# --------------- Generate NodeIDs header --------------------- # # Generates header file from .csv which contains defines for every # node id to be used instead of numeric node ids. # # The resulting files will be put into OUTPUT_DIR with the names: # - NAME.h # # # The following arguments are accepted: # Options: # # Arguments taking one value: # # NAME Full name of the generated files, e.g. di_nodeids # ID_PREFIX Prefix for the generated node ID defines, e.g. NS_DI # [OUTPUT_DIR] Optional target directory for the generated files. Default is '${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src_generated' # FILE_CSV Path to the .csv file containing the node ids, e.g. 'OpcUaDiModel.csv' # function(ua_generate_nodeid_header) set(options ) set(oneValueArgs NAME ID_PREFIX OUTPUT_DIR FILE_CSV) set(multiValueArgs ) cmake_parse_arguments(UA_GEN_ID "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) # Set default value for output dir if(NOT UA_GEN_ID_OUTPUT_DIR) set(UA_GEN_ID_OUTPUT_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src_generated) endif() # Header containing defines for all NodeIds add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${UA_GEN_ID_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_ID_NAME}.h PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/generate_nodeid_header.py ${UA_GEN_ID_FILE_CSV} ${UA_GEN_ID_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_ID_NAME} ${UA_GEN_ID_ID_PREFIX} DEPENDS ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/generate_nodeid_header.py ${UA_GEN_ID_FILE_CSV}) endfunction() # --------------- Generate Datatypes --------------------- # # Generates Datatype definition based on the .csv and .bsd files of a nodeset. # The result of the generation will be C Code which can be compiled with the rest of the stack. # Some nodesets come with custom datatypes. These datatype structures first need to be # generated so that the nodeset can use these types. # # The resulting files will be put into OUTPUT_DIR with the names: # - NAME_generated.c # - NAME_generated.h # - NAME_generated_encoding_binary.h # - NAME_generated_handling.h # # The cmake resulting cmake target will be named like this: # open62541-generator-${TARGET_SUFFIX} # # The following arguments are accepted: # Options: # # [BUILTIN] Optional argument. If given, then builtin types will be generated. # # Arguments taking one value: # # NAME Full name of the generated files, e.g. ua_types_di # TARGET_SUFFIX Suffix for the resulting target. e.g. types-di # NAMESPACE_IDX Namespace index of the nodeset, when it is loaded into the server. This index # is used for the node ids withing the types array and is currently not determined automatically. # Make sure that it matches the namespace index in the server. # [OUTPUT_DIR] Optional target directory for the generated files. Default is '${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src_generated' # FILE_CSV Path to the .csv file containing the node ids, e.g. 'OpcUaDiModel.csv' # # Arguments taking multiple values: # # FILES_BSD Path to the .bsd file containing the type definitions, e.g. 'Opc.Ua.Di.Types.bsd'. Multiple files can be # passed which will all combined to one resulting code. # [FILES_SELECTED] Optional path to a simple text file which contains a list of types which should be included in the generation. # The file should contain one type per line. Multiple files can be passed to this argument. # # function(ua_generate_datatypes) set(options BUILTIN) set(oneValueArgs NAME TARGET_SUFFIX NAMESPACE_IDX OUTPUT_DIR FILE_CSV) set(multiValueArgs FILES_BSD FILES_SELECTED) cmake_parse_arguments(UA_GEN_DT "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT DEFINED open62541_TOOLS_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "open62541_TOOLS_DIR must point to the open62541 tools directory") endif() # ------ Argument checking ----- if(NOT DEFINED UA_GEN_DT_NAMESPACE_IDX AND NOT "${UA_GEN_DT_NAMESPACE_IDX}" STREQUAL "0") message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_datatype function requires a value for the NAMESPACE_IDX argument") endif() if(NOT UA_GEN_DT_NAME OR "${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_datatype function requires a value for the NAME argument") endif() if(NOT UA_GEN_DT_TARGET_SUFFIX OR "${UA_GEN_DT_TARGET_SUFFIX}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_datatype function requires a value for the TARGET_SUFFIX argument") endif() if(NOT UA_GEN_DT_FILE_CSV OR "${UA_GEN_DT_FILE_CSV}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_datatype function requires a value for the FILE_CSV argument") endif() if(NOT UA_GEN_DT_FILES_BSD OR "${UA_GEN_DT_FILES_BSD}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_datatype function requires a value for the FILES_BSD argument") endif() # Set default value for output dir if(NOT UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR) set(UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src_generated) endif() # ------ Add custom command and target ----- set(UA_GEN_DT_NO_BUILTIN "--no-builtin") if (UA_GEN_DT_BUILTIN) set(UA_GEN_DT_NO_BUILTIN "") endif() set(SELECTED_TYPES_TMP "") foreach(f ${UA_GEN_DT_FILES_SELECTED}) set(SELECTED_TYPES_TMP ${SELECTED_TYPES_TMP} "--selected-types=${f}") endforeach() set(BSD_FILES_TMP "") foreach(f ${UA_GEN_DT_FILES_BSD}) set(BSD_FILES_TMP ${BSD_FILES_TMP} "--type-bsd=${f}") endforeach() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated.c ${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated.h ${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated_handling.h ${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated_encoding_binary.h PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/generate_datatypes.py --namespace=${UA_GEN_DT_NAMESPACE_IDX} ${SELECTED_TYPES_TMP} ${BSD_FILES_TMP} --type-csv=${UA_GEN_DT_FILE_CSV} ${UA_GEN_DT_NO_BUILTIN} ${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME} DEPENDS ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/generate_datatypes.py ${UA_GEN_DT_FILES_BSD} ${UA_GEN_DT_FILE_CSV} ${UA_GEN_DT_FILES_SELECTED}) add_custom_target(open62541-generator-${UA_GEN_DT_TARGET_SUFFIX} DEPENDS ${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated.c ${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated.h ${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated_handling.h ${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated_encoding_binary.h ) string(TOUPPER "${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}" GEN_NAME_UPPER) set(${GEN_NAME_UPPER}_SOURCES "${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated.c" CACHE INTERNAL "${UA_GEN_DT_NAME} source files") set(${GEN_NAME_UPPER}_HEADERS "${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated.h;${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated_handling.h;${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated_encoding_binary.h" CACHE INTERNAL "${UA_GEN_DT_NAME} header files") if(UA_COMPILE_AS_CXX) set_source_files_properties(${UA_GEN_DT_OUTPUT_DIR}/${UA_GEN_DT_NAME}_generated.c PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX) endif() endfunction() # --------------- Generate Nodeset --------------------- # # Generates C code for the given NodeSet2.xml file. # This C code can be used to initialize the server. # # The resulting files will be put into OUTPUT_DIR with the names: # - ua_namespace_NAME.c # - ua_namespace_NAME.h # # The resulting cmake target will be named like this: # open62541-generator-ns-${NAME} # # The following arguments are accepted: # Options: # # [INTERNAL] Optional argument. If given, then the generated node set code will use internal headers. # # Arguments taking one value: # # NAME Name of the nodeset, e.g. 'di' # [TYPES_ARRAY] Optional name of the types array containing the custom datatypes of this node set. # [OUTPUT_DIR] Optional target directory for the generated files. Default is '${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src_generated' # [ENCODE_BINARY_SIZE] Optional array size for binary encoding extension objects. # [IGNORE] Optional file containing a list of node ids which should be ignored. The file should have one id per line. # # Arguments taking multiple values: # # FILE Path to the NodeSet2.xml file. Multiple values can be passed. These nodesets will be combined into one output. # [DEPENDS_TYPES] Optional list of types array which match with the DEPENDS_NS node sets. e.g. 'UA_TYPES;UA_TYPES_DI' # [DEPENDS_NS] Optional list of NodeSet2.xml files which are a dependency of this node set. # [DEPENDS_TARGET] Optional list of CMake targets this nodeset depends on. # # function(ua_generate_nodeset) set(options INTERNAL ) set(oneValueArgs NAME TYPES_ARRAY OUTPUT_DIR ENCODE_BINARY_SIZE IGNORE) set(multiValueArgs FILE DEPENDS_TYPES DEPENDS_NS DEPENDS_TARGET) cmake_parse_arguments(UA_GEN_NS "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT DEFINED open62541_TOOLS_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "open62541_TOOLS_DIR must point to the open62541 tools directory") endif() # ------ Argument checking ----- if(NOT UA_GEN_NS_NAME OR "${UA_GEN_NS_NAME}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_nodeset function requires a value for the NAME argument") endif() if(NOT UA_GEN_NS_FILE OR "${UA_GEN_NS_FILE}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_nodeset function requires a value for the FILE argument") endif() # Set default value for output dir if(NOT UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR) set(UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src_generated) endif() list(LENGTH UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_TYPES DEPENDS_TYPES_LEN) list(LENGTH UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_NS DEPENDS_NS_LEN) if(NOT DEPENDS_TYPES_LEN EQUAL DEPENDS_NS_LEN) message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_nodeset parameters DEPENDS_NS and DEPENDS_TYPES must have the same number of list elements") endif() # ------ Add custom command and target ----- set(GEN_INTERNAL_HEADERS "") if (UA_GEN_NS_INTERNAL) set(GEN_INTERNAL_HEADERS "--internal-headers") endif() set(GEN_NS0 "") set(TARGET_SUFFIX "ns-${UA_GEN_NS_NAME}") set(FILE_SUFFIX "_${UA_GEN_NS_NAME}") string(REPLACE "-" "_" FILE_SUFFIX ${FILE_SUFFIX}) if ("${UA_GEN_NS_NAME}" STREQUAL "ns0") set(GEN_NS0 "--generate-ns0") set(TARGET_SUFFIX "namespace") set(FILE_SUFFIX "0") endif() set(GEN_IGNORE "") if (UA_GEN_NS_IGNORE) set(GEN_IGNORE "--ignore=${UA_GEN_NS_IGNORE}") endif() set(GEN_BIN_SIZE "") if (UA_GEN_NS_ENCODE_BINARY_SIZE OR "${UA_GEN_NS_ENCODE_BINARY_SIZE}" STREQUAL "0") set(GEN_BIN_SIZE "--encode-binary-size=${UA_GEN_NS_ENCODE_BINARY_SIZE}") endif() set(TYPES_ARRAY_LIST "") foreach(f ${UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_TYPES}) set(TYPES_ARRAY_LIST ${TYPES_ARRAY_LIST} "--types-array=${f}") endforeach() if(UA_GEN_NS_TYPES_ARRAY) set(TYPES_ARRAY_LIST ${TYPES_ARRAY_LIST} "--types-array=${UA_GEN_NS_TYPES_ARRAY}") endif() set(DEPENDS_FILE_LIST "") foreach(f ${UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_NS}) set(DEPENDS_FILE_LIST ${DEPENDS_FILE_LIST} "--existing=${f}") endforeach() set(FILE_LIST "") foreach(f ${UA_GEN_NS_FILE}) set(FILE_LIST ${FILE_LIST} "--xml=${f}") endforeach() add_custom_command(OUTPUT ${UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR}/ua_namespace${FILE_SUFFIX}.c ${UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR}/ua_namespace${FILE_SUFFIX}.h PRE_BUILD COMMAND ${PYTHON_EXECUTABLE} ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/nodeset_compiler/nodeset_compiler.py ${GEN_INTERNAL_HEADERS} ${GEN_NS0} ${GEN_BIN_SIZE} ${GEN_IGNORE} ${TYPES_ARRAY_LIST} ${DEPENDS_FILE_LIST} ${FILE_LIST} ${UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR}/ua_namespace${FILE_SUFFIX} DEPENDS ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/nodeset_compiler/nodeset_compiler.py ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/nodeset_compiler/nodes.py ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/nodeset_compiler/nodeset.py ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/nodeset_compiler/datatypes.py ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/nodeset_compiler/backend_open62541.py ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/nodeset_compiler/backend_open62541_nodes.py ${open62541_TOOLS_DIR}/nodeset_compiler/backend_open62541_datatypes.py ${UA_GEN_NS_FILE} ${UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_NS} ) add_custom_target(open62541-generator-${TARGET_SUFFIX} DEPENDS ${UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR}/ua_namespace${FILE_SUFFIX}.c ${UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR}/ua_namespace${FILE_SUFFIX}.h) if (UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_TARGET) add_dependencies(open62541-generator-${TARGET_SUFFIX} ${UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_TARGET}) endif() if(UA_COMPILE_AS_CXX) set_source_files_properties(${UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR}/ua_namespace${FILE_SUFFIX}.c PROPERTIES LANGUAGE CXX) endif() set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY "UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_FILE_${UA_GEN_NS_NAME}" ${UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_NS} ${UA_GEN_NS_FILE}) set_property(GLOBAL PROPERTY "UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_TYPES_${UA_GEN_NS_NAME}" ${UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_TYPES} ${UA_GEN_NS_TYPES_ARRAY}) string(TOUPPER "${UA_GEN_NS_NAME}" GEN_NAME_UPPER) set(UA_NODESET_${GEN_NAME_UPPER}_SOURCES "${UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR}/ua_namespace${FILE_SUFFIX}.c" CACHE INTERNAL "UA_NODESET_${GEN_NAME_UPPER} source files") set(UA_NODESET_${GEN_NAME_UPPER}_HEADERS "${UA_GEN_NS_OUTPUT_DIR}/ua_namespace${FILE_SUFFIX}.h" CACHE INTERNAL "UA_NODESET_${GEN_NAME_UPPER} header files") set(UA_NODESET_${GEN_NAME_UPPER}_TARGET "open62541-generator-${TARGET_SUFFIX}" CACHE INTERNAL "UA_NODESET_${GEN_NAME_UPPER} target") endfunction() # --------------- Generate Nodeset and Datatypes --------------------- # # Generates C code for the given NodeSet2.xml and Datatype file. # This C code can be used to initialize the server. # # This is a combination of the ua_generate_datatypes, ua_generate_nodeset, and # ua_generate_nodeid_header macros. # This function can also be used to just create a nodeset without datatypes by # omitting the CSV, BSD, and NAMESPACE_IDX parameter. # If only one of the previous parameters is given, all of them are required. # # It is possible to define dependencies of nodesets by using the DEPENDS argument. # E.g. the PLCOpen nodeset depends on the 'di' nodeset. Thus it is enough to just # pass 'DEPENDS di' to the function. The 'di' nodeset then first needs to be generated # with this function or with the ua_generate_nodeset function. # # The resulting cmake target will be named like this: # open62541-generator-ns-${NAME} # # The following arguments are accepted: # # Options: # # INTERNAL Include internal headers. Required if custom datatypes are added. # # Arguments taking one value: # # NAME Short name of the nodeset. E.g. 'di' # FILE_NS Path to the NodeSet2.xml file. Multiple values can be passed. These nodesets will be combined into one output. # # [FILE_CSV] Optional path to the .csv file containing the node ids, e.g. 'OpcUaDiModel.csv' # [FILE_BSD] Optional path to the .bsd file containing the type definitions, e.g. 'Opc.Ua.Di.Types.bsd'. Multiple files can be # passed which will all combined to one resulting code. # [NAMESPACE_IDX] Optional namespace index of the nodeset, when it is loaded into the server. This parameter is mandatory if FILE_CSV # or FILE_BSD is set. See ua_generate_datatypes function. # # Arguments taking multiple values: # [DEPENDS] Optional list of nodeset names on which this nodeset depends. These names must match any name from a previous # call to this funtion. E.g. 'di' if you are generating the 'plcopen' nodeset # # function(ua_generate_nodeset_and_datatypes) set(options INTERNAL) set(oneValueArgs NAME FILE_NS FILE_CSV FILE_BSD NAMESPACE_IDX OUTPUT_DIR) set(multiValueArgs DEPENDS) cmake_parse_arguments(UA_GEN "${options}" "${oneValueArgs}" "${multiValueArgs}" ${ARGN} ) if(NOT DEFINED open62541_TOOLS_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "open62541_TOOLS_DIR must point to the open62541 tools directory") endif() if(NOT DEFINED open62541_NODESET_DIR) message(FATAL_ERROR "open62541_NODESET_DIR must point to the open62541/deps/ua-nodeset directory") endif() # ------ Argument checking ----- if(NOT UA_GEN_NAME OR "${UA_GEN_NAME}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_nodeset_and_datatypes function requires a value for the NAME argument") endif() string(TOUPPER "${UA_GEN_NAME}" GEN_NAME_UPPER) if(NOT UA_GEN_FILE_NS OR "${UA_GEN_FILE_NS}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_nodeset_and_datatypes function requires a value for the FILE_NS argument") endif() if((NOT UA_GEN_FILE_CSV OR "${UA_GEN_FILE_CSV}" STREQUAL "") AND (NOT "${UA_GEN_FILE_BSD}" STREQUAL "" OR NOT "${UA_GEN_NAMESPACE_IDX}" STREQUAL "")) message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_nodeset_and_datatypes function requires FILE_CSV argument if any of FILE_BSD or NAMESPACE_IDX are set") endif() if((NOT UA_GEN_FILE_BSD OR "${UA_GEN_FILE_BSD}" STREQUAL "") AND (NOT "${UA_GEN_FILE_CSV}" STREQUAL "" OR NOT "${UA_GEN_NAMESPACE_IDX}" STREQUAL "")) message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_nodeset_and_datatypes function requires FILE_BSD argument if any of FILE_CSV or NAMESPACE_IDX are set") endif() if(NOT UA_GEN_NAMESPACE_IDX OR "${UA_GEN_NAMESPACE_IDX}" STREQUAL "" AND (NOT "${UA_GEN_FILE_CSV}" STREQUAL "" OR NOT "${UA_GEN_FILE_BSD}" STREQUAL "")) message(FATAL_ERROR "ua_generate_nodeset_and_datatypes function requires NAMESPACE_IDX argument if any of FILE_CSV or FILE_BSD are set") endif() # Set default value for output dir if(NOT UA_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR) set(UA_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR ${PROJECT_BINARY_DIR}/src_generated) endif() set(NODESET_DEPENDS_TARGET "") set(NODESET_TYPES_ARRAY "UA_TYPES") if(NOT "${UA_GEN_FILE_BSD}" STREQUAL "") # Generate Datatypes for nodeset ua_generate_datatypes( NAME "ua_types_${UA_GEN_NAME}" TARGET_SUFFIX "types-${UA_GEN_NAME}" NAMESPACE_IDX ${UA_GEN_NAMESPACE_IDX} FILE_CSV "${UA_GEN_FILE_CSV}" FILES_BSD "${UA_GEN_FILE_BSD}" OUTPUT_DIR "${UA_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR}" ) set(NODESET_DEPENDS_TARGET "open62541-generator-types-${UA_GEN_NAME}") set(NODESET_TYPES_ARRAY "UA_TYPES_${GEN_NAME_UPPER}") ua_generate_nodeid_header( NAME "${UA_GEN_NAME}_nodeids" ID_PREFIX "${GEN_NAME_UPPER}" FILE_CSV "${UA_GEN_FILE_CSV}" OUTPUT_DIR "${UA_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR}" ) endif() # Create a list of nodesets on which this nodeset depends on if (NOT UA_GEN_DEPENDS OR "${UA_GEN_DEPENDS}" STREQUAL "" ) set(NODESET_DEPENDS "${open62541_NODESET_DIR}/Schema/Opc.Ua.NodeSet2.xml") set(TYPES_DEPENDS "UA_TYPES") else() foreach(f ${UA_GEN_DEPENDS}) get_property(DEPENDS_FILE GLOBAL PROPERTY "UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_FILE_${f}") if(NOT DEPENDS_FILE OR "${DEPENDS_FILE}" STREQUAL "") message(FATAL_ERROR "Nodeset dependency ${f} needs to be generated before ${UA_GEN_NAME}") endif() set(NODESET_DEPENDS ${NODESET_DEPENDS} "${DEPENDS_FILE}") get_property(DEPENDS_TYPES GLOBAL PROPERTY "UA_GEN_NS_DEPENDS_TYPES_${f}") set(TYPES_DEPENDS ${TYPES_DEPENDS} "${DEPENDS_TYPES}") set(NODESET_DEPENDS_TARGET ${NODESET_DEPENDS_TARGET} "open62541-generator-ns-${f}") endforeach() endif() set(NODESET_INTERNAL "") if (${UA_GEN_INTERNAL}) set(NODESET_INTERNAL "INTERNAL") endif() ua_generate_nodeset( NAME "${UA_GEN_NAME}" FILE "${UA_GEN_FILE_NS}" TYPES_ARRAY "${NODESET_TYPES_ARRAY}" ${NODESET_INTERNAL} DEPENDS_TYPES ${TYPES_DEPENDS} DEPENDS_NS ${NODESET_DEPENDS} DEPENDS_TARGET ${NODESET_DEPENDS_TARGET} OUTPUT_DIR "${UA_GEN_OUTPUT_DIR}" ) endfunction()