123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302 |
- import logging
- from ua_constants import *
- import string
- logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
- __unique_item_id = 0
- defined_typealiases = []
- class open62541_MacroHelper():
- def __init__(self, supressGenerationOfAttribute=[]):
- self.supressGenerationOfAttribute = supressGenerationOfAttribute
- def getCreateExpandedNodeIDMacro(self, node):
- if node.id().i != None:
- return "UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_NUMERIC(" + str(node.id().ns) + ", " + str(node.id().i) + ")"
- elif node.id().s != None:
- return "UA_EXPANDEDNODEID_STRING(" + str(node.id().ns) + ", " + node.id().s + ")"
- elif node.id().b != None:
- logger.debug("NodeID Generation macro for bytestrings has not been implemented.")
- return ""
- elif node.id().g != None:
- logger.debug("NodeID Generation macro for guids has not been implemented.")
- return ""
- else:
- return ""
- def substitutePunctuationCharacters(self, input):
- ''' substitutePunctuationCharacters
- Replace punctuation characters in input. Part of this class because it is used by
- ua_namespace on occasion.
- returns: C-printable string representation of input
- '''
- for illegal_char in list(string.punctuation):
- if illegal_char == '_':
- continue
- input = input.replace(illegal_char, "_")
- return input
- def getNodeIdDefineString(self, node):
- code = []
- extrNs = node.browseName().split(":")
- symbolic_name = ""
- if len(extrNs) > 1:
- nodename = extrNs[1]
- else:
- nodename = extrNs[0]
- symbolic_name = self.substitutePunctuationCharacters(nodename)
- if symbolic_name != nodename :
- logger.warn("Subsituted characters in browsename for nodeid " + str(node.id().i) + " while generating C-Code ")
- if symbolic_name in defined_typealiases:
- logger.warn(self, "Typealias definition of " + str(node.id().i) + " is non unique!")
- extendedN = 1
- while (symbolic_name+"_"+str(extendedN) in defined_typealiases):
- logger.warn("Typealias definition of " + str(node.id().i) + " is non unique!")
- extendedN+=1
- symbolic_name = symbolic_name+"_"+str(extendedN)
- defined_typealiases.append(symbolic_name)
- code.append("#define UA_NS" + str(node.id().ns) + "ID_" + symbolic_name.upper() + " " + str(node.id().i))
- return code
- def getCreateNodeIDMacro(self, node):
- if node.id().i != None:
- return "UA_NODEID_NUMERIC(" + str(node.id().ns) + ", " + str(node.id().i) + ")"
- elif node.id().s != None:
- return "UA_NODEID_STRING(" + str(node.id().ns) + ", " + node.id().s + ")"
- elif node.id().b != None:
- logger.debug("NodeID Generation macro for bytestrings has not been implemented.")
- return ""
- elif node.id().g != None:
- logger.debug("NodeID Generation macro for guids has not been implemented.")
- return ""
- else:
- return ""
- def getCreateStandaloneReference(self, sourcenode, reference):
- code = []
- if reference.isForward():
- code.append("UA_Server_addReference(server, " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(sourcenode) + ", " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(reference.referenceType()) + ", " + self.getCreateExpandedNodeIDMacro(reference.target()) + ", true);")
- else:
- code.append("UA_Server_addReference(server, " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(sourcenode) + ", " + self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(reference.referenceType()) + ", " + self.getCreateExpandedNodeIDMacro(reference.target()) + ", false);")
- return code
- def getCreateNodeNoBootstrap(self, node, parentNode, parentReference, unprintedNodes):
- code = []
- code.append("// Node: " + str(node) + ", " + str(node.browseName()))
- if node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_OBJECT:
- nodetype = "Object"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VARIABLE:
- nodetype = "Variable"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_METHOD:
- nodetype = "Method"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_OBJECTTYPE:
- nodetype = "ObjectType"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_REFERENCETYPE:
- nodetype = "ReferenceType"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VARIABLETYPE:
- nodetype = "VariableType"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_DATATYPE:
- nodetype = "DataType"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VIEW:
- nodetype = "View"
- else:
- code.append("/* undefined nodeclass */")
- return code;
- if node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_METHOD:
- inArgVal = []
- outArgVal = []
- code.append("UA_Argument *inputArguments = NULL;")
- code.append("UA_Argument *outputArguments = NULL;")
- for r in node.getReferences():
- if r.isForward():
- if r.target() != None and r.target().nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VARIABLE and r.target().browseName() == 'InputArguments':
- while r.target() in unprintedNodes:
- unprintedNodes.remove(r.target())
- if r.target().value() != None:
- inArgVal = r.target().value().value
- elif r.target() != None and r.target().nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VARIABLE and r.target().browseName() == 'OutputArguments':
- while r.target() in unprintedNodes:
- unprintedNodes.remove(r.target())
- if r.target().value() != None:
- outArgVal = r.target().value().value
- if len(inArgVal)>0:
- code.append("")
- code.append("inputArguments = (UA_Argument *) malloc(sizeof(UA_Argument) * " + str(len(inArgVal)) + ");")
- code.append("int inputArgumentCnt;")
- code.append("for (inputArgumentCnt=0; inputArgumentCnt<" + str(len(inArgVal)) + "; inputArgumentCnt++) UA_Argument_init(&inputArguments[inputArgumentCnt]); ")
- argumentCnt = 0
- for inArg in inArgVal:
- if inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description") != None:
- code.append("inputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].description = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(\"" + str(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description")[0]) + "\",\"" + str(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description")[1]) + "\");")
- if inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Name") != None:
- code.append("inputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].name = UA_STRING(\"" + str(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Name")) + "\");")
- if inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ValueRank") != None:
- code.append("inputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].valueRank = " + str(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ValueRank")) + ";")
- if inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("DataType") != None:
- code.append("inputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].dataType = " + str(self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(inArg.getValueFieldByAlias("DataType"))) + ";")
- argumentCnt += 1
- if len(outArgVal)>0:
- code.append("")
- code.append("outputArguments = (UA_Argument *) malloc(sizeof(UA_Argument) * " + str(len(outArgVal)) + ");")
- code.append("int outputArgumentCnt;")
- code.append("for (outputArgumentCnt=0; outputArgumentCnt<" + str(len(outArgVal)) + "; outputArgumentCnt++) UA_Argument_init(&outputArguments[outputArgumentCnt]); ")
- argumentCnt = 0
- for outArg in outArgVal:
- if outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description") != None:
- code.append("outputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].description = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(\"" + str(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description")[0]) + "\",\"" + str(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Description")[1]) + "\");")
- if outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Name") != None:
- code.append("outputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].name = UA_STRING(\"" + str(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("Name")) + "\");")
- if outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ValueRank") != None:
- code.append("outputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].valueRank = " + str(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("ValueRank")) + ";")
- if outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("DataType") != None:
- code.append("outputArguments[" + str(argumentCnt) + "].dataType = " + str(self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(outArg.getValueFieldByAlias("DataType"))) + ";")
- argumentCnt += 1
- code.append("UA_%sAttributes attr;" % nodetype)
- code.append("UA_%sAttributes_init(&attr);" % nodetype);
- code.append("attr.displayName = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(\"\", \"" + str(node.displayName()) + "\");")
- code.append("attr.description = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT(\"\", \"" + str(node.description()) + "\");")
- if nodetype in ["Variable", "VariableType"]:
- code = code + node.printOpen62541CCode_SubtypeEarly(bootstrapping = False)
- elif nodetype == "Method":
- if node.executable():
- code.append("attr.executable = true;")
- if node.userExecutable():
- code.append("attr.userExecutable = true;")
- code.append("UA_NodeId nodeId = " + str(self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(node)) + ";")
- if nodetype in ["Object", "Variable"]:
- code.append("UA_NodeId typeDefinition = UA_NODEID_NULL;")
- code.append("UA_NodeId parentNodeId = " + str(self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(parentNode)) + ";")
- code.append("UA_NodeId parentReferenceNodeId = " + str(self.getCreateNodeIDMacro(parentReference.referenceType())) + ";")
- extrNs = node.browseName().split(":")
- if len(extrNs) > 1:
- code.append("UA_QualifiedName nodeName = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(" + str(extrNs[0]) + ", \"" + extrNs[1] + "\");")
- else:
- code.append("UA_QualifiedName nodeName = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME(0, \"" + str(node.browseName()) + "\");")
- code.append("UA_Server_add%sNode(server, nodeId, parentNodeId, parentReferenceNodeId, nodeName" % nodetype)
- if nodetype in ["Object", "Variable"]:
- code.append(" , typeDefinition")
- if nodetype != "Method":
- code.append(" , attr, NULL, NULL);")
- else:
- code.append(" , attr, (UA_MethodCallback) NULL, NULL, " + str(len(inArgVal)) + ", inputArguments, " + str(len(outArgVal)) + ", outputArguments, NULL);")
- return code
- def getCreateNodeBootstrap(self, node):
- nodetype = ""
- code = []
- code.append("// Node: " + str(node) + ", " + str(node.browseName()))
- if node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_OBJECT:
- nodetype = "Object"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VARIABLE:
- nodetype = "Variable"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_METHOD:
- nodetype = "Method"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_OBJECTTYPE:
- nodetype = "ObjectType"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_REFERENCETYPE:
- nodetype = "ReferenceType"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VARIABLETYPE:
- nodetype = "VariableType"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_DATATYPE:
- nodetype = "DataType"
- elif node.nodeClass() == NODE_CLASS_VIEW:
- nodetype = "View"
- else:
- code.append("/* undefined nodeclass */")
- return;
- code.append("UA_" + nodetype + "Node *" + node.getCodePrintableID() + " = UA_NodeStore_new" + nodetype + "Node();")
- if not "browsename" in self.supressGenerationOfAttribute:
- extrNs = node.browseName().split(":")
- if len(extrNs) > 1:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->browseName = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME_ALLOC(" + str(extrNs[0]) + ", \"" + extrNs[1] + "\");")
- else:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->browseName = UA_QUALIFIEDNAME_ALLOC(0, \"" + node.browseName() + "\");")
- if not "displayname" in self.supressGenerationOfAttribute:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->displayName = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ALLOC(\"en_US\", \"" + node.displayName() + "\");")
- if not "description" in self.supressGenerationOfAttribute:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->description = UA_LOCALIZEDTEXT_ALLOC(\"en_US\", \"" + node.description() + "\");")
- if not "writemask" in self.supressGenerationOfAttribute:
- if node.__node_writeMask__ != 0:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->writeMask = (UA_Int32) " + str(node.__node_writeMask__) + ";")
- if not "userwritemask" in self.supressGenerationOfAttribute:
- if node.__node_userWriteMask__ != 0:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->userWriteMask = (UA_Int32) " + str(node.__node_userWriteMask__) + ";")
- if not "nodeid" in self.supressGenerationOfAttribute:
- if node.id().ns != 0:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->nodeId.namespaceIndex = " + str(node.id().ns) + ";")
- if node.id().i != None:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->nodeId.identifier.numeric = " + str(node.id().i) + ";")
- elif node.id().b != None:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->nodeId.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_BYTESTRING;")
- logger.error("ByteString IDs for nodes has not been implemented yet.")
- return []
- elif node.id().g != None:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->nodeId.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_GUID;")
- logger.error(self, "GUIDs for nodes has not been implemented yet.")
- return []
- elif node.id().s != None:
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->nodeId.identifierType = UA_NODEIDTYPE_STRING;")
- code.append(node.getCodePrintableID() + "->nodeId.identifier.numeric = UA_STRING_ALLOC(\"" + str(node.id().i) + "\");")
- else:
- logger.error("Node ID is not numeric, bytestring, guid or string. I do not know how to create c code for that...")
- return []
- return code