function getAllData(){ $( "#data" ).empty(); var url_string = window.location.href var url = new URL(url_string); if(!url.searchParams.has("display")){ var urlarray = ["aktivieren","aktivierenPrio","stornieren","moveTop","moveX","move","move2","edit"] }else{ var urlparams = url.searchParams.get("display").replace("/",""); var urlarray = urlparams.split(","); } if(url.searchParams.has("menu")){ console.log("MENU"); menuentries = url.searchParams.get("menu").split(",") $( "#data" ).append("" + menuentries[0] +"" ); } $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: 'data.db', async: false, success: function(ret) { if(!$( == 0){ container = document.getElementById("data"); entry = document.createElement("div"); tablehead = ""; urlarray.forEach(function(element) { tablehead += "" }); if([0].hasOwnProperty('pkvalue')){ tablehead += ""; } var joinkey = urlarray.length; for (var i = 0; i < Object.keys(JSON.parse([0].alldata)).length; i++) { tablehead += "' } tablehead += "
Primary Key" + Object.keys(JSON.parse([0].alldata))[i] if(url.searchParams.has("showfilter")){ tablehead += '
' } tablehead += '
"; $(entry).html(tablehead); $(container).append(entry); container = document.getElementById("tablecontent"); entry = document.createElement("tr"); $(entry).attr("id","AddEntry"); $(entry).attr("class","tableentryAdd"); tableedit = "Add" urlarray.forEach(function(element) { }); for (var i = 1; i < urlarray.length; i++) { //start at 1 as add is already set tableedit += "" } if([0].hasOwnProperty('pkvalue')){ tableedit += "Primary Key"; } tableedit += "" + Object.keys(JSON.parse([0].alldata)).join("") + "" $(entry).append(tableedit); $("#tablecontent").append(entry); $.each(, function(i, item) { setSingleData(item, urlarray, i, url); }); } } }); if(url.searchParams.has("searchkey")){ var searchkey = url.searchParams.get("searchkey").replace("/",""); $('[name="' + searchkey +'"]').val(url.searchParams.get("searchterm").replace("/","")); $('[name="' + searchkey +'"]').keyup(); } if(url.searchParams.has("sendListBack")){ $('body').append('Sende Liste'); } /* //Single move if(urlarray.includes("move")){ $( "#data" ).prepend(''); $( "#tablecontent" ).sortable({ handle: '.handle', change: function (event, ui) { $( "#storesortedtablebutton" ).show(); } }); }*/ if(urlarray.includes("move") || urlarray.includes("move")){ $( "#data" ).prepend(''); } //move single or multiple items (buttonpress) if(urlarray.includes("move")){ new Sortable(tablecontent, { handle: '.handle', multiDrag: true, // Enable multi-drag selectedClass: 'sortable-selected', // The class applied to the selected items fallbackTolerance: 3, // So that we can select items on mobile animation: 150, avoidImplicitDeselect: false, onSelect: function(/**Event*/evt) { $( 'tr[ grouping="' + $(evt.item).attr("grouping") + '"]' ).each(function( index ) { console.log( index + ":select " + $( this ).text() );$(this)[0]); }); }, onDeselect: function(/**Event*/evt) { $( 'tr[ grouping="' + $(evt.item).attr("grouping") + '"]' ).each(function( index ) { console.log( index + ":deselect " + $( this ).text() ); Sortable.utils.deselect($(this)[0]); }); }, onEnd: function (/**Event*/evt) { //deselect all on end $( 'tr' ).each(function( index ) { console.log( index + ": " + $( this ).text() ); Sortable.utils.deselect($(this)[0]); }); }, onSort: function (/**Event*/evt) { //on any change show store table button $( "#storesortedtablebutton" ).show(); } }); } if(urlarray.includes("move2")){ new Sortable(tablecontent, { handle: '.handle2', multiDrag: true, // Enable multi-drag selectedClass: 'sortable-selected', // The class applied to the selected items fallbackTolerance: 3, // So that we can select items on mobile animation: 150, avoidImplicitDeselect: false, onSelect: function(/**Event*/evt) { $( 'tr[ grouping2="' + $(evt.item).attr("grouping2") + '"]' ).each(function( index ) { console.log( index + ": " + $( this ).text() );$(this)[0]); }); }, onDeselect: function(/**Event*/evt) { $( 'tr[ grouping2="' + $(evt.item).attr("grouping2") + '"]' ).each(function( index ) { console.log( index + ": " + $( this ).text() ); Sortable.utils.deselect($(this)[0]); }); }, onEnd: function (/**Event*/evt) { //deselect all on end $( 'tr' ).each(function( index ) { console.log( index + ": " + $( this ).text() ); Sortable.utils.deselect($(this)[0]); }); }, onSort: function (/**Event*/evt) { //on any change show store table button $( "#storesortedtablebutton" ).show(); } }); } /* $( "#tablecontent" ).sortable({ multiDrag: true, // Enable the plugin selectedClass: "sortable-selected", // Class name for selected item multiDragKey: null, // Key that must be down for items to be selected avoidImplicitDeselect: true, // true - if you don't want to deselect items on outside click // Called when an item is selected onSelect: function(/**Event*/ /*evt) { evt.item // The selected item console.log(evt.item); }, // Called when an item is deselected onDeselect: function(/**Event*/ /*evt) { evt.item // The deselected item } }); } */ //$( "#tablecontent" ).on( "sortstart", function( event, ui ) {console.log("start" + ui.item.html())} ); } function collectdata2sendBack(){ console.log("sending"); var sendback = []; $('[name="pkvalues"]:visible').each(function(){ sendback.push($(this).html()); }); sendDataElementBack(sendback) } function searchtable(key) { // Declare variables var input, filter, table, tr, td, i, txtValue; input = document.getElementById("searchtable" +key); filter = input.value.toUpperCase(); table = document.getElementById("tablecontent"); tr = table.getElementsByTagName("tr"); // Loop through all table rows, and hide those who don't match the search query for (i = 0; i < tr.length; i++) { td = tr[i].getElementsByTagName("td")[key]; if (td) { txtValue = td.textContent || td.innerText; if (txtValue.toUpperCase().indexOf(filter) > -1) { tr[i].style.display = ""; } else { tr[i].style.display = "none"; } } } } function sortTable(n) { var table, rows, switching, i, x, y, shouldSwitch, dir, switchcount = 0; table = document.getElementById("tablecontent"); switching = true; // Set the sorting direction to ascending: dir = "asc"; /* Make a loop that will continue until no switching has been done: */ while (switching) { // Start by saying: no switching is done: switching = false; rows = table.rows; /* Loop through all table rows (except the first, which contains table headers): */ for (i = 1; i < (rows.length - 1); i++) { // Start by saying there should be no switching: shouldSwitch = false; /* Get the two elements you want to compare, one from current row and one from the next: */ x = rows[i].getElementsByTagName("TD")[n]; y = rows[i + 1].getElementsByTagName("TD")[n]; /* Check if the two rows should switch place, based on the direction, asc or desc: */ if (dir == "asc") { if (x.innerHTML.toLowerCase() > y.innerHTML.toLowerCase()) { // If so, mark as a switch and break the loop: shouldSwitch = true; break; } } else if (dir == "desc") { if (x.innerHTML.toLowerCase() < y.innerHTML.toLowerCase()) { // If so, mark as a switch and break the loop: shouldSwitch = true; break; } } } if (shouldSwitch) { /* If a switch has been marked, make the switch and mark that a switch has been done: */ rows[i].parentNode.insertBefore(rows[i + 1], rows[i]); switching = true; // Each time a switch is done, increase this count by 1: switchcount ++; } else { /* If no switching has been done AND the direction is "asc", set the direction to "desc" and run the while loop again. */ if (switchcount == 0 && dir == "asc") { dir = "desc"; switching = true; } } } } function deleteDataElement(dataelement){ console.log("Löschen") console.log(dataelement) $.ajax({ type: "DELETE", url: location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname, contentType: "application/json", headers: {"content-id": "deleteByID"}, data: JSON.stringify(dataelement), success: function(ret) { getAllData(); } }); } //if used in frames send row to frames function sendDataElementBack(dataelement, type){ parent.sendJson(,{ type: type, dataelement: dataelement }) //deleteDataElement(dataelement.__orderID__) } //retrieves ID´s in current order and sends back 2 server //security, in case an id got removed it is not retrieved, in case an id got added it will still be added //server does the following: looks for ID and sets the order to the current order we sent, //in case the id is not found nothing happens (entry was removed during sorting by someone else) //in case another ID is in the db that was added while we sort, the id will remain (maybe at different position) function storesortedtable(){ var alldata = []; alldata.entry = entry; $( ".tableentry" ).each(function( index ) { alldata.push($( this ).attr("id")); }); $.LoadingOverlay("show"); $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname, headers: {"content-id": "storesortedtable"}, contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(alldata), success: function(ret) { $.LoadingOverlay("hide"); getAllData(); } }); } function move(from, to){ $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname, headers: {"content-id": "move"}, contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify({"From": from, "To": to}), success: function(ret) { getAllData(); } }); } function setSingleData(singleData, urlarray, i = -1, url = ""){ container = document.getElementById("tablecontent"); entry = document.createElement("tr"); $(entry).attr("id",singleData.__orderID__); $(entry).attr("class","tableentry"); if(urlarray.includes("move")){ if(url.searchParams.has("group1column")){ $(entry).attr("grouping","Grp1" + JSON.parse(singleData.alldata)[url.searchParams.get("group1column").replace("/","")]); } } if(urlarray.includes("move2")){ if(url.searchParams.has("group2column1") & url.searchParams.has("group2column2")){ $(entry).attr("grouping2","Grp2" + JSON.parse(singleData.alldata)[url.searchParams.get("group2column1").replace("/","")]+ "_" + JSON.parse(singleData.alldata)[url.searchParams.get("group2column2").replace("/","")]); } } /* if(urlarray.includes("move")){ $(entry).attr("draggable","true"); $(entry).attr("ondragstart","start()"); $(entry).attr("ondragover","dragover()"); } */ if(url.searchParams.has("colorize")){ if(i == 0){ var tableheader = url.searchParams.has("colorize") ? url.searchParams.get("colorize").replace("/","") : ""; var colorizestart = url.searchParams.has("colorize2") ? url.searchParams.get("colorizestart").replace("/","") : ""; var colorizecol = url.searchParams.has("colorize2") ? url.searchParams.get("colorizecol").replace("/","") : ""; var table2header = url.searchParams.has("colorize2") ? url.searchParams.get("colorize2").replace("/","") : ""; var colorize2start = url.searchParams.has("colorize2start") ? url.searchParams.get("colorize2start").replace("/","") : ""; var colorize2col = url.searchParams.has("colorize2col") ? url.searchParams.get("colorize2col").replace("/","") : ""; if(JSON.parse(singleData.alldata).hasOwnProperty(tableheader)){ if(JSON.parse(singleData.alldata)[tableheader].startsWith(colorizestart)){ $(entry).attr("style","background-color: #" + colorizecol); } } if(JSON.parse(singleData.alldata).hasOwnProperty(table2header)){ if(JSON.parse(singleData.alldata)[table2header].startsWith(colorize2start)){ $(entry).attr("style","background-color: #" + colorize2col); } } } } tableentry = ""; if(urlarray.includes("aktivieren")){ tableentry += "Aktivieren" } if(urlarray.includes("aktivierenPrio")){ tableentry += "Aktivieren Prio" } if(urlarray.includes("stornieren")){ tableentry += "Stornieren" } if(urlarray.includes("moveTop")){ tableentry += "MoveTop" } if(urlarray.includes("moveX")){ tableentry += "MovetoX" } if(urlarray.includes("move")){ var name = "⇅"; if(url.searchParams.has("group1name")){ name = url.searchParams.get("group1name").replace("/","") } tableentry += '' + name +'' } if(urlarray.includes("move2")){ var name = "⇅"; if(url.searchParams.has("group2name")){ name = url.searchParams.get("group2name").replace("/","") } tableentry += '' + name + '' } url.searchParams.get("menu") if(urlarray.includes("edit")){ tableentry += "Edit" } if(singleData.hasOwnProperty('pkvalue')){ tableentry += "" + singleData.pkvalue + ""; } tableentry += "" + Object.values(JSON.parse(singleData.alldata)).join("") + "" $(entry).html(tableentry); //$(entry).hide().fadeIn(2000); $("#tablecontent tr:last").before(entry); } function getUpdateData(id){ //Json aufbauen var i = 0; var obj = {}; $("#tablecontent th[class='editable'").each(function( index ) { curname = $( this ).html(); curvalue = $("#" + id + " .editable:eq(" + i + ") input").val(); if(isNaN(curvalue)){ obj[curname] = curvalue; }else{ obj[curname] = parseInt(curvalue, 10); } ++i; }); console.log("TEST" + JSON.stringify(obj)); update(id, obj) } function update(id, obj){ $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url: location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname, headers: {"content-id": "update"}, contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify({"ID": id, "alldata": obj}), success: function(ret) { getAllData(); } }); } function edit(id){ console.log("#" + id + " .editable"); $("#" + id + " .edit").each(function( index ) { $( this ).html("Update"); }); $("#" + id + " .editable").each(function( index ) { if(isNaN($( this ).text())){ $( this ).html(""); }else{ $( this ).html(""); } }); } function addEntry() { $("#AddEntry .addEntry").each(function( index ) { $( this ).html("Add"); }); $("#AddEntry .editableprimarykey").each(function( index ) { $( this ).html(""); }); $("#AddEntry .editable").each(function( index ) { $( this ).html(""); }); } function getNewData(id){ //Json aufbauen var i = 0; var obj = {}; $("#tablecontent th[class='editable'").each(function( index ) { curname = $( this ).html(); curvalue = $("#" + id + " .editable:eq(" + i + ") input").val(); if(isNaN(curvalue)){ obj[curname] = curvalue; }else{ obj[curname] = parseInt(curvalue, 10); } ++i; }); pk = $("#" + id + " .editableprimarykey input").val() obj = {alldata: obj, pkvalue: pk} addNewData(id, obj) } function addNewData(id, obj){ $.ajax({ type: "POST", url: location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname, headers: {"content-id": "directADD"}, contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(obj), success: function(ret) { getAllData(); } }); } function openlink(menuitem){ var menu = { name: menuitem }; $.ajax({ type: "PUT", url:, contentType: "application/json", data: JSON.stringify(menu), success: function (data) { } }); } function showDocument() { $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: location.protocol + '//' + + location.pathname + 'style.url', success: function(ret) { $('head link.custom').attr('href',ret); } }); /* $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: 'info.json', success: function(ret) { makeGrid(ret.x_amount, ret.y_amount); //set name document.title = ret.document_name; $.ajax({ type: "GET", url: 'frames.json', success: function(ret2) { for (i of { makeFrame(i.lx,,i.rx,i.ry, i.url, i.callback, i.default, i.showbutton,; } } }); }, error: function() { reason = ''; clearDocument(); } });*/ } function clearDocument() { console.log('rrrr'); $('#languages').addClass('hidden'); $('#nope').removeClass('hidden'); $('#control .added').remove(); $('#content .added').remove(); $('#reason').text(reason); } function init() { es = new EventSource('sse/'); es.onopen = function() { getAllData(); // load }; es.onmessage = function(e) { console.log("Got SSE"); if ( == 'new') { reason = ''; showDocument(); } if ( == 'reset') { reason = ''; showDocument(); } else{ if( == "update"){ alert("update") } if( != "keepalive" && != "started"){ try { var prdata = JSON.parse( //alert("LastIf" + prdata.seriennummer) setSingleData(prdata); } catch (e) { } } } }; es.onerror = function() { es.close(); reason = 'Server down.'; clearDocument(); setTimeout(init, 10000); }; } $(document).ready(function() { init(); });