123456789101112131415161718192021222324252627282930313233343536373839404142434445464748495051525354555657585960616263646566676869707172737475767778798081828384858687888990919293949596979899100101102103104105106107108109110111112113114115116117118119120121122123124125126127128129130131132133134135136137138139140141142143144145146147148149150151152153154155156157158159160161162163164165166167168169170171172173174175176177178179180181182183184185186187188189190191192193194195196197198199200201202203204205206207208209210211212213214215216217218219220221222223224225226227228229230231232233234235236237238239240241242243244245246247248249250251252253254255256257258259260261262263264265266267268269270271272273274275276277278279280281282283284285286287288289290291292293294295296297298299300301302303304305306307308309310311312313314315316317318319320321322323324325326327328329330331332333334335336337338339340341342343344345346347348349350351352353354355356357 |
- #include "ua_nodestore.h"
- #include "ua_util.h"
- struct UA_NodeStore {
- const UA_Node **entries;
- UA_UInt32 size;
- UA_UInt32 count;
- UA_UInt32 sizePrimeIndex;
- };
- typedef UA_UInt32 hash_t;
- /* The size of the hash-map is always a prime number. They are chosen to be
- close to the next power of 2. So the size ca. doubles with each prime. */
- static hash_t const primes[] = {
- 7, 13, 31, 61, 127, 251,
- 509, 1021, 2039, 4093, 8191, 16381,
- 32749, 65521, 131071, 262139, 524287, 1048573,
- 2097143, 4194301, 8388593, 16777213, 33554393, 67108859,
- 134217689, 268435399, 536870909, 1073741789, 2147483647, 4294967291
- };
- static INLINE hash_t mod(hash_t h, hash_t size) {
- return h % size;
- }
- static INLINE hash_t mod2(hash_t h, hash_t size) {
- return 1 + (h % (size - 2));
- }
- static INLINE UA_Int16 higher_prime_index(hash_t n) {
- UA_UInt16 low = 0;
- UA_UInt16 high = sizeof(primes) / sizeof(hash_t);
- while(low != high) {
- UA_UInt16 mid = low + (high - low) / 2;
- if(n > primes[mid])
- low = mid + 1;
- else
- high = mid;
- }
- return low;
- }
- /* Based on Murmur-Hash 3 by Austin Appleby (public domain, freely usable) */
- static INLINE hash_t hash_array(const UA_Byte *data, UA_UInt32 len, UA_UInt32 seed) {
- const int32_t nblocks = len / 4;
- const uint32_t *blocks;
- static const uint32_t c1 = 0xcc9e2d51;
- static const uint32_t c2 = 0x1b873593;
- static const uint32_t r1 = 15;
- static const uint32_t r2 = 13;
- static const uint32_t m = 5;
- static const uint32_t n = 0xe6546b64;
- hash_t hash = seed;
- if(data == UA_NULL)
- return 0;
- blocks = (const uint32_t *)data;
- for(int32_t i = 0;i < nblocks;i++) {
- uint32_t k = blocks[i];
- k *= c1;
- k = (k << r1) | (k >> (32 - r1));
- k *= c2;
- hash ^= k;
- hash = ((hash << r2) | (hash >> (32 - r2))) * m + n;
- }
- const uint8_t *tail = (const uint8_t *)(data + nblocks * 4);
- uint32_t k1 = 0;
- switch(len & 3) {
- case 3:
- k1 ^= tail[2] << 16;
- case 2:
- k1 ^= tail[1] << 8;
- case 1:
- k1 ^= tail[0];
- k1 *= c1;
- k1 = (k1 << r1) | (k1 >> (32 - r1));
- k1 *= c2;
- hash ^= k1;
- }
- hash ^= len;
- hash ^= (hash >> 16);
- hash *= 0x85ebca6b;
- hash ^= (hash >> 13);
- hash *= 0xc2b2ae35;
- hash ^= (hash >> 16);
- return hash;
- }
- static INLINE hash_t hash(const UA_NodeId *n) {
- switch(n->identifierType) {
- /* Knuth's multiplicative hashing */
- return (n->identifier.numeric + n->namespaceIndex) * 2654435761; // mod(2^32) is implicit
- return hash_array(n->identifier.string.data, n->identifier.string.length, n->namespaceIndex);
- return hash_array((UA_Byte *)&(n->identifier.guid), sizeof(UA_Guid), n->namespaceIndex);
- return hash_array((UA_Byte *)n->identifier.byteString.data, n->identifier.byteString.length, n->namespaceIndex);
- default:
- UA_assert(UA_FALSE);
- return 0;
- }
- }
- static INLINE void clear_entry(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_Node **entry) {
- const UA_Node *node;
- if(entry == UA_NULL || *entry == UA_NULL)
- return;
- node = *entry;
- switch(node->nodeClass) {
- UA_ObjectNode_delete((UA_ObjectNode *)node);
- break;
- UA_VariableNode_delete((UA_VariableNode *)node);
- break;
- UA_MethodNode_delete((UA_MethodNode *)node);
- break;
- UA_ObjectTypeNode_delete((UA_ObjectTypeNode *)node);
- break;
- UA_VariableTypeNode_delete((UA_VariableTypeNode *)node);
- break;
- UA_ReferenceTypeNode_delete((UA_ReferenceTypeNode *)node);
- break;
- UA_DataTypeNode_delete((UA_DataTypeNode *)node);
- break;
- UA_ViewNode_delete((UA_ViewNode *)node);
- break;
- default:
- UA_assert(UA_FALSE);
- break;
- }
- entry = UA_NULL;
- ns->count--;
- }
- /* Returns UA_SUCCESS if an entry was found. Otherwise, UA_ERROR is returned and the "entry"
- argument points to the first free entry under the NodeId. */
- static INLINE UA_Int32 find_entry(const UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, const UA_Node ***entry) {
- hash_t h = hash(nodeid);
- UA_UInt32 size = ns->size;
- hash_t index = mod(h, size);
- const UA_Node **e = &ns->entries[index];
- if(*e == UA_NULL) {
- *entry = e;
- return UA_ERROR;
- }
- if(UA_NodeId_equal(&(*e)->nodeId, nodeid) == UA_EQUAL) {
- *entry = e;
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- hash_t hash2 = mod2(h, size);
- for(;;) {
- index += hash2;
- if(index >= size)
- index -= size;
- e = &ns->entries[index];
- if(*e == UA_NULL) {
- *entry = e;
- return UA_ERROR;
- }
- if(UA_NodeId_equal(&(*e)->nodeId, nodeid) == UA_EQUAL) {
- *entry = e;
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- }
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- /* The following function changes size of memory allocated for the entries and
- repeatedly inserts the table elements. The occupancy of the table after the
- call will be about 50%. If memory allocation failures occur, this function
- will return UA_ERROR. */
- static UA_Int32 expand(UA_NodeStore *ns) {
- const UA_Node **nentries;
- int32_t nsize;
- UA_UInt32 nindex;
- const UA_Node **oentries = ns->entries;
- int32_t osize = ns->size;
- const UA_Node **olimit = &oentries[osize];
- int32_t count = ns->count;
- /* Resize only when table after removal of unused elements is either too full or too empty. */
- if(count * 2 < osize && (count * 8 > osize || osize <= 32))
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- nindex = higher_prime_index(count * 2);
- nsize = primes[nindex];
- if(UA_alloc((void **)&nentries, sizeof(UA_Node *) * nsize) != UA_SUCCESS)
- return UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
- memset(nentries, 0, nsize * sizeof(UA_Node *));
- ns->entries = nentries;
- ns->size = nsize;
- ns->sizePrimeIndex = nindex;
- const UA_Node **p = oentries;
- do {
- if(*p != UA_NULL) {
- const UA_Node **e;
- find_entry(ns, &(*p)->nodeId, &e); /* We know this returns an empty entry here */
- *e = *p;
- }
- p++;
- } while(p < olimit);
- UA_free(oentries);
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- /**********************/
- /* Exported functions */
- /**********************/
- UA_Int32 UA_NodeStore_new(UA_NodeStore **result) {
- UA_NodeStore *ns;
- UA_UInt32 sizePrimeIndex, size;
- if(UA_alloc((void **)&ns, sizeof(UA_NodeStore)) != UA_SUCCESS)
- return UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
- sizePrimeIndex = higher_prime_index(32);
- size = primes[sizePrimeIndex];
- if(UA_alloc((void **)&ns->entries, sizeof(UA_Node *) * size) != UA_SUCCESS) {
- UA_free(ns);
- return UA_ERR_NO_MEMORY;
- }
- /* set entries to zero */
- memset(ns->entries, 0, size * sizeof(UA_Node *));
- *ns = (UA_NodeStore) {ns->entries, size, 0, sizePrimeIndex };
- *result = ns;
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- UA_Int32 UA_NodeStore_delete(UA_NodeStore *ns) {
- UA_UInt32 size = ns->size;
- const UA_Node **entries = ns->entries;
- for(UA_UInt32 i = 0;i < size;i++)
- clear_entry(ns, &entries[i]);
- UA_free(ns->entries);
- UA_free(ns);
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- UA_Int32 UA_NodeStore_insert(UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_Node **node, UA_Byte flags) {
- if(ns == UA_NULL || node == UA_NULL || *node == UA_NULL)
- return UA_ERROR;
- if(ns->size * 3 <= ns->count * 4) {
- if(expand(ns) != UA_SUCCESS)
- return UA_ERROR;
- }
- const UA_Node **entry;
- UA_Int32 found = find_entry(ns, &(*node)->nodeId, &entry);
- if(found == UA_SUCCESS)
- return UA_ERROR; /* There is already an entry for that nodeid */
- else
- *entry = *node;
- } else {
- if(found == UA_SUCCESS)
- clear_entry(ns, entry);
- *entry = *node;
- }
- *node = UA_NULL;
- ns->count++;
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- UA_Int32 UA_NodeStore_get(const UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid, const UA_Node **managedNode) {
- const UA_Node **entry;
- if(ns == UA_NULL || nodeid == UA_NULL || managedNode == UA_NULL)
- return UA_ERROR;
- if(find_entry(ns, nodeid, &entry) != UA_SUCCESS)
- return UA_ERROR;
- *managedNode = *entry;
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- UA_Int32 UA_NodeStore_remove(UA_NodeStore *ns, const UA_NodeId *nodeid) {
- const UA_Node **entry;
- if(find_entry(ns, nodeid, &entry) != UA_SUCCESS)
- return UA_ERROR;
- // Check before if deleting the node makes the UA_NodeStore inconsistent.
- clear_entry(ns, entry);
- /* Downsize the hashmap if it is very empty */
- if(ns->count * 8 < ns->size && ns->size > 32)
- expand(ns);
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- UA_Int32 UA_NodeStore_iterate(const UA_NodeStore *ns, UA_NodeStore_nodeVisitor visitor) {
- if(ns == UA_NULL || visitor == UA_NULL)
- return UA_ERROR;
- for(UA_UInt32 i = 0;i < ns->size;i++) {
- const UA_Node *node = ns->entries[i];
- if(node != UA_NULL)
- visitor(node);
- }
- return UA_SUCCESS;
- }
- void UA_NodeStore_releaseManagedNode(const UA_Node *managed) {
- ;
- }