version: '3.7' services: cpee: build: context: . dockerfile: $PWD/cpee/Dockerfile restart: always ports: - "8298:8298" - "9296:9296" # 9296 is the port for enabling the instantiation service - "8080:8080" volumes: - cpeeCockpit:/cpee-cockpit networks: oebb_net: nginx: image: "nginx:alpine" restart: always ports: - "9090:80" volumes: - cpeeCockpit:/usr/share/nginx/html/cpee-cockpit - ./cpee/js_libs:/usr/share/nginx/html/js_libs:ro - ./cpee/oebb_sim:/usr/share/nginx/html/oebb_sim:ro - ./cpee/cdp_ui:/usr/share/nginx/html/cdp_ui:ro # - type: bind # source: ./cpee/js_libs # target: /usr/share/nginx/html/js_libs:ro - type: bind source: ./nginx/sites-enabled/ target: /etc/nginx/sites-enabled - type: bind source: ./nginx/default.d target: /etc/nginx/conf.d networks: oebb_net: ipv4_address: php: build: context: . dockerfile: $PWD/nginx/Dockerfile restart: always networks: oebb_net: volumes: - type: bind source: ./nginx/public_html target: /usr/share/nginx/html/ volumes: cpeeCockpit: networks: oebb_net: ipam: driver: default config: - subnet: ""