdmin component. The BrowseName for the WellKnownRole_Engineer component. The BrowseName for the WellKnownRole_Observer component. The BrowseName for the WellKnownRole_Operator component. The BrowseName for the WellKnownRole_SecurityAdmin component. The BrowseName for the WellKnownRole_Supervisor component. The BrowseName for the Writable component. The BrowseName for the Write component. The BrowseName for the WriteCount component. The BrowseName for the WriteRequest component. The BrowseName for the WriteResponse component. The BrowseName for the WriterGroupDataType component. The BrowseName for the WriterGroupId component. The BrowseName for the WriterGroupMessageDataType component. The BrowseName for the WriterGroupMessageType component. The BrowseName for the WriterGroupName_Placeholder component. The BrowseName for the WriterGroupTransportDataType component. The BrowseName for the WriterGroupTransportType component. The BrowseName for the WriterGroupType component. The BrowseName for the WriteValue component. The BrowseName for the X509IdentityToken component. The BrowseName for the XAxisDefinition component. The BrowseName for the XmlElement component. The BrowseName for the XmlSchema_TypeSystem component. The BrowseName for the XVType component. The BrowseName for the XYArrayItemType component. The BrowseName for the YArrayItemType component. The BrowseName for the YAxisDefinition component. The BrowseName for the ZAxisDefinition component. Defines constants for all namespaces referenced by the model design. Defines well-known namespaces. The URI for the OpcUa namespace (.NET code namespace is 'Opc.Ua'). The URI for the OpcUaXsd namespace (.NET code namespace is 'Opc.Ua'). The XML Schema namespace. The XML Schema Instance namespace. The WS Secuirity Extensions Namespace. The WS Secuirity Utilities Namespace. The URI for the UA WSDL. The URI for the UA SecuredApplication schema. The unified automation licensing namespace. The possible encodings for a NodeId value. A collection of NodeIdType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. This data type is an enumeration that identifies the NamingRule. A collection of NamingRuleType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of OpenFileMode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of IdentityCriteriaType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Defines the values used for the SpecifiedLists field in the TrustListDataType. No fields are provided. The TrustedCertificates are provided. The TrustedCrls are provided. The IssuerCertificates are provided. The IssuerCrls are provided. All fields are provided. A collection of TrustListMasks objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of PubSubState objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of DataSetFieldFlags objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of DataSetFieldContentMask objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of OverrideValueHandling objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of DataSetOrderingType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of UadpNetworkMessageContentMask objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of UadpDataSetMessageContentMask objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of JsonNetworkMessageContentMask objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of JsonDataSetMessageContentMask objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of BrokerTransportQualityOfService objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of DiagnosticsLevel objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of PubSubDiagnosticsCounterClassification objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. An enumeration that identifies the IdType of a NodeId. Numeric value String value Globally Unique Identifier Namespace specific format A collection of IdType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. An enumeration that identifies a NodeClass. A collection of NodeClass objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of PermissionType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of AccessLevelType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of AccessLevelExType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of EventNotifierType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of StructureType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The type of application The application is a Server. The application is a Client. The application is a Client and a Server. The application is a DiscoveryServer. A collection of ApplicationType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. An enumeration that specifies what security should be applied to messages exchanges during a Session. The MessageSecurityMode is invalid. This value is the default value to avoid an accidental choice of no security is applied. This choice will always be rejected. No security is applied. All messages are signed but not encrypted. All messages are signed and encrypted. A collection of MessageSecurityMode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The type of user identity token required. No token is required. A username/password token. An X509v3 Certificate token. Any WS-Security defined token. A collection of UserTokenType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. An enumeration that is defined as the type of the requestType parameter of the OpenSecureChannel request. Creates a new security token for a new secure channel. Creates a new security token for an existing secure channel. A collection of SecurityTokenRequestType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The bits used to specify default attributes for a new node. A collection of NodeAttributesMask objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Define bits used to indicate which attributes are writable. A collection of AttributeWriteMask objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. An enumeration that specifies the direction of References to follow. select only forward References select only inverse References select forward and inverse References A collection of BrowseDirection objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A bit mask which specifies what should be returned in a browse response. A collection of BrowseResultMask objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Defines the basic operators that can be used in a ContentFilter. TRUE if operand[0] is equal to operand[1]. If the operands are of different types, the system shall perform any implicit conversion to a common type. This operator resolves to FALSE if no implicit conversion is available and the operands are of different types. This operator returns FALSE if the implicit conversion fails. \todo See the discussion on data type precedence in Table 114 for more information how to convert operands of different types. TRUE if operand[0] is a null value. TRUE if operand[0] is greater than operand[1]. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.
Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.
The same conversion rules as defined for Equals apply.
TRUE if operand[0] is less than operand[1]. The same conversion rules and restrictions as defined for GreaterThan apply. TRUE if operand[0] is greater than or equal to operand[1]. The same conversion rules and restrictions as defined for GreaterThan apply. TRUE if operand[0] is less than or equal to operand[1]. The same conversion rules and restrictions as defined for GreaterThan apply. TRUE if operand[0] matches a pattern defined by operand[1]. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to a String.
Any operand that resolves to a String.
This operator resolves to FALSE if no operand can be resolved to a string.
TRUE if operand[0] is FALSE. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.
If the operand cannot be resolved to a Boolean, the result is a NULL. \todo See below for a discussion on the handling of NULL.
TRUE if operand[0] is greater or equal to operand[1] and less than or equal to operand[2]. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.
Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.
Any operand that resolves to an ordered value.
If the operands are of different types, the system shall perform any implicit conversion to match all operands to a common type. If no implicit conversion is available and the operands are of different types, the particular result is FALSE. \todo See the discussion on data type precedence in Table 114 for more information how to convert operands of different types.
TRUE if operand[0] is equal to one or more of the remaining operands. The Equals Operator is evaluated for operand[0] and each remaining operand in the list. If any Equals evaluation is TRUE, InList returns TRUE. TRUE if operand[0] and operand[1] are TRUE. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.
Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.
If any operand cannot be resolved to a Boolean it is considered a NULL. \todo See below for a discussion on the handling of NULL.
TRUE if operand[0] or operand[1] are TRUE. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.
Any operand that resolves to a Boolean.
If any operand cannot be resolved to a Boolean it is considered a NULL. \todo See below for a discussion on the handling of NULL.
Converts operand[0] to a value with a data type with a NodeId identified by operand[1]. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand.
Any operand that resolves to a NodeId or ExpandedNodeId where the Node is of the NodeClass DataType.
If there is any error in conversion or in any of the parameters then the Cast Operation evaluates to a NULL. \todo See below for a discussion on the handling of NULL.
TRUE if the target Node is contained in the View defined by operand[0]. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to a NodeId that identifies a View Node.
If operand[0] does not resolve to a NodeId that identifies a View Node, this operation shall always be False.
TRUE if the target Node is of type operand[0] or of a subtype of operand[0]. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to a NodeId that identifies an ObjectType or VariableType Node.
If operand[0] does not resolve to a NodeId that identifies an ObjectType or VariableType Node, this operation shall always be False.
TRUE if the target Node is of type Operand[0] and is related to a NodeId of the type defined in Operand[1] by the Reference type defined in Operand[2]. Operand[0] or Operand[1] can also point to an element Reference where the referred to element is another RelatedTo operator. This allows chaining of relationships (e.g. A is related to B is related to C), where the relationship is defined by the ReferenceType defined in Operand[2]. In this case, the referred to element returns a list of NodeIds instead of TRUE or FALSE. In this case if any errors occur or any of the operands cannot be resolved to an appropriate value, the result of the chained relationship is an empty list of nodes. Operand[3] defines the number of hops for which the relationship should be followed. If Operand[3] is 1, then objects shall be directly related. If a hop is greater than 1, then a NodeId of the type described in Operand[1] is checked for at the depth specified by the hop. In this case, the type of the intermediate Node is undefined, and only the Reference type used to reach the end Node is defined. If the requested number of hops cannot be followed, then the result is FALSE, i.e., an empty Node list. If Operand[3] is 0, the relationship is followed to its logical end in a forward direction and each Node is checked to be of the type specified in Operand[1]. If any Node satisfies this criterion, then the result is TRUE, i.e., the NodeId is included in the sublist. Operand [4] defines if Operands [0] and [1] should include support for subtypes of the types defined by these operands. A TRUE indicates support for subtypes Operand [5] defines if Operand [2] should include support for subtypes of the reference type. A TRUE indicates support for subtypes. The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to a NodeId or ExpandedNodeId that identifies an ObjectType or VariableType Node or a reference to another element which is a RelatedTo operator.
Any operand that resolves to a NodeId or ExpandedNodeId that identifies an ObjectType or VariableType Node or a reference to another element which is a RelatedTo operator.
Any operand that resolves to a NodeId that identifies a ReferenceType Node.
Any operand that resolves to a value implicitly convertible to Uint32.
Any operand that resolves to a value implicitly convertible to a boolean; if this operand does not resolve to a Boolean, then a value of FALSE is used.
>Any operand that resolves to a value implicitly convertible to a boolean; if this operand does not resolve to a Boolean, then a value of FALSE is used.
If none of the operands [0],[1],[2],[3] resolves to an appropriate value then the result of this operation shall always be False (or an Empty set in the case of a nested RelatedTo operand). \todo See examples for RelatedTo in Annex B.2.
The result is an integer which matches the size of the largest operand and contains a bitwise And operation of the two operands where both have been converted to the same size (largest of the two operands). The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to an integer.
Any operand that resolves to an integer.
If any operand cannot be resolved to an integer, it is considered a NULL. \todo See below for a discussion on the handling of NULL.
The result is an integer which matches the size of the largest operand and contains a bitwise Or operation of the two operands where both have been converted to the same size (largest of the two operands). The following restrictions apply to the operands:
Any operand that resolves to an integer.
Any operand that resolves to an integer.
If any operand cannot be resolved to an integer, it is considered a NULL. \todo See below for a discussion on the handling of NULL.
A collection of FilterOperator objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. An enumeration that specifies the Timestamp Attributes to be transmitted for MonitoredItems or Nodes in Read and HistoryRead. OPC UA defines two timestamps, the source and the server timestamp. This parameter allows the client to define which timestamps the server should return with the value. The source timestamp is only available for Value Attributes. The source timestamp is used to reflect the timestamp that was applied to a Variable value by the data source. It should indicate the last change of the value or status code. The source timestamp must be always generated by the same physical clock. This timestamp type was added for OPC UA to cover the use case to get the timestamp of the last value change which is different than the server timestamp definition. The server timestamp is used to reflect the time that the server received a Variable value or knew it to be accurate if the changes are reported by exception and the connection to the data source is operating. This is the behavior expected by Classic OPC. Return the source timestamp. Return the Server timestamp. Return both the source and Server timestamps. Return neither timestamp. This is the default value for MonitoredItems if a Variable value is not being accessed. For HistoryRead this is not a valid setting. A collection of TimestampsToReturn objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of HistoryUpdateType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The value determines which action of insert, replace, or update is performed. Data was inserted Data was replaced Data was inserted or replaced Data was deleted A collection of PerformUpdateType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. An enumeration that specifies whether sampling and reporting are enabled or disabled for a MonitoredItem. The two main modes are Disabled and Reporting. Sampling is only used together with the SetTriggering Service. The value of the publishing enabled parameter for a Subscription does not affect the value of the monitoring mode for a MonitoredItem of the Subscription. The item being monitored is not sampled or evaluated, and Notifications are not generated or queued. Notification reporting is disabled. In this mode the monitored item is completely deactivated in the server. The item being monitored is sampled and evaluated, and Notifications are generated and queued. Notification reporting is disabled. In this special mode the data is sampled in the server but only delivered to the client in combination with linked monitored items created with SetTriggering Service. The item being monitored is sampled and evaluated, and Notifications are generated and queued. Notification reporting is enabled. In this mode, the data is sampled in the server and delivered to the client. A collection of MonitoringMode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of DataChangeTrigger objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A value that defines the Deadband type and behaviour. No Deadband calculation should be applied. An AbsoluteDeadband is used. For this type the deadbandValue contains the absolute change in a data value that shall cause a Notification to be generated. This parameter applies only to Variables with any Number data type. An exception that causes a DataChange Notification based on an AbsoluteDeadband is determined as follows: Generate a Notification if (absolute value of (last cached value - current value)\> AbsoluteDeadband) The last cached value is defined as the last value pushed to the queue. If the item is an array of values, the entire array is returned if any array element exceeds the AbsoluteDeadband, or the size or dimension of the array changes. A PercentDeadband is used. For this type of deadband the deadbandValue is defined as the percent age of the EURange. That is, it applies only to AnalogItems with an EURange Property that defines the typical value range for the item. This range shall be multiplied with the deadbandValue and then compared to the actual value change to determine the need for a data change notification. The following pseudo code shows how the deadband is calculated: DataChange if (absolute value of (last cached value - current value)\> (deadbandValue/100.0)* ((high–low) of EURange))) The range of the deadbandValue is from 0.0 to 100.0 Percent. Specifying a deadbandValue outside of this range will be rejected and reported with the StatusCode Bad_DeadbandFilterInvalid. If the Value of the MonitoredItem is an array, then the deadband calculation logic shall be applied to each element of the array. If an element that requires a DataChange is found, then no further deadband checking is necessary and the entire array shall be returned. A collection of DeadbandType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Defines the redundancy support of the Server. There is no redundancy support. The server supports cold redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification. The server supports warm redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification. The server supports hot redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification. The server supports transparent redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification. The server supports HotAndMirrored redundancy as defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification. A collection of RedundancySupport objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. An enumeration that defines the execution state of the Server. The server is running normally. This is the usual state for a server. A vendor-specific fatal error has occurred within the server. The server is no longer functioning. The recovery procedure from this situation is vendor-specific. Most Service requests should be expected to fail. The server is running but has no configuration information loaded and therefore does not transfer data. The server has been temporarily suspended by some vendor-specific method and is not receiving or sending data. The server has shut down or is in the process of shutting down. Depending on the implementation, this might or might not be visible to clients. The server is in Test Mode. The outputs are disconnected from the real hardware, but the server will otherwise behave normally. Inputs may be real or may be simulated depending on the vendor implementation. StatusCode will generally be returned normally. The server is running properly, but is having difficulty accessing data from its data sources. This may be due to communication problems or some other problem preventing the underlying device, control system, etc. from returning valid data. It may be a complete failure, meaning that no data is available, or a partial failure, meaning that some data is still available. It is expected that items affected by the fault will individually return with a BAD FAILURE status code indication for the items. This state is used only to indicate that the OPC UA server does not know the state of underlying servers. A collection of ServerState objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of ModelChangeStructureVerbMask objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Identifies on which type of axis the data shall be displayed. Linear Scale Log base 10 scale Log base e scale A collection of AxisScaleEnumeration objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A collection of ExceptionDeviationFormat objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of KeyValuePair objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EndpointType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of IdentityMappingRuleType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A DataType which stores the trust list of a Server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A bit mask which indicates which lists contain information. See for allowed values. The list of Application and CA Certificates which are trusted. The CRLs for the CA Certificates in the trustedCertificates list. The list of CA Certificates which are necessary to validate Certificates. The CRLs for the CA Certificates in the issuerCertificates list. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of TrustListDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DecimalDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataTypeSchemaHeader objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataTypeDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of StructureDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EnumDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SimpleTypeDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UABinaryFileDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataSetMetaDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of FieldMetaData objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ConfigurationVersionDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PublishedDataSetDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PublishedDataSetSourceDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PublishedVariableDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PublishedDataItemsDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PublishedEventsDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataSetWriterDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataSetWriterTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataSetWriterMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PubSubGroupDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of WriterGroupDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of WriterGroupTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of WriterGroupMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PubSubConnectionDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ConnectionTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of NetworkAddressDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of NetworkAddressUrlDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReaderGroupDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReaderGroupTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReaderGroupMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataSetReaderDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataSetReaderTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataSetReaderMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SubscribedDataSetDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of TargetVariablesDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of FieldTargetDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SubscribedDataSetMirrorDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PubSubConfigurationDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UadpWriterGroupMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UadpDataSetWriterMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UadpDataSetReaderMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of JsonWriterGroupMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of JsonDataSetWriterMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of JsonDataSetReaderMessageDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DatagramConnectionTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DatagramWriterGroupTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrokerConnectionTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrokerWriterGroupTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrokerDataSetWriterTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrokerDataSetReaderTransportDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RolePermissionType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of StructureField objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataTypeDefinition objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of StructureDefinition objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EnumDefinition objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies the attributes which belong to all nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Gets or sets the translations for the display name. The translations for the display name. Gets or sets the translations for the description. The translations for the description. The permissions assigned to the node. Extensions that are serialized with the node. Gets the an indexed table of references. The reference table. This property should be used instead of References property because it is more efficient. Adds the reference. The reference type id. Set to true if the reference is an inverse reference. The target id. if set to true raise an exception if the reference already exists. Removes the reference. The reference type id. Set to true if the reference is an inverse reference. The target id. References the exists. The reference type id. Set to true if the reference is an inverse reference. The target id. Finds the references. The reference type id. Set to true if the reference is an inverse reference. Finds the references. The reference type id. Set to true if the reference is an inverse reference. if set to true [include subtypes]. The type table. Finds all references of the node. A copy of the list of references. Finds the single reference. The reference type id. Set to true if the reference is an inverse reference. The index. Finds the single reference. The reference type id. Set to true if the reference is an inverse reference. if set to true [include subtypes]. The type table. The index. Determines whether the specified attribute id has attribute. The attribute id. true if the specified attribute id has attribute; otherwise, false. Reads the specified attribute. The locales. The attribute id. The MessageEncoding The value. The attribute value. Chooses the translation. The locales. The translations. The default text. The translation. Reads the specified attribute. The attribute id. The value. Any error code. Updates the translation. The translations. The new text. Gets the attributes. The NodeAttributes with the SpecifiedAttributes mask set properly. Updates the attributes with the values for the node. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of Node objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the parent node id. The parent node id. Gets or sets the type definition id. The type definition id. This property replaces the HasTypeDefinition reference for Object and Variable Nodes. For Method nodes this property is the NodeId of the Method instance belonging to the TypeDefinition associated with the ParentNodeId if the parent is an Object Node. Thia value can also be accessed via the Method.MethodDeclarationId property. Gets or sets the modelling rule id. The modelling rule id. A collection of InstanceNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the super type id. The super type id. A collection of TypeNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies the attributes which belong to object nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Determines whether the specified attribute id has attribute. The attribute id. true if the specified attribute id has attribute; otherwise, false. Reads the specified attribute. The locales. The attribute id. The MessageEncoding. The value. The attribute value. Reads the specified attribute. The attribute id. The value. Any error code. Gets the attributes. The NodeAttributes with the SpecifiedAttributes mask set properly. A collection of ObjectNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies the attributes which belong to object type nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Determines whether the specified attribute id has attribute. The attribute id. true if the specified attribute id has attribute; otherwise, false. Reads the specified attribute. The locales. The attribute id. The MessageEncoding The value. The attribute value. Reads the specified attribute. The attribute id. The value. Any error code. Gets the attributes. The NodeAttributes with the SpecifiedAttributes mask set properly. A collection of ObjectTypeNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies the attributes which belong to variable nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the timestamp. The timestamp. Gets or sets the status code. The status code. Gets or sets the AccessLevel. Gets or sets the AccessLevelEx. Determines whether the specified attribute id has attribute. The attribute id. true if the specified attribute id has attribute; otherwise, false. Reads the specified attribute. The locales. The attribute id. The MessageEncding The value. The attribute value. Reads the specified attribute. The attribute id. The value. Any error code. Gets the attributes. The NodeAttributes with the SpecifiedAttributes mask set properly. Clears AccessLevelEx; A collection of VariableNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies the attributes which belong to variable type nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Determines whether the specified attribute id has attribute. The attribute id. true if the specified attribute id has attribute; otherwise, false. Reads the specified attribute. The locales. The attribute id. The MessageEncoding The value. The attribute value. Reads the specified attribute. The attribute id. The value. Any error code. Gets the attributes. The NodeAttributes with the SpecifiedAttributes mask set properly. A collection of VariableTypeNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies the attributes which belong to reference type nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the translations of the inverse name. The the translations of the inverse name. Reads the specified attribute. The locales. The attribute id. The MessageEncoding The value. The attribute value. Reads the specified attribute. The attribute id. The value. Any error code. Gets the attributes. The NodeAttributes with the SpecifiedAttributes mask set properly. A collection of ReferenceTypeNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies the attributes which belong to method nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the method declaration id. The method declaration id. The value of this property can also be accessed by using the InstanceNode.TypeDefinitionId property. Determines whether the specified attribute id has attribute. The attribute id. true if the specified attribute id has attribute; otherwise, false. Reads the specified attribute. The locales. The attribute id. The MessageEncoding The value. The attribute value. Reads the specified attribute. The attribute id. The value. Any error code. Gets the attributes. The NodeAttributes with the SpecifiedAttributes mask set properly. A collection of MethodNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Determines whether the specified attribute id has attribute. The attribute id. true if the specified attribute id has attribute; otherwise, false. Reads the specified attribute. The locales. The attribute id. The MEssageEncoding. The value. The attribute value. Reads the specified attribute. The attribute id. The value. Any error code. A collection of ViewNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Determines whether the specified attribute id has attribute. The attribute id. true if the specified attribute id has attribute; otherwise, false. Reads the specified attribute. The locales. The attribute id. The encoding of the secure channel The value. The attribute value. Reads the specified attribute. The attribute id. The value. Any error code. Gets the attributes. The NodeAttributes with the SpecifiedAttributes mask set properly. A collection of DataTypeNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies a reference which belongs to a node. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of ReferenceNode objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Defines a method input or output argument specification. It is for example used in the input and output argument Properties for methods. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The name of the argument The NodeId of the DataType of this argument. Indicates whether the DataType is an array and how many dimensions the array has. It may have the following values:
n\> 1
The DataType is an array with the specified number of dimensions.
OneDimension (1)
The DataType is an array with one dimension.
OneOrMoreDimensions (0)
The dataType is an array with one or more dimensions.
Scalar (−1)
The DataType is not an array.
Any (−2)
The DataType can be a scalar or an array with any number of dimensions.
ScalarOrOneDimension (−3)
The DataType can be a scalar or a one dimensional array.
\note All DataTypes are considered to be scalar, even if they have array-like semantics like ByteString and String.
Specifies the length of each dimension for an array dataType. It is intended to describe the capability of the DataType, not the current size. The number of elements shall be equal to the value of the valueRank. Shall be null if valueRank ≦ 0. A value of 0 for an individual dimension indicates that the dimension has a variable length. A localised description of the argument. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of Argument objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A mapping between a value of an enumerated type and a name and description. When this type is used in an array representing human readable representations of an enumeration, each Value shall be unique in that array. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Integer representation of an Enumeration. A human-readable representation of the Value of the Enumeration. A localized description of the enumeration value. This field can contain an empty string if no description is available. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EnumValueType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EnumField objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. This abstract DataType is the base DataType for all DataTypes representing a bit mask. All OptionSet DataTypes representing bit masks shall inherit from this DataType. The DataType Nodes representing concrete subtypes of the OptionSet shall have an OptionSetValues Property. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Array of bytes representing the bits in the option set. The length of the ByteString depends on the number of bits. Array of bytes with same size as value representing the valid bits in the value parameter. When the Server returns the value to the Client, the ValidBits provides information of which bits in the bit mask have a meaning. When the Client passes the value to the Server, the ValidBits defines which bits should be written. Only those bits defined in ValidBits are changed in the bit mask, all others stay the same. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Applies the valid bits of other to the current value. The bits set in the Value property of other are written to the Value property of this if the bit is set in ValidBits property of other and this. Creates the Value and ValidBits properties. The bits in Value will not be set. All bits in ValidBits will be set. A collection of OptionSet objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. This abstract DataType is the base DataType for all union DataTypes. The DataType is a subtype of Structure DataType. All DataTypes inheriting from this DataType have special handling for the encoding as defined in Part 6 of the OPC UA Specification. All union DataTypes shall inherit from this DataType. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of Union objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The local time that may or may not take daylight saving time into account. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The offset in minutes from UtcTime. If TRUE, daylight saving time (DST) is in effect and offset includes the DST correction. If FALSE, the offset does not include the DST correction and DST may or may not have been in effect. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of TimeZoneDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies an application that is available. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The globally unique identifier for the application instance. This URI is used as ServerUri in Services if the application is a Server. The globally unique identifier for the product. A localized descriptive name for the application. The type of application See A URI that identifies the Gateway Server associated with the DiscoveryUrls. This value is not specified if the Server can be accessed directly. This field is not used if the ApplicationType is Client. A URI that identifies the discovery profile supported by the URLs provided. This field is not used if the ApplicationType is client. \todo If this value is not specified then the Endpoints shall support the Discovery Services defined in 5.4. Alternate discovery profiles are defined in Part 7. A list of URLs for the discovery Endpoints provided by the application. If the ApplicationType is Client, this field shall contain an empty list. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ApplicationDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Common parameters for all requests submitted on a Session. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The secret Session identifier used to verify that the request is associated with the Session. The time the Client sent the request. The parameter is only used for diagnostic and logging purposes in the server. A requestHandle associated with the request. This client defined handle can be used to cancel the request. It is also returned in the response. A bit mask that identifies the types of vendor-specific diagnostics to be returned in diagnosticInfo response parameters. The value of this parameter may consist of zero, one or more of the following values. No value indicates that diagnostics are not to be returned. Bit Value | Diagnostics to return ------------|---------------------------------- 0x0000 0001 | ServiceLevel/SymbolicId 0x0000 0002 | ServiceLevel/LocalizedText 0x0000 0004 | ServiceLevel/AdditionalInfo 0x0000 0008 | ServiceLevel/Inner StatusCode 0x0000 0010 | ServiceLevel/Inner Diagnostics 0x0000 0020 | OperationLevel/SymbolicId 0x0000 0040 | OperationLevel/LocalizedText 0x0000 0080 | OperationLevel/AdditionalInfo 0x0000 0100 | OperationLevel/Inner StatusCode 0x0000 0200 | OperationLevel/Inner Diagnostics Each of these values is composed of two components, level and type, as described below. If none are requested, as indicated by a 0 value, or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request, then diagnostics information is not returned. Level:
return diagnostics in the diagnosticInfo of the Service.
return diagnostics in the diagnosticInfo defined for individual operations requested in the Service.
return a namespace-qualified, symbolic identifier for an error or condition. The maximum length of this identifier is 32 characters.
return up to 256 bytes of localized text that describes the symbolic id.
return a byte string that contains additional diagnostic information, such as a memory image. The format of this byte string is vendor-specific, and may depend on the type of error or condition encountered.
return the inner StatusCode associated with the operation or Service.
return the inner diagnostic info associated with the operation or Service. The contents of the inner diagnostic info structure are determined by other bits in the mask. Note that setting this bit could cause multiple levels of nested diagnostic info structures to be returned.
An identifier that identifies the Client’s security audit log entry associated with this request. An empty string value means that this parameter is not used. The AuditEntryId typically contains who initiated the action and from where it was initiated. The AuditEventId is included in the AuditEvent to allow human readers to correlate an Event with the initiating action. More details of the Audit mechanisms are defined in 6.2 and in Part 3. This timeout in milliseconds is used in the Client side Communication Stack to set the timeout on a per-call base. For a Server this timeout is only a hint and can be used to cancel long running operations to free resources. If the Server detects a timeout, he can cancel the operation by sending the Service result Bad_Timeout. The Server should wait at minimum the timeout after he received the request before cancelling the operation. The value of 0 indicates no timeout. Reserved for future use. applications that do not understand the header should ignore it. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RequestHeader objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Common parameters for all responses. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The time the Server sent the response. The requestHandle given by the Client to the request. OPC UA-defined result of the Service invocation. Diagnostic information for the Service invocation. This parameter is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header. There is one string in this list for each unique namespace, symbolic identifier, and localized text string contained in all of the diagnostics information parameters contained in the response DiagnosticInfo. Each is identified within this table by its zero-based index. Reserved for future use. applications that do not understand the header should ignore it. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ResponseHeader objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The response returned by all services when there is a service level error. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ServiceFault objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SessionlessInvokeRequestType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SessionlessInvokeResponseType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to return the Servers known to a Server or Discovery Server. The Client may reduce the number of results returned by specifying filter criteria. A Discovery Server returns an empty list if no Servers match the criteria specified by the client. Every Server shall provide a Discovery Endpoint that supports this Service. The Server shall always return a record that describes itself, however in some cases more than one record may be returned. Gateway Servers shall return a record for each Server that they provide access to plus (optionally) a record that allows the Gateway Server to be accessed as an ordinary OPC UA Server. Non-transparent redundant Servers shall provide a record for each Server in the redundant set. Every Server shall have a globally unique identifier called the ServerUri. This identifier should be a fully qualified domain name; however, it may be a GUID or similar construct that ensures global uniqueness. The ServerUri returned by this Service shall be the same value that appears in index 0 of the ServerArray property (see Part 5 of the OPC UA Specification). The ServerUri is returned as the applicationUri field in the . Every Server shall also have a human readable identifier, called the ServerName, which is not necessarily globally unique. This identifier may be available in multiple locales. A Server may have multiple HostNames. For this reason, the Client shall pass the URL it used to connect to the Endpoint to this Service. The implementation of this Service shall use this information to return responses that are accessible to the Client via the provided URL. This Service shall not require any message security but it may require transport layer security. Some Servers may be accessed via a Gateway Server and shall have a value specified for gatewayServerUri in their . The discoveryUrls provided in ApplicationDescription shall belong to the Gateway Server. Some Discovery Servers may return multiple records for the same Server if that Server can be accessed via multiple paths. This Service can be used without security and it is therefore vulnerable to Denial Of Service (DOS) attacks. A Server should minimize the amount of processing required to send the response for this Service. This can be achieved by preparing the result in advance. The Server should also add a short delay before starting processing of a request during high traffic conditions. The DiscoveryUrl returned by this Service is ambiguous if there are multiple TransportProfiles (e.g. UA XML or UA Binary encoding) associated with the URL scheme. Clients that support multiple TransportProfiles should attempt to use alternate TransportProfiles if the first choice does not succeed. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The network address that the Client used to access the Discovery Endpoint. The Server uses this information for diagnostics and to determine what URLs to return in the response. The Server should return a suitable default URL if it does not recognize the HostName in the URL. List of locales to use. The server should return the applicationName in the using one of locales specified. If the server supports more than one of the requested locales, the server shall use the locale that appears first in this list. If the server does not support any of the requested locales, it chooses an appropriate default locale. The server chooses an appropriate default locale if this list is empty. List of servers to return. All known servers are returned if the list is empty. A serverUri matches the applicationUri from the . Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of FindServersRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of Servers that meet criteria specified in the request. This list is empty if no servers meet the criteria. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of FindServersResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ServerOnNetwork objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of FindServersOnNetworkRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of FindServersOnNetworkResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies a UserIdentityToken that a Server will accept. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. An identifier for the UserTokenPolicy assigned by the Server. The Client specifies this value when it constructs a UserIdentityToken that conforms to the policy. This value is only unique within the context of a single Server. The type of user identity token required. A tokenType of ANONYMOUS indicates that the Server does not require any user identification. In this case the Client application instance certificate is used as the user identification. A URI for the type of token. Part 6 of the OPC UA Specification defines URIs for common issued token types. Vendors may specify their own token. This field may only be specified if TokenType is IssuedToken. An optional URL for the token issuing service. The meaning of this value depends on the IssuedTokenType. The security policy to use when encrypting or signing the UserIdentityToken when it is passed to the Server in the ActivateSession request. The security policy for the SecureChannel is used if this value is omitted. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UserTokenPolicy objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Describes an Endpoint for a Server The description for an endpoint. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The URL for the Endpoint described. The description for the Server that the Endpoint belongs to. The application instance certificate issued to the Server. The type of security to apply to the messages. A SecureChannel may have to be created even if the securityMode is NONE. \todo The exact behaviour depends on the mapping used and is described in the Part 6. The URI for SecurityPolicy to use when securing messages. The user identity tokens that the Server will accept. The Client shall pass one of the UserIdentityTokens in the ActivateSession request. The URI of the Transport Profile supported by the Endpoint. A numeric value that indicates how secure the EndpointDescription is compared to other EndpointDescriptions for the same Server. A value of 0 indicates that the EndpointDescription is not recommended and is only supported for backward compatibility. A higher value indicates better security. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Initializes a new instance of the class. The endpoint URL. Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Finds the user token policy with the specified id. Finds a token policy that matches the user identity specified. Finds a token policy that matches the user identity specified. A collection of EndpointDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to get the Endpoints supported by a Server and all of the configuration information required to establish a SecureChannel and a Session. This Service shall not require any message security, but it may require transport layer security. A Client may reduce the number of results returned by specifying filter criteria based on LocaleIds and Transport Profile URIs. The Server returns an empty list if no Endpoints match the criteria specified by the client. A Server may support multiple security configurations for the same Endpoint. In this situation, the Server shall return separate records for each available configuration. Clients should treat each of these configurations as distinct Endpoints, even if the physical URL happens to be the same. The security configuration for an Endpoint has four components: - Server application instance certificate - Message Security Mode - Security Policy - Supported User Identity Tokens The ApplicationInstanceCertificate is used to secure the OpenSecureChannel request. The MessageSecurityMode and the SecurityPolicy tell the Client how to secure messages sent via the SecureChannel. The UserIdentityTokens tell the client which type of user credentials shall be passed to the Server in the ActivateSession request. If the securityPolicyUri is NONE and none of the UserTokenPolicies requires encryption, the Client shall ignore the ApplicationInstanceCertificate. Each EndpointDescription also specifies a URI for the Transport Profile that the Endpoint supports. The Transport Profiles specify information such as message encoding format and protocol version and are defined in Part 7 of the OPC UA Specification. Clients shall fetch the Server’s SoftwareCertificates if they want to discover the complete list of Profiles supported by the Server. Messages are secured by applying standard cryptography algorithms to the messages before they are sent over the network. The exact set of algorithms used depends on the SecurityPolicy for the Endpoint. Part 7 of the OPC UA Specification defines Profiles for common SecurityPolicies and assigns a unique URI to them. It is expected that applications have built in knowledge of the SecurityPolicies that they support. As a result, only the Profile URI for the SecurityPolicy is specified in the EndpointDescription. A Client cannot connect to an Endpoint that does not support a SecurityPolicy that it recognizes. An EndpointDescription may specify that the message security mode is NONE. This configuration is not recommended unless the applications are communicating on a physically isolated network where the risk of intrusion is extremely small. If the message security is NONE, it is possible for Clients to deliberately or accidentally hijack Sessions created by other Clients. A Server may have multiple HostNames. For this reason, the Client shall pass the URL it used to connect to the Endpoint to this Service. The implementation of this Service shall use this information to return responses that are accessible to the Client via the provided URL. This Service can be used without security and it is therefore vulnerable to Denial Of Service (DOS) attacks. A Server should minimize the amount of processing required to send the response for this Service. This can be achieved by preparing the result in advance. The Server should also add a short delay before starting processing of a request during high traffic conditions. Some of the EndpointDescriptions returned in a response shall specify the Endpoint information for a Gateway Server that can be used to access another Server. In these situations, the gatewayServerUri is specified in the EndpointDescription and all security checks used to verify certificate s shall use the gatewayServerUri instead of the serverUri. To connect to a Server via the gateway, the Client shall first establish a SecureChannel with the Gateway Server. Then the Client shall call the CreateSession service and pass the serverUri specified in the EndpointDescription to the Gateway Server. The Gateway Server shall then connect to the underlying Server on behalf of the Client. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The network address that the Client used to access the Discovery Endpoint. The Server uses this information for diagnostics and to determine what URLs to return in the response. The Server should return a suitable default URL if it does not recognize the HostName in the URL. List of locales to use. Specifies the locale to use when returning human readable strings. If the server supports more than one of the requested locales, the server shall use the locale that appears first in this list. If the server does not support any of the requested locales, it chooses an appropriate default locale. The server chooses an appropriate default locale if this list is empty. List of Transport Profile that the returned Endpoints shall support. Part 7 of the OPC UA Specification defines URIs for the Transport Profiles. All Endpoints are returned if the list is empty. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of GetEndpointsRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of Endpoints that meet criteria specified in the request. This list is empty if no Endpoints meet the criteria Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of GetEndpointsResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The server to register The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The globally unique identifier for the Server instance. The serverUri matches the applicationUri from the ApplicationDescription. The globally unique identifier for the Server product. A list of localized descriptive names for the Server. The list shall have at least one valid entry. The type of application. The value “Client” (The application is a Client) is not allowed. The Service result shall be Bad_InvalidArgument in this case. The URI of the Gateway Server associated with the DiscoveryUrls. This value is only specified by Gateway Servers that wish to register the Servers that they provide access to. For Servers that do not act as a Gateway Server this parameter shall be null. A list of Discovery Endpoints for the Server. The list shall have at least one valid entry. The path to the semaphore file used to identify an automatically-launched server instance. Manually-launched servers will not use this parameter. If a Semaphore file is provided, the IsOnline flag is ignored. If a Semaphore file is provided and exists, the LocalDiscoveryServer shall save the registration information in a persistent data store that it reads whenever the LocalDiscoveryServer starts. If a Semaphore file is specified but does not exist, the Discovery Server shall remove the registration from any persistent data store. If the Server has registered with a semaphoreFilePath, the DiscoveryServer shall check that this file exists before returning the ApplicationDescription to the client. If the Server did not register with a semaphoreFilePath (it is null or empty), then the DiscoveryServer does not attempt to verify the existence of the file before returning the ApplicationDescription to the client. True if the Server is currently able to accept connections from Clients. The DiscoveryServer shall return ApplicationDescriptions to the Client. The Server is expected to periodically re-register with the DiscoveryServer. False if the Server is currently unable to accept connections from Clients. The DiscoveryServer shall NOT return ApplicationDescriptions to the Client. This parameter is ignored if a semaphoreFilePath is provided. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RegisteredServer objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Registers a server with the discovery server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RegisterServerRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Registers a server with the discovery server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RegisterServerResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A base type for discovery configuration information. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DiscoveryConfiguration objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The discovery information needed for mDNS registration. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of MdnsDiscoveryConfiguration objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RegisterServer2Request objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RegisterServer2Response objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The token that identifies a set of keys for an active secure channel. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ChannelSecurityToken objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Creates a secure channel with a server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of OpenSecureChannelRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Creates a secure channel with a server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of OpenSecureChannelResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Closes a secure channel. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CloseSecureChannelRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Closes a secure channel. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CloseSecureChannelResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A ByteString containing an encoded certificate. The encoding of a SignedSoftwareCertificate depends on the security technology mapping and is defined completely in Part 6 of the OPC UA Specification. \todo Part 4, p148: more parameters than in the.NET SDK The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The certificate data serialized as a ByteString. The signature for the certificateData. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SignedSoftwareCertificate objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A digital signature. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SignatureData objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Creates a new session with the server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CreateSessionRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Creates a new session with the server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CreateSessionResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Allows Clients to specify the identity of the user they are acting on behalf of. The exact mechanism used to identify users depends on the system configuration. The different types of identity tokens are bas ed on the most common mechanisms that are used in systems today. The Client shall always prove possession of a UserIdentityToken when it passes it to the Server. Some tokens include a secret such as a password which the Server will accept as proof. In order to protect these secrets the Token shall be encrypted before it is passed to the Server. Other types of tokens allow the Client to create a signature with the secret associated with the Token. In these cases, the Client proves possession of a UserIdentityToken by appending the last ServerNonce to the ServerCertificate and uses the secret to produce a Signature which is passed to the Server. Each UserIdentityToken allowed by an Endpoint shall have a UserTokenPolicy specified in the EndpointDescription. The UserTokenPolicy specifies what SecurityPolicy to use when encrypting or signing. If this SecurityPolicy is omitted, the Client uses the SecurityPolicy in the EndpointDescription. If the matching SecurityPolicy is set to None, no encryption or signature is required. It is recommended that Applications never set the SecurityPolicy to None for UserTokens that include a secret because these secrets could be used by an attacker to gain access to the system. \todo Part 4, p155: parameters are different in.NET SDK The UserIdentityToken class. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Encrypts the token (implemented by the subclass). Decrypts the token (implemented by the subclass). Creates a signature with the token (implemented by the subclass). Verifies a signature created with the token (implemented by the subclass). A collection of UserIdentityToken objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A token representing an anonymous user. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AnonymousIdentityToken objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A token representing a user identified by a user name and password. The UserIdentityToken class. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. The decrypted password associated with the token. Encrypts the DecryptedPassword using the EncryptionAlgorithm and places the result in Password Decrypts the Password using the EncryptionAlgorithm and places the result in DecryptedPassword A collection of UserNameIdentityToken objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A token representing a user identified by an X509 certificate. The X509IdentityToken class. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. The certificate associated with the token. The certificate. Creates a signature with the token. Verifies a signature created with the token. A collection of X509IdentityToken objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A token representing a user identified by a WS-Security XML token. The IssuedIdentityToken class. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. The decrypted password associated with the token. Encrypts the DecryptedTokenData using the EncryptionAlgorithm and places the result in Password Decrypts the Password using the EncryptionAlgorithm and places the result in DecryptedPassword Creates a signature with the token. Verifies a signature created with the token. A collection of IssuedIdentityToken objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Activates a session with the server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ActivateSessionRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Activates a session with the server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ActivateSessionResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Closes a session with the server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CloseSessionRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Closes a session with the server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CloseSessionResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously cancels outstanding service requests on the OPC UA server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The request handle assigned to one or more requests that should be cancelled. All outstanding requests with the matching requestHandle shall be cancelled. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CancelRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Number of cancelled requests. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CancelResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The base attributes for all nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of NodeAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The attributes for an object node. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ObjectAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The attributes for a variable node. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of VariableAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The attributes for a method node. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of MethodAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The attributes for an object type node. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ObjectTypeAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The attributes for a variable type node. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of VariableTypeAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The attributes for a reference type node. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReferenceTypeAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The attributes for a data type node. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataTypeAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The attributes for a view node. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ViewAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of GenericAttributeValue objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of GenericAttributes objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToAdd parameter of the AddNodes Service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. ExpandedNodeId of the parent node for the reference. NodeId of the hierarchical ReferenceType to use for the reference from the parent node to the new node. Client requested expanded NodeId of the node to add. The server index in the expanded NodeId shall be 0. If the Server cannot use this NodeId, it rejects this node and returns the appropriate error code. If the Client does not want to request a NodeId, it sets the value of this parameter to the null expanded NodeId. If the node to add is a ReferenceType node, its NodeId should be a numeric id. See Part 3 of the OPC UA specification for a description of ReferenceType NodeIds. The browse name of the node to add. NodeClass of the node to add. The attributes that are specific to the NodeClass. A Client is allowed to omit values for some or all attributes. If an attribute value is omitted, the Server shall use the default values from the TypeDefinitionNode. If a TypeDefinitionNode was not provided, the Server shall choose a suitable default value. The Server may still add an optional attribute to the node with an appropriate default value even if the Client does not specify a value. NodeId of the TypeDefinitionNode for the node to add. This parameter shall be null for all node classes other than object and Variable, in which case it shall be provided. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. A collection of AddNodesItem objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the AddNodes Service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. StatusCode for the node to add. Server assigned NodeId of the added node. Null NodeId if the operation failed. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AddNodesResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously adds one or more nodes into the address space hierarchy. Using this service, each node is added as the target node of a hierarchical reference to ensure that the address space is fully connected and that the node is added as a child within the address space hierarchy (see Part 3 of the OPC UA Specification). The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of nodes to add. All nodes are added as a reference to an existing node using a hierarchical ReferenceType. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AddNodesRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of results for the Nodes to add. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the nodes to add. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AddNodesResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToAdd parameter of the AddReferences Service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the node to which the reference is to be added. The source node shall always exist in the Server to add the reference. The IsForward parameter can be set to FALSE if the target node is on the local Server and the source node on the remote Server. NodeId of the ReferenceType that defines the reference. If the value is TRUE, the Server creates a forward reference; if the value is FALSE, the Server creates an inverse Reference. URI of the remote Server. If this parameter is not null, it overrides the serverIndex in the TargetNodeId. Expanded NodeId of the target node. NodeClass of the target node. The Client shall specify this since the target node might not be accessible directly by the Server. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. A collection of AddReferencesItem objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously adds one or more references to one or more nodes. The NodeClass is an input parameter that is used to validate that the reference to be added matches the NodeClass of the target node. This parameter is not validated if the reference refers to a target node in a remote Server. In certain cases, adding new references to the address space shall require that the Server add new Server ids to the Server’s ServerArray variable. For this reason, remote Servers are identified by their URI and not by their ServerArray index. This allows the Server to add the remote Server URIs to its ServerArray. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of reference instances to add to the source node. The of each reference in the list shall match the node class of the target node. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AddReferencesRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of StatusCodes for the references to add. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the references to add. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AddReferencesResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToDelete parameter of the DeleteNodes Service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the node to delete. A boolean parameter indicating whether to delete references for which the node to delete is the target node. It has the following values:
delete References in TargetNodes that Reference the Node to delete.
delete only the References for which the Node to delete is the source.
The Server cannot guarantee that it is able to delete all references from target nodes if this parameter is TRUE.
Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. A collection of DeleteNodesItem objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously deletes nodes from the OPC UA server’s address space. If any of the Nodes deleted by an invocation of this service is the target node of a reference, those references are left unresolved based on the deleteTargetReferences parameter. If any of the nodes deleted by an invocation of this service is being monitored, a notification containing the status code Bad_NodeIdUnknown is sent to the monitoring Client indicating that the node has been deleted. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of nodes to delete. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteNodesRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of StatusCodes for the nodes to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the list of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the nodes to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteNodesResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the referencesToDelete parameter of the DeleteReferences service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the node that contains the reference to delete. NodeId of the ReferenceType that defines the reference to delete. If the value is TRUE, the Server deletes a forward Reference. If the value is FALSE, the Server deletes an inverse Reference. NodeId of the target node of the reference. If the Server index indicates that the target node is a remote node, then the nodeId shall contain the absolute namespace URI. If the target node is a local node the nodeId shall contain the namespace index. A boolean parameter indicating whether the opposite reference from the target node should be deleted together with the node to delete. It has the following values:
delete the specified Reference and the opposite reference from the target node. If the target node is located in a remote Server, the Server is permitted to delete the specified reference only.
delete only the specified reference.
Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. A collection of DeleteReferencesItem objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously deletes references from the OPC UA server’s address space. If any of the references deleted by an invocation of this service are contained in a view, then the ViewVersion property is updated if this property is supported. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of references to delete. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteReferencesRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of StatusCodes for the references to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the references to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteReferencesResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Specifies a View. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the View to Query. A null value indicates the entire AddressSpace. The time date desired. The corresponding version is the one with the closest previous creation timestamp. Either the Timestamp or the viewVersion parameter may be set by a Client, but not both. If ViewVersion is set this parameter shall be null. The version number for the View desired. When Nodes are added to or removed from a View, the value of a View’s ViewVersion Property is updated. Either the Timestamp or the viewVersion parameter may be set by a Client, but not both. The ViewVersion Property is defined in Part 3. If timestamp is set this parameter shall be 0. The current view is used if timestamp is null and viewVersion is 0. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ViewDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure defined as the type of the parameter nodesToBrowse of the Browse service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the Node to be browsed. If a view is provided, it shall include this Node. An enumeration that specifies the direction of References to follow. The returned references do indicate the direction the Server followed in the isForward parameter of the ReferenceDescription. Symmetric references are always considered to be in forward direction, therefore the isForward flag is always set to TRUE and symmetric references are not returned if browseDirection is set to INVERSE_1. Specifies the NodeId of the ReferenceType to follow. Only instances of this ReferenceType or its subtypes are returned. If not specified, all References are returned and includeSubtypes is ignored. Indicates whether subtypes of the ReferenceType should be included in the browse. If TRUE, then instances of referenceTypeId and all of its subtypes are returned. Specifies the NodeClasses of the TargetNodes. Only TargetNodes with the selected NodeClasses are returned. The NodeClasses are assigned the following bits: Bit | Node Class ----|--------------- 0 | Object 1 | Variable 2 | Method 3 | ObjectType 4 | VariableType 5 | ReferenceType 6 | DataType 7 | View If set to zero, then all NodeClasses are returned. Specifies the fields in the ReferenceDescription structure that should be returned. The fields are assigned the following bits: Bit | Result ----|---------------- 0 | ReferenceType 1 | IsForward 2 | NodeClass 3 | BrowseName 4 | DisplayName 5 | TypeDefinition Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Determines whether the reference selected. The reference type id. iIf TRUE the reference is an inverse reference. The type table. TRUE if the reference is selected. Determines whether [is node class selected] [the specified node class]. The node class. true if [is node class selected] [the specified node class]; otherwise, false. Applies the result filter (modifies the reference passed in and returns it). The reference to modify. The modified reference. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of BrowseDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Reference parameters returned for the Browse Service. The description of a reference. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the ReferenceType that defines the Reference. If the value is TRUE, the Server followed a forward Reference. If the value is FALSE, the Server followed an inverse Reference. NodeId of the TargetNode as assigned by the Server identified by the Server index. If the serverIndex indicates that the TargetNode is a remote Node, then the nodeId shall contain the absolute namespace URI. If the TargetNode is a local Node the nodeId shall contain the namespace index. The BrowseName of the TargetNode. The DisplayName of the TargetNode. NodeClass of the TargetNode. Type definition NodeId of the TargetNode. Type definitions are only available for the NodeClasses object and Variable. For all other NodeClasses a null NodeId shall be returned. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of ReferenceDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The results of a Browse operation. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The status for the BrowseDescription. This value is set to Good if there are still references to return for the BrowseDescription. A Server defined opaque value that identifies the continuation point. The set of references that meet the criteria specified in the BrowseDescription. Empty if no references met the criteria. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrowseResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The Browse service is used by a client to navigate through the address space by passing a starting node and browse filters. The server returns the list of referenced nodes matching the filter criteria. The Browse service takes a list of starting nodes and returns a list of connected nodes for each starting node. Nevertheless, most clients will only pass one starting node for the main purpose of building a tree hierarchy. Since the OPC UA address space can be a full-meshed network and is not limited to a pure hierarchy, the capability to pass in a list of starting nodes is mainly used to browse metadata like the properties of a list of variables. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Description of the View to browse. An empty ViewDescription value indicates the entire address space. If ViewDescription is empty, all references of the node to browse are returned. If any other view is specified, only the references of the node to browse that are defined for that view are returned. Indicates the maximum number of references to return for each starting Node specified in the request. The value 0 indicates that the Client is imposing no limitation. A list of nodes to Browse Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrowseRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A list of BrowseResults. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the specified in the request. List of diagnostic information for the results. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the response parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrowseResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The BrowseNext service is only used to continue a Browse if not all results could be returned by the Browse or a following BrowseNext call. The number of Nodes to return can be limited by the client in the Browse request or by the Server during processing the Browse Service call. The BrowseNext shall be submitted on the same session that was used to submit the Browse or BrowseNext that is being continued. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A boolean parameter indicating whether continuation points should be released. It has the following values:
passed ContinuationPoints shall be reset to free resources in the Server. The continuation points are released and the results and diagnosticInfos arrays are empty.
passed ContinuationPoints shall be used to get the next set of browse information.
A Client shall always use the continuation point returned by a Browse or BrowseNext response to free the resources for the continuation point in the Server. If the Client does not want to get the next set of browse information, BrowseNext shall be called with this parameter set to TRUE.
A list of Server-defined opaque values that represent continuation points. The value for a continuation point was returned to the Client in a previous Browse or BrowseNext response. These values are used to identify the previously processed Browse or BrowseNext request that is being continued and the point in the result set from which the browse response is to continue. Clients may mix continuation points from different Browse or BrowseNext responses. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrowseNextRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Continues one or more browse operations. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrowseNextResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow. Each element in the sequence is processed by finding the targets and then using those targets as the starting nodes for the next element. The targets of the final element are the target of the RelativePath. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The type of reference to follow from the current node. The current path cannot be followed any further if the referenceTypeId is not available on the Node instance. If not specified, then all References are included and the parameter includeSubtypes is ignored. Indicates whether the inverse Reference should be followed. The inverse reference is followed if this value is TRUE. Indicates whether subtypes of the ReferenceType should be followed. Subtypes are included if this value is TRUE. The BrowseName of the target node. The final element may have an empty targetName. In this situation all targets of the references identified by the referenceTypeId are the targets of the RelativePath. The targetName shall be specified for all other elements. The current path cannot be followed any further if no targets with the specified BrowseName exist. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RelativePathElement objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Defines a sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow. A class that stores a relative path The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A sequence of References and BrowseNames to follow. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Creates a relative path to follow any hierarchial references to find the specified browse name. Creates a relative path to follow the forward reference type to find the specified browse name. Creates a relative path to follow the forward reference type to find the specified browse name. Formats the relative path as a string. Returns true if the relative path does not specify any elements. Parses a relative path formatted as a string. The browse path. The syntax of the string that can be parsed by this method is a sequence of elements with the form: ('/' | '.' | ('<' ('#" | '!') [ReferenceTypeName] '>'))[BrowseName] Where the path starts with a reference type denoted by: '/' indicates a hierarchical reference. '.' indicates an aggregates reference. '<' and '>' encloses a reference type with the specified name. '#' indicates that subtypes of the reference should not be followed. '!' indicates that a reverse reference should be followed. The BrowseName and ReferenceTypeName have a syntax like: ([NamespaceIndex]:)[Name] NamespaceIndex is an unsigned integer. Name is any valid BrowseName. The '&' is used to escape any special characters that appear in the Name. For example, the BrowseName '!Good&Bad' would be represented as '&!Good&&Bad'. Examples of RelativePaths: 2:Block.Output /2:Block&.Output /3:Truck.0:NodeVersion <1:ConnectedTo>1:Boiler/1:HeatSensor <!HasChild>1:Truck Parses a relative path formatted as a string. Parses a relative path formatted as a string. A collection of RelativePath objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the browsePaths parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the starting Node for the browse path. The path to follow from the startingNode. The last element in the relativePath shall always have a targetName specified. This further restricts the definition of the RelativePath type. The Server shall return Bad_BrowseNameInvalid if the targetName is missing. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of BrowsePath objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the targets parameter of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. A Server may encounter a reference to a node in another Server which it cannot follow while it is processing the RelativePath. If this happens, the Server returns the NodeId of the external node and sets the remainingPathIndex parameter to indicate which RelativePath elements still need to be processed. To complete the operation the Client shall connect to the other Server and call this service again using the target as the startingNode and the unprocessed elements as the relativePath. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The identifier for a target of the RelativePath. The index of the first unprocessed element in the RelativePath. This value shall be equal to the maximum value of Index data type if all elements were processed. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrowsePathTarget objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. StatusCode for the browse path. List of targets for the relativePath from the startingNode. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BrowsePathResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously translates a browse path to a NodeId. This service is used to request that the Server translates one or more browse paths to NodeIds. Each browse path is constructed of a starting node and a RelativePath. The specified starting Node identifies the node from which the RelativePath is based. The RelativePath contains a sequence of ReferenceTypes and BrowseNames. One purpose of this service is to allow programming against type definitions. Since BrowseNames shall be unique in the context of type definitions, a Client may create a browse path that is valid for a type definition and use this path on instances of the type. For example, an ObjectType “Boiler” may have a “HeatSensor” Variable as InstanceDeclaration. A graphical element programmed against the “Boiler” may need to display the Value of the “HeatSensor”. If the graphical element would be called on “Boiler1”, an instance of “Boiler”, it would need to call this Service specifying the NodeId of “Boiler1” as starting node and the BrowseName of the “HeatSensor” as browse path. The Service would return the NodeId of the “HeatSensor” of “Boiler1” and the graphical element could subscribe to its Value attribute. If a node has multiple targets with the same BrowseName, the Server shall return a list of NodeIds. However, since one of the main purposes of this service is to support programming against type definitions, the NodeId of the node based on the type definition of the starting node is returned as the first NodeId in the list. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A list of browse paths for which NodeIds are being requested. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of results for the list of browse paths. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the list of browse paths. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIdsResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously registers nodes to create shortcuts in the server. This service allows clients to optimize the cyclic access to nodes, for example for writing variable values or for calling methods. There are two levels of optimization. The first level is to reduce the amount of data on the wire for addressing information. Since NodeIds are used for addressing in nodes and can be very long, a more optimized addressing method is desirable for cyclic use of nodes. Classic OPC provided the concept to create handles for items by adding them to a group. RegisterNodes provides a similar concept to create handles for nodes by returning a numeric NodeId that can be used in all functions accessing information from the server. The transport of numeric NodeIds is very efficient in the OPC UA binary protocol. The second level of optimization is possible inside the server. Since the client is telling the server that it wants to use the node more frequently by registering the Node, the server is able to prepare everything that is possible to optimize the access to the node. The handles returned by the server are only valid during the lifetime of the session that was used to register the nodes. Clients must call if the node is no longer used, to free the resources used in the server for the optimization. This method should not be used to optimize the cyclic read of data, since OPC UA provides a much more optimized mechanism to subscribe for data changes. Clients do not have to use the service and servers can simply implement the service only returning the same list of NodeIds that was passed in if there is no need to optimize the access. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A list of NodeIds to register that the client has retrieved through browsing, querying or in some other manner. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RegisterNodesRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A list of NodeIds which the Client shall use for subsequent access operations. The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the request parameter. The Server may return the NodeId from the request or a new (an alias) NodeId. It is recommended that the Server returns a numeric NodeId for aliasing. In case no optimization is supported for a node, the Server shall return the NodeId from the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RegisterNodesResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously unregisters nodes to delete shortcuts in the server. This Service is used to unregister NodeIds that have been obtained via the RegisterNodes service. UnregisterNodes does not validate the NodeIds from the request. Servers shall simply unregister NodeIds that are known as registered NodeIds. Any NodeIds that are in the list, but are not registered NodeIds are simply ignored. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A list of NodeIds that have been obtained via the RegisterNodes service. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UnregisterNodesRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Unregisters one or more previously registered nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UnregisterNodesResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The configuration to use for an endpoint. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the maximum channel count. The maximum channel count. Gets or sets the maximum lifetime for a channel that is not opened or faulted. The maximum lifetime for a channel that is not opened or faulted. Initializes a new instance of the class. The template. Updates the endpoint configuration with the transport settings. The transport settings. Sets the endpoint configuration parameters to suitable default values. A collection of EndpointConfiguration objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the dataToReturn parameter of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Browse path relative to the originating node that identifies the node which contains the data that is being requested, where the originating node is an instance node of the type defined by the type definition node. The instance nodes are further limited by the filter provided as part of this call. This relative path could end on a reference, in which case the ReferenceDescription of the reference would be returned as its value. The targetName field of the relativePath may contain a type NodeId. This is done by setting the namespaceIndex of the targetName to zero and the name part of the targetName to the XML representation of the NodeId. When matching instances are returned as the target node, the target node shall be an instance of the specified type or subtype of the specified type. The ID of the attribute. This shall be a valid attribute ID. If the RelativePath ended in a reference, this parameter is 0 and ignored by the server. Used to identify a single element of a structure or an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays. If a range of elements is specified, the values are returned as a composite. The first element is identified by index 0 (zero). This parameter is null if the specified attribute is not an array or a structure. However, if the specified attribute is an array or a structure and this parameter is null, all elements are to be included in the range. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of QueryDataDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the nodeTypes parameter of the Query service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the originating TypeDefinitionNode of the instances for which data is to be returned. A flag that indicates whether the Server should include instances of subtypes of the TypeDefinitionNode in the list of instances of the node type. Specifies an attribute or reference from the originating typeDefinitionNode along a given relativePath for which to return data. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of NodeTypeDescription objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of QueryDataSet objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of NodeReference objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the elements parameter of the ContentFilter structure. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Filter operator to be evaluated. Operands used by the selected operator. The number and use depend on the operators (see ). This array needs at least one entry. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of ContentFilterElement objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Defines a collection of elements that define filtering criteria. Each element in the collection describes an operator and an array of operands to be used by the operator. See for a description of the operators that can be used in a ContentFilter. The filter is evaluated by evaluating the first entry in the element array starting with the first operand in the operand array. The operands of an element may contain References to subelements resulting in the evaluation continuing to the referenced elements in the element array. If an element cannot be traced back to the starting element it is ignored. Extra operands for any operator shall result in an error. \todo Annex B provides examples using the ContentFilter structure. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of operators and their operands that compose the filter criteria. The filter is evaluated by starting with the first entry in this array. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ContentFilter objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Gets the operand count. The filter operator. A collection of FilterOperand objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Provides the linking to subelements within a . The link is in the form of an integer that is used to index into the array of elements contained in the . An index is considered valid if its value is greater than the element index it is part of and it does not reference a non-existent element. Clients shall construct filters in this way to avoid circular and invalid references. Servers should protect against invalid indexes by verifying the index prior to using it. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Index into the element array. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of ElementOperand objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A literal value. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of LiteralOperand objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Attribute of a node in the address space. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of a Node from the type system. An optional parameter used to identify or refer to an alias. An alias is a symbolic name that can be used to alias this operand and use it in other locations in the filter structure. Browse path relative to the node identified by the nodeId parameter. ID of the attribute. This shall be a valid. This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array or a single range of indexes for an array. The first element is identified by index 0 (zero). This parameter is not used if the specified attribute is not an array. However, if the specified attribute is an array and this parameter is not used, then all elements are to be included in the range. The parameter is null if not used. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AttributeOperand objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A simplified form of the . All of the rules that apply to the also apply to the SimpleAttributeOperand. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of a TypeDefinitionNode. This parameter restricts the operand to instances of the TypeDefinitionNode or one of its subtypes. A relative path to a Node. This parameter specifies a relative path using a list of browse names instead of the structure used in the . The list of browse names is equivalent to a relative path that specifies forward references which are subtypes of the HierarchicalReferences reference type. All nodes followed by the browsePath shall be of the NodeClass object or variable. If this list is empty, the node is the instance of the TypeDefinition. ID of the Attribute. The Value attribute shall be supported by all Servers. The support of other attributes depends on requirements set in Profiles or other parts of this specification. This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for an array. The first element is identified by index 0 (zero). This parameter is ignored if the selected node is not a variable or the value of a variable is not an array. The parameter is null if not specified. All values in the array are used if this parameter is not specified. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of SimpleAttributeOperand objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the elementResults parameter of the ContentFilterResult structure. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the elements in the ContentFilter parameter. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The status code for a single element. A list of status codes for the operands in an element. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the operands in the ContentFilterElement. This list is empty if no operand errors occurred. A list of diagnostic information for the operands in an element. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the operands in the ContentFilterElement. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the operands. A list of diagnostic information for individual Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ContentFilterElementResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that contains any errors associated with the filter. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A list of results for individual elements in the filter. See . A list of diagnostic information for individual elements in the filter. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the elements in the filter request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the elements. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ContentFilterResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the parsingResults parameter of the Query service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Parsing result for the requested NodeTypeDescription. List of results for dataToReturn. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the dataToReturn request parameter. The array can be empty if no errors were encountered. List of diagnostic information dataToReturn. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the dataToReturn request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the query request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ParsingResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously queries the address space. This Service is used to issue a query request to the Server. The complexity of the query can range from very simple to highly sophisticated. The query can simply request data from instances of a TypeDefinitionNode or TypeDefinitionNode subject to restrictions specified by the filter. On the other hand, the query can request data from instances of related node types by specifying a RelativePath from an originating TypeDefinitionNode.In the filter, a separate set of paths can be constructed for limiting the instances that supply data. A filtering path can include multiple RelatedTo operators to define a multi-hop path between source instances and target instances. The Client provides an array of NodeTypeDescription which specify the NodeId of a TypeDefinitionNode and selects what attributes are to be returned in the response. A client can also provide a set of RelativePaths through the type system starting from an originating TypeDefinitionNode. Using these paths, the client selects a set of attributes from nodes that are related to instances of the originating TypeDefinitionNode. Additionally, the Client can request the Server return instances of subtypes of TypeDefinitionNodes. If a selected Attribute does not exist in a TypeDefinitionNode but does exist in a subtype, it is assumed to have a null value in the TypeDefinitionNode in question. Therefore, this does not constitute an error condition and a null value is returned for the Attribute. The Client can use the filter parameter to limit the result set by restricting attributes and properties to certain values. Another way the Client can use a filter to limit the result set is by specifying how instances should be related, using RelatedTo operators. In this case, if an instance at the top of the RelatedTo path cannot be followed to the bottom of the path via specified hops, no QueryDataSets are returned for the starting instance or any of the intermediate instances. When querying for related instances in the RelativePath, the Client can optionally ask for references. A reference is requested via a RelativePath that only includes a ReferenceType. If all references are desired than the root ReferenceType is listed. These references are returned as part of the QueryDataSets. Query services allow a special handling of the targetName field in the RelativePath. In several query use cases, a type NodeId is necessary in the path instead of a QualifiedName. Therefore, the Client is allowed to specify a NodeId in the QualifiedName. This is done by setting the namespaceIndex of the targetName to zero and the name part of the targetName to the XML representation of the NodeId. When matching instances are returned as the target node, the target node shall be an instance of the specified type or subtype of the specified type. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Specifies a view and temporal context to a Server. The node type description. Resulting nodes shall be limited to the nodes matching the criteria defined by the filter. Resulting nodes shall be limited to the nodes matching the criteria defined by the filter. The number of QueryDataSets that the Client wants the Server to return in the response and on each subsequent continuation call response. The Server is allowed to further limit the response, but shall not exceed this limit. A value of 0 indicates that the Client is imposing no limitation. The number of references that the Client wants the Server to return in the response for each QueryDataSet and on each subsequent continuation call response. The Server is allowed to further limit the response, but shall not exceed this limit. A value of 0 indicates that the Client is imposing no limitation. For example: In a result, 4 Nodes are being returned, but each has 100 References. If this limit was set to 50, only the first 50 References for each Node would be returned on the initial call, and a continuation point would be set indicating additional data. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of QueryFirstRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The array of QueryDataSets. This array is empty if no nodes or references met the criteria. In this case, the ContinuationPoint parameter shall be empty. Server-defined opaque value that identifies the continuation point. The continuation point is used only when the Query results are too large to be returned in a single response. “Too large” in this context means that the Server is not able to return a larger response or that the number of QueryDataSets to return exceeds the maximum number of QueryDataSets to return that was specified by the Client in the request. The continuation point is used in the QueryNext Service. If not used, the value of this parameter is null. If a continuation point is returned, the Client shall call QueryNext to get the next set of QueryDataSets or to free the resources for the continuation point in the Server. A continuation point shall remain active until the Client passes the continuation point to QueryNext or the session is closed. If the maximum continuation points have been reached, the oldest continuation point shall be reset. List of parsing results for QueryFirst. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the NodeTypes request parameter. This list is populated with any status codes that are related to the processing of the node types that are part of the query. The array can be empty if no errors were encountered. If any node type encountered an error, all node types shall have an associated status code. List of diagnostic information for the requested NodeTypeDescription. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the query request. A structure that contains any errors associated with the filter. This structure shall be empty if no errors occurred. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of QueryFirstResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. This Service is used to request the next set of QueryFirst or QueryNext response information that is too large to be sent in a single response. “Too large” in this context means that the Server is not able to return a larger response or that the number of QueryDataSets to return exceeds the maximum number of QueryDataSets to return that was specified by the Client in the original request. The QueryNext shall be submitted on the same session that was used to submit the QueryFirst or QueryNext that is being continued. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A boolean parameter indicating whether continuation points should be released. It has the following values:
passed ContinuationPoints shall be reset to free resources in the Server.
passed ContinuationPoints shall be used to get the next set of QueryDataSEts.
A Client shall always use the continuation point returned by a QueryFirst or QueryNext response to free the resources for the continuation point in the Server. If the Client does not want to get the next set of Query information, QueryNext shall be called with this parameter set to TRUE. If the parameter is set to TRUE, all array parameters in the response shall contain empty arrays.
Server defined opaque value that represents the continuation point. The value of the continuation point was returned to the Client in a previous QueryFirst or QueryNext response. This value is used to identify the previously processed QueryFirst or QueryNext request that is being continued, and the point in the result set from which the browse response is to continue. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of QueryNextRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The array of QueryDataSets Server-defined opaque value that represents the continuation point. It is used only if the information to be returned is too large to be contained in a single response. If not used or if is set, the value of this parameter is null. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of QueryNextResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Identifier for an item to read or to monitor. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of a Node. Id of the Attribute. This shall be a valid Attribute id. The IntegerIds for the Attributes are defined in NodeAttributesMask. This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays. If a range of elements is specified, the values are returned as a composite. The first element is identified by index 0 (zero). This parameter is null if the specified Attribute is not an array. However, if the specified Attribute is an array, and this parameter is null, then all elements are to be included in the range. This parameter specifies the BrowseName of the DataTypeEncoding that the Server should use when returning the Value Attribute of a Variable. It is an error to specify this parameter for other Attributes. A Client can discover what DataTypeEncodings are available by following the HasEncoding Reference from the DataType Node for a Variable. OPC UA defines BrowseNames which Servers shall recognize even if the DataType Nodes are not visible in the Server address space. These BrowseNames are:
The default or native binary (or non-XML) encoding.
The default XML encoding.
Each DataType shall support at least one of these encodings. DataTypes that do not have a true binary encoding (e.g. they only have a non-XML text encoding) should use the DefaultBinary name to identify the encoding that is considered to be the default non-XML encoding. DataTypes that support at least one XML-based encoding shall identify one of the encodings as the DefaultXML encoding. Other standards bodies may define other well-known data encodings that could be supported. If this parameter is not specified then the Server shall choose either the DefaultBinary or DefaultXML encoding according to what Message encoding (see Part 6 of the OPC UA Specification) is used for the Session. If the Server does not support the encoding that matches the Message encoding then the Server shall choose the default encoding that it does support. \todo Replace reference to Specification with suitable internal link If this parameter is specified for a MonitoredItem, the Server shall set the StructureChanged bit in the StatusCode if the DataTypeEncoding changes. The DataTypeEncoding changes if the DataTypeVersion of the DataTypeDescription or the DataTypeDictionary associated with the DataTypeEncoding changes.
Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of ReadValueId objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Reads values and attributes asynchronously from OPC server. The Read Service is used to read one or more attributes of one or more nodes. It allows also reading subsets or single elements of array values and to define a valid age of values to be returned to reduce the need for device reads. Like most other services, the read is optimized for bulk read operations and not for reading single Attribute values. Typically all Node Attributes are readable. For the Value Attribute the Read rights are indicated by the AccessLevel and UserAccessLevel Attribute of the Variable. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Maximum age of the value to be read in milliseconds. The age of the value is based on the difference between the ServerTimestamp and the time when the Server starts processing the request. For example if the Client specifies a maxAge of 500 milliseconds and it takes 100 milliseconds until the Server starts processing the request, the age of the returned value could be 600 milliseconds prior to the time it was requested. If the Server has one or more values of an Attribute that are within the maximum age, it can return any one of the values or it can read a new value from the data source. The number of values of an Attribute that a Server has depends on the number of MonitoredItems that are defined for the Attribute. In any case, the Client can make no assumption about which copy of the data will be returned. If the Server does not have a value that is within the maximum age, it shall attempt to read a new value from the data source. If the Server cannot meet the requested maxAge, it returns its"best effort" value rather than rejecting the request. This may occur when the time it takes the Server to process and return the new data value after it has been accessed is greater than the specified maximum age. If maxAge is set to 0, the Server shall attempt to read a new value from the data source. If maxAge is set to the max Int32 value or greater, the Server shall attempt to get a cached value. Negative values are invalid for maxAge. An enumeration that specifies the Timestamps to be returned for each requested Variable Value Attribute. See for more information. List of Nodes and their Attributes to read. For each entry in this list, a StatusCode is returned, and if it indicates success, the Attribute Value is also returned. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReadRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of read results contained in an array of DataValue structures. The DataValue consists of
The value of the read node and attribute combination
This parameter is used to indicate the conditions under which the value was generated, and thereby can be used as an indicator of the usability of the value.
Reflects the UTC timestamp that was applied to the value by the data source. It is only available for Value attributes.
Reflects the time that the Server received the value or knew it to be accurate.
The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the request parameter. There is one entry in this list for each Node contained in the parameter.
List of diagnostic information. The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the request parameter. There is one entry in this list for each Node contained in the parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReadResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToRead parameter of the HistoryRead Service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The nodeId to be read depends on HistoryReadDetails. If HistoryReadDetails is
The nodeId of the Nodes whose historical values are to be read. The value returned shall always include a timestamp.
The NodeId of the Node whose Event history is to be read.
If the Node does not support the requested access for historical values or historical events, the appropriate error response for the given node shall be generated.
This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays. If a range of elements is specified, the values are returned as a composite. The first element is identified by index 0 (zero). This parameter is null if the value is not an array. However, if the value is an array, and this parameter is null, then all elements are to be included in the range. A QualifiedName that specifies the data encoding to be returned for the Value to be read. See for a definition on how to specify the data encoding. The parameter is ignored when reading history of Events. For each NodeToRead this parameter specifies a continuation point returned from a previous HistoryRead call, allowing the Client to continue that read from the last value received. The HistoryRead is used to select an ordered sequence of historical values or events. A continuation point marks a point in that ordered sequence, such that the Server returns the subset of the sequence that follows that point. A null value indicates that this parameter is not used. This continuation point is described in more detail in Part 11 of the OPC UA Specification. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryReadValueId objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryRead Service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. StatusCode for the nodesToRead item. This parameter is used only if the number of values to be returned is too large to be returned in a single response or if the timeout provided as hint by the Client is close to expiring and not all nodes have been processed. If this parameter is not used, its value is null. Servers shall support at least one continuation point per Session. Servers specify a maximum number of history continuation points per Session in the Server capabilities object defined in Part 5 of the OPC UA specification. A continuation point shall remain active until the Client passes the continuation point to HistoryRead or the Session is closed. If the maximum number of continuation points have been reached, the oldest continuation point shall be reset. The history data returned for the node. The HistoryData parameter type is an extensible parameter type formally defined in Part 11 of the OPC UA Specification. It specifies the types of history data that can be returned. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryReadResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryReadDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Selects a set of events from the history database by specifying a filter and a time domain for one or more objects or views. The ReadEventDetails structure is used to read the events from the history database for the specified time domain for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. The events are filtered based on the filter structure provided. This filter includes the event fields that are to be returned. The startTime and endTime are used to filter on the Time field for events. The time domain of the request is defined by startTime, endTime, and numValuesPerNode; at least two of these must be specified. If endTime is less than startTime, or endTime and numValuesPerNode alone are specified, the data will be returned in reverse order with later/newer data provided first, as if time was flowing backward. If all three are specified, the call shall return up to numValuesPerNode results, going from startTime to endTime, in either ascending or descending order, depending on the relative values of startTime and endTime. If numValuesPerNode is 0, all of the values in the range are returned. The default value is used to indicate that startTime, endTime, or numValuesPerNode is not specified. It is specifically allowed for the startTime and the endTime to be identical. This allows the Client to request the event at a single instance in time. If startTime and endTime are identical, time is presumed to be flowing forward. If no data exists at the time specified, the server must return the Good_NoData StatusCode. If a startTime, endTime, and numValuesPerNode are all provided, and if more than numValuesPerNode events exist within that time range for a given node, then only numValuesPerNode events per node are returned along with a continuationPoint. When a continuationPoint is returned, a Client wanting the next numValuesPerNode values should call HistoryRead again with the continuationPoint. For an interval in which no data exists, the corresponding StatusCode shall be Good_NoData. The filter parameter is used to determine which historical events and their corresponding fields are returned. It is possible that the fields of an EventType are available for real time updating, but not available from the historian. In this case, a StatusCode value will be returned for any event field that cannot be returned. The value of the StatusCode must be Bad_NoData. If the requested timestamp format is not supported for a node, the operation shall return the Bad_TimestampNotSupported StatusCode. When reading events, this only applies to Event fields that are of type DataValue. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The maximum number of values returned for any node over the time range. If only one time is specified, the time range must extend to return this number of values. The default value of 0 indicates that there is no maximum. The beginning of the period to read. The default value of DateTime.MinValue indicates that the startTime is Unspecified. The end of the period to read. The default value of DateTime.MinValue indicates that the endTime is Unspecified. A filter used by the Server to determine which HistoricalEventNode should be included. This parameter must be specified and at least one EventField is required. The EventFilter parameter type is an extensible parameter type. It is defined and used in the same manner as defined for monitored data items. This filter also specifies the EventFields that are to be returned as part of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReadEventDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Selects a set of raw or modified values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables. Read raw functionality When this structure is used for reading Raw Values, it reads the values, qualities, and timestamps from the history database for the specified time domain for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. This parameter is intended for use by a Client that wants the actual data saved within the historian. The actual data may be compressed or may be all raw data collected for the item depending on the historian and the storage rules invoked when the item values were saved. When returnBounds is TRUE, the bounding values for the time domain are returned. The optional bounding values are provided to allow the Client to interpolate values for the start and end times when trending the actual data on a display. The time domain of the request is defined by startTime, endTime, and numValuesPerNode; at least two of these must be specified. If endTime is less than startTime, or endTime and numValuesPerNode alone are specified, the data will be returned in reverse order, with later data coming first, as if time was flowing backward. If all three are specified, the call shall return up to numValuesPerNode results going from startTime to endTime, in either ascending or descending order, depending on the relative values of startTime and endTime. If numValuesPerNode is 0, all the values in the range are returned. A default value of DateTime.MinValue is used to indicate that startTime or endTime are not specified. It is specifically allowed for the startTime and the endTime to be identical. This allows the Client to request just one value. If startTime and endTime are identical, time is presumed to be flowing forward. It is specifically not allowed for the server to return a Bad_InvalidArgument StatusCode if the requested time domain is outside of the server’s range. Such a case shall be treated as an interval in which no data exists. If startTime, endTime, and numValuesPerNode are all provided and if more than numValuesPerNode values exist within that time range for a given node, only numValuesPerNode values per node are returned along with a continuationPoint. When a continuationPoint is returned, a Client wanting the next numValuesPerNode values should call ReadRaw again with the continuationPoint set. If Bounding Values are requested and a non-zero numValuesPerNode was specified, any bounding values returned are included in the numValuesPerNode count. If numValuesPerNode is 1, only the start bound is returned (the end bound if reverse order is needed). If numValuesPerNode is 2, the start bound and the first data point are returned (the end bound if reverse order is needed). When bounding values are requested and no bounding value is found, the corresponding StatusCode entry will be set to Bad_BoundNotFound, a timestamp equal to the start or end time as appropriate, and a value of null. How far back or forward to look in history for bounding values is server dependent. For an interval in which no data exists, if bounding values are not requested, the corresponding StatusCode must be Good_NoData. If bounding values are requested and one or both exist, then the result code returned is Success and the bounding value(s) are returned. For cases where there are multiple values for a given timestamp, all but the most recent are considered to be modified values and the server must return the most recent value. If the server returns a value which hides other values at a timestamp, it must set the ExtraData bit in the StatusCode associated with that value. If the Server contains additional information regarding a value, the ExtraData bit shall also be set. This indicates that ModifiedValues are available for retrieval. If the requested timestamp format is not supported for a node, the operation shall return the Bad_TimestampNotSupported StatusCode. Read modified functionality When this structure is used for reading modified values, it reads the values, StatusCodes, timestamps, modification type, the user identifier, and the timestamp of the modification from the history database for the specified time domain for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. If there are multiple replaced values, the server must return all of them. The updateType specifies which value is returned in the modification record. If the updateType is INSERT, the value is the new value that was inserted. If the updateType is anything else, the value is the old value that was changed. The purpose of this function is to read values from history that have been modified. The returnBounds parameter must be set to FALSE for this case, otherwise the server returns a Bad_InvalidArgument StatusCode. The domain of the request is defined by startTime, endTime, and numValuesPerNode; at least two of these must be specified. If endTime is less than startTime, or endTime and numValuesPerNode alone are specified, the data shall be returned in reverse order with later data coming first. If all three are specified, the call shall return up to numValuesPerNode results going from StartTime to EndTime, in either ascending or descending order, depending on the relative values of StartTime and EndTime. If more than numValuesPerNode values exist within that time range for a given Node, only numValuesPerNode values per node are returned along with a continuationPoint. If a continuationPoint is returned, a Client wanting the next numValuesPerNode values should call ReadRaw again with the continuationPoint set. If numValuesPerNode is 0, all of the values in the range are returned. If the Server cannot return all modified values for a given timestamp in a single response, it shall return modified values with the same timestamp in subsequent calls. If a value has been modified multiple times, all values for the time are returned. This means that a timestamp can appear in the array more than once. The order of the returned values with the same timestamp should be from the most recent to oldest modification timestamp if startTime is less than or equal to endTime. If endTime is less than startTime, the order of the returned values will be from the oldest modificfication timestamp to the most recent. It is server dependent whether multiple modifications are kept or only the most recent. A server does not have to create a modification record for data when it is first added to the historical collection. If it does, it shall set the ExtraData bit and the Client can read the modification record using a ReadModified call. If the data is subsequently modified, the server shall create a second modification record, which is returned along with the original modification record whenever a Client uses the ReadModified call if the Server supports multiple modification records per timestamp. If the requested timestamp format is not supported for a Node, the operation shall return the Bad_TimestampNotSupported StatusCode. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. TRUE for read modified functionality, FALSE for read raw functionality. The default value is FALSE. The beginning of the period to read. Set to default value of DateTime.MinValue if no specific start time is specified. The end of the period to read. Set to default value of DateTime.MinValue if no specific end time is specified. The maximum number of values returned for any node over the time range. If only one time is specified, the time range must extend to return this number of values. The default value 0 indicates that there is no maximum. A boolean parameter indicating whether bounding values should be returned. It has the following values
bounding values should be returned
all other cases
Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReadRawModifiedDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Selects a set of aggregate values from the history database by specifying a time domain for one or more variables. This structure is used to compute aggregate values, qualities, and timestamps from data in the history database for the specified time domain for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. The time domain is divided into intervals of duration ProcessingInterval. The specified AggregateType is calculated for each interval beginning with startTime by using the data within the next ProcessingInterval. For example, this function can provide hourly statistics such as maximum, minimum, and average for each item during the specified time domain if ProcessingInterval is 1 hour. The domain of the request is defined by startTime, endTime, and ProcessingInterval. All three must be specified. If endTime is less than startTime, the data shall be returned in reverse order with later data coming first. If startTime and endTime are the same, the server shall return Bad_InvalidArgument, as there is no meaningful way to interpret such a case. The aggregateType[] parameter allows a Client to request multiple aggregate calculations per requested NodeId. If multiple aggregates are requested, a corresponding number of entries are required in the NodesToRead array. For example, requesting Min aggregate for NodeId FIC101, FIC102 and both Min and Max aggregates for NodeId FIC103 would require NodeId FIC103 to appear twice in the NodesToRead array request parameter. aggregateType[] | NodesToRead[] ----------------|--------------- Min | FIC101 Min | FIC102 Min | FIC103 Max | FIC103 If the array of aggregates does not match the array of NodesToRead, the Server shall return a StatusCode of Bad_AggregateListMismatch. The aggregateConfiguration parameter allows a Client to override the aggregate configuration settings supplied by the AggregateConfiguration object on a per call basis. If the Server does not support the ability to override the aggregate configuration settings, it shall return a StatusCode of Bad_AggregateConfigurationRejected. If the aggregate is not valid for the node, the StatusCode shall be Bad_AggregateNotSupported. The values used in computing the aggregate for each interval shall include any value that falls exactly on the timestamp at beginning of the interval, but shall not include any value that falls directly on the timestamp ending the interval. Thus, each value shall be included only once in the calculation. If the time domain is in reverse order, we consider the later timestamp to be the one beginning the subinterval, and the earlier timestamp to be the one ending it. Note that this means that simply swapping the start and end times will not result in getting the same values back in reverse order, as the interval being requested in the two cases are not the same. If an aggregate is taking a long time to calculate, the Server can return partial results with a continuation point. This might be done if the calculation is going to take more time than the Client timeout hint. In some cases it may take longer than the Client timeout hint to calculate even one Aggregate result. Then the server may return zero results with a continuation point that allows the server to resume the calculation on the next Client read call. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The beginning of the period to read. The end of the period to read. The interval between returned aggregate values. The value 0 indicates that there is no ProcessingInterval defined. The NodeId of the HistoryAggregate object that indicates the list of aggregates to be used when retrieving processed history. Allows a Client to override aggregate configuration settings ona per call basis. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReadProcessedDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Selects a set of raw or interpolated values from the history database by specifying a series of timestamps for one or more variables. The ReadAtTimeDetails structure reads the values and qualities from the history database for the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. This function is intended to provide values to correlate with other values with a known timestamp. For example, a Client may need to read the values of sensors when lab samples were collected. The order of the values and qualities returned shall match the order of the timestamps supplied in the request. If no value exists for a specified timestamp, a value shall be interpolated from the surrounding values to represent the value at the specified timestamp. The interpolation will follow the same rules as the standard interpolated aggregate as outlined in Part 13 of the OPC UA specification. If the useSimpleBounds flag is True and interpolation is required, SimpleBounds will be used to calculate the data value. If a value is found for the specified timestamp, the server will set the StatusCode InfoBits to be Raw. If the value is interpolated from the surrounding values, the server will set the StatusCode InfoBits to be Interpolated. If the requested timestamp format is not supported for a node, the operation shall return the Bad_TimestampNotSupported StatusCode. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Defines the specific timestamps for which values are to be read. Use simple bounds to determine the value at the specific timestamp. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ReadAtTimeDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryData objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ModificationInfo objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryModifiedData objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A table structure that is used to return Event fields to a Historical Read. The structure is in the form of a table consisting of one or more Events, each containing an array of one or more fields. The selection and order of the fields returned for each Event is identical to the selected parameter of the EventFilter. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The list of Events being delivered Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryEvent objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously reads historical values or events of one or more nodes. For constructed attribute values whose elements are indexed, such as an array, this service allows Clients to read the entire set of indexed values as a composite, to read individual elements or to read ranges of elements of the composite. Servers may make historical values available to Clients using this service, although the historical values themselves are not visible in the address space. The continuationPoint parameter in the HistoryRead is used to mark a point from which to continue the read if not all values could be returned in one response. The value is opaque for the Client and is only used to maintain the state information for the Server to continue from. A Server may use the timestamp of the last returned data item if the timestamp is unique. This can reduce the need in the Server to store state information for the continuation point. In some cases it may take longer than the Client timeout hint to read the data for all nodes to read. Then the Server may return zero results with a continuation point for the affected nodes before the timeout expires. That allows the Server to resume the data acquisition on the next Client read call. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The details define the types of history reads that can be performed. The HistoryReadDetails parameter type is an extensible parameter. It may contain one of the following: , , , . An enumeration that specifies the timestamps to be returned for each requested variable value attribute. Specifying a TimestampsToReturn of NEITHER is not valid. A Server shall return a Bad_InvalidTimestampArgument StatusCode in this case. A Boolean parameter indicating whether to reset passed continuation points. It has the following values:
passed continuation points shall be reset to free resources in the Server.
passed continuation points shall be used to get the next set of historical information.
A Client shall always use the continuation point returned by a HistoryRead response to free the resources for the continuation point in the Server. If the Client does not want to get the next set of historical information, HistoryRead shall be called with this parameter set to TRUE.
contains the list of items upon which the historical retrieval is to be performed. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryReadRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of read results. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. There is one entry in this list for each node contained in the parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryReadResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the nodesToWrite parameter of the Write service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the node that contains the attributes. Id of the attribute. This shall be a valid attribute id. The IntegerIds for the Attributes are defined in NodeAttributesMask. This parameter is used to identify a single element of an array, or a single range of indexes for arrays. The first element is identified by index 0 (zero). This parameter is not used if the specified attribute is not an array. However, if the specified attribute is an array and this parameter is not used, then all elements are to be included in the range. The parameter is null if not used. The node’s attribute value. If the indexRange parameter is specified, the Value shall be an array even if only one element is being written. If the SourceTimestamp or the ServerTimestamp is specified, the Server shall use these values. The Server returns a Bad_WriteNotSupported error if it does not support writing of timestamps. A Server shall return a Bad_TypeMismatch error if the data type of the written value is not the same type or subtype as the attribute’s DataType. Based on the DataType hierarchy, subtypes of the attribute DataType shall be accepted by the Server. For the value attribute the DataType is defined through the DataType attribute. A ByteString is structurally the same as a one dimensional array of Byte. A Server shall accept a ByteString if an array of Byte is expected. The Server returns a Bad_DataEncodingUnsupported error if it does not support writing of the passed data encoding. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of WriteValue objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously writes variable values to an OPC UA Server. This service is used to write values to one or more attributes of one or more Nodes. For constructed attribute values whose elements are indexed, such as an array, this service allows Clients to write the entire set of indexed values as a composite, to write individual elements or to write ranges of elements of the composite. The values are written to the data source, such as a device, and the service does not return until it writes the values or determines that the value cannot be written. In certain cases, the Server will successfully write to an intermediate system or Server, and will not know whether the data source was updated properly. In these cases, the Server should report a success code that indicates that the write was not verified. In the cases where the Server is able to verify that it has successfully written to the data source, it reports an unconditional success. The order the operations are processed in the Server is not defined and depends on the different data sources and the internal Server logic. If an attribute and node combination is contained in more than one operation, the order of the processing is undefined. If a Client requires sequential processing, the Client needs separate service calls. It is possible that the Server may successfully write some attributes, but not others. Rollback is the responsibility of the Client. If a Server allows writing of attributes with the DataType LocalizedText, the Client can add or overwrite the text for a locale by writing the text with the associated LocaleId. Writing a null string for the text for a locale shall delete the String for that locale. Writing a null string for the locale and a non-null string for the text is setting the text for an invariant locale. Writing a null string for the text and a null string for the locale shall delete the entries for all locales. If a Client attempts to write a locale that is either syntactically invalid or not supported, the Server returns Bad_LocaleNotSupported. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of Nodes and their Attributes to write. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of WriteRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of results for the nodes to write. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. There is one entry in this list for each node contained in the parameter. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of WriteResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryUpdateDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The details for insert, replace, and insert/replace history updates. Insert data functionality
Setting performInsertReplace = INSERT_1 inserts entries into the history database at the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. If an entry exists at the specified timestamp, the new entry shall not be inserted; instead the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_EntryExists. This function is intended to insert new entries at the specified timestamps; e.g. the insertion of lab data to reflect the time of data collection. Replace data functionality
Setting performInsertReplace = REPLACE_2 replaces entries in the history database at the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. If no entry exists at the specified timestamp, the new entry shall not be inserted; otherwise the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_NoEntryExists. This function is intended to replace existing entries at the specified timestamp; e.g., correct lab data that was improperly processed, but inserted into the history database. Update data functionality
Setting performInsertReplace = UPDATE_3 inserts or replaces entries in the history database for the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. If the item has an entry at the specified timestamp, the new entry will replace the old one. If there is no entry at that timestamp, the function will insert the new data. A Server can create a modified value for a value being replaced or inserted, however it is not required. This function is intended to unconditionally insert/replace values and qualities; e.g., correction of values for bad sensors. Good as a StatusCode for an individual entry is allowed when the server is unable to say whether there was already a value at that timestamp. If the server can determine whether the new entry replaces an entry that was already there, it should use Good_EntryInserted or Good_EntryReplaced to return that information.
The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Determines which action of insert, replace, or update is performed. Possible values are INSERT_1, REPLACE_2, or UPDATE_3, see New values to be inserted or to replace. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UpdateDataDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. This function inserts, replaces or removes structured history data or annotations into the history database at the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. Structured history data provides metadata describing an entry in the history database. The server shall define what uniqueness means for each structured history data structure type. For example, a server may only allow one annotation per timestamp, which means the timestamp is the unique key for the structure. Another server may allow for multiple annotations to exist per user, so a combination of a username, timestamp, and message may be used as the unique key for the structure. In the following sections the terms “Structured Histroy Data exists” and “at the specificed parameters” means a matching entry has been found at the specified timestamp using the Server’s criteria for uniqueness. In the case where the Client wishes to replace a parameter that is part of the uniqueness criteria, the resulting StatusCode would be Bad_NoEntryExists. The Client must remove the existing structure and then insert the new structure. Insert functionality
Setting performInsertReplace = INSERT_1 inserts structured history data, such as annotations, into the history database at the specified parameters for one or more properties of HistoricalDataNodes. If a structured history data entry already exists at the specified parameters, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_EntryExists. Replace functionality
Setting performInsertReplace = REPLACE_2 replaces structured history data such as annotations in the history database at the specified parameters for one or more properties of HistoricalDataNodes. If a structured history data entry does not already exist at the specified parameters, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_NoEntryExists. Update functionality
Setting performInsertReplace = UPDATE_3 inserts or replaces structured history data such as annotations in the history database at the specified parameters for one or more properties of HistoricalDataNodes. If a structure history data entry already exists at the specified paramters, it is deleted and the value provided by the Client is inserted. If no existing entry exists, the new entry is inserted. If an existing entry was replaced successfully, the StatusCode shall be Good_EntryReplaced. If a new entry was created, the StatusCode shall be Good_EntryInserted. If the server cannot determine whether it replaced or inserted an entry, the StatusCode shall be Good. Remove functionality
Setting performInsertReplace = REMOVE_4 removes structured history data such as annotations from the history database at the specified parameters for one or more properties of HistoricalDataNodes. If a structure history data entry exists at the specified parameters, it is deleted. If structured history data does not already exist at the specified parameters, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_NoEntryExists.
The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Determines which action of insert, replace, update, or remove is performed. Possible values are INSERT_1, REPLACE_2, UPDATE_3, or REMOVE_4. New values to be inserted, replaced, or removed. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UpdateStructureDataDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. This function inserts new events or replaces existing events in the history database for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. Insert event functionality
This function is intended to insert new entries; e.g., backfilling of historical events. Setting performInsertReplace = INSERT_1 inserts entries into the event history database for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. The whereClause parameter of the EventFilter shall be empty. The SelectClause must as a minimum provide the following event fields: EventType and Time. It is also recommended that the SourceNode and the SourceName fields are provided. If one of the required fields is not provided, the following error is returned: Bad_ArgumentsMissing. If the historian does not support archiving the specified EventType, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_TypeDefinitionInvalid. If the SourceNode is not a valid source for Events, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_SourceNodeIdInvalid. If the time does not fall within range that can be stored, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_OutOfRange. If the selectClause does not include fields which are mandatory for the EventType, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_ArgumentsMissing. If the selectClause specifies fields which are not valid for the EventType or cannot be saved by the historian, the StatusCode shall indicate Good_DataIgnored and the OperationResults array shall specify Bad_NotSupported for each ignored field. The EventId is a server generated opaque value and a Client cannot assume that it knows how to create valid EventIds. A Server must be able to generate an appropriate default value for the EventId field. If a Client does specify the EventId in the selectClause and it matches an exitsting event, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_EntryExists. A Client must use a HistoryRead to discover any automatically generated EventIds. If any errors occur while processing individual fields, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_InvalidArgument and the OperationResults array shall specify the exact error for each invalid field. The IndexRange parameter of the SimpleAttributeOperand is not valid for insert operations and the OperationResults shall specify Bad_IndexRangeInvalid if one is specified. If no errors occur, the StatusCode shall indicate Good and the OperationResults array shall be empty. If errors do occur, the OperationResults array will have one element for each fiel d specified in the selectClause. A Client may instruct the Server to choose a suitable default value for a field by specifying a value of null. If the server is not able to select a suitable default, the corresponding entry in the OperationResults array shall be Bad_InvalidArgument. Replace event functionality
This function is intended to replace fields in existing event entries; e.g. correct event data that contained incorrect data due to a bad sensor. Setting performInsertReplace = REPLACE_2 replaces entries in the event history database for the specified filter for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. The whereClause parameter of the EventFilter shall specify the EventId property. If no entry exists matching the specified filter, no updates will be performed; instead the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_NoEntryExists. If the selectClause specifies fields which are not valid for the EventType or cannot be saved by the historian, the StatusCode shall indicate Good_DataIgnored and the OperationResults array shall specify Bad_NotSupported for each ignored field. If a field is valid for the EventType but cannot be changed, then the StatusCode shall indicate Good_DataIgnored and the corresponding entry in the OperationResults array shall be Bad_NotWriteable. If fatal errors occur while processing individual fields, the StatusCode shall indicate Bad_InvalidArgument and the OperationResults array shall specify the exact error. If no errors occur, the StatusCode shall indicate Good and the OperationResults array shall be empty.If errors do occur, the OperationResults array will have one element for each field specified in the selectClause. Update event functionality
This function is intended to unconditionally insert/replace events, e.g. synchronizing a backup event database. Setting performInsertReplace = UPDATE_3 inserts or replaces entries in the event history database for the specified filter for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. The server will, based on its own criteria, attempt to determine whether the event already exists. If it does exist, the event will be deleted and the new event will be inserted (retaining the EventId). If the EventID was provided, the EventID will be used to determine if the event already exists. If the event does not exist, a new event will be inserted, including the generation of a new EventId. All of the restrictions, behaviours, and errors specified for the insert functionality also apply to this function. If an existing entry was replaced successfully, the the StatusCode shall be Good_EntryReplaced. If a new entry was created, the StatusCode shall be Good_EntryInserted. If the server cannot determine whether it replaced or inserted an entry, the StatusCode shall be Good.
The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Determines which action of insert, replace, or update is performed. Possible values are INSERT_1, REPLACE_2, or UPDATE_3 (see ). If the history of the notification conforms to the EventFilter, the history of the notification is updated. Event notification data to be inserted or updated. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of UpdateEventDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The details for delete raw and delete modified history updates. These functions are intended to be used to delete data that has been accidentally entered into the history database, e.g. deletion of data from a source with incorrect timestamps. Both startTime and endTime must be defined. The startTime must be less than the endTime, and values up to but not including the endTime are deleted. It is permissible for startTime = endTime, in which case the value at the startTime is deleted. Delete raw functionality
Setting isDeleteModified = FALSE deletes all raw entries from the history database for the specified time domain for one more HistoricalDataNodes. If no data is found in the time range for a particular HistoricalDataNode, the StatusCode for that item is Bad_NoData. Delete modified functionality
Setting isDeleteModified = TRUE deletes all modified entries from the history database for the specified time domain for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. If no data is found in the time range for a particular HistoricalDataNode, the StatusCode for that item is Bad_NoData.
The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. TRUE for MODIFIED, FALSE for RAW. Default value is FALSE. The beginning of the period to be deleted. The end of the period to be deleted. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteRawModifiedDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The DeleteAtTime structure deletes all entries in the history database for the specified timestamps for one or more HistoricalDataNodes. This parameter is intended to be used to delete specific data from the history database, e.g. lab data that is incorrect and cannot be correctly reproduced. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The entries define the specific timestamps for which values are to be deleted. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteAtTimeDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Deletes all event entries from the history database matching the EventId for one or more HistoricalEventNodes. If no events are found that match the specified filter for a HistoricalEventNode, the StatusCode for that Node is Bad_NoData. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. An array of EventIds to identify which events are to be deleted. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteEventDetails objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the HistoryUpdate Service. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the details element of the historyUpdateDetails parameter specified in the request. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. StatusCode for the update of the node. List of StatusCodes for the operations to be performed on a node. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of any list defined by the details element being reported by this updateResults entry. List of diagnostic information for the operations to be performed on a node. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of any list defined by the details element being reported by this updateResults entry. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryUpdateResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously updates historical values or events of one or more nodes. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Specifies the types of history updates that can be performed. The HistoryUpdateDetails is an extensible parameter. It may contain one of the following: , , , , , . Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryUpdateRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of update results for the history update details. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the details element of the historyUpdateDetails parameter specified in the request. List of diagnostic information for the history update details. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the details element of the historyUpdateDetails parameter specified in the request. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryUpdateResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the methodsToCall parameter of the Call service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The NodeId shall be that of the object or ObjectType that is the source of a HasComponent Reference (or subtype of HasComponent Reference) to the method specified in methodId. See Part 3 of the OPC UA Specification for a description of objects and their methods. NodeId of the method to invoke. If the objectId is the NodeId of an object, it is allowed to use the NodeId of a method that is the target of a HasComponent Reference from the ObjectType of the object. List of input argument values. An empty list indicates that there are no input arguments. The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the input arguments defined by the input InputArguments Property of the method. The name, a description and the data type of each argument are defined by the Argument structure in each element of the method’s InputArguments Property. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A collection of CallMethodRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the Call service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. StatusCode of the method executed in the server. This StatusCode is set to the Bad_InvalidArgument StatusCode if at least one input argument broke a constraint (e.g. wrong data type, value out of range). This StatusCode is set to a bad StatusCode if the method execution failed in the server, e.g. based on an exception or an HRESULT. List of StatusCodes for each inputArgument. List of diagnostic information for each inputArgument. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. List of output argument values. An empty list indicates that there are no output arguments. The size and order of this list matches the size and order of the output arguments defined by the OutputArguments Property of the method. The name, a description and the data type of each argument are defined by the Argument structure in each element of the methods OutputArguments Property. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CallMethodResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously calls a method provided by an object on the OPC UA server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of methods to call. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CallRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Result for the method calls. List of diagnostic information for the StatusCode of the callResult. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CallResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of MonitoringFilter objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataChangeFilter objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Provides for the filtering and content selection of Event Subscriptions. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of the values to return with each event in a notification. At least one valid clause shall be specified. Limit the Notifications to those events that match the criteria defined by this . The structure may not be used in an EventFilter. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EventFilter objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the aggregateConfiguration parameter of the AggregateFilter structure. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A Boolean parameter indicating whether to use default aggregate configuration settings.
use aggregate configuration settings as outlined by the AggregateConfiguration object.
use configuration settings as outlined in the following aggregate configuration parameters.
Indicates how the server treats data returned with a StatusCode severity Uncertain with respect to Aggregate calculations. It has the following values:
the server considers the severity equivalent to Bad,
indicates the server considers the severity equivalent to Good, unless the aggregate definition says otherwise.
A value of True indicates the server The default value is True. Note that the value is still treated as Uncertain when the StatusCode for the result is calculated.
Indicates the minimum percentage of bad data in a given interval required for the StatusCode for the given interval for processed data request to be set to Bad. Uncertain is treated as defined in. For details on which Aggregates use the PercentDataBad Variable, see the definition of each Aggregate. The default value is 100. The PercentDataGood and PercentDataBad must follow the following relationship
PercentDataGood\>= (100 – PercentDataBad).
If they are equal, the result of the PercentDataGood calculation is used. \todo Refer to Clause 5.4.3 for details on using this Variable when assigning StatusCodes.
Indicates the minimum percentage of Good data in a given interval required for the StatusCode for the given interval for the processed data requests to be set to Good. For details on which Aggregates use the PercentDataGood Variable, see the definition of each Aggregate. The default value is 100. The PercentDataGood and PercentDataBad must follow the following relationship
PercentDataGood\>= (100 – PercentDataBad).
If they are equal, the result of the PercentDataGood calculation is used. \todo Refer to Clause 5.4.3 for details on using this Variable when assigning StatusCodes.
Indicates how the server interpolates data when no boundary value exists (i.e. extrapolating into the future from the last known value).
the server will use a SteppedExtrapolation format and hold the last known value constant.
the server will project the value using UseSlopedExtrapolation mode.
The default value is False. For SimpleBounds this value is ignored.
Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AggregateConfiguration objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AggregateFilter objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of MonitoringFilterResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. This is the MonitoringFilterResult associated with the EventFilter MonitoringFilter. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of status codes for the elements in the select clause. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the elements in the selectClauses request parameter. The Server returns null for unavailable or rejected Event fields. A list of diagnostic information for individual elements in the select clause. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the elements in the selectClauses request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the select clauses. Any results associated with the whereClause request parameter. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EventFilterResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AggregateFilterResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Parameters that define the monitoring characteristics of a MonitoredItem. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Client-supplied id of the MonitoredItem. This id is used in Notifications generated for the list Node. The interval in milliseconds that defines the fastest rate at which the MonitoredItem(s) should be accessed and evaluated. The value 0 indicates that the Server should use the fastest practical rate. The value -1 indicates that the default sampling interval defined by the publishing interval of the Subscription is requested. A different sampling interval is used if the publishing interval is not a supported sampling interval. Any negative number is interpreted as -1. The sampling interval is not changed if the publishing interval is changed by a subsequent call to the ModifySubscription Service. The Server uses this parameter to assign the MonitoredItems to a sampling interval that it supports. The assigned interval is provided in the revisedSamplingInterval parameter. The Server shall always return a revisedSamplingInterval that is equal or higher than the requested samplingInterval. If the requested samplingInterval is higher than the maximum sampling interval supported by the Server, the maximum sampling interval is returned. A filter used by the Server to determine if the MonitoredItem should generate a Notification. If not used, this parameter is null. The MonitoringFilter parameter type is an extensible parameter type. It specifies the types of filters that can be used. The requested size of the MonitoredItem queue. The following values have special meaning for data monitored items:
0 or 1
the server returns the default queue size which shall be 1 as revisedQueueSize for data monitored items. The queue has a single entry, effectively disabling queuing.
For values larger than one a first-in-first-out queue is to be used. The Server may limit the size in revisedQueueSize. In the case of a queue overflow, the Overflow bit (flag) in the InfoBits portion of the DataValue statusCode is set in the new value. The following values have special meaning for event monitored items:
the Server returns the default queue size for Event Notifications as revisedQueueSize for event monitored items.
the Server returns the minimum queue size the Server requires for Event Notifications as revisedQueueSize.
the Server returns the maximum queue size that the Server can support for Event Notifications as revisedQueueSize.
If a Client chooses a value between the minimum and maximum settings of the Server the value shall be returned in the revisedQueueSize. If the requested queueSize is outside the minimum or maximum, the Server shall return the corresponding bounding value. In the case of a queue overflow, an Event of the type EventQueueOverflowEventType is generated.
A boolean parameter that specifies the discard policy when the queue is full and a new Notification is to be enqueued. It has the following values:
the oldest (first) Notification in the queue is discarded. The new Notification is added to the end of the queue.
the new Notification is discarded. The queue is unchanged.
Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of MonitoringParameters objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToCreate parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Identifies an item in the AddressSpace to monitor. To monitor for Events, the attributeId element of the ReadValueId structure is the id of the EventNotifier Attribute. The monitoring mode to be set for the MonitoredItem. The requested monitoring parameters. Servers negotiate the values of these parameters based on the Subscription and the capabilities of the Server. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. A collection of MonitoredItemCreateRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the CreateMonitoredItems service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. StatusCode for the MonitoredItem to create. Server-assigned ID for the MonitoredItem. This ID is unique within the Subscription, but might not be unique within the Server or Session. This parameter is present only if the statusCode indicates that the MonitoredItem was successfully created. The actual sampling interval that the Server will use. This value is based on a number of factors, including capabilities of the underlying system. The Server shall always return a revisedSamplingInterval that is equal or higher than the requestedSamplingInterval. If the requested samplingInterval is higher than the maximum sampling interval supported by the Server, the maximum sampling interval is returned. The actual queue size that the Server will use. Contains any revised parameter values or error results associated with the MonitoringFilter specified in the request. This parameter may be omitted if no errors occurred. The MonitoringFilterResult parameter type is an extensible parameter type. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of MonitoredItemCreateResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to create a list of monitored items in the subscription. This service is used to create and add one or more MonitoredItems to a Subscription. A MonitoredItem is deleted automatically by the Server when the Subscription is deleted. Deleting a MonitoredItem causes its entire set of triggered item links to be deleted, but has no effect on the MonitoredItems referenced by the triggered items. Calling the CreateMonitoredItems service repetitively to add a small number of MonitoredItems each time may adversely affect the performance of the Server. Instead, Clients should add a complete set of MonitoredItems to a Subscription whenever possible. When a user adds a monitored item that the user is denied read access to, the add operation for the item shall succeed and the bad status Bad_NotReadable or Bad_UserAccessDenied shall be returned in the Publish response. This is the same behaviour for the case where the access rights are changed after the call to CreateMonitoredItems. If the access rights change to read rights, the Server shall start sending data for the MonitoredItem. The same procedure shall be applied for an IndexRange that does not deliver data for the current value but could deliver data in the future. Monitored Nodes can be removed from the AddressSpace after the creation of a MonitoredItem. This does not affect the validity of the MonitoredItem but a Bad_NodeIdUnknown shall be returned in the Publish response. The return diagnostic info setting in the request header of the CreateMonitoredItems or the last ModifyMonitoredItems Service is applied to the Monitored Items and is used as the diagnostic information settings when sending notifications in the Publish response. Illegal request values for parameters that can be revised do not generate errors. Instead, the server will choose default values and indicate them in the corresponding revised parameter. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription that will report Notifications for this MonitoredItem. An enumeration that specifies the timestamp Attributes to be transmitted for each MonitoredItem. When monitoring Events, this applies only to Event fields that are of type DataValue. A list of MonitoredItems to be created and assigned to the specified Subscription. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CreateMonitoredItemsRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of results for the MonitoredItems to create. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to create. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CreateMonitoredItemsResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the itemsToModify parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Server-assigned ID for the MonitoredItem. The requested values for the monitoring parameters. If the number of notifications in the queue exceeds the new queue size, the notifications exceeding the size shall be discarded following the configured discard policy. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the user data. The user data. A collection of MonitoredItemModifyRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the ModifyMonitoredItems service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. StatusCode for the MonitoredItem to be modified. The actual sampling interval that the Server will use. The Server returns the value it will actually use for the sampling interval. This value is based on a number of factors, including capabilities of the underlying system. The Server shall always return a revisedSamplingInterval that is equal or higher than the requested samplingInterval. If the requestedSamplingInterval is higher than the maximum sampling interval supported by the Server, the maximum sampling interval is returned. The actual queue size that the Server will use. Contains any revised parameter values or error results associated with the MonitoringFilter specified in the request. This parameter may be omitted if no errors occurred. The MonitoringFilterResult parameter type is an extensible parameter type. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of MonitoredItemModifyResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to modify monitored items. This service is used to modify MonitoredItems of a Subscription. Changes to the MonitoredItem settings shall be applied immediately by the Server. They take effect as soon as practical, but not later than twice the new revisedSamplingInterval. The return diagnostic info setting in the request header of the CreateMonitoredItems or the last ModifyMonitoredItems Service is applied to the Monitored Items and is used as the diagnostic information settings when sending notifications in the Publish response. Illegal request values for parameters that can be revised do not generate errors. Instead the server will choose default values and indicate them in the corresponding revised parameter. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription used to qualify the monitoredItemId An enumeration that specifies the timestamp Attributes to be transmitted for each MonitoredItem to be modified. When monitoring Events, this applies only to Event fields that are of type DataValue. The list of MonitoredItems to modify. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ModifyMonitoredItemsRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of results for the MonitoredItems to modify. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to modify. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ModifyMonitoredItemsResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to set the monitoring mode for a list of monitored items. This Service is used to set the monitoring mode for one or more MonitoredItems of a Subscription. Setting the mode to DISABLED causes all queued notifications to be deleted. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription used to qualify the monitoredItemIds. The monitoring mode to be set for the MonitoredItems. List of Server-assigned IDs for the MonitoredItems. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SetMonitoringModeRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of StatusCodes for the MonitoredItems to enable/disable. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to enable/disable. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SetMonitoringModeResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronously changes the triggering for a monitored item. This service is used to create and delete triggering links for a triggering item. The triggering item and the items to report shall belong to the same subscription. Each triggering link links a triggering item to an item to report. Each link is represented by the MonitoredItem id for the item to report. An error code is returned if this id is invalid. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server-assigned identifier for the subscription that contains the triggering item and the items to report. Server-assigned ID for the MonitoredItem used as the triggering item. The list of Server-assigned IDs of the items to report that are to be added as triggering links. The list of linksToRemove is processed before the linksToAdd. The list of Server-assigned IDs of the items to report for the triggering links to be deleted. The list of linksToRemove is processed before the linksToAdd. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SetTriggeringRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of StatusCodes for the items to add. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the parameter specified in the request. List of diagnostic information for the links to add. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. List of StatusCodes for the items to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the parameter specified in the request. List of diagnostic information for the links to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SetTriggeringResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to delete monitored items. This Service is used to remove one or more MonitoredItems of a Subscription. When a MonitoredItem is deleted, its triggered item links are also deleted. Successful removal of a MonitoredItem, however, might not remove notifications for the MonitoredItem that are in the process of being sent by the Subscription. Therefore, Clients may receive notifications for the MonitoredItem after they have received a positive response that the MonitoredItem has been deleted. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription that contains the MonitoredItems to be deleted List of Server-assigned ids for the MonitoredItems to be deleted. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteMonitoredItemsRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of StatusCodes for the MonitoredItems to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the monitoredItemIds request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the MonitoredItems to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the monitoredItemIds request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteMonitoredItemsResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to create a Subscription Subscriptions monitor a set of MonitoredItems for notifications and return them to the Client in response to Publish requests. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. This interval defines the cyclic rate that the Subscription is being requested to return Notifications to the Client. This interval is expressed in milliseconds. This interval is represented by the publishing timer in the Subscription state table. The negotiated value for this parameter returned in the response is used as the default sampling interval for MonitoredItems assigned to this Subscription. If the requested value is 0 or negative, the server shall revise with the fastest supported publishing interval. Requested lifetime count. The lifetime count shall be a mimimum of three times the keep keep-alive count. When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without a Publish request being available to send a NotificationMessage, then the Subscription shall be deleted by the Server. Requested maximum keep-alive count. When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without requiring any NotificationMessage to be sent, the Subscription sends a keep-alive Message to the Client. The negotiated value for this parameter is returned in the response. If the requested value is 0, the server shall revise with the smallest supported keep-alive count. The maximum number of notifications that the Client wishes to receive in a single Publish response. A value of zero indicates that there is no limit. The number of notifiations per Publish is the sum of monitoredItems in the DataChangeNotification and events in the EventNotificationList. A Boolean parameter with the following values:
publishing is enabled for the Subscription.
publishing is disabled for the Subscription.
The value of this parameter does not affect the value of the monitoring mode Attribute of MonitoredItems.
Indicates the relative priority of the Subscription. When more than one Subscription needs to send Notifications, the Server should dequeue a Publish request to the Subscription with the highest priority number. For Subscriptions with equal priority the Server should dequeue Publish requests in a round-robin fashion. When the keep-alive period expires for a Subscription it shall take precedence regardless of its priority, in order to prevent the Subscription from expiring. A Client that does not require special priority settings should set this value to zero. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CreateSubscriptionRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription. This identifier shall be unique for the entire Server, not just for the Session, in order to allow the Subscription to be transferred to another Session using the TransferSubscriptions service. The actual publishing interval that the Server will use, expressed in milliseconds. The Server should attempt to honor the Client request for this parameter, but may negotiate this value up or down to meet its own constraints. The lifetime of the Subscription shall be a minimum of three times the keep-alive interval negotiated by the Server. The actual maximum keep-alive count. The Server should attempt to honor the Client request for this parameter, but may negotiate this value up or down to meet its own constraints. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of CreateSubscriptionResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to modify a Subscription Illegal request values for parameters that can be revised do not generate errors. Instead the server will choose default values and indicate them in the corresponding revised parameter. Changes to the Subscription settings shall be applied immediately by the Server. They take effect as soon as practical but not later than twice the new. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription. This interval defines the cyclic rate that the Subscription is being requested to return Notifications to the Client. This interval is expressed in milliseconds. The negotiated value for this parameter returned in the response is used as the default sampling interval for MonitoredItems assigned to this Subscription. If the requested value is 0 or negative, the server shall revise with the fastest supported publishing interval. The requested lifetime count. The lifetime count shall be a mimimum of three times the keep keep-alive count. When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without a Publish request being available to send a NotificationMessage, then the Subscription shall be deleted by the Server. Requested maximum keep-alive count. When the publishing timer has expired this number of times without requiring any NotificationMessage to be sent, the Subscription sends a keep-alive Message to the Client. The negotiated value for this parameter is returned in the response. If the requested value is 0, the server shall revise with the smallest supported keep-alive count. The maximum number of notifications that the Client wishes to receive in a single Publish response. A value of zero indicates that there is no limit. Indicates the relative priority of the Subscription. When more than one Subscription needs to send Notifications, the Server should dequeue a Publish request to the Subscription with the highest priority number. For Subscriptions with equal priority the Server should dequeue Publish requests in a round-robin fashion. Any Subscription that needs to send a keep-alive Message shall take precedence regardless of its priority, in order to prevent the Subscription from expiring. A Client that does not require special priority settings should set this value to zero. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ModifySubscriptionRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The actual publishing interval that the Server will use, expressed in milliseconds. The Server should attempt to honor the Client request for this parameter, but may negotiate this value up or down to meet its own constraints. The lifetime of the Subscription shall be a minimum of three times the keep-alive interval negotiated by the Server. The actual maximum keep-alive count. The Server should attempt to honor the Client request for this parameter, but may negotiate this value up or down to meet its own constraints. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ModifySubscriptionResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to enable sending of Notifications on one or more Subscriptions. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A Boolean parameter indicating whether publishing is enabled. It has the following values:
publishing of NotificationMessages is enabled for the Subscription.
publishing of NotificationMessages is disabled for the Subscription.
The value of this parameter does not affect the value of the monitoring mode Attribute of MonitoredItems. Setting this value to FALSE does not discontinue the sending of keep-alive Messages.
List of Server-assigned identifiers for the Subscriptions to enable or disable. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SetPublishingModeRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of StatusCodes for the Subscriptions to enable/disable. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the subscriptionIds request parameter. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SetPublishingModeResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Message that contains one or more Notifications. The sequence number of the NotificationMessage. The list of NotificationData structures. The NotificationData parameter type is an extensible parameter type. It specifies the types of Notifications that can be sent. Notifications of the same type should be grouped into one NotificationData element. If a Subscription contains MonitoredItems for events and data, this array should have not more than 2 elements. If the Subscription contains MonitoredItems only for data or only for events, the array size should always be one for this Subscription. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of NotificationMessage objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of NotificationData objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DataChangeNotification objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of MonitoredItemNotification objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EventNotificationList objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content Gets or sets the event id. The event id. Will be evaluated when Queueing the event. A collection of EventFieldList objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of selected Event fields. This will be a one to one match with the fields selected in the EventFilter. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of HistoryEventFieldList objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of StatusChangeNotification objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the subscriptionAcknowledgements parameter of the Publish service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server assigned identifier for a Subscription. The sequence number being acknowledged. The Server may delete the message with this sequence number from its retransmission queue. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SubscriptionAcknowledgement objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Request the server to return NotificationMessages and acknowledge received NotificationMessages. This Service is used for two purposes. First, it is used to acknowledge the receipt of NotificationMessages for one or more Subscriptions. Second, it is used to request the Server to return a NotificationMessage or a keep-alive message. Since Publish requests are not directed to a specific Subscription, they may be used by any Subscription. Client strategies for issuing Publish requests may vary depending on the networking delays between the Client and the Server. In many cases, the Client may wish to issue a Publish request immediately after creating a Subscription, and thereafter, immediately after receiving a Publish response. In other cases, especially in high latency networks, the Client may wish to pipeline Publish requests to ensure cyclic reporting from the Server. Pipelining involves sending more than one Publish request for each Subscription before receiving a response. For example, if the network introduces a delay between the Client and the Server of five seconds and the publishing interval for a Subscription is one second, then the Client will have to issue Publish requests every second instead of waiting for a response to be received before sending the next request. A server should limit the number of active Publish requests to avoid an infinite number since it is expected that the Publish requests are queued in the Server. But a Server shall accept more queued Publish requests than created Subscriptions. It is expected that a Server supports several Publish requests per Subscription. When a Server receives a new Publish request that exceeds its limit it shall dequeue the oldest Publish request and return a response with the result set to Bad_TooManyPublishRequests. If a Client receives this Service result for a Publish request it shall not issue another Publish request before one of its outstanding Publish requests is returned from the Server. Clients can limit the size of Publish responses with the maxNotificationsPerPublish parameter passed to the CreateSubscription Service. However, this could still result in a message that is too large for the Client or Server to process. In this situation, the Client will find that either the SecureChannel goes into a fault state and needs to be reestablished or the Publish response returns an error and calling the Republish Service also returns an error. If either situation occurs then the Client will have to adjust its message processing limits or the parameters for the Subscription and/or MonitoredItems. The return diagnostic info setting in the request header of the CreateMonitoredItems or the last ModifyMonitoredItems Service is applied to the Monitored Items and is used as the diagnostic information settings when sending Notifications in the Publish response. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The list of acknowledgements for one or more Subscriptions. This list may contain multiple acknowledgements for the same Subscription (multiple entries with the same). Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PublishRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription for which notifications are being returned. The value 0 is used to indicate that there were no Subscriptions defined for which a response could be sent. A list of sequence number ranges that identify unacknowledged NotificationMessages that are available for retransmission from the Subscription’s retransmission queue. This list is prepared after processing the acknowledgements in the request. A Boolean parameter indicating whether all avalaible notifications could be included in a single response. It has the following values:
The number of Notifications that were ready to be sent could not be sent in a single response.
All Notifications that were ready are included in the response.
The NotificationMessage that contains the list of Notifications. List of results for the acknowledgements. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the acknowledgements. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of PublishResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous republish call to get lost notifications. This Service requests the Subscription to republish a NotificationMessage from its retransmission queue. If the Server does not have the requested message in its retransmission queue, it returns an error response. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server assigned identifier for the Subscription to be republished. The sequence number of a specific NotificationMessage to be republished. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RepublishRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The requested NotificationMessage. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RepublishResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A structure that is defined as the type of the results parameter of the TransferSubscriptions service. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. StatusCode for each Subscription to be transferred. A list of sequence number ranges that identify NotificationMessages that are in the Subscription’s retransmission queue. This parameter is null if the transfer of the Subscription failed. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of TransferResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to transfer a subscription and its MonitoredItems from one Session to another. For example, a Client may need to reopen a Session and then transfer its Subscriptions to that Session. It may also be used by one Client to take over a Subscription from another Client by transferring the Subscription to its Session. The authenticationToken contained in the request header identifies the Session to which the Subscription and MonitoredItems shall be transferred. The Server shall validate that the Client of that Session is operating on behalf of the same user and that the potentially new Client supports the Profiles that are necessary for the Subscription. If the Server transfers the Subscription, it returns the sequence numbers of the NotificationMessages that are available for retransmission. The Client should acknowledge all messages in this list for which it will not request retransmission. If the Server transfers the Subscription to the new Session, the Server shall issue a StatusChangeNotification notificationMessage with the status code Good_SubscriptionTransferred to the old Session. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of identifiers for the Subscriptions to be transferred to the new Client. These identifiers are transferred from the primary Client to a backup Client via external mechanisms. A boolean parameter indicating whether the first publish response should contain current values of all monitored items. It has the following values:
The first Publish response after the TransferSubscriptions call shall contain the current values of all Monitored Items in the Subscription where the Monitoring Mode is set to Reporting.
The first Publish response after the TransferSubscriptions call shall contain only the value changes since the last Publish response was sent.
This parameter only applies to MonitoredItems used for monitoring Attribute changes.
Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of TransferSubscriptionsRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of results for the Subscriptions to transfer. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the Subscriptions to transfer. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of TransferSubscriptionsResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Asynchronous call to delete one or more Subscriptions that belong to the Client’s Session. Successful completion of this Service causes all MonitoredItems that use the Subscription to be deleted. If this is the last Subscription for the Session, then all Publish requests still queued for that Session are dequeued and shall be returned with Bad_NoSubscription. Subscriptions that were transferred to another Session must be deleted by the Client that owns the Session. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Server-assigned identifier for the Subscription. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteSubscriptionsRequest objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of StatusCodes for the Subscriptions to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the subscriptionIds request parameter. List of diagnostic information for the Subscriptions to delete. The size and order of the list matches the size and order of the subscriptionIds request parameter. This list is empty if diagnostics information was not requested in the request header or if no diagnostic information was encountered in processing of the request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DeleteSubscriptionsResponse objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains elements that describe the build information of the Server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. URI that identifies the software. Name of the software manufacturer. Name of the software. Software version. Build number. Date and time of the build. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of BuildInfo objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains elements that describe the status of the Server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The Id of the server (not the URI). The service level of the server. The current state of the server. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of RedundantServerDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Structure representing a list of URLs of an Endpoint. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. List of URLs of an Endpoint. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EndpointUrlListDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains information on different network paths for one Server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. URI of the Server represented by the network group. Array of different network paths to the server, for example provided by different network cards in a Server node. Each network path can have several Endpoints representing different protocol options for the same path. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of NetworkGroupDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains diagnostic information about the sampling rates currently used by the Server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SamplingIntervalDiagnosticsDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains diagnostic summary information for the Server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The number of server-created views in the server. The number of client sessions currently established in the server. The cumulative number of client sessions that have been established in the server since the server was started (or restarted). This includes the currentSessionCount. The number of client session establishment requests that were rejected due to security constraints since the server was started (or restarted). The number of client session establishment requests that were rejected since the server was started (or restarted). This number includes the securityRejectedSessionCount. The number of client sessions that were closed due to timeout since the server was started (or restarted). The number of client sessions that were closed due to errors since the server was started (or restarted). The number of subscriptions currently established in the server. The cumulative number of subscriptions that have been established in the server since the server was started (or restarted). This includes the currentSubscriptionCount. The number of publishing intervals currently supported in the server. The number of requests that were rejected due to security constraints since the server was started (or restarted). The requests include all Services defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification, also requests to create sessions. The number of requests that were rejected since the server was started (or restarted). The requests include all Services defined in Part 4 of the OPC UA Specification, also requests to create sessions. This number includes the securityRejectedRequestsCount. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains elements that describe the status of the Server. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Time (UTC) the server was started. This is constant for the server instance and is not reset when the server changes state. Each instance of a server should keep the time when the process started. The current time (UTC) as known by the server. The current state of the server. Build information of the server. Approximate number of seconds until the server will be shut down. The value is only relevant once the state changes into SHUTDOWN. An optional localized text indicating the reason for the shutdown. The value is only relevant once the state changes into SHUTDOWN. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ServerStatusDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains diagnostic information about client sessions. Most of the values represented in this structure provide information about the number of calls of a Service, the number of currently used MonitoredItems, etc. Those numbers need not provide the exact value; they need only provide the approximate number, so that the Server is not burdened with providing the exact numbers. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Server-assigned identifier of the session. The name of the session provided in the CreateSession request. The description provided by the client in the CreateSession request. The serverUri request in the CreateSession request. The endpointUrl passed by the client to the CreateSession request. Array of LocaleIds specified by the client in the open session call. The requested session timeout specified by the client in the open session call. The maximum size for the response message sent to the client. The server timestamp when the client opens the session. The server timestamp of the last request of the client in the context of the session. The number of subscriptions currently used by the session. The number of MonitoredItems currently used by the session. The number of publish timer expirations when there are data to be sent, but there are no publish requests for this session. The value shall be 0 if there are no data to be sent or publish requests queued. Counter of allServices, identifying the number of received requests of any Services on the session. Counter of all Services, identifying the number of Service requests that were rejected due to authorization failure. Counter of the Read Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the HistoryRead Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the Write Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the HistoryUpdate Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the Call Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the CreateMonitoredItems Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the ModifyMonitoredItems Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the SetMonitoringMode Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the SetTriggering Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the DeleteMonitoredItems Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the CreateSubscription Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the ModifySubscription Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the SetPublishingMode Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the Publish Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the Republish Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the TransferSubscriptions Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the DeleteSubscriptions Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the AddNodes Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the AddReferences Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the DeleteNodes Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the DeleteReferences Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the Browse Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the BrowseNext Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the QueryFirst Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the QueryNext Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the RegisterNodes Service, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Counter of the UnregisterNodesService, identifying the number of received requests of this Service on the session. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SessionDiagnosticsDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. contains security-related diagnostic information about client sessions. Because this information is security-related, it should not be made accessible to all users, but only to authorised users. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Server-assigned identifier of the session. Name of authenticated user when creating the session. Array containing the name of the authenticated user currently active (either from creating the session or from calling the ActivateSession Service) and the history of those names. Each time the active user changes, an entry shall be made at the end of the array. The active user is always at the end of the array. Servers may restrict the size of this array, but shall support at least a size of 2. \todo How the name of the authenticated user can be obtained from the system via the information received as part of the session establishment is defined in 6.4.3. Type of authentication currently used by the session. The string shall be one of the UserIdentityTokenType enum. Which encoding is used on the wire. The string shall be “XML” or “UA Binary”. Which transport protocol is used. The string shall be the scheme from the URL used to establish the session, for example “opc.tcp” or “https”. The message security mode used for the session. The name of the security policy used for the session. The application instance certificate provided by the client in the CreateSession request. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SessionSecurityDiagnosticsDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains diagnostic information about subscriptions. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. The number of Service requests that have been received. The total number of Service requests that were rejected. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ServiceCounterDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of StatusResult objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains diagnostic information about subscriptions. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Server-assigned identifier of the session the subscription belongs to. Server-assigned identifier of the subscription. The priority the client assigned to the subscription. The publishing interval of the subscription in milliseconds. The maximum keep-alive count of the subscription. The maximum lifetime count of the subscription. The maximum number of notifications per publish response. Whether publishing is enabled for the subscription. The number of ModifySubscription requests received for the subscription. The number of times the subscription has been enabled. The number of times the subscription has been disabled. The number of Republish Service requests that have been received and processed for the subscription. The total number of messages that have been requested to be republished for the subscription. Note that due to the design of the Republish Service this number is always equal to the republishRequestCount. The number of messages that have been successfully republished for the subscription. The total number of TransferSubscriptions Service requests that have been received for the subscription. The number of times the subscription has been transferred to an alternate client. The number of times the subscription has been transferred to an alternate session for the same client. The number of Publish Service requests that have been received and processed for the subscription. The number of data change Notifications sent by the subscription. The number of Event Notifications sent by the subscription. The total number of Notifications sent by the subscription. The number of times the subscription has entered the LATE State, i.e. the number of times the publish timer expires and there are unsent notifications. The number of times the subscription has entered the KEEPALIVE State. The current lifetime count of the subscription. The number of unacknowledged messages saved in the republish queue. The number of messages that were discarded before they were acknowledged. The total number of monitored items of the subscription, including the disabled monitored items. The number of disabled monitored items of the subscription. The number of times a monitored item dropped notifications because of a queue overflow. Sequence number for the next notification message. The number of times a monitored item in the subscription has generated an Event of type EventQueueOverflowEventType. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SubscriptionDiagnosticsDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains elements that describe changes of the model. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the Node that was changed. The client should assume that the affected Node has been created or deleted, had a Reference added or deleted, or the DataType has changed as described by the verb. If the affected Node was an object or Variable, affectedType contains the NodeId of the TypeDefinitionNode of the affected Node. Otherwise it is set to null. Describes the changes happening to the affected Node. The verb is an 8-bit unsigned integer used as bit mask with the structure defined in the following table: Field | Bit | Description -----------------|-----|--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- NodeAdded | 0 | Indicates the affected Node has been added. NodeDeleted | 1 | Indicates the affected Node has been deleted. ReferenceAdded | 2 | Indicates a Reference has been added. The affected Node may be either a SourceNode or TargetNode. Note that an added bidirectional Reference is reflected by two ChangeStructures. ReferenceDeleted | 3 | Indicates a Reference has been deleted. The affected Node may be either a SourceNode or TargetNode. Note that a deleted bidirectional Reference is reflected by two ChangeStructures. DataTypeChanged | 4 | This verb may be used only for affected Nodes that are Variables or VariableTypes. It indicates that the DataType Attribute has changed. Reserved | 5:7 | Reserved for future use. Shall always be zero. A verb may identify several changes on the affected Node at once. This feature should be used if event compression is used. Note that all verbs shall always be considered in the context where the ModelChangeStructureDataType is used. A NodeDeleted may indicate that a Node was removed from a view but still exists in other Views. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ModelChangeStructureDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains elements that describe a change of the model. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. NodeId of the Node that owns the Property that has changed. If the affected Node was an object or Variable, affectedType contains the NodeId of the TypeDefinitionNode of the affected Node. Otherwise it is set to null. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of SemanticChangeStructureDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Defines the Range for a value. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Lowest value in the range. Highest value in the range. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of Range objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Contains information about the EngineeringUnits. Understanding the units of a measurement value is essential for a uniform system. In an open system in particular where servers from different cultures might be used, it is essential to know what the units of measurement are. Based on such knowledge, values can be converted if necessary before being used. Therefore, although defined as optional, support of the EngineeringUnits Property is strongly advised. To facilitate interoperability, OPC UA specifies how to apply the widely accepted “Codes for Units of Measurement (Recommendation No. 20)” published by the “United Nations Centre for Trade Facilitation and Electronic Business” (see UN/CEFACT). It uses and is based on the International System of Units (SI Units) but in addition provides a fixed code that can be used for automated evaluation. This recommendation has been accepted by many industries on a global basis. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Identifies the organization (company, standards organization) that defines the EUInformation. Identifier for programmatic evaluation. −1 is used if a unitId is not available. The displayName of the engineering unit. This is typically the abbreviation of the engineering unit, for example ”h” for hour or ”m/s” for meter per second. Contains the full name of the engineering unit such as ”hour” or ”meter per second”. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of EUInformation objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ComplexNumberType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of DoubleComplexNumberType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Defines the information for auxiliary axis for ArrayItemType Variables. There are three typical uses of this structure: 1. The step between points is constant and can be predicted using the range information and the number of points. In this case, axisSteps can be set to NULL. 2. The step between points is not constant, but remains the same for a long period of time (from acquisition to acquisition for example). In this case, axisSteps contains the value of each step on the axis. 3. The step between points is not constant and changes at every update. In this case, a type like XYArrayType shall be used and axisSteps is set to NULL. When the steps in the axis are constant, axisSteps may be set to “Null” and in this case, the Range limits are used to compute the steps. The number of steps in the axis comes from the parent ArrayItem.ArrayDimensions. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Holds the information about the engineering units for a given axis. Limits of the range of the axis User readable axis title. This is useful when the units are\%. The Title may be e.g. “Particle size distribution” LINEAR, LOG, LN, defined by AxisSteps (see ). Specific value of each axis step. May be set to “Null” if not used. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of AxisInformation objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Defines a physical value relative to a X axis and it is used as the DataType of the Value of XYArrayItemType. Most analysers can produce values that can perfectly be represented with a float IEEE 32 bits, but they can position them on the X axis with an accuracy that requires double IEEE 64 bits. For example, the peak value in an absorbance spectrum where the amplitude of the peak can be represented by a float IEEE 32 bits, but its frequency position required 10 digits which implies the use of a double IEEE 64 bits. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Position on the X axis of this value. The value itself. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of XVType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ProgramDiagnosticDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of ProgramDiagnostic2DataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Describes Annotation information for the history data items. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. Annotation message or text The user that added the Annotation, as supplied by underlying system. The time the Annotation was added. This will probably be different than the SourceTimestamp. Checks if encodeable is the same object or has the same content A collection of Annotation objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. A endpoint object used by clients to access a UA service. Initializes the object when it is created by the WCF framework. Initializes a new instance of the class. The server. The UA server instance that the endpoint is connected to. Invokes the FindServers service. Asynchronously calls the FindServers service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the FindServers service to complete. Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service. Asynchronously calls the FindServersOnNetwork service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the FindServersOnNetwork service to complete. Invokes the GetEndpoints service. Asynchronously calls the GetEndpoints service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the GetEndpoints service to complete. Invokes the CreateSession service. Asynchronously calls the CreateSession service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the CreateSession service to complete. Invokes the ActivateSession service. Asynchronously calls the ActivateSession service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the ActivateSession service to complete. Invokes the CloseSession service. Asynchronously calls the CloseSession service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the CloseSession service to complete. Invokes the Cancel service. Asynchronously calls the Cancel service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the Cancel service to complete. Invokes the AddNodes service. Asynchronously calls the AddNodes service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the AddNodes service to complete. Invokes the AddReferences service. Asynchronously calls the AddReferences service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the AddReferences service to complete. Invokes the DeleteNodes service. Asynchronously calls the DeleteNodes service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteNodes service to complete. Invokes the DeleteReferences service. Asynchronously calls the DeleteReferences service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteReferences service to complete. Invokes the Browse service. Asynchronously calls the Browse service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the Browse service to complete. Invokes the BrowseNext service. Asynchronously calls the BrowseNext service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the BrowseNext service to complete. Invokes the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. Asynchronously calls the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service to complete. Invokes the RegisterNodes service. Asynchronously calls the RegisterNodes service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the RegisterNodes service to complete. Invokes the UnregisterNodes service. Asynchronously calls the UnregisterNodes service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the UnregisterNodes service to complete. Invokes the QueryFirst service. Asynchronously calls the QueryFirst service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the QueryFirst service to complete. Invokes the QueryNext service. Asynchronously calls the QueryNext service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the QueryNext service to complete. Invokes the Read service. Asynchronously calls the Read service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the Read service to complete. Invokes the HistoryRead service. Asynchronously calls the HistoryRead service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the HistoryRead service to complete. Invokes the Write service. Asynchronously calls the Write service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the Write service to complete. Invokes the HistoryUpdate service. Asynchronously calls the HistoryUpdate service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the HistoryUpdate service to complete. Invokes the Call service. Asynchronously calls the Call service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the Call service to complete. Invokes the CreateMonitoredItems service. Asynchronously calls the CreateMonitoredItems service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the CreateMonitoredItems service to complete. Invokes the ModifyMonitoredItems service. Asynchronously calls the ModifyMonitoredItems service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the ModifyMonitoredItems service to complete. Invokes the SetMonitoringMode service. Asynchronously calls the SetMonitoringMode service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the SetMonitoringMode service to complete. Invokes the SetTriggering service. Asynchronously calls the SetTriggering service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the SetTriggering service to complete. Invokes the DeleteMonitoredItems service. Asynchronously calls the DeleteMonitoredItems service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteMonitoredItems service to complete. Invokes the CreateSubscription service. Asynchronously calls the CreateSubscription service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the CreateSubscription service to complete. Invokes the ModifySubscription service. Asynchronously calls the ModifySubscription service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the ModifySubscription service to complete. Invokes the SetPublishingMode service. Asynchronously calls the SetPublishingMode service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the SetPublishingMode service to complete. Invokes the Publish service. Asynchronously calls the Publish service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the Publish service to complete. Invokes the Republish service. Asynchronously calls the Republish service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the Republish service to complete. Invokes the TransferSubscriptions service. Asynchronously calls the TransferSubscriptions service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the TransferSubscriptions service to complete. Invokes the DeleteSubscriptions service. Asynchronously calls the DeleteSubscriptions service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the DeleteSubscriptions service to complete. Populates the known types table. A endpoint object used by clients to access a UA service. Initializes the object when it is created by the WCF framework. Initializes a new instance of the class. The server. The UA server instance that the endpoint is connected to. Invokes the FindServers service. Asynchronously calls the FindServers service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the FindServers service to complete. Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service. Asynchronously calls the FindServersOnNetwork service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the FindServersOnNetwork service to complete. Invokes the GetEndpoints service. Asynchronously calls the GetEndpoints service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the GetEndpoints service to complete. Invokes the RegisterServer service. Asynchronously calls the RegisterServer service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the RegisterServer service to complete. Invokes the RegisterServer2 service. Asynchronously calls the RegisterServer2 service. Waits for an asynchronous call to the RegisterServer2 service to complete. Populates the known types table. The asynchronous service contract which must be implemented by UA servers. The operation contract for the CreateSession service. The method used to retrieve the results of a CreateSession service request. The operation contract for the ActivateSession service. The method used to retrieve the results of a ActivateSession service request. The operation contract for the CloseSession service. The method used to retrieve the results of a CloseSession service request. The operation contract for the Cancel service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Cancel service request. The operation contract for the AddNodes service. The method used to retrieve the results of a AddNodes service request. The operation contract for the AddReferences service. The method used to retrieve the results of a AddReferences service request. The operation contract for the DeleteNodes service. The method used to retrieve the results of a DeleteNodes service request. The operation contract for the DeleteReferences service. The method used to retrieve the results of a DeleteReferences service request. The operation contract for the Browse service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Browse service request. The operation contract for the BrowseNext service. The method used to retrieve the results of a BrowseNext service request. The operation contract for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. The method used to retrieve the results of a TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service request. The operation contract for the RegisterNodes service. The method used to retrieve the results of a RegisterNodes service request. The operation contract for the UnregisterNodes service. The method used to retrieve the results of a UnregisterNodes service request. The operation contract for the QueryFirst service. The method used to retrieve the results of a QueryFirst service request. The operation contract for the QueryNext service. The method used to retrieve the results of a QueryNext service request. The operation contract for the Read service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Read service request. The operation contract for the HistoryRead service. The method used to retrieve the results of a HistoryRead service request. The operation contract for the Write service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Write service request. The operation contract for the HistoryUpdate service. The method used to retrieve the results of a HistoryUpdate service request. The operation contract for the Call service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Call service request. The operation contract for the CreateMonitoredItems service. The method used to retrieve the results of a CreateMonitoredItems service request. The operation contract for the ModifyMonitoredItems service. The method used to retrieve the results of a ModifyMonitoredItems service request. The operation contract for the SetMonitoringMode service. The method used to retrieve the results of a SetMonitoringMode service request. The operation contract for the SetTriggering service. The method used to retrieve the results of a SetTriggering service request. The operation contract for the DeleteMonitoredItems service. The method used to retrieve the results of a DeleteMonitoredItems service request. The operation contract for the CreateSubscription service. The method used to retrieve the results of a CreateSubscription service request. The operation contract for the ModifySubscription service. The method used to retrieve the results of a ModifySubscription service request. The operation contract for the SetPublishingMode service. The method used to retrieve the results of a SetPublishingMode service request. The operation contract for the Publish service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Publish service request. The operation contract for the Republish service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Republish service request. The operation contract for the TransferSubscriptions service. The method used to retrieve the results of a TransferSubscriptions service request. The operation contract for the DeleteSubscriptions service. The method used to retrieve the results of a DeleteSubscriptions service request. An interface used by by clients to access a UA server. The operation contract for the CreateSession service. The operation contract for the CreateSession service. The method used to retrieve the results of a CreateSession service request. The operation contract for the ActivateSession service. The operation contract for the ActivateSession service. The method used to retrieve the results of a ActivateSession service request. The operation contract for the CloseSession service. The operation contract for the CloseSession service. The method used to retrieve the results of a CloseSession service request. The operation contract for the Cancel service. The operation contract for the Cancel service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Cancel service request. The operation contract for the AddNodes service. The operation contract for the AddNodes service. The method used to retrieve the results of a AddNodes service request. The operation contract for the AddReferences service. The operation contract for the AddReferences service. The method used to retrieve the results of a AddReferences service request. The operation contract for the DeleteNodes service. The operation contract for the DeleteNodes service. The method used to retrieve the results of a DeleteNodes service request. The operation contract for the DeleteReferences service. The operation contract for the DeleteReferences service. The method used to retrieve the results of a DeleteReferences service request. The operation contract for the Browse service. The operation contract for the Browse service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Browse service request. The operation contract for the BrowseNext service. The operation contract for the BrowseNext service. The method used to retrieve the results of a BrowseNext service request. The operation contract for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. The operation contract for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. The method used to retrieve the results of a TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service request. The operation contract for the RegisterNodes service. The operation contract for the RegisterNodes service. The method used to retrieve the results of a RegisterNodes service request. The operation contract for the UnregisterNodes service. The operation contract for the UnregisterNodes service. The method used to retrieve the results of a UnregisterNodes service request. The operation contract for the QueryFirst service. The operation contract for the QueryFirst service. The method used to retrieve the results of a QueryFirst service request. The operation contract for the QueryNext service. The operation contract for the QueryNext service. The method used to retrieve the results of a QueryNext service request. The operation contract for the Read service. The operation contract for the Read service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Read service request. The operation contract for the HistoryRead service. The operation contract for the HistoryRead service. The method used to retrieve the results of a HistoryRead service request. The operation contract for the Write service. The operation contract for the Write service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Write service request. The operation contract for the HistoryUpdate service. The operation contract for the HistoryUpdate service. The method used to retrieve the results of a HistoryUpdate service request. The operation contract for the Call service. The operation contract for the Call service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Call service request. The operation contract for the CreateMonitoredItems service. The operation contract for the CreateMonitoredItems service. The method used to retrieve the results of a CreateMonitoredItems service request. The operation contract for the ModifyMonitoredItems service. The operation contract for the ModifyMonitoredItems service. The method used to retrieve the results of a ModifyMonitoredItems service request. The operation contract for the SetMonitoringMode service. The operation contract for the SetMonitoringMode service. The method used to retrieve the results of a SetMonitoringMode service request. The operation contract for the SetTriggering service. The operation contract for the SetTriggering service. The method used to retrieve the results of a SetTriggering service request. The operation contract for the DeleteMonitoredItems service. The operation contract for the DeleteMonitoredItems service. The method used to retrieve the results of a DeleteMonitoredItems service request. The operation contract for the CreateSubscription service. The operation contract for the CreateSubscription service. The method used to retrieve the results of a CreateSubscription service request. The operation contract for the ModifySubscription service. The operation contract for the ModifySubscription service. The method used to retrieve the results of a ModifySubscription service request. The operation contract for the SetPublishingMode service. The operation contract for the SetPublishingMode service. The method used to retrieve the results of a SetPublishingMode service request. The operation contract for the Publish service. The operation contract for the Publish service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Publish service request. The operation contract for the Republish service. The operation contract for the Republish service. The method used to retrieve the results of a Republish service request. The operation contract for the TransferSubscriptions service. The operation contract for the TransferSubscriptions service. The method used to retrieve the results of a TransferSubscriptions service request. The operation contract for the DeleteSubscriptions service. The operation contract for the DeleteSubscriptions service. The method used to retrieve the results of a DeleteSubscriptions service request. The asynchronous service contract which must be implemented by UA servers. The operation contract for the FindServers service. The method used to retrieve the results of a FindServers service request. The operation contract for the FindServersOnNetwork service. The method used to retrieve the results of a FindServersOnNetwork service request. The operation contract for the GetEndpoints service. The method used to retrieve the results of a GetEndpoints service request. An interface used by by clients to access a UA server. The operation contract for the FindServers service. The operation contract for the FindServers service. The method used to retrieve the results of a FindServers service request. The operation contract for the FindServersOnNetwork service. The operation contract for the FindServersOnNetwork service. The method used to retrieve the results of a FindServersOnNetwork service request. The operation contract for the GetEndpoints service. The operation contract for the GetEndpoints service. The method used to retrieve the results of a GetEndpoints service request. The asynchronous service contract which must be implemented by UA servers. The operation contract for the RegisterServer service. The method used to retrieve the results of a RegisterServer service request. The operation contract for the RegisterServer2 service. The method used to retrieve the results of a RegisterServer2 service request. An interface used by by clients to access a UA server. The operation contract for the RegisterServer service. The operation contract for the RegisterServer service. The method used to retrieve the results of a RegisterServer service request. The operation contract for the RegisterServer2 service. The operation contract for the RegisterServer2 service. The method used to retrieve the results of a RegisterServer2 service request. The message contract for the FindServers service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the FindServers service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the FindServersOnNetwork service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the FindServersOnNetwork service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the GetEndpoints service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the GetEndpoints service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the RegisterServer service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the RegisterServer service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the RegisterServer2 service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the RegisterServer2 service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the OpenSecureChannel service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the OpenSecureChannel service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the CloseSecureChannel service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the CloseSecureChannel service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the CreateSession service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the CreateSession service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the ActivateSession service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the ActivateSession service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the CloseSession service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the CloseSession service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the Cancel service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the Cancel service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the AddNodes service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the AddNodes service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the AddReferences service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the AddReferences service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the DeleteNodes service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the DeleteNodes service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the DeleteReferences service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the DeleteReferences service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the Browse service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the Browse service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the BrowseNext service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the BrowseNext service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the RegisterNodes service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the RegisterNodes service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the UnregisterNodes service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the UnregisterNodes service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the QueryFirst service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the QueryFirst service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the QueryNext service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the QueryNext service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the Read service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the Read service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the HistoryRead service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the HistoryRead service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the Write service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the Write service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the HistoryUpdate service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the HistoryUpdate service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the Call service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the Call service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the CreateMonitoredItems service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the CreateMonitoredItems service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the ModifyMonitoredItems service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the ModifyMonitoredItems service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the SetMonitoringMode service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the SetMonitoringMode service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the SetTriggering service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the SetTriggering service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the DeleteMonitoredItems service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the DeleteMonitoredItems service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the CreateSubscription service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the CreateSubscription service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the ModifySubscription service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the ModifySubscription service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the SetPublishingMode service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the SetPublishingMode service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the Publish service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the Publish service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the Republish service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the Republish service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the TransferSubscriptions service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the TransferSubscriptions service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. The message contract for the DeleteSubscriptions service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The message contract for the DeleteSubscriptions service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. Initializes the message with a service fault. An interface to a UA server implementation. Invokes the FindServers service. Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service. Invokes the GetEndpoints service. Invokes the CreateSession service. Invokes the ActivateSession service. Invokes the CloseSession service. Invokes the Cancel service. Invokes the AddNodes service. Invokes the AddReferences service. Invokes the DeleteNodes service. Invokes the DeleteReferences service. Invokes the Browse service. Invokes the BrowseNext service. Invokes the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. Invokes the RegisterNodes service. Invokes the UnregisterNodes service. Invokes the QueryFirst service. Invokes the QueryNext service. Invokes the Read service. Invokes the HistoryRead service. Invokes the Write service. Invokes the HistoryUpdate service. Invokes the Call service. Invokes the CreateMonitoredItems service. Invokes the ModifyMonitoredItems service. Invokes the SetMonitoringMode service. Invokes the SetTriggering service. Invokes the DeleteMonitoredItems service. Invokes the CreateSubscription service. Invokes the ModifySubscription service. Invokes the SetPublishingMode service. Invokes the Publish service. Invokes the Republish service. Invokes the TransferSubscriptions service. Invokes the DeleteSubscriptions service. A basic implementation of the UA server. Invokes the FindServers service. Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service. Invokes the GetEndpoints service. Invokes the CreateSession service. Invokes the ActivateSession service. Invokes the CloseSession service. Invokes the Cancel service. Invokes the AddNodes service. Invokes the AddReferences service. Invokes the DeleteNodes service. Invokes the DeleteReferences service. Invokes the Browse service. Invokes the BrowseNext service. Invokes the TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds service. Invokes the RegisterNodes service. Invokes the UnregisterNodes service. Invokes the QueryFirst service. Invokes the QueryNext service. Invokes the Read service. Invokes the HistoryRead service. Invokes the Write service. Invokes the HistoryUpdate service. Invokes the Call service. Invokes the CreateMonitoredItems service. Invokes the ModifyMonitoredItems service. Invokes the SetMonitoringMode service. Invokes the SetTriggering service. Invokes the DeleteMonitoredItems service. Invokes the CreateSubscription service. Invokes the ModifySubscription service. Invokes the SetPublishingMode service. Invokes the Publish service. Invokes the Republish service. Invokes the TransferSubscriptions service. Invokes the DeleteSubscriptions service. An interface to a UA server implementation. Invokes the FindServers service. Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service. Invokes the GetEndpoints service. Invokes the RegisterServer service. Invokes the RegisterServer2 service. A basic implementation of the UA server. Invokes the FindServers service. Invokes the FindServersOnNetwork service. Invokes the GetEndpoints service. Invokes the RegisterServer service. Invokes the RegisterServer2 service. A class that defines constants used by UA applications. The basic status codes. An unexpected error occurred. An internal error occurred as a result of a programming or configuration error. Not enough memory to complete the operation. An operating system resource is not available. A low level communication error occurred. Encoding halted because of invalid data in the objects being serialized. Decoding halted because of invalid data in the stream. The message encoding/decoding limits imposed by the stack have been exceeded. The request message size exceeds limits set by the server. The response message size exceeds limits set by the client. An unrecognized response was received from the server. The operation timed out. The server does not support the requested service. The operation was cancelled because the application is shutting down. The operation could not complete because the client is not connected to the server. The server has stopped and cannot process any requests. There was nothing to do because the client passed a list of operations with no elements. The request could not be processed because it specified too many operations. The request could not be processed because there are too many monitored items in the subscription. The extension object cannot be (de)serialized because the data type id is not recognized. The certificate provided as a parameter is not valid. An error occurred verifying security. The certificate does not meet the requirements of the security policy. The certificate has expired or is not yet valid. An issuer certificate has expired or is not yet valid. The HostName used to connect to a server does not match a HostName in the certificate. The URI specified in the ApplicationDescription does not match the URI in the certificate. The certificate may not be used for the requested operation. The issuer certificate may not be used for the requested operation. The certificate is not trusted. It was not possible to determine if the certificate has been revoked. It was not possible to determine if the issuer certificate has been revoked. The certificate has been revoked. The issuer certificate has been revoked. The certificate chain is incomplete. User does not have permission to perform the requested operation. The user identity token is not valid. The user identity token is valid but the server has rejected it. The specified secure channel is no longer valid. The timestamp is outside the range allowed by the server. The nonce does appear to be not a random value or it is not the correct length. The session id is not valid. The session was closed by the client. The session cannot be used because ActivateSession has not been called. The subscription id is not valid. The header for the request is missing or invalid. The timestamps to return parameter is invalid. The request was cancelled by the client. Too many arguments were provided. The server requires a license to operate in general or to perform a service or operation, but existing license is expired. The server has limits on number of allowed operations / objects, based on installed licenses, and these limits where exceeded. The server does not have a license which is required to operate in general or to perform a service or operation. The subscription was transferred to another session. The processing will complete asynchronously. Sampling has slowed down due to resource limitations. The value written was accepted but was clamped. Communication with the data source is defined, but not established, and there is no last known value available. Waiting for the server to obtain values from the underlying data source. The syntax of the node id is not valid. The node id refers to a node that does not exist in the server address space. The attribute is not supported for the specified Node. The syntax of the index range parameter is invalid. No data exists within the range of indexes specified. The data encoding is invalid. The server does not support the requested data encoding for the node. The access level does not allow reading or subscribing to the Node. The access level does not allow writing to the Node. The value was out of range. The requested operation is not supported. A requested item was not found or a search operation ended without success. The object cannot be used because it has been deleted. Requested operation is not implemented. The monitoring mode is invalid. The monitoring item id does not refer to a valid monitored item. The monitored item filter parameter is not valid. The server does not support the requested monitored item filter. A monitoring filter cannot be used in combination with the attribute specified. A mandatory structured parameter was missing or null. The event filter is not valid. The content filter is not valid. An unrecognized operator was provided in a filter. A valid operator was provided, but the server does not provide support for this filter operator. The number of operands provided for the filter operator was less then expected for the operand provided. The operand used in a content filter is not valid. The referenced element is not a valid element in the content filter. The referenced literal is not a valid value. The continuation point provide is longer valid. The operation could not be processed because all continuation points have been allocated. The reference type id does not refer to a valid reference type node. The browse direction is not valid. The node is not part of the view. The number was not accepted because of a numeric overflow. The ServerUri is not a valid URI. No ServerName was specified. No DiscoveryUrl was specified. The semaphore file specified by the client is not valid. The security token request type is not valid. The security mode does not meet the requirements set by the server. The security policy does not meet the requirements set by the server. The server has reached its maximum number of sessions. The user token signature is missing or invalid. The signature generated with the client certificate is missing or invalid. The client did not provide at least one software certificate that is valid and meets the profile requirements for the server. The server does not support changing the user identity assigned to the session. The request was cancelled by the client with the Cancel service. The parent node id does not to refer to a valid node. The reference could not be created because it violates constraints imposed by the data model. The requested node id was reject because it was either invalid or server does not allow node ids to be specified by the client. The requested node id is already used by another node. The node class is not valid. The browse name is invalid. The browse name is not unique among nodes that share the same relationship with the parent. The node attributes are not valid for the node class. The type definition node id does not reference an appropriate type node. The source node id does not reference a valid node. The target node id does not reference a valid node. The reference type between the nodes is already defined. The server does not allow this type of self reference on this node. The reference type is not valid for a reference to a remote server. The server will not allow the node to be deleted. The server was not able to delete all target references. The server index is not valid. The view id does not refer to a valid view node. The view timestamp is not available or not supported. The view parameters are not consistent with each other. The view version is not available or not supported. The list of references may not be complete because the underlying system is not available. The server should have followed a reference to a node in a remote server but did not. The result set may be incomplete. The provided Nodeid was not a type definition nodeid. One of the references to follow in the relative path references to a node in the address space in another server. The requested operation has too many matches to return. The requested operation requires too many resources in the server. The requested operation has no match to return. The max age parameter is invalid. The operation is not permitted over the current secure channel. The history details parameter is not valid. The server does not support the requested operation. The defined timestamp to return was invalid. The server does not support writing the combination of value, status and timestamps provided. The value supplied for the attribute is not of the same type as the attribute's value. The method id does not refer to a method for the specified object. The client did not specify all of the input arguments for the method. The executable attribute does not allow the execution of the method. The server has reached its maximum number of subscriptions. The server has reached the maximum number of queued publish requests. There is no subscription available for this session. The sequence number is unknown to the server. The requested notification message is no longer available. The client of the current session does not support one or more Profiles that are necessary for the subscription. The sub-state machine is not currently active. An equivalent rule already exists. The server cannot process the request because it is too busy. The type of the message specified in the header invalid. The SecureChannelId and/or TokenId are not currently in use. The size of the message specified in the header is too large. There are not enough resources to process the request. An internal error occurred. The server does not recognize the QueryString specified. The request could not be sent because of a network interruption. Timeout occurred while processing the request. The secure channel has been closed. The token has expired or is not recognized. The sequence number is not valid. The applications do not have compatible protocol versions. There is a problem with the configuration that affects the usefulness of the value. The variable should receive its value from another variable, but has never been configured to do so. There has been a failure in the device/data source that generates the value that has affected the value. There has been a failure in the sensor from which the value is derived by the device/data source. The source of the data is not operational. The deadband filter is not valid. Communication to the data source has failed. The variable value is the last value that had a good quality. Whatever was updating this value has stopped doing so. The value is an operational value that was manually overwritten. The value is an initial value for a variable that normally receives its value from another variable. The value is at one of the sensor limits. The value is outside of the range of values defined for this parameter. The value is derived from multiple sources and has less than the required number of Good sources. The value has been overridden. This Condition refresh failed, a Condition refresh operation is already in progress. This condition has already been disabled. This condition has already been enabled. Property not available, this condition is disabled. The specified event id is not recognized. The event cannot be acknowledged. The dialog condition is not active. The response is not valid for the dialog. The condition branch has already been acknowledged. The condition branch has already been confirmed. The condition has already been shelved. The condition is not currently shelved. The shelving time not within an acceptable range. No data exists for the requested time range or event filter. No data found to provide upper or lower bound value. The server cannot retrieve a bound for the variable. Data is missing due to collection started/stopped/lost. Expected data is unavailable for the requested time range due to an un-mounted volume, an off-line archive or tape, or similar reason for temporary unavailability. The data or event was not successfully inserted because a matching entry exists. The data or event was not successfully updated because no matching entry exists. The client requested history using a timestamp format the server does not support (i.e requested ServerTimestamp when server only supports SourceTimestamp). The data or event was successfully inserted into the historical database. The data or event field was successfully replaced in the historical database. The value is derived from multiple values and has less than the required number of Good values. No data exists for the requested time range or event filter. The data or event field was successfully replaced in the historical database. The requested number of Aggregates does not match the requested number of NodeIds. The requested Aggregate is not support by the server. The aggregate value could not be derived due to invalid data inputs. The aggregate configuration is not valid for specified node. The request specifies fields which are not valid for the EventType or cannot be saved by the historian. The request was rejected by the server because it did not meet the criteria set by the server. The request has not been processed by the server yet. The value does not come from the real source and has been edited by the server. There was an error in execution of these post-actions. The related EngineeringUnit has been changed but the Variable Value is still provided based on the previous unit. A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device. The related EngineeringUnit has been changed but this change has not been applied to the device. The Variable Value is still dependent on the previous unit but its status is currently Bad. A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device. The quality of the dominant variable is uncertain. A dependent value has been changed but the change has not been applied to the device. The quality of the dominant variable is Bad. The communication layer has raised an event. The system is shutting down. The operation is not finished and needs to be called again. A non-critical timeout occurred. One or more arguments are invalid. Could not establish a network connection to remote server. The server has disconnected from the client. The network connection has been closed. The operation cannot be completed because the object is closed, uninitialized or in some other invalid state. Cannot move beyond end of the stream. No data is currently available for reading from a non-blocking stream. The asynchronous operation is waiting for a response. The asynchronous operation was abandoned by the caller. The stream did not return all data requested (possibly because it is a non-blocking stream). Non blocking behaviour is required and the operation would block. A value had an invalid syntax. The operation could not be finished because all available connections are in use. The status is good. The status is uncertain. The status is base. A rule which applies to an entity. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the identity which the rule applies to. The identity which the rule applies to. Gets or sets the type of the rule. The type of the rule. Gets or sets the right. The right. Provides utilities which change the access rights for system objects. Gets the application access rules implied by the access rights to the file. Gets the application access rules implied by the access rights to the file. Returns the application rights implied by the file system rights. Returns the directory that is the source for the specified access rule. Converts a SID to a user account name. Converts a user account name to a SID. The rights necessary for read a certificate or certificate store. The rights necessary for update a certificate or certificate store. The rights necessary for change access to a certificate or certificate store. The rights granted to entities with read access to a certificate or certificate store. The rights granted to entities with read/update access to a certificate or certificate store. The rights granted to entities with read/update/configure access to a certificate or certificate store. The access rights available. No access. The ability to run an application. The ability to administer an application. Stores information about an account. Prevents a default instance of the class from being created. The name of the account. The domain that the account belongs to. The SID for the account. The type of SID used by the account. Thr description for the account. Thr current status for the account. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance. The to compare with this instance. true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. The parameter is null. Returns a hash code for this instance. A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Compares the obj. Returns the identity reference for the account. Applies the filters to the account Queries the SID table for the specified account name. Queries the SID table for the specified account name. Creates an account info object from an identity name. Creates a new NT user account. Queries the account table for the specified accounts. Applies the filters to the accounts. The type of SID used by the account. An interactive user account. An group of users. A domain. An alias for a group or user. Built-in identity principals. Defines WIN32 types. Filters that can be used to restrict the set of accounts returned. The name of the account (supports the '*' wildcard). The domain that the account belongs to. The types of accounts. The masks that can be use to filter a list of accounts. Mask not specified. An interactive user account. An NT user group. Well-known groups. Defines methods used to access the windows firewall configuration. Configures the firewall to allow access to the specified application. The application. The executable path. Configures the firewall to allow access to the specified application. Name of the application. The executable path. The base addresses. Checks if the firewall has been configured. The executable path. The base addresses. Returns true if the application has its firewall access configured. Returns the firewall access granted to an application. The executable path. The ports configured for the executable. Returns the firewall access granted to an application. The executable path. The ports. Removes the firewall access granted to the specified ports. The ports. Configures the firewall to remove access to the specified application. The application. The executable path. Configures the firewall to remove access to the specified application. The executable path. The base addresses. An access rule for an HTTP URL used by a WCF service. The access right affected by the rule. The access right affected by the rule. The name of the NT account principal which the access rule applies to. Declares the native methods used by the class. Checks for HTTPS certificate bound to the URL. The bindings. GetSslCertificateBindings is called if null. The URL. Good if the binding exists and the certificate is accessible. An error code otherwise. Finds the SSL certificate binding. The URL. Fetches the current SSL certificate configuration. Creates a new SSL certificate binding. Deletes a new SSL certificate binding. Gets the application access rules for the specified URL. Sets the application access rules for the specified URL. Sets the application access rules for the specified URL (replaces the hostname with a wildcard). Serializes an IPAddress. Extracts the access rules from the SDDL string. Extracts the access rules from the SDDL string. A class that stores the components of ACE within a DACL. The access type granted by the ACE. Any flags associated with the ACE. The rights allowed/restricted by the ACE. The object associated with the ACE. The inherited object associated with the ACE. The SID for the account which is affected by the ACE. Extracts a list of ACEs from a SDDL string. Extracts a single ACE from a SDDL string fragment. Stores the details of an SSL certification configuration binding. The IP Address. The port number. The certificate thumbprint. The application id. The names of the store to use. The default revocation check mode. The default revocation freshness time. The default revocation URL timeout. The default certificate trust list identifier. The default certificate trust list store. The default flags. The well known NT security identifiers. Interactive users. Authenticated users. Anonymous Logons The local system account. The local service account. The network service account. The administrators group. The users group. The guests group. Used to get the ScopeIds from strings The main use case for this interface is the import of a NodeSet XML file. Returns the INodeAccessInfo from the Extension defines in a NodeSet XML file The parsed extension An interface that allows the caller to customize the object to UA mapping. Gets the metadata handle. The namespace uris. The instance. Gets the value associated with the mapping. The request context. The mapping. The value. null if he mapping was not understood. Sets the value associated with the mapping. The request context. The mapping. The value. True if the mapping was understood. False otherwise. A base interface for context information that is passed through the model mapper to a handler. A handle which can be used to read/write/subscribe to an object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The instance which is mapped to a model. Initializes a new instance of the class. The instance which is mapped to a model. The custom IModelMapper implementation for use with the mapper. If the mapper is null the default mapping is used. Gets a custom IModelMapper object for use with the instance. If this value is null the default mapping is used. Gets the instance which is mapped to the model. A flat list of all mapped properties within the instance. A list of results for the last operation performed with the handle. There is one entry for each entry in the Mappings list. Gets or sets the user data associated with the handle. The user data associated with the handle. A object which stores the state of a mapping between a class and a UA information model. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The browse names. Initializes a new instance of the class. Index of the namespace. The browse names. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Gets or sets the browse path used to look up the node id. The browse path used to look up the node id. Gets or sets the attribute id to use during I/O operations. The attribute id to use during during I/O operations. Gets or sets the data type to use during I/O operations. The data type to use during I/O operations. Gets or sets the access level. The access level. Gets or sets the instance which is the target of any operations. The instance which is the target of any operations. Gets or sets the type of the field. The type of the field. Gets or sets the node id used to read/write the value. The node id used to read/write the value. Gets or sets the status code. The status code. Gets or sets the mapping data. The mapping data. Provides access to a UA information model using classes with special attributes defined. Gets the metadata handle. The instance. Gets the value associated with the mapping. The request context. The mapping. The value. null if he mapping was not understood. Sets the value associated with the mapping. The request context. The mapping. The value. True if the mapping was understood. False otherwise. Gets the value associated with the mapping. The request context. The mapping. The value. BadNoData if it does not exist. Get values from the specified instance. The request context. The instance. The mappings. Sets the value associated with the mapping. The request context. The mapping. The value. True if the mapping was understood. False otherwise. Updates the specified instance. The request context. The instance. The mappings. The values to use when updating. Gets the metadata handle. The instance. Updates the browse paths. The namespace uris. The instance. The browse paths. The property. The mappings. Gets the type definition. The type. Gets the instance declaration. The member. Gets the value of a property. The value. Sets the value of a property. The request context. The value. A strongly-typed resource class, for looking up localized strings, etc. Returns the cached ResourceManager instance used by this class. Overrides the current thread's CurrentUICulture property for all resource lookups using this strongly typed resource class. A class used to parse and manipulate XML type dictionaries. Gets or sets the NodeId for the dictionary variable. The NodeId for the dictionary variable. Gets namespace URI for the dictionary. The namespace URI. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The namespace URI. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary serialized as an UTF-8 encoded XML document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Builds an XML schema with the contents of the dictionary. The dictionary. Updates the the object with the contents of the dictionary. The dictionary. Creates a new generic type from the current dictionary. Name of the type. The new generic type. Checks if the type is in the current dictionary. The name of the type. TRUE if it exist; FALSE otherwise. Adds an enumerated data type to the dictionary. The enumerated type. Adds a structured data type to the dictionary. The structured type. A value for a generic structured or generic union data type. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The structured data type that describes the value. The id of the data type node. The is of the DefaultBinary encoding node. The is of the DefaultXML encoding node. Encodes the value in the stream. The encoder wrapping the stream. Decodes the value from a stream. The decoder wrapping the stream. Does a deep comparison of two encodeable objects. The target to compare. TRUE if the target is equal; FALSE otherwise. Gets the structured data type which describes the value. The structured data type which describes the value. Sets the structured or union data type that describes the value. Type of the data. Tries to get the value of the field. The name of the field. The value. TRUE if the field exists; FALSE otherwise. Gets or sets the value of the switch field (only valid if the type is a union). The value of the switch field (only valid if the type is a union). Only Unions have switch fields. Gets or sets the encoding mask (only valid if the type is a structure with optional fields). The encoding mask (only valid if the type is a structure with optional fields). Only Structires with Optional Fields have encoding masks. Gets or sets the value of a field with the specified field name. The value of a field with the specified field name. The name of the field. The value of the field. Gets or sets the value of a field at the specified index. The field at the specified index. The index of field. The value for the field at the specified index. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A class used to parse and manipulate OPC Binary dictionaries. Gets or sets the NodeId for the dictionary variable. The NodeId for the dictionary variable. Gets namespace URI for the dictionary. The namespace URI. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The namespace URI. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary serialized as an UTF-8 encoded XML document. Initializes a new instance of the class. The dictionary. Builds an OPC Binary schema with the contents of the dictionary. The dictionary. Updates the the object with the contents of the dictionary. The dictionary. Creates a new generic type from the current dictionary. Name of the type. The new generic type. Checks if the type is in the current dictionary. The name of the type. TRUE if it exist; FALSE otherwise. Adds an enumerated data type to the dictionary. The enumerated type. Adds a structured data type to the dictionary. The structured type. A class which builds schemas associated with dynamically defined data types. Gets or sets the id for the OPC Binary dictionary node. The id for the OPC Binary dictionary node. Gets or sets the id for the XML Schema dictionary node. The id for the XML Schema dictionary node. Gets the namespace URI to use for data type and encoding nodes. The namespace URI to use for data type and encoding nodes. Gets the namespace URI to use for the schemas. The namespace URI to use for the schemas. Gets or sets the type for automatically generated NodeIds. The type for automatically generated NodeIds. When data types are created the NodeIds for the DataType, DefaultBinary Encoding and DefaultXML Encoding are automatically generated. The AutoGeneratedIdType controls the type of identifiers of the new NodeIds. The following algorithms are used: Numeric: monotonically increasing counter; Guid: new GUID created for each identifier; String: a string within the dictionary that incorporates the type name; ByteString: a UTF-8 encoded version of a string within the dictionary that incorporates the type name; If autogenerated NodeIds are not desired they can be manually replace by the caller. Initializes a new instance of the class. The namespace URI to use for data type and encoding node ids. The namespace to use for the schemas. Gets the OPC Binary dictionary which describes the types managed by the instance. An UTF-8 encoded XML document which comes to the OPC Binary schema. Gets the XML dictionary which describes the types managed by the instance. An UTF-8 encoded XML document which conforms to the XML schema standard. Creates a new generic enumerated data type. Creates the required nodes in addressspace and entries in the dictionaries. The name of the enumerated data type. The new enumerated data type. Creates a new generic enumerated data type. Creates the required nodes in addressspace and entries in the dictionaries. Information about the DataType to be used for Dictionary and Nodes. The new enumerated data type. Creates a new generic structured data type. Creates the required nodes in addressspace and entries in the dictionaries. The name of the structured data type. The new structured data type. Creates a new generic structured data type. Creates the required nodes in addressspace and entries in the dictionaries. Information about the DataType to be used for Dictionary and Nodes. The new structured data type. Creates a new generic union data type. Creates the required nodes in addressspace and entries in the dictionaries. The name of the union data type. The new union data type. Creates a new generic union data type. Creates the required nodes in addressspace and entries in the dictionaries. Information about the DataType to be used for Dictionary and Nodes. The new union data type. Creates a new generic optional field list data type. Creates the required nodes in addressspace and entries in the dictionaries. The name of the optional field list data type. The new optional field list data type. Creates a new generic optional field list data type. Creates the required nodes in addressspace and entries in the dictionaries. Information about the DataType to be used for Dictionary and Nodes. The new optional field list data type. Adds a field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. The type of . The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds a field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. The type of . OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds a field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. The type of . The NodeId of the DataType node. OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds a field with an enumerated data type to a structured data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A type which respresents the enumeration. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds a field with an enumerated data type to a structured data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A type which respresents the enumeration. OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds a field with an enumerated data type to a structured data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A type which respresents the enumeration. OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds a field with the specified data type to a structured data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A generic type representing the field. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds a field with the specified data type to a structured data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A generic type representing the field. OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds an optional field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. The type of . The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds an optional field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. The type of . OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds an optional field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. The type of . The NodeId of the DataType node. OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds an optional field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A type which respresents the enumeration. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds an optional field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A type which respresents the enumeration. OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds an optional field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A type which respresents the enumeration. OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds an optional field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A generic type representing the field. The generic field after it is added to structure. Adds an optional field with a simple data type to a structure data type. The structured data type to update. The name of the field. A generic type representing the field. OneDimension if the field is array; Scalar otherwise. The generic field after it is added to structure. Checks if the type is in the current dictionary. The name of the type. TRUE if it exist; FALSE otherwise. Finds type with the specified name. The expected subtype of GenericDataType. The name. The type if found; NULL if not found or if not an instance requested GenericDataType subtype. Adds the specified data type to the dictionaries managed by the instance. The data type to add. Class storing information about a GenericDataType used to create by a SchemaBuilder The Name of the DataType The IdType of the DataType. The Identifier of the DataType. Sets the DataTypeIdType. Gets the IdType from value. The IdType of value. Class storing information about a generic enumeration used to create by a SchemaBuilder. Class storing information about a generic structure used to create by a SchemaBuilder. This class can be used to create GenericStructureDataType, GenericUnionDataType and GenericOptionalFieldListDataType The IdType of the BinaryEncoding node. The Identifier of the BinaryEncoding node. Sets the BinaryEncodingIdType. The Identifier of the XML Encoding node. The Identifier of the XML Encoding node. Sets the XmlEncodingIdType. The base class for fields produced by a schema parser. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Gets or sets the type description for the simple value. The type type description for the simple value. A value of a field which contains a simple value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The value. The type description. Gets or sets the type description for the simple value. The type type description for the simple value. The value Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A value of a field which contains a simple value. The value which specifies which field is contained in the union. The value contained in the union. Gets or sets the type description for the union. The type type description for the union. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. The value of a field which contains a structured value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The list of field names. The matching list of field values. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Gets or sets the type description for the structure. The type type description for the structure. Gets the number of values in the structure. The number of values in the structure. Determines whether the specified field exists. The field name. True if the field exists; False otherwise. Checks whether the specified field exists and returns it if it does. The field name. The value. True if the field exists; False otherwise. Gets or sets the value with the specified field name. The value with the specified field name. The name. The value with the specified field name. Gets or sets the value at the specified index. The value at the specified index. The zero based index. The value at the index. Adds the value for the specified field name. The name of the field. The value. key Removes the field with the specified name. The name of the field. The true if the field exists. False otherwise. name Removes the value at the specified index. The ii. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. The possible generic data type classes. A simple generic data type. An enumerated generic data type. A structured generic data type. A union generic data type. A structure data type with optional fields. A generic type description. Gets or sets the qualified name for the type. The the qualified name for the type. Gets the type class for the object. The type class. Gets or sets the DataTypeId Returns the DataTypeDefinitionSettings of the DataType Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A type description for a simple value. Gets or sets the type class. The type class. Gets or sets data type of the simple value. The data type of the simple value. This is the DataType of a valid value when stored in a Variant. The schema could impose additional semantics which are not captured by this. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A value for an enumeration. Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets or sets the name. The name. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A type description for a enumerated data type. Gets the type class for the object. The type class. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the number of values in the enumeration. The number of fields in the enumeration. Tries to the get value for the name. The name. The value. TRUE if the name was found; FALSE otherwise. Tries to the get name for the value. The value. The name. TRUE if the value was found; FALSE otherwise. Gets the value for the name. The name. The value if found. Gets the name for the value. The value. The name if found. Adds the field for the specified field name. The name of the field. The field. Removes the field with the specified name. The name of the field. The true if the field exists. False otherwise. name Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. The description of a field in a structure or union type description. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets or sets the name of the field. The name. Gets or sets a value indicating the value rank for fields which are arrays. The value rank for fields which are arrays. Gets or sets the type description for the value contained in the field. The type description for the value contained in the field. Indicates if the field is optional. Gets or sets the OPCBinary or XML schema object which defines the type. The OPCBinary or XML schema object which defines the type. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A type description for a structured value. Initializes a new instance of the class. The NodeId for the DefaultXML encoding node. The NodeId for the DefaultBinary encoding node. Gets the type class for the object. The type class. Gets the number of fields in the structure. The number of fields in the structure. Gets list of field names. The list of fields. Checks whether the specified field exists and returns it if it does. The field name. The value. True if the field exists; False otherwise. Gets or sets the field with the specified field name. The field with the specified field name. The name. The field with the specified field name. Gets or sets the field at the specified index. The field at the specified index. The zero based index. The field at the index. Adds the field for the specified field name. A description for the field. Renames the specified field. The old name. The new name. Removes the field with the specified name. The name of the field. TRUE if the field exists; FALSE otherwise. Removes the field at the specified index. The ii. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Returns the DataTypeDefinitionSettings for the structure. The NamespaceTable to resolve the DataTypeIds of the fields. The StructureDefinitionSettings of the DataType. A type description for a structured which is also a simple union. Initializes a new instance of the class. Gets the type class for the object. The type class. The name of switch field which specifies the field stored in the union. Gets the mapping between a switch value and the field that is stored in the union. The switch table. Tries the get switch value. Name of the field. The value. TRUE if the field was found. FALSE otherwise. This method uses a linear search and could perform poorly in some contexts. fieldName Trys to get the fieldName for a value. The value that is used as the 'selector' of a union. The name of the field that is valid if the switch field has the value value. 'true' if there is a valid field for value. Sets the switch value for a field. If a switch value is already set for the field, the existing assignment is removed. Adds the field for the specified field name. Set the SwitchTable entry implicitly. A description for the field. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Returns the DataTypeDefinitionSettings for the union. The NamespaceTable to resolve the DataTypeIds of the fields. The StructureDefinitionSettings of the DataType. A type description for a structured which is also a simple union. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name of the encoding mask field Gets the type class for the object. The type class. The an ordered list of the names of the fields in the encoding mask. The an ordered list of the lengths of each field in the encoding mask. Gets a table with the mapping between a field and the index of the encoding mask used to select it. A table with the mapping between a field and the index of the encoding mask used to select it. Adds the field for the specified field name. A description for the field. Checks if the field is optional. Name of the field. TRUE if the field is optional; FALSE otherwise. Checks if the field is encoded given a value for the encoding mask. Name of the field. The encoding mask. TRUE if the field is encoded; FALSE otherwise. Sets the encoding mask field name for the specified field. Name of the field. Name of the encoding mask field. The encoding mask field name is added to the end of the list if it does not exist. Sets the bit position of the encoding mask for the specified field. Name of the field. The zero based bit position. New encoding mask fields are allocated to allow the value to be set. Each automatically added field has a name "Bit#" and a width of 1. Gets the bit position of the encoding mask for the specified field. Name of the field. The bit position of the encoding mask for the specified field; -1 if no mapping exists. Gets the encoding mask field name for the specified field. Name of the field. The encoding mask field name for the specified field; NULL if no mapping exists. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Returns the DataTypeDefinitionSettings for the structure. The NamespaceTable to resolve the DataTypeIds of the fields. The StructureDefinitionSettings of the DataType. Represents a certificate group used to manage the configuration of trust lists and certificates for an application. Gets or sets the name when it appears in the server address space. The name of the certificate group. Gets or sets the trusted store location. The trusted store location. Gets or sets the issuers store location. The issuers store location. Gets or sets the certificate types. The certificate types. Stores configuration parameters for a certificate. Gets or sets the subtype of Id which specifies the purpose and profile for the certificate. The subtype of Id which specifies the purpose and profile for the certificate. Gets or sets the path to the store that contains the certificate. The path to the store that contains the certificate. Gets or sets the subject name to use when creating a new certificate. The subject name to use when creating a new certificate. Gets or sets the thumbprint of the current certificate. The thumbprint of the current certificate. Gets or sets the domains to include in the certificate. The domains to include in the certificate.. Gets or sets the size of the key in bits to use when creating a new private key. The size of the key in bits to use when creating a new private key. Rounded up to a valid value if necessary. Gets or sets the size of the hash to use when signing the certificate. The size of the hash to use when signing the certificate. Rounded up to a valid value if necessary. The metadata for the UnifiedAutomation.UaBase trace object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trace class used by the UnifiedAutomation.UaBase namespace. Base class for specifying the required data for the DataTypeDefinition attribute. Returns the DataTypeDefinition attribute. This class contains the fields for enumeration and OptionSet DataTypes. List of enum fields. This class is used to create the DataTypeDefinition attribute for structured DataTypes. Gets or sets the binary encoding id of the structured DataType. If DefinitionHelper is set, this property must not be set. It is sufficient, when the DataTypeNode is set. Gets or sets the XML encoding id of the structured DataType. If DefinitionHelper is set, this property must not be set. It is sufficient, when the DataTypeNode is set. Gets or sets the StructureType of the structured DataType. Gets the structure fields of the structured DataType and the base type. Sets the fields of the structured DataType. The fields of the super type must not be set, if DefinitionHelper and SuperTypeId are set. Gets and sets the NodeId of the super type DataType node. If DefinitionHelper is set, the fields of this super type are added to Fields. Gets or sets the DataTypeNode in the addressspace. Gets and sets the interface to get the encoding ids and the fields of the super type. Returns the value of the DataTypeDefinition attribute. A table of references with multiple indexes designed to speed up searching. This class maintains a table of references indexed by the ReferenceTypeId which optimizes look ups based on ReferenceTypeId. It also maintains a table of reference indexed by TargetId which optimizes look ups based on the TargetId. Initializes the table with a list of references. The references. Clears the table. Finds all of the references in the table. All of the references in the table. Finds references with the specified reference type. The reference type identifier. if set to true then inverse references are returned. if set to true then subtypes of the reference type are returned. The type tree used to test for subtypes. A list of references that meet the criteria. Checks if the references the exists. The reference type identifier. if set to true the checke for an inverse reference. The NodeId of the target node. True is the reference exists; false otherwise. Adds a new reference to the table. The reference type identifier. if set to true if the reference is an inverse reference. The NodeId of the target node. if set to true then duplicate references are ignored. Otherwise an exception is throw. True if the reference was added; False otherwise. Removes a reference from the table. The reference type identifier. if set to true the reference is an inverse reference. The NodeId of the target node. True is the reference was removed; False otherwise. A license assigned to the owner of the software. Gets or sets the id of the product. The id of the product. Gets or sets the id. The id. Gets or sets the name of the owner. The name of the owner. Gets or sets the name of the owner company. The name of the owner company. Gets or sets the AdditionalData. This usually is the Email address. Gets or sets the list of Features. The features contain at least ClientSDK, ServerSDK, IsTrial, ExpiryDate, ProductUriClient, ProductUriServer. Gets a value indicating whether client sdk is supported. true client sdk is supported; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether server sdk is supported. true server sdk is supported; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the license is a trial license. true trial license; otherwise, false. Gets the expiry date of the license Gets the product uri of the client product. If this license field is set, only one client product can be published. This client product must have the specified product uri. Gets the product uri of the server product. If this license field is set, only one server product can be published. This server product must have the specified product uri. Gets the status string. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Deserializes the specified istrm. The istrm. The ApplicationLicense object. Evaluates the features and sets the class properties. Gets a value indicating whether client sdk is supported. true client sdk is supported; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether server sdk is supported. true server sdk is supported; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the license is a trial license. true trial license; otherwise, false. Gets the expiry date of the license Gets the product uri of the client product. If this license field is set, only one client product can be published. This client product must have the specified product uri. Gets the product uri of the server product. If this license field is set, only one server product can be published. This server product must have the specified product uri. An encrypted application license key. Gets or sets the id of the product. The id of the product. Gets or sets the product key. The product key. Gets or sets the encrypted data. The encrypted data. A product which can be licensed. Initializes a new instance of the class. The certificate used to create licenses. Initializes a new instance of the class. The product key. Gets or sets the id of the product. The id of the product. Gets or sets the name of the product vendor. The name of the product vendor. Gets or sets the product certificate. The product certificate. Creates a new licence key. The license. The Base64 encoded license key. Validates the licence key. The licence. The validated license. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. A exception raised when validating a license. Initializes a new instance of the class. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class. The product. The message. Initializes a new instance of the class. The product. The message. The inner exception. Gets the name of the product. The name of the product. Gets the name of the product vendor. The name of the product vendor. A class the manages the application licenses owned by the process. Finds the license for the product. The product key. Gets the available licenses. Validates the license. The license. Saves the licence file. The file path. The license. Saves the licence file. The ostrm. The license. Loads the licenses from the file. The file path. Loads the licenses from the stream. The input stream. Loads the license from resource. The assembly. The resource path. Clears the process licenses. Checks the product URI against the license. The application. Client Product URI does not match the license Product URI. or Server Product URI does not match the license Product URI. Unified Automation Product Keys. The Certificate for the Unified Automation SDK Bundle. Manages a queue of requests. Initializes a new instance of the class. The number of threads in the pool. The maximum number of requests that will placed in the queue. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Gets or sets the name of the thread pool. The name of the thread pool. Gets the current length of the queue. The current length of the queue. Gets the total thread count. The total thread count. Gets the active thread count. The active thread count. Gets the minimum thread count. The minimum thread count. Gets the maximum request count. The maximum request count. Schedules an incoming request. The request. The callback. Processes the requests in the request queue. Called when a request is executed by the pool. The data. The error. A class that allows for lock-less access by the thread pool to the queued requests. The type of structure in the buffer. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. The current number of entries in the buffer. Releases all threads waiting on the buffer. Blocks until the thread can check the status of the buffer. Releases the lock after the thread has finished checking the status of the buffer. Blocks until a value is ready and removes it from the buffer. True if a value was returned; false otherwise. Blocks until space is available in the buffer and adds the value to the buffer. True if a value was added; false otherwise. A custom descriptor for a property for types used with reflection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The root. Enables other objects to be notified when this property changes. The component to add the handler for. The delegate to add as a listener. or is null. Gets the collection of attributes for this member. An that provides the attributes for this member, or an empty collection if there are no attributes in the . When overridden in a derived class, returns whether resetting an object changes its value. The component to test for reset capability. true if resetting the component changes its value; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the category to which the member belongs, as specified in the . The name of the category to which the member belongs. If there is no , the category name is set to the default category, Misc. When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the component this property is bound to. A that represents the type of component this property is bound to. When the or methods are invoked, the object specified might be an instance of this type. Gets the type converter for this property. A that is used to convert the of this property. Gets the description of the member, as specified in the . The description of the member. If there is no , the property value is set to the default, which is an empty string (""). Gets whether this member should be set only at design time, as specified in the . true if this member should be set only at design time; false if the member can be set during run time. Gets the name that can be displayed in a window, such as a Properties window. The name to display for the member. Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance. The to compare with this instance. true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. Returns a for a given object using a specified array of attributes as a filter. A component to get the properties for. An array of type to use as a filter. A with the properties that match the specified attributes for the specified component. Gets an editor of the specified type. The base type of editor, which is used to differentiate between multiple editors that a property supports. An instance of the requested editor type, or null if an editor cannot be found. Returns a hash code for this instance. A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. When overridden in a derived class, gets the current value of the property on a component. The component with the property for which to retrieve the value. The value of a property for a given component. Gets a value indicating whether the member is browsable, as specified in the . true if the member is browsable; otherwise, false. If there is no , the property value is set to the default, which is true. Gets a value indicating whether this property should be localized, as specified in the . true if the member is marked with the set to true; otherwise, false. When overridden in a derived class, gets a value indicating whether this property is read-only. true if the property is read-only; otherwise, false. Gets the name of the member. The name of the member. When overridden in a derived class, gets the type of the property. A that represents the type of the property. Enables other objects to be notified when this property changes. The component to remove the handler for. The delegate to remove as a listener. or is null. When overridden in a derived class, resets the value for this property of the component to the default value. The component with the property value that is to be reset to the default value. When overridden in a derived class, sets the value of the component to a different value. The component with the property value that is to be set. The new value. When overridden in a derived class, determines a value indicating whether the value of this property needs to be persisted. The component with the property to be examined for persistence. true if the property should be persisted; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether value change notifications for this property may originate from outside the property descriptor. true if value change notifications may originate from outside the property descriptor; otherwise, false. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Gets the root. Defines a custom provider for types used with reflection. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent type description provider. Adds the specified type if it does not already exist. The type. Clears the specified type. The type. Clears this instance. Gets a custom type descriptor for the given type and object. The type of object for which to retrieve the type descriptor. An instance of the type. Can be null if no instance was passed to the . An that can provide metadata for the type. A custom descriptor for types used with reflection. Initializes a new instance of the class. The parent custom type descriptor. Returns a filtered collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. An array of attributes to use as a filter. This can be null. A containing the property descriptions for the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Returns a collection of property descriptors for the object represented by this type descriptor. A containing the property descriptions for the object represented by this type descriptor. The default is . Wraps the properties. The old props. Initializes the class. Tries the create property descriptor. The descriptor. Used to indicate that a field is an placeholder declaration for a UA type definition. Gets or sets browse name of the instance. The browse name of the instance. Gets or sets the namespace URI that qualifies the browse name. The namespace URI. Used to indicate that a class is a UA type definition. Gets or sets the node id without the namespace index. The string syntax for node ids should be used (e.g. i=1234 or s=HelloWorld). Gets or sets the namespace URI that qualifies the node id. Provides access to the windows certificate store. The WindowsCertificateStore does not support CRLs. Initializes a new instance of the class. The store path. Syntax (items enclosed in [] are optional):\n [\\HostName\\]StoreType[\\(ServiceName | UserSid)]\\SymbolicName
the name of the machine where the store resides.
one of LocalMachine, CurrentUser, User or Service
the name of an NT service.
the SID for a user account.
the symbolic name of the store (e.g. My, Root, Trust, CA, etc.).
Examples:\n \\MYPC\\LocalMachine\\My \n CurrentUser\\Trust \n \\MYPC\\Service\\My UA Server\\UA Applications \n User\\S-1-5-25\\Root
May be called by the application to clean up resources. Cleans up all resources held by the object. The symbolic name for the store. The type of windows store. The name of the machine. The service name or user SID. Gets the store type. Gets the store path. Finds a certificate in the store. The thumbprint. The certificate; null if not found. Finds a certificate in the store. The thumbprint. if set to true the certificate is only returned if a private key is accessible. The certificate; null if not found. Finds a certificate in the store. The subject name. The thumbprint. if set to true the certificate is only returned if a private key is accessible. Adds the specified certificate to the store. The certificate. if set to true any existing certificate is replaced. if set to true any private key is saved as well. Removes the specified thumbprint. The thumbprint. Determines whether the specified certificate has been revoked by the issuer. The issuer. The certificate. StatusCodes.BadCertificateRevocationUnknown since CRLs are not supported by this class. Gets or sets the validation options. The validation options. Gets the private key file path. The thumbprint. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Enumerates the available windows certificate store. Returns the string representation of the store. Parses the a string representing the store location. The type of certificate store. The local machine. The current user. A user account stores. A service account store. Implements a trace listener that writes to the debug console. Opens the listener for writing. Writes a trace entry to the listener. The entry to write to the trace log. Closes the listener. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Represents an X509 certificate. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. Initializes a new instance of the class. A PKCS#12 encoded private key. The password. Initializes a new instance of the class. Name of the file. The password. Initializes a new instance of the class. The bytes. Initializes a new instance of the class. The certificate. Initializes a new instance of the class. The handle. Gets the common name. Gets the thumbprint. Gets the subject name. Gets the issuer name. Gets the expiry date. Gets the activation date. Gets the serial number. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has private key. true if this instance has private key; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is certificate authority. true if this instance is certificate authority; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is an application certificate. true if this instance is an application certificate; otherwise, false. Gets the extensions. Gets the application URI. Gets the domain names. Gets the raw data. The DER encoded form of the certificate. Gets or sets the store path. The store path. Gets or sets the validation options. The validation options. Gets the internal certificate. Performs an explicit conversion from to . The certificate. The result of the conversion. Formats the password. The password. Loads the private key. The file path. The password. Returns a that represents this instance. A that represents this instance. Returns a that represents this instance. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. The type of certificate store. A windows certificate store. A directory certificate store. Options that can be used to suppress certificate validation errors. Use the default options. Ignore expired certificates. Ignore mismatches between the URL and the DNS names in the certificate. Ignore errors when it is not possible to check the revocation status for a certificate. Attempt to check the revocation status online. Attempt to check the revocation status offline. Never trust the certificate. Common profiles that UA applications may support. Communicates with UA TCP, UA Security and UA Binary. Communicates with SOAP 1.2, WS Security and UA XML. Communicates with SOAP 1.2, WS Security and UA XML or UA Binary. Communicates with SOAP 1.2, WS Security and UA Binary. Communicates with UA TCP, UA Security and UA Binary. Communicates with SOAP 1.2, WS Security and UA XML. Communicates with SOAP 1.2, WS Security and UA XML or UA Binary. An internal copy of the unsupported profile to suppress warnings in code added for backward compatibility Communicates with UA XML over HTTPS. Communicates with UA Binary over HTTPS. Converts the URI to a URI that can be used for comparison. The profile URI. The normalixed URI. Chooses the profile. The URL. The default profile for the URL. Chooses the profile. The URL. The default profile for the URL. Returns a display name for a security policy uri. Provides access to a directory based certificate store. Initializes a new instance of the class. The store path. Initializes a new instance of the class. The store path. if set to true [no private keys]. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets the store type. Gets the store path. Finds the specified thumbprint. The thumbprint of the certificate. The certificate if found, null otherwise. Finds a certificate in the store. The thumbprint. if set to true the certificate is only returned if a private key is accessible. The certificate; null if not found. Finds a certificate in the store. The subject name. The thumbprint. if set to true the certificate is only returned if a private key is accessible. Finds a password protected private key in the store. The subject name. The thumbprint. The password. The certificate with the private key. Adds the specified certificate to the store. The certificate. if set to true any existing certificate is replaced. if set to true any private key is saved as well. Removes the specified thumbprint. The thumbprint. Determines whether the specified certificate has been revoked by the issuer. The issuer. The certificate. Good if the certificate is fine. An error status if a problem occurred. Gets or sets the validation options. The validation options. Gets or sets a value indicating whether any private keys are found in the store. true if [no private keys]; otherwise, false. Gets the public key file path. The thumbprint. Gets the private key file path. The thumbprint. The private key file path. Null if the private key was not found. Gets the CRL file paths. The thumbprint. Returns the CRLs for the issuer. The issuer. The CRLs. Adds a CRL to the store. Removes a CRL from the store. Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns the file name to use for the certificate. An interface to an X509 certificate. Gets the common name. Gets the subject name. Gets the issuer name. Gets the thumbprint. Gets the serial number. Gets the expiry date. Gets the activation date. Gets the application URI. Gets the domain names. Gets a value indicating whether this instance has private key. true if this instance has private key; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is certificate authority. true if this instance is certificate authority; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is an application certificate. true if this instance is an application certificate; otherwise, false. Gets the raw data. The DER encoded form of the certificate. Gets the extensions. Gets or sets the store path. The store path. Gets or sets the validation options. The validation options. Gets the internal certificate. Provides access to a certificate store. Gets the store type. Gets the store path. Finds a certificate in the store. The thumbprint. The certificate; null if not found. Finds a certificate in the store. The thumbprint. if set to true the certificate is only returned if a private key is accessible. The certificate; null if not found. Finds a certificate in the store. The subject name. The thumbprint. if set to true the certificate is only returned if a private key is accessible. Adds the specified certificate to the store. The certificate. if set to true any existing certificate is replaced. if set to true any private key is saved as well. Removes the specified thumbprint. The thumbprint. Determines whether the specified certificate has been revoked by the issuer. The issuer. The certificate. Good if the certificate is fine. An error status if a problem occurred. Gets or sets the validation options. The validation options. Gets the private key file path. The thumbprint. The private key file path. Null if the private key was not found. Defines WIN32 functions that are called by other classes. Deletes the store and all certificates contained within it. Type of the store. Name of the symbolic. Adds the certificate to windows store. if set to true [use machine store]. Name of the store. The certificate. Removes the certificate with the specified thumbprint. The h store. The thumbprint. Opens the certificate store. Type of the store. Name of the symbolic. If true the store is opened as read only. If true the store is created if it does not exist. If true an exception is thrown if the store does not exist. A handle to the store which must be closed by the caller. Enumerates the available windows certificate store. Gets the thumbprint from the certificate context. The certificate context. The thumbprint of the certificate. Finds a certificate in the store. The handle for the store to search. The thumbprint of the certificate to find. The context for the matching certificate. finds the key file. returns the information for the key container associated with the certificate. converts a managed string to an unmanaged string (allocated with malloc). Combines the flags for use in an operation. maps the store type onto a set of flags that can be passed to the various crypto functions. Throws an exception with the last WIN32 error code. Decodes a CERT_NAME_BLOB. Encodes a CERT_NAME_BLOB Decodes a CERT_SIGNED_CONTENT_INFO. Decodes a CERT_INFO. Encodes a CERT_INFO. Decodes a WIN32 FILETIME. Encodes a WIN32 FILETIME. Parses a subject alternate name extension. Parses a subject alternate name extension. Parses an array of alternate names. Parses an X500 name blob. Parses a subject alternate name extension. Stores the authority key identifier extension. Creates an empty extension. Creates an extension from ASN.1 encoded data. Creates an extension from ASN.1 encoded data. Creates an extension from ASN.1 encoded data. Returns a formatted version of the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded data as a string. Initializes the extension from ASN.1 encoded data. The OID for a Authority Key Identifier extension. The alternate OID for a Authority Key Identifier extension. The identifier for the key. A list of names for the issuer. The serial number for the key. Provides access to an X509 CRL object. Loads a CRL from a file. Loads a CRL from a memory buffer. The finializer implementation. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. The subject name of the Issuer for the CRL. When the CRL was last updated. When the CRL is due for its next update. The raw data for the CRL. Verifies the signature on the CRL. Returns true the certificate is in the CRL. Stores the subject alternate name extension. Creates an empty extension. Creates an extension from ASN.1 encoded data. Creates an extension from ASN.1 encoded data. Creates an extension from ASN.1 encoded data. Returns a formatted version of the Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1)-encoded data as a string. Initializes the extension from ASN.1 encoded data. The OID for a Subject Alternate Name extension. The OID for a Subject Alternate Name 2 extension. Gets the uris. The uris. Gets the domain names. The domain names. Gets the IP addresses. The IP addresses. Used to indicate that a field is an instance declaration for a UA type definition. Gets or sets browse name of the instance. Gets or sets the namespace URI that qualifies the browse name. Gets or sets the attribute id (default is the value attribute). Gets or sets a flag that indicates if the field is mapped to the value attribute of a variable node. If TRUE, the field is mapped to the value attribute. Gets or sets the access level. Allows to add privileges to Local Security Policy. You can use this class to add the LogOn as service privilege to an account. Constructor for Constructor for local system if systemName is null Add privileges for the given account The account name (domain\userName) The name of the privilege to add Add the privilege for the given account to logon as service. The account name (domain\userName) Release all unmanaged resources. Represents a windows service Constructor for Constructor for The service name. The service name (Windows identifier for the service) The service Display name (the friendly name showed by the Windows Service manager). The service caption (usually equals to display name) The service local path The service start mode. Account name under which a service runs. Depending on the service type, the account name may be in the form of DomainName\Username The service description. The processor affinity for this service. If the system has 2 processors and the service is running on processor 2 the affinity bit mask will be : [true][false] If the system has 2 processors and the service is running on both processors the affinity bit mask will be : [true][true] Indicates whether the service can be paused Indicates whether the service can be stopped The service process. Zero if not running. The service status. Provides functionalities to install/uninstall Windows services. Stops the service. Name of the service. True if stopped successfully. Stops the service. Name of the service. True if stopped successfully. Set the Log-On As Service privilege to the given user. The account name (domain\name). True for success; otherwise, false. Installs and optionally starts the service. The full path of the service exe. The name of the service. The display name of the service. The description for the service. The service start mode. True to start the service after the installation; otherwise, false. Once the method returns you can use this parameter to check whether the service is running or not. True for success. Otherwise, false. Installs and optionally starts the service. The full path of the service exe. The name of the service. The display name of the service. The description for the service. The service start mode. The account name. Null to use the default account (LocalSystem). The account password. True to start the service after the installation; otherwise, false. Once the method returns you can use this parameter to check whether the service is running or not. True for success. Otherwise, false. Installs and optionally starts the service. The full path of the service exe. The name of the service. The display name of the service. The description for the service. The service start mode. The account name. Null to use the default account (LocalSystem). The account password. True to start the service after the installation; otherwise, false. Once the method returns you can use this parameter to check whether the service is running or not. The list of dependencies services. Null if there are no dependencies. True for success. Otherwise, false. Uninstalls the service with the given name. The name of the service to uninstall. True for success. Otherwise, false. Declares PInvoke APIs. Safe close the service hanlde Provides functionalities to manage Windows services such as Start/Stop service. Start the service with the given name. This method returns as soon as the Start method on the service is called and does not guarantee the running status of the service. You can call this method after stop or pause the service in order to re-start it. The name of the service True for success. Otherwise, false. Start the service with the given name and wait until the status of the service is running. If the service status is not running after the given timeout then the service is considered not started. You can call this method after stop or pause the service in order to re-start it. The name of the service The timeout. True if the service has been started. Otherwise, false. Stop the service with the given name and wait until the service status is stopped. If the service status is not stopped after the given timeout then the service is considered not stopped. The name of the service The timeout. True if the service has been stopped. Otherwise, false. Stop the service with the given name. This method returns as soon as the Stop method on the service is called and does not guarantee the stopped status of the service. The name of the service True for success. Otherwise, false. Pause the service with the given name and wait until the service status is paused. If the service status is not paused after the given timeout then the service is considered not paused. The name of the service The timeout. True if the service has been paused. Otherwise, false. Pause the service with the given name. This method returns as soon as the Pause method on the service is called and does not guarantee the paused status of the service. The name of the service True for success. Otherwise, false. Gets the status of the service with the given name. The name of the service. The . Determine whther the service with the given name is running. The name of the service. True if the service is running. Determine whther the service with the given name is stopped. The name of the service. True if the service is stopped. Determine whther the service with the given name is paused. The name of the service. True if the service is paused. Modifies the start mode of a Windows service. The service name. The new start mode. The return value. Return value Description: 0 Success 1 Not Supported 2 Access Denied 3 Dependent Services Running 4 Invalid Service Control 5 Service Cannot Accept Control 6 Service Not Active 7 ervice Request Timeout 8 Unknown Failure 9 Path Not Found 10 Service Already Running 11 Service Database Locked 12 Service Dependency Deleted 13 Service Dependency Failure 14 Service Disabled 15 Service Logon Failure 16 Service Marked For Deletion 17 Service No Thread 18 Status Circular Dependency 19 Status Duplicate Name 20 Status Invalid Name 21 Status Invalid Parameter 22 Status Invalid Service Account 23 Status Service Exists 24 Service Already Paused True if succeded; othrwise, false. Gets the start mode of the service with the given name. The service name. The service start mode. Gets all installed Windows services. The list of intalled . Gets the with the given name. The service name. The identified by the given name. Gets a value whteher the service with the given name is installed. The service name. True if the service with the given bname exists; otherwise, false. Set the processor affinity for the service with the given name. the service name. The affinity bitmask. True for success; otherwise, false. If the system has 2 processor and the service is running on processor 2 the affinity bit mask will be : [true][false] If the system has 2 processor and the service is running on both processors the affinity bit mask will be : [true][true] Gets the processor affinity for the process with the given id. Gets the affinity for the service with the given name. the service name. The affinity bit mask. If the system has 2 processor and the service is running on processor 2 the affinity bit mask will be : [true][false] If the system has 2 processor and the service is running on both processors the affinity bit mask will be : [true][true] Gets the number of physical processors on the system. The number of physical processors Gets the number of logical processors on the system. The number of logical processors Access to the service. Before granting the requested access, the system checks the access token of the calling process. Required to call the QueryServiceConfig and QueryServiceConfig2 functions to query the service configuration. Required to call the ChangeServiceConfig or ChangeServiceConfig2 function to change the service configuration. Because this grants the caller the right to change the executable file that the system runs, it should be granted only to administrators. Required to call the QueryServiceStatusEx function to ask the service control manager about the status of the service. Required to call the EnumDependentServices function to enumerate all the services dependent on the service. Required to call the StartService function to start the service. Required to call the ControlService function to stop the service. Required to call the ControlService function to pause or continue the service. Required to call the EnumDependentServices function to enumerate all the services dependent on the service. Required to call the ControlService function to specify a user-defined control code. Includes STANDARD_RIGHTS_REQUIRED in addition to all access rights in this table. Generic read Generic Write Generic Execute Required to call the QueryServiceObjectSecurity or SetServiceObjectSecurity function to access the SACL. The proper way to obtain this access is to enable the SE_SECURITY_NAME privilege in the caller's current access token, open the handle for ACCESS_SYSTEM_SECURITY access, and then disable the privilege. Required to call the DeleteService function to delete the service. Required to call the QueryServiceObjectSecurity function to query the security descriptor of the service object. Required to call the SetServiceObjectSecurity function to modify the Dacl member of the service object's security descriptor. Required to call the SetServiceObjectSecurity function to modify the Owner and Group members of the service object's security descriptor. Service types. Driver service. File system driver service. Service that runs in its own process. Service that shares a process with one or more other services. The service can interact with the desktop. Severity of the error, and action taken, if this service fails to start. The startup program ignores the error and continues the startup operation. The startup program logs the error in the event log but continues the startup operation. The startup program logs the error in the event log. If the last-known-good configuration is being started, the startup operation continues. Otherwise, the system is restarted with the last-known-good configuration. The startup program logs the error in the event log, if possible. If the last-known-good configuration is being started, the startup operation fails. Otherwise, the system is restarted with the last-known good configuration. Represents the service status. The service is stopped The service is going to process a start request The service is going to process a stop request The service started The service is going to process a continue request The service is going to process a pause request The service is paused Unknown status Start mode of the Windows service Device driver started by the operating system loader (valid only for driver services). Device driver started by the operating system initialization process. This value is valid only for driver services. Service to be started automatically during system startup. Service to be started manually by a call to the StartService method. Service that can no longer be started. Implements a trace listener that writes to a file on disk. The path to the log file. The log file path. The maximum number of backup files to keep. The max log file backups. The maximum number of entries in the trace file The max entries per log. Whether the entries should be written to disk immediately. true if new log entries are flushed immediately; otherwise, false. Whether the entries should be written to disk using local time. true if local time is used for time stamps; otherwise, false. The format of string representation for the Timestamp of the trace entry. Is used to call DateTime.ToString(format). Opens the listener for writing. Initializes the log. Writes a trace entry to the listener. The entry to write to the trace log. Closes the listener. Frees any unmanaged resources. Provides several functions to assist with file and directory access. Makes the name a valid file name. The name. A string which can be used as a file name Checks if the file path is a relative path and returns an absolute path relative to the EXE location. The path to the file to resolve. The resolved file path. Checks if the file path is a relative path and returns an absolute path relative to the EXE location. The path to the file to resolve. The settings to use. The resolved file path. Checks if the file path is a relative path and returns an absolute path relative to the EXE location. The dir path. The resolved directory path. Checks if the file path is a relative path and returns an absolute path relative to the EXE location. The dir path. The settings to use. The resolved directory path. Replaces a prefix enclosed in '%' with a special folder or environment variable path (e.g. %ProgramFiles%\MyCompany). The path to resolve. The settings to use when resolving the path. A directory or file path. Creates an empty file. The file to create. if set to true [suppress exceptions]. True if the file was created successfully. Checks that the file path exists (may create it if it does not exist). The file path to check. The settings to use. The path to the file. Null if the file does not exist. The settings used when resolving file paths. If true the file or directory is always created. true if always create the file or directory; otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether to check the current directory. true if do not check current directory; otherwise, false. If throw any errors will throw an exception. true if then do not throw exceptions; otherwise, false. If true the file or directory path is returned after any symbols are resolved even if it does not exist. true if always return the file or directory path; otherwise, false. A dictionary of additional symbols that can be replace when resolving paths. Manages the connections for a UA HTTPS server. Initializes a new instance of the class. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Opens the listener and starts accepting connection. The base address. The settings to use when creating the listener. The callback to use when requests arrive via the channel. Thrown if any parameter is null. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Closes the listener and stops accepting connection. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Gets the URL for the listener's endpoint. The URL for the listener's endpoint. Parses the content type. Starts listening at the specified port. Stops listening. Handles requests arriving from a channel. Sets the URI for the listener. Wraps the HttpsTransportChannel and provides an ITransportChannel implementation. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Gets the description for the endpoint used by the channel. Gets the configuration for the channel. Gets the context used when serializing messages exchanged via the channel. Gets or sets the default timeout for requests send via the channel. Initializes a secure channel with the endpoint identified by the URL. The URL for the endpoint. The settings to use when creating the channel. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Sends a request over the secure channel. The request to send. The response returned by the server. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Stores the results for an operation. Begins an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. Closes the secure channel. Writes a message in SOAP/XML. Read a message in SOAP/XML. Completes an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. Completes an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. Completes an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. Saves the settings so the channel can be opened later. The URL. The settings. A class which is used to report events which have security implications. Called when a secure channel is created by the client. Information about the secure channel implementation. The identifier assigned to the secure channel The identifier assigned to the secure channel The endpoint. The client certificate. The server certificate. Called when a secure channel is renewed by the client. Information about the secure channel implementation. The identifier assigned to the secure channel. Validates certificates. The default constructor. Gets the endpoint URL associated with the validator. The endpoint URL associated with the validator. Raised when a certificate validation error occurs. Validates the specified certificate. The certificate. The chain. Validates a certificate. The certificate to validate. Each UA application may have a list of trusted certificates that is different from all other UA applications that may be running on the same machine. As a result, the certificate validator cannot rely completely on the Windows certificate store and user or machine specific CTLs (certificate trust lists). The validator constructs the trust chain for the certificate and follows the chain until it finds a certification that is in the application trust list. Non-fatal trust chain errors (i.e. certificate expired) are ignored if the certificate is in the application trust list. If no certificate in the chain is trusted then the validator will still accept the certification if there are no trust chain errors. The validator may be configured to ignore the application trust list and/or trust chain. Validates the specified certificate. The certificate. If not null the certificate must contain this URI. If not null the certificate hostnames must match this URL. Validates a certificate. The certificate. The chain. If not null the certificate must contain this URI. If not null the certificate hostnames must match this URL. certificate Accepts the specified certificate for as long as the process is running. The certificate. Removes the certificate from the list of accepted certificates (does not change the trust list). The certificate. Changes the application certificate. The new certificate. Saves the certificate in the invalid certificate directory. Returns the certificate information for a trusted peer certificate. Returns the authority key identifier in the certificate. Returns the authority key identifier in the certificate. Returns true if the certificate matches the criteria. Returns the issuers for the certificate. Returns the issuers for the certificate. Returns the certificate information for a trusted issuer certificate. Throws an exception if validation fails. The certificate. The certificate chain. The settings to use when checking the certificate. If certificate cannot be accepted Returns an object that can be used with WCF channel. Returns an error if the chain status indicates a fatal error. Wraps a WCF validator so the validator can be used in WCF bindings. The event arguments provided when a certificate validation error occurs. Creates a new instance. The error that occurred. The certificate. Any issuers passed with the certificate. Gets the endpoint URL associated with the CertificateValidator. The endpoint URL associated with the CertificateValidator. Gets the store which contains certificates trusted by the validator. The store which contains certificates trusted by the validator. Gets the store which contains issued certificates used by the validator. The store which contains issued certificates used by the validator. Whether the certificate should be accepted. Used to handled certificate validation errors. Provides helper functions used to create and revoke certificates. Gets or sets the path to the certificate generator. The path to the certificate generator. If this value is not set then the default location is same directory as the UaBase assembly. Gets or sets the path to store files used to pass arguments to the certificate generator. The path to store files used to pass arguments to the certificate generator. If this value is not set then then the user's temp folder is used. Note that these file will contain secrets like passwords and private and should be created in a safe location with appropriate file permissions set. The SemaphoreFileLock is used to synchronize access to the single file. Gets the temporary file. The temporary file path Creates a new certificate. The type of certificate store. The store path. Specified the contents of the certificate. The new certificate. Revokes a certificate by proxy. The store path. The certificate. The issuer key file path. The issuer key file password. Creates a new certificate. The store path. Specified the contents of the certificate. The new certificate. Revokes the certificate. The store path. The thumbprint. The password. The certificate. Converts a certificate from one format to another. The input certificate. The password on the output certificate. The new key format. The new certificate. Replaces the certificate in a PFX file. The new certificate. The existing certificate with a private key. The new certificate with a private key. Signs an existing certificate by the CA. The certificate request. The issuer. The settings. The signed certificate. Creates a certificate signing request. The requestor. The settings. The certificate signing request. Returns the path to the CertificateGenerator utility. Sets the parameters to suitable defaults. The settings used when creating certificates. Gets or sets the common name. The common name. Gets or sets the subject name. The subject name. Gets or sets the application URI. The application URI. Gets or sets the domain names. The domain names. Gets or sets the start time in UTC time. The start time. Gets or sets the lifetime in months. The lifetime in months. Gets or sets the hash size in bits. The hash size in bits. Gets or sets the size of the key in bits (a multiple of 1024). The size of the key in bits. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a CA certificate should be created. true a CA certificate should be created otherwise, false. Gets or sets a value indicating whether a CA certificate should be created. true a CA certificate should be created otherwise, false. Gets or sets the private key format. The SDK supports creating certificates with private key formats other than PFX, e.g. PEM. However only certificate with private keys in PFX format can be loaded by the SDK automatically. If you want to create a certificate that shall be used by this application, you should not set this property. Gets or sets the private key password. A password cannot be stored in the configuration of the ApplicationCertificate. To use the certificate you have to remove the ApplicationCertificate section from the configuration and load the certificate manually: Use DirectoryCertificateStore.Find to assign the certificate to ApplicationInstance.ApplicationCertificate. Gets or sets the issuer key file path. The private key format. Gets or sets the private key password. The private key password. Gets or sets the issuer to use when creating the certificate. The issuer to use when creating the certificate. The settings used when signing certificates. Gets or sets the subject name. The subject name. Gets or sets the application URI. The application URI. Gets or sets the domain names. The domain names. Gets or sets the start time. The start time. Gets or sets the lifetime in months. The lifetime in months. Gets or sets the hash size in bits. The hash size in bits. The settings used when creating a certificate signing request. Gets or sets the subject name. The subject name. Gets or sets the application URI. The application URI. Gets or sets the domain names. The domain names. Gets or sets the lifetime in months. The lifetime in months. Gets or sets the hash size in bits. The hash size in bits. The settings used when converting certificates. Gets or sets the certificate. The certificate. Gets or sets the private key. The private key. Gets or sets the private key format. The private key format. Gets or sets the private key password. The private key password. Well known private key formats supported by the CertificateFactory. The PEM format which is base64 encoded DER blob used by applications built with OpenSSL. The PKCS#12 format used by applications built Microsoft .NET. Stores a block of encypted data. The algorithm used to encrypt the data. The encrypted data. Defines functions to implement RSA cryptography. Return the plaintext block size for RSA OAEP encryption. Return the ciphertext block size for RSA OAEP encryption. Returns the length of a RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature of a SHA1 digest. Computes an RSA/SHA1 PKCS#1 v1.5 signature. Verifies an RSA/SHA1 PKCS#1 v1.5 signature. Returns the length of a RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature of a SHA256 digest. Creates an RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature of a SHA256 for the stream. Verifies an RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 signature of a SHA256 for the stream. Encrypts the data using RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 encryption. Encrypts the data using RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 or OAEP encryption. Decrypts the data using RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 encryption. Decrypts the message using RSA OAEP encryption. Constants that identify certificate store locations. The store assigned to the current user. The store assigned to the local machine. Constants that identify certificate store names. The store used for personal certificates. The store used for UA application certificates. The store used for UA certificate authorities certificates. The store used for trusted root certificate authorities. Defines constants for key security policies. The HMAC-SHA1 algorithm used to create symmetric key signatures. The HMAC-SHA256 algorithm used to create symmetric key signatures. The RSA-SHA1 algorithm used to create asymmetric key signatures. The RSA-SHA256 algorithm used to create asymmetric key signatures. The SHA1 algorithm used to create message digests. The SHA256 algorithm used to create message digests. The SHA512 algorithm used to create message digests. The AES128 algorithm used to encrypt data. The AES192 algorithm used to encrypt data. The AES256 algorithm used to encrypt data. The AES128 algorithm used to encrypt keys. The AES192 algorithm used to encrypt keys. The AES256 algorithm used to encrypt keys. The RSA-OAEP algorithm used to encrypt data. The RSA-PKCSv1.5 algorithm used to encrypt data. The RSA-OAEP algorithm used to encrypt keys. The RSA-PKCSv1.5 algorithm used to encrypt keys. The P-SHA1 algorithm used to generate keys. Defines constants for key security policies. The base URI for all policy URIs. The URI for a policy that uses no security. The URI for the Basic128Rsa15 security policy. The URI for the Basic256 security policy. The URI for the Https security policy. The URI for the Basic256Sha256 security policy. Returns the uri associated with the display name. Returns a display name for a security policy uri. Returns the display names for all security policy uris. Returns a WCF SecurityAlgorithmSuite for a UA Security Policy Provides various security related functions. Creates a new certificate store object. The store path. An object that can be used to access the store. Creates a new certificate store object. The store path. if set to true then optimize performance by ignoring the private keys. An object that can be used to access the store. Creates a new certificate store object. Type of the store. The store path. if set to true then optimize performance by ignoring the private keys. An object that can be used to access the store. Determines whether the store path points to a windows certificate store. The store path. true if the store path points to a windows certificate store; otherwise, false. Initializes a certificate with the DER encoded bytes. The bytes. The certificate object. Initializes a certificate with the DER encoded bytes. The bytes. The password. The certificate object. Initializes a certificate with an x509 certificate. The x509 used to initialize the certificate object. The certificate object. Loads any certificate chain which has been appended the certificate in the byte buffer. The bytes. The chain. Initializes a certificate with the DER encoded bytes. Type of the store. The store path. Name of the subject. The thumbprint. if set to true [need private key]. The certificate object. Returns a new nonce. The length of the nonce. The new nonce. Hash the specified buffer. The buffer. The offset. Concatinates a list of byte arrays. The arrays. The new array. Generates a Pseudo random sequence of bits using the P_SHA1 alhorithm. Generates a Pseudo random sequence of bits using the P_SHA1 alhorithm. Parses a distingushed name. Checks if the target is in the list. Comparisons ignore case. Checks if the domains are equal. The first domain to compare. The second domain to compare. True if they are equal. Extracts the the DNS names specified in the certificate. The certificate. The DNS names. Extracts the the application URI specified in the certificate. The certificate. The application URI. Checks that the domain in the URL provided matches one of the domains in the certificate. The certificate. The endpoint url to verify. True if the certificate matches the url. Compares two distinguished names. Compares two distinguished names. Changes the delimiter used to seperate fields in a subject name. Encrypts the text using the SecurityPolicyUri and returns the result. Decrypts the CipherText using the SecurityPolicyUri and returns the PlainTetx. Signs the data using the SecurityPolicyUri and returns the signature. Verifies the signature using the SecurityPolicyUri and return true if valid. Checks if the process has admin rights. Gets the hash algorithm for the certificate. The certificate. The hash algorithm. Gets the hash size for the hash algorithm. The hash algorithm. The hash size. Gets the hash size for the certificate. The certificate. The hash size. Gets the public key algorithm for the certificate. The certificate. The public key algorithm. Gets the key size for the public key algorithm. The public key algorithm. The key size. Gets the key size for the certificate. The certificate. The key size. Checks if the certificate supports the security policy. The certificate. The security policy URI. TRUE if the certificate supports the policy; FALSE otherwise. The hash algorithms supported by the stack. An unknown/invalid algorithm. A 160 bit SHA1 hash. A 256 bit SHA2 hash. A 384 bit SHA2 hash. A 512 bit SHA2 hash. The public key algorithms supported by the stack. An unknown/invalid algorithm. A 1024 bit RSA key. A 2048 bit RSA key. A 3072 bit RSA key. A 4096 bit RSA key. Provides stream access to a sequence of buffers. Attaches the stream to a set of buffers The buffers. Creates a writeable stream that creates buffers as necessary. The buffer manager. Size of the buffer. The start. The count. Returns ownership of the buffers stored in the stream. The owner. Sets the current buffer. Returns the total length in all buffers. Returns the current position. Returns the number of bytes used in the buffer. A collection of buffers. Creates an empty collection. Creates an empty collection with the specified capacity. The capacity. Creates a collection with a single element. The segment. Creates a collection with a single element. The array. The offset. The count. Returns the buffers to the manager before clearing the collection. The buffer manager. The owner. Length of all buffers in this collection Returns the total amount of data in the buffers. The total size. A thread safe wrapper for the buffer manager class. Constructs the buffer manager. The name. Max size of the pool. Max size of the buffer. Returns a buffer with at least the specified size. The size. The owner. The buffer content Changes the owner of a buffer (used for debugging only). The buffer. The owner. Locks the buffer (used for debugging only). The buffer. Unlocks the buffer (used for debugging only). The buffer. Traces the buffer. The buffer. Release the buffer. The buffer. The owner. Stores the results of an asynchronous operation. Initializes the object with a callback Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. The response returned from the server. Stores additional state information associated with the operation. Called when the operation times out. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. Manages the server side of a UA TCP channel. Manages the server side of a UA TCP channel. Manages the server side of a UA TCP channel. Returns the endpoint description selected by the client. The certificate for the server. The certificate chain for the sender (depends on whether it is a server or client channel). The security mode used with the channel. The security policy used with the channel. Whether the channel is restricted to discovery operations. The certificate for the client. Creates a new nonce. Returns the thumbprint as a uppercase string. Returns the thumbprint as a uppercase string. Compares two certificates. Returns the length of the symmetric encryption key. Validates the nonce. Returns the plain text block size for key in the specified certificate. Returns the cipher text block size for key in the specified certificate. Calculates the size of the asymmetric security header. Calculates the size of the footer with an asymmetric signature. Writes the asymmetric security header to the buffer. Sends a OpenSecureChannel response. Reads the asymmetric security header to the buffer. Checks if it is possible to revise the security mode. Sets to endpoint according to the endpoint url. Processes an OpenSecureChannel request message. Adds an asymmetric signature to the end of the buffer. Start and count specify the block of data to be signed. The padding and signature must be written to the stream wrapped by the encoder. Verifies an asymmetric signature at the end of the buffer. Start and count specify the block of data including the signature and padding. The current security policy uri and sender certificate specify the size of the signature. This call also verifies that the padding is correct. Encrypts the buffer using asymmetric encryption. Start and count specify the block of data to be encrypted. The caller must ensure that count is a multiple of the input block size for the current cipher. The header specifies unencrypted data that must be copied to the output. Decrypts the buffer using asymmetric encryption. Start and count specify the block of data to be decrypted. The header specifies unencrypted data that must be copied to the output. Attaches the object to an existing socket. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. The identifier assigned to the channel by the server. The globally unique identifier assigned to the channel by the server. Raised when the state of the channel changes. Reports that the channel state has changed (in another thread). Closes the channel and attempts to reconnect. Returns a new sequence number. Resets the sequence number after a connect. Checks if the sequence number is valid. Saves an intermediate chunk for an incoming message. Returns the number of chunks saved for channel. Returns the chunks saved for message. Processes an incoming message. Processes an incoming message. True if the implementor takes ownership of the buffer. Handles an error parsing or verifying a message. Handles an error parsing or verifying a message. Handles an error parsing or verifying a message. Handles a receive error. Handles a socket error. Handles a write complete event. Queues a write request. Queues a write request. Queues a write request. Called after a write operation completes. Writes an error to a stream. Reads an error from a stream. Checks if the message limits have been exceeded. Updates the message type stored in the message header. Updates the message size stored in the message header. The synchronization object for the channel. The socket for the channel. The buffer manager for the channel. The thread pool used by the channel. The resource quotas for the channel. The size of the receive buffer. The size of the send buffer. The maximum size for a request message. The maximum number of chunks per request message. The maximum size for a response message. The maximum number of chunks per response message. The state of the channel. The identifier assigned to the channel by the server. A class that stores the state for a write operation. Initializes the object with a callback The request id associated with the operation. The body of the request or response associated with the operation. Encrypts the message using RSA PKCS#1 v1.5 encryption. Encrypts the message using RSA OAEP encryption. Returns the current security token. Returns the current security token. Creates a new token. Activates a new token. Discards the tokens. The byte length of the MAC (a.k.a signature) attached to each message. The byte length the encryption blocks. Calculates the symmetric key sizes based on the current security policy. Computes the keys for a token. Secures the message using the security token. Decrypts and verifies a message chunk. Returns the symmetric signature for the data. Returns the symmetric signature for the data. Decrypts the data in a buffer using symmetric encryption. Decrypts the data in a buffer using symmetric encryption. Signs the message using SHA1 HMAC Verifies a HMAC for a message. Encrypts a message using a symmetric algorithm. Decrypts a message using a symmetric algorithm. The possible channel states. The channel is closed. The channel is closing. The channel establishing a network connection. The channel negotiating security parameters. The channel is open and accepting messages. The channel is in a error state. Used to report changes to the channel state. Stores various configuration parameters used by the channel. Creates an object with default values. The context to use when encoding/decoding messages. Validator to use when handling certificates. The maximum size for a message sent or received. The maximum size for the send or receive buffers. The default lifetime for the channel in milliseconds. The time allowed for a secure channel to be established after the socket is created. The default lifetime for a security token in milliseconds. The maximum number of open channels. Represents a security token associate with a channel. Creates an object with default values. The id assigned to the channel that the token belongs to. The id assigned to the token. When the token was created by the server (refers to the server's clock). The lifetime of the token in milliseconds. Whether the token has expired. The nonce provided by the client. The nonce provided by the server. The key used to sign messages sent by the client. The key used to encrypt messages sent by the client. The initialization vector by the client when encrypting a message. The key used to sign messages sent by the server. The key used to encrypt messages sent by the server. The initialization vector by the server when encrypting a message. The SymmetricAlgorithm object used by the client to encrypt messages. The SymmetricAlgorithm object used by the server to encrypt messages. The HMAC object used by the client to sign messages. The HMAC object used by the server to sign messages. Manages the client side of a UA TCP channel. Creates a channel for for a client. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Creates a connection with the server. Finishes a connect operation. Closes a connection with the server. Sends a request to the server. Returns the response to a previously sent request. Sends a Hello message. Processes an Acknowledge message. Sends an OpenSecureChannel request. Processes an OpenSecureChannel response message. Handles a socket error. Called when a write operation completes. Processes an incoming message. True if the function takes ownership of the buffer. Called when the socket is connected. Called when it is time to do a handshake. Called when a token is renewed. Sends a request to the server. Parses the response return from the server. Cancels all pending requests and closes the channel. Closes the channel and attempts to reconnect. Schedules the renewal of a token. Creates a object to manage the state of an asynchronous operation. Cleans up after an asynchronous operation completes. Stores the state of a operation that was queued while waiting for the channel to connect. Called when the connect operation completes. The state. Processes an Error message received over the socket. Sends an CloseSecureChannel request message. Processes a response message. Manages the connections for a UA TCP server. Initializes a new instance of the class. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Opens the listener and starts accepting connection. The base address. The settings to use when creating the listener. The callback to use when requests arrive via the channel. Thrown if any parameter is null. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Closes the listener and stops accepting connection. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Gets the URL for the listener's endpoint. The URL for the listener's endpoint. Starts listening at the specified port. Stops listening. Binds a new socket to an existing channel. Called when a channel closes. Handles a new connection. Handles a new connection. Starts a timer that will clean up the channel if it is not opened/re-opened. Cleans up any expired channels. Handles requests arriving from a channel. Sets the URI for the listener. An interface to an object that received messages from the socket. Called when a new message arrives. Called when an error occurs during a read. Handles reading and writing of message chunks over a socket. Creates an unconnected socket. Attaches the object to an existing socket. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Gets the socket handle. The socket handle. Connects to an endpoint. Connects to an endpoint. Called to complete an asynchronous connect operation. Disconnects from an endpoint. Called to complete an asynchronous disconnect operation. Forcefully closes the socket. Cancels all outstanding I/O operations. Starts reading messages from the socket. Changes the sink used to report reads. Handles a read complete event. Handles a read complete event. Reads the next block of data from the socket. Removes the next message from the queue. Reads the messages in the queue. Begins an asynchronous write operation. Begins an asynchronous write operation. Begins an asynchronous write operation. Begins an asynchronous write operation. Completes an asynchronous write operation. Writes the messages in the queue. Write a single message. Stores the state of an asynchronous write operation. Called when an asynchronous operation completes. Used to receive messages read from the socket. Used to receive errors reported by the socket. Defines constants for the UA TCP message identifiers. A final chunk for a message. An intermediate chunk for a message. A final chunk for a message which indicates that the message has been aborted by the sender. A mask used to select the message type portion of the message id. A mask used to select the chunk type portion of the message id. A chunk for a generic message. A chunk for an OpenSecureChannel message. A chunk for a CloseSecureChannel message. A hello message. An acknowledge message. An error message. Returns true if the message type is equal to the expected type. Returns true if the message type indicates it is a final chunk. Returns true if the message type indicates it is a abort chunk. Returns true if the message type is recognized. Defines constants for the UA TCP message identifiers. The size of the message type and size prefix in each message. The minimum send or receive buffer size. The minimum send or receive buffer size. The maximum length for the reason in an error message. The maximum length for the endpoint url in the hello message. The maximum length for an x509 certificate. The maximum length for an a security policy uri. The length of the base message header. The length of the message header use with symmetric cryptography. The length of the sequence message header. The length a X509 certificate thumbprint. The number of bytes required to specify the length of an encoding string or bytestring. Sequence numbers may only rollover if they are larger than this value. The first sequence number after a rollover must be less than this value. The default buffer size to use for communication. The default maximum message size. How long a connection will remain in the server after it goes into a faulted state. How long a connection will remain in the server after it created without receiving an open secure channel request. The maximum number of active channels. How long a security token lasts before it needs to be renewed. The minimum lifetime for a security token lasts before it needs to be renewed. The minimum time interval between reconnect attempts. The maximum time interval between reconnect attempts. The fraction of the lifetime to wait before renewing a token. Manages the server side of a UA TCP channel. Attaches the object to an existing socket. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Checks if the channel can be closed immediately because it has expired. TRUE if the channel can be cleaned up; FALSE otherwise; Sets the callback used to receive notifications of new events. Attaches the channel to an existing socket. Handles a reconnect request. Sends the response for the specified request. Processes an incoming message. True if the implementor takes ownership of the buffer. Handles a socket error. Forces the channel into a faulted state as a result of a fatal error. Forces the channel into a faulted state as a result of a fatal error. Forces the channel into a faulted state as a result of a fatal error. Forces the channel into a faulted state as a result of a fatal error. Forces the channel into a faulted state as a result of a fatal error. Closes the channel and releases resources. Called to send queued responses after a reconnect. Sends an error message over the socket. Sends a fault response secured with the symmetric keys. Sends a fault response secured with the symmetric keys. Sends a fault response secured with the asymmetric keys. Returns a new token id. Processes a Hello message from the client. Processes an OpenSecureChannel request message. Sends an OpenSecureChannel response. Processes an CloseSecureChannel request message. Processes a request message. Used to report an incoming request. Wraps the TcpTransportChannel and provides an ITransportChannel implementation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Gets the description for the endpoint used by the channel. Gets the configuration for the channel. Gets the context used when serializing messages exchanged via the channel. Gets or sets the default timeout for requests send via the channel. Initializes a secure channel with the endpoint identified by the URL. The URL for the endpoint. The settings to use when creating the channel. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Sends a request over the secure channel. The request to send. The response returned by the server. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Begins an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. The request to send. The callback to call when the operation completes. The callback data to return with the callback. The result which must be passed to the EndSendRequest method. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Completes an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. The result returned from the BeginSendRequest call. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Closes the secure channel. Saves the settings so the channel can be opened later. The URL. The settings. Opens the channel before sending the request. The metadata for the UnifiedAutomation.UaBase trace object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trace class used by the UnifiedAutomation.UaBase namespace. The metadata for the UnifiedAutomation.Test trace object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The trace class used by the UnifiedAutomation.UaClient namespace. Decodes objects from a UA Binary encoded stream. Creates a decoder that reads from a memory buffer. Creates a decoder that reads from a memory buffer. Creates a decoder that reads from a stream. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Initializes the tables used to map namespace and server uris during decoding. The namespaces URIs referenced by the data being decoded. The server URIs referenced by the data being decoded. Completes reading and closes the stream. Returns the current position in the stream. Decodes a message from a stream. Decodes a message from a buffer. Decodes an object from a buffer. Loads a string table from a binary stream. The type of encoding being used. The message context associated with the decoder. Pushes a namespace onto the namespace stack. Pops a namespace from the namespace stack. Reads a boolean from the stream. Reads a sbyte from the stream. Reads a byte from the stream. Reads a short from the stream. Reads a ushort from the stream. Reads an int from the stream. Reads a uint from the stream. Reads a long from the stream. Reads a ulong from the stream. Reads a float from the stream. Reads a double from the stream. Reads a string from the stream. Reads a string from the stream (throws an exception if its length exceeds the limit specified). Reads a UTC date/time from the stream. Reads a GUID from the stream. Reads a byte string from the stream. Reads a byte string from the stream. Reads an XmlElement from the stream. Reads an NodeId from the stream. Reads an ExpandedNodeId from the stream. Reads an StatusCode from the stream. Reads an DiagnosticInfo from the stream. Reads an DiagnosticInfo from the stream. Reads an QualifiedName from the stream. Reads an LocalizedText from the stream. Reads an Variant from the stream. Reads an Variant from the stream. Reads an DataValue from the stream. Reads an ExtensionObject from the stream. Reads an encodeable object from the stream. Reads a generic object from the stream. Reads an enumerated value from the stream. Reads a boolean array from the stream. Reads a sbyte array from the stream. Reads a byte array from the stream. Reads a short array from the stream. Reads a ushort array from the stream. Reads a int array from the stream. Reads a uint array from the stream. Reads a long array from the stream. Reads a ulong array from the stream. Reads a float array from the stream. Reads a double array from the stream. Reads a string array from the stream. Reads a UTC date/time array from the stream. Reads a GUID array from the stream. Reads a byte string array from the stream. Reads an XmlElement array from the stream. Reads an NodeId array from the stream. Reads an ExpandedNodeId array from the stream. Reads an StatusCode array from the stream. Reads an DiagnosticInfo array from the stream. Reads an QualifiedName array from the stream. Reads an LocalizedText array from the stream. Reads an Variant array from the stream. Reads an DataValue array from the stream. Reads an extension object array from the stream. Reads an encodeable object array from the stream. Reads an generic object array from the stream. Reads an enumerated value array from the stream. Reads the length of an array. Reads the body of a node id. Reads an extension object from the stream. Encodes objects in a stream using the UA Binary encoding. Creates an encoder that writes to a memory buffer. Creates an encoder that writes to a fixed size memory buffer. Creates an encoder that writes to the stream. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Initializes the tables used to map namespace and server uris during encoding. The namespaces URIs referenced by the data being encoded. The server URIs referenced by the data being encoded. Completes writing and returns the buffer (if available). Completes writing and returns position in the stream. Gets or sets the position in the stream. Gets the stream that the encoder is writing to. Writes raw bytes to the stream. Encodes a message in a buffer. Encodes a message in a stream. Encodes a message with its header. Saves a string table from a binary stream. The type of encoding being used. The message context associated with the encoder. Pushes a namespace onto the namespace stack. Pops a namespace from the namespace stack. Writes a boolean to the stream. Writes a sbyte to the stream. Writes a byte to the stream. Writes a short to the stream. Writes a ushort to the stream. Writes an int to the stream. Writes a uint to the stream. Writes a long to the stream. Writes a ulong to the stream. Writes a float to the stream. Writes a double to the stream. Writes a string to the stream. Writes a UTC date/time to the stream. Writes a GUID to the stream. Writes a GUID to the stream. Writes a byte string to the stream. Writes an XmlElement to the stream. Writes an NodeId to the stream. Writes an ExpandedNodeId to the stream. Writes an StatusCode to the stream. Writes an DiagnosticInfo to the stream. Writes an QualifiedName to the stream. Writes an LocalizedText to the stream. Writes an Variant array to the stream. Writes an DataValue array to the stream. Writes an ExtensionObject to the stream. Writes an encodeable object to the stream. Writes a generic encodeable object to the stream. Writes an enumerated value array to the stream. Writes a boolean array to the stream. Writes a sbyte array to the stream. Writes a sbyte array to the stream. Writes a short array to the stream. Writes a ushort array to the stream. Writes a int array to the stream. Writes a uint array to the stream. Writes a long array to the stream. Writes a ulong array to the stream. Writes a float array to the stream. Writes a double array to the stream. Writes a string array to the stream. Writes a UTC date/time array to the stream. Writes a GUID array to the stream. Writes a GUID array to the stream. Writes a byte string array to the stream. Writes an XmlElement array to the stream. Writes an NodeId array to the stream. Writes an ExpandedNodeId array to the stream. Writes an StatusCode array to the stream. Writes an DiagnosticInfo array to the stream. Writes an QualifiedName array to the stream. Writes an LocalizedText array to the stream. Writes an Variant array to the stream. Writes an DataValue array to the stream. Writes an extension object array to the stream. Writes an encodeable object array to the stream. Writes an encodeable object array to the stream. Writes an enumerated value array to the stream. Writes an object array to the stream (converts to Variant first). Write the length of an array. Returns true if the array is empty. Write the length of an array. Returns true if the array is empty. Returns the node id encoding byte for a node id value. Writes the body of a node id to the stream. The possible values for the node id encoding byte. The possible values for the diagnostic info encoding byte. The possible values for the localized text encoding byte. The possible values for the data value encoding byte. The possible values for the data value encoding byte. The possible values for Variant encoding bits. A concrete base class used by the autogenerated code. Checks if the value has changed. Applies the data encoding to the value. Encodes the object in XML or Binary Encodes the object in XML. Encodes the object in binary The BrowseName for the DefaultBinary component. The BrowseName for the DefaultXml component. Returns a deep copy of an encodeable object. Creates encodeable objects based on the type id. This factory is used to store and retrieve underlying OPC UA system types.
You can manually add types. You can also import all types from a specified assembly. Once the types exist within the factory, these types can be then easily queried.
Creates a factory initialized with the types in the core library. Creates a factory which is marked as shared and initialized with the types in the core library. Creates a factory by copying the table from another factory. Loads the types from an assembly. The default factory for the process. The default factory for the process. Returns the xml qualified name for the specified system type id. Returns the xml qualified name for the specified system type id. The underlying type to query and return the Xml qualified name of Returns the object used to synchronize access to the factory. Returns the object used to synchronize access to the factory. Returns a unique identifier for the table instance. Used to debug problems with shared tables. Adds an extension type to the factory. Adds an extension type to the factory. The underlying system type to add to the factory Associates an encodeable type with an encoding id. A NodeId for a Data Type Encoding node The system type to use for the specified encoding. Adds a mapping between a generic structure definition for a data type/encoding id. The generic structure definition. The node ids mapped to the definition are properties of this object. Removes a mapping between a generic structure definition for a data type/encoding id. The data type or encoding id to remove from the mapping. TRUE if the type exists and was removed; FALSE otherwise. Adds all encodable types exported from an assembly to the factory. Adds all encodable types exported from an assembly to the factory.
This method uses reflection on the specified assembly to export all of the types the assembly exposes, and automatically adds all types that implement the interface, to the factory.
The assembly containing the types to add to the factory
Returns the system type for the specified type id. Returns the system type for the specified type id. The type id to return the system-type of Returns the generic type for the specified type id. Returns the generic type for the specified type id. The type id to return the system-type of Defines functions used to dencode objects from a stream. The type of encoding being used. The message context associated with the decoder. Pushes a namespace onto the namespace stack. Pops a namespace from the namespace stack. Reads a boolean from the stream. Reads a sbyte from the stream. Reads a byte from the stream. Reads a short from the stream. Reads a ushort from the stream. Reads an int from the stream. Reads a uint from the stream. Reads a long from the stream. Reads a ulong from the stream. Reads a float from the stream. Reads a double from the stream. Reads a string from the stream. Reads a UTC date/time from the stream. Reads a GUID from the stream. Reads a byte string from the stream. Reads an XmlElement from the stream. Reads an NodeId from the stream. Reads an ExpandedNodeId from the stream. Reads an StatusCode from the stream. Reads an DiagnosticInfo from the stream. Reads an QualifiedName from the stream. Reads an LocalizedText from the stream. Reads an Variant from the stream. Reads an DataValue from the stream. Reads an ExtensionObject from the stream. Reads an encodeable object from the stream. Reads a generic encodeable object from the stream. Reads an enumerated value from the stream. Reads a boolean array from the stream. Reads a sbyte array from the stream. Reads a sbyte array from the stream. Reads a short array from the stream. Reads a ushort array from the stream. Reads a int array from the stream. Reads a uint array from the stream. Reads a long array from the stream. Reads a ulong array from the stream. Reads a float array from the stream. Reads a double array from the stream. Reads a string array from the stream. Reads a UTC date/time array from the stream. Reads a GUID array from the stream. Reads a byte string array from the stream. Reads an XmlElement array from the stream. Reads an NodeId array from the stream. Reads an ExpandedNodeId array from the stream. Reads an StatusCode array from the stream. Reads an DiagnosticInfo array from the stream. Reads an QualifiedName array from the stream. Reads an LocalizedText array from the stream. Reads an Variant array from the stream. Reads an DataValue array from the stream. Reads an extension object array from the stream. Reads an encodeable object array from the stream. Reads a generic encodeable object array from the stream. Reads an enumerated value array from the stream. Defines methods used to encode and decode objects. Returns the UA type identifier for the encodable type. The UA type identifier. Returns the UA type identifier for the default binary encoding for the type. The UA type identifier for binary encoding. Returns the UA type identifier for the default XML encoding for the type. The UA type identifier for the XML encoding id. Encodes the object in a stream. The encoder to be used for encoding the current value. Decodes the object from a stream. The decoder to be used for decoding the current value. Does a deep comparison to determine if the object is equal to the encodeable passed to the method. The encodeable to compare with. TRUE if the encodeable is equal to the current instance. FALSE otherwise. A collection of encodeable objects. Initializes an empty collection. Initializes the collection from another collection. The collection whose elements are copied to the new list. is null. Initializes the collection with the specified capacity. The initial capacity of the collection. Converts an array to a collection. The values to be converted to an instance of . Instance of the containing Converts an array to a collection. The values to be converted to new instance of . The result of the conversion. Defines functions used to encode objects in a stream. The type of encoding being used. The message context associated with the encoder. Pushes a namespace onto the namespace stack. Pops a namespace from the namespace stack. Writes a boolean to the stream. Writes a sbyte to the stream. Writes a byte to the stream. Writes a short to the stream. Writes a ushort to the stream. Writes an int to the stream. Writes a uint to the stream. Writes a long to the stream. Writes a ulong to the stream. Writes a float to the stream. Writes a double to the stream. Writes a string to the stream. Writes a UTC date/time to the stream. Writes a GUID to the stream. Writes a GUID to the stream. Writes a byte string to the stream. Writes an XmlElement to the stream. Writes an NodeId to the stream. Writes an ExpandedNodeId to the stream. Writes an StatusCode to the stream. Writes an DiagnosticInfo to the stream. Writes an QualifiedName to the stream. Writes an LocalizedText to the stream. Writes an Variant array to the stream. Writes an DataValue array to the stream. Writes an ExtensionObject to the stream. Writes an encodeable object to the stream. Writes a generic encodeable object to the stream. Writes an enumerated value array to the stream. Writes a boolean array to the stream. Writes a sbyte array to the stream. Writes a sbyte array to the stream. Writes a short array to the stream. Writes a ushort array to the stream. Writes a int array to the stream. Writes a uint array to the stream. Writes a long array to the stream. Writes a ulong array to the stream. Writes a float array to the stream. Writes a double array to the stream. Writes a string array to the stream. Writes a UTC date/time array to the stream. Writes a GUID array to the stream. Writes a GUID array to the stream. Writes a byte string array to the stream. Writes a XmlElement array to the stream. Writes an NodeId array to the stream. Writes an ExpandedNodeId array to the stream. Writes an StatusCode array to the stream. Writes an DiagnosticInfo array to the stream. Writes an QualifiedName array to the stream. Writes an LocalizedText array to the stream. Writes an Variant array to the stream. Writes an DataValue array to the stream. Writes an extension object array to the stream. Writes an encodeable object array to the stream. Writes a generic encodeable object array to the stream. Writes an enumerated value array to the stream. The type of encoding used by an encoder/decoder. The UA Binary encoding. XML Reads objects from a XML stream. Initializes the object with default values. Initializes the object with an XML element to parse. Initializes the object with a XML reader. Sets private members to default values. Initializes the tables used to map namespace and server uris during decoding. The namespaces URIs referenced by the data being decoded. The server URIs referenced by the data being decoded. Initializes a string table from an XML stream. Name of the table. Name of the element. The string table. True if the table was found. False otherwise. Closes the stream used for reading. Closes the stream used for reading. Returns the qualified name for the next element in the stream. Returns true if the specified field is the next element to be extracted. Returns the qualified name for the next element in the stream. Skips to the end of the specified element. The qualified name of the element to skip. Reads the contents of an Variant object. Reads the body extension object from the stream. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. The type of encoding being used. The message context associated with the decoder. Pushes a namespace onto the namespace stack. Pops a namespace from the namespace stack. Reads a boolean from the stream. Reads a sbyte from the stream. Reads a byte from the stream. Reads a short from the stream. Reads a ushort from the stream. Reads an int from the stream. Reads a uint from the stream. Reads a long from the stream. Reads a ulong from the stream. Reads a float from the stream. Reads a double from the stream. Reads a string from the stream. Reads a UTC date/time from the stream. Reads a GUID from the stream. Reads a byte string from the stream. Exracts the XML from the reader. Reads an XmlElement from the stream. Reads an NodeId from the stream. Reads an ExpandedNodeId from the stream. Reads an StatusCode from the stream. Reads an DiagnosticInfo from the stream. Reads an DiagnosticInfo from the stream. Reads an QualifiedName from the stream. Reads an LocalizedText from the stream. Reads an Variant from the stream. Reads an Variant from the stream. Reads an DataValue from the stream. Reads an extension object from the stream. Reads an extension object from the stream. Reads an encodeable object from the stream. Reads an encodeable object from the stream. Reads an enumerated value from the stream. Reads a boolean array from the stream. Reads a sbyte array from the stream. Reads a byte array from the stream. Reads a short array from the stream. Reads a ushort array from the stream. Reads a int array from the stream. Reads a uint array from the stream. Reads a long array from the stream. Reads a ulong array from the stream. Reads a float array from the stream. Reads a double array from the stream. Reads a string array from the stream. Reads a UTC date/time array from the stream. Reads a GUID array from the stream. Reads a byte string array from the stream. Reads an XmlElement array from the stream. Reads an NodeId array from the stream. Reads an ExpandedNodeId array from the stream. Reads an StatusCode array from the stream. Reads an DiagnosticInfo array from the stream. Reads an QualifiedName array from the stream. Reads an LocalizedText array from the stream. Reads an Variant array from the stream. Reads an DataValue array from the stream. Reads an array of extension objects from the stream. Reads an encodeable object array from the stream. Reads an encodeable object array from the stream. Reads an enumerated value array from the stream. Reads an Matrix from the stream. Reads a string from the stream. Reads the start of filed where the presences of the xsi:nil attribute is not significant. Reads the start of field. Reads the end of a field. Moves to the next start element. Writes objects to a XML stream. Initializes the object with default values. Initializes the object with a system type to encode and a XML writer. Initializes the object with a system type to encode and a XML writer. Sets private members to default values. Writes the root element to the stream. Initializes the tables used to map namespace and server uris during encoding. The namespaces URIs referenced by the data being encoded. The server URIs referenced by the data being encoded. Completes writing and returns the XML text. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. The type of encoding being used. The message context associated with the encoder. Pushes a namespace onto the namespace stack. Pops a namespace from the namespace stack. Writes a boolean to the stream. Writes a sbyte to the stream. Writes a byte to the stream. Writes a short to the stream. Writes a ushort to the stream. Writes an int to the stream. Writes a uint to the stream. Writes a long to the stream. Writes a ulong to the stream. Writes a float to the stream. Writes a double to the stream. Writes a string to the stream. Writes a UTC date/time to the stream. Writes a GUID to the stream. Writes a GUID to the stream. Writes a byte string to the stream. Writes an XmlElement to the stream. Writes an NodeId to the stream. Writes an ExpandedNodeId to the stream. Writes an StatusCode to the stream. Writes an DiagnosticInfo to the stream. Writes an QualifiedName to the stream. Writes an LocalizedText to the stream. Writes an Variant array to the stream. Writes an DataValue array to the stream. Writes an ExtensionObject to the stream. Writes an encodeable object to the stream. Writes a generic encodeable object to the stream. Writes an enumerated value array to the stream. Writes a boolean array to the stream. Writes a sbyte array to the stream. Writes a sbyte array to the stream. Writes a short array to the stream. Writes a ushort array to the stream. Writes a int array to the stream. Writes a uint array to the stream. Writes a long array to the stream. Writes a ulong array to the stream. Writes a float array to the stream. Writes a double array to the stream. Writes a string array to the stream. Writes a UTC date/time array to the stream. Writes a GUID array to the stream. Writes a GUID array to the stream. Writes a byte string array to the stream. Writes an XmlElement array to the stream. Writes an NodeId array to the stream. Writes an ExpandedNodeId array to the stream. Writes an StatusCode array to the stream. Writes an DiagnosticInfo array to the stream. Writes an QualifiedName array to the stream. Writes an LocalizedText array to the stream. Writes an Variant array to the stream. Writes an DataValue array to the stream. Writes an extension object array to the stream. Writes an encodeable object array to the stream. Writes an encodeable object array to the stream. Writes an enumerated value array to the stream. Writes the contents of an Variant to the stream. Writes the body of an ExtensionObject to the stream. Writes an DataValue array to the stream. Writes an Variant array to the stream. Writes the start element for a field. Writes the end element for a field. Defines functions used to write trace output. The default trace level. Gets the known trace modules. Gets the known trace modules. Called to initialize trace for the specified module name. The trace class. The name of the module. A unique id for the module. Called to set the trace level for the specified module name. Name of the module. The level. Saves the metadata for a trace module. Adds a trace listener. You should only call this method after ApplicationInstance.Start is called if TraceSettings.MasterTraceEnabled is 'true' The listener to add. Removes a trace listener. The listener to remove. Closes all listeners. Outputs a trace message. The module id. The trace level. The message. The args. Outputs a trace message with a status code. The module id. The trace level. The status. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Outputs a trace message with an exception. The module id. The trace level. The status. Outputs a trace message with an exception. The module id. The trace level. The exception. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Applies the trace settings which are used by ALL ApplicationInstances in a single process. The settings. if set to true the other calls to this function are ignored unless onlyAllowExplicitCalls is true. Outputs the specified buffer. The buffer. The offset. Writes a new trace entry to all listeners. The entry. Stores the metadat for a trace module. Gets or sets the name. The name. A base class for a class that provides module specific trace functions. The trace level (set to -1 to select default). The level. Gets a value indicating whether error traces are included. true if error traces are included; otherwise, false. Writes an error trace. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes an error trace with a status code. The status. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes an error trace with an exception. The exception. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes an error trace with a status. The status. Gets a value indicating whether warning traces are included. true if warning traces are included; otherwise, false. Writes a warning trace. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes an error trace with a status code. The status. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes an warning trace with an exception. The exception. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes an warning trace with a status. The status. Gets a value indicating whether system traces are included. true if system traces are included; otherwise, false. Writes a system trace. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes an system trace with a status code. The status. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes a system trace with an exception. The exception. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes an system trace with a status. The status. Gets a value indicating whether info traces are included. true if info traces are included; otherwise, false. Writes an info trace. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Gets a value indicating whether interface call traces are included. true if interface call traces are included; otherwise, false. Writes an interface call trace. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Gets a value indicating whether progam flow traces are included. true if progam flow info traces included; otherwise, false. Writes a program flow trace. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Gets a value indicating whether data traces are included. true if data info traces included; otherwise, false. Writes a data trace. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Starts a block a trace data which will be written to the log at once. A handle for the block. Writes trace data the specified block. The block. The message. Additional arguments used to format the message. Writes the specified block to the trace listeners. The block. A class storing the state for a block of trace statements. Gets or sets the buffer. The buffer. An entry in the trace log. Gets or sets the timestamp. The timestamp. Gets or sets the process id. The process id. Gets or sets the thread id. The thread id. Gets or sets the module id. The module id. Gets or sets the level. The level. Any status code associated with the trace (Good means no StatusCode). The status code. Any exception associated with the trace. The exception. The trace message. It must be a format string if args are provided. The message. The arguments used to format the message. The arguments used to format the message. An interface to a object that logs trace information. Opens the listener for writing. Writes a trace entry to the listener. The entry to write to the trace log. Closes the listener. The possible trace levels. No tracing. Error which require bugfixing. Warnings which might indicate problem. General system messages. Rare system messages (start, stop, connect) Interface calls. Constructors. Program flow. Any additional debug information. Use default trace. A base class for AsyncResult objects Initializes a new instance of the class. The callback to use when the operation completes. The callback data. The timeout for the operation. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. An object used to synchronize access to the result object. The method to invoke when the request completes. An object used to synchronize access to the result object. An error that occured during processing. An exception that occured during processing. Waits for the operation to complete. The result object returned from the Begin method. Waits for the operation to complete. True if operation completed without any errors. Throws the on an error. Called to invoke the callback after the asynchronous operation completes. Called when a fault occurrs. Called when a fault occurrs. Called when the operation times out. Gets a user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation. A user-defined object that qualifies or contains information about an asynchronous operation. Gets a that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete. A that is used to wait for an asynchronous operation to complete. Gets a value that indicates whether the asynchronous operation completed synchronously. true if the asynchronous operation completed synchronously; otherwise, false. Gets a value that indicates whether the asynchronous operation has completed. true if the operation is complete; otherwise, false. The default ports for different protocols. The default port for OPC UA TCP. The default port for OPC UA over HTTPS This is an interface to a channel which supports Gets the description for the endpoint used by the channel. Gets the configuration for the channel. Gets the context used when serializing messages exchanged via the channel. Gets or sets the default timeout for requests send via the channel. Initializes a secure channel with the endpoint identified by the URL. The URL for the endpoint. The settings to use when creating the channel. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Sends a request over the secure channel. The request to send. The response returned by the server. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Begins an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. The request to send. The callback to call when the operation completes. The callback data to return with the callback. The result which must be passed to the EndSendRequest method. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Completes an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. The result returned from the BeginSendRequest call. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Closes the secure channel. The masks for the optional features which may not be supported by every transport channel. The channel does not support any optional features. The channel supports Open. The channel supports asynchronous Open. The channel supports Reconnect. The channel supports asynchronous Reconnect. The channel supports asynchronous Close. The channel supports asynchronous SendRequest. This is an interface to a listener which supports UA binary encoding. Opens the listener and starts accepting connection. The base address. The settings to use when creating the listener. The callback to use when requests arrive via the channel. Thrown if any parameter is null. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Closes the listener and stops accepting connection. Thrown if any communication error occurs. This is an interface to a object that receives notifications from the listener when a message arrives. Begins processing a request received via a binary encoded channel. A unique identifier for the secure channel which is the source of the request. The description of the endpoint which the secure channel is using. The incoming request. The callback. The callback data. The result which must be passed to the EndProcessRequest method. Ends processing a request received via a binary encoded channel. The result returned by the BeginProcessRequest method. The response to return over the secure channel. Stores the configuration settings for a channel. Gets or sets the description for the endpoint. May be null if no security is used. Gets or sets the configuration for the endpoint. Gets or sets the client certificate. May be null if no security is used. Gets or sets the server certificate. May be null if no security is used. Gets or sets the sender's certificate chain. May be null if no security is used. Gets or sets the certificate validator. May be null if no security is used. This is the object used by the channel to validate received certificates. Validatation errors are reported to the application via this object. Gets or sets a reference to the table of namespaces for the server. This is a thread safe object that may be updated by the application at any time. This table is used to lookup the NamespaceURI for the DataTypeEncodingId when decoding ExtensionObjects. If the NamespaceURI can be found the decoder will use the Factory to create an instance of a .NET object. The raw data is passed to application if the NamespaceURI cannot be found or there is no .NET class associated with the DataTypeEncodingId then. Gets or sets the table of known encodeable objects. This is a thread safe object that may be updated by the application at any time. This is a table of .NET types indexed by their DataTypeEncodingId. The decoder uses this table to automatically create the appropriate .NET objects when it encounters an ExtensionObject in the message being decoded. The table uses DataTypeEncodingIds with the URI explicitly specified so multiple channels with different servers can share the same table. The NamespaceUris table is used to lookup the NamespaceURI from the NamespaceIndex provide in the encoded message. Stores the configuration settings for a channel. Gets or sets the descriptions for the endpoints supported by the listener. Gets or sets the configuration for the endpoints. Gets or sets the server certificate. Gets or sets the server's certificate chain. Gets or sets the certificate validator. This is the object used by the channel to validate received certificates. Validatation errors are reported to the application via this object. Gets or sets a reference to the table of namespaces for the server. This is a thread safe object that may be updated by the application at any time. This table is used to lookup the NamespaceURI for the DataTypeEncodingId when decoding ExtensionObjects. If the NamespaceURI can be found the decoder will use the Factory to create an instance of a .NET object. The raw data is passed to application if the NamespaceURI cannot be found or there is no .NET class associated with the DataTypeEncodingId then. Gets or sets the table of known encodeable objects. This is a thread safe object that may be updated by the application at any time. This is a table of .NET types indexed by their DataTypeEncodingId. The decoder uses this table to automatically create the appropriate .NET objects when it encounters an ExtensionObject in the message being decoded. The table uses DataTypeEncodingIds with the URI explicitly specified so multiple channels with different servers can share the same table. The NamespaceUris table is used to lookup the NamespaceURI from the NamespaceIndex provide in the encoded message. A class which generic helper functions that don't have a better place to be. The time base used by UA encoder/decoders (Jan 1, 1601). The earliest time that can be represented on with UA date/time values. Increments a identifier (wraps around if max exceeded). The identifier to increment. The incremented value. Increments a identifier (wraps around if max exceeded). The identifier to increment. The incremented value. Gets the tick count. The milliseconds since the process started. Returns the TimeZone information for the current local time. The TimeZone information for the current local time. Looks for an extension with the specified type and uses the DataContractSerializer to parse it. The type of extension. The list of extensions to search. Name of the element (use type name if null). The deserialized extension. Null if an error occurs. If the elementName is not null the type passed must support DataContract serialization or have the XmlRoot attribute defined. Looks for an extension with the specified type and uses the DataContractSerializer to serializes its replacement. The type of the extension. The list of extensions to update. Name of the element (use type name if null). The value. Adds a new extension if the it does not already exist. Deletes the extension if the value is null. The containing element must use the name and namespace uri specified by the DataContractAttribute for the type. Returns TRUE if the type uses the XML serialization. Checks if the target matches the patternet. The target. The pattern. if set to true [case sensitive]. Returns a deep copy of the value. Checks if two values are equal. Gets the default icon. An icon. Gets the application icon. The known URL schemes. HTTP (SOAP + WS-Security) OPC UA TCP HTTPS (Basic SOAP or UA Binary) .NET TCP (SOAP + WS-Security) .NET Pipes (SOAP + WS-Security) HTTP (Basic SOAP or UA Binary) The type of binary encoding support allowed by a channel. The UA binary encoding may be used. The UA binary encoding must be used. The UA binary encoding may not be used. A collection of Boolean values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of Byte values (usually a ByteString should be used instead). Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of Double values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of Float values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of DateTime values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of strings. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of UInt64s. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of Int64 values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of UInt32s. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of Int32 values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of UInt16s. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of Int16 values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A collection of SBytes. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. The client side interface with a UA server. Intializes the object with a channel and a message context. The channel. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. true to release both managed and unmanaged resources; false to release only unmanaged resources. Gets or set the channel being wrapped by the client object. The transport channel. The channel being wrapped by the client object. The channel being wrapped by the client object. The channel being wrapped by the client object. Gets the message context. Sets the timeout for an operation. Gets a value that indicates whether to use the TransportChannel when sending requests. Closes the channel. Whether the object has been disposed. true if disposed; otherwise, false. Closes the channel. Updates the header of a service request. The request. if set to true the no request header was provided. The name of the service. Called when a request completes. The request. The response. The name of the service. Throws an exception if a response contains an error. The header. Determines whether a transport channel required for the specified endpoint. The endpoint. true if a transport channel required for thethe specified endpoint; otherwise, false. endpoint Validates a response returned by the server. The response. The request. Validates a response returned by the server. The response. The request. A base class for UA endpoints. Initializes the object when it is created by the WCF framework. Initializes the endpoint with a server instead of a host. Begins processing a request received via a binary encoded channel. A unique identifier for the secure channel which is the source of the request. The description of the endpoint which the secure channel is using. The incoming request. The callback. The callback data. The result which must be passed to the EndProcessRequest method. Ends processing a request received via a binary encoded channel. The result returned by the BeginProcessRequest method. The response to return over the secure channel. Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request. Incoming request. Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request. Dispatches an incoming binary encoded request. The ar. Returns the host associated with the current context. The host associated with the current context. Returns the host associated with the current context. The host associated with the current context. Gets the server object from the operation context. The server object from the operation context. Gets the server object from the operation context. The server object from the operation context. Find the endpoint description for the endpoint. Finds the service identified by the request type. Creates a fault message. The request. The exception. A fault message. Creates a fault message. The request. The exception. A fault message. Returns the description for the endpoint The endpoint description. The types known to the server. The server error. The types known to the server. Sets the request context for the thread. The encoding. Called when a new request is received by the endpoint. The request. Called when a response sent via the endpoint. The response. Called when a response fault sent via the endpoint. The fault. Stores the definition of a service supported by the server. Initializes the object with its request type and implementation. Type of the request. The invoke method. The system type of the request object. The type of the request. The system type of the request object. The type of the response. Processes the request. The request. A delegate used to dispatch incoming service requests. An AsyncResult object when handling an asynchronous request. Initializes a new instance of the class. The endpoint being called. The callback to use when the operation completes. The callback data. The timeout in milliseconds An overrideable version of the Dispose. Gets the request. The request. Gets or sets the response. The response. Gets the secure channel context associated with the request. The secure channel context. Used to call the default synchronous handler. This method may block the current thread so the caller must not call in the thread that calls IServerBase.ScheduleIncomingRequest(). This method always traps any exceptions and reports them to the client as a fault. Used to indicate that the asynchronous operation has completed. The response. May be null if an error is provided. Begins processing an incoming request. The security context for the request The request data. The result object that is used to call the EndProcessRequest method. Begins processing an incoming request. The security context for the request The request. The result object that is used to call the EndProcessRequest method. Checks for a valid IAsyncResult object and waits for the operation to complete. The IAsyncResult object for the operation. if set to true an exception is thrown if an error occurred. The response. Checks for a valid IAsyncResult object and returns the original request object. The IAsyncResult object for the operation. The request object if available; otherwise null. Saves an exception as response. The exception. Processes the request. The base asynchronous interface for all services exposed by UA servers. The operation contract for the InvokeService service. The method used to retrieve the results of a InvokeService service request. An interface to a service response message. Gets the application. The message context to use with the service. The context information associated with a UA server that is used during message processing. An error condition that describes why the server if not running (null if no error exists). The object that combines the status code and diagnostic info structures. Schedules an incoming request. The request. An interface to an object that manages a request received from a client. Gets the secure channel context associated with the request. The secure channel context. Gets the request. The request. Gets or sets the response. The response. Used to call the default synchronous handler. This method may block the current thread so the caller must not call in the thread that calls IServerBase.ScheduleIncomingRequest(). This method always traps any exceptions and reports them to the client as a fault. Used to indicate that the asynchronous operation has completed. The response. May be null if an error is provided. An error to result as a fault. An interface which the service host object. The UA server instance associated with the service host. An object of interface to a service response message. An interface to a object that provides translations. Translates the text and then formats it with the arguments provided. The list of preferred locales The key used to look up the translation The text to translate The format argumente The translated text If any error occur during format the unformatted text is used instead. Translates the LocalizedText using the information in the TranslationInfo property. Translates a service code. The preferred locales. The result. The result with all localized text translated. Recusively translates text in inner results. An interface to a object that can translate itself. Returns a copy of the object with translateable strings replaced. The manager which provides the translations. The locales to use. A copy of the object The copy is not necessarily a deep copy and may reference components of the original object. The original object is not changed. Stores the type tree for a server. Determines whether a node id is a known type id. The type extended identifier. true if the specified type id is known; otherwise, false. Determines whether a node id is a known type id. The type identifier. true if the specified type id is known; otherwise, false. Returns the immediate supertype for the type. The extended type identifier. A type identifier of the Returns the immediate supertype for the type. The type identifier. The immediate supertype idnetyfier for Determines whether a type is a subtype of another type. The subtype identifier. The supertype identifier. true if is supertype of ; otherwise, false. Determines whether a type is a subtype of another type. The subtype identifier. The supertype identyfier. true if is supertype of ; otherwise, false. Returns the node identifier for the reference type with the specified browse name. The reference type id. The name for the Returns the node identifier for the reference type with the specified browse name. Browse name of the reference. The identifier for the Returns the data type for the specified encoding. The encoding id. Returns the data type for the specified encoding. The encoding id. The data type for the Uses to add the message context to the WCF operation context. Initializes the object with the message context to use. Returns the message context associated with the current WCF operation context. Returns the message context associated with the current WCF operation context. The message context to use. A class that stores a numeric range. Initializes the object with a begin index. Initializes the object with a begin index. The starting point of the range Thrown when the parameter is less than -1 Initializes the object with a begin and end indexes. Initializes the object with a begin and end indexes. The end of the range The beginning of the range The begining of the numeric range. The begining of the numeric range. Thrown when the value is less than -1, or when the value is greater than the end The end of the numeric range. The end of the numeric range. Thrown when the value is less than -1 or when the end is less than the beginning The number of elements specified by the range. The number of elements specified by the range. Gets the number of dimensions in the range. The number of dimensions. Gets or sets the sub ranges for multidimensional ranges. The sub ranges. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is null. true if this instance is null; otherwise, false. Ensures the bounds are valid values for the object passed in. Returns false if the object is not indexable or if the numeric range is out-of-bounds. The value to check Ensures the bounds are valid values for a collection with the specified length. Returns false if the numeric range is out-of-bounds. The value to check is within range Returns true if the objects are equal. Returns true if the objects are equal. The object to test against this Returns true if the objects are equal. Returns true if the objects are equal. The first value to compare The second value to compare Returns true if the objects are not equal. Returns true if the objects are not equal. The first value to compare The second value to compare Returns a suitable hash code for the object. Returns a suitable hash code for the object. Returns the string representation of the object. Returns the string representation of the object. Formats the numeric range as a string. Formats the numeric range as a string. (Unused) Always pass NULL/NOTHING (Unused) Always pass NULL/NOTHING Thrown when a non null/nothing is passed for either parameter An empty numeric range. An empty numeric range. Parses a string representing a numeric range. The text to parse, prior to checking it is within the allowed range The parsed range. The reason for any error. Applies the multidimensional index range. Applies the multidimensional index range. Applys the index range to an array value. Replaces the value The array to subset. The reason for the failure if the range could not be applied. Parses a string representing a numeric range. Parses a string representing a numeric range. The text to parse, prior to checking it is within the allowed range Thrown when the numeric value of the parsed text is out of range A class that stores a relative path string Initializes the object the default values. Initializes the object the default values. The elements in the relative path. The elements in the relative path. Updates the namespace table with URI used in the relative path. The current table. The target table. Updates the path to use the indexes from the target table. The NamespaceTable which the RelativePathString currently references The NamespaceTable which the RelativePathString should reference Formats the relative path as a string. Formats the relative path as a string. Formats the relative path as a string. Formats the relative path as a string. (Unused) Always pass null (Unused) Always pass null Thrown if non-null parameters are passed Returns true if the relative path does not specify any elements. Parses a string representing a relative path and translates the namespace indexes. Parses a string representing a relative path. Thrown if any errors occur during parsing Parses a string representing a relative path. Parses a string representing a relative path. Thrown if any errors occur during parsing A element in a relative path string. Initializes the object from a RelativePathElement Initializes the object the default values. The type of element. The browse name of the reference type to follow. Whether to include subtypes of the reference type. The browse name of the target to find. Formats the relative path element as a string. Formats the numeric range as a string. (Unused) Always pass null (Unused) Always pass null Thrown if non-null parameters are passed Extracts a relative path element from a string. The string read stream containing the text to convert to a RelativePathStringElement Extracts a browse name with an optional namespace prefix from the reader. Encodes a name using the relative path syntax. The type of relative path element. Any hierarchial reference should be followed ('/'). Any component reference should be followed ('.'). The forward reference identified by the browse name should be followed. The inverse reference identified by the browse name should be followed. An exception generated by a service or operation. Initializes a new instance of the class. The status. Initializes a new instance of the class. The code. The message. The args. Initializes a new instance of the class. The e. The default code. Initializes a new instance of the class. The e. The default code. The message. The args. Gets the status code. The status code. Gets the symbolic id. The symbolic id. Gets the namespace URI. The namespace URI. Gets the localized text. The localized text. Gets the additional info. Gets the inner status. Formats the specified format. The format. The args. A table of strings. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The strings. Adds the specified item. The item. Finds the index or appends the string and returns the index. The item. The index. Finds the index of the matching string in the target table. The index. The target. Finds the index of the matching string in the target table. The index. The target. Creates a mapping between the URIs in a source table and the indexes in the current table. The string table to map. if set to true if missing URIs should be added to the current tables. A list of indexes in the current table. The index of the string. The item. The index. -1 if the string does not exist. Inserts an item to the at the specified index. The zero-based index at which should be inserted. The object to insert into the . Removes the item at the specified index. The zero-based index of the item to remove. Gets the at the specified index. Adds an item to the . The object to add to the . Clears the table. Determines whether the table contains the string. The item. true if the table contains the string; otherwise, false. Copies the elements of the to an , starting at a particular index. The one-dimensional that is the destination of the elements copied from . The must have zero-based indexing. The zero-based index in at which copying begins. Gets the number of strings in the table. Gets a value indicating whether the is read-only. true if the is read-only; otherwise, false. Removes the first occurrence of a specific object from the . The object to remove from the . true if was successfully removed from the ; otherwise, false. This method also returns false if is not found in the original . Returns an enumerator that iterates through the collection. A that can be used to iterate through the collection. Returns an enumerator that iterates through a collection. An object that can be used to iterate through the collection. The list of strings stored in the table. An object used to synchronize access to the table. A table of namespace URIs. Initializes a new instance of the class. Ensures the first index is Namespaces.OpcUa. Initializes a new instance of the class. The strings. Ensures the first index is Namespaces.OpcUa. Clears the table. Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance. The to compare with this instance. true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. Returns a suitable hash code for the object. Stores the diagnostics for a service or operation. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The symbolic id. The namespace URI. The localized text. The additional info. The inner status. Initializes a new instance of the class. The index. The diagnostic infos. The strings. Initializes a new instance of the class. The diagnostic info. The strings. Initializes the specified code. The diagnostic info. The strings. Gets the symbolic id. The symbolic id. Gets the namespace URI. The namespace URI. Gets the localized text. The localized text. Gets the additional info. The additional info. Gets the inner status. The inner status. Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Formats a node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. The buffer. The message contract for the InvokeService service. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The invoke service request. The message contract for the InvokeService service response. The body of the message. Initializes an empty message. Initializes the message with the body. The invoke service response. Stores information about a type. Constructs an unknown type. Construct the object with a built-in type and a value rank. Type of the built in. The value rank. Construct the object with a data type node id. The data type id. The type table. Construct the object with a data type node id and a value rank. The data type id. The value rank. The type table. The built in type. The value rank. Represents a unknown type (a.k.a. a 'null' TypeInfo). Returns the type info for the specified value. Returns the type info for the specified system type. Returns the data type id that describes a value. The value to describe. The namespace uris. The type tree for a server. Returns the data type identifier that describes a value. Determines whether the specified is equal to this instance. The to compare with this instance. true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. The parameter is null. Returns a hash code for this instance. A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Implements the operator ==. The value1. The value2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The value1. The value2. The result of the operator. Formats the type information as a string. Formats the type information as a string. Constants for scalar types. A boolean logic value (true or false). An 8 bit signed integer value. An 8 bit unsigned integer value. A 16 bit signed integer value. A 16 bit signed integer value. A 32 bit signed integer value. A 32 bit unsigned integer value. A 64 bit signed integer value. A 64 bit unsigned integer value. An IEEE single precision (32 bit) floating point value. An IEEE double precision (64 bit) floating point value. A sequence of Unicode characters. An instance in time. A 128-bit globally unique identifier. A sequence of bytes. An XML element. An identifier for a node in the address space of a UA server. A node id that stores the namespace URI instead of the namespace index. A structured result code. A string qualified with a namespace. A localized text string with an locale identifier. An opaque object with a syntax that may be unknown to the receiver. A data value with an associated quality and timestamp. Any of the other built-in types. A diagnostic information associated with a result code. Constants for one dimensional array types. A boolean logic value (true or false). An 8 bit signed integer value. An 8 bit unsigned integer value. A 16 bit signed integer value. A 16 bit signed integer value. A 32 bit signed integer value. A 32 bit unsigned integer value. A 64 bit signed integer value. A 64 bit unsigned integer value. An IEEE single precision (32 bit) floating point value. An IEEE double precision (64 bit) floating point value. A sequence of Unicode characters. An instance in time. A 128-bit globally unique identifier. A sequence of bytes. An XML element. An identifier for a node in the address space of a UA server. A node id that stores the namespace URI instead of the namespace index. A structured result code. A string qualified with a namespace. A localized text string with an locale identifier. An opaque object with a syntax that may be unknown to the receiver. A data value with an associated quality and timestamp. Any of the other built-in types. A diagnostic information associated with a result code. Maps the type name to a built-in type. Uses to indicate that a service endpoint uses the UA stack. Provides the ability to pass custom data to binding elements to support the contract implementation. The service description of the service. The host of the service. The service endpoints. Custom objects to which binding elements have access. Provides the ability to change run-time property values or insert custom extension objects such as error handlers, message or parameter interceptors, security extensions, and other custom extension objects. The service description. The host that is currently being built. Provides the ability to inspect the service host and the service description to confirm that the service can run successfully. The service description. The service host that is currently being constructed. Ensures the operation context is set up correctly. Initializes the object with the message context to use. The message context. Enables inspection or modification of a message after a reply message is received but prior to passing it back to the client application. The message to be transformed into types and handed back to the client application. Correlation state data. Enables inspection or modification of a message before a request message is sent to a service. The message to be sent to the service. The WCF client object channel. Called after an inbound message has been received but before the message is dispatched to the intended operation. The request message. The incoming channel. The current service instance. The object used to correlate state. This object is passed back in the method. Called after the operation has returned but before the reply message is sent. The reply message. This value is null if the operation is one way. The correlation object returned from the method. Implement to pass data at runtime to bindings to support custom behavior. The endpoint to modify. The objects that binding elements require to support the behavior. Implements a modification or extension of the client across an endpoint. The endpoint that is to be customized. The client runtime to be customized. Implements a modification or extension of the service across an endpoint. The endpoint that exposes the contract. The endpoint dispatcher to be modified or extended. Implement to confirm that the endpoint meets some intended criteria. The endpoint to validate. Stores context information for the current secure channel. Initializes a new instance with the specified property values. The secure channel identifier. The endpoint description. The message encoding. Initializes a new instance with the context for the current thread. TThe unique identifier for the secure channel. The secure channel identifier. The description of the endpoint used with the channel. The endpoint description. The encoding used with the channel. The message encoding. The active secure channel for the thread. The current secure channel context. The message encoding used with a request. The request used the UA binary encoding. The request used the UA XML encoding. A base class for a UA server implementation. Initializes object with default values. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Gets the application. The message context to use with the service. The message context that stores context information associated with a UA server that is used during message processing. Gets the thread pool used by the server. The thread pool. An error condition that describes why the server if not running (null if no error exists). The object that combines the status code and diagnostic info structures. Schedules an incoming request. The request. Gets the application license. Starts the server (called from a dedicated host process). The application. Stops the server and releases all resources. Initializes the request queue. The configuration. Runs an operation the in server thread pool. The request. The callback. Gets the list of WCF service hosts used by the server instance. The WCF service hosts. Gets the list of transport listeners used by the server instance. The transport listeners. Schedules an incoming request. The request. Creates an instance of the service host. Returns the service contract to use. Returns an instance of the endpoint to use. Create a new WCF service host for protocols that require a WCF service host. The application. Returns list of descriptions for the EndpointDescription DataType, return type is list of . Creates the UA TCP listener. The application. Creates the HTTPS listener. The application. Verifies that the request header is valid. The object that contains description for the RequestHeader DataType. Creates the response header. The object that contains description for the RequestHeader DataType. The status code. If statusCode is bad. Returns a description for the ResponseHeader DataType. Called when the server configuration is changed on disk. The object that stores the configurable configuration information for a UA application. Servers are free to ignore changes if it is difficult/impossible to apply them without a restart. Called before the server starts. The object that stores the configurable configuration information for a UA application. Creates the endpoints and creates the hosts. The application. Returns list of hosts for a WCF services. Starts the server application. The object that stores the configurable configuration information for a UA application. Called before the server stops Processes the request. The request. Checks for IP address or well known hostnames that map to the computer. The hostname. The hostname to use for URL filtering. Returns the best discovery URL for the base address based on the URL used by the client. The client URL. The discovery URL. Gets the application description. The client URL. The description. Name of the application. Gets the endpoint descriptions. The client URL. The application. Processes the requests in the request queue. The properties of the current server instance. The default constructor. Sets private members to default values. Initializes the server properties from the assembly properties. The unique identifier for the product. The name of the product The name of the manufacturer The software version for the application The build number for the application When the application was built. The assemblies that contain encodeable types that could be uses a variable values. The software certificates granted to the server. A class that defines a group of sampling rates supported by the server. The default constructor. Sets private members to default values. Initializes the object during deserialization. The request context. Specifies whether the messages are signed and encrypted or simply signed The security mode. The security policy to use. The security policy URI. A relative estimate of the security offered by the policy. The security level. This parameter allows servers to rank there policies from weakest to strongest. A value of 0 indicates the policy is not recommended. By default, clients should use policies with highest value. A host for a UA service. Initializes the service host. The server. Type of the endpoint. The addresses. The UA server instance associated with the service host. The server. Whether the host should stop its contained server when it is closed. true if server is to be stoped on close, otherwise false. Initializes the host for protocols that support a single policy per endpoint. Type of the contract. The application. The endpoint. Shutdowns the server gracefully. Starts the UA TCP listener if configured as part of the host. The binding for the UA TCP protocol Initializes the binding. The description. The configuration. The URL scheme for the UA TCP protocol. The URI scheme that is used by the channels or listeners that are created by the factories built by the current binding. Create the set of binding elements that make up this binding. A object of type that contains the binding elements from the current binding object in the correct order. A wrapper globally unique identifier. This structure is used to define a type that can be serialized using UA semantics. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The text. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The bytes. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The GUID. Represents an Empty Uuid. Gets the GUID contained by the structure Gets or sets the GUID text. The GUID text. Returns true if the object is equal to the instance. Returns a hash code for the instance. Compares the instance to another object. The object to compare to *this* object Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. Formats a node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The GUID. The result of the conversion. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The UUID. The result of the conversion. Implements the operator ==. The guid1. The guid2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The guid1. The guid2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator ==. The guid1. The guid2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The guid1. The guid2. The result of the operator. News the UUID. Parses the specified text. The text. A collection of Uuids. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. Represents a status code. Initializes a new instance of the class. The code. The symbolic id. The namespace URI. The localized text. The additional info. The inner status. Initializes a new instance of the class. The code. Initializes a new instance of the class. The e. Initializes a new instance of the class. The e. The default code. The message. The args. Initializes a new instance of the class. The code. The message. The args. Initializes a new instance of the class. The code. The index. The diagnostic infos. The strings. Initializes a new instance of the class. The code. The diagnostic info. The strings. Initializes a new instance of the class. The code. The diagnostics. Gets the numeric status code. The numeric status code. Gets the diagnostics. The diagnostics. Gets the message based on the contents of the StatusCode object. Gets the code bits. Returns a copy of the status code with the Code bits set. The value for the Code bits. The status code with the Code bits set to the specified values. Gets the info bits. Set to indicate that the structure of the data value has changed. Returns a copy of the status code with the StructureChanged bit set. The value for the StructureChanged bit. The status code with the StructureChanged bit set to the specified value. Set to indicate that the semantics associated with the data value have changed. Returns a copy of the status code with the SemanticsChanged bit set. The value for the SemanticsChanged bit. The status code with the SemanticsChanged bit set to the specified value. The bits that indicate the meaning of the status code Returns a copy of the status code with the DataValueInfo bit set. The value for the DataValueInfo bit. The status code with the DataValueInfo bit set to the specified value. The limit bits, indicating Hi/Lo etc. Returns a copy of the status code with the llimit bits set. The value for the limits bits The status code with the limit bits set to the specified values. The overflow bit. Returns a copy of the status code with the overflow bit set. The value for the overflow bit. The status code with the overflow bit set to the specified value. The historian bits. Returns a copy of the status code with the aggregate bits set. The bits to set. The status code with the aggregate bits set to the specified values. Returns a flag indicating whether the status code is bad. Returns a flag indicating whether the status code is good. Returns a flag indicating whether the status code is uncertain. Returns true if the object is equal to the instance. Returns a hash code for the instance. Compares the instance to another object. The object to compare to *this* object Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. Formats a node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. Returns a text representation of the code. Determines whether the specified status code is bad. The status code. true if the specified status code is bad; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified code is bad. The code. true if the specified code is bad; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified status code is not bad. The status code. true if the specified status code is not bad; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified status code is not bad. The code. true if the specified status code is not bad; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified status code is uncertain. The status code. true if the specified status code is uncertain; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified code is uncertain. The code. true if the specified code is uncertain; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified status code is not uncertain. The status code. true if the specified status code is not uncertain; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified status code is not uncertain. The code. true if the specified status code is not uncertain; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified status code is good. The status code. true if the specified status code is good; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified code is good. The code. true if the specified code is good; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified status code is not good. The status code. true if the specified status code is not good; otherwise, false. Determines whether the specified status code is not good. The code. true if the specified status code is not good; otherwise, false. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The code. The result of the conversion. Implements the operator ==. The code1. The code2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The code1. The code2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator ==. The code1. The code2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The code1. The code2. The result of the operator. Flags that are set to indicate the limit status of the value. The value is free to change. The value is at the lower limit for the data source. The value is at the higher limit for the data source. The value is constant and cannot change. Flags that are set by the historian when returning archived values. A raw data value. A raw data value. A data value which was interpolated. A mask that selects the bit which identify the source of the value (raw, calculated, interpolated). A data value which was calculated with an incomplete interval. A raw data value that hides other data at the same timestamp. Multiple values match the aggregate criteria (i.e. multiple minimum values at different timestamps within the same interval) A collection of status codes. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. The value of an attribute return from a server. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The value. This constructor sets the ServerTimestamp to UtcNow. Recommend using the new DataValue() { WrappedValue = value } form if this is not desired. Initializes a new instance of the class. The value. The source timestamp. This constructor sets the ServerTimestamp to UtcNow. Recommend using the new DataValue() { WrappedValue = value, SourceTimestamp = sourceTimestamp } form if this is not desired. Initializes a new instance of the class. The status code. This constructor sets the ServerTimestamp to UtcNow. Recommend using the new DataValue() { StatusCode = statusCode } form if this is not desired. Gets or sets the value within the WrappedValue. The value. Gets or sets the value. The value. Gets or sets the status code associated with the value. The status code. Gets or sets the source timestamp. The source timestamp. Gets or sets the source picoseconds. The source picoseconds. Gets or sets the server timestamp. The server timestamp. Gets or sets the server picoseconds. The server picoseconds. Applies the timestamp filter. The timestamps to return. Determines if the specified object is equal to the object. The object to compare to *this* Returns a unique hashcode for the object. Gets the value there is no error and it is the correct type. The type of value to return. The default value. The value unless the StatusCode is Bad or the value is not of the specified type. The defaultValue is returned on error. Creates a deep copy of the object. Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. Formats a node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. A collection of DataValue values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. Class representing a recursive structure containing diagnostic information associated with a status code. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The status. The masks which specify which strings should be copied into the string table. if set to true the service level masks are used. Otherwise they are operation level masks are used. The string table containing the strings referenced by the new instance. Initializes the object during deserialization. The context information of an underlying data-stream Initializes the object with default values during deserialization. Initializes the object with a service result. Initializes the object with a service result. The bitmask describing the type of diagnostic data The transaction result An array of strings that may be used to provide additional diagnostic details Gets or sets the symbolic id. Gets or sets the namespace URI. Gets or sets the locale. Gets or sets the localized text. Gets or sets the additional info. Gets or sets the inner status code. Gets or sets the inner diagnostic info. Determines if the specified object is equal to the object. The object to compare to *this* Returns a unique hashcode for the object. Creates a deep copy of the object. Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. Formats a node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. A collection of DiagnosticInfo values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. Class representing an identifier for a node in a UA server address space qualified with a complete namespace string. Creates an empty node id. Creates a node id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Creates a node id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Creates a node id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Index of the server. Creates a node id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Index of the server. Creates a node id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Creates a node id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Creates a node id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Index of the server. Creates a node id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Index of the server. Creates a node id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Creates a node id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Creates a node id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Index of the server. Creates a node id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Index of the server. Creates a node id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Creates a node id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Creates a node id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Index of the server. Creates a node id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Index of the server. Creates a node id. Type of the id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Creates a node id. Type of the id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Creates a node id. Type of the id. The identifier. The namespace URI. Index of the server. Creates a node id. Type of the id. The identifier. Index of the namespace. Index of the server. Updates the cached string form of the node id. An ExpandedNodeId that represents a Null value. The index of the server uri. The absolute namespace uri (NamespaceIndex is ignored if specified). The index of the namespace uri (ignored if NamespaceUri is specified). The type of identifier. The actual identifier. Gets a value indicating whether this instance is an absolute node id. true if this instance is an absolute node id; otherwise, false. If false, then the instance can be safely cast to a NodeId. Creates a deep copy of the object. Determines whether the specified , is equal to this instance. The to compare with this instance. The value2. true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. Returns true if the object is equal to the instance. The to compare with this instance. true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. The parameter is null. Returns a hash code for the instance. A hash code for this instance, suitable for use in hashing algorithms and data structures like a hash table. Compares the instance to another object. The object to compare to *this* object A 32-bit signed integer that indicates the relative order of the objects being compared. The return value has these meanings: Value | Meaning ------------------|------------ Less than zero | This instance is less than . Zero | This instance is equal to . Greater than zero | This instance is greater than . Formats the object as a string. A that represents this instance. Formats the object as a string. The format. The format provider. A that represents this instance. Formats an expanded node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. The buffer. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. The buffer. The identifier. Type of the identifier. Index of the namespace. The namespace URI. Index of the server. Parses an expanded node id string, translates any namespace indexes, and returns the result. The text. The new ExpandedNodeId. Parses an expanded node id string, translates any namespace indexes, and returns the result. The text. The current namespaces. The target namespaces. The new ExpandedNodeId. Converts an ExpandedNodeId to a NodeId using the NamespaceTable. The namespace uris. The new NodeId. Converts an ExpandedNodeId to a NodeId using the NamespaceTable. The node id. The namespace uris. The new NodeId. Converts an ExpandedNodeId to a NodeId using the NamespaceTable. The node id. The namespace uris. The index. The new NodeId. Implements the operator ==. The node1. The node2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The node1. The node2. The result of the operator. The expanded node if formatted in an XML document. The set of hexadecimal digits used for decoding escaped URIs. Unescapes any reserved characters in the uri. A collection of ExpandedNodeId values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. Wraps a value of a structured data type. Its content is a serialized object prefixed with its data type identifier. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type id. Initializes a new instance of the class. An encodeable object. Initializes a new instance of the class. The type id. The body. Gets the type id. Gets the encoding. Gets the body. An ExpandedNodeId that represents a Empty value. Creates a deep copy of the object. Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. Formats a node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. The buffer. Determines whether the specified extension is null. The extension. true if the specified extension is null; otherwise, false. Gets the extension body as the specified type. Null if the body is not of the specified type. The extension. Converts the extension objects to an array of on null objects of the specified tye. The extensions. Null if there is a conversion error. The array otherwise with no null elements. Gets or sets the XML encoded type id. The XML encoded type id. Gets or sets the XML encoded body. The XML encoded body. The types of encodings that may used with an object. The extension object has no body. The extension object has a binary encoded body. The extension object has an XML encoded body. The extension object has an encodeable object body. A collection of ExtensionObject values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. The base interface for client proxies. The operation contract for the InvokeService service. The operation contract for the InvokeService service. The method used to retrieve the results of a InvokeService service request. An interface to an object that manages a request received from a client. Gets the request. The request. Gets the handler that must be used to send the request. The send request handler. Used to call the default synchronous handler. This method may block the current thread so the caller must not call in the thread that calls IServerBase.ScheduleIncomingRequest(). This method always traps any exceptions and reports them to the client as a fault. Used to indicate that the asynchronous operation has completed. The response. May be null if an error is provided. An error to result as a fault. A delegate used to dispatch outgoing service requests. An interface to a service request. The header for the request. The request header. An interface to a service response. The header for the response. The response header. An interface to a service message. Returns the request contained in the message. Creates an instance of a response message. The response. Stores a localized text value. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The text. Initializes a new instance of the class. The locale. The text. Initializes a new instance of the class. The key. The locale. The text. The args. A constant representing a Null value. Gets the locale. Gets the text. Gets the key used to local up a translation. Gets the argument used to format a string during translation. Creates a deep copy of the object. Returns true if the object is equal to the instance. Returns a hash code for the instance. Compares the instance to another object. The object to compare to *this* object Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. Formats a node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. Determines whether the object is a null or empty value. The text. true if the text is a null or empty value; otherwise, false. Parses the specified text (with the format [xx-XX]:[text] where the locale prefix is optional). The text. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The text. The result of the conversion. Implements the operator ==. The text1. The text2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The text1. The text2. The result of the operator. A collection of LocalizedText values. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. Represents a node id. The NodeId data type is a structure with the following elements: Name | Type | Description ---------------|--------|------------------------------------------------------------------ namespaceIndex | UInt16 | The index for a namespace URI used in an OPC UA server identifierType | enum | The format and data type of the identifier identifier | * | The identifier for a node in the address space of an OPC UA server The namespace is a URI that identifies the naming authority responsible for assigning the identifier element of the NodeId. Naming authorities include the local server, the underlying system, standards bodies, and consortia. It is expected that most nodes will use the URI of the server or of the underlying system. Using a namespace URI allows multiple OPC UA servers attached to the same underlying system to use the same identifier to identify the same object. This enables clients that connect to those Servers to recognise Objects that they have in common. The namespace URI is case sensitive. Namespace URIs are identified by numeric values in OPC UA services to permit more efficient transfer and processing (e.g. table lookups). The numeric values used to identify namespaces correspond to the index into the NamespaceArray. The NamespaceArray is a variable that is part of the Server object in the address space. The URI for the OPC UA namespace is “http://opcfoundation.org/UA/”. Its corresponding index in the namespace table is 0. The following IdentifierTypes are available: Value | Description -----------------------------|-------------------------------------------- OpcUa_IdentifierType_Numeric | Numeric value OpcUa_IdentifierType_String | String value OpcUa_IdentifierType_Guid | Globally Unique Identifier OpcUa_IdentifierType_Opaque | Namespace specific format in a ByteString Normally the scope of NodeIds is the server in which they are defined. For certain types of NodeIds, NodeIds can uniquely identify a Node within a system, or across systems (e.g. GUIDs). System-wide and globally-unique identifiers allow clients to track Nodes, such as work orders, as they move between OPC UA servers as they progress through the system. String identifiers are case sensitive. That is, clients shall consider them case sensitive. Servers are allowed to provide alternative NodeIds and using this mechanism severs can handle NodeIds as case insensitive. The identifier value element is used within the context of the first two elements to identify a node. Its data type and format is defined by the identifierType. Identifier values of IdentifierType STRING are restricted to 4096 characters. Identifier values of IdentifierType OPAQUE are restricted to 4096 bytes. A null NodeId has special meaning. For example, many services define special behaviour if a null NodeId is passed as a parameter. A node in the address space cannot have a null NodeId. Creates a node id. Creates a node id. Creates a node id. Creates a node id. Creates a node id. Creates a node id. Creates a node id. A constant representing a NULL NodeId. The index of the namespace uri. The identifier type of a NodeId. Possible values are: - Numeric - String - Guid - Opaque The actual identifier. Updates the cached string form of the node id. The node identifier formatted as a URI. Creates a deep copy of the object. Determines whether the specified , is equal to this instance. The to compare with this instance. The value2. true if the specified is equal to this instance; otherwise, false. Returns true if the object is equal to the instance. Returns a hash code for the instance. Compares the instance to another object. The object to compare to *this* object Formats the object as a string. See \ref ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider) for a description of the string format. Formats the object as a string. Converts all elements of a NodeId to a string where the syntax is defined by the OPC UA XML Schema. The format of the string is
**ns=<namespaceindex>;<identifier type>=<identifier>** with the fields
<namespace index>
The namespace index formatted as a base 10 number. If the index is 0, then the entire 'ns=0;' clause is omitted.
<identifier type>
A flag that specifies the identifier type. The flag has the following values: Flag | Identifier Type -----|---------------- i | NUMERIC (UInteger) s | STRING (String) g | GUID (Guid) b | OPAQUE (ByteString)
The identifier encoded as string. The identifier is formatted using the XML data type mapping for the identifier type. Note that the identifier may contain any non-null UTF8 character including whitespace.
Examples are
namespace index 0, numeric identifier
namespace index 10, numeric identifier
namespace index 10, string identifier
namespace index 1, GUID identifier
namespace index 1, Opaque/ByteString identifier
Formats a node id as a string. See \ref ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider) for a description of the string format. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. See \ref ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider) for a description of the string format. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. See \ref ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider) for a description of the string format. Parses the specified text and returns a node id. See \ref ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider) for a description of the string format. Parses a node id string, translates any namespace indexes and returns the result. See \ref ToString(string format, IFormatProvider formatProvider) for a description of the string format. Converts a uint to a Nodeid. The id. The result of the conversion. Converts a node id to an expanded node id. The id. The result of the conversion. Converts an expanded node id to a node id. The id. The result of the conversion. Returns true if the node id is a NULL node id. The node id. true if the specified node id is null; otherwise, false. Returns true if the node id is a NULL node id. The node id. true if the specified node id is null; otherwise, false. Converts the NodeId to an absolute node id. The node id. The namespace uris. Converts the NodeId to an absolute node id. The node id. The namespace uris. The index. Implements the operator ==. The node1. The node2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The node1. The node2. The result of the operator. Compares the components. Formats a node id as a string. Stores a list of NodeIds. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. Stores a name qualified by a namespace. Initializes a new instance of the class. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Initializes a new instance of the class. The name. Index of the namespace. Represents a Null value. Gets the index of the namespace. The index of the namespace. Gets the name. Returns true if the object is equal to the instance. Returns a hash code for the instance. Compares the instance to another object. The object to compare to *this* object Creates a new object that is a copy of the current instance. A new object that is a copy of this instance. Formats the object as a string. Formats the object as a string. Formats a node id as a string. Formats the node ids as string and adds it to the buffer. Determines whether the specified QualifiedName is null. The qname. true if the specified QualifiedName is null; otherwise, false. Parses the specified text. The text. Parses the specified text. The text. The source table. The target table. Implements the operator ==. The QN1. The QN2. The result of the operator. Implements the operator !=. The QN1. The QN2. The result of the operator. Performs an implicit conversion from to . The qname. The result of the conversion. A collection of QualifiedNames. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. The context used during message encoding/decoding. Initializes a new instance of the class. Creates a message context that can be used for a channel or endpoint. The new message context. Gets or sets the namespace uris. The namespace uris. Gets or sets the server uris. The server uris. Gets or sets the length of the max array. The length of the max array. Gets or sets the length of the max string. The length of the max string. Gets or sets the length of the max byte string. The length of the max byte string. Gets or sets the size of the max message. The size of the max message. Gets or sets the size of the maximum recursive call depth. The size of the maximum recursive call depth. Gets or sets the factory. The factory. The default context for the process (used only during XML serialization). The default context for the thread (used only during XML serialization). A union of all support UA data types. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The type info. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Initializes a new instance of the struct. The source. Gets the type info. Gets the value. The value stored in the object. A constant representing a Null value. Creates a deep copy of the object. Formats the object as a string. Formats a node id as a string. Formats a value as a string. Gets the data type for the value. The data type for the value. Gets the value rank. Gets a value indicating whether the value is null. true if the value is null; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the value is an array with 1 or more dimensions. true if the value is an array; otherwise, false. Gets a value indicating whether the value is a matrix (an array with 2 or more dimensions). true if the value is a matrix; otherwise, false. Gets the total number of elements in the array (-1 if not an array). Gets the dimensions of the array (null if not an array). Gets the value there is no error and it is the correct type. The type of value to return. The default value. The value unless the value is not of the specified type. The defaultValue is returned on error. Converts the specified target type. Type of to convert the value to. Sets a ByteArray explicitly. There is no conversion to ByteString Returns the value as a Boolean. A Boolean. Returns the value as a SByte. An SByte. Returns the value as a Byte. An Byte. Returns the value as an Int16. An Int16. Returns the value as a UInt16. A UInt16. Returns the value as an Int32. An Int32. Returns the value as a UInt32. A UInt32. Returns the value as an Int64. An Int64. Returns the value as a UInt64. A UInt64. Returns the value as a Float. A Float. Returns the value as a Double. A Double. Returns the value as a String. A String. Returns the value as a DateTime. A DateTime. Returns the value as a Guid. A Guid. Returns the value as a ByteString. A ByteString. Returns the value as an XmlElement. An XmlElement. Returns the value as a NodeId. A NodeId. Returns the value as an ExpandedNodeId. An ExpandedNodeId. Returns the value as a QualifiedName. A QualifiedName. Returns the value as a LocalizedText. A LocalizedText. Returns the value as a StatusCode. A StatusCode. Returns the value as an ExtensionObject. An ExtensionObject. Returns the value as an array of Booleans. An array of Booleans. Returns the value as an array of SBytes. An array of SBytes. Returns the value as an array of Bytes. An array of Bytes. Returns the value as an array of Int16s. An array of Int16s. Returns the value as an array of UInt16s. An array of UInt16s. Returns the value as an array of Int32s. An array of Int32s. Returns the value as an array of UInt32s. An array of UInt32s. Returns the value as an array of Int64s. An array of Int64s. Returns the value as an array of UInt64s. An array of UInt64s. Returns the value as an array of Floats. An array of Floats. Returns the value as an array of Doubles. An array of Doubles. Returns the value as an array of Strings. An array of Strings. Returns the value as an array of DateTimes. An array of DateTimes. Returns the value as an array of Guids. An array of Guids. Returns the value as an array of ByteStrings. An array of ByteStrings. Returns the value as an array of XmlElements. An array of XmlElements. Returns the value as an array of NodeIds. An array of NodeIds. Returns the value as an array of ExpandedNodeIds. An array of ExpandedNodeIds. Returns the value as an array of QualifiedNames. An array of QualifiedNames. Returns the value as an array of LocalizedTexts. An array of LocalizedTexts. Returns the value as an array of StatusCodes. An array of StatusCodes. Returns the value as an array of ExtentionObjects. An array of ExtentionObjects. Returns the value as an array of Variants. An array of Variants. Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . 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Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Performs an implicit conversion from to . Sets the specified type info and value. The type info. The value. Normalizes the specified type info. The type info. The value. Normalizes the GUID. The type info. The value. Normalizes the extension object. The type info. The value. Normalizes the array. The type info. The value. Normalizes the matrix. The type info. The value. Normalizes the matrix. The type info. The value. A collection of Variants. Creates an empty list. Creates a list and initializes it with another list. The list to copy. Creates a list with the specified capacity. The number of elements to allocate. Converts an array to a collection. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Converts a collection to an array. The values to copy. A collection initialized with the values. Creates a deep copy of the object. A base class for WCF channel objects used access UA interfaces Initializes the object with the specified binding and endpoint address. Frees any unmanaged resources. An overrideable version of the Dispose. Gets a value indicating that the binary encoding should be used with this channe. Opens the channel with the server. Closes the channel with the server. Gets the description for the endpoint used by the channel. Gets the configuration for the channel. Gets the context used when serializing messages exchanged via the channel. Gets or sets the default timeout for requests send via the channel. Initializes a secure channel with the endpoint identified by the URL. The URL for the endpoint. The settings to use when creating the channel. Thrown if any communication error occurs. Sends a request over the secure channel. Begins an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. Completes an asynchronous operation to send a request over the secure channel. Closes the secure channel. The client side implementation of the InvokeService service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginInvokeService service contract. The client side implementation of the EndInvokeService service contract. Creates a new UA-binary transport channel if requested. Null otherwise. The application. The description for the endpoint. The application configuration. The request context. The thread pool. Handles the Opened event of the InnerChannel control. The source of the event. The instance containing the event data. Converts a FaultException into a StatusException. A base class for WCF channel objects used access UA interfaces Initializes the object with the specified binding and endpoint address. Initializes the channel without security. The application. The endpoint. The endpoint configuration. The request context. if set to true [use binary encoding]. The binding. Name of the configuration in the app.config file. Initializes the channel with security. The application. The description. The application configuration. The request context. if set to true [use binary encoding]. The binding. Name of the configuration in the app.config file. An overrideable version of the Dispose. The client side implementation of the InvokeService service contract. The client side implementation of the BeginInvokeService service contract. The client side implementation of the EndInvokeService service contract. An async result object that wraps the WCF channel. Initializes a new instance of the class. The channel. The callback. The callback data. Gets the wrapped channel. The wrapped channel. Called when asynchronous operation completes. The asynchronous result object. Checks for a valid IAsyncResult object and waits for the operation to complete. The IAsyncResult object for the operation. The oject that Gets the inner channel. The channel. A class that declares constants for all DataTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the ApplicationRecordDataType DataType. A class that declares constants for all Methods in the Model Design. The identifier for the DirectoryType_FindApplications Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_RegisterApplication Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_UpdateApplication Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_UnregisterApplication Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_GetApplication Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_QueryServers Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartSigningRequest Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartNewKeyPairRequest Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FinishRequest Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateGroups Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetTrustList Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateStatus Method. The identifier for the Directory_FindApplications Method. The identifier for the Directory_RegisterApplication Method. The identifier for the Directory_UpdateApplication Method. The identifier for the Directory_UnregisterApplication Method. The identifier for the Directory_GetApplication Method. The identifier for the Directory_QueryServers Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_StartSigningRequest Method. The identifier for the Directory_StartNewKeyPairRequest Method. The identifier for the Directory_FinishRequest Method. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateGroups Method. The identifier for the Directory_GetTrustList Method. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateStatus Method. A class that declares constants for all Objects in the Model Design. The identifier for the DirectoryType_Applications Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the Directory Object. The identifier for the Directory_Applications Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ApplicationRecordDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ApplicationRecordDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. A class that declares constants for all ObjectTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the DirectoryType ObjectType. The identifier for the ApplicationRegistrationChangedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateRequestedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateDeliveredAuditEventType ObjectType. A class that declares constants for all Variables in the Model Design. The identifier for the DirectoryType_FindApplications_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_FindApplications_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_RegisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_RegisterApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_UpdateApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_UnregisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_GetApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_GetApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_QueryServers_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_QueryServers_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FindApplications_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FindApplications_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_RegisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_RegisterApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_UpdateApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_UnregisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_QueryServers_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_QueryServers_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartSigningRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartSigningRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartNewKeyPairRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartNewKeyPairRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FinishRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FinishRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateGroups_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateGroups_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetTrustList_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetTrustList_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateStatus_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateStatus_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateRequestedAuditEventType_CertificateGroup Variable. The identifier for the CertificateRequestedAuditEventType_CertificateType Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDeliveredAuditEventType_CertificateGroup Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDeliveredAuditEventType_CertificateType Variable. The identifier for the Directory_FindApplications_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_FindApplications_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_RegisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_RegisterApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_UpdateApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_UnregisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_QueryServers_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_QueryServers_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the Directory_StartSigningRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_StartSigningRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_StartNewKeyPairRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_StartNewKeyPairRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_FinishRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_FinishRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateGroups_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateGroups_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetTrustList_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetTrustList_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateStatus_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateStatus_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_XmlSchema Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_XmlSchema_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_XmlSchema_ApplicationRecordDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_BinarySchema Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_BinarySchema_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_BinarySchema_ApplicationRecordDataType Variable. A class that declares constants for all DataTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the ApplicationRecordDataType DataType. A class that declares constants for all Methods in the Model Design. The identifier for the DirectoryType_FindApplications Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_RegisterApplication Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_UpdateApplication Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_UnregisterApplication Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_GetApplication Method. The identifier for the DirectoryType_QueryServers Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartSigningRequest Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartNewKeyPairRequest Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FinishRequest Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateGroups Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetTrustList Method. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateStatus Method. The identifier for the Directory_FindApplications Method. The identifier for the Directory_RegisterApplication Method. The identifier for the Directory_UpdateApplication Method. The identifier for the Directory_UnregisterApplication Method. The identifier for the Directory_GetApplication Method. The identifier for the Directory_QueryServers Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate Method. The identifier for the Directory_StartSigningRequest Method. The identifier for the Directory_StartNewKeyPairRequest Method. The identifier for the Directory_FinishRequest Method. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateGroups Method. The identifier for the Directory_GetTrustList Method. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateStatus Method. A class that declares constants for all Objects in the Model Design. The identifier for the DirectoryType_Applications Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the Directory Object. The identifier for the Directory_Applications Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup Object. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList Object. The identifier for the ApplicationRecordDataType_Encoding_DefaultXml Object. The identifier for the ApplicationRecordDataType_Encoding_DefaultBinary Object. A class that declares constants for all ObjectTypes in the Model Design. The identifier for the DirectoryType ObjectType. The identifier for the ApplicationRegistrationChangedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateRequestedAuditEventType ObjectType. The identifier for the CertificateDeliveredAuditEventType ObjectType. A class that declares constants for all Variables in the Model Design. The identifier for the DirectoryType_FindApplications_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_FindApplications_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_RegisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_RegisterApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_UpdateApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_UnregisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_GetApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_GetApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_QueryServers_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the DirectoryType_QueryServers_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FindApplications_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FindApplications_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_RegisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_RegisterApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_UpdateApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_UnregisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_QueryServers_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_QueryServers_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartSigningRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartSigningRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartNewKeyPairRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_StartNewKeyPairRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FinishRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_FinishRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateGroups_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateGroups_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetTrustList_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetTrustList_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateStatus_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDirectoryType_GetCertificateStatus_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the CertificateRequestedAuditEventType_CertificateGroup Variable. The identifier for the CertificateRequestedAuditEventType_CertificateType Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDeliveredAuditEventType_CertificateGroup Variable. The identifier for the CertificateDeliveredAuditEventType_CertificateType Variable. The identifier for the Directory_FindApplications_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_FindApplications_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_RegisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_RegisterApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_UpdateApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_UnregisterApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetApplication_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetApplication_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_QueryServers_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_QueryServers_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultApplicationGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultHttpsGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Size Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Writable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_UserWritable Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenCount Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Open_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Close_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Read_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_Write_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_GetPosition_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_SetPosition_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_LastUpdateTime Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_OpenWithMasks_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_CloseAndUpdate_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_AddCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_TrustList_RemoveCertificate_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_CertificateGroups_DefaultUserTokenGroup_CertificateTypes Variable. The identifier for the Directory_StartSigningRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_StartSigningRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_StartNewKeyPairRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_StartNewKeyPairRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_FinishRequest_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_FinishRequest_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateGroups_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateGroups_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetTrustList_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetTrustList_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateStatus_InputArguments Variable. The identifier for the Directory_GetCertificateStatus_OutputArguments Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_XmlSchema Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_XmlSchema_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_XmlSchema_ApplicationRecordDataType Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_BinarySchema Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_BinarySchema_NamespaceUri Variable. The identifier for the OpcUaGds_BinarySchema_ApplicationRecordDataType Variable. Declares all of the BrowseNames used in the Model Design. The BrowseName for the ApplicationRecordDataType component. The BrowseName for the ApplicationRegistrationChangedAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the Applications component. The BrowseName for the CertificateDeliveredAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the CertificateDirectoryType component. The BrowseName for the CertificateGroup component. The BrowseName for the CertificateGroups component. The BrowseName for the CertificateRequestedAuditEventType component. The BrowseName for the CertificateType component. The BrowseName for the Directory component. The BrowseName for the DirectoryType component. The BrowseName for the FindApplications component. The BrowseName for the FinishRequest component. The BrowseName for the GetApplication component. The BrowseName for the GetCertificateGroups component. The BrowseName for the GetCertificateStatus component. The BrowseName for the GetTrustList component. The BrowseName for the OpcUaGds_BinarySchema component. The BrowseName for the OpcUaGds_XmlSchema component. The BrowseName for the QueryServers component. The BrowseName for the RegisterApplication component. The BrowseName for the StartNewKeyPairRequest component. The BrowseName for the StartSigningRequest component. The BrowseName for the UnregisterApplication component. The BrowseName for the UpdateApplication component. Defines constants for all namespaces referenced by the model design. The URI for the OpcUaGds namespace (.NET code namespace is 'Opc.Ua.Gds'). The URI for the OpcUaGdsXsd namespace (.NET code namespace is 'Opc.Ua.Gds'). The URI for the OpcUa namespace (.NET code namespace is 'Opc.Ua'). The URI for the OpcUaXsd namespace (.NET code namespace is 'Opc.Ua'). A description for the ApplicationRecordDataType DataType. The default constructor. Called by the .NET framework during deserialization. Sets private members to default values. A description for the ApplicationId field. A description for the ApplicationUri field. A description for the ApplicationType field. A description for the ApplicationNames field. A description for the ProductUri field. A description for the DiscoveryUrls field. A description for the ServerCapabilities field. A collection of ApplicationRecordDataType objects. Initializes the collection with default values. Initializes the collection with an initial capacity. Initializes the collection with another collection. Converts an array to a collection. Converts a collection to an array. Creates a deep copy of the collection. Stores the settings associated with an endpoint. The certificate to use for the endpoint. The trust list to use for the endpoint. The issuers list to use for the endpoint. The certificate validator to use with the endpoint. Indexes the certificate settings by thumbprint. Finds the certificate settings for the specified thumbprint. The thumbprint. The certificate settings for the thumbprint. Stores the security settings for an application. Sets the value of an extension with the specified type. The type of extension to return. The extension. Gets the value of an extension with the specified type. The type of extension to return. The extension. null if not found. A set of nodes in an address space. Creates an empty nodeset. Loads a nodeset from a stream. The input stream. The set of nodes Write a nodeset to a stream. The output stream. Adds an alias to the node set. Imports a node from the set. Imports a node from the set. Adds a list of nodes to the set. Adds a node to the set. The XML name of the DefaultNodeAccessInfo element. Gets an extension associated with the NodeSet XML file. The qualified name of the extension. The extension value. Creates an encoder to save Variant values. The request context. Creates an decoder to restore Variant values. The request context. The source. Imports a node from the set. Imports a node from the set. Exports a NodeId as an alias. Exports a NodeId Imports a NodeId Exports a ExpandedNodeId Imports a ExpandedNodeId Exports a QualifiedName Imports a QualifiedName Exports the array dimensions. Imports the array dimensions. Exports localized text. Imports localized text. Imports localized text. Exports a namespace index. Exports a namespace index. Exports a namespace uri. Exports a server index. Exports a server index. The XML name of the permissions extension element. The XML name of the permissions extension element. Gets the value of an extension associated with a node. The qualified name of the extension. The extension value. Gets an extension associated with a node. The qualified name of the extension. The extension value. Sets the value of an extension associated with a node. The qualified name of the extension. The value for the extension. If null any existing extension is removed. Defines string constants for SDK version information. The current copy right notice. The current build version. The current build file version.