@@ -111,6 +111,79 @@ The procedure below works on OpenBSD 5.8 with gcc version 4.8.4, cmake version 3
cmake ..
+Building Debian Packages inside Docker Container with CMake on Ubuntu or Debian
+Here is an example howto build the library as Debian package inside a Docker container
+- Download and install
+ - Docker Engine: https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/debian/
+ - docker-deb-builder: https://github.com/tsaarni/docker-deb-builder.git
+ - open62541: https://github.com/open62541/open62541.git
+Install Docker as described at https://docs.docker.com/install/linux/docker-ce/debian/ .
+Get the docker-deb-builder utility from github and make Docker images for the needed
+Debian and/or Ubuntu relases
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # make and goto local development path (e.g. ~/development)
+ mkdir ~/development
+ cd ~/development
+ # clone docker-deb-builder utility from github and change into builder directory
+ git clone https://github.com/tsaarni/docker-deb-builder.git
+ cd docker-deb-builder
+ # make Docker builder images (e.g. Ubuntu 18.04 and 17.04)
+ docker build -t docker-deb-builder:18.04 -f Dockerfile-ubuntu-18.04 .
+ docker build -t docker-deb-builder:17.04 -f Dockerfile-ubuntu-17.04 .
+Make a local copy of the open62541 git repo and checkout a pack branch
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # make a local copy of the open62541 git repo (e.g. in the home directory)
+ # and checkout a pack branch (e.g. pack/1.0)
+ cd ~
+ git clone https://github.com/open62541/open62541.git
+ cd ~/open62541
+ git checkout pack/1.0
+Now it's all set to build Debian/Ubuntu open62541 packages
+.. code-block:: bash
+ # goto local developmet path
+ cd ~/development
+ # make a local output directory for the builder where the packages can be placed after build
+ mkdir output
+ # build Debian/Ubuntu packages inside Docker container (e.g. Ubuntu-18.04)
+ ./build -i docker-deb-builder:18.04 -o output ~/open62541
+After a successfull build the Debian/Ubuntu packages can be found at :file:`~/development/docker-deb-builder/output`
+CMake Build Options and Debian Packaging
+If the open62541 library will be build as a Debian package using a pack branch (e.g. pack/master or pack/1.0)
+then altering or adding CMake build options should be done inside the :file:`debian/rules` file respectively in
+the :file:`debian/rules-template` file if working with a development branch (e.g. master or 1.0).
+The section in :file:`debian/rules` where the CMake build options are defined is
+.. code-block:: bash
+ ...
+ override_dh_auto_configure:
+ ...
+This CMake build options will be passed as command line variables to CMake during Debian packaging.
.. _build_options: