/* This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 Universal License. * See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ for more information. * * Copyright 2018 (c) Mark Giraud, Fraunhofer IOSB * Copyright 2019 (c) Kalycito Infotech Private Limited */ #include #ifdef UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION #include #include #endif #define REMOTECERTIFICATETRUSTED 1 #define ISSUERKNOWN 2 #define DUALPARENT 3 #define PARENTFOUND 4 /************/ /* AllowAll */ /************/ static UA_StatusCode verifyCertificateAllowAll(void *verificationContext, const UA_ByteString *certificate) { return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static UA_StatusCode verifyApplicationURIAllowAll(void *verificationContext, const UA_ByteString *certificate, const UA_String *applicationURI) { return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } static void deleteVerifyAllowAll(UA_CertificateVerification *cv) { } void UA_CertificateVerification_AcceptAll(UA_CertificateVerification *cv) { cv->verifyCertificate = verifyCertificateAllowAll; cv->verifyApplicationURI = verifyApplicationURIAllowAll; cv->deleteMembers = deleteVerifyAllowAll; } #ifdef UA_ENABLE_ENCRYPTION typedef struct { mbedtls_x509_crt certificateTrustList; mbedtls_x509_crt certificateIssuerList; mbedtls_x509_crl certificateRevocationList; } CertInfo; static UA_StatusCode certificateVerification_verify(void *verificationContext, const UA_ByteString *certificate) { CertInfo *ci = (CertInfo*)verificationContext; if(!ci) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; /* Parse the certificate */ mbedtls_x509_crt remoteCertificate; /* Temporary Object to parse the trustList */ mbedtls_x509_crt *tempCert; /* Temporary Object to parse the revocationList */ mbedtls_x509_crl *tempCrl; /* Temporary Object to identify the parent CA when there is no intermediate CA */ mbedtls_x509_crt *parentCert; /* Temporary Object to identify the parent CA when there is intermediate CA */ mbedtls_x509_crt *parentCert_2; /* Flag value to identify if the issuer certificate is found */ int issuerKnown = 0; /* Flag value to identify if the parent certificate found */ int parentFound = 0; /* Flag value to identify if that there is an intermediate CA present */ int dualParent = 0; mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&remoteCertificate); int mbedErr = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&remoteCertificate, certificate->data, certificate->length); if(mbedErr) { /* char errBuff[300]; */ /* mbedtls_strerror(mbedErr, errBuff, 300); */ /* UA_LOG_WARNING(data->policyContext->securityPolicy->logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITYPOLICY, */ /* "Could not parse the remote certificate with error: %s", errBuff); */ return UA_STATUSCODE_BADSECURITYCHECKSFAILED; } /* Verify */ mbedtls_x509_crt_profile crtProfile = { MBEDTLS_X509_ID_FLAG(MBEDTLS_MD_SHA1) | MBEDTLS_X509_ID_FLAG(MBEDTLS_MD_SHA256), 0xFFFFFF, 0x000000, 128 * 8 // in bits }; // TODO: remove magic numbers uint32_t flags = 0; mbedErr = mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_with_profile(&remoteCertificate, &ci->certificateTrustList, &ci->certificateRevocationList, &crtProfile, NULL, &flags, NULL, NULL); /* Flag to check if the remote certificate is trusted or not */ int TRUSTED = 0; /* Check if the remoteCertificate is present in the trustList while mbedErr value is not zero */ if(mbedErr && !(flags & MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_EXPIRED) && !(flags & MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_FUTURE)) { for(tempCert = &ci->certificateTrustList; tempCert != NULL; tempCert = tempCert->next) { if(remoteCertificate.raw.len == tempCert->raw.len && memcmp(remoteCertificate.raw.p, tempCert->raw.p, remoteCertificate.raw.len) == 0) { TRUSTED = REMOTECERTIFICATETRUSTED; break; } } } /* If the remote certificate is present in the trustList then check if the issuer certificate * of remoteCertificate is present in issuerList */ if(TRUSTED && mbedErr) { mbedErr = mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_with_profile(&remoteCertificate, &ci->certificateIssuerList, &ci->certificateRevocationList, &crtProfile, NULL, &flags, NULL, NULL); /* Check if the parent certificate has a CRL file available */ if(!mbedErr) { /* Identify the topmost parent certificate for the remoteCertificate */ for( parentCert = &ci->certificateIssuerList; parentCert != NULL; parentCert = parentCert->next ) { if(memcmp(remoteCertificate.issuer_raw.p, parentCert->subject_raw.p, parentCert->subject_raw.len) == 0) { for(parentCert_2 = &ci->certificateTrustList; parentCert_2 != NULL; parentCert_2 = parentCert_2->next) { if(memcmp(parentCert->issuer_raw.p, parentCert_2->subject_raw.p, parentCert_2->subject_raw.len) == 0) { dualParent = DUALPARENT; parentFound = PARENTFOUND; break; } } parentFound = PARENTFOUND; } if(parentFound == PARENTFOUND) { break; } } /* Check if there is an intermediate certificate between the topmost parent * certificate and child certificate * If yes the topmost parent certificate is to be checked whether it has a * CRL file avaiable */ if(dualParent == DUALPARENT && parentFound == PARENTFOUND) { parentCert = parentCert_2; } /* If a parent certificate is found traverse the revocationList and identify * if there is any CRL file that corresponds to the parentCertificate */ if(parentFound == PARENTFOUND) { tempCrl = &ci->certificateRevocationList; while(tempCrl != NULL) { if(tempCrl->version != 0 && tempCrl->issuer_raw.len == parentCert->subject_raw.len && memcmp(tempCrl->issuer_raw.p, parentCert->subject_raw.p, tempCrl->issuer_raw.len) == 0) { issuerKnown = ISSUERKNOWN; break; } tempCrl = tempCrl->next; } /* If the CRL file corresponding to the parent certificate is not present * then return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCERTIFICATEISSUERREVOCATIONUNKNOWN */ if(!issuerKnown) { return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCERTIFICATEISSUERREVOCATIONUNKNOWN; } } } } // TODO: Extend verification /* This condition will check whether the certificate is a User certificate * or a CA certificate. If the MBEDTLS_X509_KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN and * MBEDTLS_X509_KU_CRL_SIGN of key_usage are set, then the certificate * shall be condidered as CA Certificate and cannot be used to establish a * connection. Refer the test case CTT/Security/Security Certificate Validation/029.js * for more details */ if((remoteCertificate.key_usage & MBEDTLS_X509_KU_KEY_CERT_SIGN) && (remoteCertificate.key_usage & MBEDTLS_X509_KU_CRL_SIGN)) { return UA_STATUSCODE_BADCERTIFICATEUSENOTALLOWED; } UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; if(mbedErr) { /* char buff[100]; */ /* mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info(buff, 100, "", flags); */ /* UA_LOG_ERROR(channelContextData->policyContext->securityPolicy->logger, */ /* UA_LOGCATEGORY_SECURITYPOLICY, */ /* "Verifying the certificate failed with error: %s", buff); */ if(flags & (uint32_t)MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_NOT_TRUSTED) { retval = UA_STATUSCODE_BADCERTIFICATEUNTRUSTED; } else if(flags & (uint32_t)MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_FUTURE || flags & (uint32_t)MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_EXPIRED) { retval = UA_STATUSCODE_BADCERTIFICATETIMEINVALID; } else if(flags & (uint32_t)MBEDTLS_X509_BADCERT_REVOKED || flags & (uint32_t)MBEDTLS_X509_BADCRL_EXPIRED) { retval = UA_STATUSCODE_BADCERTIFICATEREVOKED; } else { retval = UA_STATUSCODE_BADSECURITYCHECKSFAILED; } } mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&remoteCertificate); return retval; } /* Find binary substring. Taken and adjusted from * http://tungchingkai.blogspot.com/2011/07/binary-strstr.html */ static const unsigned char * bstrchr(const unsigned char *s, const unsigned char ch, size_t l) { /* find first occurrence of c in char s[] for length l*/ /* handle special case */ if(l == 0) return (NULL); for(; *s != ch; ++s, --l) if(l == 0) return (NULL); return s; } static const unsigned char * bstrstr(const unsigned char *s1, size_t l1, const unsigned char *s2, size_t l2) { /* find first occurrence of s2[] in s1[] for length l1*/ const unsigned char *ss1 = s1; const unsigned char *ss2 = s2; /* handle special case */ if(l1 == 0) return (NULL); if(l2 == 0) return s1; /* match prefix */ for (; (s1 = bstrchr(s1, *s2, (uintptr_t)ss1-(uintptr_t)s1+(uintptr_t)l1)) != NULL && (uintptr_t)ss1-(uintptr_t)s1+(uintptr_t)l1 != 0; ++s1) { /* match rest of prefix */ const unsigned char *sc1, *sc2; for (sc1 = s1, sc2 = s2; ;) if (++sc2 >= ss2+l2) return s1; else if (*++sc1 != *sc2) break; } return NULL; } static UA_StatusCode certificateVerification_verifyApplicationURI(void *verificationContext, const UA_ByteString *certificate, const UA_String *applicationURI) { CertInfo *ci = (CertInfo*)verificationContext; if(!ci) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; /* Parse the certificate */ mbedtls_x509_crt remoteCertificate; mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&remoteCertificate); int mbedErr = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&remoteCertificate, certificate->data, certificate->length); if(mbedErr) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADSECURITYCHECKSFAILED; /* Poor man's ApplicationUri verification. mbedTLS does not parse all fields * of the Alternative Subject Name. Instead test whether the URI-string is * present in the v3_ext field in general. * * TODO: Improve parsing of the Alternative Subject Name */ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; if(bstrstr(remoteCertificate.v3_ext.p, remoteCertificate.v3_ext.len, applicationURI->data, applicationURI->length) == NULL) retval = UA_STATUSCODE_BADCERTIFICATEURIINVALID; mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&remoteCertificate); return retval; } static void certificateVerification_deleteMembers(UA_CertificateVerification *cv) { CertInfo *ci = (CertInfo*)cv->context; if(!ci) return; mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&ci->certificateTrustList); mbedtls_x509_crl_free(&ci->certificateRevocationList); UA_free(ci); cv->context = NULL; } UA_StatusCode UA_CertificateVerification_Trustlist(UA_CertificateVerification *cv, const UA_ByteString *certificateTrustList, size_t certificateTrustListSize, const UA_ByteString *certificateIssuerList, size_t certificateIssuerListSize, const UA_ByteString *certificateRevocationList, size_t certificateRevocationListSize) { CertInfo *ci = (CertInfo*)UA_malloc(sizeof(CertInfo)); if(!ci) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY; mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&ci->certificateTrustList); mbedtls_x509_crl_init(&ci->certificateRevocationList); mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&ci->certificateIssuerList); cv->context = (void*)ci; if(certificateTrustListSize > 0) cv->verifyCertificate = certificateVerification_verify; else cv->verifyCertificate = verifyCertificateAllowAll; cv->deleteMembers = certificateVerification_deleteMembers; cv->verifyApplicationURI = certificateVerification_verifyApplicationURI; int err = 0; for(size_t i = 0; i < certificateTrustListSize; i++) { err = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&ci->certificateTrustList, certificateTrustList[i].data, certificateTrustList[i].length); if(err) goto error; } for(size_t i = 0; i < certificateIssuerListSize; i++) { err = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&ci->certificateIssuerList, certificateIssuerList[i].data, certificateIssuerList[i].length); if(err) goto error; } for(size_t i = 0; i < certificateRevocationListSize; i++) { err = mbedtls_x509_crl_parse(&ci->certificateRevocationList, certificateRevocationList[i].data, certificateRevocationList[i].length); if(err) goto error; } return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; error: certificateVerification_deleteMembers(cv); return UA_STATUSCODE_BADINTERNALERROR; } #endif