import Support as sp import numpy as np import Level_2 as LV2 import Level_4 as LV4 import Parts as part import Connection as connect import Graph as gr from datetime import datetime as DT def get_duration_by_break(lv4_instances, dur_break, conn): #TODO CREATE LIST WITH SINGLE Durations to calc quantile t_quartile = connect.get_third_quartile(conn) dataset = np.array([], dtype=[('keys', int), ('data', float)]) cur = conn.cursor() liststring = sp.list_to_string(lv4_instances) query = "select m.timestamp,, m.value, m.level4_instance from machining m join logEntries log on (log.timestamp=m.level4_timestamp and log.activity = m.level4_activity and log.step_id=m.level4_step_id and log.instance=m.level4_instance) where m.level4_instance in (" + liststring + ") order by m.timestamp" cur.execute(query) time = cur.fetchall() first = True; test_counter = 0 for timestamp in time: if first: begin_time = timestamp[0] instance_old = timestamp[3] first = False end_time = timestamp[0] instance_new = timestamp[3] begin_time = DT.strptime(begin_time.split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d' + ' ' + '%H:%M:%S') end_time = DT.strptime(end_time.split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d' + ' ' + '%H:%M:%S') diff = (end_time - begin_time).total_seconds() / 60 # if diff > dur_break: # if instance_new != instance_old: # f = open('break_inbetween.txt', 'a') # print(str(timestamp[0]) + str(", ") + str(timestamp[1]) + str(", ") + str(begin_time) + str(", ") + str( # end_time) + str(", ") + str(diff), file=f) # f.close() # else: # f = open('break_within.txt', 'a') # print(str(timestamp[3]) + str(timestamp[0]) + str(", ") + str(timestamp[1]) + str(", ") + str(begin_time) + str(", ") + str(end_time) + str(", ") + str(diff), file=f) # f.close() # else: if diff <= dur_break: #print({int(timestamp[3]):float(diff)}) if int(timestamp[3]) in dataset['keys']: index = int(np.where(dataset['keys'] == int(timestamp[3]))[0]) old_value = dataset[index]['data'] new_value = old_value + diff dataset[index]['data'] = new_value else: dataset = np.append(dataset, np.array([(int(timestamp[3]), float(diff))], dtype=dataset.dtype)) else: test_counter += 1 #print("I am again bigger for the " + str(test_counter) + "thats the value i tried to insert: " + str(diff)) if int(timestamp[3]) in dataset['keys']: index = int(np.where(dataset['keys'] == int(timestamp[3]))[0]) old_value = dataset[index]['data'] new_value = old_value + float(t_quartile) dataset[index]['data'] = new_value else: dataset = np.append(dataset, np.array([(int(timestamp[3]), float(t_quartile))], dtype=dataset.dtype)) begin_time = timestamp[0] instance_old = instance_new return dataset def get_breaks(dur_break, conn): level4_instances = LV4.get_level4Instances(conn) sortedlevel4_instances = LV4.orderLV4InstancesChronoligically(level4_instances, conn) converter = sp.convert_part_to_lv4(conn) breakswithin = np.array([], dtype=[('keys', int), ('data', float)]) breaksinbetween = np.array([], dtype=[('keys', int), ('data', float)]) cur = conn.cursor() liststring = sp.list_to_string(sortedlevel4_instances) query = "select m.timestamp,, m.value, m.level4_instance from machining m join logEntries log on (log.timestamp=m.level4_timestamp and log.activity = m.level4_activity and log.step_id=m.level4_step_id and log.instance=m.level4_instance) where m.level4_instance in (" + liststring + ") order by m.timestamp" cur.execute(query) time = cur.fetchall() first = True; for timestamp in time: if first: begin_time = timestamp[0] instance_old = timestamp[3] first = False end_time = timestamp[0] instance_new = timestamp[3] begin_time = DT.strptime(begin_time.split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d' + ' ' + '%H:%M:%S') end_time = DT.strptime(end_time.split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d' + ' ' + '%H:%M:%S') diff = (end_time - begin_time).total_seconds() / 60 if diff > dur_break: #print("DIFF: " + str(diff)) if instance_new != instance_old: if int(timestamp[3]) in breaksinbetween['keys']: #print("EXISTS1") for entry in breaksinbetween: if int(entry['keys'])==int(timestamp[3]): dur_new = float(diff) + float(entry['data']) else: dur_new = float(diff) breaksinbetween = np.append(breaksinbetween, np.array([(int(timestamp[3]), float(dur_new))], dtype=breaksinbetween.dtype)) else: if int(timestamp[3]) in breakswithin['keys']: #print("EXISTS2") for entry in breakswithin: if int(entry['keys'])==int(timestamp[3]): dur_new = float(diff) + float(entry['data']) else: dur_new = float(diff) breakswithin= np.append(breakswithin, np.array([(int(timestamp[3]), float(dur_new))], dtype=breakswithin.dtype)) #print("DUR_NEW: " + str(dur_new)) begin_time = timestamp[0] instance_old = instance_new print("BINBETWEEN") print(breaksinbetween) print("BWITHIN") print(breakswithin) i = 0 indexToRemove = [] for entry in breaksinbetween: if entry['keys'] in converter: breaksinbetween[i]['keys'] = converter[entry['keys']] else: indexToRemove.append(i) i += 1 durationWOBreaks = np.delete(breaksinbetween, indexToRemove, axis=0) dbstring = breaksinbetween.tolist() dbstring = str(dbstring) dbstring = dbstring.strip('[]') dbstring = dbstring.replace("), (", ");(") connect.write_result_to_DB(str("Duration_BreaksInbetween" + str(dur_break)), dbstring, conn) i = 0 indexToRemove = [] for entry in breakswithin: if entry['keys'] in converter: breakswithin[i]['keys'] = converter[entry['keys']] else: indexToRemove.append(i) i += 1 durationWOBreaks = np.delete(breakswithin, indexToRemove, axis=0) dbstring = breakswithin.tolist() dbstring = str(dbstring) dbstring = dbstring.strip('[]') dbstring = dbstring.replace("), (", ");(") connect.write_result_to_DB(str("Duration_BreaksWithin" + str(dur_break)), dbstring, conn) dataset={"BreakWithin": breakswithin, "BreakInbetween": breaksinbetween} return dataset def get_all_parts(conn): level4_instances = LV4.get_level4Instances(conn) sortedlevel4_instances = LV4.orderLV4InstancesChronoligically(level4_instances, conn) level2_instances = LV2.get_level2Instance_by_LV4Instance(sortedlevel4_instances, conn) sortedlevel2_instances = LV2.orderLV2InstancesChronoligically(level2_instances, conn) parts = part.get_part_by_lv2Instance(sortedlevel2_instances, 'all', conn) sortedParts = part.orderPartsChronoligically(parts, conn) connect.write_result_to_DB("get_all_parts", sortedParts, conn) print(sortedParts) return sortedParts def get_nok_parts(conn): level4_instances = LV4.get_level4Instances(conn) sortedlevel4_instances = LV4.orderLV4InstancesChronoligically(level4_instances, conn) level2_instances = LV2.get_level2Instance_by_LV4Instance(sortedlevel4_instances, conn) sortedlevel2_instances = LV2.orderLV2InstancesChronoligically(level2_instances, conn) parts = part.get_part_by_lv2Instance(sortedlevel2_instances, 'nok', conn) sortedParts = part.orderPartsChronoligically(parts, conn) print(sortedParts) return sortedParts def get_durations_lv4(conn): level4_instances = LV4.get_level4Instances(conn) sortedlevel4_instances = LV4.orderLV4InstancesChronoligically(level4_instances, conn) #durationsWOLunch = get_duration_by_break(sortedlevel4_instances, 45, conn) #durationWOWeekend = get_duration_by_break(sortedlevel4_instances, 480, conn) durationWOBreaks = get_duration_by_break(sortedlevel4_instances, 1, conn) print(durationWOBreaks) return durationWOBreaks def get_durations_part(break_dur, conn): level4_instances = LV4.get_level4Instances(conn) sortedlevel4_instances = LV4.orderLV4InstancesChronoligically(level4_instances, conn) converter = sp.convert_part_to_lv4(conn) #print(converter) durationWOBreaks = get_duration_by_break(sortedlevel4_instances, break_dur, conn) #durationWOBreaks = np.array([(int(838),float(12.4)),(int(116),float(12.4))], dtype=[('keys', int), ('data', float)]) i = 0 #print(durationWOBreaks) indexToRemove = [] for entry in durationWOBreaks: if entry['keys']in converter: durationWOBreaks[i]['keys']=converter[entry['keys']] else: indexToRemove.append(i) i += 1 durationWOBreaks = np.delete(durationWOBreaks,indexToRemove, axis=0) #print(durationWOBreaks) dbstring = durationWOBreaks.tolist() dbstring = str(dbstring) dbstring = dbstring.strip('[]') dbstring = dbstring.replace("), (", ");(") #print("string") #print(dbstring) connect.write_result_to_DB(str("Duration_Part_Breakl_" + str(break_dur)),dbstring,conn) return durationWOBreaks def aggregate_duration(durations): dur_aggr = 0 result = np.array([], dtype=[('keys', int), ('data', float)]) #print(durations) for entry in durations: dur_aggr = dur_aggr + entry['data'] result = np.append(result, np.array([(entry['keys'],dur_aggr)],dtype=result.dtype)) print(result) return result def get_break_length_stat(conn): dataset = np.array([], dtype=float) cur = conn.cursor() query = "select m.timestamp from machining m join logEntries log on (log.timestamp=m.level4_timestamp and log.activity = m.level4_activity and log.step_id=m.level4_step_id and log.instance=m.level4_instance) order by m.timestamp" cur.execute(query) time = cur.fetchall() test_counter = 0 cool_counter = 0 if not time is None: #print(time) first = True; for timestamp in time: if first: begin_time = timestamp[0] first = False end_time = timestamp[0] begin_time = DT.strptime(begin_time.split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d' + ' ' + '%H:%M:%S') end_time = DT.strptime(end_time.split(".")[0], '%Y-%m-%d' + ' ' + '%H:%M:%S') diff = (end_time - begin_time).total_seconds() / 60 if diff>0.0167: test_counter += 1 if diff>0: cool_counter += 1 dataset = np.append(dataset,np.array([float(diff)],dtype=dataset.dtype)) begin_time = timestamp[0] #print(dataset) mid = np.percentile(dataset,80) quart = np.percentile(dataset,90) quart_3 = np.percentile(dataset,95) limit = (np.percentile(dataset,99)) print(test_counter) print("------vs------") print(cool_counter) print(mid) print(quart) print(quart_3) #connect.write_result_to_DB("first_quartile", quart,conn) #connect.write_result_to_DB("second_quartile", mid, conn) #connect.write_result_to_DB("third_quartile", quart_3, conn) def get_all_measures(conn): f = open('all_measures.txt', 'a') cur = conn.cursor() measures_dict = {} cur.execute("select mt.part, mt.measuredAttr, md.measuredDet, md.measuredval, md.status from MeasureTot mt join MeasureDet md on (md.timestamp=mt.timestamp and md.MeasuredAttr=mt.MeasuredAttr) order by mt.timestamp asc") measures = cur.fetchall() measure_dict = {} part_no = "" for measure in measures: if part_no != measure[0]: measure_dict = {} part_no=measure[0] part = {measure[0]:measure_dict} dict_entry = {str(measure[1])+"-"+str(measure[2]):measure[3]} part[measure[0]].update(dict_entry) measures_dict.update(part) print(measures_dict, file=f) return measures_dict def get_durations_zylinder(conn): # ------------- get breaks from db ------------------------ query = "select value from results where category ='Duration_Part_Breakl_0.08333333333333333' order by timestamp desc limit 1" result = np.array([], dtype=[('keys', int), ('data', float)]) breaks = connect.get_result_from_db(query, result, conn) print('-----------------------------------------') # check the boxplot in order to define a threshold to find bar changes which is approximately 3.5 print(np.percentile(breaks['data'], 75)) print('-----------------------------------------') greater_values_i = np.where(breaks['data'] > 3.5)[0] # filter all instances with values above 3.5 minutes and make a new array filtered_result = np.array([], dtype=[('keys', int), ('data', float)]) for number in greater_values_i: item = breaks[number] filtered_result = np.append(filtered_result, np.array([(int(item['keys']), float(item['data']))], dtype=filtered_result.dtype)) print(filtered_result) gr.plot_duration_part(filtered_result) print('-----------------------------------------') # retrieve the corresponding z-values from the part final_result = np.array([], dtype=[('keys', int), ('data', float)]) cur = conn.cursor() for key in filtered_result: if key['keys'] < 300: cur.execute( "Select distinct md.measuredVal from MeasureDet md join MeasureTot mt on(md.timestamp = mt.timestamp) where md.measuredAttr Like 'Zylinder%' and md.measuredDet='Durchmesser' and mt.part='" + str( key['keys']) + "'") attr_value = cur.fetchone() final_result = np.append(final_result, np.array([(int(key['keys']), float(attr_value[0]))], dtype=final_result.dtype)) return (final_result) def outsiders(durations, conn): print("DURATION") print(durations) outsiders = np.array([], dtype=[('keys', int), ('data', float)]) treshold_upper = np.percentile(durations['data'], 90) #treshold_lower = np.percentile(durations['data'], 10) # # print(treshold_lower) print(treshold_upper) for entry in durations: if entry['data']>treshold_upper: #if entry['data']>treshold_lower and entry['data']