123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357358359360361362363364365366367368369370371372373374375376377378379380381382383384385386387388389390391392393394395396397398399400401402403404405406407408409410411412413414415416417418419420421422423424425426427428429430431432433434435436437438439440441442443444445446447448449450451452453454455456457458459460461462463464465466467468469470471472473474475476477478479480481482483484485486487488489490491492493494495496497498499500501502503504505506507508509510511512513514515516517518519520521522523524525526527528529530531532533534535536537538539540541542543544545546547548549550551552553554555556557558559560561562563564565566567568569570571572573574575576577578579580581582583584585586587588589590591592593594595596597598599600601602603604605606607608609610611612613614615616617618619620621622623624625626627628629630631632633634635636637638639640641642643644645646647648649650651652653654655656657658659660661662663664665666667668669670671672673674675676677678679680681682683684685686687688689690691692693694695696697698699700701702703704705706707708709710711712713714715716717718719720721722723724725726727728729730731732733734735736737738739740741742743744745746747748749750751752753754755756757758759760761762763764765766767768769770771772773774775776777778779780781782783784785786 |
- # Natural Language Toolkit: Dependency Grammars
- #
- # Copyright (C) 2001-2019 NLTK Project
- # Author: Jason Narad <jason.narad@gmail.com>
- # Steven Bird <stevenbird1@gmail.com> (modifications)
- #
- # URL: <http://nltk.org/>
- # For license information, see LICENSE.TXT
- #
- """
- Tools for reading and writing dependency trees.
- The input is assumed to be in Malt-TAB format
- (http://stp.lingfil.uu.se/~nivre/research/MaltXML.html).
- """
- from __future__ import print_function, unicode_literals
- from collections import defaultdict
- from itertools import chain
- from pprint import pformat
- import subprocess
- import warnings
- from six import string_types
- from nltk.tree import Tree
- from nltk.compat import python_2_unicode_compatible
- #################################################################
- # DependencyGraph Class
- #################################################################
- @python_2_unicode_compatible
- class DependencyGraph(object):
- """
- A container for the nodes and labelled edges of a dependency structure.
- """
- def __init__(
- self,
- tree_str=None,
- cell_extractor=None,
- zero_based=False,
- cell_separator=None,
- top_relation_label='ROOT',
- ):
- """Dependency graph.
- We place a dummy `TOP` node with the index 0, since the root node is
- often assigned 0 as its head. This also means that the indexing of the
- nodes corresponds directly to the Malt-TAB format, which starts at 1.
- If zero-based is True, then Malt-TAB-like input with node numbers
- starting at 0 and the root node assigned -1 (as produced by, e.g.,
- zpar).
- :param str cell_separator: the cell separator. If not provided, cells
- are split by whitespace.
- :param str top_relation_label: the label by which the top relation is
- identified, for examlple, `ROOT`, `null` or `TOP`.
- """
- self.nodes = defaultdict(
- lambda: {
- 'address': None,
- 'word': None,
- 'lemma': None,
- 'ctag': None,
- 'tag': None,
- 'feats': None,
- 'head': None,
- 'deps': defaultdict(list),
- 'rel': None,
- }
- )
- self.nodes[0].update({'ctag': 'TOP', 'tag': 'TOP', 'address': 0})
- self.root = None
- if tree_str:
- self._parse(
- tree_str,
- cell_extractor=cell_extractor,
- zero_based=zero_based,
- cell_separator=cell_separator,
- top_relation_label=top_relation_label,
- )
- def remove_by_address(self, address):
- """
- Removes the node with the given address. References
- to this node in others will still exist.
- """
- del self.nodes[address]
- def redirect_arcs(self, originals, redirect):
- """
- Redirects arcs to any of the nodes in the originals list
- to the redirect node address.
- """
- for node in self.nodes.values():
- new_deps = []
- for dep in node['deps']:
- if dep in originals:
- new_deps.append(redirect)
- else:
- new_deps.append(dep)
- node['deps'] = new_deps
- def add_arc(self, head_address, mod_address):
- """
- Adds an arc from the node specified by head_address to the
- node specified by the mod address.
- """
- relation = self.nodes[mod_address]['rel']
- self.nodes[head_address]['deps'].setdefault(relation, [])
- self.nodes[head_address]['deps'][relation].append(mod_address)
- # self.nodes[head_address]['deps'].append(mod_address)
- def connect_graph(self):
- """
- Fully connects all non-root nodes. All nodes are set to be dependents
- of the root node.
- """
- for node1 in self.nodes.values():
- for node2 in self.nodes.values():
- if node1['address'] != node2['address'] and node2['rel'] != 'TOP':
- relation = node2['rel']
- node1['deps'].setdefault(relation, [])
- node1['deps'][relation].append(node2['address'])
- # node1['deps'].append(node2['address'])
- def get_by_address(self, node_address):
- """Return the node with the given address."""
- return self.nodes[node_address]
- def contains_address(self, node_address):
- """
- Returns true if the graph contains a node with the given node
- address, false otherwise.
- """
- return node_address in self.nodes
- def to_dot(self):
- """Return a dot representation suitable for using with Graphviz.
- >>> dg = DependencyGraph(
- ... 'John N 2\\n'
- ... 'loves V 0\\n'
- ... 'Mary N 2'
- ... )
- >>> print(dg.to_dot())
- digraph G{
- edge [dir=forward]
- node [shape=plaintext]
- 0 [label="0 (None)"]
- 0 -> 2 [label="ROOT"]
- 1 [label="1 (John)"]
- 2 [label="2 (loves)"]
- 2 -> 1 [label=""]
- 2 -> 3 [label=""]
- 3 [label="3 (Mary)"]
- }
- """
- # Start the digraph specification
- s = 'digraph G{\n'
- s += 'edge [dir=forward]\n'
- s += 'node [shape=plaintext]\n'
- # Draw the remaining nodes
- for node in sorted(self.nodes.values(), key=lambda v: v['address']):
- s += '\n%s [label="%s (%s)"]' % (
- node['address'],
- node['address'],
- node['word'],
- )
- for rel, deps in node['deps'].items():
- for dep in deps:
- if rel is not None:
- s += '\n%s -> %s [label="%s"]' % (node['address'], dep, rel)
- else:
- s += '\n%s -> %s ' % (node['address'], dep)
- s += "\n}"
- return s
- def _repr_svg_(self):
- """Show SVG representation of the transducer (IPython magic).
- >>> dg = DependencyGraph(
- ... 'John N 2\\n'
- ... 'loves V 0\\n'
- ... 'Mary N 2'
- ... )
- >>> dg._repr_svg_().split('\\n')[0]
- '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="no"?>'
- """
- dot_string = self.to_dot()
- try:
- process = subprocess.Popen(
- ['dot', '-Tsvg'],
- stdin=subprocess.PIPE,
- stdout=subprocess.PIPE,
- stderr=subprocess.PIPE,
- universal_newlines=True,
- )
- except OSError:
- raise Exception('Cannot find the dot binary from Graphviz package')
- out, err = process.communicate(dot_string)
- if err:
- raise Exception(
- 'Cannot create svg representation by running dot from string: {}'
- ''.format(dot_string)
- )
- return out
- def __str__(self):
- return pformat(self.nodes)
- def __repr__(self):
- return "<DependencyGraph with {0} nodes>".format(len(self.nodes))
- @staticmethod
- def load(
- filename, zero_based=False, cell_separator=None, top_relation_label='ROOT'
- ):
- """
- :param filename: a name of a file in Malt-TAB format
- :param zero_based: nodes in the input file are numbered starting from 0
- rather than 1 (as produced by, e.g., zpar)
- :param str cell_separator: the cell separator. If not provided, cells
- are split by whitespace.
- :param str top_relation_label: the label by which the top relation is
- identified, for examlple, `ROOT`, `null` or `TOP`.
- :return: a list of DependencyGraphs
- """
- with open(filename) as infile:
- return [
- DependencyGraph(
- tree_str,
- zero_based=zero_based,
- cell_separator=cell_separator,
- top_relation_label=top_relation_label,
- )
- for tree_str in infile.read().split('\n\n')
- ]
- def left_children(self, node_index):
- """
- Returns the number of left children under the node specified
- by the given address.
- """
- children = chain.from_iterable(self.nodes[node_index]['deps'].values())
- index = self.nodes[node_index]['address']
- return sum(1 for c in children if c < index)
- def right_children(self, node_index):
- """
- Returns the number of right children under the node specified
- by the given address.
- """
- children = chain.from_iterable(self.nodes[node_index]['deps'].values())
- index = self.nodes[node_index]['address']
- return sum(1 for c in children if c > index)
- def add_node(self, node):
- if not self.contains_address(node['address']):
- self.nodes[node['address']].update(node)
- def _parse(
- self,
- input_,
- cell_extractor=None,
- zero_based=False,
- cell_separator=None,
- top_relation_label='ROOT',
- ):
- """Parse a sentence.
- :param extractor: a function that given a tuple of cells returns a
- 7-tuple, where the values are ``word, lemma, ctag, tag, feats, head,
- rel``.
- :param str cell_separator: the cell separator. If not provided, cells
- are split by whitespace.
- :param str top_relation_label: the label by which the top relation is
- identified, for examlple, `ROOT`, `null` or `TOP`.
- """
- def extract_3_cells(cells, index):
- word, tag, head = cells
- return index, word, word, tag, tag, '', head, ''
- def extract_4_cells(cells, index):
- word, tag, head, rel = cells
- return index, word, word, tag, tag, '', head, rel
- def extract_7_cells(cells, index):
- line_index, word, lemma, tag, _, head, rel = cells
- try:
- index = int(line_index)
- except ValueError:
- # index can't be parsed as an integer, use default
- pass
- return index, word, lemma, tag, tag, '', head, rel
- def extract_10_cells(cells, index):
- line_index, word, lemma, ctag, tag, feats, head, rel, _, _ = cells
- try:
- index = int(line_index)
- except ValueError:
- # index can't be parsed as an integer, use default
- pass
- return index, word, lemma, ctag, tag, feats, head, rel
- extractors = {
- 3: extract_3_cells,
- 4: extract_4_cells,
- 7: extract_7_cells,
- 10: extract_10_cells,
- }
- if isinstance(input_, string_types):
- input_ = (line for line in input_.split('\n'))
- lines = (l.rstrip() for l in input_)
- lines = (l for l in lines if l)
- cell_number = None
- for index, line in enumerate(lines, start=1):
- cells = line.split(cell_separator)
- if cell_number is None:
- cell_number = len(cells)
- else:
- assert cell_number == len(cells)
- if cell_extractor is None:
- try:
- cell_extractor = extractors[cell_number]
- except KeyError:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Number of tab-delimited fields ({0}) not supported by '
- 'CoNLL(10) or Malt-Tab(4) format'.format(cell_number)
- )
- try:
- index, word, lemma, ctag, tag, feats, head, rel = cell_extractor(
- cells, index
- )
- except (TypeError, ValueError):
- # cell_extractor doesn't take 2 arguments or doesn't return 8
- # values; assume the cell_extractor is an older external
- # extractor and doesn't accept or return an index.
- word, lemma, ctag, tag, feats, head, rel = cell_extractor(cells)
- if head == '_':
- continue
- head = int(head)
- if zero_based:
- head += 1
- self.nodes[index].update(
- {
- 'address': index,
- 'word': word,
- 'lemma': lemma,
- 'ctag': ctag,
- 'tag': tag,
- 'feats': feats,
- 'head': head,
- 'rel': rel,
- }
- )
- # Make sure that the fake root node has labeled dependencies.
- if (cell_number == 3) and (head == 0):
- rel = top_relation_label
- self.nodes[head]['deps'][rel].append(index)
- if self.nodes[0]['deps'][top_relation_label]:
- root_address = self.nodes[0]['deps'][top_relation_label][0]
- self.root = self.nodes[root_address]
- self.top_relation_label = top_relation_label
- else:
- warnings.warn(
- "The graph doesn't contain a node " "that depends on the root element."
- )
- def _word(self, node, filter=True):
- w = node['word']
- if filter:
- if w != ',':
- return w
- return w
- def _tree(self, i):
- """ Turn dependency graphs into NLTK trees.
- :param int i: index of a node
- :return: either a word (if the indexed node is a leaf) or a ``Tree``.
- """
- node = self.get_by_address(i)
- word = node['word']
- deps = sorted(chain.from_iterable(node['deps'].values()))
- if deps:
- return Tree(word, [self._tree(dep) for dep in deps])
- else:
- return word
- def tree(self):
- """
- Starting with the ``root`` node, build a dependency tree using the NLTK
- ``Tree`` constructor. Dependency labels are omitted.
- """
- node = self.root
- word = node['word']
- deps = sorted(chain.from_iterable(node['deps'].values()))
- return Tree(word, [self._tree(dep) for dep in deps])
- def triples(self, node=None):
- """
- Extract dependency triples of the form:
- ((head word, head tag), rel, (dep word, dep tag))
- """
- if not node:
- node = self.root
- head = (node['word'], node['ctag'])
- for i in sorted(chain.from_iterable(node['deps'].values())):
- dep = self.get_by_address(i)
- yield (head, dep['rel'], (dep['word'], dep['ctag']))
- for triple in self.triples(node=dep):
- yield triple
- def _hd(self, i):
- try:
- return self.nodes[i]['head']
- except IndexError:
- return None
- def _rel(self, i):
- try:
- return self.nodes[i]['rel']
- except IndexError:
- return None
- # what's the return type? Boolean or list?
- def contains_cycle(self):
- """Check whether there are cycles.
- >>> dg = DependencyGraph(treebank_data)
- >>> dg.contains_cycle()
- False
- >>> cyclic_dg = DependencyGraph()
- >>> top = {'word': None, 'deps': [1], 'rel': 'TOP', 'address': 0}
- >>> child1 = {'word': None, 'deps': [2], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 1}
- >>> child2 = {'word': None, 'deps': [4], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 2}
- >>> child3 = {'word': None, 'deps': [1], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 3}
- >>> child4 = {'word': None, 'deps': [3], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 4}
- >>> cyclic_dg.nodes = {
- ... 0: top,
- ... 1: child1,
- ... 2: child2,
- ... 3: child3,
- ... 4: child4,
- ... }
- >>> cyclic_dg.root = top
- >>> cyclic_dg.contains_cycle()
- [3, 1, 2, 4]
- """
- distances = {}
- for node in self.nodes.values():
- for dep in node['deps']:
- key = tuple([node['address'], dep])
- distances[key] = 1
- for _ in self.nodes:
- new_entries = {}
- for pair1 in distances:
- for pair2 in distances:
- if pair1[1] == pair2[0]:
- key = tuple([pair1[0], pair2[1]])
- new_entries[key] = distances[pair1] + distances[pair2]
- for pair in new_entries:
- distances[pair] = new_entries[pair]
- if pair[0] == pair[1]:
- path = self.get_cycle_path(self.get_by_address(pair[0]), pair[0])
- return path
- return False # return []?
- def get_cycle_path(self, curr_node, goal_node_index):
- for dep in curr_node['deps']:
- if dep == goal_node_index:
- return [curr_node['address']]
- for dep in curr_node['deps']:
- path = self.get_cycle_path(self.get_by_address(dep), goal_node_index)
- if len(path) > 0:
- path.insert(0, curr_node['address'])
- return path
- return []
- def to_conll(self, style):
- """
- The dependency graph in CoNLL format.
- :param style: the style to use for the format (3, 4, 10 columns)
- :type style: int
- :rtype: str
- """
- if style == 3:
- template = '{word}\t{tag}\t{head}\n'
- elif style == 4:
- template = '{word}\t{tag}\t{head}\t{rel}\n'
- elif style == 10:
- template = (
- '{i}\t{word}\t{lemma}\t{ctag}\t{tag}\t{feats}\t{head}\t{rel}\t_\t_\n'
- )
- else:
- raise ValueError(
- 'Number of tab-delimited fields ({0}) not supported by '
- 'CoNLL(10) or Malt-Tab(4) format'.format(style)
- )
- return ''.join(
- template.format(i=i, **node)
- for i, node in sorted(self.nodes.items())
- if node['tag'] != 'TOP'
- )
- def nx_graph(self):
- """Convert the data in a ``nodelist`` into a networkx labeled directed graph."""
- import networkx
- nx_nodelist = list(range(1, len(self.nodes)))
- nx_edgelist = [
- (n, self._hd(n), self._rel(n)) for n in nx_nodelist if self._hd(n)
- ]
- self.nx_labels = {}
- for n in nx_nodelist:
- self.nx_labels[n] = self.nodes[n]['word']
- g = networkx.MultiDiGraph()
- g.add_nodes_from(nx_nodelist)
- g.add_edges_from(nx_edgelist)
- return g
- class DependencyGraphError(Exception):
- """Dependency graph exception."""
- def demo():
- malt_demo()
- conll_demo()
- conll_file_demo()
- cycle_finding_demo()
- def malt_demo(nx=False):
- """
- A demonstration of the result of reading a dependency
- version of the first sentence of the Penn Treebank.
- """
- dg = DependencyGraph(
- """Pierre NNP 2 NMOD
- Vinken NNP 8 SUB
- , , 2 P
- 61 CD 5 NMOD
- years NNS 6 AMOD
- old JJ 2 NMOD
- , , 2 P
- will MD 0 ROOT
- join VB 8 VC
- the DT 11 NMOD
- board NN 9 OBJ
- as IN 9 VMOD
- a DT 15 NMOD
- nonexecutive JJ 15 NMOD
- director NN 12 PMOD
- Nov. NNP 9 VMOD
- 29 CD 16 NMOD
- . . 9 VMOD
- """
- )
- tree = dg.tree()
- tree.pprint()
- if nx:
- # currently doesn't work
- import networkx
- from matplotlib import pylab
- g = dg.nx_graph()
- g.info()
- pos = networkx.spring_layout(g, dim=1)
- networkx.draw_networkx_nodes(g, pos, node_size=50)
- # networkx.draw_networkx_edges(g, pos, edge_color='k', width=8)
- networkx.draw_networkx_labels(g, pos, dg.nx_labels)
- pylab.xticks([])
- pylab.yticks([])
- pylab.savefig('tree.png')
- pylab.show()
- def conll_demo():
- """
- A demonstration of how to read a string representation of
- a CoNLL format dependency tree.
- """
- dg = DependencyGraph(conll_data1)
- tree = dg.tree()
- tree.pprint()
- print(dg)
- print(dg.to_conll(4))
- def conll_file_demo():
- print('Mass conll_read demo...')
- graphs = [DependencyGraph(entry) for entry in conll_data2.split('\n\n') if entry]
- for graph in graphs:
- tree = graph.tree()
- print('\n')
- tree.pprint()
- def cycle_finding_demo():
- dg = DependencyGraph(treebank_data)
- print(dg.contains_cycle())
- cyclic_dg = DependencyGraph()
- cyclic_dg.add_node({'word': None, 'deps': [1], 'rel': 'TOP', 'address': 0})
- cyclic_dg.add_node({'word': None, 'deps': [2], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 1})
- cyclic_dg.add_node({'word': None, 'deps': [4], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 2})
- cyclic_dg.add_node({'word': None, 'deps': [1], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 3})
- cyclic_dg.add_node({'word': None, 'deps': [3], 'rel': 'NTOP', 'address': 4})
- print(cyclic_dg.contains_cycle())
- treebank_data = """Pierre NNP 2 NMOD
- Vinken NNP 8 SUB
- , , 2 P
- 61 CD 5 NMOD
- years NNS 6 AMOD
- old JJ 2 NMOD
- , , 2 P
- will MD 0 ROOT
- join VB 8 VC
- the DT 11 NMOD
- board NN 9 OBJ
- as IN 9 VMOD
- a DT 15 NMOD
- nonexecutive JJ 15 NMOD
- director NN 12 PMOD
- Nov. NNP 9 VMOD
- 29 CD 16 NMOD
- . . 9 VMOD
- """
- conll_data1 = """
- 1 Ze ze Pron Pron per|3|evofmv|nom 2 su _ _
- 2 had heb V V trans|ovt|1of2of3|ev 0 ROOT _ _
- 3 met met Prep Prep voor 8 mod _ _
- 4 haar haar Pron Pron bez|3|ev|neut|attr 5 det _ _
- 5 moeder moeder N N soort|ev|neut 3 obj1 _ _
- 6 kunnen kan V V hulp|ott|1of2of3|mv 2 vc _ _
- 7 gaan ga V V hulp|inf 6 vc _ _
- 8 winkelen winkel V V intrans|inf 11 cnj _ _
- 9 , , Punc Punc komma 8 punct _ _
- 10 zwemmen zwem V V intrans|inf 11 cnj _ _
- 11 of of Conj Conj neven 7 vc _ _
- 12 terrassen terras N N soort|mv|neut 11 cnj _ _
- 13 . . Punc Punc punt 12 punct _ _
- """
- conll_data2 = """1 Cathy Cathy N N eigen|ev|neut 2 su _ _
- 2 zag zie V V trans|ovt|1of2of3|ev 0 ROOT _ _
- 3 hen hen Pron Pron per|3|mv|datofacc 2 obj1 _ _
- 4 wild wild Adj Adj attr|stell|onverv 5 mod _ _
- 5 zwaaien zwaai N N soort|mv|neut 2 vc _ _
- 6 . . Punc Punc punt 5 punct _ _
- 1 Ze ze Pron Pron per|3|evofmv|nom 2 su _ _
- 2 had heb V V trans|ovt|1of2of3|ev 0 ROOT _ _
- 3 met met Prep Prep voor 8 mod _ _
- 4 haar haar Pron Pron bez|3|ev|neut|attr 5 det _ _
- 5 moeder moeder N N soort|ev|neut 3 obj1 _ _
- 6 kunnen kan V V hulp|ott|1of2of3|mv 2 vc _ _
- 7 gaan ga V V hulp|inf 6 vc _ _
- 8 winkelen winkel V V intrans|inf 11 cnj _ _
- 9 , , Punc Punc komma 8 punct _ _
- 10 zwemmen zwem V V intrans|inf 11 cnj _ _
- 11 of of Conj Conj neven 7 vc _ _
- 12 terrassen terras N N soort|mv|neut 11 cnj _ _
- 13 . . Punc Punc punt 12 punct _ _
- 1 Dat dat Pron Pron aanw|neut|attr 2 det _ _
- 2 werkwoord werkwoord N N soort|ev|neut 6 obj1 _ _
- 3 had heb V V hulp|ovt|1of2of3|ev 0 ROOT _ _
- 4 ze ze Pron Pron per|3|evofmv|nom 6 su _ _
- 5 zelf zelf Pron Pron aanw|neut|attr|wzelf 3 predm _ _
- 6 uitgevonden vind V V trans|verldw|onverv 3 vc _ _
- 7 . . Punc Punc punt 6 punct _ _
- 1 Het het Pron Pron onbep|neut|zelfst 2 su _ _
- 2 hoorde hoor V V trans|ovt|1of2of3|ev 0 ROOT _ _
- 3 bij bij Prep Prep voor 2 ld _ _
- 4 de de Art Art bep|zijdofmv|neut 6 det _ _
- 5 warme warm Adj Adj attr|stell|vervneut 6 mod _ _
- 6 zomerdag zomerdag N N soort|ev|neut 3 obj1 _ _
- 7 die die Pron Pron betr|neut|zelfst 6 mod _ _
- 8 ze ze Pron Pron per|3|evofmv|nom 12 su _ _
- 9 ginds ginds Adv Adv gew|aanw 12 mod _ _
- 10 achter achter Adv Adv gew|geenfunc|stell|onverv 12 svp _ _
- 11 had heb V V hulp|ovt|1of2of3|ev 7 body _ _
- 12 gelaten laat V V trans|verldw|onverv 11 vc _ _
- 13 . . Punc Punc punt 12 punct _ _
- 1 Ze ze Pron Pron per|3|evofmv|nom 2 su _ _
- 2 hadden heb V V trans|ovt|1of2of3|mv 0 ROOT _ _
- 3 languit languit Adv Adv gew|geenfunc|stell|onverv 11 mod _ _
- 4 naast naast Prep Prep voor 11 mod _ _
- 5 elkaar elkaar Pron Pron rec|neut 4 obj1 _ _
- 6 op op Prep Prep voor 11 ld _ _
- 7 de de Art Art bep|zijdofmv|neut 8 det _ _
- 8 strandstoelen strandstoel N N soort|mv|neut 6 obj1 _ _
- 9 kunnen kan V V hulp|inf 2 vc _ _
- 10 gaan ga V V hulp|inf 9 vc _ _
- 11 liggen lig V V intrans|inf 10 vc _ _
- 12 . . Punc Punc punt 11 punct _ _
- 1 Zij zij Pron Pron per|3|evofmv|nom 2 su _ _
- 2 zou zal V V hulp|ovt|1of2of3|ev 7 cnj _ _
- 3 mams mams N N soort|ev|neut 4 det _ _
- 4 rug rug N N soort|ev|neut 5 obj1 _ _
- 5 ingewreven wrijf V V trans|verldw|onverv 6 vc _ _
- 6 hebben heb V V hulp|inf 2 vc _ _
- 7 en en Conj Conj neven 0 ROOT _ _
- 8 mam mam V V trans|ovt|1of2of3|ev 7 cnj _ _
- 9 de de Art Art bep|zijdofmv|neut 10 det _ _
- 10 hare hare Pron Pron bez|3|ev|neut|attr 8 obj1 _ _
- 11 . . Punc Punc punt 10 punct _ _
- 1 Of of Conj Conj onder|metfin 0 ROOT _ _
- 2 ze ze Pron Pron per|3|evofmv|nom 3 su _ _
- 3 had heb V V hulp|ovt|1of2of3|ev 0 ROOT _ _
- 4 gewoon gewoon Adj Adj adv|stell|onverv 10 mod _ _
- 5 met met Prep Prep voor 10 mod _ _
- 6 haar haar Pron Pron bez|3|ev|neut|attr 7 det _ _
- 7 vriendinnen vriendin N N soort|mv|neut 5 obj1 _ _
- 8 rond rond Adv Adv deelv 10 svp _ _
- 9 kunnen kan V V hulp|inf 3 vc _ _
- 10 slenteren slenter V V intrans|inf 9 vc _ _
- 11 in in Prep Prep voor 10 mod _ _
- 12 de de Art Art bep|zijdofmv|neut 13 det _ _
- 13 buurt buurt N N soort|ev|neut 11 obj1 _ _
- 14 van van Prep Prep voor 13 mod _ _
- 15 Trafalgar_Square Trafalgar_Square MWU N_N eigen|ev|neut_eigen|ev|neut 14 obj1 _ _
- 16 . . Punc Punc punt 15 punct _ _
- """
- if __name__ == '__main__':
- demo()