i=1 i=3 i=6 i=7 i=10 i=11 i=12 i=13 i=15 i=21 i=26 i=28 i=37 i=40 i=45 i=46 i=47 i=49 i=256 i=290 i=291 i=294 i=884 i=887 i=7594 i=16307 i=17603 ns=2;i=6244 ns=1;i=3002 ns=1;i=3003 ns=1;i=3004 ns=1;i=3005 LevelDisplayMode Contains the values used to indicate how a percentual value is displayed if the stacklight unit works in Levelmeter mode. ns=1;i=6001 i=29 Uses dimming to display fractions. Uses blinking to display fractions. Display fractions in a way not defined in this version of the specification. EnumValues ns=1;i=3003 i=78 i=68 i=7616 0 Dimmed en Uses dimming to display fractions. i=7616 1 Blinking en Uses blinking to display fractions. i=7616 2 Other en Display fractions in a way not defined in this version of the specification. SignalColor Holds the possible colour values for stacklight lamps. ns=1;i=6007 i=29 Element is disabled. This value indicates a red lamp colour. This value indicates a green lamp colour. This value indicates a blue lamp colour. This value indicates a yellow lamp colour (R+G). This value indicates a purple lamp colour (R+B). This value indicates a cyan lamp colour (G+B). This value indicates a white lamp colour (R+G+B). EnumValues ns=1;i=3004 i=78 i=68 i=7616 0 Off en Element is disabled. i=7616 1 Red en This value indicates a red lamp colour. i=7616 2 Green en This value indicates a green lamp colour. i=7616 3 Blue en This value indicates a blue lamp colour. i=7616 4 Yellow en This value indicates a yellow lamp colour (R+G). i=7616 5 Purple en This value indicates a purple lamp colour (R+B). i=7616 6 Cyan en This value indicates a cyan lamp colour (G+B). i=7616 7 White en This value indicates a white lamp colour (R+G+B). SignalModeLight Contains the values used to indicate in what way a lamp behaves when switched on. ns=1;i=6008 i=29 This value indicates a continuous light. This value indicates a blinking light (blinking in regular intervals with equally long on and off times). This value indicates a flashing light (blinking in intervals with longer off times than on times, per interval multiple on times are possible). The light is handled in a way not defined in this version of the specification. EnumValues ns=1;i=3005 i=78 i=68 i=7616 0 Continuous en This value indicates a continuous light. i=7616 1 Blinking en This value indicates a blinking light (blinking in regular intervals with equally long on and off times). i=7616 2 Flashing en This value indicates a flashing light (blinking in intervals with longer off times than on times, per interval multiple on times are possible). i=7616 3 Other en The light is handled in a way not defined in this version of the specification. StacklightOperationMode Contains the values used to indicate how a stacklight (as a whole unit) is used. ns=1;i=6006 i=29 Stacklight is used as stack of individual lights Stacklight is used as level meter The whole stack acts as a running light Stacklight is used in a way not defined in this version of the specification EnumValues ns=1;i=3002 i=78 i=68 i=7616 0 Segmented en Stacklight is used as stack of individual lights i=7616 1 Levelmeter en Stacklight is used as level meter i=7616 2 Running_Light en The whole stack acts as a running light i=7616 3 Other en Stacklight is used in a way not defined in this version of the specification TypeDictionary Collects the data type descriptions of i=72 ns=1;i=6003 i=93 PG9wYzpUeXBlRGljdGlvbmFyeSB4bWxuczp4c2k9Imh0dHA6Ly93d3cudzMub3JnLzIwMDEvWE1MU2NoZ W1hLWluc3RhbmNlIiB4bWxuczp0bnM9Imh0dHA6Ly9vcGNmb3VuZGF0aW9uLm9yZy9VQS9JQ S8iIERlZmF1bHRCeXRlT3JkZXI9IkxpdHRsZUVuZGlhbiIgeG1sbnM6b3BjPSJodHRwOi8vb 3BjZm91bmRhdGlvbi5vcmcvQmluYXJ5U2NoZW1hLyIgeG1sbnM6dWE9Imh0dHA6Ly9vcGNmb 3VuZGF0aW9uLm9yZy9VQS8iIFRhcmdldE5hbWVzcGFjZT0iaHR0cDovL29wY2ZvdW5kYXRpb 24ub3JnL1VBL0lBLyI+CiA8b3BjOkltcG9ydCBOYW1lc3BhY2U9Imh0dHA6Ly9vcGNmb3VuZ GF0aW9uLm9yZy9VQS8iLz4KIDxvcGM6RW51bWVyYXRlZFR5cGUgTGVuZ3RoSW5CaXRzPSIzM iIgTmFtZT0iTGV2ZWxEaXNwbGF5TW9kZSI+CiAgPG9wYzpEb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uPkNvbnRha W5zIHRoZSB2YWx1ZXMgdXNlZCB0byBpbmRpY2F0ZSBob3cgYSBwZXJjZW50dWFsIHZhbHVlI GlzIGRpc3BsYXllZCBpZiB0aGUgc3RhY2tsaWdodCB1bml0IHdvcmtzIGluIExldmVsbWV0Z XIgbW9kZS48L29wYzpEb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uPgogIDxvcGM6RW51bWVyYXRlZFZhbHVlIE5hb WU9IkRpbW1lZCIgVmFsdWU9IjAiLz4KICA8b3BjOkVudW1lcmF0ZWRWYWx1ZSBOYW1lPSJCb Glua2luZyIgVmFsdWU9IjEiLz4KICA8b3BjOkVudW1lcmF0ZWRWYWx1ZSBOYW1lPSJPdGhlc iIgVmFsdWU9IjIiLz4KIDwvb3BjOkVudW1lcmF0ZWRUeXBlPgogPG9wYzpFbnVtZXJhdGVkV HlwZSBMZW5ndGhJbkJpdHM9IjMyIiBOYW1lPSJTaWduYWxDb2xvciI+CiAgPG9wYzpEb2N1b WVudGF0aW9uPkhvbGRzIHRoZSBwb3NzaWJsZSBjb2xvdXIgdmFsdWVzIGZvciBzdGFja2xpZ 2h0IGxhbXBzLjwvb3BjOkRvY3VtZW50YXRpb24+CiAgPG9wYzpFbnVtZXJhdGVkVmFsdWUgT mFtZT0iT2ZmIiBWYWx1ZT0iMCIvPgogIDxvcGM6RW51bWVyYXRlZFZhbHVlIE5hbWU9IlJlZ CIgVmFsdWU9IjEiLz4KICA8b3BjOkVudW1lcmF0ZWRWYWx1ZSBOYW1lPSJHcmVlbiIgVmFsd WU9IjIiLz4KICA8b3BjOkVudW1lcmF0ZWRWYWx1ZSBOYW1lPSJCbHVlIiBWYWx1ZT0iMyIvP gogIDxvcGM6RW51bWVyYXRlZFZhbHVlIE5hbWU9IlllbGxvdyIgVmFsdWU9IjQiLz4KICA8b 3BjOkVudW1lcmF0ZWRWYWx1ZSBOYW1lPSJQdXJwbGUiIFZhbHVlPSI1Ii8+CiAgPG9wYzpFb nVtZXJhdGVkVmFsdWUgTmFtZT0iQ3lhbiIgVmFsdWU9IjYiLz4KICA8b3BjOkVudW1lcmF0Z WRWYWx1ZSBOYW1lPSJXaGl0ZSIgVmFsdWU9IjciLz4KIDwvb3BjOkVudW1lcmF0ZWRUeXBlP gogPG9wYzpFbnVtZXJhdGVkVHlwZSBMZW5ndGhJbkJpdHM9IjMyIiBOYW1lPSJTaWduYWxNb 2RlTGlnaHQiPgogIDxvcGM6RG9jdW1lbnRhdGlvbj5Db250YWlucyB0aGUgdmFsdWVzIHVzZ WQgdG8gaW5kaWNhdGUgaW4gd2hhdCB3YXkgYSBsYW1wIGJlaGF2ZXMgd2hlbiBzd2l0Y2hlZ CBvbi48L29wYzpEb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uPgogIDxvcGM6RW51bWVyYXRlZFZhbHVlIE5hbWU9I kNvbnRpbnVvdXMiIFZhbHVlPSIwIi8+CiAgPG9wYzpFbnVtZXJhdGVkVmFsdWUgTmFtZT0iQ 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W9uTW9kZSI+CiAgPHhzOmFubm90YXRpb24+CiAgIDx4czpkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uPkNvbnRha W5zIHRoZSB2YWx1ZXMgdXNlZCB0byBpbmRpY2F0ZSBob3cgYSBzdGFja2xpZ2h0IChhcyBhI Hdob2xlIHVuaXQpIGlzIHVzZWQuPC94czpkb2N1bWVudGF0aW9uPgogIDwveHM6YW5ub3Rhd Glvbj4KICA8eHM6cmVzdHJpY3Rpb24gYmFzZT0ieHM6c3RyaW5nIj4KICAgPHhzOmVudW1lc mF0aW9uIHZhbHVlPSJTZWdtZW50ZWRfMCIvPgogICA8eHM6ZW51bWVyYXRpb24gdmFsdWU9I kxldmVsbWV0ZXJfMSIvPgogICA8eHM6ZW51bWVyYXRpb24gdmFsdWU9IlJ1bm5pbmdfTGlna HRfMiIvPgogICA8eHM6ZW51bWVyYXRpb24gdmFsdWU9Ik90aGVyXzMiLz4KICA8L3hzOnJlc 3RyaWN0aW9uPgogPC94czpzaW1wbGVUeXBlPgogPHhzOmVsZW1lbnQgdHlwZT0idG5zOlN0Y WNrbGlnaHRPcGVyYXRpb25Nb2RlIiBuYW1lPSJTdGFja2xpZ2h0T3BlcmF0aW9uTW9kZSIvP gogPHhzOmNvbXBsZXhUeXBlIG5hbWU9Ikxpc3RPZlN0YWNrbGlnaHRPcGVyYXRpb25Nb2RlI j4KICA8eHM6c2VxdWVuY2U+CiAgIDx4czplbGVtZW50IG1pbk9jY3Vycz0iMCIgbWF4T2Njd XJzPSJ1bmJvdW5kZWQiIHR5cGU9InRuczpTdGFja2xpZ2h0T3BlcmF0aW9uTW9kZSIgbmFtZ T0iU3RhY2tsaWdodE9wZXJhdGlvbk1vZGUiIG5pbGxhYmxlPSJ0cnVlIi8+CiAgPC94czpzZ XF1ZW5jZT4KIDwveHM6Y29tcGxleFR5cGU+CiA8eHM6ZWxlbWVudCB0eXBlPSJ0bnM6TGlzd E9mU3RhY2tsaWdodE9wZXJhdGlvbk1vZGUiIG5hbWU9Ikxpc3RPZlN0YWNrbGlnaHRPcGVyY XRpb25Nb2RlIiBuaWxsYWJsZT0idHJ1ZSIvPgo8L3hzOnNjaGVtYT4K NamespaceUri ns=1;i=6004 i=68 HasStatisticComponent References of this type link Variables managing statistical data either directly or indirectly to an Object or ObjectType implementing the IStatisticsType interface. i=47 StatisticComponentOf HasReferenceMeasurementInstrument Relates the source node to a reference measurement instrument, like for example a calibration target using a reference measurement instrument. i=32 ReferenceMeasurementInstrumentOf CalibrationValueType Represents the specific quantity and value (with engineering unit) that a calibration target provides for calibration of equipment. i=2365 ns=1;i=6057 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=2002 i=78 i=68 CapacityRangeType Represent a scale of calibration values. The value defines the range (lowest and highest value), and the resolution property the size of each step. i=2365 ns=1;i=6058 ns=1;i=6059 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=2003 i=78 i=68 Resolution i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=2003 AcousticSignalType Represents an acoustic signal. i=58 ns=1;i=6029 i=23513 ns=1;i=6028 AudioSample Contains the audio data, e.g. for devices capable of audio playback. ns=1;i=1009 i=63 i=80 NumberInList Enumerate the acoustic signals. Instances of StackElementAcousticType index into this number using the OperationMode Property. i=78 ns=1;i=1009 i=68 BaseCalibrationTargetCategoryType Abstract base type for categorizing calibration targets. Subtypes define the concrete categories. i=58 DynamicCalibrationTargetCategoryType Characterizes a calibration target to be used together with a measurement instrument, that determines the values to be calibrated. It can be a piece created during the normal production process or an item specifically created for calibration purposes. The calibration target represents an individual piece or item, that is, if a new piece should be used or item is created, a new Object of this ObjectType is created. ns=1;i=1014 OneTimeCalibrationTargetCategoryType Categorizes a calibration target to be used only once, for example because the calibration destroys the target. Typically, Objects of this ObjectType do not represent one individual calibration target, but a batch of calibration targets with the same characteristics. ns=1;i=1014 ReusableCalibrationTargetCategoryType Categorizes a calibration target to be reused several times. For example, a calibration target like a meter, that is bought specifically for calibration and not destroyed by an individual usage is of this category. ns=1;i=1014 ReusableDeviceCalibrationTargetCategoryType Categorizes a calibration target to be a reusable device that produces a certain environment like pressure that can be used for calibration. ns=1;i=1015 IStatisticsType Base interface for managing statistical data. i=17602 ns=1;i=7001 ns=1;i=6046 ResetStatistics Restarts all statistical data, including a reset of the StartTime to the current time. i=80 ns=1;i=1011 StartTime Indicates the point in time at which the collection of the statistical data has been started. i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=1011 IAggregateStatisticsType Base interface for managing statistical data that is not rolled over all data from the start of tracking the statistical data are considered, until the tracking gets reset. ns=1;i=1011 ns=1;i=6047 ResetCondition The reason and context for the reset of the statistics, which is done without a trigger from an OPC UA Client, like calling the ResetStatistics Method. ResetCondition is a vendor-specific, human readable string. ResetCondition is non-localized and might contain an expression that can be parsed by certain clients. Examples are: “AFTER 4 HOURS”, “AFTER 1000 ITEMS”, “OPERATOR”. “OPERATOR” means, that an operator resets the statistics on a local HMI. i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=1012 IRollingStatisticsType Base interface for managing statistical data that is rolled over, i.e. only a certain amount of data is considered for statistical data. ns=1;i=1011 ns=1;i=6048 ns=1;i=6049 WindowDuration The duration after the statistical data are rolled over. Only the data that were gathered during that duration are considered for the statistical data, even if the time intervals between the StartTime and the current time is longer. i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=1013 WindowNumberOfValues The number of values before the data gets rolled over. For the statistical data, only the data fitting into the number of values is considered, even if more data were gathered since StartTime. i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=1013 CalibrationTargetType Provides information about a calibration target. ns=1;i=5011 ns=1;i=5013 i=58 ns=1;i=6063 ns=1;i=5010 ns=1;i=6060 ns=1;i=6061 ns=1;i=5012 ns=1;i=6062 CalibrationTargetCategory Defines what category the calibration target is of. ns=1;i=1014 ns=1;i=1019 i=78 CalibrationTargetFeatures A folder containing information about the features of a calibration target, that is, what can be calibrated with the calibration target. ns=1;i=6064 ns=1;i=6066 ns=1;i=1019 i=61 i=78 <CalibrationValue> A calibration value indicates the value the calibration target provides for calibration and includes its quantity and engineering unit. ns=1;i=5013 ns=1;i=2002 ns=1;i=6065 i=11508 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6064 i=78 i=68 <CapacityRange> A capacity range indicates a range (low and high value) as well as a resolution, and thus defines a number of values the calibration target provides for calibration and includes the quantity and engineering unit. ns=1;i=5013 ns=1;i=2003 ns=1;i=6067 i=11508 ns=1;i=6068 EngineeringUnits ns=1;i=6066 i=78 i=68 Resolution i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=6066 CertificateUri Contains the Uri of a certificate of the calibration target, in case the calibration target is certified and the information available. Otherwise, the Property should be omitted. ns=1;i=1019 i=80 i=68 Identification Provides identification information. ns=1;i=6080 ns=1;i=6081 ns=1;i=6076 ns=1;i=6082 ns=1;i=6075 ns=2;i=1005 ns=1;i=6073 ns=1;i=1019 ns=2;i=15048 ns=2;i=15035 i=78 ns=1;i=6069 ns=1;i=6070 ns=1;i=6071 ns=1;i=6072 ns=1;i=6078 ns=1;i=6079 ns=1;i=6077 ns=1;i=6074 AssetId ns=1;i=5010 i=80 i=68 ComponentName ns=1;i=5010 i=80 i=68 DeviceClass ns=1;i=5010 i=80 i=68 DeviceManual ns=1;i=5010 i=80 i=68 DeviceRevision ns=1;i=5010 i=80 i=68 HardwareRevision ns=1;i=5010 i=80 i=68 Manufacturer ns=1;i=5010 i=80 i=68 ManufacturerUri ns=1;i=5010 i=80 i=68 Model ns=1;i=5010 i=80 i=68 ProductCode i=80 ns=1;i=5010 i=68 ProductInstanceUri i=80 ns=1;i=5010 i=68 RevisionCounter i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=5010 SerialNumber i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=5010 SoftwareRevision i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=5010 LastValidationDate Provides the date, the calibration target was validated the last time. If there is no specific validation date known, the date when the calibration target was bought or created should be used. ns=1;i=1019 i=80 i=68 NextValidationDate Provides the date, when the calibration target should be validated the next time. If this date is not known, the Property should be omitted. Note: Potentially the NextValidationDate is in the past, when the next validation did not take place. ns=1;i=1019 i=80 i=68 OperationalConditions A folder containing information about operational conditions of the calibration target. For example, it might provide in what ranges of humidity the calibration target can be operated. It might also provide correction information, for example, depending on the temperature the calibration values need to be corrected (in case of a length, the length might increase with high temperatures). If no operational conditions are provided, this folder should be omitted. i=61 ns=1;i=1019 i=80 Quality Provides the quality of the calibration target in percentage, this is, the value shall be between 0 and 100. 100 means the highest quality, 0 the lowest. The semantic of the quality is application-specific. i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=1019 ControlChannelType Used for control channels of single colour elements within a stack element (e.g. RGB elements would use three ControlChannels, one for each controllable colour). ns=1;i=6024 i=58 ns=1;i=6026 ns=1;i=6025 ns=1;i=6023 ChannelColor Indicates in what mode (continuously on, blinking, flashing) the channel operates when switched on. i=63 ns=1;i=1008 i=78 Intensity Shows the channel’s intensity, thus its brightness. The mandatory EURange Property of the Variable indicates the lowest and highest value and thereby allows to calculate the percentage represented by the value. The lowest value is interpreted as 0 percent, the highest is interpreted as 100 percent. i=2368 ns=1;i=6027 ns=1;i=1008 i=80 EURange ns=1;i=6026 i=78 i=68 SignalMode Contains a list of audio signals used by this acoustic stacklight element. i=63 i=78 ns=1;i=1008 SignalOn Indicates if the colour is switched on. i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=1008 BasicStacklightType Entry point to a stacklight containing elements of the stacklight as well as additional information valid for the whole unit. ns=1;i=5006 i=23518 ns=1;i=5001 ns=1;i=6009 ns=1;i=5005 <OrderedObject> Represent the stack elements (lamps and acoustic elements) the stacklight is composed of. The HasOrderedComponent Reference shall represent the ordering from the base of the stacklight. ns=1;i=1002 ns=1;i=6037 i=11508 ns=1;i=1005 NumberInList Enumerate the stacklight elements counting upwards beginning from the base of the stacklight. i=78 ns=1;i=5006 i=68 StackLevel Valid if the stacklight is used in “Levelmeter” StacklightMode. If so, the whole stack is controlled by a single percentual value. In this case, the SignalOn parameter of any stack element of StackElementLightType has no meaning. ns=1;i=6034 ns=1;i=6035 i=80 ns=1;i=1002 ns=1;i=1003 DisplayMode Indicates in what way the percentual value is displayed with the stacklight. i=63 ns=1;i=5001 i=78 LevelPercent Shows the percentual value the stacklight is representing. The mandatory EURange Property of the Variable indicates the lowest and highest value and thereby allows to calculate the percentage represented by the value. The lowest value is interpreted as 0 percent, the highest is interpreted as 100 percent. i=2368 ns=1;i=6036 ns=1;i=5001 i=78 EURange ns=1;i=6035 i=78 i=68 StacklightMode Shows in what way (stack of individual lights, level meter, running light) the stacklight unit is used. i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=1002 StackRunning Valid if the stacklight is used in “Running_Light” StacklightMode. i=80 ns=1;i=1002 ns=1;i=1004 StacklightType Entry point to a stacklight with the possibility to show the stacklight’s health status. ns=1;i=6038 ns=1;i=5007 ns=2;i=15051 ns=1;i=1002 DeviceHealth Contains the health status information of the stacklight. i=63 ns=1;i=1010 i=80 DeviceHealthAlarms Contains alarms of the stacklights providing more detailed information on the health of the stacklight. ns=1;i=1010 i=61 i=80 StackElementType Base class for elements in a stacklight. i=23513 ns=1;i=6014 ns=1;i=6015 ns=1;i=6013 i=58 IsPartOfBase Indicates, if the element is contained in the mounting base of the stacklight. All elements contained in the mounting base shall be at the beginning of the list of stack elements. ns=1;i=1005 i=80 i=68 NumberInList Enumerate the stacklight elements counting upwards beginning from the base of the stacklight. i=78 ns=1;i=1005 i=68 SignalOn Indicates if the signal emitted by the stack element is currently switched on or not. i=80 i=68 ns=1;i=1005 StackElementAcousticType Represents an acoustic element in a stacklight. ns=1;i=5003 ns=1;i=6021 ns=1;i=6020 ns=1;i=1005 AcousticSignals Contains a list of audio signals used by this acoustic stacklight element. ns=1;i=5004 ns=1;i=1007 i=78 i=23518 <OrderedObject> Represents an acoustic signal. ns=1;i=5003 ns=1;i=1009 i=11510 ns=1;i=6030 NumberInList Enumerate the acoustic signals. Instances of StackElementAcousticType index into this number using the OperationMode Property. i=78 ns=1;i=5004 i=68 Intensity Indicates the sound pressure level of the acoustic signal when switched on. This value shall only have positive values. The mandatory EURange Property of the Variable indicates the lowest and highest value and thereby allows to calculate the percentage represented by the value. The lowest value is interpreted as 0 percent, the highest is interpreted as 100 percent. i=2368 ns=1;i=6022 ns=1;i=1007 i=80 EURange ns=1;i=6021 i=78 i=68 OperationMode Indicates what signal of the list of AcousticSignalType nodes is played when the acoustic element is switched on. It shall contain an index into the NumberInList of the respective AcousticSignalType Object of AcousticSignals. i=63 i=78 ns=1;i=1007 StackElementLightType Represents a lamp element in a stacklight. ns=1;i=5002 ns=1;i=6018 ns=1;i=6016 ns=1;i=6017 ns=1;i=1005 <ControlChannel> The list of <ControlChannel> instances shows the control information for each independent colour channel of the stacked element. ns=1;i=1006 ns=1;i=6031 ns=1;i=1008 i=11508 ns=1;i=6032 ns=1;i=6033 ChannelColor Indicates in what mode (continuously on, blinking, flashing) the channel operates when switched on. i=63 ns=1;i=5002 i=78 SignalMode Contains a list of audio signals used by this acoustic stacklight element. i=63 i=78 ns=1;i=5002 SignalOn Indicates if the colour is switched on. i=78 i=68 ns=1;i=5002 Intensity Intensity of the lamp, thus its brightness. The mandatory EURange Property of the Variable indicates the lowest and highest value and thereby allows to calculate the percentage represented by the value. The lowest value is interpreted as 0 percent, the highest is interpreted as 100 percent. i=2368 ns=1;i=6019 ns=1;i=1006 i=80 EURange ns=1;i=6018 i=78 i=68 SignalColor Indicates the colour the lamp element has when switched on. i=63 i=80 ns=1;i=1006 SignalMode Shows in what way the lamp is used (continuous light, flashing, blinking) when switched on. i=63 i=80 ns=1;i=1006 StackLevelType Contains information relevant to a stacklight operating as a level meter. The whole stack is controlled by a percentual value. ns=1;i=6012 ns=1;i=6010 i=58 DisplayMode Indicates in what way the percentual value is displayed with the stacklight. i=63 ns=1;i=1003 i=78 LevelPercent Shows the percentual value the stacklight is representing. The mandatory EURange Property of the Variable indicates the lowest and highest value and thereby allows to calculate the percentage represented by the value. The lowest value is interpreted as 0 percent, the highest is interpreted as 100 percent. i=2368 ns=1;i=6011 ns=1;i=1003 i=78 EURange ns=1;i=6010 i=78 i=68 StackRunningType Contains information relevant to a stacklight operating as a running light. This base type does not define any specific information, but can be extended. i=58 ns=1;i=6039 i=11616 i=11715 ns=1;i=6040 ns=1;i=6041 ns=1;i=6042 ns=1;i=6043 ns=1;i=6044 ns=1;i=6045 IsNamespaceSubset ns=1;i=5008 i=68 false NamespacePublicationDate ns=1;i=5008 i=68 2021-07-31T00:00:00Z NamespaceUri ns=1;i=5008 i=68 NamespaceVersion ns=1;i=5008 i=68 1.01.0 StaticNodeIdTypes i=68 ns=1;i=5008 0 StaticNumericNodeIdRange i=68 ns=1;i=5008 StaticStringNodeIdPattern i=68 ns=1;i=5008