i=1 i=2 i=3 i=4 i=5 i=6 i=7 i=8 i=9 i=10 i=11 i=13 i=12 i=15 i=14 i=16 i=17 i=18 i=20 i=21 i=19 i=22 i=26 i=27 i=28 i=47 i=46 i=35 i=36 i=48 i=45 i=40 i=37 i=38 i=39 Default Binary The default binary encoding for a data type. i=58 Default XML The default XML encoding for a data type. i=58 BaseDataType Describes a value that can have any valid DataType. Number Describes a value that can have any numeric DataType. i=24 Integer Describes a value that can have any integer DataType. i=26 UInteger Describes a value that can have any unsigned integer DataType. i=26 Enumeration Describes a value that is an enumerated DataType. i=24 Boolean Describes a value that is either TRUE or FALSE. i=24 SByte Describes a value that is an integer between -128 and 127. i=27 Byte Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 255. i=28 Int16 Describes a value that is an integer between −32,768 and 32,767. i=27 UInt16 Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 65535. i=28 Int32 Describes a value that is an integer between −2,147,483,648 and 2,147,483,647. i=27 UInt32 Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 4,294,967,295. i=28 Int64 Describes a value that is an integer between −9,223,372,036,854,775,808 and 9,223,372,036,854,775,807. i=27 UInt64 Describes a value that is an integer between 0 and 18,446,744,073,709,551,615. i=28 Float Describes a value that is an IEEE 754-1985 single precision floating point number. i=26 Double Describes a value that is an IEEE 754-1985 double precision floating point number. i=26 String Describes a value that is a sequence of printable Unicode characters. i=24 DateTime Describes a value that is a Gregorian calender date and time. i=24 Guid Describes a value that is a 128-bit globally unique identifier. i=24 ByteString Describes a value that is a sequence of bytes. i=24 XmlElement Describes a value that is an XML element. i=24 NodeId Describes a value that is an identifier for a node within a Server address space. i=24 ExpandedNodeId Describes a value that is an absolute identifier for a node. i=24 StatusCode Describes a value that is a code representing the outcome of an operation by a Server. i=24 QualifiedName Describes a value that is a name qualified by a namespace. i=24 LocalizedText Describes a value that is human readable Unicode text with a locale identifier. i=24 Structure Describes a value that is any type of structure that can be described with a data encoding. i=24 DataValue Describes a value that is a structure containing a value, a status code and timestamps. i=24 DiagnosticInfo Describes a value that is a structure containing diagnostics associated with a StatusCode. i=24 Image Describes a value that is an image encoded as a string of bytes. i=15 Decimal Describes an arbitrary precision decimal value. i=26 References The abstract base type for all references. NonHierarchicalReferences The abstract base type for all non-hierarchical references. i=31 NonHierarchicalReferences HierarchicalReferences The abstract base type for all hierarchical references. i=31 HierarchicalReferences HasChild The abstract base type for all non-looping hierarchical references. i=33 ChildOf Organizes The type for hierarchical references that are used to organize nodes. i=33 OrganizedBy HasEventSource The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to organize event sources. i=33 EventSourceOf HasModellingRule The type for references from instance declarations to modelling rule nodes. i=32 ModellingRuleOf HasEncoding The type for references from data type nodes to to data type encoding nodes. i=32 EncodingOf HasDescription The type for references from data type encoding nodes to data type description nodes. i=32 DescriptionOf HasTypeDefinition The type for references from a instance node its type definition node. i=32 TypeDefinitionOf GeneratesEvent The type for references from a node to an event type that is raised by node. i=32 GeneratedBy Aggregates The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to aggregate nodes into complex types. i=34 AggregatedBy HasSubtype The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to define sub types. i=34 SubtypeOf HasProperty The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its property. i=44 PropertyOf HasComponent The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its component. i=44 ComponentOf HasNotifier The type for non-looping hierarchical references that are used to indicate how events propagate from node to node. i=36 NotifierOf HasOrderedComponent The type for non-looping hierarchical reference from a node to its component when the order of references matters. i=47 OrderedComponentOf FromState The type for a reference to the state before a transition. i=32 ToTransition ToState The type for a reference to the state after a transition. i=32 FromTransition HasCause The type for a reference to a method that can cause a transition to occur. i=32 MayBeCausedBy HasEffect The type for a reference to an event that may be raised when a transition occurs. i=32 MayBeEffectedBy HasHistoricalConfiguration The type for a reference to the historical configuration for a data variable. i=44 HistoricalConfigurationOf BaseObjectType The base type for all object nodes. FolderType The type for objects that organize other nodes. i=58 BaseVariableType The abstract base type for all variable nodes. BaseDataVariableType The type for variable that represents a process value. i=62 PropertyType The type for variable that represents a property of another node. i=62 DataTypeDescriptionType The type for variable that represents the description of a data type encoding. i=104 i=105 i=63 DataTypeVersion The version number for the data type description. i=68 i=80 i=69 DictionaryFragment A fragment of a data type dictionary that defines the data type. i=68 i=80 i=69 DataTypeDictionaryType The type for variable that represents the collection of data type decriptions. i=106 i=107 i=63 DataTypeVersion The version number for the data type dictionary. i=68 i=80 i=72 NamespaceUri A URI that uniquely identifies the dictionary. i=68 i=80 i=72 DataTypeSystemType i=58 DataTypeEncodingType i=58 NamingRuleType Describes a value that specifies the significance of the BrowseName for an instance declaration. i=12169 i=29 The BrowseName must appear in all instances of the type. The BrowseName may appear in an instance of the type. The modelling rule defines a constraint and the BrowseName is not used in an instance of the type. EnumValues i=68 i=78 i=120 i=7616 1 Mandatory The BrowseName must appear in all instances of the type. i=7616 2 Optional The BrowseName may appear in an instance of the type. i=7616 3 Constraint The modelling rule defines a constraint and the BrowseName is not used in an instance of the type. ModellingRuleType The type for an object that describes how an instance declaration is used when a type is instantiated. i=111 i=58 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=78 i=77 1 Mandatory Specifies that an instance with the attributes and references of the instance declaration must appear when a type is instantiated. i=112 i=77 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=78 1 Optional Specifies that an instance with the attributes and references of the instance declaration may appear when a type is instantiated. i=113 i=77 NamingRule Specified the significances of the BrowseName when a type is instantiated. i=68 i=80 2 Root The root of the server address space. i=61 Objects The browse entry point when looking for objects in the server address space. i=84 i=61 Types The browse entry point when looking for types in the server address space. i=84 i=61 Views The browse entry point when looking for views in the server address space. i=84 i=61 ObjectTypes The browse entry point when looking for object types in the server address space. i=86 i=58 i=61 VariableTypes The browse entry point when looking for variable types in the server address space. i=86 i=62 i=61 DataTypes The browse entry point when looking for data types in the server address space. i=86 i=24 i=61 ReferenceTypes The browse entry point when looking for reference types in the server address space. i=86 i=31 i=61 OPC Binary A type system which uses OPC binary schema to describe the encoding of data types. i=90 i=75 ServerType Specifies the current status and capabilities of the server. i=58 VendorServerInfoType A base type for vendor specific server information. i=58 VendorServerInfo Server information provided by the vendor. i=2033 i=78 i=2004 ServerCapabilitiesType Describes the capabilities supported by the server. i=58 OperationLimits Defines the limits supported by the server for different operations. i=11564 i=80 i=2013 ServerDiagnosticsType The diagnostics information for a server. i=58 ServerRedundancyType A base type for an object that describe how a server supports redundancy. i=2035 i=58 RedundancySupport Indicates what style of redundancy is supported by the server. i=68 i=78 i=2034 OperationLimitsType Identifies the operation limits imposed by the server. i=11565 i=11567 i=11569 i=11570 i=11571 i=11572 i=11573 i=11574 i=61 MaxNodesPerRead The maximum number of operations in a single Read request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerWrite The maximum number of operations in a single Write request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerMethodCall The maximum number of operations in a single Call request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerBrowse The maximum number of operations in a single Browse request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes The maximum number of operations in a single RegisterNodes request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds The maximum number of operations in a single TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxNodesPerNodeManagement The maximum number of operations in a single AddNodes, AddReferences, DeleteNodes or DeleteReferences request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall The maximum number of operations in a single MonitoredItem related request. i=68 i=80 i=11564 ServerStatusType i=63 BuildInfoType i=63 ServerDiagnosticsSummaryType i=2151 i=2152 i=2153 i=2154 i=2155 i=2156 i=2157 i=2159 i=2160 i=2161 i=2162 i=2163 i=63 ServerViewCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 CurrentSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 CumulatedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 SecurityRejectedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 RejectedSessionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 SessionTimeoutCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 SessionAbortCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 PublishingIntervalCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 CurrentSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 CumulatedSubscriptionCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 SecurityRejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 RejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=78 i=2150 Server i=2254 i=2255 i=2256 i=2268 i=2274 i=2295 i=11492 i=85 i=2004 ServerArray The list of server URIs used by the server. i=68 i=2253 NamespaceArray The list of namespace URIs used by the server. i=68 i=2253 ServerStatus The current status of the server. i=2257 i=2258 i=2259 i=2260 i=2992 i=2993 i=2138 i=2253 StartTime i=63 i=2256 CurrentTime i=63 i=2256 State i=63 i=2256 BuildInfo i=2262 i=2263 i=2261 i=2264 i=2265 i=2266 i=3051 i=2256 ProductUri i=63 i=2260 ManufacturerName i=63 i=2260 ProductName i=63 i=2260 SoftwareVersion i=63 i=2260 BuildNumber i=63 i=2260 BuildDate i=63 i=2260 SecondsTillShutdown i=63 i=2256 ShutdownReason i=63 i=2256 ServiceLevel A value indicating the level of service the server can provide. 255 indicates the best. i=68 i=2253 Auditing A flag indicating whether the server is currently generating audit events. i=68 i=2253 ServerCapabilities Describes capabilities supported by the server. i=2269 i=2271 i=2272 i=2735 i=2736 i=2737 i=3704 i=2996 i=2997 i=11192 i=2013 i=2253 ServerProfileArray A list of profiles supported by the server. i=68 i=2268 LocaleIdArray A list of locales supported by the server. i=68 i=2268 MinSupportedSampleRate The minimum sampling interval supported by the server. i=68 i=2268 MaxBrowseContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for Browse operations per session. i=68 i=2268 MaxQueryContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for Query operations per session. i=68 i=2268 MaxHistoryContinuationPoints The maximum number of continuation points for ReadHistory operations per session. i=68 i=2268 SoftwareCertificates The software certificates owned by the server. i=68 i=2268 OperationLimits Defines the limits supported by the server for different operations. i=11705 i=11707 i=11709 i=11710 i=11711 i=11712 i=11713 i=11714 i=11564 i=2268 MaxNodesPerRead The maximum number of operations in a single Read request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerWrite The maximum number of operations in a single Write request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerMethodCall The maximum number of operations in a single Call request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerBrowse The maximum number of operations in a single Browse request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerRegisterNodes The maximum number of operations in a single RegisterNodes request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerTranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds The maximum number of operations in a single TranslateBrowsePathsToNodeIds request. i=68 i=11704 MaxNodesPerNodeManagement The maximum number of operations in a single AddNodes, AddReferences, DeleteNodes or DeleteReferences request. i=68 i=11704 MaxMonitoredItemsPerCall The maximum number of operations in a single MonitoredItem related request. i=68 i=11704 ModellingRules A folder for the modelling rules supported by the server. i=61 i=2268 AggregateFunctions A folder for the real time aggregates supported by the server. i=61 i=2268 ServerDiagnostics Reports diagnostics about the server. i=2275 i=2294 i=2020 i=2253 ServerDiagnosticsSummary A summary of server level diagnostics. i=2276 i=2277 i=2278 i=2279 i=3705 i=2281 i=2282 i=2284 i=2285 i=2286 i=2287 i=2288 i=2150 i=2274 ServerViewCount i=63 i=2275 CurrentSessionCount i=63 i=2275 CumulatedSessionCount i=63 i=2275 SecurityRejectedSessionCount i=63 i=2275 RejectedSessionCount i=63 i=2275 SessionTimeoutCount i=63 i=2275 SessionAbortCount i=63 i=2275 PublishingIntervalCount i=63 i=2275 CurrentSubscriptionCount i=63 i=2275 CumulatedSubscriptionCount i=63 i=2275 SecurityRejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=2275 RejectedRequestsCount i=63 i=2275 EnabledFlag If TRUE the diagnostics collection is enabled. i=68 i=2274 VendorServerInfo Server information provided by the vendor. i=2033 i=2253 ServerRedundancy Describes the redundancy capabilities of the server. i=3709 i=2034 i=2253 RedundancySupport Indicates what style of redundancy is supported by the server. i=68 i=2296 GetMonitoredItems i=11493 i=11494 i=2253 InputArguments i=68 i=11492 i=297 SubscriptionId i=7 -1 OutputArguments i=68 i=11492 i=297 ServerHandles i=7 1 i=297 ClientHandles i=7 1 HistoryServerCapabilities i=11193 i=11242 i=11273 i=11274 i=11196 i=11197 i=11198 i=11199 i=11200 i=11281 i=11282 i=11283 i=11502 i=11275 i=11201 i=2268 i=2330 AccessHistoryDataCapability i=68 i=11192 AccessHistoryEventsCapability i=68 i=11192 MaxReturnDataValues i=68 i=11192 MaxReturnEventValues i=68 i=11192 InsertDataCapability i=68 i=11192 ReplaceDataCapability i=68 i=11192 UpdateDataCapability i=68 i=11192 DeleteRawCapability i=68 i=11192 DeleteAtTimeCapability i=68 i=11192 InsertEventCapability i=68 i=11192 ReplaceEventCapability i=68 i=11192 UpdateEventCapability i=68 i=11192 DeleteEventCapability i=68 i=11192 InsertAnnotationCapability i=68 i=11192 AggregateFunctions i=61 i=11192 HistoryServerCapabilitiesType i=58 Argument An argument for a method. i=22 The name of the argument. The data type of the argument. Whether the argument is an array type and the rank of the array if it is. The number of dimensions if the argument is an array type and one or more dimensions have a fixed length. The description for the argument. EnumValueType A mapping between a value of an enumerated type and a name and description. i=22 The value of the enumeration. Human readable name for the value. A description of the value. Duration A period of time measured in milliseconds. i=11 UtcTime A date/time value specified in Universal Coordinated Time (UTC). i=13 LocaleId An identifier for a user locale. i=12 SignedSoftwareCertificate A software certificate with a digital signature. i=22 The data of the certificate. The digital signature. BuildInfo i=22 RedundancySupport i=7611 i=29 EnumStrings i=68 i=78 i=851 None Cold Warm Hot Transparent HotAndMirrored ServerState i=29 ServerDiagnosticsSummaryDataType i=22 ServerStatusDataType i=22 Default Binary i=296 i=7650 i=76 Default Binary i=7594 i=7656 i=76 Opc.Ua i=7656 i=93 i=72 Argument i=69 i=7617 Argument EnumValueType i=69 i=7617 EnumValueType