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ogert 4 years ago
1 changed files with 117 additions and 0 deletions
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+ 117 - 0

@@ -301,6 +301,123 @@ class MongodbHandler:
         self._database[collection_name].update_one({query_label:query_value}, {"$set": {update_label: update_value}})
+    def push_data_into_collection(self, data: (dict, list, np.ndarray, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series),
+                                                                        collection_name: str,
+                                                                        update_label: str, 
+                                                                        query_label: str,
+                                                                        query_value: str):
+        '''
+            Adds data to an exising array within the collection.
+            :param data: data to add
+            :param str collection_name: collection to add data to
+            :param str update_label: label of the attribute where data is to be added
+            :param str query_label: label for the query
+            :param str query_value: value for the query
+        '''
+        self._database[collection_name].update_one({query_label:query_value}, {"$push": {update_label: data}})
+'A document has been pushed into the {} array in the {} collection').format(query_value, collection_name))
+    def document_exists(self, collection_name: str, query_label: str, query_value:str):
+        '''
+            Checking whether the document exists or not.
+            :param str collection_name: collection to add data to
+            :param str query_label: label for the query
+            :param str query_value: value for the query
+        '''
+        return self._database[collection_name].find({query_label:query_value}).count() > 0
+    def query_data_between_dates_and_generate_dataframe(self, collection_name: str, date_label: str, from_date_value: str, to_date_value: str, index: str = None, return_as_dataframe: bool = True):
+        '''
+            Queries data between two dates.
+            :param str collection_name: collection to add data to
+            :param str date_label: label of the attribute where the date is stored
+            :param str from_date_value: date which
+            :param str to_date_value: value for the query
+            :param str index: 
+            :param bool return_as_dataframe: 
+        '''
+        try:
+            data = self._database[collection_name].find({date_label: {'$gt': from_date_value, '$lt': to_date_value}})
+        except Exception as error:
+            self._log.log_and_raise_error(('An error occured trying to query data from {}, with query {}: $gt:{}, $lt:{}. \nError:{}').format(collection_name, date_label, from_date_value, to_date_value, error))
+        if return_as_dataframe:
+            return self.convert_mongo_data_into_dataframe(data, index, collection_name)
+        else:
+            return data
+    def query_oldest_or_newest_date_in_collection(self, collection_name: str, date_label: str, oldest: bool = False):
+        date = None
+        direction = pymongo.ASCENDING if oldest else pymongo.DESCENDING
+        try:
+            data = list(self._database[collection_name].find().sort(date_label, direction).limit(1))
+            if data:
+                date = self.convert_mongo_data_into_dataframe(data, collection_name=collection_name)[date_label].values[0]
+            else:
+                self._log.warning('No date was found for this query.')
+        except Exception as error:
+            self._log.log_and_raise_error(('An error occured trying to query data from {}, finding the oldest: {}, value for: {}. \nError:{}').format(collection_name, oldest, date_label, error))
+        return date
+    def query_with_sorting_and_limit(self, collection_name: str, sort_label: str, limit:int, attribute: str = None,
+                                          attribute_value: str = None, comparison_operator: str = '$eq', ascending=True,
+                                          index = None, return_as_dataframe: bool = True, return_id: bool = False):
+        direction = pymongo.ASCENDING if ascending else pymongo.DESCENDING
+        try:
+            if attribute == None or attribute_value == None:
+                data = self._database[collection_name].find({},{'_id': return_id}).sort(sort_label, direction).limit(limit)
+            else:
+                data = self._database[collection_name].find({attribute: {comparison_operator: attribute_value}}, {'_id': return_id}).sort(sort_label, direction).limit(limit)
+        except Exception as error:
+            self._log.log_and_raise_error(('An error occured trying to query data from {}, \nError:{}').format(collection_name, error))
+        if return_as_dataframe:
+            return self.convert_mongo_data_into_dataframe(data, index, collection_name)
+        else:
+            return data
+    def update_data_in_collection(self, update_label:str, update_value: str, collection_name:str, query_label: str = None, query_value: str = None, create_if_not_exist: bool = True, find_query: dict = None):
+        if isinstance(update_value, pd.DataFrame):
+            update_value = simplejson.loads(update_value.to_json(orient="records",
+                                                 date_format="iso"))
+        print('-$-'*40)
+        print(('Data for label: {}').format(update_label))
+        print('Size of document:', sys.getsizeof(update_value), 'bytes')
+        print('-$-'*40)
+        try:
+            if query_label and query_value:
+                self._database[collection_name].update_one({query_label:query_value}, {"$set": {update_label: update_value}}, upsert=create_if_not_exist)
+            elif find_query:
+                self._database[collection_name].update_one(find_query, {"$set": {update_label: update_value}}, upsert=create_if_not_exist)
+            else:
+                self._database[collection_name].update_one({}, {"$set": {update_label: update_value}}, upsert=create_if_not_exist)
+  'Data for label: {} has been updated').format(update_label))
+        except Exception as error:
+            self._log.log_and_raise_error(('There was a problem updating data for label: {}, Error: {}').format(update_label, error))
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     log = Log("Test MongodbHandler:")