@@ -62,124 +62,115 @@ parser.add_argument('-s','--suppress',
parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', action='count', help='Make the script more verbose. Can be applied up to 4 times')
parser.add_argument('-v','--verbose', action='count', help='Make the script more verbose. Can be applied up to 4 times')
-if __name__ == '__main__':
- args = parser.parse_args()
- level = logging.CRITICAL
- verbosity = 0
- if args.verbose:
- verbosity = int(args.verbose)
- if (verbosity==1):
- level = logging.ERROR
- elif (verbosity==2):
- level = logging.WARNING
- elif (verbosity==3):
- level = logging.INFO
- elif (verbosity>=4):
- level = logging.DEBUG
- logging.basicConfig(level=level)
- logger.setLevel(logging.INFO)
- # Creating the header is tendious. We can skip the entire process if
- # the header exists.
- #if path.exists(argv[-1]+".c") or path.exists(argv[-1]+".h"):
- # log(None, "File " + str(argv[-1]) + " does already exists.", LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
- # log(None, "Header generation will be skipped. Delete the header and rerun this script if necessary.", LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
- # exit(0)
- # Open the output file
- outfileh = open(args.outputFile+".h", r"w+")
- outfilec = open(args.outputFile+".c", r"w+")
- # Create a new namespace
- # Note that the name is actually completely symbolic, it has no other
- # function but to distinguish this specific class.
- # A namespace class acts as a container for nodes. The nodes may belong
- # to any number of different OPC-UA namespaces.
- ns = opcua_namespace("open62541")
- # Clean up the XML files by removing duplicate namespaces and unwanted prefixes
- preProc = open62541_XMLPreprocessor()
- for xmlfile in args.infiles:
- logger.info("Preprocessing " + str(xmlfile.name))
- preProc.addDocument(xmlfile.name)
- preProc.preprocessAll()
- for xmlfile in preProc.getPreProcessedFiles():
- logger.info("Parsing " + str(xmlfile))
- ns.parseXML(xmlfile)
- # We need to notify the open62541 server of the namespaces used to be able to use i.e. ns=3
- namespaceArrayNames = preProc.getUsedNamespaceArrayNames()
- for key in namespaceArrayNames:
- ns.addNamespace(key, namespaceArrayNames[key])
- # Remove any temp files - they are not needed after the AST is created
- # Removed for debugging
- preProc.removePreprocessedFiles()
- # Remove blacklisted nodes from the namespace
- # Doing this now ensures that unlinkable pointers will be cleanly removed
- # during sanitation.
- for blacklist in args.blacklistFiles:
- for line in blacklist.readlines():
- line = line.replace(" ","")
- id = line.replace("\n","")
- if ns.getNodeByIDString(id) == None:
- logger.info("Can't blacklist node, namespace does currently not contain a node with id " + str(id))
- else:
- ns.removeNodeById(line)
- blacklist.close()
- # Link the references in the namespace
- logger.info("Linking namespace nodes and references")
- ns.linkOpenPointers()
- # Remove nodes that are not printable or contain parsing errors, such as
- # unresolvable or no references or invalid NodeIDs
- ns.sanitize()
- # Parse Datatypes in order to find out what the XML keyed values actually
- # represent.
- # Ex. <rpm>123</rpm> is not encodable
- # only after parsing the datatypes, it is known that
- # rpm is encoded as a double
- logger.info("Building datatype encoding rules")
- ns.buildEncodingRules()
- # Allocate/Parse the data values. In order to do this, we must have run
- # buidEncodingRules.
- logger.info("Allocating variables")
- ns.allocateVariables()
- # Users may have manually defined some nodes in their code already (such as serverStatus).
- # To prevent those nodes from being reprinted, we will simply mark them as already
- # converted to C-Code. That way, they will still be reffered to by other nodes, but
- # they will not be created themselves.
- ignoreNodes = []
- for ignore in args.ignoreFiles:
- for line in ignore.readlines():
- line = line.replace(" ","")
- id = line.replace("\n","")
- if ns.getNodeByIDString(id) == None:
- logger.warn("Can't ignore node, Namespace does currently not contain a node with id " + str(id))
- else:
- ignoreNodes.append(ns.getNodeByIDString(id))
- ignore.close()
- # Create the C Code
- logger.info("Generating Header")
- # Returns a tuple of (["Header","lines"],["Code","lines","generated"])
- from os.path import basename
- generatedCode=ns.printOpen62541Header(ignoreNodes, args.suppressedAttributes, outfilename=basename(args.outputFile))
- for line in generatedCode[0]:
- outfileh.write(line+"\n")
- for line in generatedCode[1]:
- outfilec.write(line+"\n")
- outfilec.close()
- outfileh.close()
- exit(0)
+args = parser.parse_args()
+level = logging.CRITICAL
+verbosity = 0
+if args.verbose:
+ verbosity = int(args.verbose)
+if (verbosity==1):
+ level = logging.ERROR
+elif (verbosity==2):
+ level = logging.WARNING
+elif (verbosity==3):
+ level = logging.INFO
+elif (verbosity>=4):
+ level = logging.DEBUG
+# Creating the header is tendious. We can skip the entire process if
+# the header exists.
+#if path.exists(argv[-1]+".c") or path.exists(argv[-1]+".h"):
+# log(None, "File " + str(argv[-1]) + " does already exists.", LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
+# log(None, "Header generation will be skipped. Delete the header and rerun this script if necessary.", LOG_LEVEL_INFO)
+# exit(0)
+# Open the output file
+outfileh = open(args.outputFile+".h", r"w+")
+outfilec = open(args.outputFile+".c", r"w+")
+# Create a new namespace. Note that the namespace name is not significant.
+ns = opcua_namespace("open62541")
+# Clean up the XML files by removing duplicate namespaces and unwanted prefixes
+preProc = open62541_XMLPreprocessor()
+for xmlfile in args.infiles:
+ logger.info("Preprocessing " + str(xmlfile.name))
+ preProc.addDocument(xmlfile.name)
+# Parse the XML files
+for xmlfile in preProc.getPreProcessedFiles():
+ logger.info("Parsing " + str(xmlfile))
+ ns.parseXML(xmlfile)
+# We need to notify the open62541 server of the namespaces used to be able to use i.e. ns=3
+namespaceArrayNames = preProc.getUsedNamespaceArrayNames()
+for key in namespaceArrayNames:
+ ns.addNamespace(key, namespaceArrayNames[key])
+# Remove any temp files - they are not needed after the AST is created
+# Remove blacklisted nodes from the namespace
+# Doing this now ensures that unlinkable pointers will be cleanly removed
+# during sanitation.
+for blacklist in args.blacklistFiles:
+ for line in blacklist.readlines():
+ line = line.replace(" ","")
+ id = line.replace("\n","")
+ if ns.getNodeByIDString(id) == None:
+ logger.info("Can't blacklist node, namespace does currently not contain a node with id " + str(id))
+ else:
+ ns.removeNodeById(line)
+ blacklist.close()
+# Link the references in the namespace
+logger.info("Linking namespace nodes and references")
+# Remove nodes that are not printable or contain parsing errors, such as
+# unresolvable or no references or invalid NodeIDs
+# Parse Datatypes in order to find out what the XML keyed values actually
+# represent.
+# Ex. <rpm>123</rpm> is not encodable
+# only after parsing the datatypes, it is known that
+# rpm is encoded as a double
+logger.info("Building datatype encoding rules")
+# Allocate/Parse the data values. In order to do this, we must have run
+# buidEncodingRules.
+logger.info("Allocating variables")
+# Users may have manually defined some nodes in their code already (such as serverStatus).
+# To prevent those nodes from being reprinted, we will simply mark them as already
+# converted to C-Code. That way, they will still be reffered to by other nodes, but
+# they will not be created themselves.
+ignoreNodes = []
+for ignore in args.ignoreFiles:
+ for line in ignore.readlines():
+ line = line.replace(" ","")
+ id = line.replace("\n","")
+ if ns.getNodeByIDString(id) == None:
+ logger.warn("Can't ignore node, Namespace does currently not contain a node with id " + str(id))
+ else:
+ ignoreNodes.append(ns.getNodeByIDString(id))
+ ignore.close()
+# Create the C Code
+logger.info("Generating Header")
+# Returns a tuple of (["Header","lines"],["Code","lines","generated"])
+from os.path import basename
+generatedCode = ns.printOpen62541Header(ignoreNodes, args.suppressedAttributes, outfilename=basename(args.outputFile))
+for line in generatedCode[0]:
+ outfileh.write(line+"\n")
+for line in generatedCode[1]:
+ outfilec.write(line+"\n")