@@ -317,24 +317,6 @@ UA_SecureChannel_revolveTokens(UA_SecureChannel *channel) {
/* Send Asymmetric Message */
-static UA_UInt16
-calculatePaddingAsym(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy, const void *channelContext,
- size_t bytesToWrite, UA_Byte *paddingSize, UA_Byte *extraPaddingSize) {
- size_t plainTextBlockSize = securityPolicy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.encryptionAlgorithm.
- getRemotePlainTextBlockSize(securityPolicy, channelContext);
- size_t signatureSize = securityPolicy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.signatureAlgorithm.
- getLocalSignatureSize(securityPolicy, channelContext);
- size_t paddingBytes = 1;
- if(securityPolicy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.encryptionAlgorithm.
- getRemoteKeyLength(securityPolicy, channelContext) > 2048)
- ++paddingBytes;
- size_t padding = (plainTextBlockSize - ((bytesToWrite + signatureSize + paddingBytes) %
- plainTextBlockSize));
- *paddingSize = (UA_Byte)(padding & 0xff);
- *extraPaddingSize = (UA_Byte)(padding >> 8);
- return (UA_UInt16)padding;
static size_t
calculateAsymAlgSecurityHeaderLength(const UA_SecureChannel *channel) {
@@ -371,40 +353,48 @@ hideBytesAsym(const UA_SecureChannel *channel, UA_Byte **buf_start, const UA_Byt
-static UA_StatusCode
+static void
padChunkAsym(UA_SecureChannel *channel, const UA_ByteString *const buf,
size_t securityHeaderLength, UA_Byte **buf_pos) {
const UA_SecurityPolicy *const securityPolicy = channel->securityPolicy;
/* Also pad if the securityMode is SIGN_ONLY, since we are using
* asymmetric communication to exchange keys and thus need to encrypt. */
- if(channel->securityMode == UA_MESSAGESECURITYMODE_SIGN ||
- const UA_Byte *buf_body_start =
- UA_SEQUENCE_HEADER_LENGTH + securityHeaderLength];
- const size_t bytesToWrite =
- (uintptr_t)*buf_pos - (uintptr_t)buf_body_start + UA_SEQUENCE_HEADER_LENGTH;
- UA_Byte paddingSize = 0;
- UA_Byte extraPaddingSize = 0;
- UA_UInt16 totalPaddingSize =
- calculatePaddingAsym(securityPolicy, channel->channelContext,
- bytesToWrite, &paddingSize, &extraPaddingSize);
+ if(channel->securityMode != UA_MESSAGESECURITYMODE_SIGN &&
+ return;
- /* This is <= because the paddingSize byte also has to be written */
- for(UA_UInt16 i = 0; i <= totalPaddingSize; ++i) {
- **buf_pos = paddingSize;
- ++*buf_pos;
- }
+ const UA_Byte *buf_body_start =
+ UA_SEQUENCE_HEADER_LENGTH + securityHeaderLength];
+ const size_t bytesToWrite =
+ (uintptr_t)*buf_pos - (uintptr_t)buf_body_start + UA_SEQUENCE_HEADER_LENGTH;
- if(securityPolicy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.encryptionAlgorithm.
- getRemoteKeyLength(securityPolicy, channel->channelContext) > 2048) {
- **buf_pos = extraPaddingSize;
- ++*buf_pos;
- }
+ /* Compute the padding length */
+ size_t plainTextBlockSize = securityPolicy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.encryptionAlgorithm.
+ getRemotePlainTextBlockSize(securityPolicy, channel->channelContext);
+ size_t signatureSize = securityPolicy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.signatureAlgorithm.
+ getLocalSignatureSize(securityPolicy, channel->channelContext);
+ size_t paddingBytes = 1;
+ if(securityPolicy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.encryptionAlgorithm.
+ getRemoteKeyLength(securityPolicy, channel->channelContext) > 2048)
+ ++paddingBytes; /* extra padding */
+ UA_UInt16 totalPaddingSize =
+ (plainTextBlockSize - ((bytesToWrite + signatureSize + paddingBytes) % plainTextBlockSize));
+ UA_Byte paddingSize = (UA_Byte)(totalPaddingSize & 0xff);
+ UA_Byte extraPaddingSize = (UA_Byte)(totalPaddingSize >> 8);
+ /* Write the padding. This is <= because the paddingSize byte also has to be written */
+ for(UA_UInt16 i = 0; i <= totalPaddingSize; ++i) {
+ **buf_pos = paddingSize;
+ ++*buf_pos;
+ }
+ /* Write the extra padding byte if required */
+ if(securityPolicy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.encryptionAlgorithm.
+ getRemoteKeyLength(securityPolicy, channel->channelContext) > 2048) {
+ **buf_pos = extraPaddingSize;
+ ++*buf_pos;
static UA_StatusCode
@@ -529,9 +519,8 @@ UA_SecureChannel_sendAsymmetricOPNMessage(UA_SecureChannel *channel,
const size_t securityHeaderLength = calculateAsymAlgSecurityHeaderLength(channel);
- retval = padChunkAsym(channel, &buf, securityHeaderLength, &buf_pos);
- if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD)
- goto error;
+ /* Add padding to the chunk */
+ padChunkAsym(channel, &buf, securityHeaderLength, &buf_pos);
/* The total message length */
size_t pre_sig_length = (uintptr_t)buf_pos - (uintptr_t)buf.data;