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Revised namespace compiler to properly construct method argument descriptions. Workaround in addMethodNode - broken anyway since size_t was introduced - is now obsoleted.

ichrispa hace 9 años

+ 0 - 9

@@ -693,15 +693,6 @@ UA_Server_addMethodNode(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId requestedNewNodeId,
     parent.nodeId = result.addedNodeId;
-    /* create InputArguments */
-    /* FIXME:   The namespace compiler does currently not recognize the interdependancy between methods
-     *          and arguments - everything is treated as a standalone node.
-     *          In order to allow the compiler to create methods with arguments from an XML, this routine
-     *          must be coerced into *not* creating arguments, as these will be added by the compiler as
-     *          standalone nodes later. A semantic of inputArgumentsSize < 0 is used to signal this.
-     * 
-     *          This is not a production feature and should be fixed on the compiler side! (@ichrispa)
-     */
     const UA_NodeId hasproperty = UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(0, UA_NS0ID_HASPROPERTY);
     UA_VariableNode *inputArgumentsVariableNode = UA_NodeStore_newVariableNode();
     inputArgumentsVariableNode->nodeId.namespaceIndex = result.addedNodeId.namespaceIndex;

+ 70 - 23

@@ -24,7 +24,7 @@ __unique_item_id = 0
 class open62541_MacroHelper():
   def __init__(self, supressGenerationOfAttribute=[]):
     self.supressGenerationOfAttribute = supressGenerationOfAttribute
   def getCreateExpandedNodeIDMacro(self, node):
     if node.id().i != None:
       return "UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_NUMERIC(" + str(node.id().ns) + ", " + str(node.id().i) + ")"
@@ -63,21 +63,7 @@ class open62541_MacroHelper():
       return ""
   def getCreateStandaloneReference(self, sourcenode, reference):
-  # As reference from open62541 (we need to alter the attributes)
-  #    UA_Server_addReference(UA_Server *server, const UA_NodeId sourceId, const UA_NodeId refTypeId,
-  #                                   const UA_ExpandedNodeId targetId)
     code = []
-    #refid = "ref_" + reference.getCodePrintableID()
-    #code.append("UA_AddReferencesItem " + refid + ";")
-    #code.append("UA_AddReferencesItem_init(&" + refid + ");")
-    #code.append(refid + ".sourceNodeId = " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(sourcenode) + ";")
-    #code.append(refid + ".referenceTypeId = " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(reference.referenceType()) + ";")
-    #if reference.isForward():
-      #code.append(refid + ".isForward = true;")
-    #else:
-      #code.append(refid + ".isForward = false;")
-    #code.append(refid + ".targetNodeId = " + self.getCreateExpandedNodeIDMacro(reference.target()) + ";")
-    #code.append("addOneWayReferenceWithSession(server, (UA_Session *) NULL, &" + refid + ");")
     if reference.isForward():
       code.append("UA_Server_addReference(server, " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(sourcenode) + ", " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(reference.referenceType()) + ", " + self.getCreateExpandedNodeIDMacro(reference.target()) + ", true);")
@@ -85,7 +71,7 @@ class open62541_MacroHelper():
       code.append("UA_Server_addReference(server, " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(sourcenode) + ", " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(reference.referenceType()) + ", " + self.getCreateExpandedNodeIDMacro(reference.target()) + ", false);")
     return code
-  def getCreateNodeNoBootstrap(self, node, parentNode, parentReference):
+  def getCreateNodeNoBootstrap(self, node, parentNode, parentReference, unprintedNodes):
     code = []
     code.append("// Node: " + str(node) + ", " + str(node.browseName()))
@@ -109,15 +95,79 @@ class open62541_MacroHelper():
       code.append("/* undefined nodeclass */")
       return code;
+    # If this is a method, construct in/outargs for addMethod 
+    #inputArguments.arrayDimensionsSize = 0;
+    #inputArguments.arrayDimensions = NULL;
+    #inputArguments.dataType = UA_TYPES[UA_TYPES_STRING].typeId;
+    # Node ordering should have made sure that arguments, if they exist, have not been printed yet
+    if node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_METHOD:
+      inArgVal = []
+      outArgVal = []
+      code.append("UA_Argument *inputArguments = NULL;")
+      code.append("UA_Argument *outputArguments = NULL;")
+      for r in node.getReferences():
+	if r.target() != None and r.target().nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VARIABLE and r.target().browseName() == 'InputArguments':
+	  if r.target().value() != None:
+	    inArgVal = r.target().value().value
+	    while r.target() in unprintedNodes:
+	      unprintedNodes.remove(r.target())
+	elif r.target() != None and r.target().nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VARIABLE and r.target().browseName() == 'OutputArguments':
+	  if r.target().value() != None:
+	    outArgVal = r.target().value().value
+	    while r.target() in unprintedNodes:
+	      unprintedNodes.remove(r.target())
+      if len(inArgVal)>0:
+	code.append("")
+	code.append("inputArguments = (UA_Argument *) malloc(sizeof(UA_Argument) * " + str(len(inArgVal)) + ");")
+	code.append("int inputArgumentCnt;")
+	code.append("for (inputArgumentCnt=0; inputArgumentCnt<" + str(len(inArgVal)) + "; inputArgumentCnt++) UA_Argument_init(&inputArguments[inputArgumentCnt]); ")
+	argumentCnt = 0
+	for inArg in inArgVal:
+	  if inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description") != None:
+	    code.append("inputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].description = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(\"" + str(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description")[0]) + "\",\"" + str(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description")[1]) + "\");")
+	  if inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Name") != None:
+	    code.append("inputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].name = UA_STRING(\"" + str(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Name")) + "\");")
+	  if inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ValueRank") != None:
+	    code.append("inputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].valueRank = " + str(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ValueRank")) + ";")
+	  if inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("DataType") != None:
+	    code.append("inputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].dataType = " + str(self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("DataType"))) + ";")
+	  #if inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ArrayDimensions") != None:
+	  #  code.append("inputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].arrayDimensions = " + str(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ArrayDimensions")) + ";")
+	  argumentCnt += 1
+      if len(outArgVal)>0:
+	code.append("")
+	code.append("outputArguments = (UA_Argument *) malloc(sizeof(UA_Argument) * " + str(len(outArgVal)) + ");")
+	code.append("int outputArgumentCnt;")
+	code.append("for (outputArgumentCnt=0; outputArgumentCnt<" + str(len(outArgVal)) + "; outputArgumentCnt++) UA_Argument_init(&outputArguments[outputArgumentCnt]); ")
+	argumentCnt = 0
+	for outArg in outArgVal:
+	  if outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description") != None:
+	    code.append("outputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].description = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(\"" + str(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description")[0]) + "\",\"" + str(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description")[1]) + "\");")
+	  if outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Name") != None:
+	    code.append("outputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].name = UA_STRING(\"" + str(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Name")) + "\");")
+	  if outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ValueRank") != None:
+	    code.append("outputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].valueRank = " + str(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ValueRank")) + ";")
+	  if outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("DataType") != None:
+	    code.append("outputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].dataType = " + str(self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("DataType"))) + ";")
+	  #if outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ArrayDimensions") != None:
+	  #  code.append("outputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].arrayDimensions = " + str(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ArrayDimensions")) + ";")
+	  argumentCnt += 1
+    # print the attributes struct
     code.append("UA_%sAttributes attr;" % nodetype)
     code.append("UA_%sAttributes_init(&attr);" %  nodetype); 
     code.append("attr.displayName = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(\"\", \"" + str(node.displayName()) + "\");")
     code.append("attr.description = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(\"\", \"" + str(node.description()) + "\");")
     if nodetype in ["Variable", "VariableType"]:
       code = code + node.printOpen62541CCode_SubtypeEarly(bootstrapping = False)
+    elif nodetype == "Method":
+      if node.executable():
+	code.append("attr.executable = true;")
+      if node.userExecutable():
+	code.append("attr.userExecutable = true;")
     code.append("UA_NodeId nodeId = " + str(self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(node)) + ";")
     if nodetype in ["Object", "Variable"]:
       code.append("UA_NodeId typeDefinition = UA_NODEID_NULL;") # todo instantiation of object and variable types
@@ -134,14 +184,11 @@ class open62541_MacroHelper():
     code.append("UA_Server_add%sNode(server, nodeId, parentNodeId, parentReferenceNodeId, nodeName" % nodetype)
     if nodetype in ["Object", "Variable"]:
-      code.append("       , typeDefinition")
+      code.append("       , typeDefinition") 
     if nodetype != "Method":
       code.append("       , attr, NULL, NULL);")
-      # FIXME:  Semantic of inputArgumentSize = -1 is used to signal the suppression of argument creation.
-      #         This should be replaced with a properly generated struct for the arguments.
-      code.append("       , attr, (UA_MethodCallback) NULL, NULL, 0, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL);")
+      code.append("       , attr, (UA_MethodCallback) NULL, NULL, " + str(len(inArgVal)) + ", inputArguments,  " + str(len(outArgVal)) + ", outputArguments, NULL);")
     return code
   def getCreateNodeBootstrap(self, node):

+ 11 - 1

@@ -59,7 +59,17 @@ class opcua_value_t():
                        'qualifiedname', 'expandednodeid', 'xmlelement']
     self.dataType = None
     self.encodingRule = []
+  def getValueFieldByAlias(self, fieldname):
+    if not isinstance(self.value, list):
+      return None
+    if not isinstance(self.value[0], opcua_value_t):
+      return None
+    for val in self.value:
+      if val.alias() == fieldname:
+	return val.value
+    return None
   def setEncodingRule(self, encoding):
     self.encodingRule = encoding

+ 1 - 1

@@ -669,7 +669,7 @@ class opcua_node_t:
       code.append("// Referencing node found and declared as parent: " + str(parentNode .id()) + "/" +
                   str(parentNode .__node_browseName__) + " using " + str(parentRef.referenceType().id()) +
                   "/" + str(parentRef.referenceType().__node_browseName__))
-      code = code + codegen.getCreateNodeNoBootstrap(self, parentNode, parentRef)
+      code = code + codegen.getCreateNodeNoBootstrap(self, parentNode, parentRef, unPrintedNodes)
       # Parent to child reference is added by the server, do not reprint that reference
       if parentRef in unPrintedReferences: