en-US.lang 2.8 KB

  1. NATIVE_NAME = English (US)
  2. ENGLISH_NAME = English
  3. addOption = Add Option +
  4. allFieldsRemoved = All fields were removed.
  5. allowMultipleFiles = Allow users to upload multiple files
  6. autocomplete = Autocomplete
  7. button = Button
  8. cannotBeEmpty = This field cannot be empty
  9. checkboxGroup = Checkbox Group
  10. checkbox = Checkbox
  11. checkboxes = Checkboxes
  12. className = Class
  13. clearAllMessage = Are you sure you want to clear all fields?
  14. clear = Clear
  15. close = Close
  16. content = Content
  17. copy = Copy To Clipboard
  18. copyButton = +
  19. copyButtonTooltip = Copy
  20. dateField = Date Field
  21. description = Help Text
  22. descriptionField = Description
  23. devMode = Developer Mode
  24. editNames = Edit Names
  25. editorTitle = Form Elements
  26. editXML = Edit XML
  27. enableOther = Enable "Other"
  28. enableOtherMsg = Let users enter an unlisted option
  29. fieldDeleteWarning = false
  30. fieldVars = Field Variables
  31. fieldNonEditable = This field cannot be edited.
  32. fieldRemoveWarning = Are you sure you want to remove this field?
  33. fileUpload = File Upload
  34. formUpdated = Form Updated
  35. getStarted = Drag a field from the right to this area
  36. header = Header
  37. hide = Edit
  38. hidden = Hidden Input
  39. inline = Inline
  40. inlineDesc = Display {type} inline
  41. label = Label
  42. labelEmpty = Field Label cannot be empty
  43. limitRole = Limit access to one or more of the following roles:
  44. mandatory = Mandatory
  45. maxlength = Max Length
  46. minOptionMessage = This field requires a minimum of 2 options
  47. minSelectionRequired = Minimum {min} selections required
  48. multipleFiles = Multiple Files
  49. name = Name
  50. no = No
  51. noFieldsToClear = There are no fields to clear
  52. number = Number
  53. off = Off
  54. on = On
  55. option = Option
  56. optionCount = Option {count}
  57. options = Options
  58. optional = optional
  59. optionLabelPlaceholder = Label
  60. optionValuePlaceholder = Value
  61. optionEmpty = Option value required
  62. other = Other
  63. paragraph = Paragraph
  64. placeholder = Placeholder
  65. placeholders.value = Value
  66. placeholders.label = Label
  67. placeholders.text =
  68. placeholders.textarea =
  69. placeholders.email = Enter your email
  70. placeholders.placeholder =
  71. placeholders.className = space separated classes
  72. placeholders.password = Enter your password
  73. preview = Preview
  74. radioGroup = Radio Group
  75. radio = Radio
  76. removeMessage = Remove Element
  77. removeOption = Remove Option
  78. remove = ×
  79. required = Required
  80. requireValidOption = Only accept a pre-defined Option
  81. richText = Rich Text Editor
  82. roles = Access
  83. rows = Rows
  84. save = Save
  85. selectOptions = Options
  86. select = Select
  87. selectColor = Select Color
  88. selectionsMessage = Allow Multiple Selections
  89. size = Size
  90. size.xs = Extra Small
  91. size.sm = Small
  92. size.m = Default
  93. size.lg = Large
  94. style = Style
  95. styles.btn.default = Default
  96. styles.btn.danger = Danger
  97. styles.btn.info = Info
  98. styles.btn.primary = Primary
  99. styles.btn.success = Success
  100. styles.btn.warning = Warning
  101. subtype = Type
  102. text = Text Field
  103. textArea = Text Area
  104. toggle = Toggle
  105. warning = Warning!
  106. value = Value
  107. viewJSON = [{…}]
  108. viewXML = </>
  109. yes = Yes