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- # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- # Natural Language Toolkit: Language Models
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
- # Authors: Ilia Kurenkov <ilia.kurenkov@gmail.com>
- # URL: <http://nltk.org/>
- # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
- """Language Model Interface."""
- from __future__ import division, unicode_literals
- import random
- from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
- from bisect import bisect
- from six import add_metaclass
- from nltk.lm.counter import NgramCounter
- from nltk.lm.util import log_base2
- from nltk.lm.vocabulary import Vocabulary
- try:
- from itertools import accumulate
- except ImportError:
- import operator
- def accumulate(iterable, func=operator.add):
- """Return running totals"""
- # accumulate([1,2,3,4,5]) --> 1 3 6 10 15
- # accumulate([1,2,3,4,5], operator.mul) --> 1 2 6 24 120
- it = iter(iterable)
- try:
- total = next(it)
- except StopIteration:
- return
- yield total
- for element in it:
- total = func(total, element)
- yield total
- @add_metaclass(ABCMeta)
- class Smoothing(object):
- """Ngram Smoothing Interface
- Implements Chen & Goodman 1995's idea that all smoothing algorithms have
- certain features in common. This should ideally allow smoothing algoritms to
- work both with Backoff and Interpolation.
- """
- def __init__(self, vocabulary, counter):
- """
- :param vocabulary: The Ngram vocabulary object.
- :type vocabulary: nltk.lm.vocab.Vocabulary
- :param counter: The counts of the vocabulary items.
- :type counter: nltk.lm.counter.NgramCounter
- """
- self.vocab = vocabulary
- self.counts = counter
- @abstractmethod
- def unigram_score(self, word):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- @abstractmethod
- def alpha_gamma(self, word, context):
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def _mean(items):
- """Return average (aka mean) for sequence of items."""
- return sum(items) / len(items)
- def _random_generator(seed_or_generator):
- if isinstance(seed_or_generator, random.Random):
- return seed_or_generator
- return random.Random(seed_or_generator)
- def _weighted_choice(population, weights, random_generator=None):
- """Like random.choice, but with weights.
- Heavily inspired by python 3.6 `random.choices`.
- """
- if not population:
- raise ValueError("Can't choose from empty population")
- if len(population) != len(weights):
- raise ValueError("The number of weights does not match the population")
- cum_weights = list(accumulate(weights))
- total = cum_weights[-1]
- threshold = random_generator.random()
- return population[bisect(cum_weights, total * threshold)]
- @add_metaclass(ABCMeta)
- class LanguageModel(object):
- """ABC for Language Models.
- Cannot be directly instantiated itself.
- """
- def __init__(self, order, vocabulary=None, counter=None):
- """Creates new LanguageModel.
- :param vocabulary: If provided, this vocabulary will be used instead
- of creating a new one when training.
- :type vocabulary: `nltk.lm.Vocabulary` or None
- :param counter: If provided, use this object to count ngrams.
- :type vocabulary: `nltk.lm.NgramCounter` or None
- :param ngrams_fn: If given, defines how sentences in training text are turned to ngram
- sequences.
- :type ngrams_fn: function or None
- :param pad_fn: If given, defines how senteces in training text are padded.
- :type pad_fn: function or None
- """
- self.order = order
- self.vocab = Vocabulary() if vocabulary is None else vocabulary
- self.counts = NgramCounter() if counter is None else counter
- def fit(self, text, vocabulary_text=None):
- """Trains the model on a text.
- :param text: Training text as a sequence of sentences.
- """
- if not self.vocab:
- if vocabulary_text is None:
- raise ValueError(
- "Cannot fit without a vocabulary or text to " "create it from."
- )
- self.vocab.update(vocabulary_text)
- self.counts.update(self.vocab.lookup(sent) for sent in text)
- def score(self, word, context=None):
- """Masks out of vocab (OOV) words and computes their model score.
- For model-specific logic of calculating scores, see the `unmasked_score`
- method.
- """
- return self.unmasked_score(
- self.vocab.lookup(word), self.vocab.lookup(context) if context else None
- )
- @abstractmethod
- def unmasked_score(self, word, context=None):
- """Score a word given some optional context.
- Concrete models are expected to provide an implementation.
- Note that this method does not mask its arguments with the OOV label.
- Use the `score` method for that.
- :param str word: Word for which we want the score
- :param tuple(str) context: Context the word is in.
- If `None`, compute unigram score.
- :param context: tuple(str) or None
- :rtype: float
- """
- raise NotImplementedError()
- def logscore(self, word, context=None):
- """Evaluate the log score of this word in this context.
- The arguments are the same as for `score` and `unmasked_score`.
- """
- return log_base2(self.score(word, context))
- def context_counts(self, context):
- """Helper method for retrieving counts for a given context.
- Assumes context has been checked and oov words in it masked.
- :type context: tuple(str) or None
- """
- return (
- self.counts[len(context) + 1][context] if context else self.counts.unigrams
- )
- def entropy(self, text_ngrams):
- """Calculate cross-entropy of model for given evaluation text.
- :param Iterable(tuple(str)) text_ngrams: A sequence of ngram tuples.
- :rtype: float
- """
- return -1 * _mean(
- [self.logscore(ngram[-1], ngram[:-1]) for ngram in text_ngrams]
- )
- def perplexity(self, text_ngrams):
- """Calculates the perplexity of the given text.
- This is simply 2 ** cross-entropy for the text, so the arguments are the same.
- """
- return pow(2.0, self.entropy(text_ngrams))
- def generate(self, num_words=1, text_seed=None, random_seed=None):
- """Generate words from the model.
- :param int num_words: How many words to generate. By default 1.
- :param text_seed: Generation can be conditioned on preceding context.
- :param random_seed: A random seed or an instance of `random.Random`. If provided,
- makes the random sampling part of generation reproducible.
- :return: One (str) word or a list of words generated from model.
- Examples:
- >>> from nltk.lm import MLE
- >>> lm = MLE(2)
- >>> lm.fit([[("a", "b"), ("b", "c")]], vocabulary_text=['a', 'b', 'c'])
- >>> lm.fit([[("a",), ("b",), ("c",)]])
- >>> lm.generate(random_seed=3)
- 'a'
- >>> lm.generate(text_seed=['a'])
- 'b'
- """
- text_seed = [] if text_seed is None else list(text_seed)
- random_generator = _random_generator(random_seed)
- # base recursion case
- if num_words == 1:
- context = (
- text_seed[-self.order + 1 :]
- if len(text_seed) >= self.order
- else text_seed
- )
- samples = self.context_counts(self.vocab.lookup(context))
- while context and not samples:
- context = context[1:] if len(context) > 1 else []
- samples = self.context_counts(self.vocab.lookup(context))
- # sorting achieves two things:
- # - reproducible randomness when sampling
- # - turning Mapping into Sequence which _weighted_choice expects
- samples = sorted(samples)
- return _weighted_choice(
- samples, tuple(self.score(w, context) for w in samples), random_generator
- )
- # build up text one word at a time
- generated = []
- for _ in range(num_words):
- generated.append(
- self.generate(
- num_words=1,
- text_seed=text_seed + generated,
- random_seed=random_generator,
- )
- )
- return generated