testing_policy.c 14 KB

  1. /* This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
  2. * License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
  3. * file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. */
  4. /* This work is licensed under a Creative Commons CCZero 1.0 Universal License.
  5. * See http://creativecommons.org/publicdomain/zero/1.0/ for more information. */
  6. #include <ua_types.h>
  7. #include <ua_plugin_securitypolicy.h>
  8. #include "ua_types_generated_handling.h"
  9. #include "testing_policy.h"
  10. #include "check.h"
  11. #ifndef __clang_analyzer__
  12. #define SET_CALLED(func) funcsCalled->func = true
  13. static funcs_called *funcsCalled;
  14. static const key_sizes *keySizes;
  15. static UA_StatusCode
  16. verify_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  17. const void *channelContext,
  18. const UA_ByteString *message,
  19. const UA_ByteString *signature) {
  20. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  21. }
  22. static UA_StatusCode
  23. asym_sign_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  24. const void *channelContext,
  25. const UA_ByteString *message,
  26. UA_ByteString *signature) {
  27. SET_CALLED(asym_sign);
  28. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  29. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  30. ck_assert(message != NULL);
  31. ck_assert(signature != NULL);
  32. ck_assert_msg(signature->length == keySizes->asym_lcl_sig_size,
  33. "Expected signature length to be %i but was %i",
  34. keySizes->asym_lcl_sig_size,
  35. signature->length);
  36. memset(signature->data, '*', signature->length);
  37. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  38. }
  39. static UA_StatusCode
  40. sym_sign_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  41. const void *channelContext,
  42. const UA_ByteString *message,
  43. UA_ByteString *signature) {
  44. SET_CALLED(sym_sign);
  45. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  46. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  47. ck_assert(message != NULL);
  48. ck_assert(signature != NULL);
  49. ck_assert(signature->length != 0);
  50. ck_assert(signature->data != NULL);
  51. memset(signature->data, 'S', signature->length);
  52. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  53. }
  54. static size_t
  55. asym_getLocalSignatureSize_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  56. const void *channelContext) {
  57. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  58. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  59. return keySizes->asym_lcl_sig_size;
  60. }
  61. static size_t
  62. asym_getRemoteSignatureSize_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  63. const void *channelContext) {
  64. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  65. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  66. return keySizes->asym_rmt_sig_size;
  67. }
  68. static size_t
  69. asym_getLocalEncryptionKeyLength_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  70. const void *channelContext) {
  71. return keySizes->asym_lcl_enc_key_size;
  72. }
  73. static size_t
  74. asym_getRemoteEncryptionKeyLength_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  75. const void *channelContext) {
  76. return keySizes->asym_rmt_enc_key_size;
  77. }
  78. static size_t
  79. sym_getLocalSignatureSize_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  80. const void *channelContext) {
  81. return 0;
  82. }
  83. static size_t
  84. sym_getRemoteSignatureSize_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  85. const void *channelContext) {
  86. return 0;
  87. }
  88. static size_t
  89. sym_getLocalEncryptionKeyLength_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  90. const void *channelContext) {
  91. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  92. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  93. return keySizes->sym_enc_keyLen;
  94. }
  95. static size_t
  96. sym_getRemoteEncryptionKeyLength_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  97. const void *channelContext) {
  98. return keySizes->sym_enc_keyLen;
  99. }
  100. static UA_StatusCode
  101. sym_encrypt_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  102. const void *channelContext,
  103. UA_ByteString *data) {
  104. SET_CALLED(sym_enc);
  105. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  106. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  107. ck_assert(data != NULL);
  108. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  109. }
  110. static UA_StatusCode
  111. asym_encrypt_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  112. const void *channelContext,
  113. UA_ByteString *data) {
  114. SET_CALLED(asym_enc);
  115. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  116. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  117. ck_assert(data != NULL);
  118. size_t blockSize = securityPolicy->channelModule.getRemoteAsymPlainTextBlockSize(securityPolicy);
  119. ck_assert_msg(data->length % blockSize == 0,
  120. "Expected the length of the data to be encrypted to be a multiple of the plaintext block size (%i). "
  121. "Remainder was %i",
  122. blockSize,
  123. data->length % blockSize);
  124. for(size_t i = 0; i < data->length; ++i) {
  125. data->data[i] = (UA_Byte) ((data->data[i] + 1) % (UA_BYTE_MAX + 1));
  126. }
  127. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  128. }
  129. static UA_StatusCode
  130. decrypt_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  131. const void *channelContext,
  132. UA_ByteString *data) {
  133. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  134. }
  135. static UA_StatusCode
  136. makeThumbprint_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  137. const UA_ByteString *certificate,
  138. UA_ByteString *thumbprint) {
  139. SET_CALLED(makeCertificateThumbprint);
  140. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  141. ck_assert(certificate != NULL);
  142. ck_assert(thumbprint != NULL);
  143. ck_assert_msg(thumbprint->length == 20, "Thumbprints have to be 20 bytes long (current specification)");
  144. memset(thumbprint->data, 42, 20);
  145. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  146. }
  147. static UA_StatusCode
  148. compareThumbprint_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  149. const UA_ByteString *certificateThumbprint) {
  150. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  151. }
  152. static UA_StatusCode
  153. generateKey_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  154. const UA_ByteString *secret,
  155. const UA_ByteString *seed,
  156. UA_ByteString *out) {
  157. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  158. ck_assert(secret != NULL);
  159. ck_assert(seed != NULL);
  160. ck_assert(out != NULL);
  161. SET_CALLED(generateKey);
  162. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  163. }
  164. static UA_StatusCode
  165. generateNonce_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  166. UA_ByteString *out) {
  167. out->data = UA_Byte_new();
  168. if(!out->data)
  170. out->length = 1;
  171. out->data[0] = 'a';
  172. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  173. }
  174. static UA_StatusCode
  175. newContext_testing(const UA_SecurityPolicy *securityPolicy,
  176. const UA_ByteString *remoteCertificate,
  177. void **channelContext) {
  178. SET_CALLED(newContext);
  179. ck_assert(securityPolicy != NULL);
  180. ck_assert(remoteCertificate != NULL);
  181. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  182. ck_assert(funcsCalled != NULL);
  183. *channelContext = (void *) funcsCalled;
  184. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  185. }
  186. static void
  187. deleteContext_testing(void *channelContext) {
  188. SET_CALLED(deleteContext);
  189. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  190. }
  191. static UA_StatusCode
  192. setLocalSymEncryptingKey_testing(void *channelContext,
  193. const UA_ByteString *val) {
  194. SET_CALLED(setLocalSymEncryptingKey);
  195. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  196. ck_assert(val != NULL);
  197. ck_assert(val->data != NULL);
  198. ck_assert_msg(val->length == keySizes->sym_enc_keyLen,
  199. "Expected length to be %i but got %i",
  200. keySizes->sym_enc_keyLen,
  201. val->length);
  202. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  203. }
  204. static UA_StatusCode
  205. setLocalSymSigningKey_testing(void *channelContext,
  206. const UA_ByteString *val) {
  207. SET_CALLED(setLocalSymSigningKey);
  208. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  209. ck_assert(val != NULL);
  210. ck_assert(val->data != NULL);
  211. ck_assert_msg(val->length == keySizes->sym_sig_keyLen,
  212. "Expected length to be %i but got %i",
  213. keySizes->sym_sig_keyLen,
  214. val->length);
  215. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  216. }
  217. static UA_StatusCode
  218. setLocalSymIv_testing(void *channelContext,
  219. const UA_ByteString *val) {
  220. SET_CALLED(setLocalSymIv);
  221. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  222. ck_assert(val != NULL);
  223. ck_assert(val->data != NULL);
  224. ck_assert_msg(val->length == keySizes->sym_enc_blockSize,
  225. "Expected length to be %i but got %i",
  226. keySizes->sym_enc_blockSize,
  227. val->length);
  228. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  229. }
  230. static UA_StatusCode
  231. setRemoteSymEncryptingKey_testing(void *channelContext,
  232. const UA_ByteString *val) {
  233. SET_CALLED(setRemoteSymEncryptingKey);
  234. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  235. ck_assert(val != NULL);
  236. ck_assert(val->data != NULL);
  237. ck_assert_msg(val->length == keySizes->sym_enc_keyLen,
  238. "Expected length to be %i but got %i",
  239. keySizes->sym_enc_keyLen,
  240. val->length);
  241. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  242. }
  243. static UA_StatusCode
  244. setRemoteSymSigningKey_testing(void *channelContext,
  245. const UA_ByteString *val) {
  246. SET_CALLED(setRemoteSymSigningKey);
  247. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  248. ck_assert(val != NULL);
  249. ck_assert(val->data != NULL);
  250. ck_assert_msg(val->length == keySizes->sym_sig_keyLen,
  251. "Expected length to be %i but got %i",
  252. keySizes->sym_sig_keyLen,
  253. val->length);
  254. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  255. }
  256. static UA_StatusCode
  257. setRemoteSymIv_testing(void *channelContext,
  258. const UA_ByteString *val) {
  259. SET_CALLED(setRemoteSymIv);
  260. ck_assert(channelContext != NULL);
  261. ck_assert(val != NULL);
  262. ck_assert(val->data != NULL);
  263. ck_assert_msg(val->length == keySizes->sym_enc_blockSize,
  264. "Expected length to be %i but got %i",
  265. keySizes->sym_enc_blockSize,
  266. val->length);
  267. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  268. }
  269. static size_t
  270. getRemoteAsymPlainTextBlockSize_testing(const void *channelContext) {
  271. return keySizes->asym_rmt_ptext_blocksize;
  272. }
  273. static size_t
  274. getRemoteAsymEncryptionBufferLengthOverhead_testing(const void *channelContext,
  275. size_t maxEncryptionLength) {
  276. return 0;
  277. }
  278. static UA_StatusCode
  279. compareCertificate_testing(const void *channelContext,
  280. const UA_ByteString *certificate) {
  281. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  282. }
  283. static void
  284. policy_deletemembers_testing(UA_SecurityPolicy *policy) {
  285. UA_ByteString_deleteMembers(&policy->localCertificate);
  286. }
  287. UA_StatusCode
  288. TestingPolicy(UA_SecurityPolicy *policy, const UA_ByteString localCertificate,
  289. funcs_called *fCalled, const key_sizes *kSizes) {
  290. keySizes = kSizes;
  291. funcsCalled = fCalled;
  292. policy->policyContext = (void *) funcsCalled;
  293. policy->policyUri = UA_STRING("http://opcfoundation.org/UA/SecurityPolicy#Testing");
  294. policy->logger = NULL;
  295. UA_ByteString_copy(&localCertificate, &policy->localCertificate);
  296. policy->asymmetricModule.makeCertificateThumbprint = makeThumbprint_testing;
  297. policy->asymmetricModule.compareCertificateThumbprint = compareThumbprint_testing;
  298. policy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.signatureAlgorithmUri = UA_STRING_NULL;
  299. policy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.verify = verify_testing;
  300. policy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.sign = asym_sign_testing;
  301. policy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.getLocalSignatureSize = asym_getLocalSignatureSize_testing;
  302. policy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.getRemoteSignatureSize = asym_getRemoteSignatureSize_testing;
  303. policy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.encrypt = asym_encrypt_testing;
  304. policy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.decrypt = decrypt_testing;
  305. policy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.getLocalEncryptionKeyLength = asym_getLocalEncryptionKeyLength_testing;
  306. policy->asymmetricModule.cryptoModule.getRemoteEncryptionKeyLength = asym_getRemoteEncryptionKeyLength_testing;
  307. policy->symmetricModule.generateKey = generateKey_testing;
  308. policy->symmetricModule.generateNonce = generateNonce_testing;
  309. policy->symmetricModule.cryptoModule.signatureAlgorithmUri = UA_STRING_NULL;
  310. policy->symmetricModule.cryptoModule.verify = verify_testing;
  311. policy->symmetricModule.cryptoModule.sign = sym_sign_testing;
  312. policy->symmetricModule.cryptoModule.getLocalSignatureSize = sym_getLocalSignatureSize_testing;
  313. policy->symmetricModule.cryptoModule.getRemoteSignatureSize = sym_getRemoteSignatureSize_testing;
  314. policy->symmetricModule.cryptoModule.encrypt = sym_encrypt_testing;
  315. policy->symmetricModule.cryptoModule.decrypt = decrypt_testing;
  316. policy->symmetricModule.cryptoModule.getLocalEncryptionKeyLength = sym_getLocalEncryptionKeyLength_testing;
  317. policy->symmetricModule.cryptoModule.getRemoteEncryptionKeyLength = sym_getRemoteEncryptionKeyLength_testing;
  318. policy->symmetricModule.encryptionBlockSize = keySizes->sym_enc_blockSize;
  319. policy->symmetricModule.signingKeyLength = keySizes->sym_sig_keyLen;
  320. policy->channelModule.newContext = newContext_testing;
  321. policy->channelModule.deleteContext = deleteContext_testing;
  322. policy->channelModule.setLocalSymEncryptingKey = setLocalSymEncryptingKey_testing;
  323. policy->channelModule.setLocalSymSigningKey = setLocalSymSigningKey_testing;
  324. policy->channelModule.setLocalSymIv = setLocalSymIv_testing;
  325. policy->channelModule.setRemoteSymEncryptingKey = setRemoteSymEncryptingKey_testing;
  326. policy->channelModule.setRemoteSymSigningKey = setRemoteSymSigningKey_testing;
  327. policy->channelModule.setRemoteSymIv = setRemoteSymIv_testing;
  328. policy->channelModule.compareCertificate = compareCertificate_testing;
  329. policy->channelModule.getRemoteAsymPlainTextBlockSize = getRemoteAsymPlainTextBlockSize_testing;
  330. policy->channelModule.getRemoteAsymEncryptionBufferLengthOverhead =
  331. getRemoteAsymEncryptionBufferLengthOverhead_testing;
  332. policy->deleteMembers = policy_deletemembers_testing;
  333. return UA_STATUSCODE_GOOD;
  334. }
  335. #endif