f2py2e.py 23 KB

  1. #!/usr/bin/env python
  2. """
  3. f2py2e - Fortran to Python C/API generator. 2nd Edition.
  4. See __usage__ below.
  5. Copyright 1999--2011 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved,
  6. Pearu Peterson <pearu@cens.ioc.ee>
  7. Permission to use, modify, and distribute this software is given under the
  8. terms of the NumPy License.
  10. $Date: 2005/05/06 08:31:19 $
  11. Pearu Peterson
  12. """
  13. from __future__ import division, absolute_import, print_function
  14. import sys
  15. import os
  16. import pprint
  17. import re
  18. from . import crackfortran
  19. from . import rules
  20. from . import cb_rules
  21. from . import auxfuncs
  22. from . import cfuncs
  23. from . import f90mod_rules
  24. from . import __version__
  25. f2py_version = __version__.version
  26. errmess = sys.stderr.write
  27. # outmess=sys.stdout.write
  28. show = pprint.pprint
  29. outmess = auxfuncs.outmess
  30. try:
  31. from numpy import __version__ as numpy_version
  32. except ImportError:
  33. numpy_version = 'N/A'
  34. __usage__ = """\
  35. Usage:
  36. 1) To construct extension module sources:
  37. f2py [<options>] <fortran files> [[[only:]||[skip:]] \\
  38. <fortran functions> ] \\
  39. [: <fortran files> ...]
  40. 2) To compile fortran files and build extension modules:
  41. f2py -c [<options>, <build_flib options>, <extra options>] <fortran files>
  42. 3) To generate signature files:
  43. f2py -h <filename.pyf> ...< same options as in (1) >
  44. Description: This program generates a Python C/API file (<modulename>module.c)
  45. that contains wrappers for given fortran functions so that they
  46. can be called from Python. With the -c option the corresponding
  47. extension modules are built.
  48. Options:
  49. --2d-numpy Use numpy.f2py tool with NumPy support. [DEFAULT]
  50. --2d-numeric Use f2py2e tool with Numeric support.
  51. --2d-numarray Use f2py2e tool with Numarray support.
  52. --g3-numpy Use 3rd generation f2py from the separate f2py package.
  54. -h <filename> Write signatures of the fortran routines to file <filename>
  55. and exit. You can then edit <filename> and use it instead
  56. of <fortran files>. If <filename>==stdout then the
  57. signatures are printed to stdout.
  58. <fortran functions> Names of fortran routines for which Python C/API
  59. functions will be generated. Default is all that are found
  60. in <fortran files>.
  61. <fortran files> Paths to fortran/signature files that will be scanned for
  62. <fortran functions> in order to determine their signatures.
  63. skip: Ignore fortran functions that follow until `:'.
  64. only: Use only fortran functions that follow until `:'.
  65. : Get back to <fortran files> mode.
  66. -m <modulename> Name of the module; f2py generates a Python/C API
  67. file <modulename>module.c or extension module <modulename>.
  68. Default is 'untitled'.
  69. --[no-]lower Do [not] lower the cases in <fortran files>. By default,
  70. --lower is assumed with -h key, and --no-lower without -h key.
  71. --build-dir <dirname> All f2py generated files are created in <dirname>.
  72. Default is tempfile.mkdtemp().
  73. --overwrite-signature Overwrite existing signature file.
  74. --[no-]latex-doc Create (or not) <modulename>module.tex.
  75. Default is --no-latex-doc.
  76. --short-latex Create 'incomplete' LaTeX document (without commands
  77. \\documentclass, \\tableofcontents, and \\begin{document},
  78. \\end{document}).
  79. --[no-]rest-doc Create (or not) <modulename>module.rst.
  80. Default is --no-rest-doc.
  81. --debug-capi Create C/API code that reports the state of the wrappers
  82. during runtime. Useful for debugging.
  83. --[no-]wrap-functions Create Fortran subroutine wrappers to Fortran 77
  84. functions. --wrap-functions is default because it ensures
  85. maximum portability/compiler independence.
  86. --include-paths <path1>:<path2>:... Search include files from the given
  87. directories.
  88. --help-link [..] List system resources found by system_info.py. See also
  89. --link-<resource> switch below. [..] is optional list
  90. of resources names. E.g. try 'f2py --help-link lapack_opt'.
  91. --quiet Run quietly.
  92. --verbose Run with extra verbosity.
  93. -v Print f2py version ID and exit.
  94. numpy.distutils options (only effective with -c):
  95. --fcompiler= Specify Fortran compiler type by vendor
  96. --compiler= Specify C compiler type (as defined by distutils)
  97. --help-fcompiler List available Fortran compilers and exit
  98. --f77exec= Specify the path to F77 compiler
  99. --f90exec= Specify the path to F90 compiler
  100. --f77flags= Specify F77 compiler flags
  101. --f90flags= Specify F90 compiler flags
  102. --opt= Specify optimization flags
  103. --arch= Specify architecture specific optimization flags
  104. --noopt Compile without optimization
  105. --noarch Compile without arch-dependent optimization
  106. --debug Compile with debugging information
  107. Extra options (only effective with -c):
  108. --link-<resource> Link extension module with <resource> as defined
  109. by numpy.distutils/system_info.py. E.g. to link
  110. with optimized LAPACK libraries (vecLib on MacOSX,
  111. ATLAS elsewhere), use --link-lapack_opt.
  112. See also --help-link switch.
  113. -L/path/to/lib/ -l<libname>
  114. -D<define> -U<name>
  115. -I/path/to/include/
  116. <filename>.o <filename>.so <filename>.a
  117. Using the following macros may be required with non-gcc Fortran
  118. compilers:
  121. When using -DF2PY_REPORT_ATEXIT, a performance report of F2PY
  122. interface is printed out at exit (platforms: Linux).
  123. When using -DF2PY_REPORT_ON_ARRAY_COPY=<int>, a message is
  124. sent to stderr whenever F2PY interface makes a copy of an
  125. array. Integer <int> sets the threshold for array sizes when
  126. a message should be shown.
  127. Version: %s
  128. numpy Version: %s
  129. Requires: Python 2.3 or higher.
  130. License: NumPy license (see LICENSE.txt in the NumPy source code)
  131. Copyright 1999 - 2011 Pearu Peterson all rights reserved.
  132. http://cens.ioc.ee/projects/f2py2e/""" % (f2py_version, numpy_version)
  133. def scaninputline(inputline):
  134. files, skipfuncs, onlyfuncs, debug = [], [], [], []
  135. f, f2, f3, f5, f6, f7, f8, f9 = 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
  136. verbose = 1
  137. dolc = -1
  138. dolatexdoc = 0
  139. dorestdoc = 0
  140. wrapfuncs = 1
  141. buildpath = '.'
  142. include_paths = []
  143. signsfile, modulename = None, None
  144. options = {'buildpath': buildpath,
  145. 'coutput': None,
  146. 'f2py_wrapper_output': None}
  147. for l in inputline:
  148. if l == '':
  149. pass
  150. elif l == 'only:':
  151. f = 0
  152. elif l == 'skip:':
  153. f = -1
  154. elif l == ':':
  155. f = 1
  156. elif l[:8] == '--debug-':
  157. debug.append(l[8:])
  158. elif l == '--lower':
  159. dolc = 1
  160. elif l == '--build-dir':
  161. f6 = 1
  162. elif l == '--no-lower':
  163. dolc = 0
  164. elif l == '--quiet':
  165. verbose = 0
  166. elif l == '--verbose':
  167. verbose += 1
  168. elif l == '--latex-doc':
  169. dolatexdoc = 1
  170. elif l == '--no-latex-doc':
  171. dolatexdoc = 0
  172. elif l == '--rest-doc':
  173. dorestdoc = 1
  174. elif l == '--no-rest-doc':
  175. dorestdoc = 0
  176. elif l == '--wrap-functions':
  177. wrapfuncs = 1
  178. elif l == '--no-wrap-functions':
  179. wrapfuncs = 0
  180. elif l == '--short-latex':
  181. options['shortlatex'] = 1
  182. elif l == '--coutput':
  183. f8 = 1
  184. elif l == '--f2py-wrapper-output':
  185. f9 = 1
  186. elif l == '--overwrite-signature':
  187. options['h-overwrite'] = 1
  188. elif l == '-h':
  189. f2 = 1
  190. elif l == '-m':
  191. f3 = 1
  192. elif l[:2] == '-v':
  193. print(f2py_version)
  194. sys.exit()
  195. elif l == '--show-compilers':
  196. f5 = 1
  197. elif l[:8] == '-include':
  198. cfuncs.outneeds['userincludes'].append(l[9:-1])
  199. cfuncs.userincludes[l[9:-1]] = '#include ' + l[8:]
  200. elif l[:15] in '--include_paths':
  201. outmess(
  202. 'f2py option --include_paths is deprecated, use --include-paths instead.\n')
  203. f7 = 1
  204. elif l[:15] in '--include-paths':
  205. f7 = 1
  206. elif l[0] == '-':
  207. errmess('Unknown option %s\n' % repr(l))
  208. sys.exit()
  209. elif f2:
  210. f2 = 0
  211. signsfile = l
  212. elif f3:
  213. f3 = 0
  214. modulename = l
  215. elif f6:
  216. f6 = 0
  217. buildpath = l
  218. elif f7:
  219. f7 = 0
  220. include_paths.extend(l.split(os.pathsep))
  221. elif f8:
  222. f8 = 0
  223. options["coutput"] = l
  224. elif f9:
  225. f9 = 0
  226. options["f2py_wrapper_output"] = l
  227. elif f == 1:
  228. try:
  229. open(l).close()
  230. files.append(l)
  231. except IOError as detail:
  232. errmess('IOError: %s. Skipping file "%s".\n' %
  233. (str(detail), l))
  234. elif f == -1:
  235. skipfuncs.append(l)
  236. elif f == 0:
  237. onlyfuncs.append(l)
  238. if not f5 and not files and not modulename:
  239. print(__usage__)
  240. sys.exit()
  241. if not os.path.isdir(buildpath):
  242. if not verbose:
  243. outmess('Creating build directory %s' % (buildpath))
  244. os.mkdir(buildpath)
  245. if signsfile:
  246. signsfile = os.path.join(buildpath, signsfile)
  247. if signsfile and os.path.isfile(signsfile) and 'h-overwrite' not in options:
  248. errmess(
  249. 'Signature file "%s" exists!!! Use --overwrite-signature to overwrite.\n' % (signsfile))
  250. sys.exit()
  251. options['debug'] = debug
  252. options['verbose'] = verbose
  253. if dolc == -1 and not signsfile:
  254. options['do-lower'] = 0
  255. else:
  256. options['do-lower'] = dolc
  257. if modulename:
  258. options['module'] = modulename
  259. if signsfile:
  260. options['signsfile'] = signsfile
  261. if onlyfuncs:
  262. options['onlyfuncs'] = onlyfuncs
  263. if skipfuncs:
  264. options['skipfuncs'] = skipfuncs
  265. options['dolatexdoc'] = dolatexdoc
  266. options['dorestdoc'] = dorestdoc
  267. options['wrapfuncs'] = wrapfuncs
  268. options['buildpath'] = buildpath
  269. options['include_paths'] = include_paths
  270. return files, options
  271. def callcrackfortran(files, options):
  272. rules.options = options
  273. crackfortran.debug = options['debug']
  274. crackfortran.verbose = options['verbose']
  275. if 'module' in options:
  276. crackfortran.f77modulename = options['module']
  277. if 'skipfuncs' in options:
  278. crackfortran.skipfuncs = options['skipfuncs']
  279. if 'onlyfuncs' in options:
  280. crackfortran.onlyfuncs = options['onlyfuncs']
  281. crackfortran.include_paths[:] = options['include_paths']
  282. crackfortran.dolowercase = options['do-lower']
  283. postlist = crackfortran.crackfortran(files)
  284. if 'signsfile' in options:
  285. outmess('Saving signatures to file "%s"\n' % (options['signsfile']))
  286. pyf = crackfortran.crack2fortran(postlist)
  287. if options['signsfile'][-6:] == 'stdout':
  288. sys.stdout.write(pyf)
  289. else:
  290. f = open(options['signsfile'], 'w')
  291. f.write(pyf)
  292. f.close()
  293. if options["coutput"] is None:
  294. for mod in postlist:
  295. mod["coutput"] = "%smodule.c" % mod["name"]
  296. else:
  297. for mod in postlist:
  298. mod["coutput"] = options["coutput"]
  299. if options["f2py_wrapper_output"] is None:
  300. for mod in postlist:
  301. mod["f2py_wrapper_output"] = "%s-f2pywrappers.f" % mod["name"]
  302. else:
  303. for mod in postlist:
  304. mod["f2py_wrapper_output"] = options["f2py_wrapper_output"]
  305. return postlist
  306. def buildmodules(lst):
  307. cfuncs.buildcfuncs()
  308. outmess('Building modules...\n')
  309. modules, mnames, isusedby = [], [], {}
  310. for i in range(len(lst)):
  311. if '__user__' in lst[i]['name']:
  312. cb_rules.buildcallbacks(lst[i])
  313. else:
  314. if 'use' in lst[i]:
  315. for u in lst[i]['use'].keys():
  316. if u not in isusedby:
  317. isusedby[u] = []
  318. isusedby[u].append(lst[i]['name'])
  319. modules.append(lst[i])
  320. mnames.append(lst[i]['name'])
  321. ret = {}
  322. for i in range(len(mnames)):
  323. if mnames[i] in isusedby:
  324. outmess('\tSkipping module "%s" which is used by %s.\n' % (
  325. mnames[i], ','.join(['"%s"' % s for s in isusedby[mnames[i]]])))
  326. else:
  327. um = []
  328. if 'use' in modules[i]:
  329. for u in modules[i]['use'].keys():
  330. if u in isusedby and u in mnames:
  331. um.append(modules[mnames.index(u)])
  332. else:
  333. outmess(
  334. '\tModule "%s" uses nonexisting "%s" which will be ignored.\n' % (mnames[i], u))
  335. ret[mnames[i]] = {}
  336. dict_append(ret[mnames[i]], rules.buildmodule(modules[i], um))
  337. return ret
  338. def dict_append(d_out, d_in):
  339. for (k, v) in d_in.items():
  340. if k not in d_out:
  341. d_out[k] = []
  342. if isinstance(v, list):
  343. d_out[k] = d_out[k] + v
  344. else:
  345. d_out[k].append(v)
  346. def run_main(comline_list):
  347. """
  348. Equivalent to running::
  349. f2py <args>
  350. where ``<args>=string.join(<list>,' ')``, but in Python. Unless
  351. ``-h`` is used, this function returns a dictionary containing
  352. information on generated modules and their dependencies on source
  353. files. For example, the command ``f2py -m scalar scalar.f`` can be
  354. executed from Python as follows
  355. You cannot build extension modules with this function, that is,
  356. using ``-c`` is not allowed. Use ``compile`` command instead
  357. Examples
  358. --------
  359. .. include:: run_main_session.dat
  360. :literal:
  361. """
  362. crackfortran.reset_global_f2py_vars()
  363. f2pydir = os.path.dirname(os.path.abspath(cfuncs.__file__))
  364. fobjhsrc = os.path.join(f2pydir, 'src', 'fortranobject.h')
  365. fobjcsrc = os.path.join(f2pydir, 'src', 'fortranobject.c')
  366. files, options = scaninputline(comline_list)
  367. auxfuncs.options = options
  368. postlist = callcrackfortran(files, options)
  369. isusedby = {}
  370. for i in range(len(postlist)):
  371. if 'use' in postlist[i]:
  372. for u in postlist[i]['use'].keys():
  373. if u not in isusedby:
  374. isusedby[u] = []
  375. isusedby[u].append(postlist[i]['name'])
  376. for i in range(len(postlist)):
  377. if postlist[i]['block'] == 'python module' and '__user__' in postlist[i]['name']:
  378. if postlist[i]['name'] in isusedby:
  379. # if not quiet:
  380. outmess('Skipping Makefile build for module "%s" which is used by %s\n' % (
  381. postlist[i]['name'], ','.join(['"%s"' % s for s in isusedby[postlist[i]['name']]])))
  382. if 'signsfile' in options:
  383. if options['verbose'] > 1:
  384. outmess(
  385. 'Stopping. Edit the signature file and then run f2py on the signature file: ')
  386. outmess('%s %s\n' %
  387. (os.path.basename(sys.argv[0]), options['signsfile']))
  388. return
  389. for i in range(len(postlist)):
  390. if postlist[i]['block'] != 'python module':
  391. if 'python module' not in options:
  392. errmess(
  393. 'Tip: If your original code is Fortran source then you must use -m option.\n')
  394. raise TypeError('All blocks must be python module blocks but got %s' % (
  395. repr(postlist[i]['block'])))
  396. auxfuncs.debugoptions = options['debug']
  397. f90mod_rules.options = options
  398. auxfuncs.wrapfuncs = options['wrapfuncs']
  399. ret = buildmodules(postlist)
  400. for mn in ret.keys():
  401. dict_append(ret[mn], {'csrc': fobjcsrc, 'h': fobjhsrc})
  402. return ret
  403. def filter_files(prefix, suffix, files, remove_prefix=None):
  404. """
  405. Filter files by prefix and suffix.
  406. """
  407. filtered, rest = [], []
  408. match = re.compile(prefix + r'.*' + suffix + r'\Z').match
  409. if remove_prefix:
  410. ind = len(prefix)
  411. else:
  412. ind = 0
  413. for file in [x.strip() for x in files]:
  414. if match(file):
  415. filtered.append(file[ind:])
  416. else:
  417. rest.append(file)
  418. return filtered, rest
  419. def get_prefix(module):
  420. p = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(module.__file__))
  421. return p
  422. def run_compile():
  423. """
  424. Do it all in one call!
  425. """
  426. import tempfile
  427. i = sys.argv.index('-c')
  428. del sys.argv[i]
  429. remove_build_dir = 0
  430. try:
  431. i = sys.argv.index('--build-dir')
  432. except ValueError:
  433. i = None
  434. if i is not None:
  435. build_dir = sys.argv[i + 1]
  436. del sys.argv[i + 1]
  437. del sys.argv[i]
  438. else:
  439. remove_build_dir = 1
  440. build_dir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
  441. _reg1 = re.compile(r'[-][-]link[-]')
  442. sysinfo_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg1.match(_m)]
  443. sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in sysinfo_flags]
  444. if sysinfo_flags:
  445. sysinfo_flags = [f[7:] for f in sysinfo_flags]
  446. _reg2 = re.compile(
  447. r'[-][-]((no[-]|)(wrap[-]functions|lower)|debug[-]capi|quiet)|[-]include')
  448. f2py_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg2.match(_m)]
  449. sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in f2py_flags]
  450. f2py_flags2 = []
  451. fl = 0
  452. for a in sys.argv[1:]:
  453. if a in ['only:', 'skip:']:
  454. fl = 1
  455. elif a == ':':
  456. fl = 0
  457. if fl or a == ':':
  458. f2py_flags2.append(a)
  459. if f2py_flags2 and f2py_flags2[-1] != ':':
  460. f2py_flags2.append(':')
  461. f2py_flags.extend(f2py_flags2)
  462. sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in f2py_flags2]
  463. _reg3 = re.compile(
  464. r'[-][-]((f(90)?compiler([-]exec|)|compiler)=|help[-]compiler)')
  465. flib_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg3.match(_m)]
  466. sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in flib_flags]
  467. _reg4 = re.compile(
  468. r'[-][-]((f(77|90)(flags|exec)|opt|arch)=|(debug|noopt|noarch|help[-]fcompiler))')
  469. fc_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg4.match(_m)]
  470. sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in fc_flags]
  471. if 1:
  472. del_list = []
  473. for s in flib_flags:
  474. v = '--fcompiler='
  475. if s[:len(v)] == v:
  476. from numpy.distutils import fcompiler
  477. fcompiler.load_all_fcompiler_classes()
  478. allowed_keys = list(fcompiler.fcompiler_class.keys())
  479. nv = ov = s[len(v):].lower()
  480. if ov not in allowed_keys:
  481. vmap = {} # XXX
  482. try:
  483. nv = vmap[ov]
  484. except KeyError:
  485. if ov not in vmap.values():
  486. print('Unknown vendor: "%s"' % (s[len(v):]))
  487. nv = ov
  488. i = flib_flags.index(s)
  489. flib_flags[i] = '--fcompiler=' + nv
  490. continue
  491. for s in del_list:
  492. i = flib_flags.index(s)
  493. del flib_flags[i]
  494. assert len(flib_flags) <= 2, repr(flib_flags)
  495. _reg5 = re.compile(r'[-][-](verbose)')
  496. setup_flags = [_m for _m in sys.argv[1:] if _reg5.match(_m)]
  497. sys.argv = [_m for _m in sys.argv if _m not in setup_flags]
  498. if '--quiet' in f2py_flags:
  499. setup_flags.append('--quiet')
  500. modulename = 'untitled'
  501. sources = sys.argv[1:]
  502. for optname in ['--include_paths', '--include-paths']:
  503. if optname in sys.argv:
  504. i = sys.argv.index(optname)
  505. f2py_flags.extend(sys.argv[i:i + 2])
  506. del sys.argv[i + 1], sys.argv[i]
  507. sources = sys.argv[1:]
  508. if '-m' in sys.argv:
  509. i = sys.argv.index('-m')
  510. modulename = sys.argv[i + 1]
  511. del sys.argv[i + 1], sys.argv[i]
  512. sources = sys.argv[1:]
  513. else:
  514. from numpy.distutils.command.build_src import get_f2py_modulename
  515. pyf_files, sources = filter_files('', '[.]pyf([.]src|)', sources)
  516. sources = pyf_files + sources
  517. for f in pyf_files:
  518. modulename = get_f2py_modulename(f)
  519. if modulename:
  520. break
  521. extra_objects, sources = filter_files('', '[.](o|a|so)', sources)
  522. include_dirs, sources = filter_files('-I', '', sources, remove_prefix=1)
  523. library_dirs, sources = filter_files('-L', '', sources, remove_prefix=1)
  524. libraries, sources = filter_files('-l', '', sources, remove_prefix=1)
  525. undef_macros, sources = filter_files('-U', '', sources, remove_prefix=1)
  526. define_macros, sources = filter_files('-D', '', sources, remove_prefix=1)
  527. for i in range(len(define_macros)):
  528. name_value = define_macros[i].split('=', 1)
  529. if len(name_value) == 1:
  530. name_value.append(None)
  531. if len(name_value) == 2:
  532. define_macros[i] = tuple(name_value)
  533. else:
  534. print('Invalid use of -D:', name_value)
  535. from numpy.distutils.system_info import get_info
  536. num_info = {}
  537. if num_info:
  538. include_dirs.extend(num_info.get('include_dirs', []))
  539. from numpy.distutils.core import setup, Extension
  540. ext_args = {'name': modulename, 'sources': sources,
  541. 'include_dirs': include_dirs,
  542. 'library_dirs': library_dirs,
  543. 'libraries': libraries,
  544. 'define_macros': define_macros,
  545. 'undef_macros': undef_macros,
  546. 'extra_objects': extra_objects,
  547. 'f2py_options': f2py_flags,
  548. }
  549. if sysinfo_flags:
  550. from numpy.distutils.misc_util import dict_append
  551. for n in sysinfo_flags:
  552. i = get_info(n)
  553. if not i:
  554. outmess('No %s resources found in system'
  555. ' (try `f2py --help-link`)\n' % (repr(n)))
  556. dict_append(ext_args, **i)
  557. ext = Extension(**ext_args)
  558. sys.argv = [sys.argv[0]] + setup_flags
  559. sys.argv.extend(['build',
  560. '--build-temp', build_dir,
  561. '--build-base', build_dir,
  562. '--build-platlib', '.'])
  563. if fc_flags:
  564. sys.argv.extend(['config_fc'] + fc_flags)
  565. if flib_flags:
  566. sys.argv.extend(['build_ext'] + flib_flags)
  567. setup(ext_modules=[ext])
  568. if remove_build_dir and os.path.exists(build_dir):
  569. import shutil
  570. outmess('Removing build directory %s\n' % (build_dir))
  571. shutil.rmtree(build_dir)
  572. def main():
  573. if '--help-link' in sys.argv[1:]:
  574. sys.argv.remove('--help-link')
  575. from numpy.distutils.system_info import show_all
  576. show_all()
  577. return
  578. # Probably outdated options that were not working before 1.16
  579. if '--g3-numpy' in sys.argv[1:]:
  580. sys.stderr.write("G3 f2py support is not implemented, yet.\\n")
  581. sys.exit(1)
  582. elif '--2e-numeric' in sys.argv[1:]:
  583. sys.argv.remove('--2e-numeric')
  584. elif '--2e-numarray' in sys.argv[1:]:
  585. # Note that this errors becaust the -DNUMARRAY argument is
  586. # not recognized. Just here for back compatibility and the
  587. # error message.
  588. sys.argv.append("-DNUMARRAY")
  589. sys.argv.remove('--2e-numarray')
  590. elif '--2e-numpy' in sys.argv[1:]:
  591. sys.argv.remove('--2e-numpy')
  592. else:
  593. pass
  594. if '-c' in sys.argv[1:]:
  595. run_compile()
  596. else:
  597. run_main(sys.argv[1:])