@@ -14,9 +14,7 @@
- * inits a connection object for secure channel layer
- */
+/* inits a connection object for secure channel layer */
UA_Int32 SL_initConnectionObject(UA_SL_Channel *connection) {
@@ -29,8 +27,8 @@ UA_Int32 SL_initConnectionObject(UA_SL_Channel *connection) {
connection->connectionState = connectionState_CLOSED;
- connection->requestId = 0;
- connection->requestType = 0;
+ connection->sequenceHeader.requestId = 0;
+ connection->sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber = 1;
@@ -40,7 +38,6 @@ UA_Int32 SL_initConnectionObject(UA_SL_Channel *connection) {
//TODO set a valid start TokenId
connection->securityToken.tokenId = 1;
- connection->sequenceNumber = 1;
return UA_SUCCESS;
@@ -60,8 +57,8 @@ UA_Int32 SL_send(UA_SL_Channel* channel,
pos = 0;
//sequence header
- sequenceNumber = channel->sequenceNumber;
- requestId = channel->requestId;
+ sequenceNumber = channel->sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber;
+ requestId = channel->sequenceHeader.requestId;
sizePadding = 0;
sizeSignature = 0;
@@ -121,7 +118,7 @@ UA_Int32 SL_send(UA_SL_Channel* channel,
/* encrypt Data*/
/* send Data */
- TL_send(channel->tlc, &responsePacket);
+ TL_send(channel->tlConnection, &responsePacket);
return UA_SUCCESS;
@@ -166,7 +163,7 @@ UA_Int32 SL_openSecureChannel(UA_SL_Channel *connection,
r->responseHeader.stringTable = UA_NULL;
r->serverProtocolVersion =
- connection->tlc->localConf.protocolVersion;
+ connection->tlConnection->localConf.protocolVersion;
r->securityToken.channelId =
@@ -203,255 +200,225 @@ UA_Int32 SL_createSecurityToken(UA_SL_Channel* channel, UA_Int32 lifeTime) {
return UA_NO_ERROR;
-UA_Int32 SL_processMessage(UA_SL_Channel *sc, UA_ByteString* msg) {
+UA_Int32 UA_SL_handleGetEndpointsRequest(UA_SL_Channel *channel, void* obj) {
UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ UA_GetEndpointsRequest* p = (UA_GetEndpointsRequest*) obj;
+ UA_NodeId responseType;
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse* r;
+ UA_String_printx("endpointUrl=", &(p->endpointUrl));
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse_new(&r);
+ r->responseHeader.requestHandle = p->requestHeader.requestHandle;
+ r->responseHeader.serviceResult = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
+ r->responseHeader.stringTableSize = 0;
+ r->responseHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
+ r->endpointsSize = 1;
+ UA_Array_new((void**) &(r->endpoints),r->endpointsSize,UA_ENDPOINTDESCRIPTION);
+ UA_String_copy(&(channel->tlConnection->localEndpointUrl),&(r->endpoints[0]->endpointUrl));
+ UA_String_copycstring("http://open62541.info/applications/4711",&(r->endpoints[0]->server.applicationUri));
+ UA_String_copycstring("http://open62541.info/product/release",&(r->endpoints[0]->server.productUri));
+ // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application
+ UA_LocalizedText_copycstring("The open62541 application",&(r->endpoints[0]->server.applicationName));
+ // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application and an enum
+ r->endpoints[0]->server.applicationType = 0; // Server
+ // all the other strings are empty by initialization
+ // Now let's build the response
+ UA_ByteString response;
+ responseType.encodingByte = UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE;
+ responseType.namespace = 0;
+ responseType.identifier.numeric = 431; // GetEndpointsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary
+ UA_ByteString_newMembers(&response, UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType) + UA_GetEndpointsResponse_calcSize(r));
UA_Int32 pos = 0;
+ UA_NodeId_encode(&responseType, &pos, response.data);
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse_encode(r, &pos, response.data);
- // Every Message starts with a NodeID which names the serviceRequestType
- UA_NodeId serviceRequestType;
- UA_NodeId_decode(msg->data, &pos, &serviceRequestType);
- UA_NodeId_printf("SL_processMessage - serviceRequestType=",
- &serviceRequestType);
- if (serviceRequestType.namespace == 0) {
- // FIXME: quick hack to map DataType to Object
- switch (serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric) {
- case 452: //
- serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric =
- break;
- case 446: //
- serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric =
- break;
- case 428: //
- serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric = UA_GETENDPOINTSREQUEST_NS0;
- break;
- case 461: //
- serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric = UA_CREATESESSIONREQUEST_NS0;
+ SL_send(channel, &response, 431);
+ UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&response);
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse_delete(r);
+ return retval;
+UA_Int32 UA_SL_handleCreateSessionRequest(UA_SL_Channel *channel, void* obj) {
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ UA_CreateSessionRequest* p = (UA_CreateSessionRequest*) obj;
+ UA_NodeId responseType;
+ UA_CreateSessionResponse* r;
+ UA_CreateSessionResponse_new(&r);
+ r->responseHeader.requestHandle = p->requestHeader.requestHandle;
+ r->responseHeader.serviceResult = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
+ r->responseHeader.stringTableSize = 0;
+ r->responseHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
+ // FIXME: create session
+ // Now let's build the response
+ UA_ByteString response;
+ responseType.encodingByte = UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE;
+ responseType.namespace = 0;
+ responseType.identifier.numeric = 464; // CreateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary
+ UA_ByteString_newMembers(&response, UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType) + UA_CreateSessionResponse_calcSize(r));
+ UA_Int32 pos = 0;
+ UA_NodeId_encode(&responseType, &pos, response.data);
+ UA_CreateSessionResponse_encode(r, &pos, response.data);
+ SL_send(channel, &response, responseType.identifier.numeric);
+ UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&response);
+ UA_CreateSessionResponse_delete(r);
+ return retval;
+UA_Int32 UA_SL_handleCloseSecureChannelRequest(UA_SL_Channel *channel, void* obj) {
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
+ // 62451 Part 6 Chapter 7.1.4 - The server does not send a CloseSecureChannel response
+ channel->connectionState = connectionState_CLOSE;
+ return retval;
+UA_Int32 UA_SL_handleOpenSecureChannelRequest(UA_SL_Channel *channel, void* obj) {
+ UA_Int32 retval;
+ UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest* p = (UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest*) obj;
+ if (p->clientProtocolVersion != channel->tlConnection->remoteConf.protocolVersion) {
+ printf("SL_processMessage - error protocol version \n");
+ //TODO ERROR_Bad_ProtocolVersionUnsupported
+ }
+ switch (p->requestType) {
+ if (channel->connectionState == connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
+ printf("SL_processMessage - multiple security token request");
+ //TODO return ERROR
+ retval = UA_ERROR;
- UA_Int32 namespace_index = UA_toIndex(
- serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
- if (namespace_index == -1) {
- printf(
- "SL_processMessage - unknown request, namespace=%d, request=%d\n",
- serviceRequestType.namespace,
- serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
+ printf("SL_processMessage - TODO: create new token for a new SecureChannel\n");
+ // SL_createNewToken(connection);
+ break;
+ if (channel->connectionState == connectionState_CLOSED) {
+ printf("SL_processMessage - renew token request received, but no secureChannel was established before");
+ //TODO return ERROR
retval = UA_ERROR;
- } else {
- void * obj;
- UA_[namespace_index].new(&obj);
- UA_[namespace_index].decode(msg->data, &pos, obj);
- // FXIME: we need a more clever response/request architecture
- switch (serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric) {
- UA_GetEndpointsRequest* p = (UA_GetEndpointsRequest*) obj;
- UA_NodeId responseType;
- UA_GetEndpointsResponse* r;
- UA_String_printx("endpointUrl=", &(p->endpointUrl));
- UA_GetEndpointsResponse_new(&r);
- r->responseHeader.requestHandle =
- p->requestHeader.requestHandle;
- r->responseHeader.serviceResult = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
- r->responseHeader.stringTableSize = 0;
- r->responseHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- r->endpointsSize = 1;
- UA_Array_new((void**) &(r->endpoints),r->endpointsSize,UA_ENDPOINTDESCRIPTION);
- UA_String_copycstring("tcp.opc://localhost:16664/",
- &(r->endpoints[0]->endpointUrl));
- // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application
- UA_String_copycstring("http://open62541.info/applications/4711",
- &(r->endpoints[0]->server.applicationUri));
- UA_String_copycstring("http://open62541.info/product/release",
- &(r->endpoints[0]->server.productUri));
- // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application
- UA_LocalizedText_copycstring("The open62541 application",
- &(r->endpoints[0]->server.applicationName));
- // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application and an enum
- r->endpoints[0]->server.applicationType = 0; // Server
- // all the other strings are empty by initialization
- // Now let's build the response
- UA_ByteString response;
- responseType.encodingByte = UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE;
- responseType.namespace = 0;
- responseType.identifier.numeric = 431; // GetEndpointsResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary
- response.length = UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType)
- + UA_GetEndpointsResponse_calcSize(r);
- UA_alloc((void**)&(response.data), response.length);
- pos = 0;
- UA_NodeId_encode(&responseType, &pos, response.data);
- UA_GetEndpointsResponse_encode(r, &pos, response.data);
- SL_send(sc, &response, 431);
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&response);
- UA_GetEndpointsResponse_delete(r);
- retval = UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- break;
- UA_CreateSessionRequest* p = (UA_CreateSessionRequest*) obj;
- UA_NodeId responseType;
- UA_CreateSessionResponse* r;
- UA_CreateSessionResponse_new(&r);
- r->responseHeader.requestHandle =
- p->requestHeader.requestHandle;
- r->responseHeader.serviceResult = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
- r->responseHeader.stringTableSize = 0;
- r->responseHeader.timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
- // FIXME: create session
- // Now let's build the response
- UA_ByteString response;
- responseType.encodingByte = UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE;
- responseType.namespace = 0;
- responseType.identifier.numeric = 464; // CreateSessionResponse_Encoding_DefaultBinary
- response.length = UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType)
- + UA_CreateSessionResponse_calcSize(r);
- UA_alloc((void**)&(response.data), response.length);
- pos = 0;
- UA_NodeId_encode(&responseType, &pos, response.data);
- UA_CreateSessionResponse_encode(r, &pos, response.data);
- SL_send(sc, &response, responseType.identifier.numeric);
- UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&response);
- UA_CreateSessionResponse_delete(r);
- retval = UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- break;
- // 62451 Part 6 Chapter 7.1.4 - The server does not send a CloseSecureChannel response
- sc->tlc->connectionState = connectionState_CLOSE;
- retval = UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- break;
- UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest* p =
- (UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest*) obj;
- if (p->clientProtocolVersion
- != sc->tlc->remoteConf.protocolVersion) {
- printf("SL_processMessage - error protocol version \n");
- //TODO error protocol version
- //TODO ERROR_Bad_ProtocolVersionUnsupported
- }
- switch (p->requestType) {
- if (sc->connectionState
- == connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
- printf("SL_processMessage - multiply security token request");
- //TODO return ERROR
- retval = UA_ERROR;
- break;
- }
- printf(
- "SL_processMessage - TODO: create new token for a new SecureChannel\n");
- // SL_createNewToken(connection);
- break;
- if (sc->connectionState
- == connectionState_CLOSED) {
- printf(
- "SL_processMessage - renew token request received, but no secureChannel was established before");
- //TODO return ERROR
- retval = UA_ERROR;
- break;
- }
- printf(
- "TODO: create new token for an existing SecureChannel\n");
- break;
- }
- switch (p->securityMode) {
- sc->remoteNonce.data = NULL;
- sc->remoteNonce.length = -1;
- printf("SL_processMessage - client demands no security \n");
- break;
- printf("SL_processMessage - client demands signed \n");
- //TODO check if senderCertificate and ReceiverCertificateThumbprint are present
- break;
- printf(
- "SL_processMessage - client demands signed & encrypted \n");
- //TODO check if senderCertificate and ReceiverCertificateThumbprint are present
- break;
- }
- retval |= SL_openSecureChannel(sc, &(p->requestHeader),
- }
- break;
- } // end switch over known messages
- retval |= UA_[namespace_index].delete(obj);
+ break;
- } else {
- printf(
- "SL_processMessage - unknown request, namespace=%d, request=%d\n",
- serviceRequestType.namespace,
- serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
- retval = UA_ERROR;
+ printf("TODO: create new token for an existing SecureChannel\n");
+ break;
+ switch (p->securityMode) {
+ channel->remoteNonce.data = NULL;
+ channel->remoteNonce.length = -1;
+ printf("SL_processMessage - client demands no security \n");
+ break;
+ printf("SL_processMessage - client demands signed \n");
+ //TODO check if senderCertificate and ReceiverCertificateThumbprint are present
+ break;
+ printf("SL_processMessage - client demands signed & encrypted \n");
+ //TODO check if senderCertificate and ReceiverCertificateThumbprint are present
+ break;
+ }
+ retval |= SL_openSecureChannel(channel, &(p->requestHeader), UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD);
return retval;
-// FIXME: we need to associate secure channels with the connection
-UA_SL_Channel slc;
-/** process data as we've got it from the transport layer */
-UA_Int32 SL_process(UA_TL_connection *connection, UA_ByteString* msg, UA_Int32 messageType) {
- UA_SecureConversationMessageHeader secureConvHeader;
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader asymAlgSecHeader;
- UA_SequenceHeader sequenceHeader;
+typedef struct T_UA_SL_handleRequestTableEntry {
+ UA_Int32 methodNodeId;
+ UA_Int32 dataTypeId;
+ UA_Int32 (*handleRequest)(UA_SL_Channel*,void*);
+} UA_SL_handleRequestTableEntry;
+UA_SL_handleRequestTableEntry hrt[] = {
+ {452, UA_CLOSESECURECHANNELREQUEST, UA_SL_handleCloseSecureChannelRequest},
+ {446, UA_OPENSECURECHANNELREQUEST, UA_SL_handleOpenSecureChannelRequest},
+ {428, UA_GETENDPOINTSREQUEST, UA_SL_handleGetEndpointsRequest},
+ {461, UA_CREATESESSIONREQUEST, UA_SL_handleCreateSessionRequest}
+UA_SL_handleRequestTableEntry* getHRTEntry(UA_Int32 methodNodeId) {
+ UA_UInt32 i = 0;
+ for (i=0;i< sizeof(hrt)/sizeof(UA_SL_handleRequestTableEntry);i++) {
+ if (methodNodeId == hrt[i].methodNodeId) {
+ return &hrt[i];
+ }
+ }
+ return UA_NULL;
+UA_Int32 UA_SL_handleRequest(UA_SL_Channel *channel, UA_ByteString* msg) {
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
UA_Int32 pos = 0;
- DBG_VERBOSE_printf("SL_receive - entered \n");
- switch (messageType) {
- DBG_VERBOSE_printf("SL_receive - process OPN\n");
+ // Every Message starts with a NodeID which names the serviceRequestType
+ UA_NodeId serviceRequestType;
+ UA_NodeId_decode(msg->data, &pos, &serviceRequestType);
+ UA_NodeId_printf("SL_processMessage - serviceRequestType=", &serviceRequestType);
+ UA_SL_handleRequestTableEntry* hrte = getHRTEntry(serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
+ if (hrte == UA_NULL) {
+ printf("SL_processMessage - unknown request, namespace=%d, request=%d\n",
+ serviceRequestType.namespace,serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
+ retval = UA_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ void * obj;
+ UA_[hrte->dataTypeId].new(&obj);
+ UA_[hrte->dataTypeId].decode(msg->data, &pos, obj);
+ hrte->handleRequest(channel, obj);
+ retval |= UA_[hrte->dataTypeId].delete(obj);
+ }
+ return retval;
- UA_SecureConversationMessageHeader_decode(msg->data, &pos, &secureConvHeader);
+// FIXME: we need to associate secure channels with the connection
+UA_SL_Channel slc;
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(
- msg->data, &pos, &asymAlgSecHeader);
- UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.ReceiverThumbprint=",
- &(asymAlgSecHeader.receiverCertificateThumbprint));
- UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.SecurityPolicyUri=",
- &(asymAlgSecHeader.securityPolicyUri));
- UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.SenderCertificate=",
- &(asymAlgSecHeader.senderCertificate));
+UA_Int32 UA_SL_Channel_new(UA_TL_connection *connection, UA_ByteString* msg, UA_Int32* pos) {
+ UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;
-// if (secureConvHeader.secureChannelId != 0) {
-// UA_Int32 iTmp = UA_ByteString_compare(
+ UA_SecureConversationMessageHeader secureConvHeader;
+ DBG_VERBOSE(printf("UA_SL_Channel_new - entered\n"));
+ // FIXME: generate new secure channel
+ connection->secureChannel = &slc;
+ connection->secureChannel->tlConnection = connection;
+ UA_SecureConversationMessageHeader_decode(msg->data, pos, &secureConvHeader);
+ // connection->secureChannel->secureChannelId = secureConvHeader.secureChannelId;
+ UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(msg->data, pos, &(connection->secureChannel->remoteAsymAlgSettings));
+ //TODO check that the sequence number is smaller than MaxUInt32 - 1024
+ UA_SequenceHeader_decode(msg->data, pos, &(connection->secureChannel->sequenceHeader));
+ UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.ReceiverThumbprint=",
+ &(connection->secureChannel->remoteAsymAlgSettings.receiverCertificateThumbprint));
+ UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.SecurityPolicyUri=",
+ &(connection->secureChannel->remoteAsymAlgSettings.securityPolicyUri));
+ UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.SenderCertificate=",
+ &(connection->secureChannel->remoteAsymAlgSettings.senderCertificate));
+ DBG_VERBOSE(printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.RequestId=%d\n",connection->secureChannel->sequenceHeader.requestId));
+ DBG_VERBOSE(printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.SequenceNr=%d\n",connection->secureChannel->sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber));
+// FIXME: reject
+// if (secureConvHeader.secureChannelId != 0) {
+// UA_Int32 iTmp = UA_ByteString_compare(
// &(connection->secureLayer.remoteAsymAlgSettings.senderCertificate),
// &(asymAlgSecHeader.senderCertificate));
// if (iTmp != UA_EQUAL) {
@@ -462,62 +429,39 @@ UA_Int32 SL_process(UA_TL_connection *connection, UA_ByteString* msg, UA_Int32 m
// //TODO invalid securechannelId
// }
- UA_SequenceHeader_decode(msg->data, &pos,
- &sequenceHeader);
- DBG_VERBOSE_printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.RequestId=%d\n",
- sequenceHeader.requestId);
- DBG_VERBOSE_printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.SequenceNr=%d\n",
- sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber);
- //
- slc.requestId = sequenceHeader.requestId;
- //TODO check that the sequence number is smaller than MaxUInt32 - 1024
- slc.sequenceNumber = sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber;
+ UA_ByteString slMessage;
+ slMessage.data = &(msg->data[*pos]);
+ slMessage.length = msg->length - *pos;
+ retval |= UA_SL_handleRequest(connection->secureChannel, &slMessage);
+ return retval;
- UA_ByteString slMessage;
- slMessage.data = &(msg->data[pos]);
- slMessage.length = msg->length - pos;
- UA_ByteString_printx("SL_receive - message=", &slMessage);
+/** process data as we've got it from the transport layer */
+UA_Int32 UA_SL_process(UA_SL_Channel* connection, UA_ByteString* msg, UA_Int32* pos) {
- SL_processMessage(&slc, &slMessage);
- // Clean up
- UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_deleteMembers(
- &asymAlgSecHeader);
+ DBG_VERBOSE(printf("UA_SL_process - entered \n"));
- UA_SecureConversationMessageHeader_deleteMembers(&secureConvHeader);
- break;
// FIXME: check connection state
-// if (connection->secureLayer.connectionState
-// == connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
- if (secureConvHeader.secureChannelId
- == slc.securityToken.secureChannelId) {
- UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader symAlgSecHeader;
- //FIXME: we assume SAS, need to check if AAS or SAS
- UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(
- msg->data, &pos, &symAlgSecHeader);
- // decode sequenceHeader and remember
- UA_SequenceHeader_decode(msg->data, &pos,
- &sequenceHeader);
- printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.RequestId=%d\n",
- sequenceHeader.requestId);
- printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.SequenceNr=%d\n",
- sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber);
- slc.requestId = sequenceHeader.requestId;
- slc.sequenceNumber = sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber;
- // process message
- UA_ByteString slMessage;
- slMessage.data = &(msg->data[pos]);
- slMessage.length = msg->length - pos;
- SL_processMessage(&slc, &slMessage);
- } else {
- //TODO generate ERROR_Bad_SecureChannelUnkown
- }
-// } // check connection state
- break;
+ if (connection->connectionState == connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
+ UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader symAlgSecHeader;
+ //FIXME: we assume SAS, need to check if AAS or SAS
+ if (connection->securityMode == UA_MESSAGESECURITYMODE_NONE) {
+ UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(msg->data, pos, &symAlgSecHeader);
+ } else {
+ // FIXME:
+ }
+ if (symAlgSecHeader == connection->securityToken.tokenId) {
+ UA_SequenceHeader_decode(msg->data, pos, &(connection->sequenceHeader));
+ // process message
+ UA_ByteString slMessage;
+ slMessage.data = &(msg->data[*pos]);
+ slMessage.length = msg->length - *pos;
+ UA_SL_handleRequest(&slc, &slMessage);
+ } else {
+ //TODO generate ERROR_Bad_SecureChannelUnkown
+ }
return UA_SUCCESS;