from __future__ import print_function import sys import time import platform import getpass from collections import OrderedDict import re from lxml import etree import inspect import argparse parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--with-xml', action='store_true', help='generate xml encoding') parser.add_argument('--with-json', action='store_true', help='generate json encoding') parser.add_argument('--only-nano', action='store_true', help='generate only the types for the nano profile') parser.add_argument('--only-needed', action='store_true', help='generate only types needed for compile') parser.add_argument('--additional-includes', action='store', help='include additional header files (separated by comma)') parser.add_argument('types', help='path/to/Opc.Ua.Types.bsd') parser.add_argument('outfile', help='outfile w/o extension') args = parser.parse_args() ns = {"opc": ""} tree = etree.parse(args.types) types = tree.xpath("/opc:TypeDictionary/*[not(self::opc:Import)]", namespaces=ns) fh = open(args.outfile + ".h",'w') fc = open(args.outfile + ".c",'w') # dirty hack. we go up the call frames to access local variables of the calling # function. this allows to shorten code and get %()s replaces with less clutter. def printh(string): print(string % inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals, end='\n', file=fh) def printc(string): print(string % inspect.currentframe().f_back.f_locals, end='\n', file=fc) # types that are coded manually from type_lists import existing_types # whitelist for "only needed" profile from type_lists import only_needed_types # some types are omitted (pretend they exist already) existing_types.add("NodeIdType") fixed_size = set(["UA_Boolean", "UA_SByte", "UA_Byte", "UA_Int16", "UA_UInt16", "UA_Int32", "UA_UInt32", "UA_Int64", "UA_UInt64", "UA_Float", "UA_Double", "UA_DateTime", "UA_Guid", "UA_StatusCode"]) # types we do not want to autogenerate def skipType(name): if name in existing_types: return True if "Test" in name: #skip all Test types return True if"Attributes$", name) != None: return True if"NodeId$", name) != None: return True if args.only_needed and not(name in only_needed_types): return True return False def stripTypename(tn): return tn[tn.find(":")+1:] def camlCase2CCase(item): if item in ["Float","Double"]: return "my" + item return item[:1].lower() + item[1:] if item else '' # are the types we need already in place? if not, postpone. def printableStructuredType(element): for child in element: if child.tag == "{}Field": typename = stripTypename(child.get("TypeName")) if typename not in existing_types: return False return True def createEnumerated(element): valuemap = OrderedDict() name = "UA_" + element.get("Name") fixed_size.add(name) for child in element: if child.tag == "{}Documentation": printh("/** @brief " + child.text + " */") if child.tag == "{}EnumeratedValue": valuemap[name + "_" + child.get("Name")] = child.get("Value") valuemap = OrderedDict(sorted(valuemap.iteritems(), key=lambda (k,v): int(v))) printh("typedef UA_Int32 " + name + ";") printh("enum " + name + "_enum { \n\t" + ",\n\t".join(map(lambda (key, value) : key.upper() + " = " + value, valuemap.iteritems())) + "\n};") printh("UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES (" + name + ")") printh("UA_TYPE_BINARY_ENCODING(" + name + ")") printc("UA_TYPE_AS(" + name + ", UA_Int32)") printc("UA_TYPE_BINARY_ENCODING_AS(" + name + ", UA_Int32)") if args.with_xml: printh("UA_TYPE_XML_ENCODING(" + name + ")\n") printc('''UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZEXML_NOTIMPL(%(name)s) UA_TYPE_METHOD_ENCODEXML_NOTIMPL(%(name)s) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DECODEXML_NOTIMPL(%(name)s\n)''') def createOpaque(element): name = "UA_" + element.get("Name") for child in element: if child.tag == "{}Documentation": printh("/** @brief " + child.text + " */") printh("typedef UA_ByteString %(name)s;") printh("UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(%(name)s)") printh("UA_TYPE_BINARY_ENCODING(%(name)s)") printc("UA_TYPE_AS(%(name)s, UA_ByteString)") printc("UA_TYPE_BINARY_ENCODING_AS(%(name)s, UA_ByteString)") if args.with_xml: printh("UA_TYPE_XML_ENCODING(" + name + ")\n") printc('''UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZEXML_NOTIMPL(%(name)s) UA_TYPE_METHOD_ENCODEXML_NOTIMPL(%(name)s) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DECODEXML_NOTIMPL(%(name)s)\n''') def createStructured(element): name = "UA_" + element.get("Name") # 1) Are there arrays in the type? lengthfields = set() for child in element: if child.get("LengthField"): lengthfields.add(child.get("LengthField")) # 2) Store members in membermap (name->type). membermap = OrderedDict() for child in element: if child.tag == "{}Documentation": printh("/** @brief " + child.text + " */") elif child.tag == "{}Field": if child.get("Name") in lengthfields: continue childname = camlCase2CCase(child.get("Name")) typename = stripTypename(child.get("TypeName")) if child.get("LengthField"): membermap[childname] = "UA_" + typename + "*" else: membermap[childname] = "UA_" + typename # 3) Print structure if len(membermap) > 0: printh("typedef struct %(name)s {") for n,t in membermap.iteritems(): if t.find("*") != -1: printh("\t" + "UA_Int32 " + n + "Size;") printh("\t%(t)s %(n)s;") printh("} %(name)s;") else: printh("typedef void* %(name)s;") # 3) function prototypes printh("UA_TYPE_PROTOTYPES(" + name + ")") printh("UA_TYPE_BINARY_ENCODING(" + name + ")") if args.with_xml: printh("UA_TYPE_XML_ENCODING(" + name + ")\n") # 4) CalcSizeBinary printc('''UA_Int32 %(name)s_calcSizeBinary(%(name)s const * ptr) { if(!ptr) return 0; return 0''') has_fixed_size = True for n,t in membermap.iteritems(): if t in fixed_size: printc('\t + sizeof(%(t)s) // %(n)s') elif t.find("*") != -1: printc('\t + UA_Array_calcSizeBinary(ptr->%(n)sSize,&UA_['+ t[0:t.find("*")].upper() + "],ptr->%(n)s)") has_fixed_size = False else: printc('\t + %(t)s_calcSizeBinary(&ptr->%(n)s)') has_fixed_size = False printc("\t;\n}\n") if has_fixed_size: fixed_size.add(name) # 5) EncodeBinary printc('''UA_Int32 %(name)s_encodeBinary(%(name)s const * src, UA_ByteString* dst, UA_UInt32 *offset) { UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;''') for n,t in membermap.iteritems(): if t.find("*") != -1: printc("\tretval |= UA_Array_encodeBinary(src->%(n)s,src->%(n)sSize,&UA_[" + t[0:t.find("*")].upper() + "],dst,offset);") else: printc('\tretval |= %(t)s_encodeBinary(&src->%(n)s,dst,offset);') printc("\treturn retval;\n}\n") # 6) DecodeBinary printc('''UA_Int32 %(name)s_decodeBinary(UA_ByteString const * src, UA_UInt32 *offset, %(name)s * dst) { UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS;''') printc('\t'+name+'_init(dst);') for n,t in membermap.iteritems(): if t.find("*") != -1: printc('\tretval |= UA_Int32_decodeBinary(src,offset,&dst->%(n)sSize);') printc('\tretval |= UA_Array_decodeBinary(src,offset,dst->%(n)sSize,&UA_[' + t[0:t.find("*")].upper() + '],(void**)&dst->%(n)s);') printc('\tif(retval != UA_SUCCESS) { dst->%(n)sSize = -1; %(name)s_deleteMembers(dst); return retval;}') # arrays clean up internally. But the size needs to be set here for the eventual deleteMembers. else: printc('\tretval |= %(t)s_decodeBinary(src,offset,&dst->%(n)s);') printc("\tif(retval != UA_SUCCESS) %(name)s_deleteMembers(dst);") printc("\treturn retval;\n}\n") # 7) Xml if args.with_xml: printc('''UA_TYPE_METHOD_CALCSIZEXML_NOTIMPL(%(name)s) UA_TYPE_METHOD_ENCODEXML_NOTIMPL(%(name)s) UA_TYPE_METHOD_DECODEXML_NOTIMPL(%(name)s)''') # 8) Delete printc('''void %(name)s_delete(%(name)s *p) { %(name)s_deleteMembers(p); UA_free(p);\n}\n''') # 9) DeleteMembers printc('''void %(name)s_deleteMembers(%(name)s *p) {''') for n,t in membermap.iteritems(): if not t in fixed_size: # dynamic size on the wire if t.find("*") != -1: printc("\tUA_Array_delete((void*)p->%(n)s,p->%(n)sSize,&UA_[" + t[0:t.find("*")].upper()+"]);") else: printc('\t%(t)s_deleteMembers(&p->%(n)s);') printc("\n}\n") # 10) Init printc('''void %(name)s_init(%(name)s *p) { if(!p) return;''') for n,t in membermap.iteritems(): if t.find("*") != -1: printc('\tp->%(n)sSize = 0;') printc('\tp->%(n)s = UA_NULL;') else: printc('\t%(t)s_init(&p->%(n)s);') printc("\n}\n") # 11) New printc("UA_TYPE_NEW_DEFAULT(%(name)s)") # 12) Copy printc('''UA_Int32 %(name)s_copy(const %(name)s *src,%(name)s *dst) { UA_Int32 retval = UA_SUCCESS; if(src == UA_NULL || dst == UA_NULL) return UA_ERROR;''') printc("\t%(name)s_init(dst);") for n,t in membermap.iteritems(): if t.find("*") != -1: printc('\tdst->%(n)sSize = src->%(n)sSize;') printc("\tretval |= UA_Array_copy(src->%(n)s, src->%(n)sSize,&UA_[" + t[0:t.find("*")].upper() + "],(void**)&dst->%(n)s);") continue if not t in fixed_size: # there are members of variable size printc('\tretval |= %(t)s_copy(&src->%(n)s,&dst->%(n)s);') continue printc("\tdst->%(n)s = src->%(n)s;") printc('''if(retval != UA_SUCCESS) %(name)s_deleteMembers(dst);''') printc("\treturn retval;\n}\n") # 13) Print printc('''#ifdef DEBUG''') printc('''void %(name)s_print(const %(name)s *p, FILE *stream) { fprintf(stream, "(%(name)s){");''') for i,(n,t) in enumerate(membermap.iteritems()): if t.find("*") != -1: printc('\tUA_Int32_print(&p->%(n)sSize, stream);') printc("\tUA_Array_print(p->%(n)s, p->%(n)sSize, &UA_[" + t[0:t.find("*")].upper()+"], stream);") else: printc('\t%(t)s_print(&p->%(n)s,stream);') if i == len(membermap)-1: continue printc('\tfprintf(stream, ",");') printc('''\tfprintf(stream, "}");\n}''') printc('#endif'); printc('''\n''') shortname = args.outfile.split("/")[-1] print(shortname) printh('''/** * @file %(shortname)s.h * * @brief Autogenerated data types defined in the UA standard * * Generated from '''+sys.argv[1]+''' with script '''+sys.argv[0]+''' * on host '''+platform.uname()[1]+''' by user '''+getpass.getuser()+''' at '''+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S")+''' */ #ifndef ''' + shortname.upper() + '''_H_ #define ''' + shortname.upper() + '''_H_ #include "ua_types.h" #include "ua_types_encoding_binary.h" /** @ingroup ''' + shortname.split("_")[1] + ''' * * @defgroup ''' + shortname + ''' Generated Types * * @brief Data structures that are autogenerated from an XML-Schema. * @{ */''') if args.with_xml: printh('#include "ua_types_encoding_xml.h"') if args.additional_includes: for incl in args.additional_includes.split(","): printh("#include \"" + incl + "\"") printh("") # newline printc('''/** * @file '''+sys.argv[2]+'''.c * * @brief Autogenerated function implementations to manage the data types defined in the UA standard * * Generated from '''+sys.argv[1]+''' with script '''+sys.argv[0]+''' * on host '''+platform.uname()[1]+''' by user '''+getpass.getuser()+''' at '''+ time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S")+''' */ #include "''' + args.outfile.split("/")[-1] + '''.h" #include "ua_namespace_0.h" #include "ua_util.h"\n''') # types for which we create a vector type arraytypes = set() fields = tree.xpath("//opc:Field", namespaces=ns) for field in fields: if field.get("LengthField"): arraytypes.add(stripTypename(field.get("TypeName"))) deferred_types = OrderedDict() #plugin handling import os files = [f for f in os.listdir('.') if os.path.isfile(f) and f[-3:] == ".py" and f[:7] == "plugin_"] plugin_types = [] packageForType = OrderedDict() for f in files: package = f[:-3] exec "import " + package exec "pluginSetup = " + package + ".setup()" if pluginSetup["pluginType"] == "structuredObject": plugin_types.append(pluginSetup["tagName"]) packageForType[pluginSetup["tagName"]] = [package,pluginSetup] print("Custom object creation for tag " + pluginSetup["tagName"] + " imported from package " + package) #end plugin handling for element in types: name = element.get("Name") if skipType(name): continue if element.tag == "{}EnumeratedType": createEnumerated(element) existing_types.add(name) elif element.tag == "{}StructuredType": if printableStructuredType(element): createStructured(element) existing_types.add(name) else: # the record contains types that were not yet detailed deferred_types[name] = element continue elif element.tag == "{}OpaqueType": createOpaque(element) existing_types.add(name) for name, element in deferred_types.iteritems(): if name in plugin_types: #execute plugin if registered exec "ret = " + packageForType[name][0]+"."+packageForType[name][1]["functionCall"] if ret == "default": createStructured(element) existing_types.add(name) else: createStructured(element) existing_types.add(name) printh('/// @} /* end of group */') printh('#endif') fh.close() fc.close()