@@ -453,6 +453,15 @@ UA_BrowseResult UA_EXPORT
UA_Server_browse(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt32 maxReferences,
UA_Server_browse(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt32 maxReferences,
const UA_BrowseDescription *bd);
const UA_BrowseDescription *bd);
+/* Nonstandard version of the browse service that recurses into child nodes.
+ * Possible loops (that can occur for non-hierarchical references) are handled
+ * by adding every target node at most once to the result array. The returned
+ * ReferenceDescription refers has the `ReferenceTypeId` and `IsForward` fields
+ * set according to the last reference in the (recursive) chain. */
+UA_BrowseResult UA_EXPORT
+UA_Server_browseRecursive(UA_Server *server, UA_UInt32 maxReferences,
+ const UA_BrowseDescription *bd);
UA_BrowseResult UA_EXPORT
UA_BrowseResult UA_EXPORT
UA_Server_browseNext(UA_Server *server, UA_Boolean releaseContinuationPoint,
UA_Server_browseNext(UA_Server *server, UA_Boolean releaseContinuationPoint,
const UA_ByteString *continuationPoint);
const UA_ByteString *continuationPoint);