reaction.yml 703 B

  1. # Configuration for Reaction Comments -
  2. # Issues and pull requests with these labels accept reaction comments.
  3. # Set to `[]` to disable
  4. exemptLabels: []
  5. # Replace matching comments with this message, `{comment-author}` is an
  6. # optional placeholder. Set to `false` to disable
  7. reactionComment: >
  8. :wave: @{comment-author}, did you mean to use
  9. a [reaction]( instead?
  10. # Limit to only `issues` or `pulls`
  11. # only: issues
  12. # Optionally, specify configuration settings just for `issues` or `pulls`
  13. # issues:
  14. # exemptLabels:
  15. # - party-parrot
  16. # pulls:
  17. # reactionComment: false
  18. # Repository to extend settings from
  19. # _extends: repo