appveyor.yml 3.2 KB

  1. version: '{build}'
  2. clone_folder: c:\projects\open62541
  3. clone_depth: 20
  4. # Avoid building branch if it is part of a PR and built anyways
  5. skip_branch_with_pr: true
  6. environment:
  7. global:
  8. APPVEYOR_CACHE_ENTRY_ZIP_ARGS: -t7z -m0=lzma -mx=9
  9. matrix:
  10. - CC_NAME: MinGW Makefiles
  11. CC_SHORTNAME: mingw
  12. GENERATOR: MinGW Makefiles
  13. # We need to redirect stderr to stdout otherwise powershell will fail if there is an output during amalgamation.
  14. # Only use one thread, otherwise appveyor runs out of memory
  15. MAKE: mingw32-make -j1 2>&1
  17. OUT_DIR_LIB: bin
  18. OUT_DIR_EXAMPLES: bin\examples
  19. - CC_NAME: Visual Studio 9 2008
  20. CC_SHORTNAME: vs2008
  21. GENERATOR: Visual Studio 9 2008
  22. MAKE: msbuild /p:ContinueOnError=false /p:StopOnFirstFailure=true open62541.sln
  24. OUT_DIR_LIB: bin\Debug
  25. OUT_DIR_EXAMPLES: bin\examples\Debug
  26. - CC_NAME: Visual Studio 12 2013
  27. CC_SHORTNAME: vs2013
  28. GENERATOR: Visual Studio 12 2013
  29. MAKE: msbuild /p:ContinueOnError=false /p:StopOnFirstFailure=true open62541.sln
  31. OUT_DIR_LIB: bin\Debug
  32. OUT_DIR_EXAMPLES: bin\examples\Debug
  33. - CC_NAME: Visual Studio 14 2015
  34. CC_SHORTNAME: vs2015
  35. GENERATOR: Visual Studio 14 2015
  36. MAKE: msbuild /p:ContinueOnError=false /p:StopOnFirstFailure=true open62541.sln
  38. OUT_DIR_LIB: bin\Debug
  39. OUT_DIR_EXAMPLES: bin\examples\Debug
  40. - CC_NAME: Clang
  41. CC_SHORTNAME: clang-mingw
  42. GENERATOR: MinGW Makefiles
  43. # We need to redirect stderr to stdout otherwise powershell will fail if there is an output during amalgamation.
  44. # Only use one thread, otherwise appveyor runs out of memory
  45. MAKE: mingw32-make -j1 2>&1
  47. OUT_DIR_LIB: bin
  48. OUT_DIR_EXAMPLES: bin\examples
  49. cache:
  50. - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\bin -> tools/appveyor/install.ps1
  51. - C:\ProgramData\chocolatey\lib -> tools/appveyor/install.ps1
  52. - C:\tools\vcpkg\installed -> tools/appveyor/install.ps1
  53. #- 'c:\miktex'
  54. init:
  55. - git config --global core.autocrlf input # Attempt to ensure we don't try to convert line endings to Win32 CRLF as this will cause build to fail
  56. install:
  57. - set PATH=C:\Users\appveyor\AppData\Roaming\Python\Scripts;%PATH%
  58. - ps: '& "./tools/appveyor/install.ps1"'
  59. before_build:
  60. # Add installed tools to PATH
  61. - set PATH=C:\Python27;C:\msys64\mingw64\bin;C:\Program Files (x86)\Dr. Memory\bin;C:\Program Files\CMake\bin;%PATH%
  62. # Workaround for CMake not wanting sh.exe on PATH for MinGW
  63. - set PATH=%PATH:C:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin;=%
  64. ## Miktex
  65. #- set "PATH=%PATH%;c:\miktex\texmfs\install\miktex\bin;%APPDATA%\Python\Scripts"
  66. ## autoinstall latex packages (0=no, 1=autoinstall, 2=ask)
  67. ## this adds this to the registry!
  68. #- initexmf --set-config-value [MPM]AutoInstall=1
  69. #- initexmf --update-fndb
  70. build_script:
  71. - ps: '& "./tools/appveyor/build.ps1"'
  72. after_build:
  73. - appveyor PushArtifact %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\
  74. - appveyor PushArtifact %APPVEYOR_BUILD_FOLDER%\