BaseEventType The base type for all events. i=2042 i=2043 i=2044 i=2045 i=2046 i=2047 i=3190 i=2050 i=2051 i=58 EventId A globally unique identifier for the event. i=68 i=78 i=2041 EventType The identifier for the event type. i=68 i=78 i=2041 SourceNode The source of the event. i=68 i=78 i=2041 SourceName A description of the source of the event. i=68 i=78 i=2041 Time When the event occurred. i=68 i=78 i=2041 ReceiveTime When the server received the event from the underlying system. i=68 i=78 i=2041 LocalTime Information about the local time where the event originated. i=68 i=80 i=2041 Message A localized description of the event. i=68 i=78 i=2041 Severity Indicates how urgent an event is. i=68 i=78 i=2041 TimeZoneDataType i=22