#include "ua_util.h" #include "ua_nodestore.h" struct nodeEntry { struct cds_lfht_node htn; ///< Contains the next-ptr for urcu-hashmap struct rcu_head rcu_head; ///< For call-rcu struct nodeEntry *orig; //< the version this is a copy from (or NULL) UA_Node node; ///< Might be cast from any _bigger_ UA_Node* type. Allocate enough memory! }; #include "ua_nodestore_hash.inc" static struct nodeEntry * instantiateEntry(UA_NodeClass class) { size_t size = sizeof(struct nodeEntry) - sizeof(UA_Node); switch(class) { case UA_NODECLASS_OBJECT: size += sizeof(UA_ObjectNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE: size += sizeof(UA_VariableNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_METHOD: size += sizeof(UA_MethodNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_OBJECTTYPE: size += sizeof(UA_ObjectTypeNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLETYPE: size += sizeof(UA_VariableTypeNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_REFERENCETYPE: size += sizeof(UA_ReferenceTypeNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_DATATYPE: size += sizeof(UA_DataTypeNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_VIEW: size += sizeof(UA_ViewNode); break; default: return NULL; } struct nodeEntry *entry = UA_calloc(1, size); if(!entry) return NULL; entry->node.nodeClass = class; return entry; } static void deleteEntry(struct rcu_head *head) { struct nodeEntry *entry = container_of(head, struct nodeEntry, rcu_head); UA_Node_deleteMembersAnyNodeClass(&entry->node); UA_free(entry); } /* We are in a rcu_read lock. So the node will not be freed under our feet. */ static int compare(struct cds_lfht_node *htn, const void *orig) { const UA_NodeId *origid = (const UA_NodeId *)orig; /* The htn is first in the entry structure. */ const UA_NodeId *newid = &((struct nodeEntry *)htn)->node.nodeId; return UA_NodeId_equal(newid, origid); } UA_NodeStore * UA_NodeStore_new() { /* 64 is the minimum size for the hashtable. */ return (UA_NodeStore*)cds_lfht_new(64, 64, 0, CDS_LFHT_AUTO_RESIZE, NULL); } /* do not call with read-side critical section held!! */ void UA_NodeStore_delete(UA_NodeStore *ns) { UA_ASSERT_RCU_LOCKED(); struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns; struct cds_lfht_iter iter; cds_lfht_first(ht, &iter); while(iter.node) { if(!cds_lfht_del(ht, iter.node)) { /* points to the htn entry, which is first */ struct nodeEntry *entry = (struct nodeEntry*) iter.node; call_rcu(&entry->rcu_head, deleteEntry); } cds_lfht_next(ht, &iter); } cds_lfht_destroy(ht, NULL); UA_free(ns); } UA_Node * UA_NodeStore_newNode(UA_NodeClass class) { struct nodeEntry *entry = instantiateEntry(class); if(!entry) return NULL; return (UA_Node*)&entry->node; } void UA_NodeStore_deleteNode(UA_Node *node) { struct nodeEntry *entry = container_of(node, struct nodeEntry, node); deleteEntry(&entry->rcu_head); } UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_insert(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *node) { UA_ASSERT_RCU_LOCKED(); struct nodeEntry *entry = container_of(node, struct nodeEntry, node); struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns; cds_lfht_node_init(&entry->htn); struct cds_lfht_node *result; //namespace index is assumed to be valid UA_NodeId tempNodeid; tempNodeid = node->nodeId; tempNodeid.namespaceIndex = 0; if(!UA_NodeId_isNull(&tempNodeid)) { hash_t h = hash(&node->nodeId); result = cds_lfht_add_unique(ht, h, compare, &node->nodeId, &entry->htn); /* If the nodeid exists already */ if(result != &entry->htn) { deleteEntry(&entry->rcu_head); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDEXISTS; } } else { /* create a unique nodeid */ node->nodeId.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC; if(node->nodeId.namespaceIndex == 0) // original request for ns=0 should yield ns=1 node->nodeId.namespaceIndex = 1; /* set namespaceIndex in browseName in case id is generated, --> unless these are method arguments, in which case never ever set anything other than 0! */ if(node->nodeClass == UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE) { UA_String inArgName = UA_STRING("InputArguments"); UA_String outArgName = UA_STRING("OutputArguments"); if (UA_String_equal(&inArgName, &node->browseName.name) != UA_TRUE && UA_String_equal(&outArgName, &node->browseName.name) != UA_TRUE) ((UA_VariableNode*)node)->browseName.namespaceIndex = node->nodeId.namespaceIndex; } unsigned long identifier; long before, after; cds_lfht_count_nodes(ht, &before, &identifier, &after); // current amount of nodes stored identifier++; node->nodeId.identifier.numeric = (UA_UInt32)identifier; while(true) { hash_t h = hash(&node->nodeId); result = cds_lfht_add_unique(ht, h, compare, &node->nodeId, &entry->htn); if(result == &entry->htn) break; node->nodeId.identifier.numeric += (UA_UInt32)(identifier * 2654435761); } } return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_replace(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node *node) { UA_ASSERT_RCU_LOCKED(); struct nodeEntry *entry = container_of(node, struct nodeEntry, node); struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns; /* Get the current version */ hash_t h = hash(&node->nodeId); struct cds_lfht_iter iter; cds_lfht_lookup(ht, h, compare, &node->nodeId, &iter); if(!iter.node) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDUNKNOWN; /* We try to replace an obsolete version of the node */ struct nodeEntry *oldEntry = (struct nodeEntry*)iter.node; if(oldEntry != entry->orig) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; cds_lfht_node_init(&entry->htn); if(cds_lfht_replace(ht, &iter, h, compare, &node->nodeId, &entry->htn) != 0) { /* Replacing failed. Maybe the node got replaced just before this thread tried to.*/ deleteEntry(&entry->rcu_head); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; } /* If an entry got replaced, mark it as dead. */ call_rcu(&oldEntry->rcu_head, deleteEntry); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } UA_StatusCode UA_NodeStore_remove(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) { UA_ASSERT_RCU_LOCKED(); struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns; hash_t h = hash(nodeid); struct cds_lfht_iter iter; cds_lfht_lookup(ht, h, compare, nodeid, &iter); if(!iter.node || cds_lfht_del(ht, iter.node) != 0) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDUNKNOWN; struct nodeEntry *entry = (struct nodeEntry*)iter.node; call_rcu(&entry->rcu_head, deleteEntry); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } const UA_Node * UA_NodeStore_get(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) { UA_ASSERT_RCU_LOCKED(); struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns; hash_t h = hash(nodeid); struct cds_lfht_iter iter; cds_lfht_lookup(ht, h, compare, nodeid, &iter); struct nodeEntry *found_entry = (struct nodeEntry*)iter.node; if(!found_entry) return NULL; return &found_entry->node; } UA_Node * UA_NodeStore_getCopy(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) { UA_ASSERT_RCU_LOCKED(); struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns; hash_t h = hash(nodeid); struct cds_lfht_iter iter; cds_lfht_lookup(ht, h, compare, nodeid, &iter); struct nodeEntry *entry = (struct nodeEntry*)iter.node; if(!entry) return NULL; struct nodeEntry *new = instantiateEntry(entry->node.nodeClass); if(!new) return NULL; if(UA_Node_copyAnyNodeClass(&entry->node, &new->node) != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { deleteEntry(&new->rcu_head); return NULL; } new->orig = entry; return &new->node; } void UA_NodeStore_iterate(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_NodeStore_nodeVisitor visitor) { UA_ASSERT_RCU_LOCKED(); struct cds_lfht *ht = (struct cds_lfht*)ns; struct cds_lfht_iter iter; cds_lfht_first(ht, &iter); while(iter.node != NULL) { struct nodeEntry *found_entry = (struct nodeEntry*)iter.node; visitor(&found_entry->node); cds_lfht_next(ht, &iter); } }