@@ -18,8 +18,197 @@ deletion. The following functions are present for all data types ``T``.
``void T_delete(T *ptr)``
Delete the content of the data type and the memory for the data type itself.
-Here's a small example for the UA_String data type. UA_String will be introduced
-in more detail later on, but you should be able to follow the example already.
+The builtin data types
+OPC UA defines 25 builtin data types. All other data types are combinations of
+the 25 builtin data types.
+A two-state logical value (true or false).
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef bool UA_Boolean;
+ #define UA_TRUE true
+ #define UA_FALSE false
+An integer value between -128 and 127.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef int8_t UA_SByte;
+An integer value between 0 and 256.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef uint8_t UA_Byte;
+An integer value between -32,768 and 32,767.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef int16_t UA_Int16;
+An integer value between 0 and 65,535.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef uint16_t UA_UInt16;
+An integer value between -2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef int32_t UA_Int32;
+An integer value between 0 and 4,294,967,295.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef uint32_t UA_UInt32;
+An integer value between -10,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef int64_t UA_Int64;
+An integer value between 0 and 18,446,744,073,709,551,615.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef uint64_t UA_UInt64;
+An IEEE single precision (32 bit) floating point value.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef float UA_Float;
+An IEEE double precision (64 bit) floating point value.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef double UA_Double;
+An instance in time. A DateTime value is encoded as a 64-bit signed integer
+which represents the number of 100 nanosecond intervals since January 1, 1601
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef UA_Int64 UA_DateTime;
+The following functions and definitions are used with UA_DateTime.
+.. code-block:: c
+ UA_DateTime UA_DateTime_now(void);
+ typedef struct UA_DateTimeStruct {
+ UA_UInt16 nanoSec;
+ UA_UInt16 microSec;
+ UA_UInt16 milliSec;
+ UA_UInt16 sec;
+ UA_UInt16 min;
+ UA_UInt16 hour;
+ UA_UInt16 day;
+ UA_UInt16 month;
+ UA_UInt16 year;
+ } UA_DateTimeStruct;
+ UA_DateTimeStruct UA_EXPORT UA_DateTime_toStruct(UA_DateTime time);
+ UA_String UA_EXPORT UA_DateTime_toString(UA_DateTime time);
+A 16 byte value that can be used as a globally unique identifier.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ UA_UInt32 data1;
+ UA_UInt16 data2;
+ UA_UInt16 data3;
+ UA_Byte data4[8];
+ } UA_Guid;
+The following functions and definitions are used with UA_Guid.
+.. code-block:: c
+ UA_Boolean UA_Guid_equal(const UA_Guid *g1, const UA_Guid *g2);
+ UA_Guid UA_Guid_random(UA_UInt32 *seed);
+A sequence of Unicode characters. See also the section :ref:`array-handling` for
+the usage of arrays in open62541.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ size_t length; // The length of the string
+ UA_Byte *data; // The string's content (not null-terminated)
+ } UA_String;
+The following functions and definitions are used with UA_String.
+.. code-block:: c
+ extern const UA_String UA_STRING_NULL;
+ UA_String UA_STRING(char *chars);
+ #define UA_STRING_ALLOC(CHARS) UA_String_fromChars(CHARS)
+ /** Copies the content on the heap. Returns a null-string when alloc fails */
+ UA_String UA_String_fromChars(char const src[]);
+ UA_Boolean UA_String_equal(const UA_String *s1, const UA_String *s2);
+Here's a small example for the usage of UA_String.
.. code-block:: c
@@ -44,63 +233,445 @@ in more detail later on, but you should be able to follow the example already.
UA_String_delete(s3); /* Free the string buffer and the string itself */
UA_String_deleteMembers(&s4); /* Again, delete only the string buffer */
-The builtin data types
-OPC UA defines 25 builtin data types. All other data types are combinations of
-the 25 builtin data types.
+A sequence of octets.
+.. code-block:: c
-Generic Data Type Handling
+ typedef UA_String UA_ByteString;
-All standard-defined types are described with an ``UA_DataType`` structure.
+An XML element.
-.. doxygenstruct:: UA_DataType
- :members:
+.. code-block:: c
-.. c:var:: const UA_DataType UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_COUNT]
+ typedef UA_String UA_XmlElement;
- The datatypes defined in the standard are stored in the ``UA_TYPES`` array.
- A typical function call is ``UA_Array_new(&data_ptr, 20, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_STRING])``.
-.. doxygenfunction:: UA_new
-.. doxygenfunction:: UA_init
-.. doxygenfunction:: UA_copy
-.. doxygenfunction:: UA_deleteMembers
-.. doxygenfunction:: UA_delete
+An identifier for a node in the address space of an OPC UA Server.
-For all datatypes, there are also macros with syntactic sugar over calling the
-generic functions with a pointer into the ``UA_TYPES`` array.
+.. code-block:: c
-.. c:function:: <typename>_new()
+ enum UA_NodeIdType {
+ UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC = 0, // On the wire, this can be 0, 1 or 2 (shortened numeric nodeids)
+ };
- Allocates the memory for the type and runs _init on the returned variable.
- Returns null if no memory could be allocated.
+ typedef struct {
+ UA_UInt16 namespaceIndex;
+ enum UA_NodeIdType identifierType;
+ union {
+ UA_UInt32 numeric;
+ UA_String string;
+ UA_Guid guid;
+ UA_ByteString byteString;
+ } identifier;
+ } UA_NodeId;
-.. c:function:: <typename>_init(<typename> *value)
+The following functions and definitions are used with UA_NodeId.
- Sets all members of the type to a default value, usually zero. Arrays (e.g.
- for strings) are set to a length of -1.
+.. code-block:: c
-.. c:function:: <typename>_copy(<typename> *src, <typename> *dst)
+ UA_Boolean UA_NodeId_isNull(const UA_NodeId *p);
- Copies a datatype. This performs a deep copy iterating over the members.
- Copying into variants with an external data source is not permitted. If
- copying fails, a deleteMembers is performed and an error code returned.
+ UA_Boolean UA_NodeId_equal(const UA_NodeId *n1, const UA_NodeId *n2);
-.. c:function:: <typename>_deleteMembers(<typename> *value)
+ extern const UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_NULL;
- Frees the memory of dynamically sized members of a datatype (e.g. arrays).
+ UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, UA_Int32 identifier);
-.. c:function:: <typename>_delete(<typename> *value)
+ UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_STRING(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars) {
- Frees the memory of the datatype and its dynamically allocated members.
+ UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_STRING_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars);
+ UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_GUID(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, UA_Guid guid);
+ UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_BYTESTRING(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars);
+ UA_NodeId UA_NODEID_BYTESTRING_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars);
+A NodeId that allows the namespace URI to be specified instead of an index.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ UA_NodeId nodeId;
+ UA_String namespaceUri;
+ UA_UInt32 serverIndex;
+ } UA_ExpandedNodeId;
+The following functions and definitions are used with UA_ExpandedNodeId.
+.. code-block:: c
+ UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_NUMERIC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, UA_Int32 identifier);
+ UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_STRING(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars);
+ UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_STRING_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars);
+ UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_STRING_GUID(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, UA_Guid guid);
+ UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_BYTESTRING(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars);
+ UA_ExpandedNodeId UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_BYTESTRING_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars);
+A name qualified by a namespace.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ UA_UInt16 namespaceIndex;
+ UA_String name;
+ } UA_QualifiedName;
+The following functions and definitions are used with UA_QualifiedName.
+.. code-block:: c
+ UA_QualifiedName UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, char *chars);
+ UA_QualifiedName UA_QUALIFIEDNAME_ALLOC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, const char *chars);
+Human readable text with an optional locale identifier.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ UA_String locale;
+ UA_String text;
+ } UA_LocalizedText;
+The following functions and definitions are used with UA_LocalizedText.
+.. code-block:: c
+ UA_LocalizedText UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(char *locale, char *text);
+ UA_LocalizedText UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ALLOC(const char *locale, const char *text);
+A structure that contains an application specific data type that may not be
+recognized by the receiver.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ enum {
+ UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED = 3, ///< There is a pointer to the decoded data
+ UA_EXTENSIONOBJECT_DECODED_NODELETE = 4 ///< Don't delete the decoded data at the lifecycle end
+ } encoding;
+ union {
+ struct {
+ UA_NodeId typeId; ///< The nodeid of the datatype
+ UA_ByteString body; ///< The bytestring of the encoded data
+ } encoded;
+ struct {
+ const UA_DataType *type;
+ void *data;
+ } decoded;
+ } content;
+ } UA_ExtensionObject;
+Stores (arrays of) any data type. Please see section :ref:`generic-handling` for
+the usage of UA_DataType. The semantics of the arrayLength field is explained in
+section :ref:`array-handling`.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ const UA_DataType *type; // The data type description
+ enum {
+ UA_VARIANT_DATA, /* The data has the same lifecycle as the variant */
+ UA_VARIANT_DATA_NODELETE, /* The data is "borrowed" by the variant and shall not be
+ deleted at the end of the variant's lifecycle. */
+ } storageType;
+ size_t arrayLength; // The number of elements in the data array
+ void *data; // Points to the scalar or array data
+ size_t arrayDimensionsSize; // The number of dimensions the data-array has
+ UA_UInt32 *arrayDimensions; // The length of each dimension of the data-array
+ } UA_Variant;
+ /* NumericRanges are used to indicate subsets of a (multidimensional) variant
+ * array. NumericRange has no official type structure in the standard. On the
+ * wire, it only exists as an encoded string, such as "1:2,0:3,5". The colon
+ * separates min/max index and the comma separates dimensions. A single value
+ * indicates a range with a single element (min==max). */
+ typedef struct {
+ size_t dimensionsSize;
+ struct UA_NumericRangeDimension {
+ UA_UInt32 min;
+ UA_UInt32 max;
+ } *dimensions;
+ } UA_NumericRange;
+The following functions and definitions are used with UA_Variant.
+.. code-block:: c
+ /**
+ * Returns true if the variant contains a scalar value. Note that empty
+ * variants contain an array of length -1 (undefined).
+ *
+ * @param v The variant
+ * @return Does the variant contain a scalar value.
+ */
+ UA_Boolean UA_Variant_isScalar(const UA_Variant *v);
+ /**
+ * Set the variant to a scalar value that already resides in memory. The value
+ * takes on the lifecycle of the variant and is deleted with it.
+ *
+ * @param v The variant
+ * @param p A pointer to the value data
+ * @param type The datatype of the value in question
+ */
+ UA_Variant_setScalar(UA_Variant *v, void * UA_RESTRICT p, const UA_DataType *type);
+ /**
+ * Set the variant to a scalar value that is copied from an existing variable.
+ *
+ * @param v The variant
+ * @param p A pointer to the value data
+ * @param type The datatype of the value
+ * @return Indicates whether the operation succeeded or returns an error code
+ */
+ UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_setScalarCopy(UA_Variant *v, const void *p, const UA_DataType *type);
+ /**
+ * Set the variant to an array that already resides in memory. The array takes
+ * on the lifecycle of the variant and is deleted with it.
+ *
+ * @param v The variant
+ * @param array A pointer to the array data
+ * @param arraySize The size of the array
+ * @param type The datatype of the array
+ */
+ void UA_Variant_setArray(UA_Variant *v, void * UA_RESTRICT array,
+ size_t arraySize, const UA_DataType *type);
+ /**
+ * Set the variant to an array that is copied from an existing array.
+ *
+ * @param v The variant
+ * @param array A pointer to the array data
+ * @param arraySize The size of the array
+ * @param type The datatype of the array
+ * @return Indicates whether the operation succeeded or returns an error code
+ */
+ UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_setArrayCopy(UA_Variant *v, const void *array,
+ size_t arraySize, const UA_DataType *type);
+ /**
+ * Copy the variant, but use only a subset of the (multidimensional) array
+ * into a variant. Returns an error code if the variant is not an array or if
+ * the indicated range does not fit.
+ *
+ * @param src The source variant
+ * @param dst The target variant
+ * @param range The range of the copied data
+ * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD or an error code
+ */
+ UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_copyRange(const UA_Variant *src, UA_Variant *dst,
+ const UA_NumericRange range);
+ /**
+ * Insert a range of data into an existing variant. The data array can't be
+ * reused afterwards if it contains types without a fixed size (e.g. strings)
+ * since the members are moved into the variant and take on its lifecycle.
+ *
+ * @param v The variant
+ * @param dataArray The data array. The type must match the variant
+ * @param dataArraySize The length of the data array. This is checked to match the range size.
+ * @param range The range of where the new data is inserted
+ * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD or an error code
+ */
+ UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_setRange(UA_Variant *v, void * UA_RESTRICT array,
+ size_t arraySize, const UA_NumericRange range);
+ /**
+ * Deep-copy a range of data into an existing variant.
+ *
+ * @param v The variant
+ * @param dataArray The data array. The type must match the variant
+ * @param dataArraySize The length of the data array. This is checked to match the range size.
+ * @param range The range of where the new data is inserted
+ * @return Returns UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD or an error code
+ */
+ UA_StatusCode UA_Variant_setRangeCopy(UA_Variant *v, const void *array,
+ size_t arraySize, const UA_NumericRange range);
+A data value with an associated status code and timestamps.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ UA_Boolean hasValue : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasStatus : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasSourceTimestamp : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasServerTimestamp : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasSourcePicoseconds : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasServerPicoseconds : 1;
+ UA_Variant value;
+ UA_StatusCode status;
+ UA_DateTime sourceTimestamp;
+ UA_Int16 sourcePicoseconds;
+ UA_DateTime serverTimestamp;
+ UA_Int16 serverPicoseconds;
+ } UA_DataValue;
+A structure that contains detailed error and diagnostic information associated
+with a StatusCode.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct UA_DiagnosticInfo {
+ UA_Boolean hasSymbolicId : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasNamespaceUri : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasLocalizedText : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasLocale : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasAdditionalInfo : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasInnerStatusCode : 1;
+ UA_Boolean hasInnerDiagnosticInfo : 1;
+ UA_Int32 symbolicId;
+ UA_Int32 namespaceUri;
+ UA_Int32 localizedText;
+ UA_Int32 locale;
+ UA_String additionalInfo;
+ UA_StatusCode innerStatusCode;
+ struct UA_DiagnosticInfo *innerDiagnosticInfo;
+ } UA_DiagnosticInfo;
+.. _generic-handling:
+Generic Data Type Handling
+All standard-defined data types are described with an ``UA_DataType`` structure.
+In addition to the 25 builtin data types, OPC UA defines many more. But they are
+mere combinations of the builtin data types. We handle all types in a unified
+way by storing their internal structure. So it is not necessary to define
+specialized functions for all additional types.
+The ``UA_TYPES`` array contains the description of every standard-defined data
+.. code-block:: c
+ extern const UA_DataType UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_COUNT];
+The following is an excerpt from ``ua_types_generated.h`` with the definition of
+OPC UA read requests. This file is auto-generated from the XML-description of
+the OPC UA data types that is part of the ISO/IEC 62541 standard.
+.. code-block:: c
+ typedef struct {
+ UA_RequestHeader requestHeader;
+ UA_Double maxAge;
+ UA_TimestampsToReturn timestampsToReturn;
+ size_t nodesToReadSize;
+ UA_ReadValueId *nodesToRead;
+ } UA_ReadRequest;
+ static UA_INLINE void UA_ReadRequest_init(UA_ReadRequest *p) {
+ memset(p, 0, sizeof(UA_ReadRequest)); }
+ static UA_INLINE void UA_ReadRequest_delete(UA_ReadRequest *p) {
+ static UA_INLINE void UA_ReadRequest_deleteMembers(UA_ReadRequest *p) {
+ UA_deleteMembers(p, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READREQUEST]); }
+ static UA_INLINE UA_ReadRequest * UA_ReadRequest_new(void) {
+ return (UA_ReadRequest*) UA_new(&UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READREQUEST]); }
+ static UA_INLINE UA_StatusCode
+ UA_ReadRequest_copy(const UA_ReadRequest *src, UA_ReadRequest *dst) {
+ return UA_copy(src, dst, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_READREQUEST]); }
+.. _array-handling:
Array Handling
-.. doxygenfunction:: UA_Array_new
-.. doxygenfunction:: UA_Array_copy
-.. doxygenfunction:: UA_Array_delete
+In OPC UA, all arrays can be undefined, have length 0 or a positive length. In
+data structures, all arrays are represented by a ``size_t`` length field and an
+appropriate pointer directly afterwards. In order to distinguish between
+undefined and length-zero arrays, we define the following.
+.. code-block:: c
+ #define UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL ((void*)0x01)
+- size == 0 and data == NULL: The array is undefined
+- size == 0 and data == ``UA_EMPTY_ARRAY_SENTINEL``: The array has length 0
+- size > 0: The array at the given memory address has the given size
+The following functions are defined for array handling.
+.. code-block:: c
+ /**
+ * Allocates and initializes an array of variables of a specific type
+ *
+ * @param size The requested array length
+ * @param type The datatype description
+ * @return Returns the memory location of the variable or (void*)0 if no memory could be allocated
+ */
+ void * UA_Array_new(size_t size, const UA_DataType *type);
+ /**
+ * Allocates and copies an array. dst is set to (void*)0 if not enough memory is available.
+ *
+ * @param src The memory location of the source array
+ * @param src_size The size of the array
+ * @param dst The location of the pointer to the new array
+ * @param type The datatype of the array members
+ * @return Returns whether copying succeeded
+ */
+ UA_StatusCode UA_Array_copy(const void *src, size_t src_size, void **dst,
+ const UA_DataType *type);
+ /**
+ * Deletes an array.
+ *
+ * @param p The memory location of the array
+ * @param size The size of the array
+ * @param type The datatype of the array members
+ */
+ void UA_Array_delete(void *p, size_t size, const UA_DataType *type);