@@ -10,958 +10,11 @@
#include "opcua_builtInDatatypes.h"
-* ApplicationDescription
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.1
-* Page: 103
-struct BED_ApplicationDescription
- UA_String applicationUri;
- UA_String productUri;
- UA_LocalizedText applicationName;
- enum BED_ApplicationType applicationType;
- UA_String gatewayServerUri;
- UA_String discoveryProfileUri;
- UA_String discoverUrls[];
-* ApplicationInstanceCertificate
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.2
-* Page: 104
-struct BED_ApplicationInstanceCertificate
- UA_String version;
- UA_ByteString serialNumber;
- UA_String signatureAlgorithm;
- UA_ByteString signature;
-//ToDo struct issuer //????????????? S. 108 table 104
- UA_DateTime validFrom;
- UA_DateTime valdiTo;
-//ToDo struct subject; //????????????? S. 108 table 104
- UA_String applicationUri;
- UA_String *hostnames;
- UA_ByteString pubicKey;
- UA_String keyUsage[];
-* BrowseResult
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.3
-* Page: 104
-struct BED_BrowseResult
- struct UA_StatusCode statusCode;
- struct BED_ContinuationPoint continuationPoint;
- struct BED_ReferenceDescription references[];
-* ContentFilter //ToDo
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.4.1
-* Page: 104
-struct BED_ContentFilter
-//ToDo struct BED_ContentFilterElement elements[]; //ToDo
-//ToDo enum BED_FilterOperand filterOperator; //ToDo table 110
-//ToDo struct BED_ExtensibleParamterFilterOperand filterOperands[]; //ToDo 7.4.4
-* Counter
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.5
-* Page: 113
-typedef UInt32 BED_Counter;
-* ContinuationPoint //ToDo
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.6
-* Page: 114
-struct BED_ContinuationPoint
-* DataValue
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.7.1
-* Page: 114
-struct BED_DataValue
- UA_Variant value; // BaseDataType are mapped to a UA_Variant -> part: 6 chapter: 5.1.5 page: 14
- struct UA_StatusCode statusCode;
- UA_DateTime sourceTimestamp;
-//ToDo UInt //toBeDiscussed: Resolution of PicoSeconds
- UA_DateTime serverTimestamp;
-//ToDo UInt //toBeDiscussed: Resolution of PicoSeconds
-* DiagnosticInfo
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.9
-* Page: 116
-struct BED_DiagnosticInfo
-//ToDo struct ???? identifier; //ToDo: what kind of strcuture?
- Int32 namespaceUri;
- Int32 symbolicId;
- Int32 locale;
- Int32 localizesText;
- struct UA_String additionalInfo;
- struct UA_StatusCode innerStatusCode;
- struct BED_DiagnosticInfo innerDiagnosticInfo;
-* EndpointDescription
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.9
-* Page: 116
-struct BED_EndpointDescription
- struct UA_String endpointUrl;
- struct BED_ApplicationDescription server;
- struct BED_ApplicationInstanceCertificate serverCertificate;
- enum BED_MessageSecurityMode securityMode;
- struct UA_String securityPolicyUri;
- struct BED_UserTokenPolicy useridentyTokens[];
- struct UA_String transportProfileUri;
- Byte securtiyLevel;
-* ExpandedNodeId
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.10
-* Page: 117
-struct BED_ExpandedNodeId
- BED_Index serverIndex;
- struct UA_String namespaceUri;
- BED_Index namespaveIndex;
-//ToDo enum BED_IdentifierType identiferType; //ToDo: Is the enumeration correct?
-//ToDo UA_NodeIdentifier identifier; //ToDo -> Part 3: Address Space Model
-* ExtensibleParameter
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.11
-* Page: 117
-struct BED_ExtensibleParameter
- struct UA_NodeId parameterTypeId;
-//ToDo -- parameterData; //toBeDiscussed
-* Index
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.12
-* Page: 118
-typedef UInt32 BED_Index;
-* IntegerId
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.13
-* Page: 118
-typedef UInt32 BED_IntegerId;
-* MessageSecurityMode
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.14
-* Page: 118
-enum BED_MessageSecurityMode
- INVALID_0 = 0,
- SIGN_1 = 1,
-* MonitoringParameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.15
-* Page: 118
-struct BED_MonitoringParameters
- BED_IntegerId clientHandle;
-//ToDo Duration???? samplingInterval; //ToDo
-//ToDo struct BED_ExtensibleParameterMonitoringFilter filter //ToDo
- BED_Counter queueSize;
- Boolean discardOldest;
-//->ExtensibleParameter ->Part:4 Chapter:7.11 Page:117
-struct BED_ExtensibleParameterMonitoringFilter //ToDo: Ist die Umsetzung des ExtensibleParameter korrekt?
- enum BED_MonitoringFilter parameterTypeId;
- struct BED_DataChangeFilter dataChangeFilter;
- struct BED_EventFilter eventFilter;
- struct BED_AggregateFilter aggregateFilter;
-* MonitoringFilter parameterTypeIds
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.16.1
-* Page: 119
-enum BED_MonitoringFilter
-* DataChangeFilter
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.16.2
-* Page: 119
-struct BED_DataChangeFilter
-//ToDo enum BED_MonitoringFilter trigger = BED_MonitoringFilter.DATA_CHANGE_FILTER;
- UInt32 deadbandType;
- Double deadbandValue;
-* EventFilter
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.16.3
-* Page: 120
-struct BED_EventFilter
-//ToDo SimpleAttributeOperantd selectClauses[]; //ToDo
-//ToDo ContenFilter whereClause; //ToDo
-struct BED_EventFilterResult
- struct UA_StatusCode selectClauseResults[3];
- struct UA_DiagnosticInfo selectClauseDiagnosticInfos[3];
- struct BED_ContentFilterResult whereClauseResult;
-* AggregateFilter
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.16.4
-* Page: 122
-struct BED_AggregateFilter
- UA_DateTime startTime;
- struct UA_NodeId aggregateType;
- UA_Duration processingInterval;
-//ToDo AggregateConfiguration aggregateConfiguration; //ToDo
- Boolean useServerCapabilitiesDafaults;
- Boolean treatUncertainAsBad;
- Byte percentDataBad;
- Byte percentDataGood;
- Boolean steppedSlopedExtrapolation;
-struct BED_AggregateFilterResult
- UA_DateTime revisedStartTime;
- UA_Duration revisedProcessingInterval;
-* MonitoringMode
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.17
-* Page: 123
-enum BED_MonitoringModeValues
- DISABLED_0 = 0, //The item being monitored is not sampled or evaluated, and Notifications are not generated or queued. Notification reporting is disabled.
- SAMPLING_1 = 1, //The item being monitored is sampled and evaluated, and Notifications are generated and queued. Notification reporting is disabled.
- REPORTING_2 = 2 //The item being monitored is sampled and evaluated, and Notifications are generated and queued. Notification reporting is enabled.
-* NodeAttributes parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.18.1
-* Page: 124
-enum BED_NodeAttributesParamterTypeIds
- ObjectAttributes, //Defines the Attributes for the Object NodeClass.
- VariableAttributes, //Defines the Attributes for the Variable NodeClass.
- MethodAttributes, //Defines the Attributes for the Method NodeClass.
- ObjectTypeAttributes, //Defines the Attributes for the ObjectType NodeClass.
- VariableTypeAttributes, //Defines the Attributes for the VariableType NodeClass.
- ReferenceTypeAttributes,//Defines the Attributes for the ReferenceType NodeClass.
- DataTypeAttributes, //Defines the Attributes for the DataType NodeClass.
- ViewAttributes //Defines the Attributes for the View NodeClass.
-enum BED_NodeAttributesBitMask
- AccessLevel = 1, //Bit: 0 Indicates if the AccessLevel Attribute is set.
- ArrayDimensions = 2, //Bit: 1 Indicates if the ArrayDimensions Attribute is set.
- //Reserved = 4, //Bit: 2 Reserved to be consistent with WriteMask defined in IEC 62541-3.
- ContainsNoLoops = 8, //Bit: 3 Indicates if the ContainsNoLoops Attribute is set.
- DataType = 16, //Bit: 4 Indicates if the DataType Attribute is set.
- Description = 32, //Bit: 5 Indicates if the Description Attribute is set.
- DisplayName = 64, //Bit: 6 Indicates if the DisplayName Attribute is set.
- EventNotifier = 128, //Bit: 7 Indicates if the EventNotifier Attribute is set.
- Executable = 256, //Bit: 8 Indicates if the Executable Attribute is set.
- Historizing = 512, //Bit: 9 Indicates if the Historizing Attribute is set.
- InverseName = 1024, //Bit:10 Indicates if the InverseName Attribute is set.
- IsAbstract = 2048, //Bit:11 Indicates if the IsAbstract Attribute is set.
- MinimumSamplingInterval = 4096, //Bit:12 Indicates if the MinimumSamplingInterval Attribute is set.
- //Reserved = 8192, //Bit:13 Reserved to be consistent with WriteMask defined in IEC 62541-3.
- //Reserved = 16384, //Bit:14 Reserved to be consistent with WriteMask defined in IEC 62541-3.
- Symmetric = 32768, //Bit:15 Indicates if the Symmetric Attribute is set.
- UserAccessLevel = 65536,//Bit:16 Indicates if the UserAccessLevel Attribute is set.
- UserExecutable = 131072,//Bit:17 Indicates if the UserExecutable Attribute is set.
- UserWriteMask = 262144, //Bit:18 Indicates if the UserWriteMask Attribute is set.
- ValueRank = 524288, //Bit:19 Indicates if the ValueRank Attribute is set.
- WriteMask = 1048576, //Bit:20 Indicates if the WriteMask Attribute is set.
- Value = 2097152 //Bit:21 Indicates if the Value Attribute is set.
- //Reserved //Bit:22:32 Reserved for future use. Shall always be zero.
-* ObjectAttributes parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.18.2
-* Page: 125
-struct BED_ObjectAttributes
- UInt32 specifiedAttribute; //BitMask corresponding to BED_NodeAttributesBitMask
- struct UA_LocalizedText displayName;
- struct UA_LocalizedText description;
- Byte eventNotifier;
- UInt32 writeMask;
- UInt32 userWriteMask;
-* VariableAttributes parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.18.3
-* Page: 125
-struct BED_VariableAttributes
- UInt32 specifiedAttributes; //BitMask corresponding to BED_NodeAttributesBitMask
- struct UA_LocalizedText displayName;
- struct UA_LocalizedText description;
-//ToDo DefinedByTheDataTypeAttribte??? value //ToDo
- struct UA_NodeId dataType;
- Int32 valueRank;
- UInt32 arrayDimensions[];
- Byte accessLevel;
- Byte userAccesLevel;
-//ToDo Duration???? minimumSamplingInterval; //ToDo
- Boolean historizing;
- UInt32 writeMask;
- UInt32 userWriteMask;
-* MethodAttributes parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.18.4
-* Page: 125
-struct BED_MethodAttributes
- UInt32 specifiedAttributes; //BitMask corresponding to BED_NodeAttributesBitMask
- struct UA_LocalizedText displayName;
- struct UA_LocalizedText description;
- Boolean executable;
- Boolean userExecutable;
- UInt32 writeMask;
- UInt32 userWriteMask;
-* ObjectTypeAttributes parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.18.5
-* Page: 125
-struct BED_ObjectTypeAttributes
- UInt32 specifiedAttributes; //BitMask corresponding to BED_NodeAttributesBitMask
- struct UA_LocalizedText displayName;
- struct UA_LocalizedText description;
- Boolean isAbstract;
- UInt32 wirteMask;
- UInt32 userWriteMask;
-* VariableTypeAttributes parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.18.6
-* Page: 126
-struct BED_VariableTypeAttributes
- UInt32 specifiedAttributes; //BitMask corresponding to BED_NodeAttributesBitMask
- struct UA_LocalizedText displayName;
- struct UA_LocalizedText description;
-//ToDo DefinedByTheDataTypeAttribte??? value //ToDo
- struct UA_NodeId dataType;
- Int32 valueRank;
- UInt32 arrayDimesions[];
- Boolean isAbstract;
- UInt32 writeMask;
- UInt32 userWriteMask;
-* ReferenceTypeAttributes parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.18.7
-* Page: 126
-struct BED_ReferenceTypeAttributes
- UInt32 specifiedAttributes; //BitMask corresponding to BED_NodeAttributesBitMask
- struct UA_LocalizedText displayName;
- struct UA_LocalizedText description;
- Boolean isAbstract;
- Boolean symmetric;
- struct UA_LocalizedText inverseName;
- UInt32 writeMask;
- UInt32 userWriteMask;
-* DataTypeAttributes parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.18.8
-* Page: 126
-struct BED_DataTypeAttributes
- UInt32 specifiedAttributes; //BitMask corresponding to BED_NodeAttributesBitMask
- struct UA_LocalizedText displayName;
- struct UA_LocalizedText description;
- Boolean isAbstract;
- UInt32 writeMask;
- UInt32 userWriteMask;
-* ViewAttributes parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.18.9
-* Page: 127
-struct BED_ViewAttributes
- UInt32 specifiedAttributes; //BitMask corresponding to BED_NodeAttributesBitMask
- struct UA_LocalizedText displayName;
- struct UA_LocalizedText description;
- Boolean containsNoLoops;
- Byte eventNotifier;
- UInt32 writeMask;
- UInt32 userWriteMask;
-* NotificationData parameters
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.19
-* Page: 127
-enum BED_NotificationDataParameterTypeIds
- EVENT = 2,
-* DataChangeNotification parameter
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.19.2
-* Page: 127
-struct BED_DataChangeNotification
-//ToDo struct BED_MonitoredItemNotification monitoredItems[]; //ToDo
- BED_IntegerId clientHandle;
- struct UA_DataValue value;
- UA_DiagnosticInfo diagnositcInfos[];
-* EventNotificationList parameter
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.19.3
-* Page: 128
-struct BED_EventNotificationList
-//ToDo struct EventFieldList events[]; //ToDo
- BED_IntegerId clientHandle;
- UA_Variant eventFields[]; // BaseDataType are mapped to a UA_Variant -> part: 6 chapter: 5.1.5 page: 14
-* StatusChangeNotification parameter
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.19.4
-* Page: 128
-struct BED_StatusChangeNotification
- struct UA_StatusCode status;
- struct UA_DiagnosticInfo diagnosticInfo;
-* NotificationMessage
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.20
-* Page: 129
-struct BED_NotificationMessage
- BED_Counter sequenceNumber;
- struct UA_DateTime publishTime;
- struct ExtensibleParameterNotificationData notificationData[];
-//->ExtensibleParameter ->Part:4 Chapter:7.11 Page:117
-struct ExtensibleParameterNotificationData //ToDo: Ist die Umsetzung des ExtensibleParameter korrekt?
- enum BED_NotificationDataParameterTypeIds parameterTypeId;
- struct BED_DataChangeNotification dataChange;
- struct BED_EventNotificationList event;
- struct BED_StatusChangeNotification statusChange;
-* NumericRange
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.21
-* Page: 129
-typedef UA_String NumericRange;
-* QueryDataSet
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.22
-* Page: 130
-struct BED_QueryDataSet
- struct UA_ExpandedNodeId nodeId;
- struct UA_ExpandedNodeId typeDefinitionNode;
- struct UA_Variant values[]; // BaseDataType are mapped to a UA_Variant -> part: 6 chapter: 5.1.5 page: 14
-* ReadValueId
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.23
-* Page: 130
-struct BED_QueryDataSet
- struct UA_NodeId nodeId;
- BED_IntegerId attributeId;
- struct BED_NumericRange indexRange;
- struct UA_QualifiedName dataEncoding;
-* ReferenceDescription
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.24
-* Page: 131
-struct BED_ReferenceDescription
- struct UA_NodeId referenceTypeId;
- Boolean isForward;
- struct UA_ExpandedNodeId nodeId;
- struct UA_QualifiedName browseName;
- struct UA_LocalizedText displayName;
-//ToDo struct BED_NodeClass nodeClass; //ToDo
- struct UA_ExpandedNodeId typeDefinition;
-* RelativePath
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.25
-* Page: 131
-struct BED_RelativePath
-//ToDo struct BED_RelativePathElement elements[]; //ToDo
- struct UA_NodeId referenceTypeId;
- Boolean isInverse;
- Boolean includeSubtypes;
- struct UA_QualifiedName targetName;
-* RequestHeader
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.26
-* Page: 132
-struct BED_RequestHeader
-//ToDo struct BED_SessionAuthenticationToken authenticationToken; //ToDo
- UA_DateTime timestamp;
- BED_IntegerId requestHandle;
- UInt32 returnDiagnostics;
- struct UA_String auditEntryId;
- UInt32 timeoutHint;
-//ToDo struct BED_ExtensibleParameterAdditionalHeader additionalHeader; //ToDo
-enum BED_RequestReturnDiagnositcs
-* ResponseHeader
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.27
-* Page: 133
-struct BED_ResponseHeader
- UA_DateTime timestamp;
- BED_IntegerId requestHandle;
- struct UA_StatusCode serviceResult;
- struct UA_DiagnosticInfo serviceDiagnostics;
- struct UA_String stringTable[];
-//ToDo struct BED_ExtensibleParameterAdditionalHeader additionalHeader; //ToDo
-* ServiceFault
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.28
-* Page: 133
-struct BED_ServiceFault
- struct BED_ResponseHeader responseHeader;
-//ToDo: Own DataType with typeDef?
-* SessionAuthenticationToken
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.29
-* Page: 133
-* SignatureData
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.30
-* Page: 135
-struct BED_SignatureData
- struct UA_ByteString signature;
- struct UA_String agorithm;
-* SignedSoftwareCertificate
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.31
-* Page: 135
-struct BED_SignedSoftwareCertificate
- struct UA_String version;
- struct UA_ByteString serialNumber;
- struct UA_String signatureAlgorithm;
- struct UA_ByteString signature;
-//ToDo struct issuer //ToDo: ??? struct?
- UA_DateTime validFrom;
- UA_DateTime validTo;
-//ToDo struct subject; //ToDo: ??? struct?
-//ToDo struct subjectAltName[]; //ToDo: ??? struct?
- struct UA_ByteString publicKey;
- struct UA_String keyUsage[];
- struct UA_ByteString softwareCertificate;
-* SoftwareCertificate
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.32
-* Page: 135
-struct BED_SoftwareCertificate
- struct UA_String productName;
- struct UA_String productUri;
- struct UA_String vendorName;
- struct UA_ByteString vendorProductCertificate;
- struct UA_String softwareVersion;
- struct UA_String buildNumber;
- UA_DateTime buildDate;
- struct UA_String issuedBy;
- UA_DateTime issueDate;
- struct UA_ByteString vendorProductCertificate;
- struct BED_SupportedProfiles supportedProfiles;
-struct BED_SupportedProfiles
- struct UA_String oranizationUri;
- struct UA_String profileId;
- struct UA_String complianceTool;
- UA_DateTime complianceDate;
- enum BED_ComplianceLevel complianceLevel;
- struct UA_String unsupportedUnitIds[];
-enum BED_ComplianceLevel
- UNTESTED_0 = 0, //the profiled capability has not been tested successfully.
- PARTIAL_1 = 1, //the profiled capability has been partially tested and has
- //passed critical tests, as defined by the certifying authority.
- SELFTESTED_2 = 2, //the profiled capability has been successfully tested using a
- //self-test system authorized by the certifying authority.
- CERTIFIED_3 = 3 //the profiled capability has been successfully tested by a
- //testing organisation authorized by the certifying authority.
-* StatusCode //ToDo: Do we need them? How do we implement them (enum)?
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.33
-* Page: 136
-* TimestampsToReturn
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.34
-* Page: 140
-enum BED_TimestampsToReturn
- SOURCE_0 = 1, //Return the source timestamp.
- //If used in HistoryRead the source timestamp is used to determine which historical data values are returned.
- SERVER_1 = 1, //Return the Server timestamp.
- //If used in HistoryRead the Server timestamp is used to determine which historical data values are returned.
- BOTH_2 = 2, //Return both the source and Server timestamps.
- //If used in HistoryRead the source timestamp is used to determine which historical data values are returned.
- NEITHER_3 = 3 //Return neither timestamp.
- //This is the default value for MonitoredItems if a Variable value is not being accessed.
- //For HistoryRead this is not a valid setting.
-* UserIdentityToken Encrypted Token Format
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.35.1
-* Page: 140
-struct BED_UserIdentityTokenEncryptedTokenFormat
- Byte length[4];
- Byte tokenData[];
- Byte serverNonce[];
-* AnonymousIdentityToken
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.35.2
-* Page: 141
-struct BED_AnonymousIdentityToken
- struct UA_String policyId;
-* UserNameIdentityToken
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.35.3
-* Page: 141
-struct BED_UserNameIdentityToken
- struct UA_String policyId;
- struct UA_String userName;
- struct UA_ByteString password;
- struct UA_String encryptionAlogrithm;
-* X509IdentityTokens
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.35.4
-* Page: 141
-struct BED_X509IdentityTokens
- struct UA_String policyId;
- struct UA_ByteString certificateData;
-* IssuedIdentityToken
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.35.5
-* Page: 142
-struct BED_IssuedIdentityToken
- struct UA_String policyId;
- struct UA_ByteString tokenData;
- struct UA_String encryptionAlgorithm;
-* UserTokenPolicy
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.36
-* Page: 142
-struct BED_UserTokenPolicy
- struct UA_String policyId;
- enum BED_UserIdentityTokenType tokenType;
- struct UA_String issuedTokenType;
- struct UA_String issuerEndpointUrl;
- struct UA_String securityPolicyUri;
-enum BED_UserIdentityTokenType
- ANONYMOUS_0 = 0,
- USERNAME_1 = 1,
-* ViewDescription
-* Part: 4
-* Chapter: 7.37
-* Page: 143
-struct BED_ViewDescription
- struct UA_NodeId viewId;
- UA_DateTime timestamp;
- UInt32 viewVersion;
+Byte convertToByte(char* buf, int pos);
+Int32 convertToInt32(char* buf,int pos);
+UInt32 convertToUInt32(char* buf, int pos);