Selaa lähdekoodia

make nodeid hashing public; simpler FNV hashing for (short) string nodeids

Julius Pfrommer 8 vuotta sitten

+ 2 - 4

@@ -349,10 +349,8 @@ add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/open62541.h
 add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/open62541.c
-                           ${OPEN62541_VER_COMMIT} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/open62541.c ${internal_headers}
-                           ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/server/ ${lib_sources}
-                   DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/ ${internal_headers}
-                           ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/server/ ${lib_sources})
+                           ${OPEN62541_VER_COMMIT} ${CMAKE_CURRENT_BINARY_DIR}/open62541.c ${internal_headers} ${lib_sources}
+                   DEPENDS ${CMAKE_CURRENT_SOURCE_DIR}/tools/ ${internal_headers} ${lib_sources})
 # example information model from nodeset xml
 add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src_generated/nodeset.h ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src_generated/nodeset.c

+ 3 - 0

@@ -326,6 +326,9 @@ UA_Boolean UA_EXPORT UA_NodeId_isNull(const UA_NodeId *p);
 UA_Boolean UA_EXPORT UA_NodeId_equal(const UA_NodeId *n1, const UA_NodeId *n2);
+/* Returns a non-cryptographic hash for the NodeId */
+UA_UInt32 UA_EXPORT UA_NodeId_hash(const UA_NodeId *n);
 /** The following functions are shorthand for creating NodeIds. */
 static UA_INLINE UA_NodeId
 UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(UA_UInt16 nsIndex, UA_UInt32 identifier) {

+ 13 - 12

@@ -20,11 +20,9 @@ struct UA_NodeStore {
     UA_UInt32 sizePrimeIndex;
-#include ""
 /* The size of the hash-map is always a prime number. They are chosen to be
  * close to the next power of 2. So the size ca. doubles with each prime. */
-static hash_t const primes[] = {
+static UA_UInt32 const primes[] = {
     7,         13,         31,         61,         127,         251,
     509,       1021,       2039,       4093,       8191,        16381,
     32749,     65521,      131071,     262139,     524287,      1048573,
@@ -32,10 +30,13 @@ static hash_t const primes[] = {
     134217689, 268435399,  536870909,  1073741789, 2147483647,  4294967291
+static UA_UInt32 mod(UA_UInt32 h, UA_UInt32 size) { return h % size; }
+static UA_UInt32 mod2(UA_UInt32 h, UA_UInt32 size) { return 1 + (h % (size - 2)); }
 static UA_UInt16
-higher_prime_index(hash_t n) {
+higher_prime_index(UA_UInt32 n) {
     UA_UInt16 low  = 0;
-    UA_UInt16 high = (UA_UInt16)(sizeof(primes) / sizeof(hash_t));
+    UA_UInt16 high = (UA_UInt16)(sizeof(primes) / sizeof(UA_UInt32));
     while(low != high) {
         UA_UInt16 mid = (UA_UInt16)(low + ((high - low) / 2));
         if(n > primes[mid])
@@ -93,10 +94,10 @@ deleteEntry(UA_NodeStoreEntry *entry) {
 /* returns slot of a valid node or null */
 static UA_NodeStoreEntry **
 findNode(const UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
-    hash_t h = hash(nodeid);
+    UA_UInt32 h = UA_NodeId_hash(nodeid);
     UA_UInt32 size = ns->size;
-    hash_t idx = mod(h, size);
-    hash_t hash2 = mod2(h, size);
+    UA_UInt32 idx = mod(h, size);
+    UA_UInt32 hash2 = mod2(h, size);
     while(true) {
         UA_NodeStoreEntry *e = ns->entries[idx];
@@ -117,10 +118,10 @@ findNode(const UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
 /* returns an empty slot or null if the nodeid exists */
 static UA_NodeStoreEntry **
 findSlot(const UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
-    hash_t h = hash(nodeid);
+    UA_UInt32 h = UA_NodeId_hash(nodeid);
     UA_UInt32 size = ns->size;
-    hash_t idx = mod(h, size);
-    hash_t hash2 = mod2(h, size);
+    UA_UInt32 idx = mod(h, size);
+    UA_UInt32 hash2 = mod2(h, size);
     while(true) {
         UA_NodeStoreEntry *e = ns->entries[idx];
@@ -236,7 +237,7 @@ UA_NodeStore_insert(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *node) {
             node->nodeId.namespaceIndex = 1;
         UA_UInt32 identifier = ns->count+1; // start value
         UA_UInt32 size = ns->size;
-        hash_t increase = mod2(identifier, size);
+        UA_UInt32 increase = mod2(identifier, size);
         while(true) {
             node->nodeId.identifier.numeric = identifier;
             entry = findSlot(ns, &node->nodeId);

+ 6 - 8

@@ -12,8 +12,6 @@ struct nodeEntry {
     UA_Node node; ///< Might be cast from any _bigger_ UA_Node* type. Allocate enough memory!
-#include ""
 static struct nodeEntry * instantiateEntry(UA_NodeClass class) {
     size_t size = sizeof(struct nodeEntry) - sizeof(UA_Node);
     switch(class) {
@@ -111,7 +109,7 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_insert(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *node) {
     tempNodeid = node->nodeId;
     tempNodeid.namespaceIndex = 0;
     if(!UA_NodeId_isNull(&tempNodeid)) {
-        hash_t h = hash(&node->nodeId);
+        UA_UInt32 h = UA_NodeId_hash(&node->nodeId);
         result = cds_lfht_add_unique(ht, h, compare, &node->nodeId, &entry->htn);
         /* If the nodeid exists already */
         if(result != &entry->htn) {
@@ -131,7 +129,7 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_insert(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *node) {
         node->nodeId.identifier.numeric = (UA_UInt32)identifier;
         while(true) {
-            hash_t h = hash(&node->nodeId);
+            UA_UInt32 h = UA_NodeId_hash(&node->nodeId);
             result = cds_lfht_add_unique(ht, h, compare, &node->nodeId, &entry->htn);
             if(result == &entry->htn)
@@ -147,7 +145,7 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_replace(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *node) {
     struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns;
     /* Get the current version */
-    hash_t h = hash(&node->nodeId);
+    UA_UInt32 h = UA_NodeId_hash(&node->nodeId);
     struct cds_lfht_iter iter;
     cds_lfht_lookup(ht, h, compare, &node->nodeId, &iter);
@@ -173,7 +171,7 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_replace(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *node) {
 UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_remove(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
     struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns;
-    hash_t h = hash(nodeid);
+    UA_UInt32 h = UA_NodeId_hash(nodeid);
     struct cds_lfht_iter iter;
     cds_lfht_lookup(ht, h, compare, nodeid, &iter);
     if(!iter.node || cds_lfht_del(ht, iter.node) != 0)
@@ -186,7 +184,7 @@ UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_remove(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
 const UA_Node * UA_NodeStore_get(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
     struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns;
-    hash_t h = hash(nodeid);
+    UA_UInt32 h = UA_NodeId_hash(nodeid);
     struct cds_lfht_iter iter;
     cds_lfht_lookup(ht, h, compare, nodeid, &iter);
     struct nodeEntry *found_entry = (struct nodeEntry*)iter.node;
@@ -198,7 +196,7 @@ const UA_Node * UA_NodeStore_get(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
 UA_Node * UA_NodeStore_getCopy(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
     struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns;
-    hash_t h = hash(nodeid);
+    UA_UInt32 h = UA_NodeId_hash(nodeid);
     struct cds_lfht_iter iter;
     cds_lfht_lookup(ht, h, compare, nodeid, &iter);
     struct nodeEntry *entry = (struct nodeEntry*)iter.node;

+ 0 - 80

@@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
-typedef UA_UInt32 hash_t;
-static hash_t mod(hash_t h, hash_t size) { return h % size; }
-static hash_t mod2(hash_t h, hash_t size) { return 1 + (h % (size - 2)); }
-/* Based on Murmur-Hash 3 by Austin Appleby (public domain, freely usable) */
-static hash_t hash_array(const UA_Byte *data, UA_UInt32 len, UA_UInt32 seed) {
-    if(data == NULL)
-        return 0;
-    const int32_t nblocks = (int32_t)(len / 4);
-    const uint32_t *blocks;
-    static const uint32_t c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
-    static const uint32_t c2 = 0x1b873593;
-    static const uint32_t r1 = 15;
-    static const uint32_t r2 = 13;
-    static const uint32_t m  = 5;
-    static const uint32_t n  = 0xe6546b64;
-    hash_t hash = seed;
-    /* Somce compilers emit a warning when casting from a byte array to ints. */
-#if ((__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6) || __GNUC__ > 4 || defined(__clang__))
-#pragma GCC diagnostic push
-#pragma GCC diagnostic ignored "-Wcast-align"
-    blocks = (const uint32_t *)data;
-#if ((__GNUC__ == 4 && __GNUC_MINOR__ >= 6) || __GNUC__ > 4 || defined(__clang__))
-#pragma GCC diagnostic pop
-    for(int32_t i = 0;i < nblocks;i++) {
-        uint32_t k = blocks[i];
-        k    *= c1;
-        k     = (k << r1) | (k >> (32 - r1));
-        k    *= c2;
-        hash ^= k;
-        hash  = ((hash << r2) | (hash >> (32 - r2))) * m + n;
-    }
-    const uint8_t *tail = (const uint8_t *)(data + nblocks * 4);
-    uint32_t k1 = 0;
-    switch(len & 3) {
-    case 3:
-        k1 ^= (uint32_t)(tail[2] << 16);
-    case 2:
-        k1 ^= (uint32_t)(tail[1] << 8);
-    case 1:
-        k1   ^= tail[0];
-        k1   *= c1;
-        k1    = (k1 << r1) | (k1 >> (32 - r1));
-        k1   *= c2;
-        hash ^= k1;
-    }
-    hash ^= len;
-    hash ^= (hash >> 16);
-    hash *= 0x85ebca6b;
-    hash ^= (hash >> 13);
-    hash *= 0xc2b2ae35;
-    hash ^= (hash >> 16);
-    return hash;
-static hash_t hash(const UA_NodeId *n) {
-    switch(n->identifierType) {
-        /*  Knuth's multiplicative hashing */
-        return (hash_t)((n->identifier.numeric + n->namespaceIndex) * 2654435761); // mod(2^32) is implicit
-        return hash_array(n->, (UA_UInt32)n->identifier.string.length,
-                          n->namespaceIndex);
-        return hash_array((const UA_Byte*)&(n->identifier.guid), sizeof(UA_Guid), n->namespaceIndex);
-        return hash_array((const UA_Byte*)n->,
-                          (UA_UInt32)n->identifier.byteString.length, n->namespaceIndex);
-    default:
-        UA_assert(false);
-        return 0;
-    }

+ 26 - 0

@@ -272,6 +272,32 @@ UA_NodeId_equal(const UA_NodeId *n1, const UA_NodeId *n2) {
     return false;
+/* FNV non-cryptographic hash function. See
+ * */
+#define FNV_PRIME_32 16777619
+static UA_UInt32
+fnv32(UA_UInt32 fnv, const UA_Byte *buf, size_t size) {
+    for(size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i) {
+        fnv = fnv ^ (buf[i]);
+        fnv = fnv * FNV_PRIME_32;
+    }
+    return fnv;
+UA_NodeId_hash(const UA_NodeId *n) {
+    switch(n->identifierType) {
+    default:
+        return (UA_UInt32)(n->namespaceIndex + (n->identifier.numeric * 2654435761)); /*  Knuth's multiplicative hashing */
+        return fnv32(n->namespaceIndex, n->, (UA_UInt32)n->identifier.string.length);
+        return fnv32(n->namespaceIndex, (const UA_Byte*)&n->identifier.guid, sizeof(UA_Guid));
+    }
 /* ExpandedNodeId */
 static void
 ExpandedNodeId_deleteMembers(UA_ExpandedNodeId *p, const UA_DataType *_) {