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ci: Better structure azure pipelines into multiple files

Stefan Profanter 4 anni fa

+ 96 - 0

@@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
+# Docs see here:
+# https://aka.ms/yaml
+- job: 'win_vs2017'
+  displayName: 'Windows (VS2017)'
+  pool:
+    vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016'
+  variables:
+    CC_NAME: Visual Studio 15 2017
+    GENERATOR: Visual Studio 15 2017
+    vcpkg_cache: C:/vcpkg/installed
+  steps:
+  - checkout: self
+    submodules: recursive
+  - task: CacheBeta@0
+    inputs:
+      key: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/tools/azure-devops/win/install.ps1
+      path: $(vcpkg_cache)
+    displayName: Cache vcpkg
+  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/win/install.ps1
+    displayName: Install Requirements
+  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/win/build.ps1
+    displayName: "Build: $(CC_NAME)"
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    inputs:
+        PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
+        ArtifactName: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)
+        # publishing artifacts from PRs from a fork is currently blocked
+    condition: succeeded()
+    displayName: "Publish Artifact: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)"
+- job: 'win_msys64'
+  displayName: 'Windows (msys64)'
+  pool:
+    vmImage: 'windows-latest'
+  variables:
+    CC_NAME: MinGW Makefiles
+    CC_SHORTNAME: mingw
+    GENERATOR: MinGW Makefiles
+    MSYS2_ROOT: C:/msys64
+  steps:
+  - checkout: self
+    submodules: recursive
+  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/win/install.ps1
+    displayName: Install Requirements
+  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/win/build.ps1
+    displayName: "Build: $(CC_NAME)"
+    errorActionPreference: continue # If set to Stop, we only get a truncated exception message. Error is handled by checking exit code
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    inputs:
+        PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
+        ArtifactName: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)
+        # publishing artifacts from PRs from a fork is currently blocked
+    condition: succeeded()
+    displayName: "Publish Artifact: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)"
+- job: 'win_clang'
+  displayName: 'Windows (clang)'
+  pool:
+    vmImage: 'windows-latest'
+  variables:
+    CC_NAME: Clang
+    CC_SHORTNAME: clang-mingw
+    GENERATOR: MinGW Makefiles
+    MSYS2_ROOT: C:/msys64
+  steps:
+  - checkout: self
+    submodules: recursive
+  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/win/install.ps1
+    displayName: Install Requirements
+  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/win/build.ps1
+    displayName: "Build: $(CC_NAME)"
+    errorActionPreference: continue # If set to Stop, we only get a truncated exception message. Error is handled by checking exit code
+  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
+    inputs:
+        PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
+        ArtifactName: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)
+        # publishing artifacts from PRs from a fork is currently blocked
+    condition: succeeded()
+    displayName: "Publish Artifact: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)"

+ 1 - 98

@@ -1,99 +1,2 @@
-# Docs see here:
-# https://aka.ms/yaml
-  vcpkg_cache: C:/vcpkg/installed
-- job: 'win_vs2017'
-  displayName: 'Windows (VS2017)'
-  pool:
-    vmImage: 'vs2017-win2016'
-  variables:
-    CC_NAME: Visual Studio 15 2017
-    GENERATOR: Visual Studio 15 2017
-  steps:
-  - checkout: self
-    submodules: recursive
-  - task: CacheBeta@0
-    inputs:
-      key: $(Build.SourcesDirectory)/tools/azure-devops/install.ps1
-      path: $(vcpkg_cache)
-    displayName: Cache vcpkg
-  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/install.ps1
-    displayName: Install Requirements
-  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/build.ps1
-    displayName: "Build: $(CC_NAME)"
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    inputs:
-        PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
-        ArtifactName: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)
-        # publishing artifacts from PRs from a fork is currently blocked
-    condition: succeeded()
-    displayName: "Publish Artifact: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)"
-- job: 'win_msys64'
-  displayName: 'Windows (msys64)'
-  pool:
-    vmImage: 'windows-latest'
-  variables:
-    CC_NAME: MinGW Makefiles
-    CC_SHORTNAME: mingw
-    GENERATOR: MinGW Makefiles
-    MSYS2_ROOT: C:/msys64
-  steps:
-  - checkout: self
-    submodules: recursive
-  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/install.ps1
-    displayName: Install Requirements
-  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/build.ps1
-    displayName: "Build: $(CC_NAME)"
-    errorActionPreference: continue # If set to Stop, we only get a truncated exception message. Error is handled by checking exit code
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    inputs:
-        PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
-        ArtifactName: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)
-        # publishing artifacts from PRs from a fork is currently blocked
-    condition: succeeded()
-    displayName: "Publish Artifact: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)"
-- job: 'win_clang'
-  displayName: 'Windows (clang)'
-  pool:
-    vmImage: 'windows-latest'
-  variables:
-    CC_NAME: Clang
-    CC_SHORTNAME: clang-mingw
-    GENERATOR: MinGW Makefiles
-    MSYS2_ROOT: C:/msys64
-  steps:
-  - checkout: self
-    submodules: recursive
-  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/install.ps1
-    displayName: Install Requirements
-  - powershell: ./tools/azure-devops/build.ps1
-    displayName: "Build: $(CC_NAME)"
-    errorActionPreference: continue # If set to Stop, we only get a truncated exception message. Error is handled by checking exit code
-  - task: PublishBuildArtifacts@1
-    inputs:
-        PathtoPublish: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
-        ArtifactName: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)
-        # publishing artifacts from PRs from a fork is currently blocked
-    condition: succeeded()
-    displayName: "Publish Artifact: open62541-$(CC_SHORTNAME)"
+    - template: ./.azure-pipelines/azure-pipelines-win.yml

tools/azure-devops/build.ps1 → tools/azure-devops/win/build.ps1

tools/azure-devops/install.ps1 → tools/azure-devops/win/install.ps1