
fixed reading

bscheibel 4 年之前
共有 1 個文件被更改,包括 199 次插入66 次删除
  1. 199 66

+ 199 - 66

@@ -1,20 +1,21 @@
 import order_bounding_boxes_in_each_block
 import re
+import csv
+import camelot
 from math import sqrt
 def get_details(result): #search for all details in drawing and store it in list details, first need to append all text elements of one line and then check if regular expression is found in this text element
-    reg = r"([A-Z]\W?[A-Z]?\s?\W\s?\d\d?\s?\s?:\s?\d\d?\s?\W)"
+    reg = r"([A-Z])-\1|([A-Z]\W?[A-Z]?\s?\W\s?\d\d?\s?\s?:\s?\d\d?\s?\W)"
     details_ = []
     for element in result:
         new_arr = ""
         for x in element:
             new_arr += x[4] + " "
         if re.match(reg,new_arr):
+            #print(new_arr)
     details = []
-    xbiggest = 0
-    ybiggest = 0
     for elem in details_: #now go to newly created list of all details and get the min and max coordinates of the respective bbox around the detail
         ymin = 100000000
@@ -37,75 +38,207 @@ def get_details(result): #search for all details in drawing and store it in list
         details.append(list((xmin, ymin,xmax, ymax,text))) # create new list with the textual details and the min and max coordinates of these details
         number = len(details)
-    if ymax > ybiggest:  ###get biggest x and y values
-        ybiggest = ymax
-    if xmax > xbiggest:
-        xbiggest = xmax
-    return details, number, ybiggest, xbiggest
+    return details, number
+#print(details, number)
+def get_borders(details, coords):
+    sections = []
+    print(coords)
+    for first in details:
+        x_min = -1
+        y_min = -1
+        x_max = -1
+        y_max = -1
+        firstx_max = first[2]
+        firstx_min = first[0]
+        firsty_max = first[3]
+        firsty_min = first[1]
+        distance_xmax = 100000000000
+        distance_xmin = 100000000000
+        distance_ymin = 100000000000
+        distance_ymax = 100000000000
+        for second in details:
+            secondx_min = second[0]
+            secondx_max = second[2]
+            secondy_min = second[1]
+            secondy_max = second[3]
+            if secondx_max < firstx_min and abs(firsty_min-secondy_min) < 90 and first != second:  ###check for left side, are there any other details at the left side at a certain y-span
+                #print(first,second)
+                if abs(firstx_min - secondx_max)/2 < distance_xmax:
+                    distance_xmax = abs(firstx_min - secondx_max)/2
+                    x_min = secondx_max + distance_xmax
+            if secondx_min > firstx_max and abs(firsty_min-secondy_min) < 190 and first != second: ####check for right side
+                if abs(secondx_min - firstx_max)/2 < distance_xmin:
+                    #print(first, second)
+                    distance_xmin = abs(secondx_min - firstx_max)/2
+                    x_max = firstx_max + distance_xmin
+            if firsty_min > secondy_max and abs(firstx_min-secondx_min) < 40 and first != second: ####check above
+                if abs(firsty_min - secondy_max)/2 < distance_ymin:
+                    #print(first, second)
+                    distance_ymin = abs(firsty_min - secondy_max)/2
+                    y_min = firsty_min
+            if firsty_max < secondy_min and abs(firstx_min-secondx_min) < 40 and first != second: ####check below
+                if abs(firsty_max - secondy_min)/2 < distance_ymax:
+                    #print(first, second)
+                    distance_ymax = abs(firsty_max - secondy_min)/2
+                    y_max = secondy_min
+        if y_min == -1:
+            y_min = firsty_min
+        if x_min == -1:
+            x_min = 0
+        if x_max == -1:
+            x_max = firstx_max + distance_xmax
+        if y_max == -1:
+            for table in coords:
+                print(table)
+                if table[0] <= x_min and table[2] >= x_max:
+                    y_max = table[1]
+                    print("BLUB", y_max)
+                    break
+                else:
+                    y_max = 1000000000
+        sections.append((first,x_min, y_min,x_max,y_max))
+    for section in sections:
+        print(section)
+    return sections
+def intersects(detail, rectangle): #using the separating axis theorem
+    #print(detail)
+    rect1_bottom_left_x = detail[1][0]
+    rect1_top_right_x = detail[1][2]
+    rect1_bottom_left_y = detail[1][3]
+    rect1_top_right_y = detail[1][1]
+    rect2_bottom_left_x = float(rectangle[0][0])
+    rect2_top_right_x = float(rectangle[0][2])
+    rect2_bottom_left_y = float(rectangle[0][3])
+    rect2_top_right_y = float(rectangle[0][1])
+    return not (rect1_top_right_x < rect2_bottom_left_x or rect1_bottom_left_x > rect2_top_right_x or rect1_top_right_y > rect2_bottom_left_y or rect1_bottom_left_y < rect2_top_right_y)
+def table_intersects(detail, rectangle): #everything that is under the y coordinates of the tables
+    #print(detail[4])
+    table_bottom_left_x = detail[0]
+    table_top_right_x = detail[2]
+    table_bottom_left_y = detail[3]
+    table_top_right_y = detail[1]
+    rect_bottom_left_x = float(rectangle[0][0])
+    rect_top_right_x = float(rectangle[0][2])
+    rect_bottom_left_y = float(rectangle[0][3])
+    rect_top_right_y = float(rectangle[0][1])
+    if "REV." in detail[4]:
+        #print(detail)
+        return (rect_bottom_left_y >= table_top_right_y and (rect_top_right_x >= table_bottom_left_x))
+    else:
+        return(rect_bottom_left_y > table_top_right_y and (rect_bottom_left_x >= table_bottom_left_x and rect_bottom_left_x <= table_top_right_x))
+def get_table_coords(result):
+    coords = []
+    #tables = camelot.read_pdf(file,spreadsheet=True, area=(50,50,50,50), relative_area=True) ##did not work
+    #print(tables[0]._bbox)
+    reg = r"(All dimensions\D*)|(REV\.)"
+    details_ = []
+    for element in result:
+        new_arr = ""
+        for x in element:
+            new_arr += x[4] + " "
+        if re.match(reg,new_arr):
+            #print(element)
+            details_.append(element)
+    details = []
+    for elem in details_: #now go to newly created list of all details and get the min and max coordinates of the respective bbox around the detail
+        #print(elem)
+        ymin = 100000000
+        ymax = 0
+        xmin = 100000000
+        xmax = 0
+        text = ""
+        for ele in elem: #check if coordinates are bigger or smaller
+            text += ele[4] + " "
+            #print(text)
+            if float(ele[1]) < ymin:
+                ymin = float(ele[1])
+                # print("y_min:",y_min)
+            if float(ele[0]) < xmin:
+                xmin = float(ele[0])
+            if float(ele[3]) > ymax:
+                ymax = float(ele[3])
+            if float(ele[2]) > xmax:
+                xmax = float(ele[2])
+        details.append(list((xmin, ymin,xmax, ymax,text))) # create new list with the textual details and the min and max coordinates of these details
+        number = len(details)
+    #for det in details:
+    #    print(det, number)
+    return number,details
+def remove_tables(tables, result):
+    result_array = []
+    #print(tables)
+    for res in result:
+        overlaps = False
+        for det in tables:
+            if table_intersects(det,res):
+                overlaps = True
+        if not overlaps:
+            result_array.append(res)
+            #else:
+            #    print("NOT:", res)
+    #for res in result_array:
+    #    print(res)
+    return result_array
 file = "/home/bscheibel/PycharmProjects/dxf_reader/drawings/5129275_Rev01-GV12.html"
+#file2 = "/home/bscheibel/PycharmProjects/dxf_reader/drawings/5129275_Rev01-GV12.pdf"
+#file = "/home/bscheibel/PycharmProjects/dxf_reader/drawings/5152166_Rev04.html"
 result = order_bounding_boxes_in_each_block.get_bound_box(file)
-details, number, ybiggest, xbiggest = get_details(result)
+details, number= get_details(result)
+number, coords = get_table_coords(result)
+result = remove_tables(coords, result)
 #details = sorted(details, key=lambda x: sqrt((x[0] - 0)**2 + (x[1] - 0)**2)) #sort by distance from 0,0
 details = sorted(details, key=lambda x: x[0]) #sort by distance from 0,0
+sections = get_borders(details, coords)
+section = []
-#print(details, number)
+for sect in sections:
+    coord_name = sect[0][4]
+    coord = (sect[1:])
+    section.append((coord_name,coord))
+with open("section.csv", "w") as writeFile:
+    writer = csv.writer(writeFile)
+    for det in section:
+        writer.writerows(det)
+        for res in result:
+            if intersects(det,res):
+                writer.writerows(res)
+        writer.writerows("\n")
-sections = []
-for first in details:
-    x_min = -1
-    y_min = -1
-    x_max = -1
-    y_max = -1
-    firstx_max = first[2]
-    firstx_min = first[0]
-    firsty_max = first[3]
-    firsty_min = first[1]
-    distance_xmax = 100000000000
-    distance_xmin = 100000000000
-    distance_ymin = 100000000000
-    distance_ymax = 100000000000
-    for second in details:
-        secondx_min = second[0]
-        secondx_max = second[2]
-        secondy_min = second[1]
-        secondy_max = second[3]
-        if secondx_max < firstx_min and abs(firsty_min-secondy_min) < 90 and first != second:  ###check for left side, are there any other details at the left side at a certain y-span
-            #print(first,second)
-            if abs(firstx_min - secondx_max)/2 < distance_xmax:
-                distance_xmax = abs(firstx_min - secondx_max)/2
-                x_min = secondx_max + distance_xmax
-        if secondx_min > firstx_max and abs(firsty_min-secondy_min) < 190 and first != second: ####check for right side
-            if abs(secondx_min - firstx_max)/2 < distance_xmin:
-                #print(first, second)
-                distance_xmin = abs(secondx_min - firstx_max)/2
-                x_max = firstx_max + distance_xmin
-        if firsty_min > secondy_max and abs(firstx_min-secondx_min) < 40 and first != second: ####check above
-            if abs(firsty_min - secondy_max)/2 < distance_ymin:
-                #print(first, second)
-                distance_ymin = abs(firsty_min - secondy_max)/2
-                y_min = firsty_min
-        if firsty_max < secondy_min and abs(firstx_min-secondx_min) < 40 and first != second: ####check below
-            if abs(firsty_max - secondy_min)/2 < distance_ymax:
-                #print(first, second)
-                distance_ymax = abs(firsty_max - secondy_min)/2
-                y_max = secondy_min
-    if y_min == -1:
-        y_min = firsty_min
-    if x_min == -1:
-        x_min = 0
-    if x_max == -1:
-        x_max = firstx_max + distance_xmax
-    if y_max == -1:
-        y_max = 1000000000
-    sections.append((first,x_min, y_min,x_max,y_max))
-for section in sections:
-    print(section)
+###alles durchgehen und zu jeweiligen details zuordnen