@@ -29,45 +29,56 @@
// store the authentication token and session ID so we can help fuzzing by setting
// these values in the next request automatically
-UA_NodeId unsafe_fuzz_authenticationToken = {
+UA_NodeId unsafe_fuzz_authenticationToken = {0, UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC, {0}};
-void UA_debug_dumpCompleteChunk(UA_Server *const server, UA_Connection *const connection, UA_ByteString *messageBuffer);
+void UA_debug_dumpCompleteChunk(UA_Server *const server, UA_Connection *const connection,
+ UA_ByteString *messageBuffer);
/* Helper Functions */
- /* This is not an ERR message, the connection is not closed afterwards */
static UA_StatusCode
-sendServiceFault(UA_SecureChannel *channel, const UA_ByteString *msg,
- size_t offset, const UA_DataType *responseType,
- UA_UInt32 requestId, UA_StatusCode error) {
- UA_RequestHeader requestHeader;
- UA_StatusCode retval = UA_RequestHeader_decodeBinary(msg, &offset, &requestHeader);
- if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
- return retval;
+sendServiceFaultWithRequest(UA_SecureChannel *channel,
+ const UA_RequestHeader *requestHeader,
+ const UA_DataType *responseType,
+ UA_UInt32 requestId, UA_StatusCode error) {
UA_STACKARRAY(UA_Byte, response, responseType->memSize);
UA_init(response, responseType);
UA_ResponseHeader *responseHeader = (UA_ResponseHeader*)response;
- responseHeader->requestHandle = requestHeader.requestHandle;
+ responseHeader->requestHandle = requestHeader->requestHandle;
responseHeader->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
responseHeader->serviceResult = error;
- // Send error message. Message type is MSG and not ERR, since we are on a securechannel!
- retval = UA_SecureChannel_sendSymmetricMessage(channel, requestId, UA_MESSAGETYPE_MSG,
- response, responseType);
+ /* Send error message. Message type is MSG and not ERR, since we are on a
+ * SecureChannel! */
+ UA_StatusCode retval =
+ UA_SecureChannel_sendSymmetricMessage(channel, requestId, UA_MESSAGETYPE_MSG,
+ response, responseType);
- UA_RequestHeader_deleteMembers(&requestHeader);
UA_LOG_DEBUG(channel->securityPolicy->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER,
"Sent ServiceFault with error code %s", UA_StatusCode_name(error));
return retval;
+ /* This is not an ERR message, the connection is not closed afterwards */
+static UA_StatusCode
+sendServiceFault(UA_SecureChannel *channel, const UA_ByteString *msg,
+ size_t offset, const UA_DataType *responseType,
+ UA_UInt32 requestId, UA_StatusCode error) {
+ UA_RequestHeader requestHeader;
+ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_RequestHeader_decodeBinary(msg, &offset, &requestHeader);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return retval;
+ retval = sendServiceFaultWithRequest(channel, &requestHeader, responseType,
+ requestId, error);
+ UA_RequestHeader_deleteMembers(&requestHeader);
+ return retval;
static void
getServicePointers(UA_UInt32 requestTypeId, const UA_DataType **requestType,
const UA_DataType **responseType, UA_Service *service,
@@ -392,84 +403,60 @@ processOPN(UA_Server *server, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
static UA_StatusCode
-processMSG(UA_Server *server, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
- UA_UInt32 requestId, const UA_ByteString *msg) {
- /* At 0, the nodeid starts... */
- size_t offset = 0;
+sendResponse(UA_SecureChannel *channel, UA_UInt32 requestId, UA_UInt32 requestHandle,
+ UA_ResponseHeader *responseHeader, const UA_DataType *responseType) {
+ /* Prepare the ResponseHeader */
+ responseHeader->requestHandle = requestHandle;
+ responseHeader->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- /* Decode the nodeid */
- UA_NodeId requestTypeId;
- UA_StatusCode retval = UA_NodeId_decodeBinary(msg, &offset, &requestTypeId);
+ /* Start the message context */
+ UA_MessageContext mc;
+ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_MessageContext_begin(&mc, channel, requestId, UA_MESSAGETYPE_MSG);
if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
return retval;
- if(requestTypeId.namespaceIndex != 0 ||
- requestTypeId.identifierType != UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC)
- UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(&requestTypeId); /* leads to badserviceunsupported */
- /* Store the start-position of the request */
- size_t requestPos = offset;
+ /* Assert's required for clang-analyzer */
+ UA_assert(mc.buf_pos == &mc.messageBuffer.data[UA_SECURE_MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH]);
+ UA_assert(mc.buf_end <= &mc.messageBuffer.data[mc.messageBuffer.length]);
- /* Get the service pointers */
- UA_Service service = NULL;
- const UA_DataType *requestType = NULL;
- const UA_DataType *responseType = NULL;
- UA_Boolean sessionRequired = true;
- getServicePointers(requestTypeId.identifier.numeric, &requestType,
- &responseType, &service, &sessionRequired);
- if(!requestType) {
- if(requestTypeId.identifier.numeric == 787) {
- UA_LOG_INFO_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
- "Client requested a subscription, " \
- "but those are not enabled in the build");
- } else {
- UA_LOG_INFO_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
- "Unknown request with type identifier %i",
- requestTypeId.identifier.numeric);
- }
- return sendServiceFault(channel, msg, requestPos, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_SERVICEFAULT],
- }
- UA_assert(responseType);
+ /* Encode the response type */
+ UA_NodeId typeId = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, responseType->binaryEncodingId);
+ retval = UA_MessageContext_encode(&mc, &typeId, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NODEID]);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return retval;
- /* Decode the request */
- UA_STACKARRAY(UA_Byte, request, requestType->memSize);
- UA_RequestHeader *requestHeader = (UA_RequestHeader*)request;
- retval = UA_decodeBinary(msg, &offset, request, requestType, server->config.customDataTypes);
- if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
- UA_LOG_DEBUG_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
- "Could not decode the request");
- return sendServiceFault(channel, msg, requestPos, responseType, requestId, retval);
- }
+ /* Encode the response */
+ retval = UA_MessageContext_encode(&mc, responseHeader, responseType);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return retval;
- /* Prepare the respone */
- UA_STACKARRAY(UA_Byte, responseBuf, responseType->memSize);
- void *response = (void*)(uintptr_t)&responseBuf[0]; /* Get around aliasing rules */
- UA_init(response, responseType);
- UA_Session *session = NULL; /* must be initialized before goto send_response */
+ /* Finish / send out */
+ return UA_MessageContext_finish(&mc);
+static UA_StatusCode
+processMSGDecoded(UA_Server *server, UA_SecureChannel *channel, UA_UInt32 requestId,
+ UA_Service service, const UA_RequestHeader *requestHeader,
+ const UA_DataType *requestType, UA_ResponseHeader *responseHeader,
+ const UA_DataType *responseType, UA_Boolean sessionRequired) {
/* CreateSession doesn't need a session */
Service_CreateSession(server, channel,
- (const UA_CreateSessionRequest *)request,
- (UA_CreateSessionResponse *)response);
- // store the authentication token and session ID so we can help fuzzing by setting
- // these values in the next request automatically
- UA_CreateSessionResponse *res = (UA_CreateSessionResponse *)response;
+ (const UA_CreateSessionRequest *)requestHeader,
+ (UA_CreateSessionResponse *)responseHeader);
+ /* Store the authentication token and session ID so we can help fuzzing
+ * by setting these values in the next request automatically */
+ UA_CreateSessionResponse *res = (UA_CreateSessionResponse *)responseHeader;
UA_NodeId_copy(&res->authenticationToken, &unsafe_fuzz_authenticationToken);
- #endif
- goto send_response;
+ return sendResponse(channel, requestId, requestHeader->requestHandle,
+ responseHeader, responseType);
- // set the authenticationToken from the create session request to help fuzzing cover more lines
- UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(&requestHeader->authenticationToken);
- if(!UA_NodeId_isNull(&unsafe_fuzz_authenticationToken))
- UA_NodeId_copy(&unsafe_fuzz_authenticationToken, &requestHeader->authenticationToken);
- #endif
/* Find the matching session */
- session = (UA_Session*)UA_SecureChannel_getSession(channel, &requestHeader->authenticationToken);
+ UA_Session *session = (UA_Session*)
+ UA_SecureChannel_getSession(channel, &requestHeader->authenticationToken);
if(!session && !UA_NodeId_isNull(&requestHeader->authenticationToken))
session = UA_SessionManager_getSessionByToken(&server->sessionManager,
@@ -479,14 +466,14 @@ processMSG(UA_Server *server, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
UA_LOG_DEBUG_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
"Trying to activate a session that is " \
"not known in the server");
- UA_deleteMembers(request, requestType);
- return sendServiceFault(channel, msg, requestPos, responseType,
+ return sendServiceFaultWithRequest(channel, requestHeader, responseType,
Service_ActivateSession(server, channel, session,
- (const UA_ActivateSessionRequest*)request,
- (UA_ActivateSessionResponse*)response);
- goto send_response;
+ (const UA_ActivateSessionRequest*)requestHeader,
+ (UA_ActivateSessionResponse*)responseHeader);
+ return sendResponse(channel, requestId, requestHeader->requestHandle,
+ responseHeader, responseType);
/* Set an anonymous, inactive session for services that need no session */
@@ -495,14 +482,15 @@ processMSG(UA_Server *server, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
if(sessionRequired) {
UA_LOG_WARNING_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
- "%s refused without a valid session", requestType->typeName);
+ "%s refused without a valid session",
+ requestType->typeName);
UA_LOG_WARNING_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
- "Service %i refused without a valid session", requestType->binaryEncodingId);
+ "Service %i refused without a valid session",
+ requestType->binaryEncodingId);
- UA_deleteMembers(request, requestType);
- return sendServiceFault(channel, msg, requestPos, responseType,
+ return sendServiceFaultWithRequest(channel, requestHeader, responseType,
@@ -511,21 +499,23 @@ processMSG(UA_Server *server, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
session = &anonymousSession;
- /* Trying to use a non-activated session?
- * Do not allow if request is of type CloseSessionRequest */
- if(sessionRequired && !session->activated && requestType != &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_CLOSESESSIONREQUEST]) {
+ /* Trying to use a non-activated session? Do not allow if request is of type
+ * CloseSessionRequest */
+ if(sessionRequired && !session->activated &&
UA_LOG_WARNING_SESSION(&server->config.logger, session,
- "%s refused on a non-activated session", requestType->typeName);
+ "%s refused on a non-activated session",
+ requestType->typeName);
UA_LOG_WARNING_SESSION(&server->config.logger, session,
- "Service %i refused on a non-activated session", requestType->binaryEncodingId);
+ "Service %i refused on a non-activated session",
+ requestType->binaryEncodingId);
- UA_deleteMembers(request, requestType);
- return sendServiceFault(channel, msg, requestPos, responseType,
+ return sendServiceFaultWithRequest(channel, requestHeader, responseType,
/* The session is bound to another channel */
@@ -533,9 +523,8 @@ processMSG(UA_Server *server, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
UA_LOG_WARNING_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
"Client tries to use a Session that is not "
"bound to this SecureChannel");
- UA_deleteMembers(request, requestType);
- return sendServiceFault(channel, msg, requestPos, responseType,
+ return sendServiceFaultWithRequest(channel, requestHeader, responseType,
/* Update the session lifetime */
@@ -544,62 +533,99 @@ processMSG(UA_Server *server, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
/* The publish request is not answered immediately */
- Service_Publish(server, session,
- (const UA_PublishRequest*)request, requestId);
- UA_deleteMembers(request, requestType);
+ Service_Publish(server, session, (const UA_PublishRequest*)requestHeader, requestId);
- /* Dispatch the synchronous service call */
- service(server, session, request, response);
+ /* Dispatch the synchronous service call and send the response */
+ service(server, session, requestHeader, responseHeader);
+ return sendResponse(channel, requestId, requestHeader->requestHandle,
+ responseHeader, responseType);
+static UA_StatusCode
+processMSG(UA_Server *server, UA_SecureChannel *channel,
+ UA_UInt32 requestId, const UA_ByteString *msg) {
+ /* Decode the nodeid */
+ size_t offset = 0;
+ UA_NodeId requestTypeId;
+ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_NodeId_decodeBinary(msg, &offset, &requestTypeId);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return retval;
+ if(requestTypeId.namespaceIndex != 0 ||
+ requestTypeId.identifierType != UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC)
+ UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(&requestTypeId); /* leads to badserviceunsupported */
- send_response:
+ size_t requestPos = offset; /* Store the offset (for sendServiceFault) */
- /* Prepare the ResponseHeader */
- ((UA_ResponseHeader*)response)->requestHandle = requestHeader->requestHandle;
- ((UA_ResponseHeader*)response)->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
+ /* Get the service pointers */
+ UA_Service service = NULL;
+ UA_Boolean sessionRequired = true;
+ const UA_DataType *requestType = NULL;
+ const UA_DataType *responseType = NULL;
+ getServicePointers(requestTypeId.identifier.numeric, &requestType,
+ &responseType, &service, &sessionRequired);
+ if(!requestType) {
+ if(requestTypeId.identifier.numeric == 787) {
+ UA_LOG_INFO_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
+ "Client requested a subscription, " \
+ "but those are not enabled in the build");
+ } else {
+ UA_LOG_INFO_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
+ "Unknown request with type identifier %i",
+ requestTypeId.identifier.numeric);
+ }
+ return sendServiceFault(channel, msg, requestPos, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_SERVICEFAULT],
+ }
+ UA_assert(responseType);
+ /* Decode the request */
+ UA_STACKARRAY(UA_Byte, request, requestType->memSize);
+ retval = UA_decodeBinary(msg, &offset, request, requestType, server->config.customDataTypes);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
+ UA_LOG_DEBUG_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
+ "Could not decode the request");
+ return sendServiceFault(channel, msg, requestPos, responseType, requestId, retval);
+ }
/* Check timestamp in the request header */
+ UA_RequestHeader *requestHeader = (UA_RequestHeader*)request;
if(requestHeader->timestamp == 0) {
if(server->config.verifyRequestTimestamp <= UA_RULEHANDLING_WARN) {
UA_LOG_WARNING_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
"The server sends no timestamp in the request header. "
"See the 'verifyRequestTimestamp' setting.");
- if(server->config.verifyRequestTimestamp <= UA_RULEHANDLING_ABORT)
- return sendServiceFault(channel, msg, requestPos, responseType,
+ if(server->config.verifyRequestTimestamp <= UA_RULEHANDLING_ABORT) {
+ retval = sendServiceFaultWithRequest(channel, requestHeader, responseType,
+ UA_deleteMembers(request, requestType);
+ return retval;
+ }
- /* Start the message */
- UA_NodeId typeId = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, responseType->binaryEncodingId);
- UA_MessageContext mc;
- retval = UA_MessageContext_begin(&mc, channel, requestId, UA_MESSAGETYPE_MSG);
- if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
- goto cleanup;
- /* Assert's required for clang-analyzer */
- UA_assert(mc.buf_pos == &mc.messageBuffer.data[UA_SECURE_MESSAGE_HEADER_LENGTH]);
- UA_assert(mc.buf_end <= &mc.messageBuffer.data[mc.messageBuffer.length]);
+ /* Set the authenticationToken from the create session request to help
+ * fuzzing cover more lines */
+ UA_NodeId_deleteMembers(&requestHeader->authenticationToken);
+ if(!UA_NodeId_isNull(&unsafe_fuzz_authenticationToken))
+ UA_NodeId_copy(&unsafe_fuzz_authenticationToken, &requestHeader->authenticationToken);
- retval = UA_MessageContext_encode(&mc, &typeId, &UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_NODEID]);
- if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
- goto cleanup;
- retval = UA_MessageContext_encode(&mc, response, responseType);
- if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
- goto cleanup;
- retval = UA_MessageContext_finish(&mc);
+ /* Prepare the respone */
+ UA_STACKARRAY(UA_Byte, response, responseType->memSize);
+ UA_ResponseHeader *responseHeader = (UA_ResponseHeader*)response;
+ UA_init(response, responseType);
- cleanup:
- if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
- UA_LOG_INFO_CHANNEL(&server->config.logger, channel,
- "Could not send the message over the SecureChannel "
- "with StatusCode %s", UA_StatusCode_name(retval));
+ /* Continue with the decoded Request */
+ retval = processMSGDecoded(server, channel, requestId, service, requestHeader, requestType,
+ responseHeader, responseType, sessionRequired);
/* Clean up */
UA_deleteMembers(request, requestType);
- UA_deleteMembers(response, responseType);
+ UA_deleteMembers(responseHeader, responseType);
return retval;
@@ -651,7 +677,7 @@ createSecureChannel(void *application, UA_Connection *connection,
securityPolicy = UA_SecurityPolicy_getSecurityPolicyByUri(server,
- (UA_ByteString*)&endpointCandidate->securityPolicyUri);
+ (UA_ByteString*)&endpointCandidate->securityPolicyUri);