123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133 |
- ERR_PLMGR_VERS_CONFLICT : UINT := 20900; (*version conflict in the memory structure*)
- ERR_PLMGR_NOMEM : UINT := 20901; (*error allocating memory*)
- ERR_PLMGR_WRONG_DEVICE : UINT := 20903; (*incorrect device definition*)
- ERR_PLMGR_CONFIG_NOT_FOUND : UINT := 20904; (*configuration was not found*)
- ERR_PLMGR_ALREADY_CONFIGURATED : UINT := 20905; (*configuration already carried out*)
- ERR_PLMGR_NOT_IMPLEMENTED : UINT := 20906; (*desired function is not supported*)
- ERR_PLMGR_ILLEGAL_PARAMETER : UINT := 20908; (*invalid parameter given to the function*)
- ERR_PLMGR_WRONG_IDENT : UINT := 20911; (*incorrect or invalid ident given*)
- ERR_PLMGR_ERROR_ALLOC_STATION : UINT := 20913; (*station allocation failed*)
- ERR_PLMGR_ERROR_ALLOC_CHANNEL : UINT := 20914; (*allocating the non-cyclic communication channel failed*)
- ERR_PLMGR_ERROR_ALLOC_BUFFER : UINT := 20915; (*allocating the buffer failed*)
- ERR_PLMGR_CHANNEL_ALREADY_OPEN : UINT := 20916; (*non-cyclic communication channel is already open*)
- ERR_PLMGR_NO_FRAME_RECEIVED : UINT := 20917; (*no frame ready to be called*)
- ERR_PLMGR_FRAME_TOO_LONG : UINT := 20918; (*the frame to be sent is larger than the buffer used to transfer it*)
- ERR_PLMGR_WRITE_ACTIVE : UINT := 20919; (*previous write on this channel was not completed*)
- ERR_PLMGR_OFFSET_TO_HIGH : UINT := 20920; (*offset too large for ident*)
- ERR_PLMGR_NIL_POINTER : UINT := 20921; (*NIL pointer given as a parameter*)
- ERR_PLMGR_OVERFLOW : UINT := 20922; (*buffer overflow*)
- ERR_PLMGR_UNAVAILABLE_DATAPOINT : UINT := 20923; (*data point not available*)
- ERR_PLMGR_WRONG_TASKCLASS : UINT := 20924; (*incorrect task class*)
- ERR_PLMGR_STATION_NOT_ACTIVE : UINT := 20925; (*station not active*)
- ERR_PLMGR_TOO_MANY_INTERFACES : UINT := 20926; (*too many POWERLINK interfaces are configured*)
- ERR_PLMGR_BUS_CONFIGURED_TWICE : UINT := 20927; (*bus number configured twice*)
- ERR_PLMGR_SYNC_BY_SYSTEM : UINT := 20928; (*synchronization must take place using the system configuration*)
- ERR_PLMGR_SYNC_FAILED : UINT := 20929; (*synchronizing the task class system failed*)
- ERR_PLMGR_CONFIG_CONFLICT : UINT := 20930; (*IOTIMER device configuration failed (synchronization)*)
- ERR_PLMGR_NOT_IN_PRES : UINT := 20931; (*specified data point is not in the station's poll response frame and can therefore not be heard*)
- ERR_PLMGR_UNKNOWN_TYPE : UINT := 20932; (*datatype of data point not valid*)
- ERR_PLMGR_NO_PDO_MAPPING_DEFINED: UINT := 20933; (*no PDO mapping defined*)
- ERR_PLMGR_ALREADY_INITIALIZED : UINT := 20937; (*station already initialized*)
- ERR_PLMGR_INIT_NOT_FINISHED : UINT := 20938; (*initialization fo delayed station not finished yet*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_ERROR : UINT := 20950; (*error parsing the data point definition*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_END_EXPECTED : UINT := 20951; (*data point definition continues past an expected end*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_NO_PERCENT : UINT := 20952; (*no % at the beginning of the data point definition*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_NOT_IN_OR_OUT : UINT := 20953; (*direction specification in the data point definition is neither IN (I) nor OUT (Q)*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_INTERFACE : UINT := 20954; (*incorrect interface number*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_STATION : UINT := 20955; (*incorrect station number*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_MODUL : UINT := 20956; (*incorrect module number*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_SUBMODUL : UINT := 20957; (*invalid submodule or screw-in slot number*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_CHANNEL : UINT := 20958; (*incorrect channel number*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_BIT : UINT := 20959; (*incorrect bit number*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_TO_MANY_NUMBERS : UINT := 20960; (*too many numbers in the data point definition*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_NETTIME : UINT := 20961; (*incorrect data type or length for NETTIME*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_SLOT : UINT := 20962; (*incorrect slot number*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_SUBSLOT : UINT := 20963; (*incorrect subslot number*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_TRAILINGCHARS : UINT := 20964; (*characters follow a valid channel or device name*)
- ERR_PLMGR_PARSE_ARRAYSIZE : UINT := 20965; (*arraysize not valid*)
- ERR_PLMGR_WARNING_FW_UPDATE : UINT := 20980; (*firmware update executed for the station (in error logbook)*)
- ERR_PLMGR_HW_BOOTUP_FAILED : UINT := 20981; (*error when starting POWERLINK hardware (in error logbook)*)
- ERR_PLMGR_RECOMMEND_FW_UPDATE : UINT := 20982; (*update for the IF686 recommended; download the current plfif686.br file*)
- ERR_PLMGR_INTERNAL : UINT := 20997; (*internal error which should never occur (in error logbook)*)
- ERR_PLMGR_EXCEPTION : UINT := 20998; (*exception from POWERLINK hardware (in error logbook)*)
- ERR_PLMGR_NO_POWERLNK_LIBRARY : UINT := 20999; (*powerLnk library not loaded at this time*)
- plACTION_GET_NET_QUALITY : UDINT := 1; (*reads the connection quality*)
- plACTION_GET_IDENT : UDINT := 2; (*determines a station ID*)
- plACTION_START_SYNC_STATISTICS : UDINT := 3; (*switches on time measurement for synchronous task classes*)
- plACTION_STOP_SYNC_STATISTICS : UDINT := 4; (*switches off time measurement for synchronous task classes*)
- plACTION_GET_SYNC_STATISTICS : UDINT := 5; (*reads time measurement values for synchronous task classes*)
- plACTION_GET_FIRMWARE_VERSION : UDINT := 6; (*reads the firmware version from the POWERLINK hardware*)
- plACTION_DEVICE_TO_BUS_NR : UDINT := 7; (*derives the bus number from the device definition 'SLx.SSy.IFz'*)
- plACTION_GET_STATION_NUMBER : UDINT := 8; (*reads the station number of the local station into a UDINT variable*)
- plACTION_GET_IF_PARAMETERS : UDINT := 9; (*reads interface parameters for a POWERLINK interface to a PLSYSCONF_IF_typ structure*)
- plACTION_GET_STATIONFLAG : UDINT := 12; (*checks flag for a POWERLINK station*)
- plACTION_GET_STATION_HWVARIANT : UDINT := 13; (*reads the POWERLINK station hardware variant*)
- plACTION_GET_STATION_SHIFT : UDINT := 14; (*get cyclic cycle shift of multiplexed station to UDINT variable*)
- plACTION_GET_IF_CYCLE_TIME : UDINT := 15; (*reads the set POWERLINK cycle time in µs*)
- plACTION_GET_IF_PRESCALE : UDINT := 16; (*reads the set POWERLINK prescaler*)
- plACTION_GET_IF_MUXPRESCALE : UDINT := 17; (*reads the multiplexed prescaler*)
- plACTION_GET_IF_RSQUEUELAPCNT : UDINT := 18; (*get rs queue lap count to UDINT variable*)
- plACTION_GET_CROSSLINK_INFO : UDINT := 19; (*query the cross-communication information of an I/O data point*)
- plACTION_GET_DP_INFO : UDINT := 21; (*query the PDO information of an I/O data point*)
- plACTION_GET_PDO_INFO : UDINT := 22; (*query the PDO information of by Index/Subindex*)
- plACTION_SET_STATION_NUMBER : UDINT := 28; (*set node number of delayed iCN*)
- plDIRECTION_IN : USINT := 1; (*Direction "input" to PLC returned from plACTION_GET_PDO_INFO *)
- plDIRECTION_OUT : USINT := 2; (*Direction "output" from PLC returned from plACTION_GET_PDO_INFO *)
- plDIRECTION_XOUT : USINT := 3; (*Direction "crosslinked output" returned from plACTION_GET_PDO_INFO *)
- plMESSAGE_TYPE_PREQ : USINT := 3; (*MessageType "poll request" returned from plACTION_GET_PDO_INFO *)
- plMESSAGE_TYPE_PRES : USINT := 4; (*MessageType "poll response" returned from plACTION_GET_PDO_INFO *)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_READ_MASK : UINT := 16#00F0; (*mask which conceals the read conditions on non-cyclic RW channels*)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_READ_CLOSED : UINT := 16#0000; (*this non-cyclic channel is not open for read access*)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_READ_EMPTY : UINT := 16#0010; (*there are no messages on this non-cyclic channel to be picked up*)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_READ_READY : UINT := 16#0020; (*there are messages present to be picked up with plAcycRead() on this non-cyclic channel*)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_READ_WRONG : UINT := 16#00F0; (*outcome from AND connector between plSTATE_WRONG_IDENT and plSTATE_CHANNEL_READ_MASK*)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_WRITE_MASK : UINT := 16#0f00; (*mask which conceals the write conditions on non-cyclic RW channels*)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_WRITE_CLOSED : UINT := 16#0000; (*this non-cyclic channel is not open for write access*)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_WRITE_ACTIVE : UINT := 16#0200; (*current write access on this non-cyclic channel is being processed*)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_WRITE_OPEN : UINT := 16#0100; (*this non-cyclic channel is opened for write access, but none have taken place so far*)
- plSTATE_CHANNEL_WRITE_WRONG : UINT := 16#0f00; (*outcome from AND connector between plSTATE_WRONG_IDENT and plSTATE_CHANNEL_WRITE_MASK*)
- plSTATE_STATION_NONEXISTANT : UINT := 0; (*station was not previously addressed*)
- plSTATE_STATION_WAITING : UINT := 1; (*station picked up by the software but not yet reported to the bus*)
- plSTATE_STATION_OSDL : UINT := 2; (*new firmware has just been loaded to the station*)
- plSTATE_STATION_CONFIG : UINT := 3; (*station is online but no cyclic instructions have been carried out so far*)
- plSTATE_STATION_ACTIVATEING : UINT := 4; (*the station has just been activated*)
- plSTATE_STATION_ACTIVE : UINT := 5; (*station is online and cyclic copy instructions are carried out*)
- plSTATE_STATION_INACTIVE : UINT := 6; (*station no longer online although it had just been ACTIVE*)
- plSTATE_STATION_CHANGED : UINT := 7; (*the hardware configuration for the station was changed*)
- plSTATE_STATION_CFGFAILED : UINT := 8; (*the configuration of the station failed, and the option EPL_NoResetOnConfigFail is on. *)
- plSTATE_STATION_FAILED : UINT := 15; (*station configuration failed with a fatal error*)
- plSTATE_CE_WAITING : UINT := 1; (*copy entry is activated as soon as a station becomes active*)
- plSTATE_CE_ACTIVE : UINT := 2; (*copy entry active*)
- plSTATE_CE_INACTIVE : UINT := 3; (*copy entry was active but the station was inactive in the meantime*)
- plSTATE_CE_ERROR : UINT := 4; (*copy entry faulty, e.g. offset too large or module not present on this station*)
- plSTATE_WRONG_IDENT : UINT := 65535; (*return value which an incorrect ID is transferred*)
- plSYSCONF_STATIONFLAG_SLOW : USINT := 16#20; (*station is a multiplexed station*)
- plOPEN_MODE_READ : UDINT := 0; (*'read' mode for plAcycOpen()*)
- plOPEN_MODE_WRITE : UDINT := 1; (*'write' mode for plAcycOpen()*)
- plOPEN_MODE_RW : UDINT := 2; (*'read/write' mode for plAcycOpen()*)
- plOPEN_MODE_EPLV1 : UDINT := 16; (*no effect for V1 networks*)
- plOPEN_MODE_EPLV2 : UDINT := 32; (*allows aSend frames to be sent and received on this channel*)
- plOPEN_MODE_LENGTH : UDINT := 64; (*causes the length of the net data to be entered on the first 2 bytes for V2 frames as well*)
- plCE_TIMER_1 : SINT := -1; (*task class timer#2 for plCECreate()*)
- plCE_TIMER_2 : SINT := -2; (*task class timer#1 for plCECreate()*)
- plCE_CYCLIC_1 : SINT := 1; (*task class cyclic#1 for plCECreate()*)
- plCE_CYCLIC_2 : SINT := 2; (*task class cyclic#2 for plCECreate()*)
- plCE_CYCLIC_3 : SINT := 3; (*task class cyclic#3 for plCECreate()*)
- plCE_CYCLIC_4 : SINT := 4; (*task class cyclic#4 for plCECreate()*)
- plCE_CYCLIC_5 : SINT := 5; (*task class cyclic#5 for plCECreate()*)
- plCE_CYCLIC_6 : SINT := 6; (*task class cyclic#6 for plCECreate()*)
- plCE_CYCLIC_7 : SINT := 7; (*task class cyclic#7 for plCECreate()*)
- plCE_CYCLIC_8 : SINT := 8; (*task class cyclic#8 for plCECreate()*)