@@ -8,6 +8,7 @@
#include <memory.h> // memcpy
#include "opcua_transportLayer.h"
#include "opcua_secureLayer.h"
+#include "UA_stackInternalTypes.h"
@@ -18,12 +19,8 @@
UA_Int32 SL_initConnectionObject(UA_connection *connection)
- //TODO: fill with valid information
- UA_ByteString_init(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.ReceiverCertificateThumbprint));
- UA_ByteString_copy(&UA_ByteString_securityPoliceNone, &(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.SecurityPolicyUri));
- UA_ByteString_init(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.SenderCertificate));
- UA_ByteString_init(&(connection->secureLayer.remoteNonce));
+ UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_init(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings));
+ UA_ByteString_copy(&UA_ByteString_securityPoliceNone, &(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.securityPolicyUri));
connection->secureLayer.localNonce.length = 1;
@@ -51,67 +48,58 @@ UA_Int32 SL_send(UA_connection* connection, UA_ByteString const * responseMessag
UA_UInt32 sequenceNumber;
UA_UInt32 requestId;
UA_Int32 pos;
- UA_Int32 sizeAsymAlgHeader;
UA_ByteString responsePacket;
UA_Int32 packetSize;
UA_Int32 sizePadding;
UA_Int32 sizeSignature;
+ // FIXME: this is a to dump method to determine asymmetric algorithm setting
+ UA_Int32 isAsym = (type == 449);
- sizeAsymAlgHeader = 3 * sizeof(UA_UInt32) +
- connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.SecurityPolicyUri.length +
- connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.SenderCertificate.length +
- connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.ReceiverCertificateThumbprint.length;
pos = 0;
//sequence header
sequenceNumber = connection->secureLayer.sequenceNumber;
requestId = connection->secureLayer.requestId;
+ sizePadding = 0;
+ sizeSignature = 0;
- if(type == 449) //openSecureChannelResponse -> asymmetric algorithm
- {
- //TODO fill with valid sizes
- sizePadding = 0;
- sizeSignature = 0;
- //TODO: size calculation need
- sizeAsymAlgHeader +
+ ( isAsym ? UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_calcSize(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings)) : UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_calcSize(&(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.tokenId)) )+
responseMessage->length +
sizePadding +
- sizeSignature +
- // FIXME: Leon misses two bytes here
- 2;
+ sizeSignature;
- //get memory for response
- UA_alloc((void**)&(responsePacket.data),packetSize);
- responsePacket.length = packetSize;
+ //get memory for response
+ UA_alloc((void**)&(responsePacket.data),packetSize);
+ responsePacket.length = packetSize;
- /*---encode Secure Conversation Message Header ---*/
+ /*---encode Secure Conversation Message Header ---*/
+ if (isAsym) {
//encode MessageType - OPN message
responsePacket.data[0] = 'O';
responsePacket.data[1] = 'P';
responsePacket.data[2] = 'N';
- pos += 3;
- //encode Chunk Type - set to final
- responsePacket.data[3] = 'F';
- pos += 1;
- UA_Int32_encode(&packetSize,&pos,responsePacket.data);
- UA_UInt32_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId),&pos,responsePacket.data);
- /*---encode Asymmetric Algorithm Header ---*/
- UA_ByteString_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.SecurityPolicyUri),
- &pos,responsePacket.data);
- UA_ByteString_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.SenderCertificate),
- &pos,responsePacket.data );
- UA_ByteString_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings.ReceiverCertificateThumbprint),
- &pos,responsePacket.data );
+ } else {
+ //encode MessageType - MSG message
+ responsePacket.data[0] = 'M';
+ responsePacket.data[1] = 'S';
+ responsePacket.data[2] = 'G';
+ }
+ pos += 3;
+ responsePacket.data[3] = 'F';
+ pos += 1;
+ UA_Int32_encode(&packetSize,&pos,responsePacket.data);
+ UA_UInt32_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId),&pos,responsePacket.data);
+ /*---encode Algorithm Security Header ---*/
+ if (isAsym) {
+ UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.localAsymAlgSettings),&pos,responsePacket.data);
+ } else {
+ UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_encode(&(connection->secureLayer.securityToken.tokenId),&pos,responsePacket.data);
/*---encode Sequence Header ---*/
@@ -122,13 +110,11 @@ UA_Int32 SL_send(UA_connection* connection, UA_ByteString const * responseMessag
/* sign Data*/
- /* encrypt Data */
+ /* encrypt Data*/
/* send Data */
- // do not delete here, memory still needed for actual writing in top-level procedure
- // UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&responsePacket);
+ // responsePackage will be deleted by top-level procedure
return UA_NO_ERROR;
@@ -278,16 +264,6 @@ UA_Int32 SL_openSecureChannel(UA_connection *connection,
return UA_SUCCESS;
-Int32 SL_openSecureChannel_responseMessage_calcSize(SL_Response *response,
- Int32* sizeInOut) {
- Int32 length = 0;
- length += sizeof(response->SecurityToken);
- length += UAString_calcSize(response->ServerNonce);
- length += sizeof(response->ServerProtocolVersion);
- return length;
* closes a secureChannel (server side)
@@ -386,7 +362,7 @@ UA_Int32 SL_processMessage(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString message) {
switch (securityMode) {
connection->secureLayer.remoteNonce.data = NULL;
- connection->secureLayer.remoteNonce.length = 0;
+ connection->secureLayer.remoteNonce.length = -1;
printf("SL_processMessage - client demands no security \n");
@@ -419,10 +395,84 @@ UA_Int32 SL_processMessage(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString message) {
retval = SL_openSecureChannel(connection, &requestHeader, SC_Good);
} else {
- printf("SL_processMessage - unknown service request");
- //TODO change error code
- retval = UA_ERROR;
+ if (serviceRequestType.namespace == 0) {
+ // FIXME: quick hack
+ switch (serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric) {
+ case 428:
+ serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric = 426;
+ break;
+ }
+ UA_Int32 namespace_index = UA_toIndex(serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
+ if (namespace_index == -1) {
+ printf("SL_processMessage - unknown request, namespace=%d, request=%d\n", serviceRequestType.namespace, serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
+ retval = UA_ERROR;
+ } else {
+ void * obj;
+ UA_alloc(&obj,UA_[namespace_index].calcSize(UA_NULL));
+ UA_[namespace_index].decode(message.data,&pos,obj);
+ // FXIME: we need a more clever response/request architecture
+ if (serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric == 426 ) {
+ UA_GetEndpointsRequest *p = (UA_GetEndpointsRequest*) obj;
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse *r;
+ UA_NodeId responseType;
+ UA_String_printx("endpointUrl=",&(p->endpointUrl));
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse_new(&r);
+ UA_ResponseHeader_new(&(r->responseHeader));
+ r->responseHeader->requestHandle = p->requestHeader->requestHandle;
+ r->responseHeader->serviceResult = SC_Good;
+ r->responseHeader->stringTableSize = 0;
+ r->responseHeader->timestamp = UA_DateTime_now();
+ UA_DiagnosticInfo_new(&(r->responseHeader->serviceDiagnostics));
+ UA_ExtensionObject_new(&(r->responseHeader->additionalHeader));
+ // TODO: Arrays need to be redesigned, this is crap
+ r->endpointsSize = 1;
+ UA_alloc((void**) &(r->endpoints), sizeof(void*));
+ UA_EndpointDescription *epd;
+ UA_EndpointDescription_new(&epd);
+ *(r->endpoints) = epd;
+ // FIXME: this memory gets lost
+ UA_String_copycstring("http://localhost:16664/",&(r->endpoints[0]->endpointUrl));
+ // FIXME: this memory gets lost
+ UA_ApplicationDescription_new(&(r->endpoints[0]->server));
+ // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application
+ UA_String_copycstring("open62541.com/applications/4711",&(r->endpoints[0]->server->applicationUri));
+ UA_String_copycstring("open62541.com/product/release",&(r->endpoints[0]->server->productUri));
+ // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application
+ UA_LocalizedText_copycstring("The open62541 application",&(r->endpoints[0]->server->applicationName));
+ // FIXME: This should be a feature of the application and an enum
+ r->endpoints[0]->server->applicationType = 0; // Server
+ // all the other strings are empty by initialization
+ // Now let's build the response
+ UA_ByteString response;
+ responseType.encodingByte = UA_NODEIDTYPE_FOURBYTE;
+ responseType.namespace = 0;
+ responseType.identifier.numeric = 431;
+ response.length = UA_NodeId_calcSize(&responseType) + UA_GetEndpointsResponse_calcSize(r);
+ UA_alloc((void**)&(response.data), response.length);
+ pos = 0;
+ UA_NodeId_encode(&responseType, &pos, response.data);
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse_encode(r, &pos, response.data);
+ SL_send(connection, &response, 431);
+ UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&response);
+ UA_GetEndpointsResponse_delete(r);
+ UA_GetEndpointsRequest_delete(p);
+ return UA_SUCCESS;
+ }
+ }
+ } else {
+ printf("SL_processMessage - unknown request, namespace=%d, request=%d\n", serviceRequestType.namespace, serviceRequestType.identifier.numeric);
+ retval = UA_ERROR;
+ }
return retval;
@@ -454,6 +504,7 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
switch (secureConvHeader.tcpMessageHeader->messageType) {
case UA_MESSAGETYPE_OPN: /* openSecureChannel Message received */
+ printf("SL_receive - process OPN\n");
UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &asymAlgSecHeader);
UA_ByteString_printf("SL_receive - AAS_Header.ReceiverThumbprint=",
@@ -463,7 +514,7 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
if (secureConvHeader.secureChannelId != 0) {
iTmp = UA_ByteString_compare(
- &(connection->secureLayer.remoteAsymAlgSettings.SenderCertificate),
+ &(connection->secureLayer.remoteAsymAlgSettings.senderCertificate),
if (iTmp != UA_EQUAL) {
printf("SL_receive - UA_ERROR_BadSecureChannelUnknown \n");
@@ -486,7 +537,6 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
connection->secureLayer.sequenceNumber =
- //SL_decrypt(&secureChannelPacket);
message.data = &secureChannelPacket.data[pos];
message.length = secureChannelPacket.length - pos;
UA_ByteString_printx("SL_receive - message=",&message);
@@ -497,21 +547,35 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
case UA_MESSAGETYPE_MSG: /* secure Channel Message received */
- UA_ByteString_printx("SL_receive - MSG, msg=", serviceMessage);
- if (connection->secureLayer.connectionState
- == connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
+ printf("SL_receive - process MSG\n");
+// FIXME: check connection state
+// if (connection->secureLayer.connectionState
+// == connectionState_ESTABLISHED) {
if (secureConvHeader.secureChannelId
== connection->secureLayer.securityToken.secureChannelId) {
+ UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader symAlgSecHeader;
+ //FIXME: we assume SAS, need to check if AAS or SAS
+ UA_SymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &symAlgSecHeader);
+ // decode sequenceHeader and remember
+ UA_SequenceHeader_decode(secureChannelPacket.data, &pos, &sequenceHeader);
+ printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.RequestId=%d\n",sequenceHeader.requestId);
+ printf("SL_receive - SequenceHeader.SequenceNr=%d\n",sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber);
+ connection->secureLayer.requestId = sequenceHeader.requestId;
+ connection->secureLayer.sequenceNumber = sequenceHeader.sequenceNumber;
+ // process message
+ message.data = &secureChannelPacket.data[pos];
+ message.length = secureChannelPacket.length - pos;
+ UA_ByteString_printx("SL_receive - message=",&message);
+ SL_processMessage(connection, message);
} else {
//TODO generate ERROR_Bad_SecureChannelUnkown
- }
+// } // check connection state
case UA_MESSAGETYPE_CLO: /* closeSecureChannel Message received */
- UA_ByteString_printx("SL_receive - CLO, msg=", serviceMessage);
if (SL_check(connection, secureChannelPacket) == UA_NO_ERROR) {
@@ -522,65 +586,6 @@ void SL_receive(UA_connection *connection, UA_ByteString *serviceMessage) {
} else {
printf("SL_receive - no data received \n");
- /*
- Int32 readPosition = 0;
- //get the Secure Channel Message Header
- decodeSCMHeader(secureChannelPacket,
- &readPosition, &SCM_Header);
- //get the Secure Channel Asymmetric Algorithm Security Header
- decodeAASHeader(secureChannelPacket,
- &readPosition, &AAS_Header);
- //get the Sequence Header
- decodeSequenceHeader(secureChannelPacket,
- &readPosition, &SequenceHeader);
- //get Secure Channel Message
- //SL_secureChannel_Message_get(connection, secureChannelPacket,
- // &readPosition,serviceMessage);
- if (secureChannelPacket->length > 0)
- {
- switch (SCM_Header.MessageType)
- {
- case packetType_MSG:
- if (connection->secureLayer.connectionState
- == connectionState_ESTABLISHED)
- {
- }
- else //receiving message, without secure channel
- {
- //TODO send back Error Message
- }
- break;
- case packetType_OPN:
- //Server Handling
- // if (openSecureChannelHeader_check(connection, secureChannelPacket))
- // {
- //check if the request is valid
- // SL_openSecureChannelRequest_check(connection, secureChannelPacket);
- // }
- // else
- // {
- // //TODO send back Error Message
- // }
- //Client Handling
- //TODO free memory for secureChannelPacket
- break;
- case packetType_CLO:
- //TODO free memory for secureChannelPacket
- break;
- }
- }
- */