@@ -66,6 +66,12 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_SecureChannelManager_open(UA_SecureChannelManager *cm, UA_Conne
entry->channel.securityToken.createdAt = UA_DateTime_now();
entry->channel.securityToken.revisedLifetime = (request->requestedLifetime > cm->maxChannelLifetime) ?
cm->maxChannelLifetime : request->requestedLifetime;
+ //FIXME: pragmatic workaround to get clients requesting lifetime of 0 working
+ if(entry->channel.securityToken.revisedLifetime == 0){
+ entry->channel.securityToken.revisedLifetime = cm->maxChannelLifetime;
+ //FIXME: I'd log it, but there is no pointer to the logger
+ printf("Warning: client requests token lifetime of 0 in OpenSecureChannelRequest setting it to %llu\n", cm->maxChannelLifetime);
+ }
UA_ByteString_copy(&request->clientNonce, &entry->channel.clientNonce);
entry->channel.serverAsymAlgSettings.securityPolicyUri =
@@ -93,6 +99,12 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_SecureChannelManager_renew(UA_SecureChannelManager *cm, UA_Conn
channel->securityToken.createdAt = UA_DateTime_now(); // todo: is wanted?
channel->securityToken.revisedLifetime = (request->requestedLifetime > cm->maxChannelLifetime) ?
cm->maxChannelLifetime : request->requestedLifetime;
+ //FIXME: pragmatic workaround to get clients requesting lifetime of 0 working
+ if(channel->securityToken.revisedLifetime == 0){
+ channel->securityToken.revisedLifetime = cm->maxChannelLifetime;
+ //FIXME: I'd log it, but there is no pointer to the logger
+ printf("Warning: client requests token lifetime of 0 in renewing SecureChannel setting it to %llu\n", cm->maxChannelLifetime);
+ }
if(channel->serverNonce.data != UA_NULL)