/* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * Copyright 2014-2017 (c) Julius Pfrommer, Fraunhofer IOSB * Copyright 2014, 2017 (c) Florian Palm * Copyright 2015 (c) Sten GrĂ¼ner * Copyright 2015 (c) Oleksiy Vasylyev * Copyright 2017 (c) Stefan Profanter, fortiss GmbH */ #include "ua_session_manager.h" #include "ua_server_internal.h" UA_StatusCode UA_SessionManager_init(UA_SessionManager *sm, UA_Server *server) { LIST_INIT(&sm->sessions); sm->currentSessionCount = 0; sm->server = server; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } void UA_SessionManager_deleteMembers(UA_SessionManager *sm) { session_list_entry *current, *temp; LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(current, &sm->sessions, pointers, temp) { LIST_REMOVE(current, pointers); UA_Session_deleteMembersCleanup(¤t->session, sm->server); UA_free(current); } } /* Delayed callback to free the session memory */ static void removeSessionCallback(UA_Server *server, void *entry) { session_list_entry *sentry = (session_list_entry*)entry; UA_Session_deleteMembersCleanup(&sentry->session, server); UA_free(sentry); } static UA_StatusCode removeSession(UA_SessionManager *sm, session_list_entry *sentry) { /* Detach the Session from the SecureChannel */ UA_Session_detachFromSecureChannel(&sentry->session); /* Deactivate the session */ sentry->session.activated = false; /* Add a delayed callback to remove the session when the currently * scheduled jobs have completed */ UA_StatusCode retval = UA_Server_delayedCallback(sm->server, removeSessionCallback, sentry); if(retval != UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD) { UA_LOG_WARNING_SESSION(sm->server->config.logger, &sentry->session, "Could not remove session with error code %s", UA_StatusCode_name(retval)); return retval; /* Try again next time */ } /* Detach the session from the session manager and make the capacity * available */ LIST_REMOVE(sentry, pointers); UA_atomic_subUInt32(&sm->currentSessionCount, 1); return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } void UA_SessionManager_cleanupTimedOut(UA_SessionManager *sm, UA_DateTime nowMonotonic) { session_list_entry *sentry, *temp; LIST_FOREACH_SAFE(sentry, &sm->sessions, pointers, temp) { /* Session has timed out? */ if(sentry->session.validTill >= nowMonotonic) continue; UA_LOG_INFO_SESSION(sm->server->config.logger, &sentry->session, "Session has timed out"); sm->server->config.accessControl.closeSession(&sentry->session.sessionId, sentry->session.sessionHandle); removeSession(sm, sentry); } } UA_Session * UA_SessionManager_getSessionByToken(UA_SessionManager *sm, const UA_NodeId *token) { session_list_entry *current = NULL; LIST_FOREACH(current, &sm->sessions, pointers) { /* Token does not match */ if(!UA_NodeId_equal(¤t->session.header.authenticationToken, token)) continue; /* Session has timed out */ if(UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic() > current->session.validTill) { UA_LOG_INFO_SESSION(sm->server->config.logger, ¤t->session, "Client tries to use a session that has timed out"); return NULL; } /* Ok, return */ return ¤t->session; } /* Session not found */ UA_LOG_INFO(sm->server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SESSION, "Try to use Session with token " UA_PRINTF_GUID_FORMAT " but is not found", UA_PRINTF_GUID_DATA(token->identifier.guid)); return NULL; } UA_Session * UA_SessionManager_getSessionById(UA_SessionManager *sm, const UA_NodeId *sessionId) { session_list_entry *current = NULL; LIST_FOREACH(current, &sm->sessions, pointers) { /* Token does not match */ if(!UA_NodeId_equal(¤t->session.sessionId, sessionId)) continue; /* Session has timed out */ if(UA_DateTime_nowMonotonic() > current->session.validTill) { UA_LOG_INFO_SESSION(sm->server->config.logger, ¤t->session, "Client tries to use a session that has timed out"); return NULL; } /* Ok, return */ return ¤t->session; } /* Session not found */ UA_LOG_INFO(sm->server->config.logger, UA_LOGCATEGORY_SESSION, "Try to use Session with identifier " UA_PRINTF_GUID_FORMAT " but is not found", UA_PRINTF_GUID_DATA(sessionId->identifier.guid)); return NULL; } /* Creates and adds a session. But it is not yet attached to a secure channel. */ UA_StatusCode UA_SessionManager_createSession(UA_SessionManager *sm, UA_SecureChannel *channel, const UA_CreateSessionRequest *request, UA_Session **session) { if(sm->currentSessionCount >= sm->server->config.maxSessions) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADTOOMANYSESSIONS; session_list_entry *newentry = (session_list_entry *)UA_malloc(sizeof(session_list_entry)); if(!newentry) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADOUTOFMEMORY; UA_atomic_addUInt32(&sm->currentSessionCount, 1); UA_Session_init(&newentry->session); newentry->session.sessionId = UA_NODEID_GUID(1, UA_Guid_random()); newentry->session.header.authenticationToken = UA_NODEID_GUID(1, UA_Guid_random()); if(request->requestedSessionTimeout <= sm->server->config.maxSessionTimeout && request->requestedSessionTimeout > 0) newentry->session.timeout = request->requestedSessionTimeout; else newentry->session.timeout = sm->server->config.maxSessionTimeout; UA_Session_updateLifetime(&newentry->session); LIST_INSERT_HEAD(&sm->sessions, newentry, pointers); *session = &newentry->session; return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD; } UA_StatusCode UA_SessionManager_removeSession(UA_SessionManager *sm, const UA_NodeId *token) { session_list_entry *current; LIST_FOREACH(current, &sm->sessions, pointers) { if(UA_NodeId_equal(¤t->session.header.authenticationToken, token)) break; } if(!current) return UA_STATUSCODE_BADSESSIONIDINVALID; return removeSession(sm, current); }