@@ -993,6 +993,48 @@ UA_DataSetWriter_generateDataSetMessage(UA_Server *server, UA_DataSetMessage *da
+static UA_StatusCode
+sendNetworkMessage(UA_PubSubConnection *connection, UA_DataSetMessage *dsm,
+ UA_UInt16 *writerIds, UA_Byte dsmCount) {
+ UA_NetworkMessage nm;
+ memset(&nm, 0, sizeof(UA_NetworkMessage));
+ nm.version = 1;
+ nm.networkMessageType = UA_NETWORKMESSAGE_DATASET;
+ nm.payloadHeaderEnabled = true;
+ /* Compute the length of the dsm separately for the header */
+ UA_STACKARRAY(UA_UInt16, dsmLengths, dsmCount);
+ for(UA_Byte i = 0; i < dsmCount; i++)
+ dsmLengths[i] = (UA_UInt16)UA_DataSetMessage_calcSizeBinary(&dsm[i]);
+ nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.count = dsmCount;
+ nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.dataSetWriterIds = writerIds;
+ nm.payload.dataSetPayload.sizes = dsmLengths;
+ nm.payload.dataSetPayload.dataSetMessages = dsm;
+ /* Allocate the buffer */
+ UA_ByteString buf;
+ size_t msgSize = UA_NetworkMessage_calcSizeBinary(&nm);
+ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&buf, msgSize);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
+ return retval;
+ /* Encode the message */
+ UA_Byte *bufPos = buf.data;
+ memset(bufPos, 0, msgSize);
+ const UA_Byte *bufEnd = &buf.data[buf.length];
+ retval = UA_NetworkMessage_encodeBinary(&nm, &bufPos, bufEnd);
+ if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
+ UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&buf);
+ return retval;
+ }
+ /* Send the prepared messages */
+ retval = connection->channel->send(connection->channel, NULL, &buf);
+ UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&buf);
+ return retval;
/* This callback triggers the collection and publish of NetworkMessages and the
* contained DataSetMessages. */
@@ -1035,8 +1077,6 @@ UA_WriterGroup_publishCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_WriterGroup *writerGroup) {
* stack-memory where to put the current messages. */
UA_STACKARRAY(UA_DataSetMessage, dsmStore, writerGroup->writersCount);
memset(dsmStore, 0, sizeof(UA_DataSetMessage) * writerGroup->writersCount);
- UA_STACKARRAY(UA_UInt16, dsmSizes, writerGroup->writersCount);
- memset(dsmSizes, 0, writerGroup->writersCount * sizeof(UA_UInt16));
UA_STACKARRAY(UA_UInt16, dsWriterIds, writerGroup->writersCount);
memset(dsWriterIds, 0, writerGroup->writersCount * sizeof(UA_UInt16));
@@ -1085,7 +1125,6 @@ UA_WriterGroup_publishCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_WriterGroup *writerGroup) {
dsWriterIds[pos] = dsw->config.dataSetWriterId;
- dsmSizes[pos] = (UA_UInt16) UA_DataSetMessage_calcSizeBinary(&dsmStore[pos]);
*count = *count + 1;
@@ -1097,75 +1136,39 @@ UA_WriterGroup_publishCallback(UA_Server *server, UA_WriterGroup *writerGroup) {
networkMessageCount += combinedNetworkMessageCount;
- /* Nothing to do */
- if(networkMessageCount == 0) {
- for(size_t i = 0; i < writerGroup->writersCount; i++)
- UA_DataSetMessage_free(&dsmStore[i]);
- return;
- }
/* Prepare, encode and send the NetworkMessages */
UA_UInt32 currentDSMPosition = 0;
for(UA_UInt32 i = 0; i < networkMessageCount; i++) {
- UA_NetworkMessage nm;
- memset(&nm, 0, sizeof(UA_NetworkMessage));
- nm.version = 1;
- nm.networkMessageType = UA_NETWORKMESSAGE_DATASET;
- nm.payloadHeaderEnabled = true;
+ UA_Byte dsmCount = 0;
if(i < (networkMessageCount-singleNetworkMessagesCount)){
/* Create combined NetworkMessages */
if(combinedNetworkMessageCount - (i * maxDSM)) {
if(combinedNetworkMessageCount == 1) {
- nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.count = (UA_Byte) ((writerGroup->writersCount) - singleNetworkMessagesCount);
+ dsmCount = (UA_Byte) ((writerGroup->writersCount) - singleNetworkMessagesCount);
currentDSMPosition = 0;
} else {
- nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.count = maxDSM;
+ dsmCount = maxDSM;
currentDSMPosition = i * maxDSM;
- nm.payload.dataSetPayload.dataSetMessages = &dsmStore[currentDSMPosition];
- nm.payload.dataSetPayload.sizes = &dsmSizes[currentDSMPosition];
- nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.dataSetWriterIds = &dsWriterIds[currentDSMPosition];
} else {
currentDSMPosition = i * maxDSM;
- nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.count = (UA_Byte) (currentDSMPosition - ((i - 1) * maxDSM)); //attention cast from uint32 to byte
- nm.payload.dataSetPayload.dataSetMessages = &dsmStore[currentDSMPosition];
- nm.payload.dataSetPayload.sizes = &dsmSizes[currentDSMPosition];
- nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.dataSetWriterIds = &dsWriterIds[currentDSMPosition];
+ dsmCount = (UA_Byte) (currentDSMPosition - ((i - 1) * maxDSM)); //attention cast from uint32 to byte
} else {
/* Create single NetworkMessages (1 DSM per NM) */
- nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.count = 1;
+ dsmCount = 1;
currentDSMPosition = (UA_UInt32)
combinedNetworkMessageCount + (i - combinedNetworkMessageCount / maxDSM
+ (combinedNetworkMessageCount % maxDSM) == 0 ? 0 : 1);
- nm.payload.dataSetPayload.dataSetMessages = &dsmStore[currentDSMPosition];
- nm.payload.dataSetPayload.sizes = &dsmSizes[currentDSMPosition];
- nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.dataSetWriterIds = &dsWriterIds[currentDSMPosition];
- /* Send the prepared messages */
- UA_ByteString buf;
- size_t msgSize = UA_NetworkMessage_calcSizeBinary(&nm);
- if(UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(&buf, msgSize) == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) {
- UA_Byte *bufPos = buf.data;
- memset(bufPos, 0, msgSize);
- const UA_Byte *bufEnd = &buf.data[buf.length];
- if(UA_NetworkMessage_encodeBinary(&nm, &bufPos, bufEnd) == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
- connection->channel->send(connection->channel, NULL, &buf);
- else
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&buf);
- }
- /* The stack allocated sizes and dataSetWriterIds field must be set to
- * NULL to prevent invalid free */
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&buf);
- nm.payload.dataSetPayload.sizes = NULL;
- nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.dataSetWriterIds = NULL;
- nm.payload.dataSetPayload.dataSetMessages = NULL;
- nm.payloadHeader.dataSetPayloadHeader.count = 0;
- UA_NetworkMessage_deleteMembers(&nm);
+ sendNetworkMessage(connection, &dsmStore[currentDSMPosition],
+ &dsWriterIds[currentDSMPosition], dsmCount);
+ /* Clean up */
+ for(size_t i = 0; i < writerGroup->writersCount; i++)
+ UA_DataSetMessage_free(&dsmStore[i]);
/* Add new publishCallback. The first execution is triggered directly after