@@ -135,6 +135,44 @@ UA_Subscription_removeRetransmissionMessage(UA_Subscription *sub,
+static UA_MonitoredItem *
+selectFirstMonToIterate(UA_Subscription *sub) {
+ UA_MonitoredItem *mon = LIST_FIRST(&sub->monitoredItems);
+ if(sub->lastSendMonitoredItemId > 0) {
+ while(mon) {
+ if(mon->itemId == sub->lastSendMonitoredItemId)
+ break;
+ }
+ if(!mon)
+ mon = LIST_FIRST(&sub->monitoredItems);
+ }
+ return mon;
+/* Iterate over the monitoreditems of the subscription, starting at mon, and
+ * move notifications into the response. */
+static void
+moveNotificationsFromMonitoredItems(UA_Subscription *sub, UA_MonitoredItem *mon,
+ UA_MonitoredItemNotification *mins, size_t minsSize,
+ size_t *pos) {
+ MonitoredItem_queuedValue *qv, *qv_tmp;
+ while(mon) {
+ sub->lastSendMonitoredItemId = mon->itemId;
+ TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(qv, &mon->queue, listEntry, qv_tmp) {
+ if(*pos >= minsSize)
+ return;
+ UA_MonitoredItemNotification *min = &mins[*pos];
+ min->clientHandle = qv->clientHandle;
+ min->value = qv->value;
+ TAILQ_REMOVE(&mon->queue, qv, listEntry);
+ UA_free(qv);
+ --mon->currentQueueSize;
+ ++(*pos);
+ }
+ mon = LIST_NEXT(mon, listEntry);
+ }
static UA_StatusCode
prepareNotificationMessage(UA_Subscription *sub,
UA_NotificationMessage *message,
@@ -168,22 +206,20 @@ prepareNotificationMessage(UA_Subscription *sub,
dcn->monitoredItemsSize = notifications;
/* Move notifications into the response .. the point of no return */
+ /* Select the first monitoredItem or the first monitoreditem after the last
+ * that was processed. */
+ UA_MonitoredItem *mon = selectFirstMonToIterate(sub);
+ /* Move notifications into the response */
size_t l = 0;
- UA_MonitoredItem *mon;
- LIST_FOREACH(mon, &sub->monitoredItems, listEntry) {
- MonitoredItem_queuedValue *qv, *qv_tmp;
- TAILQ_FOREACH_SAFE(qv, &mon->queue, listEntry, qv_tmp) {
- if(l >= notifications)
- UA_MonitoredItemNotification *min = &dcn->monitoredItems[l];
- min->clientHandle = qv->clientHandle;
- min->value = qv->value;
- TAILQ_REMOVE(&mon->queue, qv, listEntry);
- UA_free(qv);
- --mon->currentQueueSize;
- ++l;
- }
+ moveNotificationsFromMonitoredItems(sub, mon, dcn->monitoredItems, notifications, &l);
+ if(l < notifications) {
+ /* Not done. We skipped MonitoredItems. Restart at the beginning. */
+ moveNotificationsFromMonitoredItems(sub, LIST_FIRST(&sub->monitoredItems),
+ dcn->monitoredItems, notifications, &l);
@@ -319,9 +355,15 @@ UA_Subscription_publishCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_Subscription *sub) {
UA_free(pre); /* no need for UA_PublishResponse_deleteMembers */
- /* Repeat if there are more notifications to send */
- if(moreNotifications)
+ if(!moreNotifications) {
+ /* All notifications were sent. The next time, just start at the first
+ * monitoreditem. */
+ sub->lastSendMonitoredItemId = 0;
+ } else {
+ /* Repeat sending responses right away if there are more notifications
+ * to send */
UA_Subscription_publishCallback(server, sub);
+ }