소스 검색

Cleanup AppVeyor configuration files (#2242)

escherstair 6 년 전
3개의 변경된 파일5개의 추가작업 그리고 55개의 파일을 삭제
  1. 2 8
  2. 0 24
  3. 3 23

+ 2 - 8

@@ -66,15 +66,9 @@ install:
   # Add installed tools to PATH
   # Add installed tools to PATH
-  - set PATH=C:\Python27;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Dr. Memory\bin;C:\Program Files\CMake\bin;%PATH%
-  # Workaround for CMake not wanting sh.exe on PATH for MinGW
+  - set PATH=C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;%PATH%
+  # Workaround for CMake not wanting sh.exe on PATH for MinGW (necessary for CMake 3.12.2)
   - set PATH=%PATH:C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;=%
   - set PATH=%PATH:C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;=%
-  ## Miktex
-  #- set "PATH=%PATH%;c:\miktex\texmfs\install\miktex\bin;%APPDATA%\Python\Scripts"
-  ## autoinstall latex packages (0=no, 1=autoinstall, 2=ask)
-  ## this adds this to the registry!
-  #- initexmf --set-config-value [MPM]AutoInstall=1
-  #- initexmf --update-fndb
 - ps: '& "./tools/appveyor/build.ps1"'
 - ps: '& "./tools/appveyor/build.ps1"'

+ 0 - 24

@@ -16,9 +16,6 @@ try {
     if ($env:CC_SHORTNAME -eq "mingw") {
     if ($env:CC_SHORTNAME -eq "mingw") {
     } elseif ($env:CC_SHORTNAME -eq "clang-mingw") {
     } elseif ($env:CC_SHORTNAME -eq "clang-mingw") {
-        # Workaround for http://llvm.org/bugs/show_bug.cgi?id=28089
-        Copy-Item 'C:\Program Files\LLVM' -destination C:\LLVM -recurse
-        $env:Path = 'C:\LLVM\bin;' + $env:Path
         # Setup clang
         # Setup clang
         $env:CC = "clang --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32"
         $env:CC = "clang --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32"
         $env:CXX = "clang++ --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32"
         $env:CXX = "clang++ --target=x86_64-w64-mingw32"
@@ -31,7 +28,6 @@ try {
         New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path "C:\Tools\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static"
         New-Item -Force -ItemType directory -Path "C:\Tools\vcpkg\installed\x86-windows-static"
     $make_cmd = "& $env:MAKE"
     $make_cmd = "& $env:MAKE"
     # Collect files for .zip packing
     # Collect files for .zip packing
@@ -40,26 +36,6 @@ try {
     Copy-Item AUTHORS pack
     Copy-Item AUTHORS pack
     Copy-Item README.md pack
     Copy-Item README.md pack
-    # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n###################################################################"
-    # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n##### Building Documentation on $env:CC_NAME #####`n"
-    # New-Item -ItemType directory -Path build
-    # cd build
-    # & cmake -DMIKTEX_BINARY_PATH=c:\miktex\texmfs\install\miktex\bin -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release `
-    # & cmake --build . --target doc_latex
-    # if ($LASTEXITCODE -and $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
-    #     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`n`n*** Make doc_latex. Exiting ... ***"
-    #     exit $LASTEXITCODE
-    # }
-    # & cmake --build . --target doc_pdf
-    # if ($LASTEXITCODE -and $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
-    #     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`n`n*** Make doc_pdf. Exiting ... ***"
-    #     exit $LASTEXITCODE
-    # }
-    # cd ..
-    # Move-Item -Path "build\doc_latex\open62541.pdf" -Destination pack\
-    # Remove-Item -Path build -Recurse -Force
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n###################################################################"
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n###################################################################"
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n##### Testing $env:CC_NAME #####`n"
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n##### Testing $env:CC_NAME #####`n"
     New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "build"
     New-Item -ItemType directory -Path "build"

+ 3 - 23

@@ -3,31 +3,10 @@ $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
 try {
 try {
     & git submodule --quiet update --init --recursive
     & git submodule --quiet update --init --recursive
-    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### Installing CMake and python ###`n"
-    & cinst --no-progress cmake python2
-    & C:\Python27\python.exe -m pip install --upgrade pip
-    & C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install six
+    Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### CMake and Python pre-installed AppVeyor Windows build VMs ###`n"
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### Installing sphinx ###`n"
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### Installing sphinx ###`n"
-    & C:\Python27\Scripts\pip.exe install --user sphinx sphinx_rtd_theme
-    # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### Installing Miktex ###`n"
-    # if (-not (Test-Path "c:\miktex\texmfs\install\miktex\bin\pdflatex.exe")) {
-    #     & appveyor DownloadFile https://ftp.uni-erlangen.de/mirrors/CTAN/systems/win32/miktex/setup/windows-x86/miktex-portable-2.9.6753.exe
-    #     & 7z x miktex-portable-2.9.6753.exe -oc:\miktex -bso0 -bsp0
-    #     # Remove some big files to reduce size to be cached
-    #     Remove-Item -Path c:\miktex\texmfs\install\doc -Recurse
-    #     Remove-Item -Path c:\miktex\texmfs\install\miktex\bin\biber.exe
-    #     Remove-Item -Path c:\miktex\texmfs\install\miktex\bin\a5toa4.exe
-    # }
-    # Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### Installing graphviz ###`n"
-    # & cinst --no-progress graphviz
-    # if ($LASTEXITCODE -and $LASTEXITCODE -ne 0) {
-    #     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "`n`n*** Installing graphviz failed. Exiting ... ***"
-    #     exit $LASTEXITCODE
-    # }
+    & cinst sphinx --source python
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### Installing mbedtls ###`n"
     Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### Installing mbedtls ###`n"
@@ -53,6 +32,7 @@ try {
         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### Installing DrMemory ###`n"
         Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "`n### Installing DrMemory ###`n"
         & cinst --no-progress drmemory.portable
         & cinst --no-progress drmemory.portable
+        $env:Path = 'C:\Program Files (x86)\Dr. Memory\bin;' + $env:Path        
 } catch {
 } catch {