/* This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 Universal License. * See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ for more information. * * Copyright 2016-2017 (c) Fraunhofer IOSB (Author: Julius Pfrommer) * Copyright 2016-2017 (c) Stefan Profanter, fortiss GmbH * Copyright 2017 (c) frax2222 * Copyright 2017 (c) Jose Cabral * Copyright 2017 (c) Thomas Stalder, Blue Time Concept SA */ #define UA_INTERNAL #include #include #include #include "open62541_queue.h" #include // memset #ifndef MSG_NOSIGNAL #define MSG_NOSIGNAL 0 #endif /****************************/ /* Generic Socket Functions */ /****************************/ static UA_StatusCode connection_getsendbuffer(UA_Connection *connection, size_t length, UA_ByteString *buf) { if(length > connection->config.sendBufferSize) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCOMMUNICATIONERROR; return UA_ByteString_allocBuffer(buf, length); } static void connection_releasesendbuffer(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *buf) { UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(buf); } static void connection_releaserecvbuffer(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *buf) { UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(buf); } static UA_StatusCode connection_write(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *buf) { if(connection->state == UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED) { UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(buf); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCONNECTIONCLOSED; } /* Prevent OS signals when sending to a closed socket */ int flags = 0; flags |= MSG_NOSIGNAL; /* Send the full buffer. This may require several calls to send */ size_t nWritten = 0; do { ssize_t n = 0; do { size_t bytes_to_send = buf->length - nWritten; n = UA_send(connection->sockfd, (const char*)buf->data + nWritten, bytes_to_send, flags); if(n < 0 && UA_ERRNO != UA_INTERRUPTED && UA_ERRNO != UA_AGAIN) { connection->close(connection); UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(buf); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCONNECTIONCLOSED; } } while(n < 0); nWritten += (size_t)n; } while(nWritten < buf->length); /* Free the buffer */ UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(buf); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static UA_StatusCode connection_recv(UA_Connection *connection, UA_ByteString *response, UA_UInt32 timeout) { if(connection->state == UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCONNECTIONCLOSED; /* Listen on the socket for the given timeout until a message arrives */ if(timeout > 0) { fd_set fdset; FD_ZERO(&fdset); UA_fd_set(connection->sockfd, &fdset); UA_UInt32 timeout_usec = timeout * 1000; struct timeval tmptv = {(long int)(timeout_usec / 1000000), (int)(timeout_usec % 1000000)}; int resultsize = UA_select(connection->sockfd+1, &fdset, NULL, NULL, &tmptv); /* No result */ if(resultsize == 0) return UA_STATUSCODE_GOODNONCRITICALTIMEOUT; if(resultsize == -1) { /* The call to select was interrupted manually. Act as if it timed * out */ if(UA_ERRNO == EINTR) return UA_STATUSCODE_GOODNONCRITICALTIMEOUT; /* The error cannot be recovered. Close the connection. */ connection->close(connection); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCONNECTIONCLOSED; } } response->data = (UA_Byte*)UA_malloc(connection->config.recvBufferSize); if(!response->data) { response->length = 0; return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY; /* not enough memory retry */ } #ifdef _WIN32 // windows requires int parameter for length int offset = (int)connection->incompleteChunk.length; int remaining = connection->config.recvBufferSize - offset; #else size_t offset = connection->incompleteChunk.length; size_t remaining = connection->config.recvBufferSize - offset; #endif /* Get the received packet(s) */ ssize_t ret = UA_recv(connection->sockfd, (char*)&response->data[offset], remaining, 0); /* The remote side closed the connection */ if(ret == 0) { UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(response); connection->close(connection); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCONNECTIONCLOSED; } /* Error case */ if(ret < 0) { UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(response); if(UA_ERRNO == UA_INTERRUPTED || (timeout > 0) ? false : (UA_ERRNO == UA_EAGAIN || UA_ERRNO == UA_WOULDBLOCK)) return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; /* statuscode_good but no data -> retry */ connection->close(connection); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCONNECTIONCLOSED; } /* Preprend the last incompleteChunk into the buffer */ if (connection->incompleteChunk.length > 0) { memcpy(response->data, connection->incompleteChunk.data, connection->incompleteChunk.length); UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&connection->incompleteChunk); } /* Set the length of the received buffer */ response->length = offset + (size_t)ret; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /***************************/ /* Server NetworkLayer TCP */ /***************************/ #define MAXBACKLOG 100 #define NOHELLOTIMEOUT 120000 /* timeout in ms before close the connection * if server does not receive Hello Message */ typedef struct ConnectionEntry { UA_Connection connection; LIST_ENTRY(ConnectionEntry) pointers; } ConnectionEntry; typedef struct { const UA_Logger *logger; UA_UInt16 port; UA_SOCKET serverSockets[FD_SETSIZE]; UA_UInt16 serverSocketsSize; LIST_HEAD(, ConnectionEntry) connections; } ServerNetworkLayerTCP; static void ServerNetworkLayerTCP_freeConnection(UA_Connection *connection) { UA_Connection_deleteMembers(connection); UA_free(connection); } /* This performs only 'shutdown'. 'close' is called when the shutdown * socket is returned from select. */ static void ServerNetworkLayerTCP_close(UA_Connection *connection) { if (connection->state == UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED) return; UA_shutdown((UA_SOCKET)connection->sockfd, 2); connection->state = UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED; } static UA_StatusCode ServerNetworkLayerTCP_add(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer, UA_Int32 newsockfd, struct sockaddr_storage *remote) { /* Set nonblocking */ UA_socket_set_nonblocking(newsockfd);//TODO: check return value /* Do not merge packets on the socket (disable Nagle's algorithm) */ int dummy = 1; if(UA_setsockopt(newsockfd, IPPROTO_TCP, TCP_NODELAY, (const char *)&dummy, sizeof(dummy)) < 0) { UA_LOG_SOCKET_ERRNO_WRAP( UA_LOG_ERROR(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Cannot set socket option TCP_NODELAY. Error: %s", errno_str)); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADUNEXPECTEDERROR; } #if defined(UA_getnameinfo) /* Get the peer name for logging */ char remote_name[100]; int res = UA_getnameinfo((struct sockaddr*)remote, sizeof(struct sockaddr_storage), remote_name, sizeof(remote_name), NULL, 0, NI_NUMERICHOST); if(res == 0) { UA_LOG_INFO(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection %i | New connection over TCP from %s", (int)newsockfd, remote_name); } else { UA_LOG_SOCKET_ERRNO_WRAP(UA_LOG_WARNING(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection %i | New connection over TCP, " "getnameinfo failed with error: %s", (int)newsockfd, errno_str)); } #else UA_LOG_INFO(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection %i | New connection over TCP", (int)newsockfd); #endif /* Allocate and initialize the connection */ ConnectionEntry *e = (ConnectionEntry*)UA_malloc(sizeof(ConnectionEntry)); if(!e){ UA_close(newsockfd); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY; } UA_Connection *c = &e->connection; memset(c, 0, sizeof(UA_Connection)); c->sockfd = newsockfd; c->handle = layer; c->config = nl->localConnectionConfig; c->send = connection_write; c->close = ServerNetworkLayerTCP_close; c->free = ServerNetworkLayerTCP_freeConnection; c->getSendBuffer = connection_getsendbuffer; c->releaseSendBuffer = connection_releasesendbuffer; c->releaseRecvBuffer = connection_releaserecvbuffer; c->state = UA_CONNECTION_OPENING; c->openingDate = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic(); /* Add to the linked list */ LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&layer->connections, e, pointers); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static void addServerSocket(ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer, struct addrinfo *ai) { /* Create the server socket */ UA_SOCKET newsock = UA_socket(ai->ai_family, ai->ai_socktype, ai->ai_protocol); if(newsock == UA_INVALID_SOCKET) { UA_LOG_WARNING(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Error opening the server socket"); return; } /* Some Linux distributions have net.ipv6.bindv6only not activated. So * sockets can double-bind to IPv4 and IPv6. This leads to problems. Use * AF_INET6 sockets only for IPv6. */ int optval = 1; #if UA_IPV6 if(ai->ai_family == AF_INET6 && UA_setsockopt(newsock, IPPROTO_IPV6, IPV6_V6ONLY, (const char*)&optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) { UA_LOG_WARNING(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not set an IPv6 socket to IPv6 only"); UA_close(newsock); return; } #endif if(UA_setsockopt(newsock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_REUSEADDR, (const char *)&optval, sizeof(optval)) == -1) { UA_LOG_WARNING(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not make the socket reusable"); UA_close(newsock); return; } if(UA_socket_set_nonblocking(newsock) != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { UA_LOG_WARNING(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not set the server socket to nonblocking"); UA_close(newsock); return; } /* Bind socket to address */ if(UA_bind(newsock, ai->ai_addr, (socklen_t)ai->ai_addrlen) < 0) { UA_LOG_SOCKET_ERRNO_WRAP( UA_LOG_WARNING(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Error binding a server socket: %s", errno_str)); UA_close(newsock); return; } /* Start listening */ if(UA_listen(newsock, MAXBACKLOG) < 0) { UA_LOG_SOCKET_ERRNO_WRAP( UA_LOG_WARNING(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Error listening on server socket: %s", errno_str)); UA_close(newsock); return; } if (layer->port == 0) { /* Port was automatically chosen. Read it from the OS */ struct sockaddr_in returned_addr; memset(&returned_addr, 0, sizeof(returned_addr)); socklen_t len = sizeof(returned_addr); UA_getsockname(newsock, (struct sockaddr *)&returned_addr, &len); layer->port = ntohs(returned_addr.sin_port); } layer->serverSockets[layer->serverSocketsSize] = newsock; layer->serverSocketsSize++; } static UA_StatusCode ServerNetworkLayerTCP_start(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, const UA_String *customHostname) { UA_initialize_architecture_network(); ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer = (ServerNetworkLayerTCP *)nl->handle; /* Get addrinfo of the server and create server sockets */ char portno[6]; UA_snprintf(portno, 6, "%d", layer->port); struct addrinfo hints, *res; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof hints); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_flags = AI_PASSIVE; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; if(UA_getaddrinfo(NULL, portno, &hints, &res) != 0) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; /* There might be serveral addrinfos (for different network cards, * IPv4/IPv6). Add a server socket for all of them. */ struct addrinfo *ai = res; for(layer->serverSocketsSize = 0; layer->serverSocketsSize < FD_SETSIZE && ai != NULL; ai = ai->ai_next) addServerSocket(layer, ai); UA_freeaddrinfo(res); /* Get the discovery url from the hostname */ UA_String du = UA_STRING_NULL; char discoveryUrlBuffer[256]; if (customHostname->length) { du.length = (size_t)UA_snprintf(discoveryUrlBuffer, 255, "opc.tcp://%.*s:%d/", (int)customHostname->length, customHostname->data, layer->port); du.data = (UA_Byte*)discoveryUrlBuffer; }else{ char hostnameBuffer[256]; if(UA_gethostname(hostnameBuffer, 255) == 0) { du.length = (size_t)UA_snprintf(discoveryUrlBuffer, 255, "opc.tcp://%s:%d/", hostnameBuffer, layer->port); du.data = (UA_Byte*)discoveryUrlBuffer; } else { UA_LOG_ERROR(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not get the hostname"); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; } } UA_String_copy(&du, &nl->discoveryUrl); UA_LOG_INFO(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "TCP network layer listening on %.*s", (int)nl->discoveryUrl.length, nl->discoveryUrl.data); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /* After every select, reset the sockets to listen on */ static UA_Int32 setFDSet(ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer, fd_set *fdset) { FD_ZERO(fdset); UA_Int32 highestfd = 0; for(UA_UInt16 i = 0; i < layer->serverSocketsSize; i++) { UA_fd_set(layer->serverSockets[i], fdset); if((UA_Int32)layer->serverSockets[i] > highestfd) highestfd = (UA_Int32)layer->serverSockets[i]; } ConnectionEntry *e; LIST_FOREACH(e, &layer->connections, pointers) { UA_fd_set(e->connection.sockfd, fdset); if((UA_Int32)e->connection.sockfd > highestfd) highestfd = (UA_Int32)e->connection.sockfd; } return highestfd; } static UA_StatusCode ServerNetworkLayerTCP_listen(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, UA_Server *server, UA_UInt16 timeout) { /* Every open socket can generate two jobs */ ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer = (ServerNetworkLayerTCP *)nl->handle; if (layer->serverSocketsSize == 0) return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; /* Listen on open sockets (including the server) */ fd_set fdset, errset; UA_Int32 highestfd = setFDSet(layer, &fdset); setFDSet(layer, &errset); struct timeval tmptv = {0, timeout * 1000}; if (UA_select(highestfd+1, &fdset, NULL, &errset, &tmptv) < 0) { UA_LOG_SOCKET_ERRNO_WRAP( UA_LOG_DEBUG(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Socket select failed with %s", errno_str)); // we will retry, so do not return bad return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } /* Accept new connections via the server sockets */ for(UA_UInt16 i = 0; i < layer->serverSocketsSize; i++) { if(!UA_fd_isset(layer->serverSockets[i], &fdset)) continue; struct sockaddr_storage remote; socklen_t remote_size = sizeof(remote); UA_SOCKET newsockfd = UA_accept((UA_SOCKET)layer->serverSockets[i], (struct sockaddr*)&remote, &remote_size); if(newsockfd == UA_INVALID_SOCKET) continue; UA_LOG_TRACE(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection %i | New TCP connection on server socket %i", (int)newsockfd, (int)(layer->serverSockets[i])); ServerNetworkLayerTCP_add(nl, layer, (UA_Int32)newsockfd, &remote); } /* Read from established sockets */ ConnectionEntry *e, *e_tmp; UA_DateTime now = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic(); LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(e, &layer->connections, pointers, e_tmp) { if ((e->connection.state == UA_CONNECTION_OPENING) && (now > (e->connection.openingDate + (NOHELLOTIMEOUT * UA_DATETIME_MSEC)))){ UA_LOG_INFO(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection %i | Closed by the server (no Hello Message)", (int)(e->connection.sockfd)); LIST_REMOVE(e, pointers); UA_close(e->connection.sockfd); UA_Server_removeConnection(server, &e->connection); continue; } if(!UA_fd_isset(e->connection.sockfd, &errset) && !UA_fd_isset(e->connection.sockfd, &fdset)) continue; UA_LOG_TRACE(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection %i | Activity on the socket", (int)(e->connection.sockfd)); UA_ByteString buf = UA_BYTESTRING_NULL; UA_StatusCode retval = connection_recv(&e->connection, &buf, 0); if(retval == UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { /* Process packets */ UA_Server_processBinaryMessage(server, &e->connection, &buf); connection_releaserecvbuffer(&e->connection, &buf); } else if(retval == UA_STATUSCODE_BADCONNECTIONCLOSED) { /* The socket is shutdown but not closed */ UA_LOG_INFO(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection %i | Closed", (int)(e->connection.sockfd)); LIST_REMOVE(e, pointers); UA_close(e->connection.sockfd); UA_Server_removeConnection(server, &e->connection); } } return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static void ServerNetworkLayerTCP_stop(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl, UA_Server *server) { ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer = (ServerNetworkLayerTCP *)nl->handle; UA_LOG_INFO(layer->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Shutting down the TCP network layer"); /* Close the server sockets */ for(UA_UInt16 i = 0; i < layer->serverSocketsSize; i++) { UA_shutdown(layer->serverSockets[i], 2); UA_close(layer->serverSockets[i]); } layer->serverSocketsSize = 0; /* Close open connections */ ConnectionEntry *e; LIST_FOREACH(e, &layer->connections, pointers) ServerNetworkLayerTCP_close(&e->connection); /* Run recv on client sockets. This picks up the closed sockets and frees * the connection. */ ServerNetworkLayerTCP_listen(nl, server, 0); UA_deinitialize_architecture_network(); } /* run only when the server is stopped */ static void ServerNetworkLayerTCP_deleteMembers(UA_ServerNetworkLayer *nl) { ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer = (ServerNetworkLayerTCP *)nl->handle; UA_String_deleteMembers(&nl->discoveryUrl); /* Hard-close and remove remaining connections. The server is no longer * running. So this is safe. */ ConnectionEntry *e, *e_tmp; LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(e, &layer->connections, pointers, e_tmp) { LIST_REMOVE(e, pointers); UA_close(e->connection.sockfd); UA_free(e); } /* Free the layer */ UA_free(layer); } UA_ServerNetworkLayer UA_ServerNetworkLayerTCP(UA_ConnectionConfig config, UA_UInt16 port, UA_Logger *logger) { UA_ServerNetworkLayer nl; memset(&nl, 0, sizeof(UA_ServerNetworkLayer)); nl.deleteMembers = ServerNetworkLayerTCP_deleteMembers; nl.localConnectionConfig = config; nl.start = ServerNetworkLayerTCP_start; nl.listen = ServerNetworkLayerTCP_listen; nl.stop = ServerNetworkLayerTCP_stop; nl.handle = NULL; ServerNetworkLayerTCP *layer = (ServerNetworkLayerTCP*) UA_calloc(1,sizeof(ServerNetworkLayerTCP)); if(!layer) return nl; nl.handle = layer; layer->logger = logger; layer->port = port; return nl; } typedef struct TCPClientConnection { struct addrinfo hints, *server; UA_DateTime connStart; char* endpointURL; UA_UInt32 timeout; } TCPClientConnection; /***************************/ /* Client NetworkLayer TCP */ /***************************/ static void ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(UA_Connection *connection) { if (connection->state == UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED) return; if(connection->sockfd != UA_INVALID_SOCKET) { UA_shutdown(connection->sockfd, 2); UA_close(connection->sockfd); } connection->state = UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED; } static void ClientNetworkLayerTCP_free(UA_Connection *connection) { if(connection->handle) { TCPClientConnection *tcpConnection = (TCPClientConnection *)connection->handle; if(tcpConnection->server) UA_freeaddrinfo(tcpConnection->server); UA_free(tcpConnection); connection->handle = NULL; } } UA_StatusCode UA_ClientConnectionTCP_poll(UA_Client *client, void *data) { UA_Connection *connection = (UA_Connection*) data; if (connection->state == UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDISCONNECT; TCPClientConnection *tcpConnection = (TCPClientConnection*) connection->handle; UA_DateTime connStart = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic(); UA_SOCKET clientsockfd = connection->sockfd; UA_ClientConfig *config = UA_Client_getConfig(client); if (connection->state == UA_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED) { UA_Client_removeRepeatedCallback(client, connection->connectCallbackID); connection->connectCallbackID = 0; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } if ((UA_Double) (UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic() - tcpConnection->connStart) > tcpConnection->timeout* UA_DATETIME_MSEC ) { // connection timeout ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(connection); UA_LOG_WARNING(&config->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Timed out"); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDISCONNECT; } /* On linux connect may immediately return with ECONNREFUSED but we still want to try to connect */ /* Thus use a loop and retry until timeout is reached */ /* Get a socket */ if(clientsockfd <= 0) { clientsockfd = UA_socket(tcpConnection->server->ai_family, tcpConnection->server->ai_socktype, tcpConnection->server->ai_protocol); connection->sockfd = (UA_Int32)clientsockfd; /* cast for win32 */ } if(clientsockfd == UA_INVALID_SOCKET) { UA_LOG_WARNING(&config->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not create client socket: %s", strerror(UA_ERRNO)); ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(connection); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDISCONNECT; } /* Non blocking connect to be able to timeout */ if(UA_socket_set_nonblocking(clientsockfd) != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { UA_LOG_WARNING(&config->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not set the client socket to nonblocking"); ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(connection); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDISCONNECT; } /* Non blocking connect */ int error = UA_connect(clientsockfd, tcpConnection->server->ai_addr, tcpConnection->server->ai_addrlen); if ((error == -1) && (UA_ERRNO != UA_ERR_CONNECTION_PROGRESS)) { ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(connection); UA_LOG_WARNING(&config->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection to failed with error: %s", strerror(UA_ERRNO)); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDISCONNECT; } /* Use select to wait and check if connected */ if (error == -1 && (UA_ERRNO == UA_ERR_CONNECTION_PROGRESS)) { /* connection in progress. Wait until connected using select */ UA_UInt32 timeSinceStart = (UA_UInt32) ((UA_Double) (UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic() - connStart) / UA_DATETIME_MSEC); #ifdef _OS9000 /* OS-9 can't use select for checking write sockets. * Therefore, we need to use connect until success or failed */ UA_UInt32 timeout_usec = (tcpConnection->timeout - timeSinceStart) * 1000; int resultsize = 0; do { u_int32 time = 0x80000001; signal_code sig; timeout_usec -= 1000000/256; // Sleep 1/256 second if (timeout_usec < 0) break; _os_sleep(&time,&sig); error = connect(clientsockfd, tcpConnection->server->ai_addr, tcpConnection->server->ai_addrlen); if ((error == -1 && UA_ERRNO == EISCONN) || (error == 0)) resultsize = 1; if (error == -1 && UA_ERRNO != EALREADY && UA_ERRNO != EINPROGRESS) break; } while(resultsize == 0); #else fd_set fdset; FD_ZERO(&fdset); UA_fd_set(clientsockfd, &fdset); UA_UInt32 timeout_usec = (tcpConnection->timeout - timeSinceStart) * 1000; struct timeval tmptv = { (long int) (timeout_usec / 1000000), (int) (timeout_usec % 1000000) }; int resultsize = UA_select((UA_Int32) (clientsockfd + 1), NULL, &fdset, NULL, &tmptv); #endif if (resultsize == 1) { /* Windows does not have any getsockopt equivalent and it is not needed there */ #ifdef _WIN32 connection->sockfd = clientsockfd; connection->state = UA_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; #else OPTVAL_TYPE so_error; socklen_t len = sizeof so_error; int ret = UA_getsockopt(clientsockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &so_error, &len); if (ret != 0 || so_error != 0) { /* on connection refused we should still try to connect */ /* connection refused happens on localhost or local ip without timeout */ if (so_error != ECONNREFUSED) { // general error ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(connection); UA_LOG_WARNING(&config->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection to failed with error: %s", strerror(ret == 0 ? so_error : UA_ERRNO)); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADDISCONNECT; } /* wait until we try a again. Do not make this too small, otherwise the * timeout is somehow wrong */ } else { connection->state = UA_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } #endif } } else { connection->state = UA_CONNECTION_ESTABLISHED; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } #ifdef SO_NOSIGPIPE int val = 1; int sso_result = setsockopt(connection->sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (void*)&val, sizeof(val)); if(sso_result < 0) UA_LOG_WARNING(&config->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Couldn't set SO_NOSIGPIPE"); #endif return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } UA_Connection UA_ClientConnectionTCP_init(UA_ConnectionConfig config, const UA_String endpointUrl, UA_UInt32 timeout, UA_Logger *logger) { UA_Connection connection; memset(&connection, 0, sizeof(UA_Connection)); connection.state = UA_CONNECTION_OPENING; connection.config = config; connection.send = connection_write; connection.recv = connection_recv; connection.close = ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close; connection.free = ClientNetworkLayerTCP_free; connection.getSendBuffer = connection_getsendbuffer; connection.releaseSendBuffer = connection_releasesendbuffer; connection.releaseRecvBuffer = connection_releaserecvbuffer; TCPClientConnection *tcpClientConnection = (TCPClientConnection*) UA_malloc( sizeof(TCPClientConnection)); memset(tcpClientConnection, 0, sizeof(TCPClientConnection)); connection.handle = (void*) tcpClientConnection; tcpClientConnection->timeout = timeout; UA_String hostnameString = UA_STRING_NULL; UA_String pathString = UA_STRING_NULL; UA_UInt16 port = 0; char hostname[512]; tcpClientConnection->connStart = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic(); UA_StatusCode parse_retval = UA_parseEndpointUrl(&endpointUrl, &hostnameString, &port, &pathString); if (parse_retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD || hostnameString.length > 511) { UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Server url is invalid: %.*s", (int)endpointUrl.length, endpointUrl.data); connection.state = UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED; return connection; } memcpy(hostname, hostnameString.data, hostnameString.length); hostname[hostnameString.length] = 0; if (port == 0) { port = 4840; UA_LOG_INFO(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "No port defined, using default port %d", port); } memset(&tcpClientConnection->hints, 0, sizeof(tcpClientConnection->hints)); tcpClientConnection->hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; tcpClientConnection->hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; char portStr[6]; UA_snprintf(portStr, 6, "%d", port); int error = UA_getaddrinfo(hostname, portStr, &tcpClientConnection->hints, &tcpClientConnection->server); if (error != 0 || !tcpClientConnection->server) { UA_LOG_SOCKET_ERRNO_GAI_WRAP(UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "DNS lookup of %s failed with error %s", hostname, errno_str)); connection.state = UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED; return connection; } return connection; } UA_Connection UA_ClientConnectionTCP(UA_ConnectionConfig config, const UA_String endpointUrl, UA_UInt32 timeout, UA_Logger *logger) { UA_initialize_architecture_network(); UA_Connection connection; memset(&connection, 0, sizeof(UA_Connection)); connection.state = UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED; connection.config = config; connection.send = connection_write; connection.recv = connection_recv; connection.close = ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close; connection.free = ClientNetworkLayerTCP_free; connection.getSendBuffer = connection_getsendbuffer; connection.releaseSendBuffer = connection_releasesendbuffer; connection.releaseRecvBuffer = connection_releaserecvbuffer; connection.handle = NULL; UA_String hostnameString = UA_STRING_NULL; UA_String pathString = UA_STRING_NULL; UA_UInt16 port = 0; char hostname[512]; UA_StatusCode parse_retval = UA_parseEndpointUrl(&endpointUrl, &hostnameString, &port, &pathString); if(parse_retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD || hostnameString.length > 511) { UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Server url is invalid: %.*s", (int)endpointUrl.length, endpointUrl.data); return connection; } memcpy(hostname, hostnameString.data, hostnameString.length); hostname[hostnameString.length] = 0; if(port == 0) { port = 4840; UA_LOG_INFO(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "No port defined, using default port %d", port); } struct addrinfo hints, *server; memset(&hints, 0, sizeof(hints)); hints.ai_family = AF_UNSPEC; hints.ai_socktype = SOCK_STREAM; hints.ai_protocol = IPPROTO_TCP; char portStr[6]; UA_snprintf(portStr, 6, "%d", port); int error = UA_getaddrinfo(hostname, portStr, &hints, &server); if(error != 0 || !server) { UA_LOG_SOCKET_ERRNO_GAI_WRAP(UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "DNS lookup of %s failed with error %s", hostname, errno_str)); return connection; } UA_Boolean connected = false; UA_DateTime dtTimeout = timeout * UA_DATETIME_MSEC; UA_DateTime connStart = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic(); UA_SOCKET clientsockfd; /* On linux connect may immediately return with ECONNREFUSED but we still * want to try to connect. So use a loop and retry until timeout is * reached. */ do { /* Get a socket */ clientsockfd = UA_socket(server->ai_family, server->ai_socktype, server->ai_protocol); if(clientsockfd == UA_INVALID_SOCKET) { UA_LOG_SOCKET_ERRNO_WRAP(UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not create client socket: %s", errno_str)); UA_freeaddrinfo(server); return connection; } connection.state = UA_CONNECTION_OPENING; /* Connect to the server */ connection.sockfd = clientsockfd; /* Non blocking connect to be able to timeout */ if (UA_socket_set_nonblocking(clientsockfd) != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not set the client socket to nonblocking"); ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(&connection); UA_freeaddrinfo(server); return connection; } /* Non blocking connect */ error = UA_connect(clientsockfd, server->ai_addr, (socklen_t)server->ai_addrlen); if ((error == -1) && (UA_ERRNO != UA_ERR_CONNECTION_PROGRESS)) { ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(&connection); UA_LOG_SOCKET_ERRNO_WRAP( UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection to %.*s failed with error: %s", (int)endpointUrl.length, endpointUrl.data, errno_str)); UA_freeaddrinfo(server); return connection; } /* Use select to wait and check if connected */ if (error == -1 && (UA_ERRNO == UA_ERR_CONNECTION_PROGRESS)) { /* connection in progress. Wait until connected using select */ UA_DateTime timeSinceStart = UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic() - connStart; if(timeSinceStart > dtTimeout) break; #ifdef _OS9000 /* OS-9 can't use select for checking write sockets. * Therefore, we need to use connect until success or failed */ UA_DateTime timeout_usec = (dtTimeout - timeSinceStart) / UA_DATETIME_USEC; int resultsize = 0; do { u_int32 time = 0x80000001; signal_code sig; timeout_usec -= 1000000/256; // Sleep 1/256 second if (timeout_usec < 0) break; _os_sleep(&time,&sig); error = connect(clientsockfd, server->ai_addr, server->ai_addrlen); if ((error == -1 && UA_ERRNO == EISCONN) || (error == 0)) resultsize = 1; if (error == -1 && UA_ERRNO != EALREADY && UA_ERRNO != EINPROGRESS) break; } while(resultsize == 0); #else fd_set fdset; FD_ZERO(&fdset); UA_fd_set(clientsockfd, &fdset); UA_DateTime timeout_usec = (dtTimeout - timeSinceStart) / UA_DATETIME_USEC; struct timeval tmptv = {(long int) (timeout_usec / 1000000), (int) (timeout_usec % 1000000)}; int resultsize = UA_select((UA_Int32)(clientsockfd + 1), NULL, &fdset, NULL, &tmptv); #endif if(resultsize == 1) { #ifdef _WIN32 /* Windows does not have any getsockopt equivalent and it is not * needed there */ connected = true; break; #else OPTVAL_TYPE so_error; socklen_t len = sizeof so_error; int ret = UA_getsockopt(clientsockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_ERROR, &so_error, &len); if (ret != 0 || so_error != 0) { /* on connection refused we should still try to connect */ /* connection refused happens on localhost or local ip without timeout */ if (so_error != ECONNREFUSED) { ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(&connection); UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Connection to %.*s failed with error: %s", (int)endpointUrl.length, endpointUrl.data, strerror(ret == 0 ? so_error : UA_ERRNO)); UA_freeaddrinfo(server); return connection; } /* wait until we try a again. Do not make this too small, otherwise the * timeout is somehow wrong */ UA_sleep_ms(100); } else { connected = true; break; } #endif } } else { connected = true; break; } ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(&connection); } while ((UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic() - connStart) < dtTimeout); UA_freeaddrinfo(server); if(!connected) { /* connection timeout */ if (connection.state != UA_CONNECTION_CLOSED) ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(&connection); UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Trying to connect to %.*s timed out", (int)endpointUrl.length, endpointUrl.data); return connection; } /* We are connected. Reset socket to blocking */ if(UA_socket_set_blocking(clientsockfd) != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Could not set the client socket to blocking"); ClientNetworkLayerTCP_close(&connection); return connection; } #ifdef SO_NOSIGPIPE int val = 1; int sso_result = UA_setsockopt(connection.sockfd, SOL_SOCKET, SO_NOSIGPIPE, (void*)&val, sizeof(val)); if(sso_result < 0) UA_LOG_WARNING(logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_NETWORK, "Couldn't set SO_NOSIGPIPE"); #endif return connection; }