def printpoint(b): print(b) obj = dict(zip(b[::2], b[1::2])) try: if obj['100'] == 'AcDbMText': print('{}'.format(obj['0'])) except: pass buffer = ['0', 'fake'] filepath = '../drawings/GV_12.DXF' with open(filepath,'r') as fp: line = fp.readline() cnt = 1 while line: line = fp.readline() #line = line.rstrip() print(line) if line == '0': # we've started a new section, so print("Line {}: {}".format(cnt, line.strip())) try: printpoint(buffer) # handle the captured section except: print("ERROR") #buffer = [] # and start a new one #buffer.append(line) cnt += 1 fp.close() #printpoint(buffer) # buffer left over from last pass through loop #