/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Copyright 2014-2017 (c) Julius Pfrommer, Fraunhofer IOSB * Copyright 2014, 2017 (c) Florian Palm * Copyright 2015 (c) Oleksiy Vasylyev * Copyright 2017 (c) Stefan Profanter, fortiss GmbH */ #ifndef UA_CHANNEL_MANAGER_H_ #define UA_CHANNEL_MANAGER_H_ #ifdef __cplusplus extern "C" { #endif #include "ua_util.h" #include "ua_server.h" #include "ua_securechannel.h" #include "../../deps/queue.h" typedef struct channel_list_entry { UA_SecureChannel channel; LIST_ENTRY(channel_list_entry) pointers; } channel_list_entry; typedef struct UA_SecureChannelManager { LIST_HEAD(channel_list, channel_list_entry) channels; // doubly-linked list of channels UA_UInt32 currentChannelCount; UA_UInt32 lastChannelId; UA_UInt32 lastTokenId; UA_Server *server; } UA_SecureChannelManager; UA_StatusCode UA_SecureChannelManager_init(UA_SecureChannelManager *cm, UA_Server *server); /* Remove a all securechannels */ void UA_SecureChannelManager_deleteMembers(UA_SecureChannelManager *cm); /* Remove timed out securechannels with a delayed callback. So all currently * scheduled jobs with a pointer to a securechannel can finish first. */ void UA_SecureChannelManager_cleanupTimedOut(UA_SecureChannelManager *cm, UA_DateTime nowMonotonic); UA_StatusCode UA_SecureChannelManager_create(UA_SecureChannelManager *const cm, UA_Connection *const connection, const UA_SecurityPolicy *const securityPolicy, const UA_AsymmetricAlgorithmSecurityHeader *const asymHeader); UA_StatusCode UA_SecureChannelManager_open(UA_SecureChannelManager *cm, UA_SecureChannel *channel, const UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest *request, UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse *response); UA_StatusCode UA_SecureChannelManager_renew(UA_SecureChannelManager *cm, UA_SecureChannel *channel, const UA_OpenSecureChannelRequest *request, UA_OpenSecureChannelResponse *response); UA_SecureChannel * UA_SecureChannelManager_get(UA_SecureChannelManager *cm, UA_UInt32 channelId); UA_StatusCode UA_SecureChannelManager_close(UA_SecureChannelManager *cm, UA_UInt32 channelId); #ifdef __cplusplus } // extern "C" #endif #endif /* UA_CHANNEL_MANAGER_H_ */