frames.xml 4.1 KB

  1. <!--
  2. This file is part of
  3. is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
  4. under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
  5. Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
  6. later version.
  7. is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
  8. WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or
  9. FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
  10. more details.
  11. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with
  12. (file LICENSE in the main directory). If not, see
  13. <>.
  14. -->
  15. <description xmlns="" xmlns:ann="" xmlns:xi="" datatypeLibrary="">
  16. <message name="input">
  17. <parameter name="style_url" type="string"/>
  18. <parameter name="document_url" type="string"/>
  19. <parameter name="x_amount" type="string"/>
  20. <parameter name="y_amount" type="string"/>
  21. <parameter name="lang" type="string"/>
  22. </message>
  23. <message name="sframe">
  24. <parameter name="type" fixed="set"/>
  25. <parameter name="lx" type="string"/>
  26. <parameter name="ly" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
  27. <parameter name="x_amount" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
  28. <parameter name="y_amount" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
  29. <parameter name="button" type="string"/>
  30. <parameter name="urls" type="string"/>
  31. <parameter name="default" type="string"/>
  32. </message>
  33. <message name="wframe">
  34. <parameter name="type" fixed="wait"/>
  35. <parameter name="lx" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
  36. <parameter name="ly" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
  37. <parameter name="x_amount" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
  38. <parameter name="y_amount" type="nonNegativeInteger"/>
  39. <parameter name="button" type="string"/>
  40. <parameter name="urls" type="string"/>
  41. <parameter name="default" type="string"/>
  42. </message>
  43. <message name="deleteframe">
  44. <parameter name="lx" type="string"/>
  45. <parameter name="ly" type="string"/>
  46. </message>
  47. <message name="ui">
  48. <parameter name="ui" mimetype="text/html"/>
  49. </message>
  50. <message name="callback">
  51. <header name="CPEE-CALLBACK" type="boolean"/>
  52. </message>
  53. <message name="url">
  54. <parameter name="url" mimetype="text/plain"/>
  55. </message>
  56. <message name="lang">
  57. <parameter name="lang" type="string"/>
  58. </message>
  59. <message name="opa">
  60. <parameter name="op" fixed="error"/>
  61. <parameter name="reason" type="string"/>
  62. </message>
  63. <message name="opb">
  64. <parameter name="op" fixed="result"/>
  65. <parameter name="value" mimetype="application/json"/>
  66. </message>
  67. <message name="json">
  68. <parameter name="value" mimetype="application/json"/>
  69. </message>
  70. <message name="string"> <!--{{{-->
  71. <parameter name="value" type="string"/>
  72. </message> <!--}}}-->
  73. <resource>
  74. <resource>
  75. <get out="ui"/>
  76. <!-- create new Frame -->
  77. <post in='input'/>
  78. <!-- Set Frame Data with callback -->
  79. <put in='wframe' out="callback"/>
  80. <!-- Set Frame Data without callback -->
  81. <put in='sframe'/>
  82. <post in='deleteframe'/>
  83. <delete in='opa'/>
  84. <delete in='opb'/>
  85. <resource relative='sse'>
  86. <sse/>
  87. </resource>
  88. <resource relative="languages">
  89. <get out="json"/>
  90. <post in='lang'/>
  91. </resource>
  92. <resource relative="style.url">
  93. <get out="url"/>
  94. </resource>
  95. <resource relative="cpeeinstance.url">
  96. <get out="url"/>
  97. </resource>
  98. <resource relative="info.json">
  99. <get out="json"/>
  100. </resource>
  101. <resource relative="frames.json">
  102. <get out="json"/>
  103. </resource>
  104. <resource relative="dataelements.json">
  105. <get out="json"/>
  106. <post />
  107. </resource>
  108. <resource relative="test">
  109. <put in="string"/>
  110. </resource>
  111. <resource relative='handler'>
  112. <post />
  113. <resource relative='sse'>
  114. <sse/>
  115. </resource>
  116. </resource>
  117. </resource>
  118. </resource>
  119. </description>