@@ -19,10 +19,12 @@
import sys
import xml.dom.minidom as dom
from ua_constants import *
-from logger import *
+import logging
from time import strftime, strptime
from open62541_MacroHelper import open62541_MacroHelper
+logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def getNextElementNode(xmlvalue):
if xmlvalue == None:
return None
@@ -60,7 +62,7 @@ class opcua_value_t():
'qualifiedname', 'expandednodeid', 'xmlelement']
self.dataType = None
self.encodingRule = []
def getValueFieldByAlias(self, fieldname):
if not isinstance(self.value, list):
return None
@@ -70,7 +72,7 @@ class opcua_value_t():
if val.alias() == fieldname:
return val.value
return None
def setEncodingRule(self, encoding):
self.encodingRule = encoding
@@ -161,19 +163,19 @@ class opcua_value_t():
t = opcua_BuiltinType_xmlelement_t(self.parent)
- log(self, "No class representing stringName " + stringName + " was found. Cannot create builtinType.")
+ logger.debug("No class representing stringName " + stringName + " was found. Cannot create builtinType.")
return None
return t
def parseXML(self, xmlvalue):
- log(self, "parsing xmlvalue for " + self.parent.browseName() + " (" + str(self.parent.id()) + ") according to " + str(self.parent.dataType().target().getEncoding()))
+ logger.debug("parsing xmlvalue for " + self.parent.browseName() + " (" + str(self.parent.id()) + ") according to " + str(self.parent.dataType().target().getEncoding()))
if not "value" in xmlvalue.tagName.lower():
- log(self, "Expected <Value> , but found " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. Value will not be parsed.", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected <Value> , but found " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. Value will not be parsed.")
if len(xmlvalue.childNodes) == 0:
- log(self, "Expected childnodes for value, but none where found... Value will not be parsed.", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected childnodes for value, but none where found... Value will not be parsed.")
for n in xmlvalue.childNodes:
@@ -190,7 +192,7 @@ class opcua_value_t():
self.value = [self.__parseXMLSingleValue(xmlvalue)]
- log(self, "Parsed Value: " + str(self.value))
+ logger.debug( "Parsed Value: " + str(self.value))
def __parseXMLSingleValue(self, xmlvalue, alias=None, encodingPart=None):
# Parse an encoding list such as enc = [[Int32], ['Duration', ['DateTime']]],
@@ -216,7 +218,7 @@ class opcua_value_t():
# 0: 'BuiltinType'
if alias != None:
if not xmlvalue.tagName == alias:
- log(self, "Expected XML element with tag " + alias + " but found " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML element with tag " + alias + " but found " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead")
return None
t = self.getTypeByString(enc[0], enc)
@@ -225,7 +227,7 @@ class opcua_value_t():
return t
if not self.isBuiltinByString(xmlvalue.tagName):
- log(self, "Expected XML describing builtin type " + enc[0] + " but found " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML describing builtin type " + enc[0] + " but found " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead")
t = self.getTypeByString(enc[0], enc)
@@ -253,29 +255,29 @@ class opcua_value_t():
# Consider moving this ExtensionObject specific parsing into the
# builtin type and only determining the multipart type at this stage.
if not xmlvalue.tagName == "ExtensionObject":
- log(self, "Expected XML tag <ExtensionObject> for multipart type, but found " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead.", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML tag <ExtensionObject> for multipart type, but found " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead.")
return None
extobj = opcua_BuiltinType_extensionObject_t(self.parent)
etype = xmlvalue.getElementsByTagName("TypeId")
if len(etype) == 0:
- log(self, "Did not find <TypeId> for ExtensionObject", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Did not find <TypeId> for ExtensionObject")
return None
etype = etype[0].getElementsByTagName("Identifier")
if len(etype) == 0:
- log(self, "Did not find <Identifier> for ExtensionObject", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Did not find <Identifier> for ExtensionObject")
return None
etype = self.parent.getNamespace().getNodeByIDString(etype[0].firstChild.data)
if etype == None:
- log(self, "Identifier Node not found in namespace" , LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Identifier Node not found in namespace" )
return None
ebody = xmlvalue.getElementsByTagName("Body")
if len(ebody) == 0:
- log(self, "Did not find <Body> for ExtensionObject", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Did not find <Body> for ExtensionObject")
return None
ebody = ebody[0]
@@ -284,11 +286,11 @@ class opcua_value_t():
if not ebodypart.nodeType == ebodypart.ELEMENT_NODE:
ebodypart = getNextElementNode(ebodypart)
if ebodypart == None:
- log(self, "Expected ExtensionObject to hold a variable of type " + str(self.parent.dataType().target().browseName()) + " but found nothing.", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected ExtensionObject to hold a variable of type " + str(self.parent.dataType().target().browseName()) + " but found nothing.")
return None
if not ebodypart.tagName == self.parent.dataType().target().browseName():
- log(self, "Expected ExtensionObject to hold a variable of type " + str(self.parent.dataType().target().browseName()) + " but found " + str(ebodypart.tagName) + " instead.", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected ExtensionObject to hold a variable of type " + str(self.parent.dataType().target().browseName()) + " but found " + str(ebodypart.tagName) + " instead.")
return None
@@ -296,7 +298,7 @@ class opcua_value_t():
if not ebodypart.nodeType == ebodypart.ELEMENT_NODE:
ebodypart = getNextElementNode(ebodypart)
if ebodypart == None:
- log(self, "Description of dataType " + str(self.parent.dataType().target().browseName()) + " in ExtensionObject is empty/invalid.", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Description of dataType " + str(self.parent.dataType().target().browseName()) + " in ExtensionObject is empty/invalid.")
return None
extobj.value = []
@@ -304,7 +306,7 @@ class opcua_value_t():
if not ebodypart == None:
extobj.value.append(extobj.__parseXMLSingleValue(ebodypart, alias=None, encodingPart=e))
- log(self, "Expected encoding " + str(e) + " but found none in body.", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected encoding " + str(e) + " but found none in body.")
ebodypart = getNextElementNode(ebodypart)
return extobj
@@ -348,27 +350,27 @@ class opcua_value_t():
return code
if not isinstance(self.value[0], opcua_value_t):
return code
if self.parent.valueRank() != -1 and (self.parent.valueRank() >=0 or (len(self.value) > 1 and (self.parent.valueRank() != -2 or self.parent.valueRank() != -3))):
# User the following strategy for all directly mappable values a la 'UA_Type MyInt = (UA_Type) 23;'
if self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_GUID:
- log(self, "Don't know how to print array of GUID in node " + str(self.parent.id()), LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Don't know how to print array of GUID in node " + str(self.parent.id()))
elif self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_DATETIME:
- log(self, "Don't know how to print array of DateTime in node " + str(self.parent.id()), LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Don't know how to print array of DateTime in node " + str(self.parent.id()))
elif self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_DIAGNOSTICINFO:
- log(self, "Don't know how to print array of DiagnosticInfo in node " + str(self.parent.id()), LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Don't know how to print array of DiagnosticInfo in node " + str(self.parent.id()))
elif self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_STATUSCODE:
- log(self, "Don't know how to print array of StatusCode in node " + str(self.parent.id()), LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Don't know how to print array of StatusCode in node " + str(self.parent.id()))
if self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_EXTENSIONOBJECT:
for v in self.value:
- log(self, "Building extObj array index " + str(self.value.index(v)))
+ logger.debug("Building extObj array index " + str(self.value.index(v)))
code = code + v.printOpen62541CCode_SubType_build(arrayIndex=self.value.index(v))
#code.append("attr.value.type = &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_" + self.value[0].stringRepresentation.upper() + "];")
code.append("UA_" + self.value[0].stringRepresentation + " " + valueName + "[" + str(len(self.value)) + "];")
if self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_EXTENSIONOBJECT:
for v in self.value:
- log(self, "Printing extObj array index " + str(self.value.index(v)))
+ logger.debug("Printing extObj array index " + str(self.value.index(v)))
code.append(valueName + "[" + str(self.value.index(v)) + "] = " + v.printOpen62541CCode_SubType(asIndirect=False) + ";")
code.append("UA_free(" + v.printOpen62541CCode_SubType() + ");")
@@ -379,13 +381,13 @@ class opcua_value_t():
# User the following strategy for all directly mappable values a la 'UA_Type MyInt = (UA_Type) 23;'
if self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_GUID:
- log(self, "Don't know how to print scalar GUID in node " + str(self.parent.id()), LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Don't know how to print scalar GUID in node " + str(self.parent.id()))
elif self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_DATETIME:
- log(self, "Don't know how to print scalar DateTime in node " + str(self.parent.id()), LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Don't know how to print scalar DateTime in node " + str(self.parent.id()))
elif self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_DIAGNOSTICINFO:
- log(self, "Don't know how to print scalar DiagnosticInfo in node " + str(self.parent.id()), LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Don't know how to print scalar DiagnosticInfo in node " + str(self.parent.id()))
elif self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_STATUSCODE:
- log(self, "Don't know how to print scalar StatusCode in node " + str(self.parent.id()), LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Don't know how to print scalar StatusCode in node " + str(self.parent.id()))
# The following strategy applies to all other types, in particular strings and numerics.
if self.value[0].__binTypeId__ == BUILTINTYPE_TYPEID_EXTENSIONOBJECT:
@@ -433,16 +435,16 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_extensionObject_t(opcua_value_t):
code = [""]
codegen = open62541_MacroHelper();
- log(self, "Building extensionObject for " + str(self.parent.id()))
- log(self, "Value " + str(self.value))
- log(self, "Encoding " + str(self.getEncodingRule()))
+ logger.debug("Building extensionObject for " + str(self.parent.id()))
+ logger.debug("Value " + str(self.value))
+ logger.debug("Encoding " + str(self.getEncodingRule()))
self.setCodeInstanceName(recursionDepth, arrayIndex)
# If there are any ExtensionObjects instide this ExtensionObject, we need to
# generate one-time-structs for them too before we can proceed;
for subv in self.value:
if isinstance(subv, list):
- log(self, "ExtensionObject contains an ExtensionObject, which is currently not encodable!", LOG_LEVEL_ERR)
+ logger.debug("ExtensionObject contains an ExtensionObject, which is currently not encodable!", LOG_LEVEL_ERR)
code.append("struct {")
for field in self.getEncodingRule():
@@ -463,7 +465,7 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_extensionObject_t(opcua_value_t):
for subv in self.value:
encField = self.getEncodingRule()[encFieldIdx]
encFieldIdx = encFieldIdx + 1;
- log(self, "Encoding of field " + subv.alias() + " is " + str(subv.getEncodingRule()) + "defined by " + str(encField))
+ logger.debug("Encoding of field " + subv.alias() + " is " + str(subv.getEncodingRule()) + "defined by " + str(encField))
# Check if this is an array
if encField[2] == 0:
code.append(self.getCodeInstanceName()+"_struct."+subv.alias() + " = " + subv.printOpen62541CCode_SubType(asIndirect=False) + ";")
@@ -472,10 +474,10 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_extensionObject_t(opcua_value_t):
# this is an array
code.append(self.getCodeInstanceName()+"_struct."+subv.alias() + "Size = " + str(len(subv)) + ";")
code.append(self.getCodeInstanceName()+"_struct."+subv.alias()+" = (UA_" + subv.stringRepresentation + " *) UA_malloc(sizeof(UA_" + subv.stringRepresentation + ")*"+ str(len(subv))+");")
- log(self, "Encoding included array of " + str(len(subv)) + " values.")
+ logger.debug("Encoding included array of " + str(len(subv)) + " values.")
for subvidx in range(0,len(subv)):
subvv = subv[subvidx]
- log(self, " " + str(subvix) + " " + str(subvv))
+ logger.debug(" " + str(subvix) + " " + str(subvv))
code.append(self.getCodeInstanceName()+"_struct."+subv.alias() + "[" + str(subvidx) + "] = " + subvv.printOpen62541CCode_SubType(asIndirect=True) + ";")
@@ -537,32 +539,32 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_localizedtext_t(opcua_value_t):
# <LocalizedText> or </AliasName>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
if self.alias() != None:
- log(self, "Neither locale nor text in XML description field " + self.alias() + ". Setting to default ['en_US','']")
+ logger.debug("Neither locale nor text in XML description field " + self.alias() + ". Setting to default ['en_US','']")
- log(self, "Neither locale nor text in XML description. Setting to default ['en_US','']")
+ logger.debug("Neither locale nor text in XML description. Setting to default ['en_US','']")
self.value = ['en_US','']
self.value = []
tmp = xmlvalue.getElementsByTagName("Locale")
if len(tmp) == 0:
- log(self, "Did not find a locale. Setting to en_US per default.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Did not find a locale. Setting to en_US per default.")
if tmp[0].firstChild == None:
- log(self, "Locale tag without contents. Setting to en_US per default.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Locale tag without contents. Setting to en_US per default.")
@@ -574,11 +576,11 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_localizedtext_t(opcua_value_t):
tmp = xmlvalue.getElementsByTagName("Text")
if len(tmp) == 0:
- log(self, "Did not find a Text. Setting to empty string per default.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Did not find a Text. Setting to empty string per default.")
if tmp[0].firstChild == None:
- log(self, "Text tag without content. Setting to empty string per default.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Text tag without content. Setting to empty string per default.")
@@ -599,10 +601,10 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_expandednodeid_t(opcua_value_t):
def parseXML(self, xmlvalue):
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
- log(self, "Not implemented", LOG_LEVEL_ERR)
+ logger.debug("Not implemented", LOG_LEVEL_ERR)
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
#FIXME! This one is definetely broken!
@@ -623,19 +625,19 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_nodeid_t(opcua_value_t):
# </Identifier>
# </NodeId> or </Alias>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <NodeId />
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None :
- log(self, "No value is given, which is illegal for Node Types...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("No value is given, which is illegal for Node Types...")
self.value = None
# Check if there is an <Identifier> tag
@@ -643,7 +645,7 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_nodeid_t(opcua_value_t):
xmlvalue = xmlvalue.getElementsByTagName("Identifier")[0]
self.value = self.parent.getNamespace().getNodeByIDString(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
if self.value == None:
- log(self, "Node with id " + str(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data)) + " was not found in namespace.", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Node with id " + str(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data)) + " was not found in namespace.")
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
if self.value == None:
@@ -654,10 +656,10 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_nodeid_t(opcua_value_t):
elif nodeId.s != None:
return "UA_NODEID_STRING(" + str(nodeId.ns) + ", " + str(nodeId.s) + ")"
elif nodeId.b != None:
- log(self, "NodeID Generation macro for bytestrings has not been implemented.")
+ logger.debug("NodeID Generation macro for bytestrings has not been implemented.")
return "UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0,0)"
elif nodeId.g != None:
- log(self, "NodeID Generation macro for guids has not been implemented.")
+ logger.debug("NodeID Generation macro for guids has not been implemented.")
return "UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0,0)"
return "UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0,0)"
@@ -673,19 +675,19 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_datetime_t(opcua_value_t):
# 2013-08-13T21:00:05.0000L
# </DateTime> or </AliasName>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <DateTime /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None :
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default now()")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default now()")
self.value = strptime(strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%S"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%S")
timestr = unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data)
@@ -699,7 +701,7 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_datetime_t(opcua_value_t):
self.value = strptime(timestr, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S")
- log(self, "Timestring format is illegible. Expected 2001-01-30T21:22:23, but got " + timestr + " instead. Time will be defaultet to now()", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Timestring format is illegible. Expected 2001-01-30T21:22:23, but got " + timestr + " instead. Time will be defaultet to now()")
self.value = strptime(strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%S"), "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%S")
class opcua_BuiltinType_qualifiedname_t(opcua_value_t):
@@ -715,19 +717,19 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_qualifiedname_t(opcua_value_t):
# <Name>SomeString<Name> # Speculation: Manditory if NamespaceIndex is given, omitted otherwise?
# </QualifiedName> or </AliasName>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <Qalified /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None :
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default empty string in ns=0: [0, '']")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default empty string in ns=0: [0, '']")
self.value = [0, '']
# Is a namespace index passed?
@@ -737,10 +739,10 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_qualifiedname_t(opcua_value_t):
if len(xmlvalue.getElementsByTagName("Name")) != 0:
- log(self, "No name is specified, will default to empty string")
+ logger.debug("No name is specified, will default to empty string")
- log(self, "No namespace is specified, will default to 0")
+ logger.debug("No namespace is specified, will default to 0")
self.value = [0]
@@ -757,9 +759,9 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_statuscode_t(opcua_value_t):
def parseXML(self, xmlvalue):
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
- log(self, "Not implemented", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Not implemented")
class opcua_BuiltinType_diagnosticinfo_t(opcua_value_t):
def setStringReprentation(self):
@@ -770,9 +772,9 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_diagnosticinfo_t(opcua_value_t):
def parseXML(self, xmlvalue):
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
- log(self, "Not implemented", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Not implemented")
class opcua_BuiltinType_guid_t(opcua_value_t):
def setStringReprentation(self):
@@ -783,19 +785,19 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_guid_t(opcua_value_t):
def parseXML(self, xmlvalue):
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <Guid /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = [0,0,0,0]
self.value = unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data)
@@ -808,11 +810,11 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_guid_t(opcua_value_t):
tmp.append(int("0x"+g, 16))
- log(self, "Invalid formatting of Guid. Expected {01234567-89AB-CDEF-ABCD-0123456789AB}, got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Invalid formatting of Guid. Expected {01234567-89AB-CDEF-ABCD-0123456789AB}, got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
self.value = [0,0,0,0,0]
ok = False
if len(tmp) != 5:
- log(self, "Invalid formatting of Guid. Expected {01234567-89AB-CDEF-ABCD-0123456789AB}, got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Invalid formatting of Guid. Expected {01234567-89AB-CDEF-ABCD-0123456789AB}, got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
self.value = [0,0,0,0]
ok = False
self.value = tmp
@@ -828,19 +830,19 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_boolean_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <Boolean>value</Boolean> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <Boolean /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = "false"
if "false" in unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data).lower():
@@ -862,25 +864,25 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_byte_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <Byte>value</Byte> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <Byte /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0
self.value = int(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -896,25 +898,25 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_sbyte_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <SByte>value</SByte> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <SByte /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0
self.value = int(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -930,25 +932,25 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_int16_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <Int16>value</Int16> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <Int16 /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0
self.value = int(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -964,25 +966,25 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_uint16_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <UInt16>value</UInt16> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <UInt16 /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0
self.value = int(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -998,25 +1000,25 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_int32_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <Int32>value</Int32> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <Int32 /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0
self.value = int(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -1032,25 +1034,25 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_uint32_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <UInt32>value</UInt32> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <UInt32 /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0
self.value = int(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -1067,20 +1069,20 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_int64_t(opcua_value_t):
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <Int64 /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0
self.value = int(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -1096,25 +1098,25 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_uint64_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <UInt16>value</UInt16> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <UInt64 /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0
self.value = int(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -1130,25 +1132,25 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_float_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <Float>value</Float> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <Float /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0.0
self.value = float(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -1164,25 +1166,25 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_double_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <Double>value</Double> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <Double /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = 0.0
self.value = float(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
- log(self, "Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data), LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Error parsing integer. Expected " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
def printOpen62541CCode_SubType(self, asIndirect=True):
return "(UA_" + self.stringRepresentation + ") " + str(self.value)
@@ -1203,19 +1205,19 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_string_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <String>value</String> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <String /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = ""
self.value = str(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
@@ -1246,19 +1248,19 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_bytestring_t(opcua_value_t):
# Expect <ByteString>value</ByteString> or
# <Aliasname>value</Aliasname>
if xmlvalue == None or xmlvalue.nodeType != xmlvalue.ELEMENT_NODE:
- log(self, "Expected XML Element, but got junk...", LOG_LEVEL_ERROR)
+ logger.error("Expected XML Element, but got junk...")
if self.alias() != None:
if not self.alias() == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected an aliased XML field called " + self.alias() + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
if not self.stringRepresentation == xmlvalue.tagName:
- log(self, "Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.", LOG_LEVEL_WARN)
+ logger.warn("Expected XML field " + self.stringRepresentation + " but got " + xmlvalue.tagName + " instead. This is a parsing error of opcua_value_t.__parseXMLSingleValue(), will try to continue anyway.")
# Catch XML <ByteString /> by setting the value to a default
if xmlvalue.firstChild == None:
- log(self, "No value is given. Setting to default 0")
+ logger.debug("No value is given. Setting to default 0")
self.value = ""
self.value = str(unicode(xmlvalue.firstChild.data))
@@ -1268,7 +1270,7 @@ class opcua_BuiltinType_bytestring_t(opcua_value_t):
for line in self.value:
bs = bs + str(line).replace("\n","");
outs = bs
- log(self, "Encoded Bytestring: " + outs, LOG_LEVEL_DEBUG)
+ logger.debug("Encoded Bytestring: " + outs)
# bs = bs.decode('base64')
# outs = ""
# for s in bs: