@@ -386,8 +386,13 @@ process_RegisterServer(UA_Server *server, UA_Session *session,
if(requestServer->semaphoreFilePath.length) {
char* filePath = (char *)UA_malloc(sizeof(char)*requestServer->semaphoreFilePath.length+1);
+ if (!filePath) {
+ UA_LOG_ERROR_SESSION(server->config.logger, session,
+ "Cannot allocate memory for semaphore path. Out of memory.", NULL);
+ responseHeader->serviceResult = UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY;
+ return;
+ }
memcpy(filePath, requestServer->semaphoreFilePath.data, requestServer->semaphoreFilePath.length );
filePath[requestServer->semaphoreFilePath.length] = '\0';
if(access( filePath, 0 ) == -1) {
@@ -517,18 +522,22 @@ void UA_Discovery_cleanupTimedOut(UA_Server *server, UA_DateTime nowMonotonic) {
size_t fpSize = sizeof(char)*current->registeredServer.semaphoreFilePath.length+1;
char* filePath = (char *)UA_malloc(fpSize);
- memcpy(filePath, current->registeredServer.semaphoreFilePath.data,
- current->registeredServer.semaphoreFilePath.length );
- filePath[current->registeredServer.semaphoreFilePath.length] = '\0';
+ if (filePath) {
+ memcpy(filePath, current->registeredServer.semaphoreFilePath.data,
+ current->registeredServer.semaphoreFilePath.length );
+ filePath[current->registeredServer.semaphoreFilePath.length] = '\0';
#ifdef UNDER_CE
- FILE *fp = fopen(filePath,"rb");
- semaphoreDeleted = (fp==NULL);
- if(fp)
- fclose(fp);
+ FILE *fp = fopen(filePath,"rb");
+ semaphoreDeleted = (fp==NULL);
+ if(fp)
+ fclose(fp);
- semaphoreDeleted = access( filePath, 0 ) == -1;
+ semaphoreDeleted = access( filePath, 0 ) == -1;
- UA_free(filePath);
+ UA_free(filePath);
+ } else {
+ UA_LOG_ERROR(server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SERVER, "Cannot check registration semaphore. Out of memory");
+ }