tutorials.rst 1.1 KB

  1. Tutorials
  2. =========
  3. Tutorial 1: First steps with open62541-server
  4. ------------------------------
  5. :doc:`tutorial_server_firstSteps`
  6. Contents:
  7. * Checking out the stack
  8. * Creating a minimal user-defined server
  9. * Working with amalgamated files
  10. * Compiling built-in server and client examples
  11. Tutorial 2: First steps with open62541-client
  12. ------------------------------
  13. :doc:`tutorial_server_firstSteps`
  14. Contents:
  15. * Checking out the stack
  16. * Creating a minimal client
  17. * Minimalistic introduction to OPC UA nodes and node IDs
  18. * Reading a variable
  19. * Introduction to stings
  20. Tutorial 3: Adding nodes to a server and connecting nodes to user-defined values
  21. ------------------------------
  22. :doc:`tutorial_server_variables`
  23. Contents:
  24. * Intorduction to Variants
  25. * Adding user-defined nodes to a server
  26. * Connecting node to a variable
  27. * Connecting node to a callback function
  28. Tutorial 4: Adding server-side methods
  29. ------------------------------
  30. :doc:`tutorial_server_method`
  31. Contents:
  32. * Defining server-side method nodes
  33. Tutorial 5: Nodeset handling
  34. ------------------------------
  35. :doc:`tutorial_noderelations`