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  1. # Copyright (c) 2010-2019 Manfred Moitzi
  2. # License: MIT License
  3. from typing import TYPE_CHECKING, Sequence
  4. import math
  5. from .line import ConstructionRay
  6. from .vector import Vec2
  7. from .bbox import BoundingBox2d
  8. from .construct2d import ConstructionTool
  10. from ezdxf.eztypes import Vertex
  11. HALF_PI = math.pi / 2.
  12. class ConstructionCircle(ConstructionTool):
  13. def __init__(self, center: 'Vertex', radius: float = 1.0):
  14. = Vec2(center)
  15. self.radius = float(radius)
  16. if self.radius <= 0.:
  17. raise ValueError("Radius has to be > 0.")
  18. @staticmethod
  19. def from_3p(p1: 'Vertex', p2: 'Vertex', p3: 'Vertex') -> 'ConstructionCircle':
  20. """ Creates a circle from three points. """
  21. p1 = Vec2(p1)
  22. p2 = Vec2(p2)
  23. p3 = Vec2(p3)
  24. ray1 = ConstructionRay(p1, p2)
  25. ray2 = ConstructionRay(p1, p3)
  26. center_ray1 = ray1.orthogonal(p1.lerp(p2))
  27. center_ray2 = ray2.orthogonal(p1.lerp(p3))
  28. center = center_ray1.intersect(center_ray2)
  29. return ConstructionCircle(center, center.distance(p1))
  30. @property
  31. def bounding_box(self) -> 'BoundingBox2d':
  32. rvec = Vec2((self.radius, self.radius))
  33. return BoundingBox2d(( - rvec, + rvec))
  34. def move(self, dx: float, dy: float) -> None:
  35. """
  36. Move circle about `dx` in x-axis and about `dy` in y-axis.
  37. Args:
  38. dx: translation in x-axis
  39. dy: translation in y-axis
  40. """
  41. += Vec2((dx, dy))
  42. def point_at(self, angle: float) -> Vec2:
  43. """
  44. Returns point on circle at `angle` as 2d vector.
  45. Args:
  46. angle: angle in radians
  47. """
  48. return + Vec2.from_angle(angle, self.radius)
  49. def inside(self, point: 'Vertex') -> bool:
  50. """ Test if `point` is inside circle. """
  51. return self.radius >=
  52. def tangent(self, angle: float) -> ConstructionRay:
  53. """
  54. Returns tangent to circle at `angle` as ConstructionRay().
  55. Args:
  56. angle: angle in radians
  57. """
  58. point_on_circle = self.point_at(angle)
  59. ray = ConstructionRay(, point_on_circle)
  60. return ray.orthogonal(point_on_circle)
  61. def intersect_ray(self, ray: ConstructionRay, abs_tol: float = 1e-12) -> Sequence[Vec2]:
  62. """
  63. Returns intersection points for intersection of this circle with `ray` as sequence of 2d points.
  64. Args:
  65. ray: intersection ray
  66. abs_tol: absolute tolerance for tests (e.g. test for tangents)
  67. Returns: tuple of Vec2()
  68. tuple contains:
  69. 0 points .. no intersection
  70. 1 point .. ray is a tangent on the circle
  71. 2 points .. ray intersects with the circle
  72. """
  73. ortho_ray = ray.orthogonal(
  74. intersection_point = ray.intersect(ortho_ray)
  75. dist =
  76. result = []
  77. if dist < self.radius: # intersect in two points
  78. if math.isclose(dist, 0., abs_tol=abs_tol): # if ray goes through center point
  79. angle = ortho_ray.angle
  80. alpha = HALF_PI
  81. else:
  82. # the exact direction of angle (all 4 quadrants Q1-Q4) is important:
  83. # ortho_ray.angle is only at the center point correct
  84. angle = (intersection_point -
  85. alpha = math.acos(intersection_point.distance( / self.radius)
  86. result.append(self.point_at(angle + alpha))
  87. result.append(self.point_at(angle - alpha))
  88. elif math.isclose(dist, self.radius, abs_tol=abs_tol): # ray is a tangent of circle
  89. result.append(intersection_point)
  90. # else no intersection
  91. return tuple(result)
  92. def intersect_circle(self, other: 'ConstructionCircle', abs_tol: float = 1e-12) -> Sequence[Vec2]:
  93. """
  94. Returns intersection points of two circles as sequence of 2d points.
  95. Args:
  96. other: intersection circle
  97. abs_tol: absolute tolerance for tests (e.g. test for circle touch point)
  98. Returns: tuple of Vec2()
  99. tuple contains:
  100. 0 points .. no intersection
  101. 1 point .. circle touches the other_circle in one point
  102. 2 points .. circle intersects with the other_circle
  103. """
  104. r1 = self.radius
  105. r2 = other.radius
  106. d =
  107. d_max = r1 + r2
  108. d_min = math.fabs(r1 - r2)
  109. result = []
  110. if d_min <= d <= d_max:
  111. angle = ( -
  112. # if circles touches in one point
  113. if math.isclose(d, d_max, abs_tol=abs_tol) or math.isclose(d, d_min, abs_tol=abs_tol):
  114. result.append(self.point_at(angle))
  115. else: # circles intersect in two points
  116. alpha = math.acos((r2 ** 2 - r1 ** 2 - d ** 2) / (-2. * r1 * d)) # 'Cosinus-Satz'
  117. result.append(self.point_at(angle + alpha))
  118. result.append(self.point_at(angle - alpha))
  119. return tuple(result)