Julius Pfrommer пре 11 година
3 измењених фајлова са 249 додато и 215 уклоњено
  1. 220 167
  2. 28 46
  3. 1 2

+ 220 - 167

@@ -2,13 +2,32 @@
 #include <string.h>
 #include <stdio.h>
+static hash_t hash_string(const UA_Byte * data, UA_Int32 len);
+static hash_t hash(const UA_NodeId * n);
+static unsigned int higher_prime_index(unsigned long n);
+static inline hash_t mod_1(hash_t x, hash_t y, hash_t inv, int shift);
+static inline hash_t mod(hash_t hash, const namespace * ns);
+static inline hash_t htab_mod_m2(hash_t hash, const namespace * ns);
+static inline void clear_slot(namespace * ns, ns_entry * slot);
+static void clear_ns(namespace * ns);
+static UA_Int32 find_slot(const namespace * ns, ns_entry ** slot, const UA_NodeId * nodeid);
+static ns_entry *find_empty_slot(const namespace * ns, hash_t hash);
+static UA_Int32 expand(namespace * ns);
+/* /\* We store UA_MethodNode_Callback instead of UA_MethodNode in the namespace. Pointer casting to */
+/*    UA_MethodNode is possible since pointers point to the first element anyway. *\/ */
+/* typedef struct UA_MethodNode_Callback_T { */
+/* 	UA_MethodNode *method_node; */
+/* 	 UA_Int32(*method_callback) (UA_list_List * input_args, UA_list_List * output_args); */
+/* } UA_MethodNode_Callback; */
 UA_Int32 init_tc(transaction_context * tc) {
-	return UA_list_init((UA_list_List*) tc);
+	return UA_list_init((UA_list_List *) tc);
-/* The central data structure is a hash-map of UA_Node objects.
-   Entry lookup via Algorithm D from Knuth's TAOCP (no linked lists here).
-   Table of primes and mod-functions are from libiberty (licensed under LGPL) */
+/* The central data structure is a hash-map of UA_Node objects. Entry lookup via Algorithm D from
+   Knuth's TAOCP (no linked lists here). Table of primes and mod-functions are from libiberty
+   (licensed under LGPL) */
 struct prime_ent {
 	hash_t prime;
@@ -18,54 +37,57 @@ struct prime_ent {
 static struct prime_ent const prime_tab[] = {
-  {          7, 0x24924925, 0x9999999b, 2 },
-  {         13, 0x3b13b13c, 0x745d1747, 3 },
-  {         31, 0x08421085, 0x1a7b9612, 4 },
-  {         61, 0x0c9714fc, 0x15b1e5f8, 5 },
-  {        127, 0x02040811, 0x0624dd30, 6 },
-  {        251, 0x05197f7e, 0x073260a5, 7 },
-  {        509, 0x01824366, 0x02864fc8, 8 },
-  {       1021, 0x00c0906d, 0x014191f7, 9 },
-  {       2039, 0x0121456f, 0x0161e69e, 10 },
-  {       4093, 0x00300902, 0x00501908, 11 },
-  {       8191, 0x00080041, 0x00180241, 12 },
-  {      16381, 0x000c0091, 0x00140191, 13 },
-  {      32749, 0x002605a5, 0x002a06e6, 14 },
-  {      65521, 0x000f00e2, 0x00110122, 15 },
-  {     131071, 0x00008001, 0x00018003, 16 },
-  {     262139, 0x00014002, 0x0001c004, 17 },
-  {     524287, 0x00002001, 0x00006001, 18 },
-  {    1048573, 0x00003001, 0x00005001, 19 },
-  {    2097143, 0x00004801, 0x00005801, 20 },
-  {    4194301, 0x00000c01, 0x00001401, 21 },
-  {    8388593, 0x00001e01, 0x00002201, 22 },
-  {   16777213, 0x00000301, 0x00000501, 23 },
-  {   33554393, 0x00001381, 0x00001481, 24 },
-  {   67108859, 0x00000141, 0x000001c1, 25 },
-  {  134217689, 0x000004e1, 0x00000521, 26 },
-  {  268435399, 0x00000391, 0x000003b1, 27 },
-  {  536870909, 0x00000019, 0x00000029, 28 },
-  { 1073741789, 0x0000008d, 0x00000095, 29 },
-  { 2147483647, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 30 },
-  /* Avoid "decimal constant so large it is unsigned" for 4294967291.  */
-  { 0xfffffffb, 0x00000006, 0x00000008, 31 }
+	{7, 0x24924925, 0x9999999b, 2},
+	{13, 0x3b13b13c, 0x745d1747, 3},
+	{31, 0x08421085, 0x1a7b9612, 4},
+	{61, 0x0c9714fc, 0x15b1e5f8, 5},
+	{127, 0x02040811, 0x0624dd30, 6},
+	{251, 0x05197f7e, 0x073260a5, 7},
+	{509, 0x01824366, 0x02864fc8, 8},
+	{1021, 0x00c0906d, 0x014191f7, 9},
+	{2039, 0x0121456f, 0x0161e69e, 10},
+	{4093, 0x00300902, 0x00501908, 11},
+	{8191, 0x00080041, 0x00180241, 12},
+	{16381, 0x000c0091, 0x00140191, 13},
+	{32749, 0x002605a5, 0x002a06e6, 14},
+	{65521, 0x000f00e2, 0x00110122, 15},
+	{131071, 0x00008001, 0x00018003, 16},
+	{262139, 0x00014002, 0x0001c004, 17},
+	{524287, 0x00002001, 0x00006001, 18},
+	{1048573, 0x00003001, 0x00005001, 19},
+	{2097143, 0x00004801, 0x00005801, 20},
+	{4194301, 0x00000c01, 0x00001401, 21},
+	{8388593, 0x00001e01, 0x00002201, 22},
+	{16777213, 0x00000301, 0x00000501, 23},
+	{33554393, 0x00001381, 0x00001481, 24},
+	{67108859, 0x00000141, 0x000001c1, 25},
+	{134217689, 0x000004e1, 0x00000521, 26},
+	{268435399, 0x00000391, 0x000003b1, 27},
+	{536870909, 0x00000019, 0x00000029, 28},
+	{1073741789, 0x0000008d, 0x00000095, 29},
+	{2147483647, 0x00000003, 0x00000007, 30},
+	/* Avoid "decimal constant so large it is unsigned" for 4294967291.  */
+	{0xfffffffb, 0x00000006, 0x00000008, 31}
-UA_Int32 create_ns(namespace **result, uint32_t size) {
+UA_Int32 create_ns(namespace ** result, uint32_t size) {
 	namespace *ns = UA_NULL;
 	uint32_t sizePrimeIndex = higher_prime_index(size);
 	size = prime_tab[sizePrimeIndex].prime;
-	if (UA_alloc((void **)&ns, sizeof(namespace)) != UA_SUCCESS) return UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
-	if (UA_alloc((void **)&ns->entries, sizeof(ns_entry) * size) != UA_SUCCESS) {
+	if(UA_alloc((void **)&ns, sizeof(namespace)) != UA_SUCCESS)
+		return UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
+	if(UA_alloc((void **)&ns->entries, sizeof(ns_entry) * size) != UA_SUCCESS) {
 		return UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
-    /* set entries to zero	
-	ns->entries[i].lock = UA_NUll;
-	ns->entries[i].node = UA_NULL; */
+	/**
+	   set entries to zero:
+	   ns->entries[i].lock = UA_NUll;
+	   ns->entries[i].node = UA_NULL;
+	*/
 	memset(ns->entries, 0, size * sizeof(ns_entry));
 	ns->size = size;
@@ -75,246 +97,279 @@ UA_Int32 create_ns(namespace **result, uint32_t size) {
 	return UA_SUCCESS;
-void empty_ns(namespace *ns) {
+void empty_ns(namespace * ns) {
 	/* Downsize the table.  */
-	if (ns->size > 1024*1024 / sizeof (ns_entry)) {
-		int nindex = higher_prime_index (1024 / sizeof (ns_entry));
+	if(ns->size > 1024 * 1024 / sizeof(ns_entry)) {
+		int nindex = higher_prime_index(1024 / sizeof(ns_entry));
 		int nsize = prime_tab[nindex].prime;
-		UA_alloc((void **)&ns->entries, sizeof(ns_entry) * nsize); //FIXME: Check return value
+		UA_alloc((void **)&ns->entries, sizeof(ns_entry) * nsize);	// FIXME: Check return value
 		ns->size = nsize;
 		ns->sizePrimeIndex = nindex;
 /* This function frees all memory allocated for a namespace */
-void delete_ns (namespace *ns) {
+void delete_ns(namespace * ns) {
-UA_Int32 insert_node(namespace *ns, UA_Node *node) {
-	if(ns->size * 3 <= ns->count*4) {
+UA_Int32 insert_node(namespace * ns, UA_Node * node) {
+	if(ns->size * 3 <= ns->count * 4) {
 		if(expand(ns) != UA_SUCCESS)
 			return UA_ERROR;
 	hash_t h = hash(&node->nodeId);
 	ns_entry *slot = find_empty_slot(ns, h);
-	if (UA_alloc((void **)&slot->lock, sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t)) != UA_SUCCESS)
+	if(UA_alloc((void **)&slot->lock, sizeof(pthread_rwlock_t)) != UA_SUCCESS)
 		return UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
-	pthread_rwlock_init((pthread_rwlock_t *)slot->lock, NULL);
+	pthread_rwlock_init((pthread_rwlock_t *) slot->lock, NULL);
 	slot->node = node;
 	return UA_SUCCESS;
-UA_Int32 get_node(namespace const *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, UA_Node const ** result, ns_lock ** lock) {
+UA_Int32 get_node(namespace const *ns, const UA_NodeId * nodeid, UA_Node const **result,
+				  ns_lock ** lock) {
 	ns_entry *slot;
-	if(find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS) return UA_ERROR;
+	if(find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS)
+		return UA_ERROR;
-	if(pthread_rwlock_rdlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)slot->lock) != 0) return UA_ERROR;
+	if(pthread_rwlock_rdlock((pthread_rwlock_t *) slot->lock) != 0)
+		return UA_ERROR;
 	*lock = slot->lock;
 	*result = slot->node;
 	return UA_SUCCESS;
-UA_Int32 get_writable_node(const namespace *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, UA_Node **result, ns_lock ** lock) {
+UA_Int32 get_writable_node(const namespace * ns, const UA_NodeId * nodeid, UA_Node ** result,
+						   ns_lock ** lock) {
 	ns_entry *slot;
-	if(find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS) return UA_ERROR;
+	if(find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS)
+		return UA_ERROR;
-	if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)slot->lock) != 0) return UA_ERROR;
+	if(pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *) slot->lock) != 0)
+		return UA_ERROR;
 	*lock = slot->lock;
 	*result = slot->node;
 	return UA_SUCCESS;
-static inline void release_context_walker(void * lock) { pthread_rwlock_unlock(lock); }
+static inline void release_context_walker(void *lock) {
+	pthread_rwlock_unlock(lock);
-UA_Int32 get_tc_node(namespace *ns, transaction_context *tc, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, UA_Node ** const result, ns_lock ** lock) {
+UA_Int32 get_tc_node(namespace * ns, transaction_context * tc, const UA_NodeId * nodeid,
+					 UA_Node ** const result, ns_lock ** lock) {
 	ns_entry *slot;
-	if(find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS) return UA_ERROR;
+	if(find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS)
+		return UA_ERROR;
-	if(pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)slot->lock) != 0) {
+	if(pthread_rwlock_tryrdlock((pthread_rwlock_t *) slot->lock) != 0) {
 		/* Transaction failed. Release all acquired locks and bail out. */
-		UA_list_destroy((UA_list_List*) tc, release_context_walker);
+		UA_list_destroy((UA_list_List *) tc, release_context_walker);
 		return UA_ERROR;
-	UA_list_addPayloadToBack((UA_list_List*) tc, slot->lock);
+	UA_list_addPayloadToBack((UA_list_List *) tc, slot->lock);
 	*lock = slot->lock;
 	*result = slot->node;
 	return UA_SUCCESS;
-UA_Int32 get_tc_writable_node(namespace *ns, transaction_context *tc, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, UA_Node **result, ns_lock ** lock) {
+UA_Int32 get_tc_writable_node(namespace * ns, transaction_context * tc, const UA_NodeId * nodeid,
+							  UA_Node ** result, ns_lock ** lock) {
 	ns_entry *slot;
-	if(find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS) return UA_ERROR;
+	if(find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS)
+		return UA_ERROR;
-	if(pthread_rwlock_trywrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)slot->lock) != 0) {
+	if(pthread_rwlock_trywrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *) slot->lock) != 0) {
 		/* Transaction failed. Release all acquired locks and bail out. */
-		UA_list_destroy((UA_list_List*) tc, release_context_walker);
+		UA_list_destroy((UA_list_List *) tc, release_context_walker);
 		return UA_ERROR;
-	UA_list_addPayloadToBack((UA_list_List*) tc, slot->lock);
+	UA_list_addPayloadToBack((UA_list_List *) tc, slot->lock);
 	*lock = slot->lock;
 	*result = slot->node;
 	return UA_SUCCESS;
-void delete_node(namespace *ns, UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
+void delete_node(namespace * ns, UA_NodeId * nodeid) {
 	ns_entry *slot;
-	if (find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS)
+	if(find_slot(ns, &slot, nodeid) != UA_SUCCESS)
 	// TODO: Check if deleting the node makes the namespace inconsistent.
 	clear_slot(ns, slot);
 	/* Downsize the hashmap if it is very empty */
-	if(ns->count*8 < ns->size && ns->size > 32)
+	if(ns->count * 8 < ns->size && ns->size > 32)
-/* Hashing inspired by code from from
-   http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/hash.html, licensed under the LGPL 2.1 */
+/* Hashing inspired by code from from http://www.azillionmonkeys.com/qed/hash.html, licensed under
+   the LGPL 2.1 */
 #undef get16bits
-#if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)) || defined(__WATCOMC__) || defined(_MSC_VER) || defined (__BORLANDC__) || defined (__TURBOC__)
+#if (defined(__GNUC__) && defined(__i386__)) || defined(__WATCOMC__) || \
+	defined(_MSC_VER) || defined (__BORLANDC__) || defined (__TURBOC__)
 #define get16bits(d) (*((const uint16_t *) (d)))
 #if !defined (get16bits)
-#define get16bits(d) ((((uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(d))[1])) << 8) +(uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(d))[0]) )
+#define get16bits(d) ((((uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(d))[1])) << 8) + \
+					  (uint32_t)(((const uint8_t *)(d))[0]) )
-static hash_t hash_string (const UA_Byte * data, UA_Int32 len) {
+static hash_t hash_string(const UA_Byte * data, UA_Int32 len) {
 	hash_t hash = len;
 	hash_t tmp;
 	int rem;
-    if (len <= 0 || data == UA_NULL) return 0;
+	if(len <= 0 || data == UA_NULL)
+		return 0;
-    rem = len & 3;
-    len >>= 2;
+	rem = len & 3;
+	len >>= 2;
-    /* Main loop */
-    for (;len > 0; len--) {
-        hash  += get16bits (data);
-        tmp    = (get16bits (data+2) << 11) ^ hash;
-        hash   = (hash << 16) ^ tmp;
-        data  += 2*sizeof (uint16_t);
-        hash  += hash >> 11;
-    }
+	/* Main loop */
+	for(; len > 0; len--) {
+		hash += get16bits(data);
+		tmp = (get16bits(data + 2) << 11) ^ hash;
+		hash = (hash << 16) ^ tmp;
+		data += 2 * sizeof(uint16_t);
+		hash += hash >> 11;
+	}
-    /* Handle end cases */
-    switch (rem) {
-	case 3: hash += get16bits (data);
+	/* Handle end cases */
+	switch (rem) {
+	case 3:
+		hash += get16bits(data);
 		hash ^= hash << 16;
-		hash ^= ((signed char)data[sizeof (uint16_t)]) << 18;
+		hash ^= ((signed char)data[sizeof(uint16_t)]) << 18;
 		hash += hash >> 11;
-	case 2: hash += get16bits (data);
+	case 2:
+		hash += get16bits(data);
 		hash ^= hash << 11;
 		hash += hash >> 17;
-	case 1: hash += (signed char)*data;
+	case 1:
+		hash += (signed char)*data;
 		hash ^= hash << 10;
 		hash += hash >> 1;
-    }
+	}
-    /* Force "avalanching" of final 127 bits */
-    hash ^= hash << 3;
-    hash += hash >> 5;
-    hash ^= hash << 4;
-    hash += hash >> 17;
-    hash ^= hash << 25;
-    hash += hash >> 6;
+	/* Force "avalanching" of final 127 bits */
+	hash ^= hash << 3;
+	hash += hash >> 5;
+	hash ^= hash << 4;
+	hash += hash >> 17;
+	hash ^= hash << 25;
+	hash += hash >> 6;
-    return hash;
+	return hash;
-static hash_t hash(const UA_NodeId *n) {
+static hash_t hash(const UA_NodeId * n) {
 	switch (n->encodingByte) {
-		return (n->identifier.numeric * 2654435761) % 2^32; // Knuth's multiplicative hashing
+		return (n->identifier.numeric * 2654435761) % 2 ^ 32;	// Knuth's multiplicative hashing
 		return hash_string(n->identifier.string.data, n->identifier.string.length);
-		return hash_string((UA_Byte*) &(n->identifier.guid), sizeof(UA_Guid));
+		return hash_string((UA_Byte *) & (n->identifier.guid), sizeof(UA_Guid));
-		return hash_string((UA_Byte*) n->identifier.byteString.data, n->identifier.byteString.length);
+		return hash_string((UA_Byte *) n->identifier.byteString.data,
+						   n->identifier.byteString.length);
 		return 0;
-/* The following function returns an index into the above table of the nearest prime number which is greater than N, and near a power of two. */
-static unsigned int higher_prime_index (unsigned long n) {
+/* The following function returns an index into the above table of the nearest prime number which
+   is greater than N, and near a power of two. */
+static unsigned int higher_prime_index(unsigned long n) {
 	unsigned int low = 0;
 	unsigned int high = sizeof(prime_tab) / sizeof(prime_tab[0]);
-	while (low != high) {
+	while(low != high) {
 		unsigned int mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
-		if (n > prime_tab[mid].prime)
+		if(n > prime_tab[mid].prime)
 			low = mid + 1;
 			high = mid;
 	/* if (n > prime_tab[low].prime) */
-	/* 	abort ();  */
+	/* abort (); */
 	return low;
 /* Return X % Y. */
-static inline hash_t mod_1 (hash_t x, hash_t y, hash_t inv, int shift) {
-	/* The multiplicative inverses computed above are for 32-bit types, and requires that we are able to compute a highpart multiply.  */
+static inline hash_t mod_1(hash_t x, hash_t y, hash_t inv, int shift) {
+	/* The multiplicative inverses computed above are for 32-bit types, and requires that we are
+	   able to compute a highpart multiply.  */
 	__extension__ typedef UNSIGNED_64BIT_TYPE ull;
-	if (sizeof (hash_t) * CHAR_BIT <= 32) {
+	if(sizeof(hash_t) * CHAR_BIT <= 32) {
 		hash_t t1, t2, t3, t4, q, r;
-		t1 = ((ull)x * inv) >> 32;
+		t1 = ((ull) x * inv) >> 32;
 		t2 = x - t1;
 		t3 = t2 >> 1;
 		t4 = t1 + t3;
-		q  = t4 >> shift;
-		r  = x - (q * y);
+		q = t4 >> shift;
+		r = x - (q * y);
 		return r;
-	return x % y; /* Otherwise just use the native division routines.  */
+	return x % y;	/* Otherwise just use the native division routines.  */
-static inline hash_t mod (hash_t h, const namespace *ns) {
+static inline hash_t mod(hash_t h, const namespace * ns) {
 	const struct prime_ent *p = &prime_tab[ns->sizePrimeIndex];
-	return mod_1 (h, p->prime, p->inv, p->shift);
+	return mod_1(h, p->prime, p->inv, p->shift);
-static inline hash_t mod_m2 (hash_t h, const namespace *ns) {
+static inline hash_t mod_m2(hash_t h, const namespace * ns) {
 	const struct prime_ent *p = &prime_tab[ns->sizePrimeIndex];
-	return 1 + mod_1 (h, p->prime - 2, p->inv_m2, p->shift);
+	return 1 + mod_1(h, p->prime - 2, p->inv_m2, p->shift);
-static inline void clear_slot(namespace *ns, ns_entry *slot) {
+static inline void clear_slot(namespace * ns, ns_entry * slot) {
 	if(slot->node == UA_NULL)
-	pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *) slot->lock); /* Get write lock. */
+	pthread_rwlock_wrlock((pthread_rwlock_t *) slot->lock);	/* Get write lock. */
-	switch(slot->node->nodeClass) {
+	switch (slot->node->nodeClass) {
 		UA_ObjectNode_delete((UA_ObjectNode *) slot->node);
@@ -343,22 +398,24 @@ static inline void clear_slot(namespace *ns, ns_entry *slot) {
 	slot->node = UA_NULL;
-	pthread_rwlock_destroy((pthread_rwlock_t *)slot->lock);
+	pthread_rwlock_destroy((pthread_rwlock_t *) slot->lock);
 /* Delete all entries */
-static void clear_ns(namespace *ns) {
+static void clear_ns(namespace * ns) {
 	uint32_t size = ns->size;
 	ns_entry *entries = ns->entries;
-	for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
+	for(uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++)
 		clear_slot(ns, &entries[i]);
 	ns->count = 0;
-static UA_Int32 find_slot (const namespace *ns, ns_entry **slot, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
+static UA_Int32 find_slot(const namespace * ns, ns_entry ** slot, const UA_NodeId * nodeid) {
 	hash_t h = hash(nodeid);
 	hash_t index, hash2;
 	uint32_t size;
@@ -368,71 +425,68 @@ static UA_Int32 find_slot (const namespace *ns, ns_entry **slot, const UA_NodeId
 	index = mod(h, ns);
 	entry = &ns->entries[index];
-	if (entry == UA_NULL)
+	if(entry == UA_NULL)
 		return UA_ERROR;
-	if (UA_NodeId_compare(&entry->node->nodeId, nodeid) == UA_EQUAL) {
+	if(UA_NodeId_compare(&entry->node->nodeId, nodeid) == UA_EQUAL) {
 		*slot = entry;
 		return UA_SUCCESS;
 	hash2 = mod_m2(h, ns);
-	for (;;) {
+	for(;;) {
 		index += hash2;
-		if (index >= size)
+		if(index >= size)
 			index -= size;
 		entry = &ns->entries[index];
-		if (entry == UA_NULL)
+		if(entry == UA_NULL)
 			return UA_ERROR;
-		if (UA_NodeId_compare(&entry->node->nodeId, nodeid) == UA_EQUAL) {
+		if(UA_NodeId_compare(&entry->node->nodeId, nodeid) == UA_EQUAL) {
 			*slot = entry;
 			return UA_SUCCESS;
-    }
+	}
 	return UA_SUCCESS;
-UA_Int32 iterate_ns (const namespace *ns, node_visitor visitor) {
+UA_Int32 iterate_ns(const namespace * ns, node_visitor visitor) {
 	uint32_t i;
-	for (i=0;i<ns->size;i++) {
-		ns_entry* entry = &ns->entries[i];
-		if (entry != UA_NULL && visitor != UA_NULL)
+	for(i = 0; i < ns->size; i++) {
+		ns_entry *entry = &ns->entries[i];
+		if(entry != UA_NULL && visitor != UA_NULL)
-    }
+	}
 	return UA_SUCCESS;
-/* Always returns an empty slot. This is inevitable if the entries are not
-   completely full. */
-static ns_entry * find_empty_slot(const namespace *ns, hash_t h) {
+/* Always returns an empty slot. This is inevitable if the entries are not completely full. */
+static ns_entry *find_empty_slot(const namespace * ns, hash_t h) {
 	hash_t index = mod(h, ns);
 	uint32_t size = ns->size;
 	ns_entry *slot = &ns->entries[index];
-	if (slot->node == UA_NULL)
+	if(slot->node == UA_NULL)
 		return slot;
 	hash_t hash2 = mod_m2(h, ns);
-	for (;;) {
+	for(;;) {
 		index += hash2;
-		if (index >= size)
+		if(index >= size)
 			index -= size;
 		slot = &ns->entries[index];
-		if (slot->node == UA_NULL)
+		if(slot->node == UA_NULL)
 			return slot;
 	return UA_NULL;
-/* The following function changes size of memory allocated for the entries and
-   repeatedly inserts the table elements. The occupancy of the table after the
-   call will be about 50%. Naturally the hash table must already exist. Remember
-   also that the place of the table entries is changed. If memory allocation
-   failures are allowed, this function will return zero, indicating that the
-   table could not be expanded. If all goes well, it will return a non-zero
-   value. */
-static UA_Int32 expand (namespace *ns) {
+/* The following function changes size of memory allocated for the entries and repeatedly inserts
+   the table elements. The occupancy of the table after the call will be about 50%. Naturally the
+   hash table must already exist. Remember also that the place of the table entries is changed. If
+   memory allocation failures are allowed, this function will return zero, indicating that the
+   table could not be expanded. If all goes well, it will return a non-zero value. */
+static UA_Int32 expand(namespace * ns) {
 	ns_entry *nentries;
 	int32_t nsize;
 	uint32_t nindex;
@@ -443,14 +497,14 @@ static UA_Int32 expand (namespace *ns) {
 	int32_t count = ns->count;
 	/* Resize only when table after removal of unused elements is either too full or too empty.  */
-	if (count * 2 < osize && (count * 8 > osize || osize <= 32)) {
+	if(count * 2 < osize && (count * 8 > osize || osize <= 32)) {
 		return UA_SUCCESS;
-	nindex = higher_prime_index (count * 2);
+	nindex = higher_prime_index(count * 2);
 	nsize = prime_tab[nindex].prime;
-	if (UA_alloc((void **)&nentries, sizeof(ns_entry)*nsize) != UA_SUCCESS)
+	if(UA_alloc((void **)&nentries, sizeof(ns_entry) * nsize) != UA_SUCCESS)
 		return UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
 	ns->entries = nentries;
 	ns->size = nsize;
@@ -458,14 +512,13 @@ static UA_Int32 expand (namespace *ns) {
 	ns_entry *p = oentries;
 	do {
-		if (p->node != UA_NULL) {
+		if(p->node != UA_NULL) {
 			ns_entry *q = find_empty_slot(ns, hash(&p->node->nodeId));
 			*q = *p;
-	}
-	while (p < olimit);
+	} while(p < olimit);
 	return UA_SUCCESS;

+ 28 - 46

@@ -14,26 +14,24 @@ typedef struct pthread_rwlock_t ns_lock;
 typedef void ns_lock;
-/* Poor-man's transactions: If we need multiple locks and at least one of them
-   is a writelock ("transaction"), a deadlock can be introduced in conjunction
-   with a second thread.
+/* Poor-man's transactions: If we need multiple locks and at least one of them is a writelock
+   ("transaction"), a deadlock can be introduced in conjunction with a second thread.
-   Convention: All nodes in a transaction (read and write) must be locked before
-   the first write. If one write-lock cannot be acquired immediately, bail out
-   and restart the transaction.
+   Convention: All nodes in a transaction (read and write) must be locked before the first write.
+   If one write-lock cannot be acquired immediately, bail out and restart the transaction.
    A transaction_context is currently only a linked list of the acquired locks.
-   More advanced transaction mechanisms will be established once the runtime
-   behavior can be observed. */
+   More advanced transaction mechanisms will be established once the runtime behavior can be
+   observed. */
 typedef UA_list_List transaction_context;
 UA_Int32 init_tc(transaction_context * tc);
-/* Each namespace is a hash-map of NodeIds to Nodes. Every entry in the hashmap
-   consists of a pointer to a read-write lock and a pointer to the Node. */
+/* Each namespace is a hash-map of NodeIds to Nodes. Every entry in the hashmap consists of a
+   pointer to a read-write lock and a pointer to the Node. */
 typedef struct ns_entry_t {
-	ns_lock *lock; /* locks are heap-allocated, so we can resize the entry-array online */
+	ns_lock *lock;	/* locks are heap-allocated, so we can resize the entry-array online */
 	UA_Node *node;
 } ns_entry;
@@ -44,51 +42,35 @@ typedef struct namespace_t {
 	ns_entry *entries;
 	uint32_t size;
 	uint32_t count;
-	uint32_t sizePrimeIndex; /* Current size, as an index into the table of primes.  */
+	uint32_t sizePrimeIndex;	/* Current size, as an index into the table of primes.  */
 } namespace;
-UA_Int32 create_ns(namespace **result, uint32_t size);
-void empty_ns(namespace *ns);
-void delete_ns(namespace *ns);
-UA_Int32 insert_node(namespace *ns, UA_Node *node);
-UA_Int32 get_node(namespace const *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, UA_Node const ** result, ns_lock ** lock);
-UA_Int32 get_writable_node(namespace const *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, UA_Node **result, ns_lock ** lock); // use only for _single_ writes.
-UA_Int32 get_tc_node(namespace *ns, transaction_context *tc, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, UA_Node ** const result, ns_lock ** lock);
-UA_Int32 get_tc_writable_node(namespace *ns, transaction_context *tc, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, UA_Node **result, ns_lock ** lock); // use only for _single_ writes.
+UA_Int32 create_ns(namespace ** result, uint32_t size);
+void empty_ns(namespace * ns);
+void delete_ns(namespace * ns);
+UA_Int32 insert_node(namespace * ns, UA_Node * node);
+UA_Int32 get_node(namespace const *ns, const UA_NodeId * nodeid, UA_Node const **result,
+				  ns_lock ** lock);
-typedef void (*node_visitor)(UA_Node const * node);
-UA_Int32 iterate_ns(const namespace *ns, node_visitor visitor);
+// use only for _single_ writes.
+UA_Int32 get_writable_node(namespace const *ns, const UA_NodeId * nodeid, UA_Node ** result,
+						   ns_lock ** lock);
+UA_Int32 get_tc_node(namespace * ns, transaction_context * tc, const UA_NodeId * nodeid,
+					 UA_Node ** const result, ns_lock ** lock);
+UA_Int32 get_tc_writable_node(namespace * ns, transaction_context * tc, const UA_NodeId * nodeid,
+							  UA_Node ** result, ns_lock ** lock);
+typedef void (*node_visitor) (UA_Node const *node);
+UA_Int32 iterate_ns(const namespace * ns, node_visitor visitor);
+void delete_node(namespace * ns, UA_NodeId * nodeid);
 // inline void release_node(ns_lock *lock);
 // portable solution, see http://www.greenend.org.uk/rjk/tech/inline.html
-static inline void release_node(ns_lock *lock) {
+static inline void release_node(ns_lock * lock) {
-	pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *)lock);
+	pthread_rwlock_unlock((pthread_rwlock_t *) lock);
-void delete_node(namespace *ns, UA_NodeId *nodeid);
-/* Internal */
 typedef uint32_t hash_t;
-static hash_t hash_string(const UA_Byte * data, UA_Int32 len);
-static hash_t hash(const UA_NodeId *n);
-static unsigned int higher_prime_index (unsigned long n);
-static inline hash_t mod_1(hash_t x, hash_t y, hash_t inv, int shift);
-static inline hash_t mod(hash_t hash, const namespace *ns);
-static inline hash_t htab_mod_m2(hash_t hash, const namespace *ns);
-static inline void clear_slot(namespace *ns, ns_entry *slot);
-static void clear_ns(namespace *ns);
-static UA_Int32 find_slot(const namespace *ns, ns_entry **slot, const UA_NodeId *nodeid);
-static ns_entry * find_empty_slot(const namespace *ns, hash_t hash);
-static UA_Int32 expand(namespace *ns);
-/* We store UA_MethodNode_Callback instead of UA_MethodNode in the namespace.
-   Pointer casting to UA_MethodNode is possible since pointers point to the
-   first element anyway. */
-typedef struct UA_MethodNode_Callback_T {
-	UA_MethodNode *method_node;
-	UA_Int32 (*method_callback)(UA_list_List *input_args, UA_list_List *output_args);
-} UA_MethodNode_Callback;
 #endif /* __NAMESPACE_H */

+ 1 - 2

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