/* This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 Universal License. * See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ for more information. * * Copyright 2014-2018 (c) Fraunhofer IOSB (Author: Julius Pfrommer) * Copyright 2017 (c) Julian Grothoff * Copyright 2017 (c) Stefan Profanter, fortiss GmbH */ #include #include "ziptree.h" #ifdef UA_ENABLE_MULTITHREADING #include #define BEGIN_CRITSECT(NODEMAP) pthread_mutex_lock(&(NODEMAP)->mutex) #define END_CRITSECT(NODEMAP) pthread_mutex_unlock(&(NODEMAP)->mutex) #else #define BEGIN_CRITSECT(NODEMAP) #define END_CRITSECT(NODEMAP) #endif /* container_of */ #define container_of(ptr, type, member) \ (type *)((uintptr_t)ptr - offsetof(type,member)) struct NodeEntry; typedef struct NodeEntry NodeEntry; struct NodeEntry { ZIP_ENTRY(NodeEntry) zipfields; UA_UInt32 nodeIdHash; UA_UInt16 refCount; /* How many consumers have a reference to the node? */ UA_Boolean deleted; /* Node was marked as deleted and can be deleted when refCount == 0 */ NodeEntry *orig; /* If a copy is made to replace a node, track that we * replace only the node from which the copy was made. * Important for concurrent operations. */ UA_NodeId nodeId; /* This is actually a UA_Node that also starts with a NodeId */ }; /* Absolute ordering for NodeIds */ static enum ZIP_CMP cmpNodeId(const void *a, const void *b) { const NodeEntry *aa = (const NodeEntry*)a; const NodeEntry *bb = (const NodeEntry*)b; /* Compare hash */ if(aa->nodeIdHash < bb->nodeIdHash) return ZIP_CMP_LESS; if(aa->nodeIdHash > bb->nodeIdHash) return ZIP_CMP_MORE; if(UA_NodeId_equal(&aa->nodeId, &bb->nodeId)) return ZIP_CMP_EQ; /* Compare namespaceIndex */ if(aa->nodeId.namespaceIndex < bb->nodeId.namespaceIndex) return ZIP_CMP_LESS; if(aa->nodeId.namespaceIndex > bb->nodeId.namespaceIndex) return ZIP_CMP_MORE; /* Compare identifierType */ if(aa->nodeId.identifierType < bb->nodeId.identifierType) return ZIP_CMP_LESS; if(aa->nodeId.identifierType > bb->nodeId.identifierType) return ZIP_CMP_MORE; /* Compare the identifier */ switch(aa->nodeId.identifierType) { case UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC: if(aa->nodeId.identifier.numeric < bb->nodeId.identifier.numeric) return ZIP_CMP_LESS; if(aa->nodeId.identifier.numeric > bb->nodeId.identifier.numeric) return ZIP_CMP_MORE; break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_GUID: if(aa->nodeId.identifier.guid.data1 < bb->nodeId.identifier.guid.data1 || aa->nodeId.identifier.guid.data2 < bb->nodeId.identifier.guid.data2 || aa->nodeId.identifier.guid.data3 < bb->nodeId.identifier.guid.data3 || strncmp((const char*)aa->nodeId.identifier.guid.data4, (const char*)bb->nodeId.identifier.guid.data4, 8) < 0) return ZIP_CMP_LESS; if(aa->nodeId.identifier.guid.data1 > bb->nodeId.identifier.guid.data1 || aa->nodeId.identifier.guid.data2 > bb->nodeId.identifier.guid.data2 || aa->nodeId.identifier.guid.data3 > bb->nodeId.identifier.guid.data3 || strncmp((const char*)aa->nodeId.identifier.guid.data4, (const char*)bb->nodeId.identifier.guid.data4, 8) > 0) return ZIP_CMP_MORE; break; case UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING: case UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING: { if(aa->nodeId.identifier.string.length < bb->nodeId.identifier.string.length) return ZIP_CMP_LESS; if(aa->nodeId.identifier.string.length > bb->nodeId.identifier.string.length) return ZIP_CMP_MORE; int cmp = strncmp((const char*)aa->nodeId.identifier.string.data, (const char*)bb->nodeId.identifier.string.data, aa->nodeId.identifier.string.length); if(cmp < 0) return ZIP_CMP_LESS; if(cmp > 0) return ZIP_CMP_MORE; break; } default: break; } return ZIP_CMP_EQ; } ZIP_HEAD(NodeTree, NodeEntry); typedef struct NodeTree NodeTree; typedef struct { NodeTree root; #ifdef UA_ENABLE_MULTITHREADING pthread_mutex_t mutex; /* Protect access */ #endif } NodeMap; ZIP_PROTTYPE(NodeTree, NodeEntry, NodeEntry) ZIP_IMPL(NodeTree, NodeEntry, zipfields, NodeEntry, zipfields, cmpNodeId) static NodeEntry * newEntry(UA_NodeClass nodeClass) { size_t size = sizeof(NodeEntry) - sizeof(UA_NodeId); switch(nodeClass) { case UA_NODECLASS_OBJECT: size += sizeof(UA_ObjectNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLE: size += sizeof(UA_VariableNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_METHOD: size += sizeof(UA_MethodNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_OBJECTTYPE: size += sizeof(UA_ObjectTypeNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_VARIABLETYPE: size += sizeof(UA_VariableTypeNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_REFERENCETYPE: size += sizeof(UA_ReferenceTypeNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_DATATYPE: size += sizeof(UA_DataTypeNode); break; case UA_NODECLASS_VIEW: size += sizeof(UA_ViewNode); break; default: return NULL; } NodeEntry *entry = (NodeEntry*)UA_calloc(1, size); if(!entry) return NULL; UA_Node *node = (UA_Node*)&entry->nodeId; node->nodeClass = nodeClass; return entry; } static void deleteEntry(NodeEntry *entry) { UA_Node_deleteMembers((UA_Node*)&entry->nodeId); UA_free(entry); } static void cleanupEntry(NodeEntry *entry) { if(entry->deleted && entry->refCount == 0) deleteEntry(entry); } /***********************/ /* Interface functions */ /***********************/ /* Not yet inserted into the NodeMap */ static UA_Node * NodeMap_newNode(void *context, UA_NodeClass nodeClass) { NodeEntry *entry = newEntry(nodeClass); if(!entry) return NULL; return (UA_Node*)&entry->nodeId; } /* Not yet inserted into the NodeMap */ static void NodeMap_deleteNode(void *context, UA_Node *node) { deleteEntry(container_of(node, NodeEntry, nodeId)); } static const UA_Node * NodeMap_getNode(void *context, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) { NodeMap *ns = (NodeMap*)context; BEGIN_CRITSECT(ns); NodeEntry dummy; dummy.nodeIdHash = UA_NodeId_hash(nodeid); dummy.nodeId = *nodeid; NodeEntry *entry = ZIP_FIND(NodeTree, &ns->root, &dummy); if(!entry) { END_CRITSECT(ns); return NULL; } ++entry->refCount; END_CRITSECT(ns); return (const UA_Node*)&entry->nodeId; } static void NodeMap_releaseNode(void *context, const UA_Node *node) { if(!node) return; #ifdef UA_ENABLE_MULTITHREADING NodeMap *ns = (NodeMap*)context; #endif BEGIN_CRITSECT(ns); NodeEntry *entry = container_of(node, NodeEntry, nodeId); UA_assert(entry->refCount > 0); --entry->refCount; cleanupEntry(entry); END_CRITSECT(ns); } static UA_StatusCode NodeMap_getNodeCopy(void *context, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, UA_Node **outNode) { /* Find the node */ const UA_Node *node = NodeMap_getNode(context, nodeid); if(!node) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDUNKNOWN; /* Create the new entry */ NodeEntry *ne = newEntry(node->nodeClass); if(!ne) { NodeMap_releaseNode(context, node); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY; } /* Copy the node content */ UA_Node *nnode = (UA_Node*)&ne->nodeId; UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Node_copy(node, nnode); NodeMap_releaseNode(context, node); if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { deleteEntry(ne); return retval; } ne->orig = container_of(node, NodeEntry, nodeId); *outNode = nnode; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static UA_StatusCode NodeMap_removeNode(void *context, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) { NodeMap *ns = (NodeMap*)context; BEGIN_CRITSECT(ns); NodeEntry dummy; dummy.nodeIdHash = UA_NodeId_hash(nodeid); dummy.nodeId = *nodeid; NodeEntry *entry = ZIP_FIND(NodeTree, &ns->root, &dummy); if(!entry) { END_CRITSECT(ns); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDUNKNOWN; } ZIP_REMOVE(NodeTree, &ns->root, entry); entry->deleted = true; cleanupEntry(entry); END_CRITSECT(ns); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static UA_StatusCode NodeMap_insertNode(void *context, UA_Node *node, UA_NodeId *addedNodeId) { NodeEntry *entry = container_of(node, NodeEntry, nodeId); NodeMap *ns = (NodeMap*)context; BEGIN_CRITSECT(ns); /* Ensure that the NodeId is unique */ NodeEntry dummy; dummy.nodeId = node->nodeId; if(node->nodeId.identifierType == UA_NODEIDTYPE_NUMERIC && node->nodeId.identifier.numeric == 0) { do { /* Create a random nodeid until we find an unoccupied id */ node->nodeId.identifier.numeric = UA_UInt32_random(); dummy.nodeId.identifier.numeric = node->nodeId.identifier.numeric; dummy.nodeIdHash = UA_NodeId_hash(&node->nodeId); } while(ZIP_FIND(NodeTree, &ns->root, &dummy)); } else { dummy.nodeIdHash = UA_NodeId_hash(&node->nodeId); if(ZIP_FIND(NodeTree, &ns->root, &dummy)) { /* The nodeid exists */ deleteEntry(entry); END_CRITSECT(ns); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDEXISTS; } } /* Copy the NodeId */ if(addedNodeId) { UA_StatusCode retval = UA_NodeId_copy(&node->nodeId, addedNodeId); if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { deleteEntry(entry); END_CRITSECT(ns); return retval; } } /* Insert the node */ entry->nodeIdHash = dummy.nodeIdHash; ZIP_INSERT(NodeTree, &ns->root, entry, ZIP_FFS32(UA_UInt32_random())); END_CRITSECT(ns); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static UA_StatusCode NodeMap_replaceNode(void *context, UA_Node *node) { /* Find the node */ const UA_Node *oldNode = NodeMap_getNode(context, &node->nodeId); if(!oldNode) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADNODEIDUNKNOWN; /* Test if the copy is current */ NodeEntry *entry = container_of(node, NodeEntry, nodeId); NodeEntry *oldEntry = container_of(oldNode, NodeEntry, nodeId); if(oldEntry != entry->orig) { /* The node was already updated since the copy was made */ deleteEntry(entry); NodeMap_releaseNode(context, oldNode); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; } /* Replace */ NodeMap *ns = (NodeMap*)context; BEGIN_CRITSECT(ns); ZIP_REMOVE(NodeTree, &ns->root, oldEntry); entry->nodeIdHash = oldEntry->nodeIdHash; ZIP_INSERT(NodeTree, &ns->root, entry, ZIP_RANK(entry, zipfields)); oldEntry->deleted = true; END_CRITSECT(ns); NodeMap_releaseNode(context, oldNode); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } struct VisitorData { UA_NodestoreVisitor visitor; void *visitorContext; }; static void nodeVisitor(NodeEntry *entry, void *data) { struct VisitorData *d = (struct VisitorData*)data; d->visitor(d->visitorContext, (UA_Node*)&entry->nodeId); } static void NodeMap_iterate(void *context, void *visitorContext, UA_NodestoreVisitor visitor) { struct VisitorData d; d.visitor = visitor; d.visitorContext = visitorContext; NodeMap *ns = (NodeMap*)context; BEGIN_CRITSECT(ns); ZIP_ITER(NodeTree, &ns->root, nodeVisitor, &d); END_CRITSECT(ns); } static void deleteNodeVisitor(NodeEntry *entry, void *data) { deleteEntry(entry); } static void NodeMap_delete(void *context) { NodeMap *ns = (NodeMap*)context; #ifdef UA_ENABLE_MULTITHREADING pthread_mutex_destroy(&ns->mutex); #endif ZIP_ITER(NodeTree, &ns->root, deleteNodeVisitor, NULL); UA_free(ns); } UA_StatusCode UA_Nodestore_default_new(UA_Nodestore *ns) { /* Allocate and initialize the nodemap */ NodeMap *nodemap = (NodeMap*)UA_malloc(sizeof(NodeMap)); if(!nodemap) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY; #ifdef UA_ENABLE_MULTITHREADING pthread_mutex_init(&nodemap->mutex, NULL); #endif ZIP_INIT(&nodemap->root); /* Populate the nodestore */ ns->context = nodemap; ns->deleteNodestore = NodeMap_delete; ns->inPlaceEditAllowed = true; ns->newNode = NodeMap_newNode; ns->deleteNode = NodeMap_deleteNode; ns->getNode = NodeMap_getNode; ns->releaseNode = NodeMap_releaseNode; ns->getNodeCopy = NodeMap_getNodeCopy; ns->insertNode = NodeMap_insertNode; ns->replaceNode = NodeMap_replaceNode; ns->removeNode = NodeMap_removeNode; ns->iterate = NodeMap_iterate; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; }